Couldn't sleep so figured I'd post the third part of this whole scenario: On the plus side I do have a special guest for this part of the story. Jacqui (J) Is going to fill in some of the parts of the story that I was either fuzzy on or just side commentary, this is going to fairly long as this covers about a two day situation. Special Thanks to M and V of the TMF for Being the worst and best friends a girl can ask for in this situation. The tickling starts somewhere towards the middle of this in case you're wondering.
Hey guys, a little backstory to make you understand a few things about me when I started this job. I grew up on a farm with 3 older brothers all who had moved out so I was the last baby bird in the nest for my dad to employ as indentured servants since we lived under his roof. I was working 30+ Hours, taking care of things on the farm and paying 150 a week Room and board at the time. When I tell you the only thing he provided was food and shelter I mean the only clothes I had at this given moment were the hand me downs from my brothers like the overalls and boots I wore, and a few articles of clothes I found in my moms closet that were left over. I actually thought this was normal at one time which I really hate admitting. Oh! Also to clarify the plumbing situation I saw someone message Nicole/Tygris about, I had a TIG Welder handy that my old Bronco needed for some manifold and exhaust work along with some frame bandaids. I went to a TEC School where I was lucky enough to pick up Welding, Plumbing, Carpentry, Auto Mechanics and a little bit of an Electrical Education. I know you're not supposed to TIG copper pipe for plumbing but given the situation and my lack of oxy acetylene it was a viable fix at the time.
We found ourselves on the 4th of July, one of the biggest holidays a Bar ever sees so I'm expecting a good night and J gets her taste of how crazy things get around here. We're all hands on deck so we've got a full staff.
I walk into the place and its like a circus already, one of our shipments is delayed until the afternoon which puts me in a shit situation meaning I have to pull staff to unload during a busy afternoon/evening. Joe is sitting in his boxers flipping eggs because his tinder date from the night before ended up married and he had to "Yeet" on out of there last minute and his house keys are in his pants. (I can't even make this stuff up). Chelsea's hungover from the night before, one of our busboys calls out sick as does one of our new girls, and to top it ALL off my bar manager decides she's going on a week paid vacation in two days which I tell her like the last 2 times she tried to ninja vacation NO, I need at least LEAST a week in advantage I prefer two thank you. I hated this women, bless her heart, she was my trainer when Chelsea wasn't there and it took everything in my power to remain calm and polite to her
J Walked in a half hour early for her shift and war actually wearing a rather decent sundress that was a little too short for her, sadly it still didn't cover the beat up old redwings she still wore but unless our patrons were TMF members I doubt anyone was staring at her feet for any length of time.
"Hey Liz (My Super Awesome Bar Manager) Can you go over rotations with J its her first holiday schedule.
"Why am I doing it? Why can't you or Chelsea do it" She didn't even bother looking at me while she talked.
"I'm on dock right now (What we call unloading shipment/inventory from deliveries) and Chelsea is on a 15, she's been here all morning and closed last night OH and I asked you to do it, There's that, What do I pay you for if you can't train people?
"You don't pay me, Tony does, so you can shove that attitude.." I was not in the mood for her snarky behavior.
"Yes yes, everything goes up my ass apparently, I'll go work on that, you go teach the newbie" I walked away to go unload.
I spent majority of the morning fixing a flat tire and re-hanging my cat converter on my jeep that later on fell because the other side of the bracket now collapsed and everything was loud and dragging. Then my Jeep wouldn't start and the cop banged my starter a few times to get it going. Thankfully I only received a warning but it was not the way I wanted to spend my afternoon. That's without mentioning my adventure going to Walmart to buy myself a work outfit that looked more like Miss Daisy and less like Old McDonald, only to find out my Old man took out two weeks worth of rent this weekend since I had way too much money in my account at the time according to him so I found myself with 12$. Yay, not having breakfast today and we're going to the dollar store for a dress. Thankfully I left early to give myself extra time, but by the time I got to work I was already a bundle of nerves.
I was pretty lost at this point. The place was already packed by 4 when my shift started I got my morning rib tickle from Joe which was a routine at this point and his way of saying hi, I was polite always and was already used to boys flirting with me with random tickles but I think most girls experience that growing up at some point. It was three days since I messed up an order or broke anything so I had that going for me!.
Liz had been serving two guys at the bar in their mid twenties, Jim and D. I got the gist that they were regulars and were the good ole boy sort. They were waiting on three others to actually grab a booth and eat. I was waiting to get assigned a table at this point but everyone was either asking for a specific waitress or not in my section of the bar. So thankfully had time to grab quick lunch before I started.
"Hey, where do you want me to put J she hasn't been sectioned yet?" Chelsea poked her head into the backroom.
"I dunno, what do you have?" I was trying to finish unloading as fast as possible.
"I got Barside but I wouldn't put her in there tonight, you know Liz is going to transfer all bev's to her number for the tips, J's gonna be lucky to come out with 20 bucks"
"Yeah but Lisa's sections full (My Bar back) so do something" I was already annoyed with Liz syphoning money out of the other girls, she was a manager so she got paid hourly on top of tips, she reasonably didn't need to do that, but its hard to prove who ordered what at the bar or at a table so its he said she said.
"D and Jimmy are in, but that's in Barside" She tilted her head questioningly
"GOOD Do it!, Just watch that fucking tab, she'll make good tips off that" I knew these two, they are rowdy sometimes but overall usually decent.
"Oh lordy, I doubt princess does body shots" She smirked at me, we had a couple customers that would throw a 20 or even a 50 down to do a body shot off a waitress and most of the girls didn't care the guys were relatively well behaved most of the time.
"Ehh…. " I raise my hand in a 50/50 motion "Just keep me updated"
Everything the first hour of that shift was such a blur, I was being bounced around by Liz every chance she could get, I realized she was talking everything out on me that night and there wasn't much I was going to do about it, and I was helping with two other tabs I wasn't even getting paid to do and barely keeping up with the five people I was seated with.
Jim and D were really cool guys complimented me and were pretty well mannered. The three they came with were complete frat boys that stumbled in almost black out drunk already. I told Chelsea at the time who cut them off from the bar, but as soon as Chelsea was away Liz started to serve them on a different tab anyway.
What Nicole said about the Body shots thing was true, the one kid they were with I don't even remember his name but it was obvious he wanted to crawl into my pants any chance he got and offered me 5 bucks for a body which I actually took offense to that point. Jim slapped him upside the head and told him that was embarrassing to even suggest, and apologized for his friend and told me I can take his 5 on top of 20 he put down on the table. Now I've never don't anything like that before but considering I was wearing a dress and only panties under that I told them politely no, and wouldn't want to get in trouble for hiking up my dress for that. D laughed genuinely and threw 50 bucks down on the table and said, Darling that's the best thing I heard all night, you are precious, aint no dress code in a bar but if you're uncomfortable that's another story.
