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Unleashed (part 3) (W.O.W. wrestling/tickling F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
okay fellas, here is part 3. i am glad you guys are enjoying this, and the main events will be in the next installment. korn_ste, man, i love your stories. you are doing a great job! the TTF is going STRONG. hey, after i'm done with this portion of the series, maybe we can do a combined story, much like how WCW "invaded" WWF. let's see what happens. anyway, enjoy the next installment of WOW. all characters (except a few) can be found at www.wowe.com

Patti Pizzazz made it back to the locker room where Lana greeted her. Patti was still barefoot, exhausted, but in a very blissful state. Lana was smiling.

"Like, GREAT JOB Patti. you showed that bitch Poison who's boss. you started our night the right way!! Now, when i get my hands on that Ice bitch from hell, our revenge will be complete!!"

"L-Lana.,.....i am soooo....soooo tired right now....but i am so happy. are you proud of me?" Patti moaned while sitting down in a chair.

"Of course i'm proud. my production assistant did a great job. now, get busy and brush my hair and get my makeup ready. i have to look great tonight. come on!!! chop chop!!!" Lana said while clapping her hands.

Patti looked at her, but then got up and assisted the "star".

Julie Day was standing next to David Mclane, about to interivew the owner of WOW.

"David, tonight has been wonderful. the atmoshphere has been electric, the matches have been great and our celebrities are having the time of their life. how did you pull it off?"

"Well Julie, it wasnt easy, but then again nothing is too difficult for David Mclane. i am a mover and a shaker. i am a high roller. when i snap my fingers, people UUUUNNHHHHHH"

Riot came into view and decked Mclane in the back with her baseball bat. standing over his limp frame, she wanted to finish the interview. Julie was noticeably nervous. Riot grabbed the microphone.

"David Mclane is an IDIOT. nobody wants to hear him now. they want to hear from the soon to be WOW champion. and that person is ME. the Riot!!!" she looked at Julie quizzicaly. "What's wrong Julie? a little nervous? do your feet itch?"

"No Riot. please..dont..not again.." Julie had trouble looking Riot in the eyes.

"C'mon Julie. look at me. c'mon. coooooooome on. I SAID LOOK AT ME!!!!!" Riot grabbed Julie's cheeks and forced the reporter to look at her. "Tonight, i will destroy Terri Gold. i will not only beat her, i am going to humiliate her!! i will hurt her, and i WILL tickle her feet. i WILL become the new champion. When i'm done, i will celebrate by tickling your soft...tender...ticklish feet. ALL...NIGHT...LONG!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!" Riot then slammed the microphone into Julie's chest and stormed away.

Julie stood there like a deer caught in headlights. she was very scared of Riot. she did not want her feet to be tickled by her again. she looked towards Riot, then ran the other way.


the Disciplinarian made her way to the ring with her serious "teacher" look. holding a duffle bag, and a yard stick, she entered the ring, awaiting her opponent.

"You know Dave, the Disciplinarian is one mean woman. she is trying to teach the other women of WOW some respect." Lee commented.

"You know Lee, you're right. she is one tough woman. i do like the way she writes standards though. i actually hope Paradise is real bad tonight!!" Dave winked.

the music of Paradise hit, and Paradise walked her way to the ring. wearing her floral wrestling attire and green boots, Paradise was ready for action. this was her chance to show she belonged in the elite group of WOW superstars. she got in the ring and the Disciplinarian went after her immediately. after hitting Paradise with a few punches, she threw Paradise against the ropes and then hit her with a clothesline. then she dropped the point of her elbow into the forehead of Paradise. Paradise grabbed her forehead and cried out in pain. Disciplinarian then picked Paradise up by the hair and then scooped slammed her. a kneedrop followed and Dis went for the cover. Paradise kicked out after a 2 count. Dis then suplexed Paradise and bounced off the ropes and did the "Hogan leg drop". again Paradise kicked out after 2. Dis picked her up again, but Paradise countered with a punch to the midsection. then another. when Dis hunched over, Paradise did a high knee lift, and Dis then hit the canvas, flat on her back. Paradise then dropped an elbow and went for the cover. Dis kickout after 2. Paradise then picked up her opponent and slammed her again. she got to the second rope and jumped off, landing an elbow across the chest of the Disciplinarian. again, she went for the cover, and kickout at 2!!

"WOW!!! what a match!!! both women are applying some great wrestling manuevers, but both kickout!!" Lee commented

"This match is going to be action packed!! both women are tough competitors and this match is going to be hotly contested. but damn, i hope i see some tickling!!!" Dave replied back.

"Why do you want to see some tickling. we already have seen a lot tonight." Lee continued.

