Jon arrived after his work as arranged for a meet he wanted and didn't want, nervous the 6'2" guy was very appealing and had told me he had fantasies of being dominated by another guy but being straight no experience of it and hoped he didn't disappoint me. I told him I was sure he wouldn't and he asked to use the bathroom which he did and then I took him to the bedroom and told him to strip off to his socks and replace his shoes reminding him he'd told me he'd feel embarrassed meeting after work as his feet got sweaty and saw the relief on his face so in his black loafer styled shoes and black socks I secured him to the bed on his stomach and the session began. He hoped I wasn't going to fuck him and I told him that I was not but was going to fuck with him and faced the soles of his shoes.
"Fuck Jon should I call you Big Foot, size 14's!" I said
Nervous he said he was embarrassed by the size of his feet saying they were so big, people couldn't help but notice them and I told him I wasn't surprised and smell them even with his shoes on. He apologised saying he ideally wanted to shower before meeting but obeyed me coming straight from work but if I didn't mind he could shower now but told him his feet would be cleaned later. I sniffed around his shoes deliberately to make him feel more uneasy and said maybe it was his shoes that smelled so they'd come off.
"Um please er leave my shoes on I'm, well it's better they're on"
I told him I was in charge and inserted a finger down the sides so a finger slid on the sides of each socked foot and he flinched and I told him his socked feet were very warm and sweaty and had he been about to say I'm ticklish and he very hesitantly said he didn't like his feet touched so I told him because they're ticklish and to tell me or I'd have to find out and he nodded but I told him to say it and as he said his feet were ticklish, I pulled off both shoes.
Immediately his socked toes flinched. The scent of both feet hit me and told him that his black, sheer socked feet ponged and he felt uneasy and apologised and leaning into both socked feet and sniffing them told him that they were obviously very hot from the warm weather and trapped in shoes all day getting sweatier and smellier as he asked me to please not talk about his feet as it was a sensitive subject and I told him I wasn't surprised having two such big, smelly, sweaty feet and hearing me sniff them again said to me "Please don't" and I said what didn't he want me to do, he best tell me
"Please don't play with my feet, it's embarrassing"
I said I wasn't playing, I was deadly serious, his feet were enormous and stank! I loved sensing his awkwardness hearing this as his toes wiggled and I could tell involuntarily and told him I had been right, his feet were very sweaty and perspired under his toes and along his arches the most seen by stains there and then lay my palms on them saying both very warm and sweat moist feeling him flinch. Then reminded him he was here to be dominated and this meant being controlled and having his weaknesses exposed, explored and exploited and it seemed to me his weakness being his feet, both stinky, big sweaty feet. I then rubbed them gently saying secured his feet seemed touch sensitive and I loved the sensation of rubbing them gently and hoped for his sake they weren't ticklish or I would be compelled to take full advantage of this as I lightly stroked both soles caressing them gently seeing his toes flex inside his socks.
"You know Jon the scent of your feet is driving me nuts!"
He gasped as I pressed my face into both socked soles and sniffed deeply, taking in the scent of both feet and placed my nose to his socked toes sensing he feeling very uneasy but wary of bringing this to my attention. I told him to wiggle his toes and he hesitated so stroked under them telling him to do as I asked or I might be tempted to test my theory his feet being horribly ticklish! That did it and toes wiggled as burying my face into them I sniffed madly, rubbing my face over them all.Then began to suck the socked toes of first right foot and then left as he gasped so did it again saying they all tasted very ripe! I slowly licked the arches of each foot making his toes curl so told him to splay his toes so his feet were taut. I trailed my tongue along his toes again teasing them before sucking them into my mouth.
"You have such sweaty feet Jon, no wonder you are ashamed of them smelling so strong and having them being smelled and tasted by another guy, you know so sweaty your socks are stuck to your feet so I can see every contour, every toe and I'm so aroused by your feet but also the fact you feel so uncomfortable with someone so close to them!I suppose having such mammoth feet they're attention seekers and being so big enticing for people to play with!"
“P-please Not thehehehehere hahahahahahaha!”
"Oh Jon they are ticklish even just teasing strokes here under your socked toes so tell me does this really tickle?"
Jon was laughing uncontrollably as I teased his toes and increased his torment stroking the length of his socked soles saying I was glad he had huge feet as plenty to tickle and thin black sheer socks so could see his feet through them both
“It tickles too muhahahahahuch!" Jon desperately yelled as he suffered helplessly.
I enjoyed stroking his feet through his socks telling him that it was his problem to be wearing such thin fabric socks and being rewarded with a strong reaction from him as my fingers ran up and down, up and down both soles. Jon's laughter increased until he became hysterical as his feet shook.I told him to hold his feet still as they were enticing me to tickle them but he was now going to tell me when his feet had been tickled before and stopped stroking his feet for him to tell me. I had to stroke his toes though to get him to tell me and it had been at home with his elder step-brother Martin who shared a bedroom with him. He didn't want to remember but what choice did he have so he told me that when their folks were out his brother would dominate him.
