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Ticklish Karen


TMF Master
Apr 18, 2001
Ticklish Karen

Karen Borta went to sleep at about 7pm. She had to get up very early the next day to get ready for the 4:30am news show. Her husband stayed in the other room and watched TV.
During the night, Karen woke up to get some water. She was totally surprised when she was unable to move.
“Honey, help me!” Karen cried out to her husband for help.
Suddenly the lights came on. Karen was shocked to see that she was no longer in her home. Instead Karen was in plain walled room. She saw that she was stretched out on a table. Karen was strapped down at her wrists and upper arms. She looked down to see she was also strapped down across her thighs, shins and her feet were in stocks. Karen looked around to see there were no windows or doors. Karen was wearing a pink bikini top and denim shorts. Karen struggled against her restraints, but she could barely move an inch.
Karen was greatly startled when a man suddenly appeared out of thin air.
“Hello, Karen. How are you doing?” the man asked.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Karen yelled. “P-Please don’t kill me.” Karen asked with great fear in her voice and in her lovely eyes. “I’m married and have children.”
“Don’t worry.” The man said as he sat on her right side. “I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to have lots and lots of fun with you.”
“NO! NO! Please don’t rape me!” Karen cried out struggling all the more against her restraints.
“Not going to rape you.” He said.
Karen had a puzzled look on her face.
“But first let me introduce myself. My name is Edward and I’m a huge fan of yours. I’ve watch you on the news every morning, and I have to say that you are even far more beautiful in person.”
“Thank you.” Karen said not really sure what to properly say.
“Now I have one question for you.” Edward. “Are you ticklish?”
Karen gave a small gasp as a chill of fear ran down her spin.
“NO! Please don’t tickle me! I’m very ticklish!” Karen confessed as she struggled harder to get freed.
“That’s very good to hear.” Edward said with a sinister look in his eyes. “Where shall I start? Under your arms or the soles of your feet?”
“God! No! Please not my feet! I can’t stand having my feet tickled!” Karen said with terror in her voice.
“Good. I’ll save your feet for last.”
“Wait! W-Why are you doing this? How did you kidnap me?” Karen asked hoping the more she can get Edward to talk the longer she can stop the inevitable.
“Always the reporter & you’re trying to stall me.” Edward said knowing her plan. “Fine, I’ll tell you my tale. Many years ago I received a package at my house. In it was a decorated bottle. I had no idea who gave it to me or why, so I opened the bottle. I was totally amazed what came out of the bottle, a genie. It offered me three wishes. I made them in a way that I became a very powerful genie. Also I had no need to be in a bottle and defiantly, no master. I used my new found powers to fulfill all of fantasies, like tickling. I’ve tickled A LOT of women. A number of them are still here in other rooms.”
Karen started getting really scared, but she tried not to show it.
“W-Why tickling? You can do so much more with your powers.”
“Trust me. I have helped others with my powers and metered out swift harsh judgment to others, but tickling is my addiction, I love it! Well, enough about me. Let’s see how ticklish you really are.” Edward said.
“No! Please don’t!” Karen cried out tensing her body for what is to come.
Edward went for Karen’s belly. Karen exploded in a gale of hysterical laughter from the first touch of his wiggling fingers. Edward’s fingernails wiggled and glided across Karen’s fleshy midsection.
“Wow! You do have a very ticklish belly.” Edward said with great joy as Karen squirmed in a vain attempt to get freed. “Let’s see how ticklish those pretty armpits are.”
“NOT THE ARMPITS!!! NOT THE ARMPITS!!!” Karen yelled out.
At first Edward used his index fingers to tickle Karen’s armpits. The ticklish reaction was so strong laughter doubled in intensity. She was trying harder and harder to get out of the restraints.
“STOP!!! STOP!!!” Karen hollered amidst the roars of hysterical laughter.
“WOW! You do have some very ticklish armpits & I’m just using one finger.” Edward said. “Let’s see what happens when I use all my fingers.”
Karen became paralyzed with side splitting laughter when all ten fingers began tickling her armpits. Edward loved how her beautiful face morphed into a picture of ticklish hysterics. Karen’s rich alto laugh that soon went silent, her deep laugh lines. Karen looked like she was loving it, but Edward knew this was pure torture for her.
“I NEED A BREAK!!! I NEED A BREAK!!!” Karen begged.
“No breaks for you.” Edward replied.
Soon he went back to tickling her midsection. Edward tickled Karen’s sides as he began giving her belly smoochy kisses. This really caused Karen to harder. Next he started blowing raspberries on her tummy.
