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"Tickled Pink" (Women of Wrestling) part 12 F/F wrestling/tickling


Nov 28, 2001
okay fans, time for another episode of WOW. thanks for the feedback, and i appreciate the support. so without further adieu, here is the next episode. remember, characters of WOW can be found at www.wowe.com Hollywood at www.webkitten.com Lana Star at www.absolutelana.com and Sable at www.renamero.com please take the opportunity to visit these sites!!!

"Lana, how come you never told me about Sable?" Patti asked while brushing Lana's long blonde hair.

"because, you probably would have blabbed about it, ruining my surprise." Lana replied sarcastically.

"she's right Patti, the less people that know, the better. dont worry though, the cat is out of the bag now.." Sable chimed in.

"Oh, okay!! but what about the tWo? they are really going to come after us now." Patti said with concern.

Lana and Sable looked at each other then broke out in laughter. "we definitely know they will be coming after us, but trust me Patti, we are already ahead of the game..." Lana said with a devilish smile.

"Yeah, the tWo will no longer be a factor in WOW. just us Glamour Girls...." Sable smiled.

Patti continued her brushing. Lana may not have told her much, but she felt confident that everything was going to be alright.


the music of Hammerin Heather Steele played and Heather made her appearance at the top of the ramp. dressed like the "Tool Time" girl, with a white top, blue jean shorts, and brown outdoors type boots, she smiled and waved to the crowd. she got into the ring and began to fire herself up. she knew she was in a big match. tonight, she had an opportunity to take on the 9th wonder of the world. what a huge victory it would be if she beat Chyna.

the music of the NWO blared on the loudspeakers and the 9th wonder of the world Chyna made her appearance at the top of the ramp. dressed in a tight, leather, sports bra type top, with short leather shorts and thick black boots, Chyna walked down the ramp with a purpose. her face looked intense and her eyes were focused. she wanted to send a strong message tonight. she wanted to torture poor Heather and remind everyone why she is the baddest woman in WOW. she entered the ring and immediately went after Heather.

the bell rang and Chyna quickly pounced on Heather. she started punching at her and Heather did her best to block the blows. Chyna then delivered a knee to the gut and Heather hunched over. grabbing Heather by the hair, Chyna then whisked her against the ropes and delivered a huge clothesline that made Heather spin 360 degrees in the air and hit the canvas hard. Chyna then reached down, pulled Heather's hair, and pulled her to her feet. she then scooped her up and slammed her to the mat. Heather moaned in pain. Chyna then picked her up again and put her in a suplex position. using her powerful strength, she hoisted Patti in the air and held her there for about 20 seconds, then finishing the suplex. the crowd marveled at Chyna's display of power. but then Chyna began to get upset when the crowd started cheering "RIOT!!! RIOT!!! RIOT!!!" Chyna gave them a cocky smile, hoisted poor Heather high above her head, then dropped her to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Heather moaned in pain. Chyna went for the cover, but picked up Heather's head after the count of two. she wanted to really punish Heather. she looked down at Heather's face, then slapped her. Heather screamed, and Chyna again picked her up. again, Chyna tossed her against the ropes and tried to deliver a clothesline, but Heather ducked, bounced across the ropes again, then tried a flying body press. Chyna caught her, hoisted her over her shoulder, then did a running powerslam. by all means this match was over, but Chyna wasnt done yet. she liked playing with Heather. she stared at her motionless body and another grin formed on her face. she casually flipped Heather over onto her stomach, then walked down by Heather's feet. this was going to be fun.