I motioned for Lisa who was passing by to refill two of their shot glasses and lady'd up starting to hike my dress up for a shot. "I grew up with three older brothers on a farm, there's not much that makes me uncomfortable anymore" [It sounded good at the time and would usually be true if I wasn't at work but down the rabbit hole we go]. His friend grabbed the first shot glass and gunned it, turned his head to look at me, and stared to stand up only to stumble and things take a turn for the worse.
I'm hearing a commotion from the floor but I'm assuming/hoping that its business as usual, we haven't had to call the cops yet today so we're doing good for a holiday.
Joe rushes in the back to go get me. "Nic!!! Nic!! We got a fight going on here, you should probably come here"
"The fuck are we fighting about already, its only 5, we still got 9 hours to go??" I should have known better.
"Well one of the guys with Jim, you know the um you know, just threw up all over the place and I mean its ALL over the place mostly on J but, the splash zone was about a table radius away, which hit Zeke and you know how he feels about um, people of that shade"
"Va Fongul…" I put my boxes down and and dash over to go play traffic cop. I get to the floor to find our resident Segregation expert laid out cold on the flood and Chelsea taping her hand up. Jim and D were helping their friend up who was covered in alcohol, blood and vomit, and helping them out the door.
"I turned to Lisa and before I could open up my mouth"
"Black kid exploded like a fountain covered J, and like 2 other tables, including Zeke, Zeke Swung, Chelsea swung, we have two people with broken noses and unconscious"
"Of course, why not, cops being called?" I look over at Chels.
Chel bursts out laughing. "Are you kidding me, you think those fluthered fucks want either of vehicles searched?"
"Ah yes.. silly me, whatever less paperwork, you good to serve?" I motion to Chelsea
"Little knackered from last night but, trip to the jacks and I'll be right as rain" (You know there's moments I don't understand a damn thing that comes out of her mouth)
I pat her on the back, and ask the obvious now "Where's J?"
Liz butts into our conversation and slides in "Crying in the bathroom most likely" She motions to the backroom.
"Why is she in the back? I almost don't want to ask whats wrong with the Girls bathroom but Lisa chimes in.
"Oh yeah there's some old guy passed out in the Ladies room and..."
"Handle it!" I trot off to the back room and follow the footprints of used alcohol and hotwings to find a distraught J in her bra and panties, boots and dress on the sink, and scrubbing her way back to the door trying to clean the trail she left"
"Hey, I heard the news, you got officially bar christened congratulations" I try to get a smile out of her at least.
"I am so sorry I will clean the mess up, I just needed to get out of those because they were tracking mo.."
"Shhh, you're fine you didn't throw up on yourself, you're the victim, hush and get yourself cleaned up first!" My head turns as the waft hits me.
"Oh, yeah, I should, I just thought.." I interrupted her again
"Just.. stop overthinking and take care of yourself first" I take a seat on the Toilet grabbing one of her boots and starting to clean it off for her.
"You really don't have to, I'm sure you have a ton of other important things right now"
"Yeah, like hiding in the back because I don't want to deal with that nonsense right now"
" I will run back home and grab a change of clothes I'm sorr.. " She Yelps as I grab her waist unexpectedly squeezing a few times making her knees buckle a bit.
"No S word, what did I say?, Only S word I'm going to hear is Squeak."
"I can go home if .." (-sigh- Girly, just stop arguing please..)
"I need you, I'm short staffed and you live an hour away not happening" I turn the boot over and realize its a Mens Size 7 and my brain starts to hurt.
"Mens?, Lemme guess your brothers??"
"Yeah they were supposed to go to my other brother Daryl but he couldn't fit into them and I'm a 7 1/2 in women's so they're a little big but they work"
(Ahh.. 7 1/2 you say..) "Ahh, ditch the socks por favor" As I patted my lap.
"Oh, Okay" I don't think she even questioned it in her head, she just peeled her socks off and then looked at both her feet probably wondering which was was the correct one to put up first. She looked at me like some maid bot waiting for new orders to input.
I really didn't, I had so much on my mind and It didn't seem like a weird request so I didn't think much of it. The socks were damp anyway
She guessed what foot she thought I wanted first and put it in my lap. They were cute, honestly and in better shape then I was imaging a farmgirls to be in, no polish which wasn't surprising, we'll have to fix that some day, cute toes, narrow foot, high arch. Heels and ball of the foot had seen better days and were calloused as all hell, but her arch felt it never touched by man nor beast, which my nails "May" have produced a rather lovely sweet giggle as I accidently grazed it. I smirked as she had to keep her balance to not fall.
"But I can't.." She started to say.
"You can, just hold still" I was fiddling with the latch.
She starts to comply and keeps her balance as my nail may have strayed while trying to lace up the shoe slipping into exposed, I can see her biting her lip and trying not to laugh.
"I mean I can't walk in these...I've never tried" She finally says stifling a giggle.
Chelsea's voice rings into the backroom as I hear a whistle and a giggle from her "Oo what a grand sight, don't worry you learn quick momma's gonna teach you"
J looks down and I think now finally realizes she's standing half naked in my bathroom as she gives me her other foot. Sadly I make this one go very quickly with Chelsea around, at least I had fun the first time.
"Shhh… Go back to not caring, I'm used to this cowgirl prancing around in her underwear what's another one?"
"I don't prance" Chel gives me a look.
I close the bathroom door at this point, and remove my skirt, handing it to J. Who NOW is blushing, and takes it.
"Speaking of, Strip now" I snap at Chelsea twice who gives me a comical confused look.
"Be careful what you wish for Darlin I'll take you seriously" she puts a hand on her hip.
"Yes Seriously, strip, I need your 2 piece" (For anyone who read the second part Chels was going to a pool party tonight so I knew she had her swimsuit under her outfit and we've been stealing each others clothes since highschool)
At this point I slipped out of my halter and was standing sideways to at least try to be discreet. Since the halter was very padded I didn't wear a bra with it barely ever, and tossed it to her.
"I..don't think I" J trailed off staring between me and Chelsea who was already down to her swimsuit.
"Sweetie, if I'm getting naked at work, you're putting that outfit on, I have to get something out of this" Chel muses tossing me her top.
