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Ticklish Cases of Betsy James: Case of the Marble Falcon - Part 2


TMF Poster
Jul 26, 2005
WARNING: This story takes place in the early 1930s, some contain reflects the historical period. It is short, but things are mentioned. If you don't like it, please skip it. You've been warned.

WARNING: This story contains sexual situations and some nudity.

This story is F/FF

If you have not read the first chapter, you may do so here (I highly recommend it): http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...-Betsy-James-Case-of-the-Marble-Falcon-Part-1

Here is a teaser of the first comic page: http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...ames-The-Marble-Falcon-part-1-Page-1-(Teaser)

And please check out the comic (which is not finished and only has one colored page) here: http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...rble-Falcon-Comic-pages&p=4676730#post4676730

Previously on the last chapter of The Ticklish Cases of P. I. Betsy "Bets" James: Our heroine has taken on a case from the lovely Shirley Adley (Who resembles Jessica Rabbit). Betsy is tasked with getting the marble falcon and bringing it back to Shirley. She went to the blue lounge where her friend, Jo, points out Larry and Betsy goes to work making Larry tell her where the falcon is. She sneaks into a union office and finds the statue. Though, she is found out and ends up having to stash the falcon. After being caught, our heroine is tortured by Gallo gang's boss (Who almost feels like Don Turtelli's father/grandfather). He uses a feather to torment Betsy's sensitive feet and makes her tell him where she stashed the falcon and who she works for. Suddenly, the gang's hideout is under attack and everyone goes to deal the situation, leaving Betsy all alone. Our heroine driven by the urge not to get tickled again and still bound by rope somehow manages to hop (much like Vernon and April) out of the warehouse. Though, as she is on her way to escape, she sees a figure in the distance. She attempts to turn around, but one of the planks on the docks comes loose and she falls into water. Our story picks up here and the case for the marble falcon continues. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and tell me how you like it, or if you don't (XD)!

The Ticklish Cases of P. I. Betsy “Bets” James
The Case of the Marble Falcon: Part 2 - The Cult of the Sea Dreamers​

I could feel the ocean dragging me toward the bottom. My cheeks held the last bit of air that I had gasped before hitting the water, but I wasn’t sure it would help. Even with my ability to heal as a vampire it wouldn’t stop the water from filling my lungs and ending my life. I wasn’t immortal, just hard to kill. I struggled all I could trying to make my way to the surface above me. Though, I was still bound and it made swimming impossible. I looked up to the dock light that penetrated down towards me. It was my last thing I would do before I would give up and accept my watery grave.

Suddenly, there was a splash from above and a man appeared in my vision. He pushed himself down towards me and wrapped his strong arm around my waist. The man began to swim upwards the dock light, and away from the dark depths. We broke through to the surface, and my lips opened to take in sweet sweet air. He moved us over to a ladder and grabbed on. The next moment I was on the dock trying my best to calm my speeding heart. My eyes turned to the man and any amount of relaxing went out the window. Fear returned to my mind as I realized he was a gangster. No, no, no, I wasn’t going back. They were not going to take me back! Being tortured again was not on my list of things to do. I lurched forward and pulled myself away from the man.

“Wait!” He shouted. “Are you okay?”

I would be when I got away from him. I continued to do my best to crawl away, but he was too quick and put a hand on my back.

“Stop. I’m a friend don’t worry. I’m-”

I wasn’t listening, I started kicking in an attempt to get free. He got out of the way of the first strike I sent towards him. With a second attack, my foot made contact with his face and caused him to take a step backwards. I went back to working on getting away.

“I’m with the Federal Bureau of investigation,” he said.

I stopped and blinked. I turned to face him. “You’re a G-man?”

He approached me. “Yes,” the man reached toward me but stopped. “Don’t kick me. I’m going to untie you.”

My heart was still pounding. I wasn’t sure if he was lying, but I decided to take a chance and trust him. As the man untied me, my eyes took him in. His slicked back, dark hair gave away his Italian origins. When he finished, he looked up at me with his pretty blue eyes. “Okay, all done. My name’s Nicola. You’re Bets, right?”

I couldn’t help feeling a bit lost as I stared at him. I knew I looked like a drown rat and it made me feel a bit shy. “Yeah. Betsy’s my name, but you can call me, Bets.”

He nodded and looked at my feet, which caused me to curl my toes. I thought I caught a glimpse of embarrassment before he spoke with a sweet, but firm tone. “Sorry, you had to go through that. I hope you are okay?”

The thought of what had happened earlier allowed me to catch myself. “I’m fine. Why didn’t you save me earlier? What are you doing here?”

Nicola bit his lip. “I couldn’t help you earlier, because I’m undercover. I can’t tell you my mission, but just know I’m on your side. We don’t have a lot of time. I need you to go get the falcon and put it in a safe place. I’ll meet you at the blue lounge later. Now, go!”

He didn’t need to tell me twice. I got up and went to leave. Though, I couldn’t help looking back at him before parting.


When I entered the blue lounge, Jo saw me and took me into a back room where all the girls got ready before going on stage. She sat me down in a chair and took the one next to it. “Jeez Bets, what happened to you? What’s that in your hand, and where are your shoes?”

“They took them,” I exhaustedly said.

Jo pulled up my feet onto her lap and massaged them. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll live.” I cooed a bit as she rubbed my feet. The journey back to the blue lounge had been painful with plenty of cuts and splinters on the soles of my feet. Though, because of my ability to heal, my feet were back to being smooth and looked as if nothing had happened. Only the memory of pain remained and Jo was helping to push that thought away from me.

She took a second and examined me. “Don’t tell me. They tickled you.”

“I… um… well you see,” I said not wanting to answer.

Jo ran a quick finger down from my toe to the bottom of my foot. I shot up and tried to pull my feet back. Jo held my ankles firmly in her grasp.

“Oh no, please don’t Jo. You know how ticklish I am. I can’t take anymore,” I pleaded.

Jo went back to gently caressing my feet. “So, they did tickle you.”

I nodded and looked away embarrassed. “Yes, they tortured me.”

