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TS - Day 00 - F.L. Atlanta's Sandbox.


Level of Lemon Feather
Jul 13, 2003
Test thread for F.L. Atlanta's character.

Here you can further develop your character prior to joining main game continuum.

Sparks fly at the Black Smith shop, the sound of metal hitting metal rings out. Inside (or out, depending on the set up of the Black Smith shop), a man works at making a sword. This man is Lathys Ranthanos. In this town, very little is known about Lathys's past, and that is how he likes it. People come and go, making small talk with Lathys as he continues to work on making his sword. Lathys had already made himself a dagger and is finishing up the finishing touches of his sword.

"What are ye up to Lathys?" asked the Head Black Smith.

"Working on making a sword for myself," Lathys answered, "I am planning on finding my own way soon."

"Aye," said the Head Black Smith, "Just be careful out there lad, lots of trouble roams around in the wilderness this days."

"Thank you sir," Lathys said, "I shall be careful as always."

"Ok Lathys," commented the Head Black Smith, "By the way, you have a visitor."

"Ok," Lathys replied, "I shall see them."

The Head Black Smith motioned to someone and then Lathys got a good look at his visitor. His stomach knotted up when he saw that his visitor was his sister.

"Hello Lathys," she said, "How are you?"

"Fine sister," Lathys replied, "What brings you here?"

"Just a visit," Ms. Ranthanos commented, "I wanted to see you again, after all, it has been quite some time."

"That it has," Lathys stated, "What news do you have about home?"

"Bad news I'm afraid," Ms. Ranthanos replied, "Father has died, mother is sick, and our brothers have disappeared."

"I see," Lathys said, "So am I needed to tend to mother, or to find our brothers?"

"I tend mother," Ms. Ranthanos stated, "Your job is to find our brothers and return them home safely."

"I'll do the best that I can sis," Lathys replied, "I'll start as soon as I finish my sword and some other stuff."

"Do hurry," Ms. Ranthanos stated, "Both mother and I fear that something terrible as happened to them."

"Ok sis," Lathys said, "Thanks for stopping by and have a safe journey home."

"I will," Ms. Ranthanos commented, "Also, our brothers and myself have forgiven you."

"Thanks sis," Lathys said, "That gives me encouragement."

"Bye Lathys," Ms. Ranthanos said, "Take care of yourself."

"Will do sis," Lathys said as he watched his sister leave.

A few hours later, Lathys had finished his sword and gotten together his gold, clothes, and was finally ready to set out. Lathys said goodbye to everyone that he knew and would miss while he was gone, and then he headed out in the direction of the last known whereabouts of his brothers. Being a tracker gave Lathys an advantage and greater chance in finding his brothers alive and able to get them home.

"Home," Lathys thought, "I wonder what it looks like after all these years."

Just thinking of home and his sister's visit slowed Lathys's pace. Slowly, tears began to roll down his cheeks and the rejection feeling swept over him. Lathys stopped, sat down, and thought long and hard about that day when his own family rejected him. After a while, Lathys got up and continued on, hoping that if he was successful in this task, then maybe, just maybe, Lady Ranthanos, his mother, could and would forgive him and accept him again. Lathys's green eyes gleamed at the thought, but soon, that look vanished as he though what if he was too late and she (his mother) dies before he completed his task of returning his brothers home.

"I will complete the task before me," Lathys said to himself, "Before mother dies and also, be forgiven and accepted by her prior to her end. On my Honor, I will succeed!"

With this promise, Lathys quickened his step and raced off to find his brothers.

Will Lathys be successful? Stay tuned to find out!
Tracks at a Battle Scene

By mid afternoon, Lathys came across a Battle Scene. Blood, bodies, broken weapons, and shreds of clothing litter the area. Lathys bowed his head and gave a silent prayer. After a moment, Lathys began searching the area for signs of his brothers. A short time later, Lathys found the tracks of his brothers, one set heading into the woods, and the other to a wheatfield. Drawing his dagger, Lathys headed for the wheatfield. Lathys searched the wheatfield and was about ready to turn around and head to the woods, when a hand grabbed his ankle.

"Ah, who's there?" Lathys yelled as he jumped away from the grasp.

"Please kind sir," said a weak voice, "Have mercy on a wounded soldier."

Carefully kneeling down, and sheathing his dagger, Lathys discovered that it was his second youngest brother Lynthos, who had grabbed him.