Martin would secure Jon to his bed still in his socks and stroke his socked soles very slowly to make him giggle and caress both feet lightly saying he only had himself to blame having such big feet and Jon would fight reacting but his brother sped up his tickling taunting him that he knew he wanted to laugh so laugh and he'd apply more pressure until he laughed and then would pull off his socks and stroke both newly bare feet making his toes wiggle and soles wrinkle as he moved his fingers fast all over both feet saying he ought to be ashamed having such big masculine feet and they're being ticklish like a girl's feet!
Jon would be laughing crazily as his step - brother would tickle his toes and under them and the middle of his soles and for this use the tines of a comb which drove Jon beserk! Then he would lick Jon's feet and tell him that he better never tell anyone about this and work his tongue all over both feet liking Jon being tongue ticklish and drive Jon wild, licking and sucking his toes and along both soles and then wet with saliva he'd use his fingers all over Jon's feet and keep lickling and tickling them until he got bored!
I listened and told him now it was clear why he wanted and didn't want to be dominated saying his step-brother seemed evil but it was nothing to what I was going to be and this realisation made Jon gasp! I watched him twitch as light touches gently stroked both socked soles up and down repeatedly and slowly and getting faster and telling him I bet since he knew it was going to happen that he wished I'd get his socks off and tickle his bare feet, get on with it but that I was enjoying keeping him waiting and his socked feet getting hotter and hotter and more ticklish and as I said this a reaction
"Of course it tickles your feet Jon, it tickles them horribly, maddeningly all over, every vulnerable spot!" I said stroking fingers all over both upraised soles facing me and such smelly feet Jon, you need to be punished for coming here with two such dirty, sweaty feet!" I teased
He went to speak but I told him to shut up and told him his feet were mine to play with, molest, use and abuse as I sniffed their musky odour through his socks holding them close to my nose. I said I was glad his feet were so ticklish as nothing excited me more than see a guy squirm as I worked his feet mercilessly and took my time about it as after all his socks were still on and they'd be coming off very slowly so his bare feet could be tortured and telling him this lightly stroking the soles of his socked feet.
"Imagine no protection through socks Jon and nothing you can do to stop me teasing and tormenting them, tentatively running my fingertips all over your soles while your feet are squirming and you completely helpless as every touch is electric, running my fingers in the spaces in between all of your toes! Then you feel something wet on your soles and you realise it’s my tongue, just the tip teasing, darting all over your feet as I lean my face into your secured feet and rub my nose along your stinky bare soles then I grab your toes, pull them back, and lick between them quickly so you feel a sliding wetness all over them and then I lickle all over your soles before once saliva lubed my fingers attack them with a sadistic tickling as they slide up n' down each sole!"
I wriggled my fingers over Jon's socked feet which caused his toes to wiggle and his feet to squirm mercilessly and then rubbed them both inhaling his powerful foot-stink, a healthy masculine smell not pungent to me anyway! I told him I bet he wished he'd showered his feet as I would then be nowhere near them, feet need to smell like feet to attract me period! His feet as he sweated daily as he had told me, were rank enough to gain my attention. I then gave his feet a sock massage to keep them even hotter as then held to my face I smelled them saying I bet he wished he didn't have ticklish feet and big feet that were such attention seekers! Then he really bucked and squirmed as I began seriously tickling his socked feet saying that I was finding out where he was the most ticklish!
There was no word stop as there was no safe word I told him but as an experienced tickler and having been a masseur I knew when to slow things down and then fasten them up again to get the greatest reactions from him and that he could trust me with that. I told him he had a great laugh too, it was pretty enticing as I tickle examined every inch of his size 14's as Jon squirmed like crazy as I made comments like " You are ticklish!" "You're more ticklish than I'd imagined!" "Your a tickler's dream!" I also complimented even socked having such smooth feet, such soft feet with a smell just right, all of which elicited a moan from him but it made a change from consistent laughter! I then began exploring the soft socked feet facing me with my fingers as Jon was madly trying to get his feet away
I enjoyed raking all my fingers up and down both feet trying to find an extra sensitive area on Jon's extremely ticklish feet but the balls of his feet and under his toes proved hot spots so with my finger drew circles there and light strokes along his arches got to Jon but his foot aroma proved irresistable! I relished in the luscious smell and told him I knew he didn't like his feet given attention much less sniffed, massaged, stroked, caressed and tickled even sucked and licked so therefore in bondage a good thing for him all uninvited and much more exciting for me saying any guys who liked it bored me, it spoiled my fun so straight guys like him my ideal and also more often than not virgins in foot-play I got off breakin' in! I used both hands to tickle the bound feet, both sets of fingers wiggling and scratching through the thin socks like a machine. They felt so smooth to me, only enhancing the experience for me and worsening it for him!
I raked my fingers up and down the length of his soles over and over, starting from the balls to the heels. This method proved to be highly effective in tickling Jon as his now very sweaty and soles wrinkled under my fingers during the tickling as I went to town on his soles with my devilish fingers. His sheer black socks gave little protection for his feet as I made him go crazy with bucking and shouting. He jolted around nonstop, trying to escape the unbearable feeling.