He continued to tickle torture Karen for a few more minutes.
“Do you want a break?” he asked. “Do you want me to stop?”
All Karen could do was nod her head and Edward stopped.
The fifty-five year old laid on the table, exhausted. She was breathing heavy in order to catch her breath. Karen felt as if she had been tickled all day long.
“You are a very ticklish woman.” Edward said as he stood up.
“Please! No more!” Karen begged as Edward walked towards her feet. “No! No! Please not my feet!”
Edward sat at Karen’s feet.
“The soles of women’s feet are the sexiest thing ever to me.” Edward said as he stared & almost drooling at Karen’s feet. “What size are your feet? They look so soft.”
“S-Seven & a half.” Karen said with a tremble in her voice. Karen tried to move her feet, but Edward used his genie powers to make them immobile.
“Which one should I start with?” Edward said with a little excitement in his voice. “The left or the right?”
“Please! Please don’t tickle my feet! I’ll do anything you want!”” Karen pleaded one more time.
Edward gently clawed Karen’s right foot. The ticklish reaction was so intense her eyes almost popped out of her head as she gave a high pitch ticklish squeal. Edward took great joy in her reaction as he continued to wiggle his fingers up and down Karen’s very ticklish foot.
The tickling sensation felt like electricity racing up Karen’s leg and exploding in her brain.
“STOP!!! STOP!!!” was all Karen could say as she was consumed with ticklish laughter. She never realized how ticklish she really was. She desperately was trying to get her feet out of the stocks, but it was impossible.
“YOUR NAILS TICKLE SO MUCH!!!” Karen confessed. Edward loved hearing that. After a minute he started to tickle Karen’s left foot, a nice fresh ticklish foot. Her laughter doubled. Karen bounced on the table a few times from laughing so hard. Edward would sometimes hit a sweet spot on her feet that sent Karen into a state of mindless laughter. He kept careful mental notes of Karen’s sweet spots.
“CUT IT OUT!!!” she managed to say at one point, but Edward kept tickling her feet.
“Come on, Karen. Beg me to stop. I love hearing you begging.” Edward said. It really made Edward happy to hear Karen begging & pleading for him to stop.
Karen’s laughter varied in pitch and octave as the merciless tickling continued. The time slowly passed by for Karen. She stopped begging because it was of no use and she was also laughing too much. She thought Edward would never stop tickling her feet and she was going to be tickled to death. It was getting harder & harder for her to breath. Karen began seeing white splotches in her field of vision.
Finally, in what seemed like forever, Edward stopped tickling Karen’s feet. She was so relived. It took a few moments for Karen to catch her breath. Her whole body ached. Her midsection hurt so much as well as her lungs felt like they were on fire.
“No more. No more.” Karen begged.
Karen pulled herself away from Edward in fear as he sat on her right side.
“Wow! You are a very ticklish woman.” Edward said with a big grin.
“Please no more. I can’t stand it anymore.” Karen begged.
“Did you think I was ever going to stop?”
Well, even if I didn’t stop you would not have been tickled to death.” Edward said. “You see in this place I’ve made you immortal. That’s right, you’ll never die. You won’t even need to eat or drink & you’ll stay beautiful as always.”
A tear ran down from the corner of Karen right eye and she had a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Now how about if I made you even more ticklish?” Edward said.
“No! No! I-I’m ticklish enough as it is!” Karen said.
“Never! A beautiful woman like yourself can never be too ticklish.” Edward said. “I can make your whole body one hundred times more ticklish and your feet & armpits two hundred times more ticklish.”
“Please don’t! That’s too ticklish!” Karen admitted with great fear in her beautiful eyes.
Edward snapped his fingers.
Immediately Karen began giggling & laughing hysterically. She felt a massive tickling sensation from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. It felt like she was being tickled by invisible fingers all over her body. After a very long minute the tickling subsided. Karen laid on the table exhausted. Edward sat on Karen’s right side again.
“Now let’s see just how ticklish you really are.” He said as he showed her a slender feather.
Edward started dragging the tip of the feather across Karen’s belly. Instantly she began giggling and laughing hard than before.
“STOP!!!” Karen managed to say as her plea was drowned out by the laughter.
“It tickles a whole lot more than before, doesn’t it?” Edward asked.
All Karen could do was just laugh.
“Let’s try your armpits.” Edward said as he pulled out another feather. The feathers were lightly licking Karen’s armpits. Since her armpits were now so hyper-ticklish, Karen laughed all the more harder. Edward loved seeing her in a state of silent scream laughter. After a minute, he dropped the feathers and began tickling her under arms with his fingers. This sent Karen over the edge of mindless hysteria. Karen just laid on the table paralyzed with ticklish laughter, so helpless as Edward continued tickling her armpits. He loved the ticklish agony she was going through. Edward began tickling Karen’s mid-section. His fingers wiggling and gently clawing her soft fleshy belly & sides.