Chyna grabbed an ankle and began to unlace Heather's brown boot. after unlacing the boot, she then pulled it off and tossed the boot out of the ring. she then started to tug at the thick white sweatsock of Heather and finally it came off her foot. Chyna then tossed the sock out of the ring and stared at Heather's barefoot. she liked how pink the sole was on Heather's size 6 foot and loved the chubby toes. she remembered how ticklish Heather is and then started unlacing the other boot. she managed to pull that boot off, then peeled the sock and then trapped Heather's ankles between her powerful thighs. heather's soles were face up and quite vulnerable. Chyna simply laughed to herself and thought about just how easy this match was. she looked at the cute feet, and with a devilish grin, began to stroke her finger along the length of the sole. the foot began to twitch and Chyna continued the stroking. she heard sweet little giggles coming from Heather, then she stroked the delicate arch and Heather began to laugh harder. Heather began to realize what was happening and tried pulling her ankles free. but, she began to panic when she realized she couldnt free her legs from Chyna's powerful legs. she could only lay there and have her feet unmercifully tickled. Chyna continued to tickle the soles, then went after the toes. Chyna had a smile on her face as her fingers dug into the fleshy undersides of Heather's toes. soon, Heather was in hysterical laughter and Chyna loved watching Heather squirm and trying to break free. her fingers invaded the toe crevices and Heather roared in laughter. the referee asked her if she wanted to give up, and Heather tapped her hand wildly on the mat. she knew she was done, so she quit as soon as she could.

Chyna laughed outloud at the pathetic effort of Heather. this match was like a warm up session. Chyna wanted to torment her a little more. she continued to tickle the soles of Heather after the bell rung. Heather continued to tap the mat, but Chyna was not going to let up. her nails raked maddeningly across the ticklish surface of Heather's feet. soon, the crowd rose to it's feet. coming through the crowd was Riot. she entered the ring and Chyna saw this. she stood up and took a swing at Riot. Riot ducked and retaliated by throwing punches of her own. the two trade blows, then Riot got the upperhand and nailed Chyna. Chyna was reeling backwards, then Riot clotheslined her over the top rope and Chyna crashed to the arena floor. Riot began cursing Chyna's way as Chyna got up. Chyna then began to smile at Riot as she walked back up the ramp. Chyna knew that she got the better of Riot last week. she knew that it was only a matter of time before she got Riot again. Riot was pacing in the ring. she wanted Chyna, but she got away. she then looked down at Heather and grabbed an ankle. she tickled the bottom of Heather's foot a few seconds then released the ankle. she wanted to tickle someone's foot, even if it meant tickling poor Heather. Riot's song, "Enter the Sandman" played and the crowd rose to it's feet. they couldnt wait until Riot and Chyna took on each other again.


David Mclane walked into Lana's dressing room and Lana rolled her eyes at him. she couldnt believe he had the audacity to enter her dressing room.

"what do you want troll?" Lana sighed.

"Hey, i'm David Mclane, owner of WOW and you--" David tried to say.

"WHAT?!!!! what do you want. stop flapping your gums and state your business. cant you see that i am busy?" Lana said, obviously annoyed by Mclane's presence.

"Look Lana, i dont know what game you are playing, but i got news for you. next week, your new friend Sable is in a match." David said smiling.

"What? against who?!!!" Sable said, gettting upset.

"you get Ice Cold next week..." David said, smiling to himself.

"oh......no problem. anything else?" Sable said nonchalantly.

David's smile went away. he figured Sable and Lana would be upset. "uh, that's not all...uh Lana, next week you will defend the WOW title." David said.

Lana shot him a shocked and upset look. "You cant do that!!! against who?" she screamed.

"you will defend the title against...against...." David was trying to think of an opponent.

"well??!!!!!! spit it out, you monkey!!!" Lana demanded.

"You will defend your title against Jungle Grrl!!" Mclane replied.

"WHAT? WHY??!!!! WHY HER????!!!!! Lana screamed.

"why not her? good luck....." David said as he walked out of the dressing room.

Lana was upset. Patti and Sable tried to calm her down as she tossed a brush across the room.

David Mclane walked through the hallway and was approached by Terri Gold. Terri was getting ready for her match next against Jacklyn Hyde.

"David, how come i didnt get the title shot?" Terri asked.

David slapped his hand on his forehead. "OH!!! i am so sorry, i forgot. Jungle Grrl was the first name that popped into my head. plus, i do need you to win a few matches so i can declare you #1 contender. deal?" David said, apologetically.

Terri nodded her head. "Okay, as long as Lana isnt champion anymore, i guess it's okay."

"Thanks, good luck in your match tonight." David told her.

Terri nodded her head and as David walked away, she had a disappointed look in her eyes.


