Not entirely sure what your issue is, especially as you are thousands of miles away and bring absolutely nothing to this conversation.
My "issue" is that your posts didn't jibe with me. I asked you for clarification. Both you and turtleboy provided it. I'm good. What I "bring to this conversation" is the reminder that it's difficult to negotiate this kind of gig with a producer precisely
because of all the time-wasting bullshit that I, TB,
and Jezebel Lee mentioned. Your posts sounded hinky to me and I thought it prudent to mention that that might be why you're not getting the responses you're hoping for from producers. I don't have to live in the UK to point out that without further information, this doesn't sound like a good deal on the producer's end.
Also, want to clarify this? Not that what my wife looks like has anything to do with you, but are you saying you don't work with anyone you don't personally find attractive?
No. I've worked with models twice my age and in some cases, twice my weight. I discriminate
less than other producers, if the grumbling I hear on the forums is anything to go by, especially regarding women of color.
That said, producers
as a whole have to consider whether or not what you're bringing to the table is going to benefit their business. We don't, as was previously stated, generally do private sessions, so if someone contacts us offering to bring us a potential model we're going to have to see if she's the kind of person that would
sell to our audience. Without actually being able to see the person in question, whether it's your wife or some random chick standing on a streetcorner, it's not too much of a stretch to speculate that the odds of a woman who is model-tier attractive will be more appealing to buyers than one who is not, unless that particular producer has seen some success in catering to niches. That's just the nature of this business. If it were otherwise, you'd see more amateurs or out-of-the-ordinary people doing it. All those dudes here on the forums who say "I don't care what she looks like, as long as she's ticklish" are talking out of their asses. They don't buy videos.
All I was doing was saying that unless you're compensating the producer for their time, which is highly unusual, then they'd have to treat it as any other casting call, and evaluate whether the model is worth the expense of being compensated for a shoot, because for them,
it would be a shoot. If, for example, Jezebel was correct and TB only worked with "supermodels", he might pass on somebody who was extremely overweight, for example. He doesn't. He wouldn't. Other producers might feel differently. It is what it is.
One of my models legit has an eating disorder because this industry as a whole is
brutal. I don't make the rules, but I don't sugarcoat them, either.