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W.O.W.E. (Women of Wrestling/WWE Divas/GLOW) (F/F) "A new era" part 2


Nov 28, 2001
okay folks, here is the next chapter for the WOWE. things are setting themselves up and after my real life session with Hollywood which inspired me, things are going to get interesting here in this "RAW" version of WOW. again, my session with Hollywood was terrific and i will do another one with her. the cool thing is, she could be reading this right now! anyway folks, on with the show and your feedback is always welcomed. if you have any ideas, let me know. characters of WOW can be found at www.wowe.com WWE Divas at www.wwedivas.com GLOW characters at www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Network/7076/ Hollywood at www.webkitten.com (make sure you visit!) and Terri Gold at www.heatherlee.org enjoy!

Innocence walked into the tWo dressing room and was greeted with a hug from her "aunt" Hollywood. Innocence just finished making Tiffany Mellons tap out and she held up Tiffany's gold boot like a trophy.

"GREAT JOB OUT THERE!" Hollywood told her niece.

"here you go! one gold boot from one complete airhead! Hollywood, that was SO MUCH FUN! i cant wait to get another one!" Innocence laughed.

"oh you will! you will get opportunities here. i will make sure of it." Hollywood said with a huge smile.

"but what about your match? are you ready?" Innocence asked her.

"i guess so. it should be real EASY. i take on Boom Boom tonight and i will make an example out of her. in fact, i think we need to send a strong message to those WOW girls to show just to show who is in charge! then next week, that new goofy General Manager Stephanie McMahon better give me a title shot at Terri Gold! i never got my rematch after losing my title. it is time to collect what rightfully belongs to me." Hollywood told the rest of the tWo.

"what about Chyna? she seems awfully focused on winning the World title herself." Vince asked.

"i know Chyna wants to win the World title. it's natural. i hope ALL of you want to win the World title one day. i will give Chyna her chance, but deep down, i KNOW that belt belongs to me! now Mystery, you take on another GLOW goof, Cheyenne Cher. make her pay. i never liked her...." Hollywood said.

"i will introduce that loser to the world of the tWo! she will never forget this lesson!" Mystery cackled then left the dressing room.

Lita walked into the dressing room of Terri Gold and saw the World Champion and Beckie, the Continental champion sitting down relaxing. Lita walked in and made eye contact with both women.

"Hi Lita! come in! have a seat!" Terri said with a smile.

"how do you like it here so far?" Beckie asked.

"everything's cool. i'm still trying to get adjusted here. it's a lot different from the WWE." Lita told them.

"yeah, things do get interesting around here. but, we know how talented you are, so you are going to make a huge impact here." Terri told her.

"i hope so. the only thing that i'm concerned about is that tWo. after all the wrestling training i received over the years, i thought i would never have to worry about getting tickled in a match. there's like no preparation for that and i'm really ticklish!" Lita said.

"dont worry about it, we ALL are. it's just something you have to get accustomed to. but, no one said you cant tickle back!" Terri laughed.

"yeah! the women in the tWo are just as ticklish as we are. you have to fight fire with fire!" Beckie told her.

"yeah, but it's just seems so wierd. plus, now that Stephanie McMahon is here, i dont know what's going to happen." Lita said.

"why? she seems nice." Terri asked.

"well, this is Stephanie's 'good side'. she also has a 'bad side'. i hope she stays nice because she could make all of our lives miserable." Lita warned.

"well, let's just make sure she stays nice..." Terri said. ".....in fact, i think i will go speak with her, just to introduce myself really. i'll be right back." Terri said as she walked out the dressing room.