Jo sighed. “This is just like with Floyd. Except now it seems other people know about it. Well, what now?”

“They said they were going to pay Shirley Adley a visit. I have to warn her,” I said.

“Are you sure? You know what’ll happen if you get caught again.”

I hesitated for a moment. “I have to stop them. Somethings up with this case and I want to get to the bottom of it. I can’t let a little thing like tic… tic…” I couldn’t get the word out of my mouth. Even though I had just said it, the thought of the word brought a flood of memories. I decided to go around using the word. “I can’t let it stop me.”

Jo smiled. “That’s good, but you gotta be careful. After all you are ticklish. Like I’m ticklish, but you are way off the charts.”

When Jo said it, I felt a bit of fear in my heart. She was right, I was extremely sensitive. In order to take my mind off it, I examined the statue in my hands. It was anything special, just a falcon with folded wings on pedestal. Why did the Gallo family want it so badly? I held it out to Jo. “That’s why you need to take this. Hide it and tell nobody you have.”

Jo took the falcon. “A statue?” she asked.

“Shirley Adley hired me to find it and give it to her, along with finding her uncle. She says that statue will help prove her brother’s innocence and get him out of the big house. The Gallo family tortured me to get it back after I stole it from them.”

Jo raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. What does the Gallo family want with this?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out. For now, I need you to hold it while I go get Shirley Adley and bring her back here. Please hold it for me, Jo.”

“Okay. Just be careful Bets. I’m afraid this isn’t the last ticklish situation you’ll be in.” At that moment, I didn’t realize how right she was.

“Don’t worry. I’ll stay clear of the Gallo family. So far, they are the only ones who know. As long as I don’t run into them, I’ll be fine.”

A woman appeared in the doorway. “Hey Jo.” She turned to me. “Oh, hey Bets. I didn’t realize you were here. Well, that’s perfect! A cute guy is asking for you.”

I peeked my head out and saw Nicola sitting at a small table. He looked over at me as I approached the table with a smile on my face, and sat across from him. “I didn’t have the chance to ask earlier, but how did you know I came here? I don’t remember telling you.”

Nicola nodded. “That’s cause you didn’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have my ways of finding things out.” He held out my trench coat and heels, “I thought you might need these.”

I took them and proceeded to slid my heels on my feet and felt a little less naked and vulnerable. “Maybe you aren’t as inept as your friends usually are.” I gave him a wink to let him know that I was going to keep his secret as an agent of the government. “So, do you drink, or are you too much of a stickler?”

He gave a small chortle. “There are bigger fish in the sea. Besides, I’m against prohibition. Not to mention it’ll be over soon.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?

He leaned in and whispered, “Well, you see. I believe prohibition has had worse side effects than cured its problems. I’m actually an immigrant. I came to American in 1912 at the age of six. My father had been here for three years before I came. My uncle had been in America since 1901 and was a police officer who had worked with Petrosino, and fought against the mob. My uncle taught me everything I know.”

In my mind I made a mental note that we both had families who had immigrated to America. Though, mine were half-vampire, and his were all human. “Okay, so you are trying to be like your uncle and fight against the mob. What does that have to do with you being anti-prohibition?”

Nicola sighed. “I was getting there. Do you know the Ku Klux Klan is?”

I nodded. “Yeah, a white supremacist group, who were established after the civil war and re-established seven years ago. I’m still not connecting the dots. Aren’t you white?”

“I’m an immigrant. The KKK have been attacking anyone who they believe is involved in bootlegging, especially Irish, Jewish, and Italian families; even if they have nothing to do with it. Prohibition has put the government on their side and made it easy for them to do such things. Prohibition is also why gangs and mobsters have become so powerful.”

I put a hand over my open mouth. “I had no idea.” I stared into his beautiful eyes and found my heart skip a beat. The conversation had been dark, but I found myself admiring his firm yet soft face. I remember his strong arm around me when he had pulled me out of the water. His gentle, yet strong voice pulled me back to the moment at hand.

“That’s why I’m against prohibition. In my opinion it is disgusting to see how horrible groups such as the KKK treat people. That and the mob only disgraces people like me. It’s why I do what I do. Hopefully I can stop and prevent both sides. I guess the easy way to say it is I want to stop anyone and everyone who feels hatred in this country. That’s why I’ll be sure to leave this speakeasy out of my report. Besides, I know it’s one of the few places you tend to go to get some giggle water yourself. However, with your last run in, I would’ve thought you’d have gotten enough laughs.”

I gave him a look which read, quit while you’re ahead buster. My hand reached out and poked him in the chest. “I think you enjoyed watching me get tortured.”

Nicola smiled and shrugged. “I told you, I couldn’t save you. I thought pulling you out of the water and saving your life would at least get me a thank you.”

I shook my head. “Thank you. But I got myself out of the warehouse no thanks to you.”

“Well then, next time I’ll make sure not to show up late,” he smirked.

I scoffed. “Ha! I don’t need a man saving me, thank you. I can take care of myself. Besides, there won’t be a next time.”

He smiled. “I heard from one of the guys you almost knocked him out with the right hook of yours. So, I know how strong you can be. That wasn’t the question. It’s…” He looked away for a moment. “Just be careful. Keep that gun close to you and don’t hesitate to use it,” he warned me as he stood up. “Hopefully the next time we meet I can take you out to dinner instead of me saving you.”

His comment caught me off guard. Did he just ask me out? I blinked and stood up. “I told you that won’t happen again. I’m not some damsel in distress type of princess who needs a knight in shining armor to save me. You’ll just have to settle with an actual date that includes buying me dinner.”

“I look forward to it. Until then, I gotta get back to work.” He winked and then walked away.

I stood there unable to say anything as he left. Jo came up to me and looked at my face. “Wow, did a guy actually leave Bets speechless?” I shot daggers from my eyes over at her. She put her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying. Besides, he’s really cute. I thought you didn’t go for the bad boys, yet here you are with tall, dark, and handsome.”

I pointed a finger at her. “Bad boys and tall, dark, and handsome aren’t the same thing. Besides, he’s a good guy; not to mention cute.”