(Now in retrospect this wasn't anything strange to us, we were used to swapping clothes, makeup, polish, food but to a new girl especially a sheltered one I can imagine now looking back how this played out)
"Chels really?? " Looking over my shoulder and yelling at her for lack of discretion, and slipping on the top I noticed Chelsea had J's face vice gripped in one hand and eyeliner in the other. (I don't want to know where she pulled that out of)
"What? She has tits, She's seen tits before, She has the internet at home" She's giving me her are you serious look. as she's made lipstick appear now. like she's David Copperfield. (I'm done)
"Um, I actually don't have a computer at home" J replies and we both look at her like she's a plague victim.
(I can't even make this shit up, the next moment I will let Jacqui tell it from her perspective)
Oh boy, let me embarrass myself. Thank you sooo much. Alright, Nicole was right, I wasn't used to any of this, but I mean, again to reiterate I have three older brothers and teenage boys can be very gross. If I was having any second thoughts or regrets about the whole body shot thing and getting in trouble, this right here did away with ALL of that. I just accepted the fact I was being dressed and makeup being put on me. After admitting I didn't own a computer and sounding Amish my brain went into panic mode trying not to sound weird and what came out sounded better in my head.
"I've seen tits though, lots of them so its okay" And they both looked at me and started laughing and I got a little more flustered
"That's not what I mean, like not a lot but nice ones I guess" Yep Jacqui you're doing great.
Chelsea of course had to chime in with "So mine are nice right?"
"No!! I mean.. " I was stammering at this point.
"They aren't?! Chelsea replied in a faux mocking tone.
"Yes ,I mean I don't know, that isn't what I meant" I could not form sentences.
"What about Nic's are they nice?" She asks with that famous grin of hers.
"She didn't even see mine you ass" Nicole retorted.
"You weren't paying attention?" Chelsea kept digging me deeper with every comment.
"No! I was, I saw them they're Okay"
"Wait, you did? They're just Okay?" Nicole almost seemed sad/upset to hear that.
I was already quickly putting on this outfit, Chelsea was fixing my hair as this exchange was going on, and good lord in heaven this top was not made for me I am spilling out of this thing if I breathe too heavily. which, Que Chelsea grabbing my waist after finishing with my hair to make me jump squeak and bounce right out of my top momentarily. I finally hit my point for the day.
"You know what??, they are Fantastic, this Skirt is adorable and I can't breathe in this top can I Please go now?"
I'm trying to stuff myself back into this corset, I just need to get through this shift.
I tried to play it cool and opened the bathroom door only to take two steps and fall flat on my face in those heels.
The two of them died, I look over to find them rolling on the floor laughing Nicole is nearly in tears by the end of it.
SEE TMF'RS!!! I can make people laugh till tears come out without ticking them, Top those skills!
Yeah so, J got a makeover over in the bathroom in record time, and I got to tickle her for a few minutes. All in all fair trade I was happy, and well she looked damn good in Chels Handiwork and my wardrobe. I was thanking god at that point I was born a female or that bikini bottom would have been torn right in half.
So I padded around barefoot in a bikini the rest of the night pretty much, My plan was to run back home and grab a change of clothes since I live only 15mintes away but, we got slammed the rest of the night and I didn't get a second to myself after that. The commentary I heard when J walked out into the floor, I couldn't tell who was more impressed, the staff or the patrons who recognized her. All in all It seemed like she had fun and she only stumbled once the rest of the night trying to walk around and didn't break anything which was even more surprising.
I want to interject here and just demystify that statement. It really does wonders when you have properly fit and sized shoes for once.
Everyone had a blast that night, there wasn't any more instances past the Zeke situation and J made over 300 in tips (Well my halter top did if we're being honest) I honestly can't disagree with this
I was ping pong ball all night but I can tell you there were a few tickling instances during the night mostly due to body shots (Yay for body shots) from patrons and staff alike, but I would be lying if I tried to recount any of them clearly other than Lisa spending an entire 5 minutes trying not to spill her shot because she couldn't hold still long enough. Only reason I was even aware of it outside of her giggling was they asked me if I was going to dock her pay for alcohol abuse.
Well nights over, J goes home, Chel, Lisa, Joe, all the rest of the staff you know nothing about. Its 2:30 in the morning and (Yes I'm still in a bikini barefoot, I didn't think this through very well but oh well) I head to my car, to find 2 left in the parking lot, Mine, and J's … Huh.. That's not right.
Now honestly, first thing I'm thinking of, is she got kidnapped, I mean she looked like a snack so my sick mind started coming up with all kinds of scenarios, and I got mad, because if anyone was gonna get to surprise adopt her I wanted first dibs.
Well, thankfully I saw her sleeping in her Jeep curled up on the front seat. So false alarm. Turns out her car didn't start so she tried to take a nap in the parking lot so she wouldn't be late for work the next morning. I can't even get grown ass adults to give me this kind of commitment nevermind a millennial. I called AAA to see when the nearest truck would be, and they were estimating at least an hour wait.
I sure as hell not leaving her in the parking lot alone to wait for this. and I told her we'd deal with it in the morning.
"Just hop in my car, we both come in tomorrow at the same time, no reason I can't drive you."
"It's fine I will wait for the tow truck and I'll find a way in tomorrow, I don't want to impose you've done enough already tonight which thank you so much"
"Hey, don't worry about it, it's how we roll here, you get used to it, and No, you're not waiting around alone to get kidnapped, you know how much blonde blue eyed girls are worth?"
She looks at me for a moment and I can tell she doesn't know what to say to that.
"Is.. that a thing?, I don't know if you're messing with me or not now" She keeps looking at me suspiciously as she yawns.
"Um.. Yeah totally, if you don't believe me, hurry up come're you can google it back at my house" I pick her up out of her front seat and she throws her arms around my neck for support.
"Besides, I need my clothes back and that requires you coming with them, can't leave you here naked then something DEFINITELY would happen" I nod as she strangely isn't arguing the fact.
I get halfway to the car and she finally pipes up
"Okay Okay, I can walk the rest of the way, besides my back hurts and I'm not too sure if its this shirt or the Jeep"
"You realize that has support right you don't need a bra?" I look up at her and she just looks down at the shirt and glances away.
"I'll take that as a no, I am going to have to teach you how to woman, you can either remove the bra, or .."
"She didn't waste any time removing both and slipping back into the shirt" She laughs tugging at the shirt adjusting it.
"Well, that works too" I shake my head at her
"I'm sorry... Its just you me and the Coyotes I'll take my chances" I didn't waste an opportunity to make her squeak with a well timed squeeze of her sides.