I was actually pretty surprised at how ticklish he was and then the inevitable and I reached for the beginning of the right sock and started peeling it off his tender foot slowly and then bared his left foot and I saw him shiver in fear as verbally I appreciated his feet, their size, shape and smell and they were silky smooth and amazingly soft to the touch as I began lightly stroking the middle of both soles. Jon went absolutely ballistic.
He thrashed and jerked like an animal in a trap, but that's exactly what it felt like to him, a ticklish trap that is but I told him I wanted his feet and that was that and he had better get used to it as the night was young! I began kissing and licking those soft, tender size 14 soles of his which elicited a long series of moans from him as he really squirmed like crazy. He called me mean, which delighted me to no end when I had told him I was following in his step-brother's footsteps and he'd had good taste liking the ripe taste of Jon's raunchy licklish feet! I told him I'd be using various tickle implements on them later but blindfold he would have to guess from the sensation what I was using, it might be a hairbrush, electric toothbrush, paint brush, feather, dried up felt marker pen nib but I would see later and loved hearing him gasp and seeing him visibly shudder when I said it!
I told him if he wanted me to go easy on the tickling he needed to wiggle his toes, press his feet to my face, hold them still as I smelled them and he obeyed every instruction though when I licked his right sole he went to pull his foot away, try to but was told to put it right back which he did but I then held it and told him to remember life at home, bedcovers lifted and wetness of his step-brother's tongue and tickled later to admit his brother's best mate was also involved and Jon was tickled to suck their dicks but told him that something of no interest to me but I would have worked his feet over for them as he orally satisfied them.
It's not openly admitted but tickling torture is widely used, it's effective and leaves no marks and people embarrassed and ashamed to talk about it but if a guy is found horribly ticklish, of course he's subjected to tickle torture! I loved licking Jon's feet though as the taste of them addictive but also he being tongue ticklish, it drove him wild as he hated it more than tickling and that was bad enough for him! I also massaged his feet as loving the feel of the mammoth feet but also it kept them hot and perspiring as sweaty feet are the most sensitive!
Being straight my being intimate with his feet was another trial for him so touched them sensually and kissed them hearing him curse at this happening calling me all kinds of names which he'd be mercilessly tickled for doing as I warned him but seemed as I licked in between every single toe, he wasn't listening! Taking his toes in my mouth individually I gave them a blow job and took a mouthful of toes and in my mouth slid my tongue between them all. I then grabbed the pipe cleaners and Jon shrieked as I wove the fuzzy things between his toes making him clench them defiantly and told him let go or his toes would be nibbled and I proved it saying they tasted perfect so would be eaten more later, it's a cruel tickle technique! He instictively wiggled his toes sensing the pipe cleaners making the tickling worse but he was responsible for that not me! He clenched his teeth doing his best to ignore the torture to his toes
"You’re so ticklish on your feet Jon.” I teased, suddenly running my fingers along his soles to the balls of his feet as he screamed when fingers stroked under his toes as I told him his big feet meant so much to tickle, to lick, to nibble!"
My fingers under his toes he desperately tried to kick away but was rendered vulnerable and helpless as I decided to give his soles a tongue bath to nicely lubricate them and then my fingers treated him to a slow tickling, light tickling as the lighter the touch, the more maddening it is but then the plastic tined hairbrush proved a killer.
“HAHAHAHAA NO“P-PLEHEHEHEHEASE, STAHAHAHAP!” Jon screamed yanking at the bonds viciously. The hairbrush scrubbing at each foot in turn was driving him crazy as the saliva lubricant made it easier for the bristles to slide and tickle. I don't like to use oil as I like feet tasting natural not oiled!
I switched between both feet and being an expert at giving a foot tickling loved both reactive, soft smooth looking feet and long toes which were now flexing and curling like mad. A single finger on each foot drawn slowly from his heels to the balls of his feet then under his toes proved explosive and told to spread his toes for me, Jon knew better than to disobey so he flexed and splayed them when requested inviting my fingers to tickle all over them, between them which sent his laughter up into louder high pitched laughter and screams.
As I tickle tortured his smooth bare feet he screamed with laughter yelling "HAHAHANOO NOT MYFEEEETAHAHAHA!"
His body again bucking up and down on the bed, laughing loud and helpless as I ran my fingers all over his soles and toes. I thenlapped at both feet again and so soon both covered in a film of saliva and began sucking his toes saying I am sure he wished it was his dick but he could dream on.. My fingers then began a tickle assault, all ten fingers stroking the sensitive soles relentlessly as Jon yelled loudly and the torture even unbearable as where his feet were so were my fingers!
Jon clenched his toes to defend and protect them but was punished by they being held in one hand and tickle-assaulted with the other. I then moved my tongue slowly and lovingly over Jon's feet, my lips occasionally closing over the soles to kiss them, a sensation he did not enjoy at all. So telling him to remember step-brother dearest then sucked his toes and soon was tickling his feet again.