"Ladies and gentlemen! this match is scheduled for one fall! introducing first, representing the Tickling World Order, here is MYSTERY!!!!!!!!" TK81 announced.

the music of the NWO played and smoke appeared at the top of the stage. the crowd booed as a figure emerged from the smoke. Mystery made her appearance and began to walk down the aisle. dressed in her black one piece bathing suit, with black spandex shorts, black boots and a thick nylon mask to hide her face with a hood, Mystery continued her walk to the ring. Mystery was anxious to get this match underway. after losing to Victoria at SCORN, she needed to win to get some momentum back. she wanted to show everyone that she was still a threat and hopefully send a message to Terri Gold or Beckie that she was championship material. she made it to the ring and put her hands in the air as the boos rained in from the crowd.

Lee: "the mysterious one is here! she looks to be in top shape!"

Coach: "of course she's in shape! she is part of the most elite wrestling group in women's wrestling history! the tWo! but, i wonder who she is?"

Lee: "no one knows that...."

Coach: "let's just hope she really isnt Phyllis Diller like Bobby Heenan said."

Lee: "you know, i hope not...ew!"

"....and her opponent!!!! introducing the lovely, CHEYENNE CHER!!!!" TK81 announced.

the music of Cheyenne Cher played and the crowd cheered when she made her appearance at the top of the stage. Cher was dressed in a light blue top with a light blue skirt, that resembled Indian clothing, sheer nude nylons and white mocassin boots. she had a huge smile on her face as she approached the ring and loved hearing the cheers. this was her big chance to make an impression in WOWE and show she does belong here. she was a former GLOW champion and she hoped to one day wear the gold here in the WOWE. she was disappointed she lost her tag team match at SCORN, but she showed that she had the skills to compete. she got to the ring, faced the crowd and acknowledged their cheers.

Lee: "the Indian princess is here! she is absolutely beautiful!"

Coach: "eh, she's AIIGHT! but she's a GLOW girl! there are only two GLOW girls that knew how to wrestle and that's Hollywood and Col. Ninotchka! Mystery is going to scalp this Indian princess!"

Phreakadelic, the referee, called for the bell and the match began. Mystery tried to kick Cher in the midsection, but Cher caught her foot, spun her around, then clotheslined her to the canvas. Mystery got back to her feet and Cher hit her with a standing dropkick. Mystery got back up and Cher then clotheslined her over the top rope and onto the arena floor. the crowd roared in delight.

Lee: "look at Cheyenne Cher go!"

Coach: "this is only the beginning Lee, only the beginning! when Mystery is done with her, Cher is going to wish she hooked up with Sonny Bono!"

Lee: "what? Sonny Bono?"

Coach: "get it? CHER! SONNY BONO?!!! get it?!"

Lee: ".......no."

Coach: "figures....you cant recognize comedy at all can you? all you have to do is look in the mirror!"

Mystery got back into the ring and Cher immediately went after her. she threw Mystery off the ropes and lowered her head to do a back body drop. Mystery stopped in her tracks and kicked Cher in the face. Cher staggered backwards and Mystery delivered a clothesline from hell. Cher's head hit the mat hard and she was dazed. Mystery went for the cover. 1............2.........KICKOUT. Mystery then grabbed Cher by the hair and pulled her to her feet. she then began to chop away at Cher's chest. Cher fell backwards onto the mat and Mystery dropped a leg across her throat. again she went for the cover. 1..........2.......kickout. Mystery screamed at Phreakadelic, but it was only a two count. Mystery then grabbed the Indian Princess' legs and put her in the figure four leglock. Cher screamed in pain as Mystery cinched the move in tight. Phreakadelic asked Cher if she wanted to submit, but Cher screamed "no". Mystery held Cher's moccassin boot in her lap and grabbed it. she looked at Cher's screaming face and began to pull the boot loose. Cher realized what Mystery was doing and began to panic.

"NO!!! PLEASE DONT TAKE MY BOOT OFF!!!" Cher screamed.

with one strong tug, Mystery pulled the boot off, exposing Cher's nyloned covered foot. Mystery looked at the toes of Cher and saw them wiggling in nervous anticipation. Cher's foot looked so delicate and very soft. the nylons were very smooth to the touch. Mystery was going to enjoy tormenting this precious foot. her fingers glided easily from the heel of Cher's foot, up through her arch, over the ball of her foot and right at the base of the toes.