"Well the Coyotes are perverts, lets get in the car before they get any ideas"
The ride home was fun, we shot questions back and forth, til we got back to my place. I walked in and immediately starting pouring a drink.
Offered her one and she tried to refuse saying she's underaged.
"Drinking age is 18 in this house, you telling me you DON'T drink?" Looking hella hard at her.
"Moonshine and Whisky, but.."
"Good Whisky is it, Fireball is on the menu tonight" I poured two drinks and plopped down on the couch, putting my feet up on the ottoman. She was in the chair across from me, looking like she was at an interview. Sitting up straight and looking around like she's in willy Wonka's factory. That's when I noticed she actually took her shoes off at the door. (Oh thank god, someone I don't have to teach this).
We both commented that we were wide wake at this point so, I went and grabbed some salsa, and chips, realized she didn't move a muscle, poured seconds on drinks and started in on small talk. She thanked me again for everything that went on today and I told her to keep the outfit she obviously fills it out better than I do, and I haven't worn those shoes in probably 6 months they only been worn twice before they got lost in my closet into the abyss.
"They were definitely more comfortable than the boots, I was surprised"
"Yeah that's depressing, that's how you know you have terrible shoes when a pair of heels are better" "But naw they are Doc martins, I went with them because if they expect me to be on my feet for 10+ hours a day in heels they sure are as hell better be comfortable. I just ended up misplacing them and ended up buying another pair"
"Oh, wow are you sure yo-"
"Yes don't argue take'm, they will sit in my closest another 6 months til I remember they exist, unless you'd rather go back to the Farmer Ned Look"
"No, they are really nice, thank you.." She trails off looking down at her feet for a moment"
"Hm...?" Now I have zero clue whats going on through that little mind of hers.
"Oh sorry, I was thinking I might want to get my nails done If I'm going to be wearing those in a business setting"
(Yes, yes yes you do) I still laughed at the last part of that.
"Sweetie you work at a bar, you can barely call us family friendly let alone a business setting, but yeah, that would definitely be a plus getting a mani/pedi at some point" This girl was so smart yet so naïve sometimes.
She gave me a side glance that told me pretty much everything
"You seriously aren't going to tell me you haven't had either.."
"I had a manicure once for prom, that was about it but most of it chipped off three days later from working on the farm" She shrugged and looked down.
"Oh good lord, did you have a childhood?? Sleepovers? Girl Gossip?? Anything" I, have no words at this point.
"I went over a friends house once for a birthday party when I was 12, does that count?" She is biting her lip and fidgeting in her seat.
"You're killing me J.. Fuck this we are fixing this now, right meow, You! Couch! Now!" I bolt off into the other room. and return several minutes later with my kit. and I'll be damned, she moved to the couch sitting there looking up at me.
I didn't even give her any more instructions, I swung her legs over into my lap and told her to pick a color.
She laughs at how many colors there are, amazed, and finally finds a midnight blue she likes. I probe her for some more life stories because I now have to know how bad this is. But in the mean time, she starts getting her first pedicure ever.
I started off slow with the massage, that almost put her to sleep, her foot kept twitching slightly anytime I wandered near her arch which I may or may not have done purposely several times. Then came the pumice stone.
"Now, I know from trying to put my heels on you, earlier, you're pretty ticklish"
"Yeah, it's pretty bad sometimes, is that going to be a problem?" She asked with a straight face.
(Oh boy..)
"For me?? Not at all, but I'm not gonna lie this is probably going to suck, on the bright side, it'll get rid of all the callouses and fix these hooves of yours, So.. last chance to back out now" (Please don't, I'm hoping to enjoy this..)
She went from a concerned look on her face to rolling her eyes and taking another big mouthful of her whisky.
"Three brothers remember? I'll survive, just.. fix it please" She gives a laugh.
"I'm not joking, this will probably take a half hour to an hour with these" (Why am I giving her another chance at an out)-sigh-
"Then I'm going to need another drink probably" And finished whats in her glass. I think she finally loosened up.
That's pretty accurate, I stopped freaking out at the realization I was in my boss's house at 4 in the morning, after having one of the worst days, a boss I had already seen mostly naked earlier that day not to even mention another co worker. No transportation, my phone dead, and I've been nothing but a pain in the ass all week. That and two glasses of whisky was a good wind down I have to say.
You don't have to tell me twice, I immediately gave her mine. and started up on her.
That was awesome, I had never actually given a pedicure before other then myself so I got to take my time working over every inch from heel to balls of her feet. The minute the stone hit her foot, she was already tensing up her heel was the easiest for her to handle which is why I started there. I kept a small circular motion going with the stone just taking my time I wasn't in any rush. as soon as I reached the ridge between her heel and arch the show got much more interesting as she had to put her drink down and cling to the couch the entire time trying not to make a scene.
I was so damn determined not to let that get to me, it was basically a personal challenge at the time and I wanted to get through it without having something else for her to poke fun at me for. If you spent any more time near either of my arches that night I was going to chew through my wrist.
I found out her instep wasn't all that sensitive at all, the ridge on her heel/arch was especially good but when I got to the dead center of her arch, and worked that over real slow. I had to stop when her legs were shaking and her knuckles were turning white from squeezing the couch so hard. Oh and was not sure if I was going to wake the neighbors because the across the street dog was barking from her high pitched suppressed squeaky giggles.
When I was finished with one foot, I actually expected her to nope out of that whole situation but she grabbed her drink again, took another swig and put the other in my lap while rubbing her other foot for comfort.
I repeated the same process to her right foot which I could have sworn gave me better results but it might have been the fact she was a bundle of nerves at the time as well. That was when I got to test out if her toes were ticklish, and they didn't seem to be, but that was actually the first time she told me to be careful and try to avoid that. So I figured it was having other effects on her that we weren't going to explore that night at least. I was already enjoying the entire situation I wasn't going to push it any further then I was.
Shut up.. Shut up.. Deny Deny
When all was done with the pedicure It actually did take about an hour, and I was thoroughly shocked she survived the entire thing.
Survived is a subjective word. Ill get back to you on that later.
She liked the polish job I did and was admiring them for quite some time, she didn't even bother to remove her feet from my lap. The next time she took a drink I did swipe three fingers into the arch of her foot very quickly her squeak and let out an exhausted giggle, making her spill the drink all over herself.
I was snickering and actually kind of felt bad, I didn't actually expect her to spill it, just almost. but she immediately apologized for getting it all over my couch and floor.
(Oh lord I make you spill something and you resort to apologizing immediately, this is gonna be interesting)
So I played into it, I know I know I was a little bit of a brat about it.