A steady breeze blew as I was walking down a dark street which was lit only by the street lights and the moon in the night sky. I had made my way to Shirley Adley’s mansion and now turned right through two pillars which led me into the long driveway. Jeez, this place was huge; the lawn seemed to extend 25 yards on either side of me. At the end of the asphalt road, I found the drive way end in a round path with a fountain in the middle of it. A massive, two story stone home sat in front of me. I approached the two wooden doors and used the silver knocker. A few moments later Shirley opened the door. "Oh, it’s you Bets. This is most unexpected. Please, come in."

I enter into the grand vestibule which continued to push the extravagant nature of her home. There was a large picture to the right that hung on the wall and underneath it was a table with a vase full of flowers. She led me to the drawing room, which had a fireplace, a couch to the left and two chairs to the right it. She motioned for me to sit on the couch, and I took her up on her offer while she sat on one of the opposing chairs. "I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer the door. I've had to cut all of our staff." She crossed her right leg over her left and placed both her hands on her knee. "Now what do I owe the surprise visit. Have you already found my uncle and the marble falcon?"

“I do have the marble falcon in my possession, but I haven’t found your uncle yet.”

Miss Adley nodded. “That’s good news. We are one step closer to proving my brother’s innocence! Thank you for reporting back to me.”

I frowned. “That wasn’t the reason I came here.”

Shirley raised an eyebrow. “It isn’t?”

I shook my head. “No. You see when I went to take the falcon from the Gallo family, I unfortunately got caught by them. Before I did though, I was able to stash the falcon. The Gallo family tortured me for the whereabouts of it, I did my best to put up a fight, but I eventually told them where it was. I also told them I was hired by you.”

Shirley placed a hand over her mouth. “You were tortured? What kind of torture did they put you through?”

I looked down. “I… well…” I couldn’t say the t word. So, instead I changed the topic. “The point is I came to warn you. We need to get you out before-”

Suddenly, we heard a crash; it sounded like glass shattering. Both of us stood up. “What was that? Is someone else here besides you and me?” I asked.

Shirley shook her head. “No, just my father, and he is too ill to move.” She moved towards the door. “It came from the billiard room.”

I reached into my coat and produced my gun. “Point me in the right direction, but stay behind me.”

We made our way only a short distance down a hall and turned left into the room. It was another spacious chamber with a pool table in the middle. In each of the corners were lounge chairs and along the wall stood pool sticks. It was there I saw two figures in dark brown robes with hoods over their heads. Each of them wore a white mask with dark slits for eyes and a black octopus design on them. I held up my gun. “Freeze!” I shouted. “Don’t move! Who are you? Why are you here?”

From my left a third robed figure appeared and knocked the gun out of my hand causing it to slide along the floor to the other side of the room. “Damn it,” I cursed. I threw a right hook into the hooded person’s face. It knocked him off guard as he stumbled backwards. One of the others came towards me with a knife. I dodged to the left and grabbed his wrist, twisting it until he dropped the dagger. Then I popped him in the face with a quick jab and kicked the knife out into the hall. “Let’s do this the old fashion way with just our fists, or are none of you man enough?” I taunted.

One of the masked men rushed forward and I hit him with an uppercut which laid him flat on his back. A second came at me from the side in an attempt to catch me off guard and hit me square in the jaw. I growled in pain and counter-attacked with my fist landing directly in his stomach. While the figure doubled over in pain, I took the opportunity to knee him in the face. Two were down and the last one had grabbed a pool cue. He used the reach of the stick to smack me. I winced as the wound throbbed. The second strike came at me, but I couldn’t get away in time. I guarded myself as the stick hit me and shattered. I felt myself stumble backwards and landed on my butt; for a moment I lost concentration. The next moment I looked at robed person holding the stick as he was about to stab me with the broken part, but Shirley knocked him out by smashing a vase on his head. Pieces of wood and ceramic could be seen strewn about the floor from all fight. I nodded to Miss Adley and got up. Though, I stopped when I heard a gun being cocked and saw it being poined straight at me. A fourth figure in robes stood at the end of the room with my gun. “Fights over. Now put your hands up,” he said. Through all the commotion he had snuck past me and Shirley. He must’ve come through the window in the drawing room, or somewhere close. Had he heard our conversation earlier?

Both Shirley and I slowly raised our hands.

“Tie them up,” the fourth figure ordered the others.

One of the hooded figures approached me and I kicked him in the groin. A loud bang was heard and I stopped in my tracks. “That’s your only warning shot. I suggest you come quietly.”

Next thing I knew, both of us were tied up, blindfolded, and gagged. We were shoved into a car and taken away. I cursed in my mind at the situation, I couldn’t believe this was the second time I was tied up this night. It seemed to be a cruel joke or some bondage fetishist’s wet dream. The worst part is that nobody knew Shirley and I were going to be taken. We were on our own. I did my best to try to untie myself, but it was no use. A couple of moments went by and they pulled us out of their car only to be led somewhere that felt dank and cold. It had a musty smell that was akin to a wet dog. I heard a man’s voice say, “Now, now, is that anyway to treat our guests? Please release them.”

One of them removed Shirley’s gag, because I heard her say, “You better let us go. Don’t you know who I am? I’m Shirley Adley.”

They removed our blindfolds, and I realized we were in a large basement. Concrete pillars were seen through the area. The walls were massive concrete, which made me realize that no one would hear us scream for help. Behind me were chains that connected to the wall. I turned my gaze towards the leader, who was in a purple robe. He seemed to look like everyone else, except for on his mask he had five golden stars that went around his octopus symbol. His dark brown eyes looked through his mask’s two slits.

“I know who you are Ms. Adley. I’ve been waiting to meet you,” he said.

“The pleasures is all yours.” She glared at the man. “I’m warning you. Release us or there will be hell to pay,” Shirley threatened.

The cult leader turned to me. “Betsy ‘Bets’ James. Miss Adley has good tastes in which gumshoe she has chosen to help her.” He looked from me to Shirley. “I know one of you knows where the marble falcon is.”

“Who are you? Or should I just call you octopussy face? What do you want with us and the marble falcon?” I asked.

