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TMF Jeff

TMF Jeff

TMF owner and co-founder
Apr 2, 2001

<CENTER>For more recent events, check out my blog: <A HREF="http://www.ticklingforum.com/blog.php?u=5">Every thought I have is fascinating.</A></CENTER>

* how I got started in the community

I first learned that there even was such a thing as a tickling fetish from an ad in the back of a Playboy when I was around nineteen years old, a tiny little square ad, on a page with about 20 tiny little square ads, that listed the various fetishes a company was selling videos for. One of them was tickling, and the word just jumped out at me when I glanced at the page. I ordered their catalog and they had two videos with tickling in them, which I was too intimidated to have delivered to even my PO box.

But from that, I eventually made my way to Chinatown in downtown Boston, where all the adult stores were, and they stocked some tickling videos right on the shelves, which I think at the time I took more for granted than I should have. A lot of people talk about being amazed that there were others like them, but I don't think I ever really felt that way.

A few years later, the Internet started to form (It had existed for decades, but I'm talking about when it became something people knew about,) and at the time I was a computer programming major (which lasted one semester, and for good reason: I sucked at it,) so I was a pretty early adaptor of that technology. I joined a bulletin board service (those were sort of like the TMF is now, except you dialed directly into it with your 14k modem) and discovered alt.multimedia.fetish.feet, which was the closest you could come to a tickling group at the time. About once a week or so, someone would post a tickling story there, and that was when I first started to get personally involved, instead of just buying porn.

I wrote a couple of stories (really horrible, awful stories) and engaged in a couple of discussions, and generally just puttered along. And then one day my roommate came home and said "We learned about something called the World Wide Web in class today. You've got to see it." So he showed me one of the 10 or so websites that existed at the time: I think it was the Smithsonian. All it was was maybe ten pages of text, with a few embedded hyperlinks, and frankly it was boring and you couldn't see at the time what it was going to become. But within a year, people were making their own personal web pages, and the guys who would later found Yahoo were starting to create an index of interesting ones.

Once the ball got rolling, it wasn't long before tickling websites started to pop up. They were very basic, because at the time it would take as long as five minutes for a simple image to load on your screen. But in that world, a single tickling image was totally worth a five minute wait.

* how I started my video business

After a while of things going on like this, people started being able to post small (VERY small, 10 seconds or so) video clips, and some tickling video companies started posting samples of their stuff, especially Solefully Yours. They were probably the earliest tickling producer to start using these tools: Pam had a website up very early on, and soon after that she was posting video clip samples to AMT (in those days nobody had enough bandwidth available to host clips on their site.) It was amazing to be able to get those little clips, even though I could much more easily have gone to the store and bought full-length videos. There was just something magical about having instant access to something new, and sharing it with hundreds of other people, and being able to talk about it. Bottom line: I wanted in.

I wanted to be having the same fun that companies like Solefully Yours and TJ Productions (another early tickling presence online) were having, and I wanted to be able to contribute to the content online too. With a lot more optimism than I really deserved, I figured it wouldn't cost that much to make a video, and with a little luck I could make back what it cost to make, and over time probably pay off the equipment. In the meantime, I could tickle some girls, and make some clips to share around.

So I bought a cheap video camera, and some equipment for editing and scanning it, and I started putting ads in college newspapers, and with that Magic Touch Productions was born.

And this is where I got insanely lucky. The first girl to ever answer my ad was a nineteen year old Harvard student named Mary, who was beautiful, smart, fun, and over-the-top ticklish. I couldn't ask for a better first model to work with, and it's definitely because of her that things went forward from there.

I remember being so sure, without even thinking about it, that I would never make any money doing that, that I was much more focused on making great sample clips for my friends than I was in marketing a video and selling it. I ended up buying a RealMedia license (they were a very different company back then) and I was able to make files that were the same size as a 10 second clip, but they would be as long as three minutes. The combination of those long sample clips and Mary being so amazing, made the video a hit. I don't remember exactly what it made in terms of money, but it was enough to immediately make me start looking to do it again.