Mystery continued scratching away at the sheer nylon, sending Cher into wild laughter. Phreakadelic asked her if she wanted to give up, but Cher refused. her foot was very ticklish and the nylon seemed to make it worse. Mystery then tickled in between the toes and it drove Cher insane. Cher's eyes were closed shut and her mouth was wide open with a beautiful stream of giggles pouring out from her lips.

Lee: "listen to Cher laugh! wow! her foot must be really ticklish!"

Coach: "it should be over soon! this is payback for Custer!"

Mystery enjoyed playing with the toes of Cheyenne Cher and wanted to play with them forever. she bent the toes back, and tickled the soft nyloned undersides of the digits. Cher laughed even more. Cher knew if she didnt get out of this hold, she was going to submit. she looked over and realized she was near the ropes. she reached over and almost made it to the ropes. Mystery saw Cher close and rapidly scurried her fingers all over the smooth arch. Cher laughed harder but lunged out and grabbed the bottom rope. the crowd cheered and Phreakadelic told Mystery she had to break the hold. Mystery let go and saw Cher trying to catch her breath. Mystery looked at Cher's ankle, then her other boot. she wanted to tickle the other foot. she grabbed the other ankle and pulled the boot off. just when she was about to tickle Cher's newly exposed foot, Cher reached up and put Mystery in a small package pinning manuever. 1...........2..........3!!!!

Lee: "whoa!!!! Cher just pinned Mystery!!"

Coach: "what?!!! what just happened?!!!"

"ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this bout, CHEYENNE CHER!!!!" TK81 announced.

Mystery was in shock as she saw Phreakadelic raising Cher's hand in victory. she then rushed Cher and knocked her to the mat. she grabbed Cher's ankle and began to tickle Cher's foot. Cher cackled more as she felt Mystery's fingers dancing over her sole. Phreakadelic finally got Mystery off of her and mystery screamed like a mad woman. she couldnt believe she just lost the match. she walked back up the rampway in disbelief. she wanted Cher to pay for this humiliation. Cher staggered back to her feet and pumped her fist. this was her first victory in WOW and hope to continue her success. she just prayed no one would tickle her feet anymore. she was that close to submitting.


"Stephanie?" Terri asked.

Stephanie looked up from her desk and saw the WOWE World champion standing in front of her. "hello Terri! please, have a seat."

"i dont think i ever really introduced myself. I'm Terri and i just want to say i am really excited to have you here. the daughter of Vince McMahon can only mean big things here in WOWE!" Terri told her.

"nice to meet you too! you know Terri, when David Mclane told me that i was going to be General Manager, i hoped i would work with you. you are a great champion and look forward to watching you in action." Stephanie told her.

"thank you! i will do my best to represent this brand in a most honorable way!" Terri said with a smile.

"i'm glad you said that. next week, your title is going to be on the line. in fact, all THREE championships will be on the line. in the Tag Team title match, Law & Order will defend against the Beach Patrol, the Continental title will be on the line as Beckie will defend her title against Daffney and the WOWE World title will be defended as you take on......Spanish Red!" Stephanie told her.

"Spanish Red? that should be fun. so, how do you like it here in WOW?" Terri asked.

"it's been a lot of fun! a little different with all this tickling, but quite-" Stephanie tried to say when Chyna barged into the office.

"DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?!!!" Chyna screamed.

"what are you doing here?" Stephanie asked.

"YOU GAVE A TITLE SHOT TO SPANISH RED??!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!" Chyna screamed even louder.

"how did you know? were you eavesdropping?" Stephanie asked.


"first of all, lower your voice. second of all, what makes you deserve a title shot? you lost at SCORN." Stephanie asked.