"Lathys," Lynthos said in a shocked tone, "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you and Lithys," Lathys replied while bandaging Lynthos's wounds and then helping Lynthos to his feet, "I have been appointed to search and bring you two home."

"I see that mom and Lydia are deeply concerned," Lynthos said.

"That they are," Lathys replied.

Lynthos and Lathys walked out of the wheatfield and headed into the woods following Lithys's tracks. A hour or so later, the tracks stopped and Lynthos and Lathys were in a small clearing. They stopped, and Lynthos leaned on a nearby tree. Lathys searched all around the clearing, but found nothing. A twig snapped somewhere near Lathys, and as quick as a flash, Lathys unsheathed his sword and spun to face the area in which the twig snapped. Nothing but a woodland creature. With an unsure sigh, Lathys resheathed his sword and continued to look for traces or signs of Lithys. After a few minutes, Lathys found something laying on the ground a couple of yards behind one of the clearing's border trees. Just as Lathys went to go pick it up, a blade hit his hand and a voice said, "No sudden movements now kid."

"I recognise that voice," Lathys thought, "If that is Lithys, then he is the kid around here."

"That would be me," Lithys said while moving the blade closer to Lathys's neck, "Who the hell are you?"

"I am ashamed at you Lithys," Lynthos said as he appeared behind Lathys, "Can't you recognise your own brother Lathys?"

"What," Lithys said while retracting his blade and looking at Lathys's face, "Well I'll be, it is Lathys."

"Yes," Lathys said while getting up, "It is me."

"What brings you here?" Lithys questioned.

"Searching for you," Lathys said, "And to take you home."

"I see," Lithys said, "Well, let's go then."

Lathys, Lithys, and Lynthos left the wooded area and headed in the direction of home. Along the way, they talked about what all had happened to them over the years and how much they missed each other's company. They told jokes, stories, and crazy things to amuse each other. 2 and a half hours later, they all came upon the family cottage.

"Home at last," Lynthos commented.

"Uh huh," Lithys said, "And does it ever feel good to be back home."

"For you two maybe," Lathys said, "But for me, it is uneasy."

"Sorry brother," they said, "It has been a hard time for you."

"More than you'll ever know," Lathys said, "Well, let's go in."

Lydia was very happy to see that Lathys was successful even though Lynthos was wounded. All went in to see their mother except for Lathys. He was unsure how she would react to his presence. A little while later, Lydia peered out and beckoned that Lathys should enter. With some reluctance, Lathys entered his mother's room.

"Hello boy," his mother said, "How are you?"

"I am fine mother," Lathys replied.

"I see that you have taken good care of yourself over the years," his mother commented.

"That I have," Lathys responded.

"I assume that you seek a reward for bringing home your brothers?" Lady Ranthanos said.

"The only reward I seek," Lathys said, "Is..."

"Is to be accepted and forgiven by me," Lady Ranthanos interupted.

"Yes ma'am," Lathys stated.

"Consider it done," Lady Ranthanos said, "I forgive you and accept you my son."

"Thank you mother," Lathys said with a bow.

"Now come and give your mother a hug," Lady Ranthanos said.

Lathys went over and hugged his mother, and after that, he hugged his brothers and sister as well. Lathys left his family's home around 1 in the afternoon with a course heading to Bisanthium.

"It is time I found my own way," Lathys said as he headed toward Bisanthium, "I wonder what the future has instore?"
Last edited:
Night in Bisanthium!

The hour was late when Lathys approached the gates of Bisanthium. The esun was completly down and the stars were out along with the moon.

"Halt, who goes there?" a guard called out as Lathys approached the gate.

"My name is Lathys Ranthanos," Lathys replied, "A traveller from Tharagys, out to seek my own way in the world."

"Come in Lathys," the guard said as the gate door opened up, "It is a little late to seek work or anything now, but tomorrow is another day."

"That it is sir," Lathys said a saluted the guard out of habit.

"No need for formality here Lathys," the guard said, "Do you have a place to stay yet?"

"No sir," Lathys replied, "I just got inot town."

"Ah yes," the guard, "Well you can go to that Inn over there, or if you want, wait here for another hour and come spend the night with my wife and me."

"Thank you sir," Lathys said, "I think that I will try the Inn, and if that doesn't work out, I'll just spend my night under the stars on this fabulous night."