"I guess I'll forgive you, but you have to go replace my drink since that was mine anyway, if ya manage to to do that I'll stop tickling ya for the night and leave ya alone"
She agreed quick as hell, and grabbed the glass, and asked me what I wanted. -Blink- -Blink- Alright, I was just going to see how long it took her to find a bottle of fireball, but..
"Sidecar please, remember you screw it up..."
"Yeah I know, Squeak toy" (Damn this is the easiest bet I ever won, this girl can't even remember an order)
Now, three minutes later she comes back with what I'm assuming is a screwdriver for herself (I really hope you didn't put whisky in orange juice), and … I don't want to say this, but it looks like a Sidecar.
Well, yolo right?? I take a sip and.. I might be out of a job soon. This bitch mixed me a perfect cocktail from memory and one that isn't all that common either so now I am baffled.
"Alright What the Fuck.." I must have said it louder than intended because she near jumped off the couch, and looked at me, with her mouth open.
"I..Is it bad? I thought.." She got a little silent and moved her legs a little closer to me not sure what to do I'd imagine
"Oh.. " I cracked up realizing how that sounded, "I'm sorry but how.. in the hell can't you remember an order or who gets it, but you mix drinks that require a hell of a lot more precision to remember, You made that prolly as quick as I can and.. you only gonna hear this once but this might taste better than mine. "
She finally just flops backwards on the couch from holding her frozen pose this entire time. "Oh I thought I did something wrong, I've been mixing drinks since I was 9? My old man enjoys his nightly cocktails so, I just picked it up over 9 years"
"That's mildly depressing and impressive, well if I ever fire you from being a waitress, you are being hired as a bartender" I raise my hand to high five her and she just is a ball of giggles now.
"I'm only 18 so I don't know how that is going to work" She thought my offer was wishful thinking.
"Fam, I'm gonna tell you the same thing MY boss told me when I took this job at 16, "You let me worry about that, if I tell them you're 21, ain't no one in their right mind going to question me on that."
"Huh? How does that work?" She looked excited now at the prospect.
"I have no clue, haha, I let him do the paperwork and deal with that, I learned a long time ago never to question a man who speaks fluent Italian and Russian"
We had a good laugh together and she asks me about a phone charger, because I may have carried her off from her car, and she forgot it in the front seat. So, after figuring out which one she needed, it was actually the old Samsung charger from back in the day (Why am I not surprised) I had to go digging so I did what any good lazy pretty buzzed girl would do and hung over the side of the couch trying to paw at the outlet socket hoping to get lucky. I must have looked kind of funny draped over the couch with my ass in the air, because I feel J's foot pushing me lightly on it.
I'd like to point out that I don't remember much of anything past this point I think that last drink just did me in
"Do you mind? I look over my shoulder to find her giggling to herself, (yeah she's gone) and she responded with something I couldn't even make sense of. So she pushes on my ass again trying to fake push me off, and I turn to her again.
"I will come over there, and record all those nice noises you make for the rest of the bar to hear"
She started giggling again.
"I'll just record you back and then we'll see about that" Is roughly what I heard and that's when I definitely knew she was out of it.
"You're drunk, go lay down" I told her, just as I finally got her stupid charger plugged in. VICTORY!
"No, you're drunk" (Awesome comeback J Grade A material)
"I'm halfway there, but at least I don't squeak and abuse alcohol" I retorted, why was I even playing her game.
"Well That's not what Chelsea told me, " And she started to say something incoherent.
Time to shimmy my ass out of this position and take her to bed. At least that was the plan. until I think I hit the challenge button somewhere. and just and I pushed myself back up into a kneeling position on the couch, I feel the dead weight of her on the back of my legs as I crash back down on the couch. (Good lord you are a heavy drunk lady *whine* )
"Well, lets see if she was wrong" (Thanks a lot Chelsea, I'm gonna kill you when I see you tomorrow)
You know for a farmgirl she had decently long nails, I digress. and I felt it a moment later before I could register what was going on, several nails wandering down both of my arches. NOT prepared for this tonight. I choked out a giggle immediately and tried SO hard to get my bearings but that little witch just didn't give me a second. I could feel her doing what I guess she remembered me doing to her during that pedicure, working my arch in a sloppy, but slow circular strokes that was not doing me any favors right now.
I tried to lift her off the back of my legs but this girls got thighs like king kong. And well, I'm pretty damn drunk at this point so my coordination in that position wasn't too good either.
8 years of horseback riding, you should try it sometime
She kept laying into my feet like that for over a minute with the same speed same motions til I couldn't deal, I finally broke down into a giggling mess, she didn't explore all too much other then dipping down to the ridge where my heel and arch meet which isn't super terrible for me, but it still tickles like hell so I realized she had just mimicked very quickly through experience what drove her nuts. (Which I'm glad! Amen, This could have gotten SO much worse)
I'm glad to say she didn't get me begging or close to tapping out there, but she definitely did rile me up with that situation lasting 2 minutes straight before she stopped. I realized in that position she could have kept me there for a bit unless one of us got hurt to get out of that. So thankfully she wasn't too blood thirsty. Heck I'll take the hour I had with her for 2minutes of revenge any day.
Should have tickled a raise out of you, I wish I remembered this part.
After she rolled over, and I got my wind back, she looked pretty satisfied with herself, and in my pretty blitzed state, my sick mind took over again.
"Did you just assault your boss??" I looked at her.. and she looked like she sobered up real quick. Before she had a panic attack
"I didn't mean, I.." I just straight decked her with a pillow from the couch.
"Shush I'm kidding, you are easy to fuck with" She looked up at me with her disheveled hair like she couldn't believe what just happened.
"You Suck, you know that?" She was still slurring her words so, I knew it was time for bed.
I realized it was past 5am at this point. Ugh. this was going to be a long day. I helped her up off the couch and she asked where she was sleeping.
"Um.. hah, I actually forgot to to setup the spare bedroom, I got a big bed, that's my best offer right now."
"Okay" I probably could have told her the middle of the street at that point, don't think her answer would have changed.
She seemed exhausted as soon as she got into bed she passed out completely. I got my 4 hours of sleep before my alarm went off, as I woke up with a J paperweight, I was being used as her body pillow apparently. which was cute other then the drool on my shoulder. It took me about 5minutes to pry her off me without waking her up. I wasn't going expect her to show up to work hung over so, I let her sleep in.
I'd take a shot when I got to work to get rid of the headache and C'est la vie.