"You damn well know i can destroy her! this is just payback from me being in the WWE isnt it? i should have known not to trust a McMahon! Terri Gold is a paper champion and i could kick her ass RIGHT NOW!" Chyna then looked at Terri.

Terri stood up from her chair and was face to face with Chyna. Terri was ready for action as she dropped her title belt. she wasnt going to let Chyna intimidate her.

"Chyna, get out of my office. there will be no fighting in here! Chyna, since you are so anxious for action, next week, you will take on Wendi Wheels. you need to PROVE to me you are worthy at a title shot! now GET OUT!" Stephanie demanded.

"Wendi Wheels will DIE next week. dont worry chump, when i'm through with Wendi, YOU'RE NEXT!!!" Chyna told Terri, then left the office.

Terri stood there with a angry look on her face. Stephanie also had a look of anger on her face. she wasnt going to let havoc control her brand.




"ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! introducing first, please welcome BOOM BOOM!!!" TK81 announced.

Polynesian music began to play and the crowd cheered as they saw Boom Boom make her appearance at the top of the stage. dressed in a purple top, with black shorts covered with a grass skirt and yellow boots, Boom Boom began to walk down the aisle. she msiled and waved to the crowd, but she was really nervous. she knew who she was about to face and she knew she was in for a tough battle. but she also knew that if she were to win, it would propel her career into outer space.

Lee: "here comes the lovable Boom Boom! she is one tough woman!"

Coach: "now i see why they call her Boom Boom. llok at those hips and those puppies! BOOM BOOM!!!!"

Lee: ".......havent got any lately Coach?"

Coach: "WHAT?!!! the Coach gets PLENTY EVERY NIGHT!!! what are you talking about Lee? why would you even ask that question?"

Lee: "no reason...."

"....and her opponent!!! she is the leader of the Tickling World Order!!! ladies and gentlemen, here is HOLLYWOOD!!!!" TK81 announced.

the music of the NWO played and the crowd booed heavily as the leader of the Tickling World Order made her appearance at the top of the stage. dressed in a black sports bra with the letters T.W.O. across the front, with black spandex shorts and black boots, Hollywood began to walk down the aisle. she heard the boos but only smiled to herself. Hollywood was happy she finally got rid of Sable and could concentrate on what matters to her. the WOWE World title. she never got a rematch when she lost the title at the TOTAL CONTROL pay per view. she wasnt even involved in the decision. she got to the ring and looked at Boom Boom. she was going to play with this woman and wanted to show everyone she is still the baddest wrestler in WOWE.

Lee: "there she is! perhaps the most dangerous woman in women's wrestling!"

Coach: "FINALLY!!! something we can agree on! Hollywood is the BEST wrestler out there. she has single handedly put WOW on the map and if i were Terri Gold, i would be very afraid if Hollywood wants the title. there is no way Terri can beat Hollywood. NO WAY!"

Lee: "that remains to be seen. but first, she has to beat Boom Boom!"

Coach: "GET REAL Lee!! Boom Boom is going DOWN!!!"

Mr. Macphisto, the referee, called for the bell and the match began. Boom Boom charged towards Hollywood, but Hollywood stepped out of the way and Boom Boom went crashing into the turnbuckles. Boom Boom staggered out of the corner and Hollywood delivered a crushing clothesline. Hollywood chuckled to herself as she saw Boom Boom moaning in pain. Hollywood measured herself and dropped a knee into Boom Boom's chest. she then put her foot on Boom Boom's chest and made the cover. 1...........2.........KICKOUT. Hollywood smiled as Boom Boom got back to her feet. Hollywood then threw Boom Boom off the ropes and tried to do a clothesline. Boom Boom ducked and nailed Hollywood with a monstrous clothesline. Hollywood hit the canvas and Boom Boom followed up with an elbow. Boom Boom made the cover. 1.............2..........KICKOUT. Hollywood was stunned and Boom Boom pulled her up by the hair, scooped her up and slammed her to the mat HARD. Boom Boom then dropped a leg and Hollywood was hurting. Boom Boom went for the cover again. 1............2.........KICKOUT. Boom Boom smiled as she knew she had Hollywood in her control. she looked at Hollywood on the mat and Boom Boom knelt down next to her. Boom Boom then did a "claw" on Hollywood sides, then squeezed her fingers into the sides and Hollywood started to laugh.