"Whatever works for you Lathys," the guard said, "enjoy your stay in Bisanthium."

"I will and thank you," Lathys said as he strolled off to the Inn that the guard had pointed out.

In The Inn!

"Excuse me sir," Lathys asked a man behind the bar, "But I am looking for the Inn Keeper."

"You just found him," the man said, "The name's Pete, what can I do for you?"

"Nice to meet you Pete," Lathys replied, "My name is Lathys Ranthanos and I am looking for a room for the night."

"Nice to meet you as well Lathys," Pete said, "Let me check on the room real quickly, be right back. You may have to share a room though.

"Ok," Lathys said, "I'll wait here for you."

"Okay," Pete said, "Be right back."

Lathys really didn't like the idea of sharing a room with a complete stranger, but he guessed that he could try it for one night. A short time later, Pete returned.

"I got one room left that is unoccupied," Pete stated, "It is on the second floor and the number is 214."

"I'll take it," Lathys said, "How much is the rent sir?"

"10 pieces of gold," Pete said.

"Here you go," Lathys said as he paid Pete 15 pieces, "Keep the other 5 as a gratitude offering."

"Thank you kindly Lathys," Pete said, "Enjoy your stay."

"You're welcome," Lathys said as he headed toward the stairs, "ANd thank you."

"You're welcome," Pete said as he turned back to his work and as Lathys headed up the stairs.

A few minutes later, Lathys found his room, went in, locked the door, went to the bed, sat down on the bed, removed his boots, cape, sword, dagger, and chain mail. Then Lathys went to sleep.
Dawn at the Bisanthium Inn

Lathys woke up at dawn and yawned. He got out of bed and stretched out a bit before putting on his boots, sword, dagger, chain mail, and cape. He left his room and went downstairs.

"Good mnorning Lathys," Pete said, "You're up early this morning."

"Good morning Pete," Lathys replied, "I am always up early."

"I see," Pete said while rubbing his chin, "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Not right now, thank you," Lathys said, "I generally have a morning walk before I eat."

"Okay," Pete commented, "Have fun lad."

"Thank you," Lathys said as he left the Inn to go on a walk.

Morning outside the Inn

It was a beautiful day. Lathys walked up and down the road just taking in the sights of Bisanthium and listening to the birds singing. A short time later, Lathys heard a faint sound of laughter. He looked around and then saw a strange building.

"Strange," Lathys said to himself, "I didn't think that Bisanthium had those type of buildings here."

Looking at this short, tower like building puzzled Lathys. He shrugged it off and turned to continue on his walk when he saw another unusual site, a man with wings on his back flying a few feet off of the ground toward the building.

What should Lathys do, Continue on his walk?, or Get involved?
*I say that Lathys should continue on his walk.*
Witnessing an Attack on the Building!

Lathys was shocked to see this man with wings break through the walls of the building.

"I would hate having to be on his bad side," Lathys said to himself.

Then Lathys saw a man leave the building and race off as fast as he could in the direction that the winged man had come from. A little while later, Lathys saw the winged man emerge from the building with a female and male human.

"I guess I need to be on my way again," Lathys said, "Time for breakfast."

Lathys decided to walk all the way around the Inn before going in to have breakfast. Once Lathys got to the back side of the Inn, he saw yet another strange site. Laying on the ground, in some bushes was a boy with the features of a cat. Lathys looked at this cat-boy, then looked up at the building, and back down at the cat-boy.

"Judging by his position," Lathys said to himself, "I would guess that he jumped, or fell from the second story window above him."

Kneeling down next to the cat-boy, Lathys looked him over for any noticable injuries. Lathys didn't find any and was about to see if he had a pulse when a twig snapped. Lathys got up, unsheathed his dagger, and turned to the noise as quick as a flash. He found himself facing a young looking girl with what appeared to be a sack over her shoulder, and behind her, was a cart of some sort. Lathys just stared at her with unblinking eyes, his dagger pointed at her, and thought, "Something is not quite right with this girl." Lathys just kept on looking at her, dagger in hand, and not moving a muscle.
Asking the girl 2 questions.

Lathys continued to stare at the young lady and he didn't want to leave the cat-boy alone with her. Lathys knew a few things, 1.) His instincts told him that this young girl couldn't be trusted, 2.) That a cat-boy and the dragon-man are rare, and 3.) His was geting hungry for breakfast.