Jim from MTJ Publishing has a theory that it was my next video that cemented my reputation, though, and he's probably right because my next ad got me a response from not one girl, but three. Three college roommates called me and said they were interested in doing a tickling video. All three were cute, ticklish, and obviously real friends, with real chemistry. Despite the really shitty camera work on my part, the video was another big hit, because the girls were exactly what they appeared to be... three young girls who were schoolmates, as opposed to three obvious porn actresses pretending badly to be that, which is what you would have gotten buying a video in the store.

So I was off and running and, one video at a time, it gradually took over my life. Within a year or so I had quit my job as a waiter and was making videos full-time. About a year later, people started asking if I could take their credit card number over the phone or by email, and in my innocence I thought "sure, why not." This was so early in the days of the Internet that there was virtually no commerce being transacted online, because nobody had bandwidth, almost nobody was online, and nobody in their right mind would trust the security of the Internet.

But knowing no better, I decided to do it, and I called a company that arranged for Internet credit card access and basically bullshitted my way into setting up a server. I was extremely vague about what I was doing, without ever lying, on the assumption (which turned out to be correct) that as long as there was money flowing, nobody was going to ask a lot of questions or look too closely.

So that's how Magic Touch Productions became one of the first business to take credit cards online, years before companies like Walmart got their heads out of their asses 😎

* how the TMF came into my life

After a couple of years with MTP, and being a pretty active member of the community, I was contacted by a guy named Scott whose screen name was, and this will turn out to be very appropriate, psycho. He had built several very popular tickling websites, and he had an idea for a new one that he was starting, called the Tickling Media Forum. It would be based on ezboard.com's free bulletin board software, and his concept was that as many high-profile tickling community people as possible would be the moderators. This turned out to be a stroke of genius, because each of us brought our audience with us,and the TMF quickly became an extremely popular website, by the standards of the day, meaning there were about 500 members.

Ezboard had a good idea, but they didn't really have a business model to speak of, and they soon started bleeding money as they tried to sustain the bandwidth that all their free members were burning through. Their solution, which ultimately pretty much destroyed them, was to bombarded the users with pop-ups and noisy banners to pay their bills, then charge members a small monthly fee to experience the board without that stuff.

Scott and I and the other moderators wanted to get out from under that, and MTP was doing really well at the time, so I volunteered to take on the monthly costs of moving us to our own private server. Which turned out to be an incredibly good thing, because a little while later, Scott had a religious awakening, and started converting all of his websites into places designed to turn tickling fetishists into religious converts. Only the stuff that was in my name survived, but fortunately that meant the three most important things: our domain name, our server, and the vbulletin software. Scott departed, but the TMF lived on.

When that happened, Myriads contacted me and said that he had been running the forum administratively for scott, and asked me if I would like him to continue doing that for me, which I was grateful for and happy to accept. I honestly believe that there is nobody else in our entire community who could do what Myriads has done, day after day, and year after year.

* since then

Now, eight years later and counting, the TMF has almost 80,000 registered members. There was a day, early in the forums life, that we proudly announced having 800 members. Now we routinely have that many people browsing the forum at once. We're one of the most highly trafficked sites online, with almost eight million page impressions per month, and have been rated in the top ten adult-related websites.

We've become a real, living community, not just a website for checking out porn (not that there's anything wrong with that,) where people come together to meet for face-to-face gatherings, become lifelong friends, and even fall in love and get married (which has happened not just once but many times here.)

When times have been lean, it's cost me a lot more money than I had, and I've had to go without things to keep it up. I've been harassed and even sued, but it's all been worth it, and I'd do it all again and more to help keep the TMF going. It's by far the most important thing I've ever been a part of and I plan to continue for the rest of my life.​