“Ahh not the teeth” he squirmed and shivered in ticklish hellishness as my teeth scraped along the soft soles.
“Oh fuck Jon I love your feet, the smell, the taste, the ticklishness so you are here for the weekend or later filmed you will be posted on the internet and your boss and girlfriend told what a kinky man you are and you don't want that right!”
My tongue slipped between and around the base of Jon's toes after being given that food for thought and then both feet given a gentle caressing along both smooth soles and my tongue lightly licking along the base of his toes as they instictively wiggled and flexed! My tongue was torture as the consistent stimulation was driving Jon berserk but the electric toothbrush needed to be tried and it was tickling every part of each foot engaged in the tickling from hell and proving to be too much for Jon sending him reeling with uncontrollable, hysterical laughter, music to my ears!
“HAHHAHAHAHFUUUCCKKKYOUUUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ” Jon was going ballistic as his feet were being destroyed
I was merciless gaining maximum effect.
Jon told me after the weekend ended he had never had his feet ever tickled and tortured as much before or would again so a job well done but I am skipping ahead! I drove him mad tickling and orally worshipping his feet ruthlessly as lubricating them with saliva so licking them proved addictive and made them perfect targets for tickle toys!
“Not there…not THEEREEEAHAHHAHA “NO! NO MORE TICKLING!!” or exclamations like this he screamed in laughter at each foot assault.
My inner devious streak saw me use one hand to grip Jon's toes and hold them back exposing the base of his toes and sole taut, my tongue run wild there which sent an immediate surge of unbearable sensations into bound Jon via his ridiculously ticklish foot.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAAAAAA” Jon would react out of control, not even able to mutter any words due to the magnitude of his laughter. and alternatively I scrubbed the terribly soft soles vigorously with the hairbrush or electric toothbrush brush but the many bristles exciting the nerves of his feet perfectly!
Also licking and nibbling his feet never failed to gain an immediate reaction from Jon and one that got my dick hard instantly!
Jon struggled and squirmed trying to escape but it was to no avail. He would have tried holding in his laughter but his soles were simply too sensitive as I scribbled my fingers on Jon's defenseless soles "AHHAHAHAHAAHAH!"
I was soon stroking a feather on his soles, continuing to stroke the feather from heel to toes very gently and lightly.
"NOHOHOHHAHAHAHTEEEHHHEEEAHHAA!" Jon giggled and squirmed desperately trying to escape from my feathering the soles, scribbling, stroking, and sawing the feather between the toes as I ignored his constant pleas for me to stop and continued to tickle nonstop.
"Cootchie Cootchie coo Jon Cootchie Cootchie Coo!"
"STOP! STAHAHAP! PLEHEASE HAHA!!!" Jon yelled as the merciless tickling continued.
"You are mine to tickle as long as I want Jon, completely at my mercy!" I told hiim as I raked my fingers up n' down both soles.
"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jon giggled uncontrollably.
"Tickle tickle tickle!" I teased and continued raking on his feet with one hand and stroking with feather with the other hand.
Then began licking and kissing Jon's toes.
"NO! OHAHAHAHSTAHAHAP!" Jon thrashed and curled his toes defensively."AHAHAHAHAHHA! PLEAHESE!STAHHAHAHP!" Jon was laughing hard and begging as I sucked on the balls of his feet and nibbled them both and raked my fingers along his soles
“Na-ha-ha-ha, no! Stop!HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!” as lickles sent him into a ticklish frenzy
I then resumed masaging his feet and once warm and sweaty enough licked and licked up from the heels, across the naked arches, into and through his wriggling toes! Lapping in the center of each sole and driving Jon into hysterical laughter completely unable to control it.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEEEEEEEZ! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he begged as I relished licking his awesome feet seeing him writhing and squirming in the bonds and then his toes spasming violently as my fingers attacked both soles, my tickling touch merciless with no part of both feet missed!
The soles of Jon's huge sweaty, soft, super-sensitive bare feet presented for tickling so perfectly, nerves so senstive to the slightest touch as I gently touched the soft tip of the feather to his right arch, then left arch but could not resist licking both soles again making Jon laugh hysterically but then the feather sawn between his toes that was hellish for him.
I ran the feather across the the soles of both feet from heels to wriggling toes and back again, slowly and surely and using the quill end as Jon twitched and writhed in his bonds, laughing loudly
The teasing and tormenting tickling of Jon's bare feet continued endlessly; Jon tried to squeeze his toes together but I defeated that; my strong fingers gently massaged apart his toes, allowing the feather to work in between them. I enjoyed licking the soles of his feet up from the heels, along the arches, across the balls of his feet, and through his wriggling toes, both feet at the same time! The experience was unbearable for Jon drawing uncontrolled peals of laughter from him!