"Who are you," Lathys asked the girl, "And what is your business?"

Will the girl answer Lathys?
All A Dream!

F.L. Atlanta said:
Lathys woke up at dawn and yawned. He got out of bed and stretched out a bit before putting on his boots, sword, dagger, chain mail, and cape. He left his room and went downstairs.

"Good mnorning Lathys," Pete said, "You're up early this morning."

"Good morning Pete," Lathys replied, "I am always up early."

"I see," Pete said while rubbing his chin, "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Not right now, thank you," Lathys said, "I generally have a morning walk before I eat."

"Okay," Pete commented, "Have fun lad."

"Thank you," Lathys said as he left the Inn to go on a walk.

Morning outside the Inn

It was a beautiful day. Lathys walked up and down the road just taking in the sights of Bisanthium and listening to the birds singing. A short time later, Lathys heard a faint sound of laughter. He looked around and then saw a strange building.

"Strange," Lathys said to himself, "I didn't think that Bisanthium had those type of buildings here."

Looking at this short, tower like building puzzled Lathys. He shrugged it off and turned to continue on his walk when he saw another unusual site, a man with wings on his back flying a few feet off of the ground toward the building.

What should Lathys do, Continue on his walk?, or Get involved?

F.L. Atlanta said:
Lathys was shocked to see this man with wings break through the walls of the building.

"I would hate having to be on his bad side," Lathys said to himself.

Then Lathys saw a man leave the building and race off as fast as he could in the direction that the winged man had come from. A little while later, Lathys saw the winged man emerge from the building with a female and male human.

"I guess I need to be on my way again," Lathys said, "Time for breakfast."

Lathys decided to walk all the way around the Inn before going in to have breakfast. Once Lathys got to the back side of the Inn, he saw yet another strange site. Laying on the ground, in some bushes was a boy with the features of a cat. Lathys looked at this cat-boy, then looked up at the building, and back down at the cat-boy.

"Judging by his position," Lathys said to himself, "I would guess that he jumped, or fell from the second story window above him."

Kneeling down next to the cat-boy, Lathys looked him over for any noticable injuries. Lathys didn't find any and was about to see if he had a pulse when a twig snapped. Lathys got up, unsheathed his dagger, and turned to the noise as quick as a flash. He found himself facing a young looking girl with what appeared to be a sack over her shoulder, and behind her, was a cart of some sort. Lathys just stared at her with unblinking eyes, his dagger pointed at her, and thought, "Something is not quite right with this girl." Lathys just kept on looking at her, dagger in hand, and not moving a muscle.

F.L. Atlanta said:
Lathys continued to stare at the young lady and he didn't want to leave the cat-boy alone with her. Lathys knew a few things, 1.) His instincts told him that this young girl couldn't be trusted, 2.) That a cat-boy and the dragon-man are rare, and 3.) His was geting hungry for breakfast.

"Who are you," Lathys asked the girl, "And what is your business?"

Will the girl answer Lathys?

[ Note: I misread an earlier post of tickish_spirit's and instead of changing these previous posts, I decide to make them into a dream that Lathys had. Adding a bit more excitement in my character's life ;) ]

The girl dropped her sack, smiled at Lathys, and winked. Suddenly, she, her sack, and the cart were gone. Confused, scared, and surprised, Lathys looked around, but he did not see her anywhere. Sheathing his dagger, Lathys turned to check on the cat-boy again. He, too, was gone and no where to be seen.

"Something strange is goning on here!" Lathys commented, "Something very strange indeed!"

Just as Lathys was about to leave, he got hit in the back very hard. After landing painfully a few feet away, Lathys glanced up and gasped. Lathys saw the dragon-man again, but this time, the dragon-man held a huge Battle Axe. The dragon-man laughed, raised the Battle Axe, and brought in down on Lathys.

"Augh," Lathys said as he woke up with a start and sweat dripping down his forehead.

Looking around and checking himself out, Lathys realized that he was still in his room and had been dreaming.

"It was all a dream," Lathys said to himself, and sighing, "Man that felt real."

Getting out of bed, Lathys washed up and looked outside. The sun was already up and it looked like another beautiful day. Lathys got dressed and went downstairs.

"Good morning Lathys," Pete said, "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Good morning Pete," Lathys said, "Yes please."

"Have a seat and I'll get you some breakfast and some coffee," Pete said as he went to the kitchen.

