I think most of us with the fetish have had a dream, or two, over time involving tickling. And of course, with dreams, they are likely all over the place and sometimes not entirely fitting with our fetish or even our interests. I mean, their dreams, right?
Anyhow, last night, I had an incredible tickling dream. I will try and lay it out for you as best I can.
So, this was a medieval type setting, and I had a serious hunch it was game of thrones setting. Not 100% game of thrones, but the same type of setting. At any rate, some big bad was coming. An army of evil, or something like that. Well, I was one of the soldiers getting ready to fight this evil. Sword and shield in hand, ready to go. The odds were bad, but fuck it, this was how the world was, and if it was a fight the world wanted, me and my many sword and shield hefting brethern were ready.
The odds were bad. We were outnumbered, and outnumbered one hundred to one. But, we had an ace up our sleave. This evil, Lovecraftian horror army could be weakened by a simple thing. Laughter. And so, in our dungeons were men and woman, strapped to tables, being foot tickled by feather wielding men and women.
Yes, it was a truly amazing sight. A large room, filled with what must have been 40 or more men and women, bound to tables, having their bare feet tickled by feathers. One of the things that was done was feathers were held over fires for a moment before they were used on feet. Perhaps to empower them with the Lord of Light? I know not, for I was busy in the catacombs with them, waiting for my regiment to be called out to proceed with the fight. Sadly, it seemed the tickling inducd laughter was so powerful, very few enemies actually were able to endure, and the front line seemed able to do the job. I was forced to wait, my powerful sword in hand (yes, my actual sword you pervert), until the fighting was done.
Afterwards I went around a bit and tickled a few girls from work a little, and then woke up.
Best dream EVA!
What about you all?
Anyhow, last night, I had an incredible tickling dream. I will try and lay it out for you as best I can.
So, this was a medieval type setting, and I had a serious hunch it was game of thrones setting. Not 100% game of thrones, but the same type of setting. At any rate, some big bad was coming. An army of evil, or something like that. Well, I was one of the soldiers getting ready to fight this evil. Sword and shield in hand, ready to go. The odds were bad, but fuck it, this was how the world was, and if it was a fight the world wanted, me and my many sword and shield hefting brethern were ready.
The odds were bad. We were outnumbered, and outnumbered one hundred to one. But, we had an ace up our sleave. This evil, Lovecraftian horror army could be weakened by a simple thing. Laughter. And so, in our dungeons were men and woman, strapped to tables, being foot tickled by feather wielding men and women.
Yes, it was a truly amazing sight. A large room, filled with what must have been 40 or more men and women, bound to tables, having their bare feet tickled by feathers. One of the things that was done was feathers were held over fires for a moment before they were used on feet. Perhaps to empower them with the Lord of Light? I know not, for I was busy in the catacombs with them, waiting for my regiment to be called out to proceed with the fight. Sadly, it seemed the tickling inducd laughter was so powerful, very few enemies actually were able to endure, and the front line seemed able to do the job. I was forced to wait, my powerful sword in hand (yes, my actual sword you pervert), until the fighting was done.
Afterwards I went around a bit and tickled a few girls from work a little, and then woke up.
Best dream EVA!
What about you all?