"hehehehehehehehehehehe stop!!! stop!!!!! hehehahahahahahahahaha!" Hollywood giggled.

Boom Boom continued the claw and loved watching Hollywood squirming. Boom Boom knew Hollywood was also ticklish and knew she had to take advantage of it. Hollywood felt Boom Boom's strong fingers and the tickling was driving her crazy. Mr. Macphisto asked her if she wanted to submit, but Hollywood refused.

Lee: "are we looking at an upset in the making?"

Coach: "Lee, relax. Hollywood will come through, she always does!"

Hollywood, out of desperation, reached up and raked Boom Boom's eyes, forcing the bigger woman to break the hold. Hollywood got to her feet and decided it was time to end this match. she faced Boom Boom and kicked her in the gut. as Boom Boom hunched over, Hollywood did the pedigree piledriver and Boom Boom was dazed. but, Hollywood wasnt done yet.

"so, you like to tickle huh? let's find your ticklish spot. ah! i know just the right spot!" Hollywood laughed.

Boom Boom moaned in pain then felt her ankles being crossed, then folded against her rear end. she then felt Hollywood sitting on her shins. Hollywood stared at the yellow boots and began to unlace them. the finally got the laces undone and pulled the boots off, one by one, leaving Boom Boom in her socks.

"..please dont do this to me......please...." Boom Boom begged.

Hollywood chuckled to herself and peeled off Boom Boom's socks. she exposed the bigger woman's barefeet and smiled. she looked at the wide soles with meaty toes. she then casually ran her fingers up the pinkish soles, trying to judge how sensitive the feet were. Boom Boom let out a shriek and Hollywood then went to town. her fingers raced up and down the fleshy soles and Boom Boom let the laughter pour out.


Hollywood liked how soft Boom Boom's feet were and continued to play with the feet. she then pulled back the meaty toes that resembled grapes and attacked the delicate undersides. Boom Boom was hysterical and tried to get Hollywood off of her. it was no use as Hollywood kept her position on Boom Boom. Hollywood tickled each toe pad, then attacked the base of the toes, before moving onto the wide balls of Boom Boom's feet. Boom Boom laughed hysterically and couldnt take it anymore when Hollywood scrabbled her fingers wildly on her arches. she tapped out and Mr. Macphisto called for the bell.

"the winner of the match as a result of a submission, HOLLYWOOD!!!" TK81 announced.

the music of the NWO played and Hollywood tickled Boom Boom a little while longer then stood up. she looked at the booing crowd and blew them a kiss. she knew that the fans knew she was back and Terri Gold better be on the lookout. Hollywood wanted her title back and there was going to be nothing or NO ONE to stop her.

Lee: "what a night! Hollywood is one dangerous woman!"

Coach: "we are looking at the NEXT WOWE World Champion! i can feel it in my bones!"

Lee: "well next week's action is going to be hot and heavy! three title defenses, featuring Terri Gold defending her title against Spanish Red! that's all for tonight! good night everybody!"

Coach: "this is the Coach who always says, love peace and hairgrease!"

Lee: "oh brother! see you next week!"


UP NEXT: Beckie defends against Daffney and Chyna takes on Wendi Wheels!!!

okay folks, how did you like this episode? things are going to get interesting as the storyline develops. be sure to visit www.webkitten.com (yes, i am heavily advertising Hollywood's site) and dont forget to also read the other "brand extension" WOWF!!! feedback always welcomed.
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