"Okay," Lathys said as he sat down and waited for breakfast.

A short time later, Pete returned with some breakfast and coffee for Lathys. Lathys ate and drank, and thanked Pete.

"Be careful Lathys," Pete warned as Lathys was about to leave the Inn, "A lot a stuff happens out there when the sun is up."

"Thanks for the advice and breakfast Pete," Lathys said, "Also the room, and here is 15 pieces of gold for the breakfast and coffee this morning."

"Thank you Lathys," Pete said, "Take care now."

"I will," Lathys said as he left the Inn, "Good bye."

Once outside, Lathys Ranthanos felt like exploring the town of Bisanthium. The streets buzzed with activity, from merchants to buyers not a single street corner was left unmaned. One building caught Lathys's eye, a tavern named The Dragon's Way.

"I wonder what goes on in there," Lathys said to himself.

Lathys decided to go in and find out. Inside was filled with commotion. People arounnd a stage, people on the stage, the bar filled with people wanting drinks, tables were filled with people drinking and talking, and there was an item on the stage that made Lathys shiver. It was the stocks. Lathys pitied anyone who was forced into that thing and tormented by other people. Remembering his prison days, Lathys trembled, for he was put into stocks and tickled until he was released.

"How can people be so cruel?" Lathys asked himself, "That is by far the worst punishment anyone can receive."

Lathys was about to leave when the stage cleared and the crowd got louder with their cheering. Glancing at the stage, Lathys saw some guards or tavern workers bring out another victim of the stocks.

"I might as well stay and watch this," Lathys said to himself, "I might as well see how this works from the opposite view point."

[OOC: Kalamos, I am ready now to join the "main continum" now. You'll have a PM waiting for you as well.]
Dragon's Way Inn Torment!

Lathys watched as the first 'victim' was released and taken back staged. Letting his eyes wander around a bit, Lathys was looking around the Inn and at the various people inside. Lathys's eyes returned to the stage when the crowd roared with cheers and wolf whistles. Lathys saw a gagged, bound, and naked girl being escorted onto the stage. All the way, she kicked and fought, but to no avail. Lathys quietly cheered when she managed to stun a somewhat familiar looking female tormented. When Lathys heard the order to lock the gagged girl into the stocks, he knew that there would be no escape for her. With deep pity for her, Lathys watched in mild horror as the girl was locked into the stocks. Lathys wanted to help her out but how? Lathys knew a bit about slaving prices, and that the price varied depending on the slaver and how ticklish the slave was. Slowly, as Lathys expected it, he anger grew and grew. Simply turning his eyes away couldn't help control or settle down his anger anymore. Inside, Lathys was conflicted, should he help?, or should he leave? Both choices could end up the same way, ugly. Either he would end up in torment for creating havoc in helping out someone else that he didn't even know, or the young girl would be tormented until her tormentor grew tired of it.

"From the look of the tormentor," Lathys said to himself, "That young girl is in for a long, torturous session."

Lathys was just about to get up and leave when he felt the tip of a sharp object come in contact with his back.

"Leaving so soon L.R.?" a gruff voice asked.

"I know that voice," Lathys stated, "It must be Trip."

"That it is Lathys," Trip said while sitting across from Lathys, "Fancy seeing you here."

"Likewise for me Trip," Lathys commented, "Last I heard, you were still in prison."

"That I was," Trip replied, "And it seems that you didn't stay in long either."

"I was released five long years after my imprisonment," Lathys remarked, "And from what I heard, you still have some time left on your record."

Trip glared at Lathys and then kicked him hard in the shin. While Lathys writhered in pain, Trip stated, "You think that I am not aware of that fact?"

"All I am saying," Lathys commented, "Is that we shouldn't be meeting like this, perhaps we might be if it was a week from now."

"I was released early okay," Trip stated, "Unfortunetly for you, and the rest of our comrades, I spilled my guts to my captors a few days ago."

"You did," Lathys replied in shock, "What did you tell them about me?"

"Everything," Trip replied, "Including where your family lives."

Getting up Lathys glared at Trip and said, "If anything has happened to them, I hold you personally responsible."

Without waiting for a response, Lathys left the Inn and raced toward the nearest stable.

"Sir," Lathys said to a stable worker, "How much to rent a horse?"

"Rent," the stable worker said, "Hell you can buy one for 45 pieces of gold."