Jon laughed and squirmed, but he was now losing the strength to even tug on the leather straps binding his wrists and ankles. The tickling sensations on his exposed feet was unbearable as I told him that he was sleeping in my room that night and would be secured to my bed so his feet were by me and should I wake in the night to be played with and Jon knew he had no choice when I summoned two of my personal bodyguards to take Jon to my bedroom and see he being secured tightly as I then made a call as the following day being Saturday another tickler would join me and what a surprise for him when he sees it's his step-brother! I cannot wait to see Jon's face when Martin arrives once Jon is secured to the bed again for tickle time!
"Fuck Jon should I call you Big Foot, size 14's!" I said
Nervous he said he was embarrassed by the size of his feet saying they were so big, people couldn't help but notice them and I told him I wasn't surprised and smell them even with his shoes on. He apologised saying he ideally wanted to shower before meeting but obeyed me coming straight from work but if I didn't mind he could shower now but told him his feet would be cleaned later. I sniffed around his shoes deliberately to make him feel more uneasy and said maybe it was his shoes that smelled so they'd come off.
"Um please er leave my shoes on I'm, well it's better they're on"
I told him I was in charge and inserted a finger down the sides so a finger slid on the sides of each socked foot and he flinched and I told him his socked feet were very warm and sweaty and had he been about to say I'm ticklish and he very hesitantly said he didn't like his feet touched so I told him because they're ticklish and to tell me or I'd have to find out and he nodded but I told him to say it and as he said his feet were ticklish, I pulled off both shoes.
Immediately his socked toes flinched. The scent of both feet hit me and told him that his black, sheer socked feet ponged and he felt uneasy and apologised and leaning into both socked feet and sniffing them told him that they were obviously very hot from the warm weather and trapped in shoes all day getting sweatier and smellier as he asked me to please not talk about his feet as it was a sensitive subject and I told him I wasn't surprised having two such big, smelly, sweaty feet and hearing me sniff them again said to me "Please don't" and I said what didn't he want me to do, he best tell me
"Please don't play with my feet, it's embarrassing"
I said I wasn't playing, I was deadly serious, his feet were enormous and stank! I loved sensing his awkwardness hearing this as his toes wiggled and I could tell involuntarily and told him I had been right, his feet were very sweaty and perspired under his toes and along his arches the most seen by stains there and then lay my palms on them saying both very warm and sweat moist feeling him flinch. Then reminded him he was here to be dominated and this meant being controlled and having his weaknesses exposed, explored and exploited and it seemed to me his weakness being his feet, both stinky, big sweaty feet. I then rubbed them gently saying secured his feet seemed touch sensitive and I loved the sensation of rubbing them gently and hoped for his sake they weren't ticklish or I would be compelled to take full advantage of this as I lightly stroked both soles caressing them gently seeing his toes flex inside his socks.
"You know Jon the scent of your feet is driving me nuts!"
He gasped as I pressed my face into both socked soles and sniffed deeply, taking in the scent of both feet and placed my nose to his socked toes sensing he feeling very uneasy but wary of bringing this to my attention. I told him to wiggle his toes and he hesitated so stroked under them telling him to do as I asked or I might be tempted to test my theory his feet being horribly ticklish! That did it and toes wiggled as burying my face into them I sniffed madly, rubbing my face over them all.Then began to suck the socked toes of first right foot and then left as he gasped so did it again saying they all tasted very ripe! I slowly licked the arches of each foot making his toes curl so told him to splay his toes so his feet were taut. I trailed my tongue along his toes again teasing them before sucking them into my mouth.
"You have such sweaty feet Jon, no wonder you are ashamed of them smelling so strong and having them being smelled and tasted by another guy, you know so sweaty your socks are stuck to your feet so I can see every contour, every toe and I'm so aroused by your feet but also the fact you feel so uncomfortable with someone so close to them!I suppose having such mammoth feet they're attention seekers and being so big enticing for people to play with!"
“P-please Not thehehehehere hahahahahahaha!”
"Oh Jon they are ticklish even just teasing strokes here under your socked toes so tell me does this really tickle?"
Jon was laughing uncontrollably as I teased his toes and increased his torment stroking the length of his socked soles saying I was glad he had huge feet as plenty to tickle and thin black sheer socks so could see his feet through them both
“It tickles too muhahahahahuch!" Jon desperately yelled as he suffered helplessly.
I enjoyed stroking his feet through his socks telling him that it was his problem to be wearing such thin fabric socks and being rewarded with a strong reaction from him as my fingers ran up and down, up and down both soles. Jon's laughter increased until he became hysterical as his feet shook.I told him to hold his feet still as they were enticing me to tickle them but he was now going to tell me when his feet had been tickled before and stopped stroking his feet for him to tell me. I had to stroke his toes though to get him to tell me and it had been at home with his elder step-brother Martin who shared a bedroom with him. He didn't want to remember but what choice did he have so he told me that when their folks were out his brother would dominate him.
Martin would secure Jon to his bed still in his socks and stroke his socked soles very slowly to make him giggle and caress both feet lightly saying he only had himself to blame having such big feet and Jon would fight reacting but his brother sped up his tickling taunting him that he knew he wanted to laugh so laugh and he'd apply more pressure until he laughed and then would pull off his socks and stroke both newly bare feet making his toes wiggle and soles wrinkle as he moved his fingers fast all over both feet saying he ought to be ashamed having such big masculine feet and they're being ticklish like a girl's feet!
