Just when you thought he was gone...
<Center><FONT SIZE="9"><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Prime Lives!!!!!</FONT></FONT SIZE="9"></Center>
Here are a few finds i have run across. As always some or all may have been seen before. It sometimes happens. 🙂
Here is an index for some videos. I believe the one who made the vids posts in the links section from time to time.
Here is some everyday tickling
http://www.soton.ac.uk/~sutc/graphics/sarah_tickle .jpg
http://www.dumpstermonkey.com/~praxis/media/thanksgivingparty2001/27 - Making Christina laugh.JPG
a geocities page...Its shelflife will be short
A drawing..nice artwork
Not new but a clasic from the old Tracy Ullman show where maggie tickles bart and lisa's feet
Technically these are mpegs, however they have pictures so you can see what they are. That will be my loophole. 😛
Ok this is what i get for not checking my links first. If this link takes you to their homepage. Click the second link on the left side of the page. It will go to some pictures. (looks like i wont need that loophole after all). Then for more pics and vids click the links about the pictures.
Usually i end up with an odd offering. Thats not the case today. This time we have a cute offering. I also believe you can order this item from the site its on. See what you think.
Well thats it for now. I hope everone sees something that they hav'nt seen before.
Soon i hope to have some of my own pics to post. Its just a matter of getting them ready.
<Center><FONT SIZE="9"><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Prime Lives!!!!!</FONT></FONT SIZE="9"></Center>
Here are a few finds i have run across. As always some or all may have been seen before. It sometimes happens. 🙂
Here is an index for some videos. I believe the one who made the vids posts in the links section from time to time.
Here is some everyday tickling
http://www.soton.ac.uk/~sutc/graphics/sarah_tickle .jpg
http://www.dumpstermonkey.com/~praxis/media/thanksgivingparty2001/27 - Making Christina laugh.JPG
a geocities page...Its shelflife will be short
A drawing..nice artwork
Not new but a clasic from the old Tracy Ullman show where maggie tickles bart and lisa's feet
Technically these are mpegs, however they have pictures so you can see what they are. That will be my loophole. 😛
Ok this is what i get for not checking my links first. If this link takes you to their homepage. Click the second link on the left side of the page. It will go to some pictures. (looks like i wont need that loophole after all). Then for more pics and vids click the links about the pictures.
Usually i end up with an odd offering. Thats not the case today. This time we have a cute offering. I also believe you can order this item from the site its on. See what you think.
Well thats it for now. I hope everone sees something that they hav'nt seen before.
Soon i hope to have some of my own pics to post. Its just a matter of getting them ready.
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