Shirley stepped forward but was stopped by a man in robes. “Why did you break into my house? You better have left my father alone! Are you in league with my uncle to keep my brother in jail? Tell us what’s going on you macabre, mollusk monster wanna be.”

The leader giggled a bit. “So many questions. I enjoyed your little banter, so I guess I will indulge you.” He moved his hand over his mask. “This is the symbol for the Sea Dreamers.”

Shirley scoffed. “Sounds like the name of a bad jazz band.”

The leader put his hands together and in a calm voice said, “I suggest you listen, unless you’d like to have a gag in your mouth again.” He waited a moment before he continued. “I’m Cletus, the high priest of the Sea Dreamers. Our goal is awakening the sleeper of R’lyeh.”

I remembered the note I had found in the manager’s desk. This was the same cult, who had tried to infiltrate the Gallo family. I had a bad feeling in my gut.

“You see we seek three objects. All of which were given to your family Miss Adley a few generations back. We almost took them from the original keepers, which is why your family now has them. One them is inside the marble falcon. The second is a silver pendant with an opal, and the third is a gold ring with black markings on the inside. I’m sure your father has shown you such objects before.” Shirley’s mouth dropped; her hand came up to hide her look of shock. “By the look on your face. I’m guessing you have seen them but didn’t know their purpose. Now, your father is too ill to us where he’s put such objects. You can save yourself much trouble and agony by telling us where each of the objects are.” Cletus turned to me. “And you Miss James can either experience the same fate, or you could us where the marble falcon is. If you both do as I say, you have my word I will let you go.”

I squinted my eyes at him. “Who is the sleeper of R’lyeh, and how do we know you’ll let us go?”

Cletus stroked the chin of his mask. “The sleeper of R’lyeh is the one whom we worship. He is our god. An all-powerful being. As to us letting you go, I can assure you that no harm will come to you once we have the objects we covet, because there will be no reason to keep you. Especially once we’ve obtained our goals.”

Shirley crossed her arms. “You’re crazy. You believe in some made up being. The marble falcon is my one chance at freeing my brother. There is no way in hell I’m letting you get the marble falcon, let alone the other two pieces.”

“Is that your answer as well Miss James?” Cletus asked.

I smiled at Shirley, then I looked at Cletus in the eyes and said, “You must have flipped your wig and gone bananas. We aren’t telling you nothin’. You hear me nothin’.”

Cletus shrugged. “Fine, have it your way.” He turned to the goons around us and motioned towards us.

Shirley slapped one of the figures. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on me.”

They didn’t listen and soon both of us were held firmly.

“Get your dirty paws off me, you looney bastards,” I said.

“Oooo such feisty women. This will be such fun,” Cletus said with glee.

His cohorts took off my jacket before they shackled our wrists and ankles to the chains on that were connected to the wall. Another minion cranked a wheel which each click our arms were slowly raised above our heads. It stopped when it tightly outstretched us and we were forced on to our tippy toes. Cletus stepped forward. “So good of you ladies to hang around.” He amused himself.

I almost puked. “Please no more horrible jokes. How did you know my weakness was terrible puns?” I sarcastically said.

Cletus paced back and forth. “Gag Miss James. That’s enough out of her for now.” One of the minions placed a gag in my mouth. Cletus went over to Shirley who was right next to me. Cletus touched her cheek. “Such a pretty woman. A femme fatal by the looks of it.” Shirley tried to bite him, but he pulled his hand away before she could. “I would ask you to tell us where the objects are but it seems you need to learn the hard way. Unfortunately, I won't be your interrogator, but I will enjoy watching you suffer. Lilith here will get what we need out of you.” He motioned to one of the other members. A woman came forward. She looked like the rest of the group wearing the usual robes and mask. I realized this wasn't an all-boys club and now noticed some of the figures like Lilith had cleavage. Cletus whispered something in her ear which I couldn't hear. She approached both of us.

Shirley stared at her defiantly. “You can’t kill me if you want your information. So, I will only get stronger from the pain I endure from you. Sorry, but you won’t be getting anything out of me.” I liked her style. She glared at the woman. "You and your kink club can try to make me submit all you want. I've had plenty of men attempt to dominate me but all of them fell under my spell just like you will." I really liked her style. I knew I could handle pain, and my ability to heal would make it so I wouldn't talk. By the way Shirley spoke, she wouldn't give in either. I was feeling confident. That was until Lilith pulled her hand out of her sleeve and produced a feather. My eyes almost popped out of my skull. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as a sense of anxiety filled me. Shirley was confused, but I knew what was about to happen.

“What are you going to do with that? Make me sneeze,” Shirley said.

I wanted to warn her, but my gag prevented me. I could only watch as Lilith slid her feather into Shirley's underarm. This caused her body to shake and her lips twitched as she fought a smile that crept up on her. She seemed to be resisting well, until Lilith raised her right hand and tweaked her ribs. Shirley squealed. Lilith used this opening by moving her hand upward and using one nail to scratch inside of Shirley's underarm. From out of Shirley's lips came a beautiful melodic laughter. "Hahahahaha hee he hahahahahahaha!"

I had empathy for the experience Shirley was going through, because of my own situation with the Gallo family. Though, I had no way of helping her. Lilith teased Shirley’s tender skin by adding a second finger to the mix. Waves of laughter continued to rush out of her. Shirley shook her head. I rooted for Shirley in my mind telling her to fight it but in truth I knew how hard it was. Lilith’s left hand swirled the feather in Shirley’s smooth armpit while her right hand flew down to her stomach and began poking her. How long could she go I wondered? By the looks of it, Shirley was very ticklish. She was easily a contender for being as sensitive as I was. That thought scared me and part of me hoped they wouldn’t come for me, but I knew they would once they were done with her.