Jon would be laughing crazily as his step - brother would tickle his toes and under them and the middle of his soles and for this use the tines of a comb which drove Jon beserk! Then he would lick Jon's feet and tell him that he better never tell anyone about this and work his tongue all over both feet liking Jon being tongue ticklish and drive Jon wild, licking and sucking his toes and along both soles and then wet with saliva he'd use his fingers all over Jon's feet and keep lickling and tickling them until he got bored!
I listened and told him now it was clear why he wanted and didn't want to be dominated saying his step-brother seemed evil but it was nothing to what I was going to be and this realisation made Jon gasp! I watched him twitch as light touches gently stroked both socked soles up and down repeatedly and slowly and getting faster and telling him I bet since he knew it was going to happen that he wished I'd get his socks off and tickle his bare feet, get on with it but that I was enjoying keeping him waiting and his socked feet getting hotter and hotter and more ticklish and as I said this a reaction
"Of course it tickles your feet Jon, it tickles them horribly, maddeningly all over, every vulnerable spot!" I said stroking fingers all over both upraised soles facing me and such smelly feet Jon, you need to be punished for coming here with two such dirty, sweaty feet!" I teased
He went to speak but I told him to shut up and told him his feet were mine to play with, molest, use and abuse as I sniffed their musky odour through his socks holding them close to my nose. I said I was glad his feet were so ticklish as nothing excited me more than see a guy squirm as I worked his feet mercilessly and took my time about it as after all his socks were still on and they'd be coming off very slowly so his bare feet could be tortured and telling him this lightly stroking the soles of his socked feet.
"Imagine no protection through socks Jon and nothing you can do to stop me teasing and tormenting them, tentatively running my fingertips all over your soles while your feet are squirming and you completely helpless as every touch is electric, running my fingers in the spaces in between all of your toes! Then you feel something wet on your soles and you realise it’s my tongue, just the tip teasing, darting all over your feet as I lean my face into your secured feet and rub my nose along your stinky bare soles then I grab your toes, pull them back, and lick between them quickly so you feel a sliding wetness all over them and then I lickle all over your soles before once saliva lubed my fingers attack them with a sadistic tickling as they slide up n' down each sole!"
I wriggled my fingers over Jon's socked feet which caused his toes to wiggle and his feet to squirm mercilessly and then rubbed them both inhaling his powerful foot-stink, a healthy masculine smell not pungent to me anyway! I told him I bet he wished he'd showered his feet as I would then be nowhere near them, feet need to smell like feet to attract me period! His feet as he sweated daily as he had told me, were rank enough to gain my attention. I then gave his feet a sock massage to keep them even hotter as then held to my face I smelled them saying I bet he wished he didn't have ticklish feet and big feet that were such attention seekers! Then he really bucked and squirmed as I began seriously tickling his socked feet saying that I was finding out where he was the most ticklish!
There was no word stop as there was no safe word I told him but as an experienced tickler and having been a masseur I knew when to slow things down and then fasten them up again to get the greatest reactions from him and that he could trust me with that. I told him he had a great laugh too, it was pretty enticing as I tickle examined every inch of his size 14's as Jon squirmed like crazy as I made comments like " You are ticklish!" "You're more ticklish than I'd imagined!" "Your a tickler's dream!" I also complimented even socked having such smooth feet, such soft feet with a smell just right, all of which elicited a moan from him but it made a change from consistent laughter! I then began exploring the soft socked feet facing me with my fingers as Jon was madly trying to get his feet away
I enjoyed raking all my fingers up and down both feet trying to find an extra sensitive area on Jon's extremely ticklish feet but the balls of his feet and under his toes proved hot spots so with my finger drew circles there and light strokes along his arches got to Jon but his foot aroma proved irresistable! I relished in the luscious smell and told him I knew he didn't like his feet given attention much less sniffed, massaged, stroked, caressed and tickled even sucked and licked so therefore in bondage a good thing for him all uninvited and much more exciting for me saying any guys who liked it bored me, it spoiled my fun so straight guys like him my ideal and also more often than not virgins in foot-play I got off breakin' in! I used both hands to tickle the bound feet, both sets of fingers wiggling and scratching through the thin socks like a machine. They felt so smooth to me, only enhancing the experience for me and worsening it for him!
I raked my fingers up and down the length of his soles over and over, starting from the balls to the heels. This method proved to be highly effective in tickling Jon as his now very sweaty and soles wrinkled under my fingers during the tickling as I went to town on his soles with my devilish fingers. His sheer black socks gave little protection for his feet as I made him go crazy with bucking and shouting. He jolted around nonstop, trying to escape the unbearable feeling.
I was actually pretty surprised at how ticklish he was and then the inevitable and I reached for the beginning of the right sock and started peeling it off his tender foot slowly and then bared his left foot and I saw him shiver in fear as verbally I appreciated his feet, their size, shape and smell and they were silky smooth and amazingly soft to the touch as I began lightly stroking the middle of both soles. Jon went absolutely ballistic.