After a few minutes, Edward stopped and gave Karen a break.
She was totally exhausted. Karen was breathing so heavily one would have thought she just ran a marathon.
“No more. Please no more.” Karen managed to say as she was struggling to catch her breath.
“That was an ordeal wasn’t it?” Edward asked Karen.
She did not reply.
“I think it’s time to see just how crazy ticklish your beautiful feet are now.”
“No. Please don’t.” Karen whimpered.
Edward sat her feet and stared at them with a sinister look on his face knowing just how torturously ticklish her feet must be now.
“Would you agree that tickling is the worst form of torture for the ticklish?” Edward asked.
“Yes! Please don’t tickle my feet!” Karen begged.
“And that the feet are the worst place to tickle the ticklish?”
Please, I-I’m begging you! Don’t tickle my feet!” Karen pleaded.
“Just imagine this brush slowly being dragged across of the soles of your deathly ticklish feet.” Edward said. “The unbearable ticklie itch as you giggle and laugh yourself silly.”
“Please. I-I can’t do this anymore.” Karen pleaded with tears in her eyes.
“Ok. Let’s make a deal. If you can keep from laughing or giggling for two minutes, I’ll send you back home.” Edward said. “But if you can’t. Well, you know what happens.”
Edward began dragging the brush lazily across Karen’s right foot. Karen quickly held her breath as she felt the ticklish electrical charge run up her leg & explode in her in her brain. Karen wrestled with the urge to laugh. She tried her best to think about going back home to her family, and to have this tickle torture nightmare come to an end, but the yearning to laugh kept growing stronger and stronger as she felt the brush slide randomly across her right foot.
“It tickles so badly doesn’t it, Karen?” Edward teased her. “Tickle, tickle, tickle. You want to laugh so badly. It tickles so much.”
Karen bite her lip & breathing strongly through her nostrils while she was shaking her head as the maddening tickling feeling intensified.
Edward kept talking about how much it tickles which did not help Karen much. After what seemed like an hour for Karen, Edward switched over to her left foot. A nice fresh ticklish foot. The new surge of ticklish electricity almost caused Karen to break although her mental wall was slowly collapsing. Her body began trembling with inside laughter, and she was doing her best to not let it escape her lips. Karen never realized how long two minutes can be.
Edward was keeping his eye on the clock and it was getting close to the end. He dropped the brush and began to tickle Karen’s feet with his fingers. Karen broke.
A massive flood of uncontainable laughter came pouring out of the fifty-five year old. Two pairs of disembodied hands appeared and began tickling Karen’s armpits and midsection. Karen was mercilessly tickle tortured for a few more minutes.
“STOP!!! STOP!!!” Karen managed to beg in the beginning.
Soon she was reduced to a glob of silent screaming tickled hysteria. Edward loved seeing the look of ticklish agony on Karen’s face. Her big beautiful smile, her deep laugh lines, Karen gasping for air.
Finally he stopped and looked at a very tired lady.
“I’m going to have so much fun with you now.” Edward said. “I’m just going to keep tickling your lovely feet.”
Edward snapped his fingers.
Instantly Karen was in a Magician’s box. Karen gasped when she saw what happened to her. Two feet in front of her was her lower half with her bare feet sticking out of the end of the box. Both boxes were standing up in brackets so as not to tip over. Karen saw Edward taking a seat in front of her feet. He had a smirk on his face.
“Lookie what we have here.” Edward said with joy in his voice. “A pair of helpless very ticklish feet.”
“P-Please don’t do it! Don’t tickle my feet!” Karen begged with a trembling fear in her voice. She tried to move her feet, but realized she was unable to. Karen’s heart was pounding like a jack hammer, she had that sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach & her mouth was dry. Furthermore, Karen had beads of sweat across her forehead. Edward loved seeing the look of fear on Karen’s face and panic in her lovely eyes.
Edward cracked his fingers and flexed them as grabbed a hairbrush.
Karen gasped in horror when she saw the brush.
“If you thought the artist brush was torture, just imagine all these bristles caressing the soles of your feet.” Edward said with a sadistic glimmer in his eye.
Karen was silent with fear.
“Which foot should I start with?” Edward said with a sinister look on his face. “The left or the right?”