Lilith flicked her plume along Shirley’s chest, just an inch from the top of her dress. She moved up to her neck for a second before stopping. Shirley continued to giggle even after it ended. Lilith placed the feather in her robe and reached out with her hands. With a couple of kneads to Shirley’s sides, and Lilith had her laughing again. A few prods were thrown in as she went from the bottom of rib cage up to the top. The cult member put more pressure in her attacks and pushed more out of Shirley. Lilith moved inward and ran her fingers along Shirley’s belly. Out came a bout of boffo from her. “Oh huhuhahahahaha eeeee hee hee hee hee hee hahahahahaha ho ho hee hee hee hee hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Her tormentor continued for a bit longer before she backed off. I could see relief in Shirley’s eyes even as titters escape her mouth. Lilith placed one finger into the top of Shirley’s red dress and pulled down. Miss Adley’s eyes grew as big as saucers when her boobs flopped out. Those massive melons attracted the gaze of everyone in the room. Shirley was quite voluptuous. I’d say she had big boobs, but these weren’t just big they were huge, she must’ve been a double d if not bigger. “You perverts!” Shirley exclaimed. Her cheeks flush with red from being exposed. I was impressed that she had been daring enough to go braless. Lilith didn’t respond to her. She continued to pull down the dress until it was just above her waist and left her victim even more vulnerable and completely exposed. Like a tiger with prey, Lilith pounced on Shirley. Her hands moved like spiders along Shirley’s belly, out to her sides, and up into her armpits. Miss Adley threw her head back and let out more laughter. “Bwahahahahahahahahahaoooooohahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Sharp nails skittered along bare skin, and I knew that Shirley had been pulled into a blackhole of ticklish torment. Shirley danced around in an attempt to get away from Lilith’s fingers. Her hips moved from left to right and even back and forth. This caused her large tits to bounced up and down, which grab everyone’s attention. Even I was caught in a hypnotic trance as I stared at her marvelous bosom. Her graceful movements were even so captivating and hot, I felt a tingling sensation build up in me. I blinked and tried to control myself. This was not the time for such things. Every moment I watched Shirley, I couldn’t help but have those thoughts and feelings creep into my mind. Her gorgeous body and the way it wiggled about combined with her amazing laugh was beyond sexy and mesmerize everyone around her. Lilith moved a finger into Shirley’s belly button and played around it. This sent Shirley to new heights of laughter. “Get…. heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehahahaha out of there! Hahahahahahahuhuhuhahahahaha!”

After a few more moments Cletus stepped forward. “Are you ready to tell me where the objects are?”

Definitely Shirley responded, “Never! Heeheeheeheeheeheehahaha oh hoho hahahahahahahahaha!”

“Push her over the edge Lilith,” Cletus said.

Lilith put her hands in her robe and retrieved two feathers. She proceeded to use her instruments of torture along the bottom of Shirley’s breasts. Miss Adley’s eye bulged out of her head, and she wildly shook her giant jugs. She did her best to get away but it was all futile. One plume slowly made its way up through her cleavage, and she erupted into cachinnation. “Oh my god! Gwahahahahahahaha! Stop! Heeheeehee hahahahahahahahahaha! Get away from my tits!”

“This all ends when you tell me what I want to know,” Cletus said.

Shirley was in a world of hysterics. She pulled at her chains and struggled as much as she could. Lilith moved her feathers in a circle pattern around Miss Adley’s boobs, inching ever closer to her creamy, rosy nipples that were already rock hard. I wondered if she was getting turned on by this. Somehow through all my dread, I found myself getting hot because of the predicament. I couldn’t help feeling myself getting a bit wet from what I was watching. How far was Lilith going to go? How long was Shirley going to hold out? Was she close to cracking? I’m not sure if I found myself in that position if I’d be able to resist much longer. My hairs stood on edge, but yet I still found myself getting more aroused. Lilith would switch to under her breast and then back to revolving around her melons to keep Shirley on edge. Around and around those feathers went as they carried on tormenting Shirley’s knockers. Miss Adley began to buck her hips forward. “Please! Youhuhuhuhuhuhu have to stop! Hahahahahaha! Oh no! Bwahahahahahahaha uuuuuuuhuhuhu hee hee hahahahahahaha! You don’t know… what this does to me!? Hahahahahahahahaha You’re driving me insane! Oh ho oh hahahahahahahaha! Anywhere but my boobs! Tahahahahahahahaha! I’m begging you… please have mercy!”

Despite her pleas Lilith continued using her plumes to torture her victim. From Shirley’s words, I realized I wasn’t the only one getting turned on by the situation. How much more could she take before she was like a light bulb with too much electricity flowing through and popped? The shock would be quite a big one from what I could see and Lilith wasn’t even touching her socket. I was about to find out, because Lilith decided to flip her switches. The dastardly woman fluttered her fiendish feathers over and made contact with Shirley’s nipple. This sent a powerful jolt into her. Miss Adley pulled at her restrains as best she could, but everything in her was about to overload. As the surge of energy coursed through her, she thrashed about. Sweat raced down her face, and she had become flush red. Lilith flicked her feathers over and over as she teased, tantalized, and titillated Shirley’s vulnerable, sensitive nipples. Shirley really had those large puppies of hers wiggling and jiggling in every direction. I thought she was laughing loudly already but this amplified the situation by at least ten times if not a hundred. “No more! Heehehahahahahahhahaha! Please stop! Gahahahahahahahaha! I’ll tell you everything! Hahahahahahahaha! Oh my god! Stop! Oh no oh ho ho ho! I Can’t take it! Huhuhuhahahahahahaha! Stop tickling! Hahahahahahahahaha! Not my nipples! Bahahahahahahahahahaha! It’s Torture! Heeheehehehehehehhehehehehehe hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I’ll talk!” A cute little snort came out of her. “Wahahahahaahahahaha! Mercy! Hahahaahahahahahahaaha! Stop! Muhuhuhuhhahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Cletus stepped forward. “Lilith slow your torture for a second.”

Lilith backed off for a second. Shirley would’ve collapsed if it weren’t for the chains holding her. She was still laughing a bit. Once in a while Lilith would remind her of her situation by making a quick swipe along her breast, which caused Shirley to perk up, squeal, and pull away. “Please no more! The pendant is at my house in my jewelry box and the golden ring is in a safety deposit box.”

“And the marble falcon?” Cletus questioned.