You are da Man Jeff....you story is exactly like mine only I can't come out of the closet...My spouse does not share my tickling interest and we have been married 20 plus years. Looking back (before I really explored my tickling fetish) I would have made it a pre-requisite for marriage. Let's face it..a tickler could never be fulfilled unless ha or she can tickle. I am a very public figure in the South (not native born) and work for Rick Hendrick (the auto and racecar Gurn) and cannot risk public exposure....Your story looks almost like my tickling life with the exception of getting into the production part....
I still remember sitting at my computer in the 90's surfing on AOL and finding Solfully Yours...my favorite was the straight haired brunette with small flatter feet and a great laugh. Her boyfriend use to tickle her...I went from Solfully Yours to FM concepts, Tickling paradise (when Gabrielle use to run it in Cal. then I think it was your site and so on and so on....I use to write scripts for Chase Brocco on FM concepts in exchange for free video VHS tapes...it was cool..this was before clips..I bet I bought 50 Videos (about 25-50$ a pop!!!)
Well...gotta go..the wife is calling 🙂 chow for noy Buddy....
Thanks for the feedback! Honestly I'm not sure I wouldn't trade the tickling business and accompanying adventures for 20 years of marriage. I think you probably got the better deal, but I suppose the grass always looks greener in the other guys yard 🙂
lol at people being too scared of the staff to post here! 😀

Hi Jeff, thanks for creating this fine community! If you ever come to Sweden, I'll buy you some meatballs and your very own pet moose!

That's a rather different way to discover your fetish btw, at least from what I've seen and heard so far (most people seem to claim they've been into tickling for as long as they can remember, including myself). How come you didn't discover it earlier? You just... "never thought of it that way", or something?
lol at people being too scared of the staff to post here! 😀

Hi Jeff, thanks for creating this fine community! If you ever come to Sweden, I'll buy you some meatballs and your very own pet moose!

That's a rather different way to discover your fetish btw, at least from what I've seen and heard so far (most people seem to claim they've been into tickling for as long as they can remember, including myself). How come you didn't discover it earlier? You just... "never thought of it that way", or something?

Well, they're either scared or just, you know, not that interested 🙂

I'm seriously holding you to that if I ever get to Sweden. I can take or leave the meatballs, but you definitely owe me a moose! 😎

What I meant when I explained about discovering the tickling fetish, which I now see I didn't explain very well, was that I discovered that it was something that OTHER people were into. I had always liked tickling, to the point where literally my earliest childhood memories involve tickling girls in my neighborhood. But until I saw that ad in a magazine, I didn't think of it as something people would be into, even myself.

Until then, if I thought about it at all, I would just think of it as "Tickling girls is fun and I like doing it. Who wouldn't?" Without considering whether my interest was unusually strong, or unusually focused on that.

It's hard to really explain... I just never thought about it. It was just something I liked and took for granted until I saw that ad and realized there must be a bunch of people who had the same interest as me. And that was what sort of led me to realize that it could be a fetish at all.
:ty: Hey Dude... You may not realize it but You my friend have a huge positive impact on thousands of peoples lives..... mine for one!!! ROCK ON with your bad self and keep on doing what you are doing!!!!!! Thanks to TMF....2009 is so far the best year ever for me!!!!! YEOWWZZAAA!!!!!:shock:
:ty: Hey Dude... You may not realize it but You my friend have a huge positive impact on thousands of peoples lives..... mine for one!!! ROCK ON with your bad self and keep on doing what you are doing!!!!!! Thanks to TMF....2009 is so far the best year ever for me!!!!! YEOWWZZAAA!!!!!:shock:

Thanks very much for saying that 🙂 I'm really glad that the TMF has had such an impact on your life 🙂
Yes Jeff. You have done a fantastic job on giving all of us a place to call home! I remember when you and I were talking about something similar back in the day. If I remember correctly we were trying to figure a way to make the ultimate tk database'd website which would include the whole community as one. Even Robert was in on helping getting it going, but it somehow fizzled which bums me to this day in a certain sort of way. I would have loved to be a part of that 🙂

Miss chatting with ya bro. :gathering:

peace out,
Yes Jeff. You have done a fantastic job on giving all of us a place to call home! I remember when you and I were talking about something similar back in the day. If I remember correctly we were trying to figure a way to make the ultimate tk database'd website which would include the whole community as one. Even Robert was in on helping getting it going, but it somehow fizzled which bums me to this day in a certain sort of way. I would have loved to be a part of that 🙂

Miss chatting with ya bro. :gathering:

peace out,

Thanks man! I remember those conversations too 🙂

We should catch up sometime.