He grabbed her right ankle and began on her right foot. The tickling sensation from the first stroke was completely unbearable. Karen cried out in laughter & began pounding on the inside of the box trying to get out as she felt every bristle slide across her foot. The surge of ticklish electricity was far more unbearable than Karen could endure.
Edward loved seeing Karen drowning in a vast ocean of ticklish hysteria. The pounding stopped as the tickling simply overwhelmed Karen. One hundred strokes he slowly did on her right foot. Karen’s laughter changed pitch & octaves as he dragged the brush across her hyper ticklish toes.
Following the one hundred strokes on her right foot, he quickly switched to Karen’s left foot.
The fresh flood of ticklish electricity was so powerful Karen eyes crossed and her head almost popped off her body. Again she banged on the box out of involuntary response from the agonizing tickling.
After the one hundred strokes on her left foot, Edward pulled out another brush and began tickling both feet at the same time.
Next, he had Karen back stretched out on the tickle table.
For the rest of the day Edward had so much fun tickling Karen. Disembodied hands tickling her upper body while he tickled her feet. He loved tickling Karen’s feet so much. He just could not get enough of tickling her 7.5 size feet. Furthermore, Karen looked so beautiful in the thralls of ticklish agony. Her beautiful smile, deep laugh lines.
Edward eventually allowed Karen to pass out.
Karen woke up and was relieved to see that she was in her bedroom.
“It was a nightmare.” She thought to herself. Karen tried to move, but she realized she couldn’t.
Edward appeared and sat next to her on the bed.
“Please don’t tickle me anymore.” Karen begged as she cringed and pulled back terrified of the tickling she knew was about to happen.
“Don’t worry. This time it will be different.” Edward said as he leaned in and gave Karen a kiss on her forehead.
“Now let’s tickle those lovely armpits.” Edward said.
Before Karen could say anything, he began tickling her lovely exposed armpits. Karen Borta began laughing hysterically.
After a minute or more of tickling her armpits, Edward moved down to Karen’s ribs & midsection.
“Looks like somebody is enjoying being tickled.” Edward said as he noticed the joy and happiness on Karen’s face.
“YES!!! YES!!!” Karen laughed. Edward continued tickling Karen for a few more minute before he stopped and gave her a small break.
“Did you enjoy it?” he asked.
“Yes, I did.” Karen answered. “I don’t know what happened. Now I just want to be tickled more.”
Edward used his genie powers on Karen and made her highly, highly addictive to being tickled. He caused more dopamine to the pleasure center of her brain & more endorphins to give Karen an intense euphoric sensation. Furthermore, he caused Karen’s feet to become an erogenous zone. She became incredibly turned on when he tickled and played with her 7.5 size feet. Furthermore, he produced lots of pheromones that caused Karen to fall madly in love with him.
“Well let’s tickle those pretty, pretty feet of yours.’ Edward said as he sat down at her feet.
From the first stroke on her feet Karen busted open in a gale of jubilant ticklish laughter.
“Looks like someone really loves having her feet tickled.” Edward said.
“YES! YES!” Karen confessed. He tickled her feet for a nice long time. Edward finally stopped and gave Karen a breather.
“No! No! Please don’t stop!” Karen said. “Tickle my feet!”
“I thought you couldn’t stand having your feet tickled.” Edward replied.
“I know I said that, but please tickle my feet. It feels so good. Besides you said you love tickling feet.”
“How about if I put you back in the box & tickle your feet like that?” Edward asked.
“Oh my gosh! Yes! Please put me back in the box and tickle my feet like that.” Karen said with great joy.
With a thought Karen was back in the tickle box. She looked to see her feet two feet in front of her sticking out of the box, helpless & vulnerable.
Edward sat in front of her feet and pulled out a stiff shaving brush.
Joy & excitement exploded on her face as she imagined all those bristle caressing the soles of her ticklish, ticklish feet.
Edward started on her left foot. Karen erupted in a geyser of ecstatic ticklish hysteria. He slowly dragged the brush up and down her left foot making sure all the bristles touched Karen’s insanely ticklish foot. Her toes were a special place he paid close attention to. As he dragged the bristles across her toes, Karen became all the more tickled by it. She pounded against the box, not in an effort to get out, but out of sheer ticklish reaction. Edward absolutely loved seeing the joy of ticklish laughter on Karen’s face.
Next, he pulled out another shaving brush and began tickling her right foot. The double impact of the ticklish electricity caused Karen’s laughter to change pitches & octaves. A few dozen strokes later he hit a button on the handles and the bristles began swirling as he dragged them across her feet. Tears of laughter were streaming down her face. A points Karen was in a state of silent laughter.