Shirley turned to me as if to say she was sorry and ask for forgiveness. I didn’t blame her when she said, “Betsy has it. I don’t know where it is, but she does.” I had given Shirley’s name to the Gallo gang and now she had given my name up. That feeling of dread began to rise up in me as Cletus looked over at me. I knew what was coming. I couldn’t believe I was going to get tickled twice in one night.

“Lilith, please turn your attention to Miss James now. Oh, remove her gag. I want to enjoy listening to her suffer.”

The cult member faced me and took out my gag.

“You monsters! How dare you do this!” I spat. I used my rage to cover up how fearful I was of those feathers in Lilith’s hands.

Lilith stared at me for a moment and then she did something I didn’t expect. She put the feathers away, took off her mask, and pulled down her hood. My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe what was happening and who was standing before. She had revealed her long, bright green hair. The woman standing before me had movie star good looks and was as gorgeous as either Shirley or myself. With a wink from her right violet eye, she blew a kiss from her luscious, strawberry lips and said, “Hey sis.”

Cletus went from me to her. “Sis?”

“Half-sister,” she responded. Lilith… or Kylera, which was her real name, was in indeed my half-sister. We had the same father, but a different mother. She was half succubus and half vampire, unlike me who was half human and half vampire. I kicked myself for not catching it earlier. She had used the name Lilith, literally the first succubus. I haven’t seen her since we were teenagers, which was many years ago.

“Kylera, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Kylera?” Cletus asked.

Kylera crossed her arms. “Yes. That’s my real name. I had to be sure you were true followers of R’yleh, before I told you.” She stuck out her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?”

Cletus shrugged. “Our arrangement still stands. I’m not stupid, I love having a demon vampire in our ranks.”

Kylera clapped her hands. “Perfect. I’ll resume the interrogation then.” Her eyes came back to me. “I can’t wait sis; it’ll be like old times.” She wiggled her fingers at me in order to scare me. It worked.

I shifted my gaze to Cletus. “You can’t trust her. She’s only out for herself.”

Cletus scoffed. “And miss out on the sister-on-sister action.” He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

Kylera stepped closer to me. She moved her fingers to my top button and undid it.

“Kylera, you don’t have to do this,” I said.

She snickered. “Silly girl, I don’t have to. I want to.” With that she unloosened another of my buttons.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked trying to buy time.

Kylera shook her head and popped my third button. “Because you know where the marble falcon is.” I went open my mouth, but she had already gotten to the next button. “You should know by now; I’d do this to you anyway. You know how much I love this, or do I need to remind you of all the times we played together. Well… when I played with you anyway. You always were such a fun toy. I wonder if anything has changed.” She ran through all my buttons and opened my blouse. I trembled with fear. Kylera looked like a kid who had just unwrapped a present on Christmas morning. “No more use buying time. It’s time for tickles.”

Now usually I would’ve been more stubborn, but Kylera had a way of making me feel like a teenager again. She use to tickle me all the time. As a succubus, her abilities didn’t just effect men alone. In fact, succubus or incubus could affect any gender. They simply had the power to arouse someone. By getting someone stimulated, the sex demon could steal parts of their life force or manipulate the person. As teenagers, Kylera had used me as target practice. Here I was reliving a scenario I had never wanted to in a million years. I gulped as my own sister prepared to attack me. “No, Kylera please. Don’t tickle. Not the tickles,” I pleaded.

“Oh, yes. The tickles.” Kylera gave me a toothy grin before shoving her index fingers into my sides. I yelped. Kylera moved her fingers like drills which cause me to squeal. “Cootchie coothie coo. Tickle tickle sis.”

“No heeheehee no cootchie cootchies heehee hahahahhahahahahahaha.”

Those nails ran along my unprotect skin and pulled out plenty of giggles. Her baby talk didn’t help either. It only further humiliated me. I struggled against the biddings in an attempt to get away. The rattling sounds could be heard as my chains scraped along the wall. Kylera went up and down my sides. “I forgot, how many ribs do you have? 1… 2… 3… Oops, you made me lose count. Guess I’ll have to start all over.”

Again, her fingers climbed up my sides. Her fingers came down and one hand raked along my belly. I didn’t notice that with her other hand she pulled out one of her feathers. Her hand stopped, but the plume found its way on to my tummy and got close to my belly button. I gave a full throated, hardy, feminine laugh. “Oooowahahahahahahahahahaha!”

“Is this mean ol’ feather tickling you?” Kylera teased. “I think it is.”

“Not the feather! Kylerahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!”

Damn her baby talk, damn her feather, and damn her tickling me. She had made Shirley dance as if she was a show girl earlier, and now it was my turn. She was playing a tune on me known as ‘You’re going to laugh and dance while I tickle you’ and boy was she playing it well. I was hooting like an owl. I was twisting the night away. I had bought a ticket for the express and was on a crazy train. Kylera snuck her hand into my shaven armpit and began wiggling inside of it. Another octave was reached and I felt her smash one more of my inner defenses. My mind was split by one side who desperately wanted to give up where the Falcon was in order to stop what was being done to me. The other half didn’t want to give in and let another person down. It was afraid of what the cult and my sister would do to me and Shirley if I told them. As well as what they’d do to Jo when they found out she had the falcon. As the conflict in my head seemed to be at a standstill. My body anything but still. I continued to move hoping to get any relief from the torture and that’s when I felt it. In my groin I felt a spark. Kylera was using her power. As a succubus, she could influence anyone into a more aroused state. It usually worked better and was much harder to resist if you were attracted to her. Even though I knew my half-sister was beautiful, I wasn’t into her like that. Her ability was uncovering a piece of me I had tried so hard to bury. A third part of my mind spoke out, its voice was just barely a whisper, but I heard it. It wanted me to keep getting tickled. The new piece of me… or rather the piece I had locked away when I was teenager had found a crack during my run in with the Gallo family, when their boss tickled my feet. Then when it had even grown stronger as I watched Shirley being tortured. Now my sister was fanning the flames and attempting to grow the sparks into a large fire, which would burn away all of my self-control.