I Left her a note on my door, and told her I'd be back around 6-8pm Feel free to eat what ever is in the house, take a dip in the pool, shower, just relax, she's taking a paid sick day. She had my number to get a hold of me, but we'd talk about the jeep later. If she really wanted to help she could look up starter prices online using my laptop.
Well my shift was supposed to be at 10 and I woke up at almost noon so after my initial heart attack subsided and I couldn't remember most of the previous night other than getting a pedicure. Paid Sick Time? I didn't even know I had that, Neat. It took me a while to even get out of bed. My head was spinning I was hungover. Most of the morning was spent trying to process the last 24 hours. I was in this really nice house wearing this 200$ outfit I was just given. I didn't even call my old man to tell him what happened, I'm fairly sure I'm dead when I get home later. Well, I made it 18 years. It was a good run.
After taking the longest shower of my life and realizing I still didn't have clothes. Good lord Jacqui you are mildly retarded at the best of times. I sat there stark ass naked with a towel wondering what to do next.
--Hey Nicole? Do you have a moment?
You didn't burn the house down yet did you?
--No! Everything is fine, I just wanted to thank you again for last night.
Np hun, just grab somn to eat n work off that hangover. Take a shower
-- About that, I did take a shower, but my clothes are still in the Jeep
White Dresser, top drawer, socks , middle drawer underwear. bottom drawer don't go into until your 21.
--I don't really wear socks usually and only shoes I have are those heels.
Then go barefoot -shrug-Black closest, Find somn to wear, keep it, Touch my Tripp pants I cut you.
--You aren't going to let me say no are you?
Good girl =^_^= you catch on. Go find starter prices, or take a swim.
--Okay. Thank you!!
Oh boy. What are Tripp pants?... How am I going to going to know if I'm touching them or not. Hmph. I'm just going to stay here in my underwear.
Wow this laptop is almost as old as I am. Lordy. I watched it boot up which I probably could have taken a swim and cleaned the rest of the house before that happened. I decided to make something to eat first. As I came back I opened up Internet Explorer and started to look for Car Parts.
-DING- [Yahoo Messenger]
[So you're giving her another week?]
--[Yeh, she cute and she did fix my pipes]
[Well that's always a good thing]
-- [I got some other pipes that she could fix If she wants]
[From what you described I don't blame you]
-- [Hey, a girl can dream, I'd die a happy tiger if I could tickle and fuck that accent off her, just once before she gets fired]
[You said she was 18 right?]
-- [She Legal =^_^= ]
-- [I gtg adult n shit I'll brb]
[Haha I guess I will live vicariously through you, give me a text if you need anything I might not be on later though]
----------------Previous Messages--------------------------------------------------
[Hey Happy 4th! Where have you been hiding?]
-- I apologize, Nicole isn't on right now, but I can take a message if need be.
[Wait fuck that accent off... what?]
Hey guys, a little backstory to make you understand a few things about me when I started this job. I grew up on a farm with 3 older brothers all who had moved out so I was the last baby bird in the nest for my dad to employ as indentured servants since we lived under his roof. I was working 30+ Hours, taking care of things on the farm and paying 150 a week Room and board at the time. When I tell you the only thing he provided was food and shelter I mean the only clothes I had at this given moment were the hand me downs from my brothers like the overalls and boots I wore, and a few articles of clothes I found in my moms closet that were left over. I actually thought this was normal at one time which I really hate admitting. Oh! Also to clarify the plumbing situation I saw someone message Nicole/Tygris about, I had a TIG Welder handy that my old Bronco needed for some manifold and exhaust work along with some frame bandaids. I went to a TEC School where I was lucky enough to pick up Welding, Plumbing, Carpentry, Auto Mechanics and a little bit of an Electrical Education. I know you're not supposed to TIG copper pipe for plumbing but given the situation and my lack of oxy acetylene it was a viable fix at the time.
We found ourselves on the 4th of July, one of the biggest holidays a Bar ever sees so I'm expecting a good night and J gets her taste of how crazy things get around here. We're all hands on deck so we've got a full staff.
I walk into the place and its like a circus already, one of our shipments is delayed until the afternoon which puts me in a shit situation meaning I have to pull staff to unload during a busy afternoon/evening. Joe is sitting in his boxers flipping eggs because his tinder date from the night before ended up married and he had to "Yeet" on out of there last minute and his house keys are in his pants. (I can't even make this stuff up). Chelsea's hungover from the night before, one of our busboys calls out sick as does one of our new girls, and to top it ALL off my bar manager decides she's going on a week paid vacation in two days which I tell her like the last 2 times she tried to ninja vacation NO, I need at least LEAST a week in advantage I prefer two thank you. I hated this women, bless her heart, she was my trainer when Chelsea wasn't there and it took everything in my power to remain calm and polite to her
J Walked in a half hour early for her shift and war actually wearing a rather decent sundress that was a little too short for her, sadly it still didn't cover the beat up old redwings she still wore but unless our patrons were TMF members I doubt anyone was staring at her feet for any length of time.
"Hey Liz (My Super Awesome Bar Manager) Can you go over rotations with J its her first holiday schedule.
"Why am I doing it? Why can't you or Chelsea do it" She didn't even bother looking at me while she talked.
"I'm on dock right now (What we call unloading shipment/inventory from deliveries) and Chelsea is on a 15, she's been here all morning and closed last night OH and I asked you to do it, There's that, What do I pay you for if you can't train people?
"You don't pay me, Tony does, so you can shove that attitude.." I was not in the mood for her snarky behavior.
"Yes yes, everything goes up my ass apparently, I'll go work on that, you go teach the newbie" I walked away to go unload.
I spent majority of the morning fixing a flat tire and re-hanging my cat converter on my jeep that later on fell because the other side of the bracket now collapsed and everything was loud and dragging. Then my Jeep wouldn't start and the cop banged my starter a few times to get it going. Thankfully I only received a warning but it was not the way I wanted to spend my afternoon. That's without mentioning my adventure going to Walmart to buy myself a work outfit that looked more like Miss Daisy and less like Old McDonald, only to find out my Old man took out two weeks worth of rent this weekend since I had way too much money in my account at the time according to him so I found myself with 12$. Yay, not having breakfast today and we're going to the dollar store for a dress. Thankfully I left early to give myself extra time, but by the time I got to work I was already a bundle of nerves.
I was pretty lost at this point. The place was already packed by 4 when my shift started I got my morning rib tickle from Joe which was a routine at this point and his way of saying hi, I was polite always and was already used to boys flirting with me with random tickles but I think most girls experience that growing up at some point. It was three days since I messed up an order or broke anything so I had that going for me!.