He thrashed and jerked like an animal in a trap, but that's exactly what it felt like to him, a ticklish trap that is but I told him I wanted his feet and that was that and he had better get used to it as the night was young! I began kissing and licking those soft, tender size 14 soles of his which elicited a long series of moans from him as he really squirmed like crazy. He called me mean, which delighted me to no end when I had told him I was following in his step-brother's footsteps and he'd had good taste liking the ripe taste of Jon's raunchy licklish feet! I told him I'd be using various tickle implements on them later but blindfold he would have to guess from the sensation what I was using, it might be a hairbrush, electric toothbrush, paint brush, feather, dried up felt marker pen nib but I would see later and loved hearing him gasp and seeing him visibly shudder when I said it!
I told him if he wanted me to go easy on the tickling he needed to wiggle his toes, press his feet to my face, hold them still as I smelled them and he obeyed every instruction though when I licked his right sole he went to pull his foot away, try to but was told to put it right back which he did but I then held it and told him to remember life at home, bedcovers lifted and wetness of his step-brother's tongue and tickled later to admit his brother's best mate was also involved and Jon was tickled to suck their dicks but told him that something of no interest to me but I would have worked his feet over for them as he orally satisfied them.
It's not openly admitted but tickling torture is widely used, it's effective and leaves no marks and people embarrassed and ashamed to talk about it but if a guy is found horribly ticklish, of course he's subjected to tickle torture! I loved licking Jon's feet though as the taste of them addictive but also he being tongue ticklish, it drove him wild as he hated it more than tickling and that was bad enough for him! I also massaged his feet as loving the feel of the mammoth feet but also it kept them hot and perspiring as sweaty feet are the most sensitive!
Being straight my being intimate with his feet was another trial for him so touched them sensually and kissed them hearing him curse at this happening calling me all kinds of names which he'd be mercilessly tickled for doing as I warned him but seemed as I licked in between every single toe, he wasn't listening! Taking his toes in my mouth individually I gave them a blow job and took a mouthful of toes and in my mouth slid my tongue between them all. I then grabbed the pipe cleaners and Jon shrieked as I wove the fuzzy things between his toes making him clench them defiantly and told him let go or his toes would be nibbled and I proved it saying they tasted perfect so would be eaten more later, it's a cruel tickle technique! He instictively wiggled his toes sensing the pipe cleaners making the tickling worse but he was responsible for that not me! He clenched his teeth doing his best to ignore the torture to his toes
"You’re so ticklish on your feet Jon.” I teased, suddenly running my fingers along his soles to the balls of his feet as he screamed when fingers stroked under his toes as I told him his big feet meant so much to tickle, to lick, to nibble!"
My fingers under his toes he desperately tried to kick away but was rendered vulnerable and helpless as I decided to give his soles a tongue bath to nicely lubricate them and then my fingers treated him to a slow tickling, light tickling as the lighter the touch, the more maddening it is but then the plastic tined hairbrush proved a killer.
“HAHAHAHAA NO“P-PLEHEHEHEHEASE, STAHAHAHAP!” Jon screamed yanking at the bonds viciously. The hairbrush scrubbing at each foot in turn was driving him crazy as the saliva lubricant made it easier for the bristles to slide and tickle. I don't like to use oil as I like feet tasting natural not oiled!
I switched between both feet and being an expert at giving a foot tickling loved both reactive, soft smooth looking feet and long toes which were now flexing and curling like mad. A single finger on each foot drawn slowly from his heels to the balls of his feet then under his toes proved explosive and told to spread his toes for me, Jon knew better than to disobey so he flexed and splayed them when requested inviting my fingers to tickle all over them, between them which sent his laughter up into louder high pitched laughter and screams.
As I tickle tortured his smooth bare feet he screamed with laughter yelling "HAHAHANOO NOT MYFEEEETAHAHAHA!"
His body again bucking up and down on the bed, laughing loud and helpless as I ran my fingers all over his soles and toes. I thenlapped at both feet again and so soon both covered in a film of saliva and began sucking his toes saying I am sure he wished it was his dick but he could dream on.. My fingers then began a tickle assault, all ten fingers stroking the sensitive soles relentlessly as Jon yelled loudly and the torture even unbearable as where his feet were so were my fingers!
Jon clenched his toes to defend and protect them but was punished by they being held in one hand and tickle-assaulted with the other. I then moved my tongue slowly and lovingly over Jon's feet, my lips occasionally closing over the soles to kiss them, a sensation he did not enjoy at all. So telling him to remember step-brother dearest then sucked his toes and soon was tickling his feet again.
“Ahh not the teeth” he squirmed and shivered in ticklish hellishness as my teeth scraped along the soft soles.
“Oh fuck Jon I love your feet, the smell, the taste, the ticklishness so you are here for the weekend or later filmed you will be posted on the internet and your boss and girlfriend told what a kinky man you are and you don't want that right!”