“You know sis,” Kylera said with a devilish grin. “Your friend is here topless all by herself. I wonder-” She stopped attacking me for a moment, which gave me a second to calm down. Unfortunately, she used this time to put her hand behind me and unhooked my strapless bra. Kylera slid it off me and tossed it to the side. “Oops. Looks like your bra came undone and your boobies came out. Now you’re just like your friend.”
I gasped. My eyes grew large and panic sent in as my sister moved her plumes closer to my chest. “Oh no. You wouldn’t.” I don’t know why I said it. I knew the answer.

“I would,” Kylera responded. “Time for titty tickles.”

She came at my melons like a ferocious, hungry animal. Her feather stroked along my exposed breast, from the bottom and along the side. With her other hand she used her nails to skid around in my armpit. She had brought me into tickle hell and would continue to torture me for all of time. My sister really was a demon, and was taking joy in tormenting me. I could feel her not only playing with my body, but my feelings. I was starting to get wet again from all the stimulation. I hated the fact that my half sibling was purposefully causing and took pleasure in turning me on. Unfortunately, I was losing the battle. Every touch of her plume and scratch of her nails raised my temperature. As my body got hotter, my mind kept wanting to accept something that was deep inside me. Something I had known but had feared and denied for all my lie. I was turned on by tickling and I liked it. My hips subconsciously moved back and forth. I looked upward and laughed hysterically like an idiot. “Eeeeeeeeeeehehehehehehe hahahahahahaahahahha! Oh no! Not my tits! Bwahahahahahahahha ho ho hee hee huhuhuhahahahahahahahahahahahahah!” I snorted. “Nooooo! Ho ho hee hee! You villain! You fiend! Hahahahahahaha!”

“Looks like we got a snorter. Snort for me some more my little piggy.”

Her fingers went faster and coaxed another snort out of me, which only made her seemed to add to her fun of this little game she was playing with. I felt my pride shatter as it was stripped from me and thrown on to the floor, where it now lay in little pieces. With her feather she continued to tickle my jiggling mammary glands.

“Stop! Hahahahahahahahahaa! You can’t do this! Ahahahahahahaha!”

“Oh, I can’t. What’re you going to do to stop me?” Kylera said not letting up. “Hm, I’m waiting.”

Unfortunately, there was only one hope of making her stop, and I was still refusing to give in. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of breaking me, but I wasn’t sure I could win this battle. She was pushing me closer and closer towards a large explosion. My body was starting to plead more and more for release. I was on the last of my inner barriers. Each time I was touched was like a battering ram being smashed into one of them and threatened to break them down. Once inside they would completely take me over, and I’d be at Kylera’s mercy. When it happened, I’d lose all control of myself, and my feelings would take over. I could feel my crotch become a lake, and I moaned a bit. My sister saw this and took advantage of it. She teased my cleavage, and I shook my boobs in an attempt to flee from her swipes. Without even looking I knew that I had an audience that watched my torment with lustful eyes. I caught a quick glance of Shirley staring at my chest with a similar look I had given her. One of sympathy and desire. The whole situation was turning me as red as a tomato. It added a new layer to what I was feeling. Knowing so many eyes were on me, and my body was exhilarating. The sensation was freeing and was attempting to coax me into giving in to my deep, longing passions. It hastened my overall decent into wanting to let go. “Stop! Uuuuuuuu huhuhu hahahahahhahahaha hee hee hee hahahahhahaahaahahahahahahahahaha! Stop it! Gahahahahhahahahahahahaha! This isn’t right! Hahahahahahahahuhuhuhuhhahahahahahahahaha! Your my sister!”

“Are you feeling something inside you Betsy? Do you want me stop?” Kylera asked.

“Yessssss! Hahahahahahaha! Yesssss! Tee hee hee heee huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh haahahahahahahahahahaha!”

“Not until you talk. There will be no release until you tell me what I want to know. Don’t you want release? Just give in to me. Give in to your sexual desires.”

I could feel myself starting to agree with her. I was falling further and my defenses were growing weaker.

“Leave her alone!” Shirley exclaimed.

Kylera paused for a moment and pulled out her second feather. “Looks like someone else is jealous cause I didn’t finish her. Well don’t worry, I can play with you both.” She went in between both of us and resumed tormenting me with one feather while using her other to attack Shirley.

Both of us burst into laughter as they made their way onto our ripe melons. This time she went for our sweet spots and decided foreplay was over. Her feathers flicked up and down our areolas. My mind hit full overdrive, and I felt I would die. I could hear Shirley share my pain as we both laughed our heads off. “Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha! Oh no! Oh no! Heeheeheeehahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

If I had thought there was a flame in my pants, it was now a forest fire. The urge was increasing by the second, and I could barely hold on. My hips moved around like I had ants in my pants. I knew Shirley was feeling the same as I was. Kylera wickedly smiled as she took great pleasure in what was happening. She was feeding on us. I felt sweat run down my face in an attempt to cool my hot body. Though, it had little effect. My devil of a sister had brought us to tickle hell and no amount of water would put out the burning sensation she was causing us. She wielded her torture devices as if they were swords and slashed through the little bit of security we had. No amount of armor would’ve blocked her advances. I did my best to deny it all I wanted, but my body urged me to let go. I jerked away from the cruel feather, but it found my sensitive, bare skin no matter where went. My running wouldn’t last forever, I was almost out of time.

“Don’t you want to tell me sis, so I can make you cum?” Kylera asked. “Give in or I’ll keep tickling until you go crazy.”

Kylera’s feathers went for our nipples. She wanted to win and make us give up. An intense, overwhelming desire washed over both Shirley and myself. We both knew my sister would make good on her promise of sending us to the mad house. She would make us go completely bonkers if she could, but she had a goal. I didn’t want to give into her, but something inside me broke. She had cracked my safe and would get what she came for. I no longer was able to hold out. Kylera had poured gasoline on me, lit a match and tossed towards me. My urges had become an inferno of desire that burnt through my resistance. For the second time tonight, I was going to be made to talk.