“You love this don’t you?’ he asked Karen. All she could do is nod her head.
“You want me to tickle you forever & ever?”
Karen nodded.
Following a nice long tickle session Edward stopped and Karen was so exhausted. He gave her some time to catch her breath.
“So tell me have you ever had your feet licked and your toes sucked on?”
“No. I haven’t.” Karen replied still trying to gain her composure.
Edward leaned in and gave Karen’s feet a nice good foot stiffing.
“Lovely smelly feet.” Edward said. He pulled out a plastic squeeze bottle.
“What’s that?” Karen asked.
“It’s a bottle of chocolate ganache. I’m going to drizzle it on your feet and slowly lick your feet clean.”
Karen started giggling at the thought of it. Edward zig-zag drizzle the chocolate on Karen’s left foot. She loved how it felt, not thin like water. It stayed in place with a few drops sliding to the back of her foot and fall off.
“Your tongue tickles so much!!!” Karen laughed hysterically as she felt Edward’s warm wet tongue licking her hyper-ticklish foot. “Don’t stop!!! Don’t stop!!!”
Edward took his time as he slowly licked Karen’s foot clean. The toes were an especially sweet tickle spot for her. Her laughter doubled in intensity as he slid his tongue in between her toes; gently licking, sucking & nibbling her toes. Edward simply loved watching Karen lose herself in a state of mindless ticklish laughter.
After he finished licking her foot clean, he began smooching kissing her foot.
Following this he gave Karen a small break.
“Oh no.” Karen nervously giggled as the chocolate was drizzled on her right foot. Once again, Karen Borta was reduced to a condition of senseless hysterical laughter as Edward licked her right foot clean of the chocolate.
While Karen was recovering from the foot tickle session, Edward snapped his fingers and Karen was back on her bed and strapped in the spread eagle position.
“So what did you think about all the foot licking?” Edward asked.
“I loved it!!!” Karen exclaimed. “Please tickle my feet some more.”
“I will. I will, but let’s give your feet some rest. I want to tickle your upper body for a while.”
“Ok, but after that you’ll tickle my feet.”
“I will.” Edward answered.
“You promise!” Karen demanded.
“I promise.”
Edward began tickling Karen’s lovely armpits with his index fingers. She began giggling and laughing like crazy.
“You love it, don’t you?” Edward asked.
“YES! DON’T STOP!” Karen laughed.
Karen began squirming back and forth as Edward used all of his fingers to tickle her armpits. He loved watching Karen roaring in side splitting hysterical laughter.
“Why you squirming? You’re not going anywhere.” Edward said. He began digging into her ribs and midsection. As he tickled her sides, Edward would blow raspberries on Karen’s belly. This caused her to laugh all the more harder. After some time had passed, he stopped and gave Karen as small break.
“Ok. Now it’s time to tickle your feet for the rest of the day.”
“Yes! Tickle my feet.” Karen said with great joy in her voice. “Tickle my feet any which way you want to just tickle my feet.”
Edward sat at her feet and began tickling her feet with his fingers. Karen exploded in a storm of hysterical laughter.
Edward used his genie powers on Karen and made her even more ticklish. Furthermore, he made disembodied hands to appear to tickle Karen’s armpits, ribs & midsection. Karen was simply beside herself in ticklish hysteria. One would have thought Karen was being shocked by with electricity the way she was bouncing on the bed. Minutes later Karen was reduced to a glob of ticklish goo as she laid on the bed and utterly surrendered to the tickling.
After the day was over, Edward stopped and the hands vanished. Karen was on the bed totally exhausted, but with a big smile on her face.
“Well, I guess it’s time for you to go home.” Edward said as he helped Karen sit up.
“What do you mean go home? I want to stay here and be tickled.”
“So you want to stay here with me, forever?” Edward asked.
“Yes!” Karen replied.
“So you’re going to denounce, forsake & abandon your friends & family to be my tickle slave, forever? You’ll never see your husband & kids again.”
Karen almost tore off her finger when she pulled her wedding ring off and threw it away.
“I’m single now. Please tickle me! Please tickle me!” she begged.
“Fine.” Edward changed the bed to a suitable tickle table. Karen jumped on it stretched herself out on it. The restraints appeared and held her in place.
Karen never left the Tickle Room. He caused her to become more & more addicted to being tickled. Edward tickled her in various ways and she loved every second of it.

THE ENDKaren Borta298.jpgKaren Borta336.jpg
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My ex gf was called Karen and she had very ticklish feet.
Great story!!! Love how you made her addicted to tickling. Karen would give up her family & friends for love being tickled.
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