"Okay," Lathys said, "Got any fast and young ones?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," the stable worker said, "This one here is a year old and very spirited, I call him Speedster."

Speedster was a black horse with a white diamond shaped patch on his forehead and white hooves.

"Sounds like my kind of horse," Lathys said, "I'll take him."

"Very well milord," the stable worker replied, "He is all yours, provided you pay for him."

"Of course," Lathys said while handing the man 45 pieces of gold, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome sir," the stable worker said as Lathys mounted and rode off.

"I hope everything is all right at home," Lathys said to himself as he sped toward the gate that he first entered.

*OOC: Cassandra, are you and Darth Vegeta still planning on meeting with Lathys in Bisanthium? According to your earlier post, y'all are 2 days away from Bisanthium, and it seems that you are heading to D.V.'s latest character's mansion. I await to hear from you.*
OOC: From the looks of it, the trip to Bisanthium will be delayed if not cancelled by a change of plans.
cassandra said:
OOC: From the looks of it, the trip to Bisanthium will be delayed if not cancelled by a change of plans.

OOC: Understood. No hurt feelings here, perhaps later on, the meeting can take place. Perhaps under more pleasant circumstances.
OoC: Actually, Vegeta and I are heading to Tacidius' house on the outskirts of Bisanthium. If you want to meet us, your char has to leave Bisanthium and walk a short distance.
Back Home in Tharagys!

Lathys was stopped briefly at the gate in which he first entered Bisanthium. Lathys was allowed to pass, and once he did, Lathys guided Speedster along the path that would take him to his family's cottage in the outskirts of Tharagys. At the fork in the road, Lathys went left, and saw some horses heading toward him from the right side of the fork. Lathys watched them as long as he could, but before turning his attention back to his path, Lathys saw that the lead horse had a male and a female rider on it. Their course was headed to Bisanthium.

"I wonder what that was all about," Lathys said to himself, "Oh well, no time to worry about that now."

Lathys reached his family's cottage in the early afternoon, but the sight was not a pretty one. Quickly, Lathys stopped Speedster and dismounted. Blood, signs of struggle, torn clothing, the smell of death, arrows embedded in the roof and walls of the cottage, and carriage tracks heading off toward the west. Tying the rein straps of Speedster to a nearby tree branch, Lathys drew his sword and walked toward the cottage.

"This is very bad," Lathys said while looking around, "Damn you Trip, damn you to HELL!"

Going into to cottage, Lathys found it in disary. Tables and chairs overturned, books, scrolls, and papers thrown about, and the worst part, Lathys found his brother Lithys dead lying face down in a puddle of his own blood.

"Rest in peace brother," Lathys said, "You shall be avenged."

Lithys died of numerous arrow wounds and sword/dagger stabs. Heading to his mother's room, Lathys found the most gruesome scene that he has ever seen in his entire life. Blood was everywhere in her room, and Lathys found Lynthos and his mother dead and cut up into pieces.

"Augh," Lathys said sickly, "Those guys were vicious."

Looking throughout the house, Lathys could find no signs of Lydia. Lathys went outside again and saw that Lydia was dragged to the carriage and was driven off somewhere. Sheathing his sword, Lathys wept and began collecting firewood. A few hours later, Lathys had gathered enough wood and built a campfire in the middle of the cottage's living room. Lathys prayed, and did a short funeral service for his mother and brothers.

"On my Honor," Lathys said while lighting the campfire inside the cottage, "I will avenge the deaths of my mother and brothers, the destruction of this cottage, and I will rescue my sister from captivity."

The fire grew and grew catching the cottage on fire. Lathys went outside to watch the cottage burn to the ground. Lathys sat down by Speedster front hooves where he cried and prayed. Several hours later, the fire died out, leaving nothing but ash of what was the Ranthanos's cottage. Night was approaching, so Lathys mounted Speedster and rode off in the direction of the carriage. Within a few hours of travelling, Lathys stopped Speedster and decided to camp out for the night continue on in the morning.

"I will get my revenge," Lathys said as he drifted of to sleep, "I will free my sister."

After saying that, Lathys fell asleep.
Moving on!

Lathys woke up the next morning and continued on his way. Shortly after starting up again, Lathys and Speedster came across a stream. Lathys stopped Speedster and they both drank from the stream. Lathys found some blackberry bushes nearby and picked some. Lathys and Speedster ate the berries and continued on after the carriage. Several hours later, Lathys and Speedster reached a village/town. Stopping, Lathys kept a sharp eye. Some people gave Lathys some menacing looks before going about their business.