“Okay! Okay! Heeheeheehee! Just stop tickling! Hahahaahahahahaha! No more! Huhuhuhuhuhahahahahahahahaha! I beg you! Gahahahahahahhaha! Please stop! Hahahahahahahahaha! I’ll talk! I’ll talk! Hoohooohahahahahahahahahahaha! I’ll sing! I’ll tell you where the falcon is! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Kylera’s plumes didn’t stop teasing and titillating my tits. I danced and laughed like a crazy. She played with my sensitive teats. I jiggled, I wiggled, and I bounced my boobs insanely hoping for release.
“Say you are a bouncing bimbo, that you love being tickled, and that you’re a ticklish little slut,” Kylera said. “Oh, and beg me to cum.”

“Heeeehahahahahahahaha! No! I won’t do it! Huhuhuhuhahahahahahaha!”

“Fine. I’ll just keep tickling these pretty little nipples until you die!” Kylera shouted.

My sister was cruel, but I just wanted it to end. I conceded to her demands. “Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh my god! Hahahahahahahaha! Okay! You win! Heehehehehehahahahahahahahaha! I’m a bouncing bimbo! Hahahahahahahahaha! I love being tickled! Huuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhahahahahahahaha! And I’m a ticklish little slut! Hoo hoo oh ho ho hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Please let me cum! I’m begging you! Hahahahahhahahahaha! Stop tickling my nipple! Heeheheee! I can’t take it! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! No more tickles! Eeeeeeheeheeheeehhehehehehhehe! I did everything you asked!”

Kylera pulled her feather away from me. “Now where is the marble falcon? Otherwise, I keep tickling.”

Giggles kept coming out of me, but I somehow complied. “Jo has it.”

“Who’s Jo?” Kylera asked.

“She’s my friend. She works at the blue lounge.”

Kylera nodded. “Good girl, sis. You even sold out your friend. Now, for reward.” She placed her finger on my crotch and fireworks shot into the air. I moaned in ecstasy. I dropped all my weight and just hung there. Both tired and shameful of my actions. I wasn’t sure if I was angrier at myself because I gave up Jo, or because I gave in to feeling I had locked away so long ago. The thoughts of both brought tears to my eyes. They stopped for a moment as I realized Kylera hadn’t stopped tickling Miss Adley. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped. I didn't want to piss my sister off any further, because pissing my sister off would probably lead to more tickling, and I couldn't handle being tickled again. My eyes turned to see Shirley hit the end like I did.

“Tell me do you want an orgasm?” Kylera asked.

“Ahahahahahahahahaha! Yessss! Eeeehehehehee! Please! Hahahahahahaha! Stop tickling! Hahahahahahahaha! I’m too ticklish! Oooooo hohoho uuuuuhahahahahahahahahahaha! Let me cum! Please!”

Kylera responded by stopping and with single touch from her I saw Shirley explode into pleasure moans like I had done seconds earlier. My sister turned to Cletus. “Well, I need a cigarette after that. I wonder, was it as good for you as it was for me?”

Cletus took a step forward. “You were marvelous. You were stupendous. I see bright things for your future.”

Kylera took a bow. “Thank you, thank you.”

Cletus pointed to four of his lackeys. “You four get them down.” He turned to another two. “You will take them back to Miss Adley’s house, get me that pendant, and bring them back here.”

The four split into two, as one pair released me and the other Shirley. Both of us stumbled a bit as our wrist shackles were unlocked. I leaned back on the wall and panted. Shirley put her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. I leaned down picked up my bra and put it on. I heard a couple of sighs. I glared at the crowd in front of me. “Shows over to you sleeze bags.” I fumbled with my buttons. I looked over at Shirley who had pulled up her dress. “Are you okay?” I asked.

Shirley nodded. “I am. Are you?”

“Yeah. I think so.” I didn’t want to admit it then, but I something in me had changed. I tried my best not to think about. Though, truth be told, I knew my sister had opened pandora’s box, and I couldn’t close it. My secret was known to more people, and now it’d be hard for me to deny how much I loved being tickled.

One of the robbed figures pulled out a hand gun and pointed it at us. “Put your hands behind your backs.”

We had no choice, but to do as we were told. Again, we were bound, gagged, and blindfolded. Then they shoved us into a car. I could hear the engine come to life. The wheels along the dirt road. I still couldn’t tell where their hideout was, but where ever it was I would find it. When I did, I’d make my sister pay.

I struggled and did my best to work on the ropes. Whoever tied these knots had done a worse job then the person earlier. I was finally able to start getting them loose, but before I did the car stopped. We were pulled from the car and they removed our gags and blindfolds.

The same goon with a gun shoved it into Miss Adley’s back. “Show us where your jewelry box is.”

Shirley nodded and we entered the house. We didn’t make it that far in when we suddenly heard sirens in the distance. This was my chance. I worked my knot and my bindings came loose. I stomped my foot into the person behind me. She yelped in pain. I flung my ropes off and elbowed the female cultist. The other hooded figure that had the gun, went to turn in my direction, but he was too slow. I slapped the gun out of his hand, and kicked him in the gut. I reached down and grabbed the gun. I cocked the pistol and pointed it towards the two goons. “Put your hands up now!” I ordered. The two did as they were told. I glanced over at Shirley. “Come over here.” Shirley quickly moved towards me. I kept one eye on my enemy, and the other on the ropes which held Miss Adley. I untied her and handed her the gun. “Watch them. If they move, shoot them.”

Shirley held the gun, but wasn’t quite sure how to feel about it. I moved towards the two and tied them up with the rope that had held us. What came next was a bit of surprise. We heard a knock at the door and man shout, “Open up this is the police.”

“Just a minute,” Shirley replied.

I opened a closet door and found two scarfs inside. Then I pulled off the two masks of the cultist and shoved the scarfs in their mouths. With a shove I put them in the closet and closed the door.

I took the gun from Shirley and we both walked over to the door. Miss Adley opened it and their stood three policemen in blue uniforms.

“Shirley Adley,” said one.

She nodded. “Yes, how can I help you officers?”

The officer stepped forward and placed cuffs on her wrists. “You’re under arrest for murder.”
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OMG that was fabulous. Wonderfully well written. Loved it. Please write more.
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