Liz had been serving two guys at the bar in their mid twenties, Jim and D. I got the gist that they were regulars and were the good ole boy sort. They were waiting on three others to actually grab a booth and eat. I was waiting to get assigned a table at this point but everyone was either asking for a specific waitress or not in my section of the bar. So thankfully had time to grab quick lunch before I started.
"Hey, where do you want me to put J she hasn't been sectioned yet?" Chelsea poked her head into the backroom.
"I dunno, what do you have?" I was trying to finish unloading as fast as possible.
"I got Barside but I wouldn't put her in there tonight, you know Liz is going to transfer all bev's to her number for the tips, J's gonna be lucky to come out with 20 bucks"
"Yeah but Lisa's sections full (My Bar back) so do something" I was already annoyed with Liz syphoning money out of the other girls, she was a manager so she got paid hourly on top of tips, she reasonably didn't need to do that, but its hard to prove who ordered what at the bar or at a table so its he said she said.
"D and Jimmy are in, but that's in Barside" She tilted her head questioningly
"GOOD Do it!, Just watch that fucking tab, she'll make good tips off that" I knew these two, they are rowdy sometimes but overall usually decent.
"Oh lordy, I doubt princess does body shots" She smirked at me, we had a couple customers that would throw a 20 or even a 50 down to do a body shot off a waitress and most of the girls didn't care the guys were relatively well behaved most of the time.
"Ehh…. " I raise my hand in a 50/50 motion "Just keep me updated"
Everything the first hour of that shift was such a blur, I was being bounced around by Liz every chance she could get, I realized she was talking everything out on me that night and there wasn't much I was going to do about it, and I was helping with two other tabs I wasn't even getting paid to do and barely keeping up with the five people I was seated with.
Jim and D were really cool guys complimented me and were pretty well mannered. The three they came with were complete frat boys that stumbled in almost black out drunk already. I told Chelsea at the time who cut them off from the bar, but as soon as Chelsea was away Liz started to serve them on a different tab anyway.
What Nicole said about the Body shots thing was true, the one kid they were with I don't even remember his name but it was obvious he wanted to crawl into my pants any chance he got and offered me 5 bucks for a body which I actually took offense to that point. Jim slapped him upside the head and told him that was embarrassing to even suggest, and apologized for his friend and told me I can take his 5 on top of 20 he put down on the table. Now I've never don't anything like that before but considering I was wearing a dress and only panties under that I told them politely no, and wouldn't want to get in trouble for hiking up my dress for that. D laughed genuinely and threw 50 bucks down on the table and said, Darling that's the best thing I heard all night, you are precious, aint no dress code in a bar but if you're uncomfortable that's another story.
I motioned for Lisa who was passing by to refill two of their shot glasses and lady'd up starting to hike my dress up for a shot. "I grew up with three older brothers on a farm, there's not much that makes me uncomfortable anymore" [It sounded good at the time and would usually be true if I wasn't at work but down the rabbit hole we go]. His friend grabbed the first shot glass and gunned it, turned his head to look at me, and stared to stand up only to stumble and things take a turn for the worse.
I'm hearing a commotion from the floor but I'm assuming/hoping that its business as usual, we haven't had to call the cops yet today so we're doing good for a holiday.
Joe rushes in the back to go get me. "Nic!!! Nic!! We got a fight going on here, you should probably come here"
"The fuck are we fighting about already, its only 5, we still got 9 hours to go??" I should have known better.
"Well one of the guys with Jim, you know the um you know, just threw up all over the place and I mean its ALL over the place mostly on J but, the splash zone was about a table radius away, which hit Zeke and you know how he feels about um, people of that shade"
"Va Fongul…" I put my boxes down and and dash over to go play traffic cop. I get to the floor to find our resident Segregation expert laid out cold on the flood and Chelsea taping her hand up. Jim and D were helping their friend up who was covered in alcohol, blood and vomit, and helping them out the door.
"I turned to Lisa and before I could open up my mouth"
"Black kid exploded like a fountain covered J, and like 2 other tables, including Zeke, Zeke Swung, Chelsea swung, we have two people with broken noses and unconscious"
"Of course, why not, cops being called?" I look over at Chels.
Chel bursts out laughing. "Are you kidding me, you think those fluthered fucks want either of vehicles searched?"
"Ah yes.. silly me, whatever less paperwork, you good to serve?" I motion to Chelsea
"Little knackered from last night but, trip to the jacks and I'll be right as rain" (You know there's moments I don't understand a damn thing that comes out of her mouth)
I pat her on the back, and ask the obvious now "Where's J?"
Liz butts into our conversation and slides in "Crying in the bathroom most likely" She motions to the backroom.
"Why is she in the back? I almost don't want to ask whats wrong with the Girls bathroom but Lisa chimes in.
"Oh yeah there's some old guy passed out in the Ladies room and..."
"Handle it!" I trot off to the back room and follow the footprints of used alcohol and hotwings to find a distraught J in her bra and panties, boots and dress on the sink, and scrubbing her way back to the door trying to clean the trail she left"
"Hey, I heard the news, you got officially bar christened congratulations" I try to get a smile out of her at least.
"I am so sorry I will clean the mess up, I just needed to get out of those because they were tracking mo.."
"Shhh, you're fine you didn't throw up on yourself, you're the victim, hush and get yourself cleaned up first!" My head turns as the waft hits me.
"Oh, yeah, I should, I just thought.." I interrupted her again
"Just.. stop overthinking and take care of yourself first" I take a seat on the Toilet grabbing one of her boots and starting to clean it off for her.
"You really don't have to, I'm sure you have a ton of other important things right now"
"Yeah, like hiding in the back because I don't want to deal with that nonsense right now"
" I will run back home and grab a change of clothes I'm sorr.. " She Yelps as I grab her waist unexpectedly squeezing a few times making her knees buckle a bit.
"No S word, what did I say?, Only S word I'm going to hear is Squeak."
"I can go home if .." (-sigh- Girly, just stop arguing please..)
"I need you, I'm short staffed and you live an hour away not happening" I turn the boot over and realize its a Mens Size 7 and my brain starts to hurt.
"Mens?, Lemme guess your brothers??"
"Yeah they were supposed to go to my other brother Daryl but he couldn't fit into them and I'm a 7 1/2 in women's so they're a little big but they work"
(Ahh.. 7 1/2 you say..) "Ahh, ditch the socks por favor" As I patted my lap.
"Oh, Okay" I don't think she even questioned it in her head, she just peeled her socks off and then looked at both her feet probably wondering which was was the correct one to put up first. She looked at me like some maid bot waiting for new orders to input.