"Interesting," Lathys thought, "Time to get a disguise."

Lathys went to a clothing shop and bought a few items. Lathys bought a scarf, an eyepatch, and helmet. Lathys, shortly after finishing up with his disguise, saw none other than Trip entering a building surrounded by guards.

"That bastard," Lathys thought, "I must get inside and kill him."
After finishing up with his disguise, Lathys wandered around the town for a bit. He found out that he was in the town of Phlagos. Also, Lathys found out that Trip needed a guard to transport his newly acquired slave to Invaros later on in the day.

"This is my chance," Lathys thought, "But how to pull it off without any more suspicion?"

Lathys pondered this for awhile, and then decided to add another sword and dagger to his weapon collection. Lathys rode up to the building on Speedster.

"Halt," a guard stated, "What brings you here?"

"The guarding job," Lathys replied in a gruff voice, "I have served numerous years as a guard in the town of Invaros."

"Well," stated a second guard, "You look like a former guard."

"Thank you," Lathys replied, "When will the slave be ready for transport?"

"Shortly sir," the first guard replied, "May we know your name?"

"Marco Velerio," Lathys replied remembering that one of his former comrades by that name was a guard from Invaros, "And please hurry up with the preperation of the slave, my wife wants me home early tonight."

"Yes sir," the guards stated.

One of the guards raced into the building. A short time later, Trip, and the guard escorted the prisoner out of the building and toward Lathys's horse.

"Are you sure that you can take her on the horse with you Marco?" Trip asked.

"Yes I am sure," Lathys stated while dismounting to help the slave up on the horse, "I have transported many prisoners this way."

"Fine," Trip said, "Take her to my house and wait for me there. It is the tall, red house to the left as you enter the city from the West Gate."

"I will be there," Lathys said as he helped Lydia onto Speedster and he mounted Speedster himself behind Lydia, "But don't be too long, my wife wants me home by 6 tonight."

"Don't worry Marco," Trip said, "I will be there as soon as I can after finishing up some business here."

"Very good sir," Lathys said.

Lathys with Lydia in front of him rode off toward Invaros.

"Dear Lydia," Lathys said when they were out of ear shot, "You are safe with me."

"I knew it was you all along Lathys," Lydia stated, "Great cover story, but will it last?"

"We'll find out later on," Lathys replied, "If not, then we will have to fight our way out."

"I much rather we didn't go to his house," Lydia said, "Do you know a way that we can get back to our cottage without going back through town?"

"Yes," Lathys stated, "But that is where Trip would look first, and I burned the cottage down, since there was nothing left there but despair."

"I see," Lydia replied, "Where can we go then?"

"We can go toward Bisanthium," Lathys said, "And continue further east."

"Sounds good to me," Lydia commented, "Let's go."

"We haven't come to that pathway yet," Lathys began, "That will take us past Phlagos and to Tharagys."

A short time later, they came to that path and rode down it. A little while later, they stopped to rest. After a short break, they continued on their way.
A half of a day later, Lathys and Lydia reached the ashen remains of the Ranthanos's cottage.

"You were thorough Lathys," Lydia said, "But it is getting late."

"I know," Lathys stated.

As Lathys was about to dismount, a distant rumbling could be heard.

"Horses," Lathys exclaimed, "Hang on tight Lydia, we must flee fast."

"Ready," Lydia stated.

Lathys got Speedster running down the path toward Bisanthium. Every so often, Lathys would stop Speedster and listen. The rumbling still could be heard, but it was a bit fainter.

"Good," Lathys stated, "We are gaining some ground, but it is growing darker and knowing Trip, he will continue."

"Let's continue then," Lydia stated.

"Agreed," Lathys said as he started Speedster again.

Lathys continued on until he saw a house on the outskirts of Bisanthuim.

OOC: Sorry to be behind Cassandra and Vegeta. Do you still want our characters to meet? If so, then my character will pull into Velarios's (sorry for any spelling error) house.
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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Trip yelled shortly after Lathys and Lydia had left, "Guards, fetch the quickest horses, we have been tricked by Lathys."

"Pardon sir?" The Captain of the Guards asked, "How do you know sir?"