Thanks for all the things you've done

In fact if it wasn't for your site (back when it was Vhs only) i wouldn't have even know such things existed.
Your site linked me to the ez boards forum and i still remember the day when everyone made the switch,

anyways just wanted to throw you some major kudos for helping a young guy like me into one hell of a community

o and your movies really really did rock 🙂 and def STILL DO
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In fact if it wasn't for your site (back when it was Vhs only) i wouldn't have even know such things existed.
Your site linked me to the ez boards forum and i still remember the day when everyone made the switch,

anyways just wanted to throw you some major kudos for helping a young guy like me into one hell of a community

o and your movies really really did rock 🙂 and def STILL DO

Thanks man! I saw in your profile that you're a marine, which I think is awesome. I'm really glad you decided to become more active.

I also saw that you're 22, so I'm going to ignore the obvious implication of you having been here when we made the switch from ezboard 😎
Like I sayd to you on the chat, you where the one who made me discover the tickling world. I remeber that the MTP site was the first thing with tickling I saw online. You really deserve all the respect and honor you can get for what you done. 🙂

Big thanks from Norway!
And if you ever plan to go to Norway, your welcome to come and visit us anytime!
Thanks man! I saw in your profile that you're a marine, which I think is awesome. I'm really glad you decided to become more active.

I also saw that you're 22, so I'm going to ignore the obvious implication of you having been here when we made the switch from ezboard 😎

Thanks its really nothing to special. Not like tickling beautiful women all day 🙂 but it does feel good knowing you support your troops

oh and the age thing.......i swear the computer was just on the site one day and i happened to glance over before i realized it was adult content and turned away.....promise :innocent:
Like I sayd to you on the chat, you where the one who made me discover the tickling world. I remeber that the MTP site was the first thing with tickling I saw online. You really deserve all the respect and honor you can get for what you done. 🙂

Big thanks from Norway!
And if you ever plan to go to Norway, your welcome to come and visit us anytime!

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. If I'm ever in your part of the world, I definately will look you up. You two should come to the US for NEST, this year or failing that definately next year. 🙂
Thanks man, I really appreciate it. If I'm ever in your part of the world, I definately will look you up. You two should come to the US for NEST, this year or failing that definately next year. 🙂

Next year is the year I hope. Thats at least what Im planning. If things go as I want then me, absentia and veritanne will come over 🙂
Would be awesome to finaly get to meet you in person.
a helpful question here

Hello mr. MTPjeff ,

I'm not one to get involved in the buisness of this forum. I love being here and posting and meeting like minded people etc etc.
I have wondered if we can kill two birds with one stone here, by letting some of us guys, like myself, have our own image forum where we can flash our feet to the ladies without bringing attention to ourselves from the rest of the male population.
It would make everyone much more happy and it would give a place that the ladies could go to post comments on our peds.
Thankyou for any help you can give us

Hello mr. MTPjeff ,

I'm not one to get involved in the buisness of this forum. I love being here and posting and meeting like minded people etc etc.
I have wondered if we can kill two birds with one stone here, by letting some of us guys, like myself, have our own image forum where we can flash our feet to the ladies without bringing attention to ourselves from the rest of the male population.
It would make everyone much more happy and it would give a place that the ladies could go to post comments on our peds.
Thankyou for any help you can give us


I'm not really sure that's a great long term solution. Male lee's are just as much a part of the population of the TMF as any other group, and there's no need, in my mind, for them to be segregated.

The only adjustment that needs to be made is in the attitude of anyone who has a problem with somone, male or female, posting pictures of their feet on the TMF.
I'm not really sure that's a great long term solution. Male lee's are just as much a part of the population of the TMF as any other group, and there's no need, in my mind, for them to be segregated.

The only adjustment that needs to be made is in the attitude of anyone who has a problem with somone, male or female, posting pictures of their feet on the TMF.

Thankyou for your time Jeff, I respect your decision.

That was really awesome. And...really heartfelt. 🙂

It's always cool learning about the history of this place and how it came to be and the people behind it and the work they put into it to keep it running and how much it means to them. Makes me proud/happy to be a part of here. 😀
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