David was still walking the hallways when he was approached by Hollywood. she looked very upset.

"May i help you?" David said with a grin on his face.

"Mcworm!!!! can you please explain to me why i didnt get the title shot? look dammit, i am the former champion, i DO have a rematch clause. when do i get my shot?" Hollywood asked.

"you get it when you get it....." David said, still grinning.

Hollywood then grabbed Mclane by his suit lapels and pushed him against the wall. "Look McTroll, i am tired of your games. i want Lana and i want her NOW!!! she WILL survive next week, then i get her!! understand?" Hollywood told him, her face into his.

"you will get a shot at the champion. trust me...." Mclane said, still with a devious smile.

Hollywood let him go in frustration. as Mclane walked away, she fumed. Mclane wasnt going to get away with this.


Jacklyn Hyde made her way down the aisle with her "therapist" and was in a strait-jacket. she was a little uncontrollable, but her "handlers" got her into the ring. when she was released from her strait jacket, her therapist handed her a doll. Jacklyn calmed down and petted her toy.

the music of Terri Gold hit, and the former WOW champion and #1 fan favorite made her appearance at the top of the ramp. fireworks went off and she made her way down the aisle. dressed in her trademark blue shorts and blue/yellow top, with blue boots, Terri made it to ringside. she smiled for all the fans and entered the ring. disappointed that she wasnt named #1 contender, Terri was determined to win this match. she had to prove to everyone, including Mclane, that she was still a contender for the title. a strong showing here would only increase her chances. as she faced the crowd again, Jacklyn attacked her from behind.

the bell rang and Jacklyn continued her assualt on Terri. she tossed Terri against the ropes and clotheslined her. Terri hit the mat and Jacklyn went for the cover. 1......2......KICKOUT. Terri kicked out, but Jacklyn continued the assualt. she raked Terri's eyes, then grabbed Terri's head, and bit her on the nose. Terri screamed in pain as the referee admonished Jacklyn. Jacklyn stopped biting Terri, then scooped her up and slammed her. she then dropped a leg across Terri's throat and went for the cover again. 1.......2......KICKOUT. Jacklyn grew frustrated and a demented look glazed over her eyes. she picked up Terri again and placed her in a side headlock. Terri, using her own powerful strength, managed to pick up Jacklyn and delivered a side suplex. both competitors laid on the mat and both got up together. Jacklyn threw a wild punch at Terri, but Terri ducked and delivered a punch of her own into Jacklyn's midsection. Terri then bounced off the ropes and delivered a leg to the back of Jacklyn's neck (a la Booker T) and Jacklyn collapsed to the mat. Terri went for the cover. 1.......2.....KICKOUT. Jacklyn kicked out but Terri wanted to continue her own offensive assualt. as she picked up Jacklyn by the hair, Jacklyn reached out and managed to "goose" Terri's sides. Terri let out a giggle and her eyes opened wide. Jacklyn was trying to tickle her! she then whisked Jacklyn across the ropes and prepared to deliver a back body drop, but Jacklyn stopped before she reached Terri, and waited. Terri got up, and when she did Jacklyn delivered a boot to her belly, then did a stunner!! Terri was dazed and laid out on the mat.

Jacklyn let out a primal scream and stared at Terri. she began to run circles around Terri's body, screaming "Cootchie cootchie coo!! Cootchie cootchie coo!!!". her therapist yelled at her to begin the tickling before Terri recovered. Jacklyn stopped running and knelt down by Terri's body. she then rolled Terri to her side and Jacklyn looked at Terri's exposed side. she then put a "claw" on Terri's side and Terri immediately broke out in laughter.