"Because of this," Trip raged showing the captain the death certificate of Marco Velerio, "Lathys used the name of his fellow free lancer/ mercenary to retrieve his sister."

"I see sir," the Captain said, "You will have the fastest horses in town."

"Good," Trip replied.

A little while later, the horses were ready and the eleven guards were ready to persue Lathys.

"We will not stop," Trip stated, "Only if our horses need a bit of a break."

"Yes sir," the guards said with a salute.

"Move out," Trip ordered and everyone began their horse running down the path towards Bisanthium.
Lathys dismounted and cursed. There was too much activity at the house and the horses were approaching fast from behind. Lydia dismounted next and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Trip is gaining and there is too much activity at that house to hide unnoticed," Lathys replied.

"We must fight then brother," Lydia stated, "Hand me a sword and dagger."

"I wish for another way," Lathys as he handed Lydia the spare sword and dagger that he had, "I don't know what the outcome will be of this fight."

Trip and his group arrived and drew their swords.

"You will die Lathys," Trip growled, "In the same manner that Marco died."

"In your dreams Trip," Lathys sneered as he drew his sword and dagger, "Let's rumble."

Trip laughed and dismounted as did the rest of Trip's men.

For the next hour or so, metal clanged, sparks flew, and men cried out in pain as they were wounded or struck dead. All that remained alive, more or less, were Trip, his second in command, Lydia, and Lathys.

"You are DEAD," Trip shouted and made a final lunge at Lathys.

Lathys dodged Trip's attack and sliced off Trip's head with one swipe of his sword. Lydia had taken out Trip's second in command just as easily. Lathys and Lydia cleaned their blades and resheathed them.

"Shall we go now?" Lydia asked.

"Sure," Lathys replied.

A stray arrow from the house area came and hit Lathys in his right shoulder.

"AHHHH," Lathys screamed, "BLOODY HELL!"

[OOC: Darth and Cassandra, I am coming to your thread soon.]
Lathys laid across the back of Speedster while Lydia guided the horse to a camp in Northern Tharagya. As they approached an entrance to the camp a guard stopped them.

"What is your business here?" the guard snapped.

"My brother is injured and needs help," Lydia replied.

"What type of injury?" the guard asked.

"Arrow wound," Lathys growled as he got off of Speedster, "Do you have any more stupid questions?"

"BOY," the guard yelled, "I take orders from no one other than my superior."

"Typical response from a mercenary," Lathys stated, "But you do know that any Free Lancer outranks mercenaries right?"

"How the hell do you know that I am a mercenary?" the guard asked, "And furthermore, what is a free lancer?"

"I know because of the clothing that you are wearing," Lathys replied, "And a free lancer does pretty much the same thing as a mercenary, but we charge more and do more than normal mercenaries."

"Fine," the guard stated as he pointed to a tent, "Go to that tent and they will assist you."

"Thanks," Lathys said as his sister, horse, and he passed the guard.

Once at the tent, the arrow was removed from Lathys's shoulder and bandaged up. Lydia was taken to another tent and tied up to another pole inside.

"You will make a nice ransom," Lydia's captor stated, "Along with these others."

The captor left and Lydia looked around the tent and grew uneasy with what she saw.

[OOC: This is my attempt, and I hope it is a good one. Also, I am placing Lydia on NPC mode since I am leaving later on this afternoon to go back to college for a couple of weeks.]

Lathys soon found out about the treachery in the camp and went on a rampage. He got Lydia back, found Speedster, and they left the camp in a complete mess.

"Are you ok sis?" Lathys asked.

"I am fine brother," Lydia replied, "How are you?"

"Feeling better," Lathys responded.

Lathys and Lydia arrived in Tharagys and found a spot to build a home for themselves. They began working on the house and did not stop working until the sun went down.
Lathys and Lydia finish their house and they work on the property.

Lathys and Lydia continued to work on building the house every day until it was finished. Lydia got herself a horse, mainly to have a companion for Speedster, but it was nice having her own horse.

"I wonder how my friend is doing?" Lydia wondered out loud.

"I wonder the same thing about my girlfriend," Lathys stated, "I haven't seen her in a long time."

"What makes you think that she is still single and your girlfriend?" Lydia asked.

"I just do," Lathys replied.

"Good enough," Lydia stated.

Lathys and Lydia worked on the finishing touches for the house and the property they wanted.
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