Dave looked at Lee like Lee asked the dumbest question on Earth. "Of course i want to see some tickling. beautiful women. great physical contact. for crying out loud Lee!!! i AM from the TMF, which by they way is the best website on the planet!!!!" Dave said enthusiastically.

meanwhile back in the ring, Paradise had the upper hand. she managed to put Dis into an ankle lock and applied pressure. Dis crawled her way to the ropes and the hold was broken. Paradise let go, but she wanted to keep the pressure on. she went back for the ankle, but Dis managed to kicked her in the head and Paradise fell back. Dis seized the advantage and applied a DDT to Paradise. 1....2.....KICKOUT!! Paradise kicked out again. Disciplinarian was getting frustrated. she slammed her one more time and went to the top rope. she leaped, trying to land a splash, but Paradise moved out of the way. Paradise rolled over on top of Dis, but again Dis kicked out on two. Paradise straddled Dis and began punching Dis in the head. after 5 blows, the Disciplinarian's head hit the canvas again and Paradise still straddled her. the ref would count, but Dis managed to keep getting shoulder up. Paradies let her arms reach back a little and her hands found the Disciplinarian's ribs. she didnt intend to, but her fingers tickled the ribs of the Disciplinarian. Disciplinarian's body twitched hard and Paradise noticed this. she kept tickling the ribs and she saw Dis trying to hold in the laughter. she kept wiggling her fingers and Dis finally let out a laugh.

"So, you're ticklish??!!! KOOTCHIE KOOTHCIE KOOOOOOOOO!!!" paradise taunted Disciplinarian. she continued to tickle the ribs and Dis was wiggling hard. she was very sensitive in her ribs, but this couldnt be happening to her. she was the one who is supposed to be tickling, not Paradise!!! she started laughing harder and harder. her legs kicked out violently. Paradise was enjoying this. here was this "hard" teacher, laughing her ass off. Paradise wanted to explore this body some more. she got up and Dis tried to get more air in her lungs. Paradise rolled her over onto her stomach and she straddled her back and plunged her arms into Disciplinarian's armpits, sending the woman into hysterics. Paradise felt Dis' body writhing under her and she loved it. she was going to break this evil woman in front of the world. then she thought of the black boots of Disciplinarian. she turned her body around and grabbed an ankle and pulled it up to her chest. she began unlacing the boot. Dis felt this and began to panic. she did not want Paradise touching her feet. she tried kicking her other leg, but it was no use. she tried to reach back with her hands, but again, she couldnt get a good grasp of Paradise. she felt her bootlaces come undone and felt the boot slide off her foot, exposing her black sock. then she felt her sweaty sock peel off her leg, then her ankle, then she felt the arena air hit her heel, then the arch, then the ball then finally off her toes. Paradise threw the sock into the crowd and had a huge grin on her face. she looked down and saw the soft, tender sole of the Disciplinarian. she liked the way it looked. the sole was pale, with a well defined arch. the big toe was prominent and very plump. her other toes seemed to be of equal length except her baby toe which was noticeably shorter than the other toes. all of the toes had some "meat" on them, but the big toe stood out. Paradise saw the toes clench open and close, anticipating their own torture. then it began. a simple fingernail ran across the tender flesh of the Disciplinarian.


Paradise kept tickling. she zigzagged her fingernail across the soft skin and Dis was screaming. Paradise wanted to test those wonderful toes. when her finers dabbled on the soft undersides of the toes, Dis lost it. her arms were flailing wildly. her eyes were bugged out. her mouth wide open and high pitched laughter coming out. Paradise scrabbled her fingers up and down the sole, then concentrating on that spot right where the arch and the ball of the foot meet. that was a real sensitive spot for her. Dis was going nuts. she wanted to get out of this real bad. she then felt Paradise playing with her baby toe. that did it. Disciplinarian lost all control. her eyes closed shut and she laughed and laughed and laughed. she was laughing so much, she didnt even realize that Paradise was unlacing her other boot, taking it off, then peeling off her other sock. once the other foot was exposed Paradise wasted no time tickling that one, renewing the wild laughter of the Disciplinarian. Paradise went after the toes. she loved the way they wiggled wildly while being tickled. Paradise then heard the Disciplianrian collapse to the mat. now she made her mistake. she stopped the foot tickling and got up. she looked down at Disciplinarian. Dis was a wreck. her chest was heaving, she was barely moving. Paradise rolled her over onto her back and went for the pin. 1.......2.......kickout!!!!! Paradise couldnt believe it. she figured she was going to have to force Dis to submit. she went back after the barefeet of Disciplinarian. but this time, Dis kicked Paradise in the head again and Paradise went backwards. Dis got up, planted her soft barefoot into Paradise's stomach, causing her to hunch over, and nailed the Pedigree on Paradise. Disciplinarian was angry. she looked at the stunned Paradise and she didnt want to beat her now. she saw her own barefeet and now, it was her turn to humiliate Paradise. she straddled Paradise's back and plunger her fingers into Paradise's armpits. immediately Paradise laughed. she felt Disciplinarian's fingers probing into her smooth armpits tender flesh. she bucked wildly, but Dis kept on tickling. she then dragged her fingers down the exposed back of Paradise which sent the island woman into giggles, but also made her shiver and get goosebumps. squeezing the baresides of Paradise, Disciplinarian felt the body wiggle and struggle even more. she kept on tickling the back, sides and lower ribcage of Paradise. Paradise was now the one getting tortured. her head was shaking no violently, her arms flapping away, trying to get away from Disciplinarian's tickling fingers, but there was no escape.