My tongue slipped between and around the base of Jon's toes after being given that food for thought and then both feet given a gentle caressing along both smooth soles and my tongue lightly licking along the base of his toes as they instictively wiggled and flexed! My tongue was torture as the consistent stimulation was driving Jon berserk but the electric toothbrush needed to be tried and it was tickling every part of each foot engaged in the tickling from hell and proving to be too much for Jon sending him reeling with uncontrollable, hysterical laughter, music to my ears!
“HAHHAHAHAHFUUUCCKKKYOUUUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ” Jon was going ballistic as his feet were being destroyed
I was merciless gaining maximum effect.
Jon told me after the weekend ended he had never had his feet ever tickled and tortured as much before or would again so a job well done but I am skipping ahead! I drove him mad tickling and orally worshipping his feet ruthlessly as lubricating them with saliva so licking them proved addictive and made them perfect targets for tickle toys!
“Not there…not THEEREEEAHAHHAHA “NO! NO MORE TICKLING!!” or exclamations like this he screamed in laughter at each foot assault.
My inner devious streak saw me use one hand to grip Jon's toes and hold them back exposing the base of his toes and sole taut, my tongue run wild there which sent an immediate surge of unbearable sensations into bound Jon via his ridiculously ticklish foot.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAAAAAA” Jon would react out of control, not even able to mutter any words due to the magnitude of his laughter. and alternatively I scrubbed the terribly soft soles vigorously with the hairbrush or electric toothbrush brush but the many bristles exciting the nerves of his feet perfectly!
Also licking and nibbling his feet never failed to gain an immediate reaction from Jon and one that got my dick hard instantly!
Jon struggled and squirmed trying to escape but it was to no avail. He would have tried holding in his laughter but his soles were simply too sensitive as I scribbled my fingers on Jon's defenseless soles "AHHAHAHAHAAHAH!"
I was soon stroking a feather on his soles, continuing to stroke the feather from heel to toes very gently and lightly.
"NOHOHOHHAHAHAHTEEEHHHEEEAHHAA!" Jon giggled and squirmed desperately trying to escape from my feathering the soles, scribbling, stroking, and sawing the feather between the toes as I ignored his constant pleas for me to stop and continued to tickle nonstop.
"Cootchie Cootchie coo Jon Cootchie Cootchie Coo!"
"STOP! STAHAHAP! PLEHEASE HAHA!!!" Jon yelled as the merciless tickling continued.
"You are mine to tickle as long as I want Jon, completely at my mercy!" I told hiim as I raked my fingers up n' down both soles.
"AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jon giggled uncontrollably.
"Tickle tickle tickle!" I teased and continued raking on his feet with one hand and stroking with feather with the other hand.
Then began licking and kissing Jon's toes.
"NO! OHAHAHAHSTAHAHAP!" Jon thrashed and curled his toes defensively."AHAHAHAHAHHA! PLEAHESE!STAHHAHAHP!" Jon was laughing hard and begging as I sucked on the balls of his feet and nibbled them both and raked my fingers along his soles
“Na-ha-ha-ha, no! Stop!HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA!” as lickles sent him into a ticklish frenzy
I then resumed masaging his feet and once warm and sweaty enough licked and licked up from the heels, across the naked arches, into and through his wriggling toes! Lapping in the center of each sole and driving Jon into hysterical laughter completely unable to control it.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEEEEEEEZ! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” he begged as I relished licking his awesome feet seeing him writhing and squirming in the bonds and then his toes spasming violently as my fingers attacked both soles, my tickling touch merciless with no part of both feet missed!
The soles of Jon's huge sweaty, soft, super-sensitive bare feet presented for tickling so perfectly, nerves so senstive to the slightest touch as I gently touched the soft tip of the feather to his right arch, then left arch but could not resist licking both soles again making Jon laugh hysterically but then the feather sawn between his toes that was hellish for him.
I ran the feather across the the soles of both feet from heels to wriggling toes and back again, slowly and surely and using the quill end as Jon twitched and writhed in his bonds, laughing loudly
The teasing and tormenting tickling of Jon's bare feet continued endlessly; Jon tried to squeeze his toes together but I defeated that; my strong fingers gently massaged apart his toes, allowing the feather to work in between them. I enjoyed licking the soles of his feet up from the heels, along the arches, across the balls of his feet, and through his wriggling toes, both feet at the same time! The experience was unbearable for Jon drawing uncontrolled peals of laughter from him!
Jon laughed and squirmed, but he was now losing the strength to even tug on the leather straps binding his wrists and ankles. The tickling sensations on his exposed feet was unbearable as I told him that he was sleeping in my room that night and would be secured to my bed so his feet were by me and should I wake in the night to be played with and Jon knew he had no choice when I summoned two of my personal bodyguards to take Jon to my bedroom and see he being secured tightly as I then made a call as the following day being Saturday another tickler would join me and what a surprise for him when he sees it's his step-brother! I cannot wait to see Jon's face when Martin arrives once Jon is secured to the bed again for tickle time!