Jacklyn continued applying the claw, sinking her fingers deeper and deeper into Terri's side and she enjoyed watching Terri writhe and squirm. she knew she hit a very ticklish spot and then moved her "claw" a little closer to the ribs of Terri. Terri went into hysterical laughter and her body was convulsing wildly. she felt Jacklyn's strong fingers digging into her sides and just laughed and laughed and laughed. the referee asked her if she wanted to quit, but Terri refused. soon, she was getting more tired and her body was becoming limp from the tickling. she rolled over onto her back and Jacklyn's eyes lit up when she saw Terri's belly. she then applied her claw to Terri's firm belly and Terri renewed her hysterical laughter. Terri tried curling up into a ball, but Jacklyn wouldnt let go of her claw. Terri was getting too weak to break the hold and just laid there laughing. Jacklyn would pause the tickling, and when Terri tried catching her breath, she would start again. this pattern repeated itself several times, and soon Terri was motionless. she laid there, laughing like a little school girl, weak like a helpless kitten. Jacklyn noticed Terri was barely conscious and she smiled. she turned her head towards her therapist, who was also grinning. the therapist said something to Jacklyn and Jacklyn read her lips. her therapist said "tickle her feet....."

Jacklyn easily rolled over a exhausted Terri onto her stomach and sat on the back of Terri's thighs. she grabbed Terri's ankle and brought it up to her chest. she began to pluck away at the bootlaces, and were pulling them out of the boot, hole by hole. she got out most of the strings when Terri realized what was going on. then it happened. her body froze in fear. she knew her feet were next and she was powerless to stop it from happening. her body betrayed her again. she felt her boot being removed and saw it fall in front of her face as Jacklyn tossed the blue boot over her shoulder. then Terri felt her sock coming off. she felt the arena air hit her heel, then her arch, the ball of her foot, then her toes. she saw the sock land in front of her face. she couldnt even wiggle her toes, her body felt like it was paralyzed. her mind was racing, it was only a matter of time before her foot was tickled. then she roared in laughter.


Jacklyn began tickling Terri's foot with a passion. she liked how soft the foot was and began tickling the tender arch. Terri's eyes almost bugged out of her head when she felt Jacklyn scraping her arches. she had to get out of this, otherwise she would submit for sure. Jacklyn then bit Terri's big toe, making Terri shriek in pain. then she began tickling the toes, making sure she got deep into the toe crevices. Terri was beside herself. she was laughing uncontrollably, and was at the mercy of a woman who could be certifiably crazy. the referee asked her if she wanted to quit, but Terri refused. Jacklyn continued tickling Terri's foot, repeating the same tickling motion as though she was in a trance. Terri just laughed and laughed and laughed. she then looked at the ropes. they werent too far away. she wasnt in the middle of the ring. Terri began to dig down deep to somehow find the strength to get to the ropes. the tickling was driving her insane as her feet were always her greatest weakness. she thought about losing her title to Hollywood, only to lose again to Lana, preventing her from winning that title back. both women had tickled her foot into submission, and now Jacklyn Hyde was going to do the same. Terri reached out her hand as though she was about to tap. Jacklyn continued the tickling motion on Terri's arch and Terri struggled to reach. Terri used all of her strength and began to drag her body closer to the ropes. Jacklyn was still in her trance and didnt realize Terri was getting closer. she just kept doing the same tickling motion. Terri was a mere inches away, and when she got close, she reached out and her hand grabbed the bottom rope. the crowd went nuts. the referee had to pry Jacklyn off to break the hold. Terri was still clutching the ropes and Jacklyn went berserk. she and the referee yelled at each other and finally she pushed the referee aside and went after Terri. she grabbed Terri's ankle and dragged her to the middle of the ring. Terri then reached up and managed to get Jacklyn into a small package pinning maneuever, surprising the psychopath. 1........2......3!!!

the bell rang and Terri pulled off the victory. Jacklyn got up and was in a rage. she tried attacking Terri as Terri leaned against the ropes. Terri saw Jacklyn charge towards her and did a back body drop, sending Jacklyn crashing over the top rope and onto the arena floor. the referee raised her hand in victory and Terri let out a scream. she was thrilled that she managed to win the match. she was another step closer to becoming the #1 contender.

UP NEXT: Sable takes on Ice Cold

okay fans, how was this episode? i hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. feedback always welcomed.
how come there hasn't been a new one of this series
Excellent as always

I think your wrestling commentaries are outstanding ! Why watch the WWE when we have Primetime !
wow..... there are people who remember this series? i was thinking about continuing it soon, and i am glad to see there are people out there who like this story. a new episode will be coming soon... thanks for the comments fellas...
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