"so, you want to humliate me huh? now you will SUFFER!!" Dis yelled into Paradise's ear. Paradise couldnt take anymore. she was slowly losing consciousness. her head hit the mat again and she laid there, laughing away while Dis tickled her body. Disciplinarian then turned around facing Paradise's feet. but she wanted to save those for later. she stared at Paradise's rear end. she saw the floral shorts and began to lightly trace her fingers where the shorts ended and the bareleg was coming out. Paradise's eyes popped open again. she gasped, then she laughed.

"no no no no no no...please!!!!! please not there!!!" she pleaded.

Disciplinarian continued to tickle the back of her legs. Paradise was screaming again. the backs of her legs were very ticklish. she wanted the torture to stop, not just because of the tickling, but because she was getting turned on by it. Disciplinarian's fingers continued to probe the back of her legs over and over. Paradise's legs continued to kick, but they slowed down. her hips begin to grind against the mat. Disciplinarian noticed this and decided she was going to completely humiliate her by making her have an orgasm in the middle of the ring. she then began to tickle the soft inner thighs of Paradise. Paradise was really wiggling now. her laughs became more silent and more moaning was going on. she tried to resist the sexual feeling building up in her. she did not want to orgasm here in the middle of the ring. hell, there were thousands of people here. Disciplinarian knew she had Paradise. the trick was to get Paradise to orgasm without letting the crowd know. she would tickle the backs of the legs, then go for the inner thighs. Paradise couldnt resist anymore, when Disciplinarian accidently hit her crotch area with her tickling fingers, she felt a huge orgasm ripped through her body like an electric shock just hit her. she collapsed. Disciplinarian felt Paradise's body shiver and shake then lie motionless. she rolled her over and pinned her for the 3 count. she got up and looked at Paradise's face. she had a blissful look on her face. Disciplinarian then looked at her own barefeet and then remembered how she felt. now, it was standards time!!!! she went over to her bag and pulled out a ball point pen.

"OH YES!!!!! IT'S STANDARD TIME!!!!!" Dave yelled to the crowd at home.

Disciplinarian rolled Paradise back over onto her stomach and sat by her feet. she knew she would have no trouble getting these boots off. Paradise was too weak from the tickling and also the huge orgasm. Disciplinarian also knew just how sensitive Paradise's body would be now. she unlaced both boots and peeled off them off. she then easily slid the white socks off and stared at Paradise's soles. the soles were tanned and her toes were medium length with a little "pudginess" to them. her big toe was plump, and her other toes looked a little like grapes. the skin was smooth and tender, and Disciplinarian knew, they would be very, very sensitive. she clamped her thighs around Paradise's calves with the soles upturned. she began to write her standards. when the pen rolled across the tender skin, Paradise screamed loud. her feet were so ticklish right now, but she was too weak to even wiggle them. so she suffered while the Disciplinarian wrote over her tender tootsies. Paradise felt the ball point scroll across every ticklish nerve in her foot, sending shock waves coursing through her body. she even felt Disciplinarian scribble between her toes!!!! soon, both feet were covered in ink and Disciplinarian got up. she looked at her defeated foe and smiled. she was definitely going to have to tickle Paradise again!!!

alright fellas, sorry for the short chapter. it is late and i'm tired right now, i didnt want to slack off on the next match. so, i will come back with another exciting chapter. how was this one??
cool. Nice to read this after that awesome WrestleMania yesterday.

HulkaMania is very much alive!

**TTF is going STRONG. hey, after i'm done with this portion of the series, maybe we can do a combined story, much like how WCW "invaded" WWF**

Maybe let some of these gals invade the WWF, and get Trish to agree for a title unification match ;)
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