I really didn't, I had so much on my mind and It didn't seem like a weird request so I didn't think much of it. The socks were damp anyway
She guessed what foot she thought I wanted first and put it in my lap. They were cute, honestly and in better shape then I was imaging a farmgirls to be in, no polish which wasn't surprising, we'll have to fix that some day, cute toes, narrow foot, high arch. Heels and ball of the foot had seen better days and were calloused as all hell, but her arch felt it never touched by man nor beast, which my nails "May" have produced a rather lovely sweet giggle as I accidently grazed it. I smirked as she had to keep her balance to not fall.
"But I can't.." She started to say.
"You can, just hold still" I was fiddling with the latch.
She starts to comply and keeps her balance as my nail may have strayed while trying to lace up the shoe slipping into exposed, I can see her biting her lip and trying not to laugh.
"I mean I can't walk in these...I've never tried" She finally says stifling a giggle.
Chelsea's voice rings into the backroom as I hear a whistle and a giggle from her "Oo what a grand sight, don't worry you learn quick momma's gonna teach you"
J looks down and I think now finally realizes she's standing half naked in my bathroom as she gives me her other foot. Sadly I make this one go very quickly with Chelsea around, at least I had fun the first time.
"Shhh… Go back to not caring, I'm used to this cowgirl prancing around in her underwear what's another one?"
"I don't prance" Chel gives me a look.
I close the bathroom door at this point, and remove my skirt, handing it to J. Who NOW is blushing, and takes it.
"Speaking of, Strip now" I snap at Chelsea twice who gives me a comical confused look.
"Be careful what you wish for Darlin I'll take you seriously" she puts a hand on her hip.
"Yes Seriously, strip, I need your 2 piece" (For anyone who read the second part Chels was going to a pool party tonight so I knew she had her swimsuit under her outfit and we've been stealing each others clothes since highschool)
At this point I slipped out of my halter and was standing sideways to at least try to be discreet. Since the halter was very padded I didn't wear a bra with it barely ever, and tossed it to her.
"I..don't think I" J trailed off staring between me and Chelsea who was already down to her swimsuit.
"Sweetie, if I'm getting naked at work, you're putting that outfit on, I have to get something out of this" Chel muses tossing me her top.
(Now in retrospect this wasn't anything strange to us, we were used to swapping clothes, makeup, polish, food but to a new girl especially a sheltered one I can imagine now looking back how this played out)
"Chels really?? " Looking over my shoulder and yelling at her for lack of discretion, and slipping on the top I noticed Chelsea had J's face vice gripped in one hand and eyeliner in the other. (I don't want to know where she pulled that out of)
"What? She has tits, She's seen tits before, She has the internet at home" She's giving me her are you serious look. as she's made lipstick appear now. like she's David Copperfield. (I'm done)
"Um, I actually don't have a computer at home" J replies and we both look at her like she's a plague victim.
(I can't even make this shit up, the next moment I will let Jacqui tell it from her perspective)
Oh boy, let me embarrass myself. Thank you sooo much. Alright, Nicole was right, I wasn't used to any of this, but I mean, again to reiterate I have three older brothers and teenage boys can be very gross. If I was having any second thoughts or regrets about the whole body shot thing and getting in trouble, this right here did away with ALL of that. I just accepted the fact I was being dressed and makeup being put on me. After admitting I didn't own a computer and sounding Amish my brain went into panic mode trying not to sound weird and what came out sounded better in my head.
"I've seen tits though, lots of them so its okay" And they both looked at me and started laughing and I got a little more flustered
"That's not what I mean, like not a lot but nice ones I guess" Yep Jacqui you're doing great.
Chelsea of course had to chime in with "So mine are nice right?"
"No!! I mean.. " I was stammering at this point.
"They aren't?! Chelsea replied in a faux mocking tone.
"Yes ,I mean I don't know, that isn't what I meant" I could not form sentences.
"What about Nic's are they nice?" She asks with that famous grin of hers.
"She didn't even see mine you ass" Nicole retorted.
"You weren't paying attention?" Chelsea kept digging me deeper with every comment.
"No! I was, I saw them they're Okay"
"Wait, you did? They're just Okay?" Nicole almost seemed sad/upset to hear that.
I was already quickly putting on this outfit, Chelsea was fixing my hair as this exchange was going on, and good lord in heaven this top was not made for me I am spilling out of this thing if I breathe too heavily. which, Que Chelsea grabbing my waist after finishing with my hair to make me jump squeak and bounce right out of my top momentarily. I finally hit my point for the day.
"You know what??, they are Fantastic, this Skirt is adorable and I can't breathe in this top can I Please go now?"
I'm trying to stuff myself back into this corset, I just need to get through this shift.
I tried to play it cool and opened the bathroom door only to take two steps and fall flat on my face in those heels.
The two of them died, I look over to find them rolling on the floor laughing Nicole is nearly in tears by the end of it.
SEE TMF'RS!!! I can make people laugh till tears come out without ticking them, Top those skills!
Yeah so, J got a makeover over in the bathroom in record time, and I got to tickle her for a few minutes. All in all fair trade I was happy, and well she looked damn good in Chels Handiwork and my wardrobe. I was thanking god at that point I was born a female or that bikini bottom would have been torn right in half.
So I padded around barefoot in a bikini the rest of the night pretty much, My plan was to run back home and grab a change of clothes since I live only 15mintes away but, we got slammed the rest of the night and I didn't get a second to myself after that. The commentary I heard when J walked out into the floor, I couldn't tell who was more impressed, the staff or the patrons who recognized her. All in all It seemed like she had fun and she only stumbled once the rest of the night trying to walk around and didn't break anything which was even more surprising.
I want to interject here and just demystify that statement. It really does wonders when you have properly fit and sized shoes for once.
Everyone had a blast that night, there wasn't any more instances past the Zeke situation and J made over 300 in tips (Well my halter top did if we're being honest) I honestly can't disagree with this
I was ping pong ball all night but I can tell you there were a few tickling instances during the night mostly due to body shots (Yay for body shots) from patrons and staff alike, but I would be lying if I tried to recount any of them clearly other than Lisa spending an entire 5 minutes trying not to spill her shot because she couldn't hold still long enough. Only reason I was even aware of it outside of her giggling was they asked me if I was going to dock her pay for alcohol abuse.
Well nights over, J goes home, Chel, Lisa, Joe, all the rest of the staff you know nothing about. Its 2:30 in the morning and (Yes I'm still in a bikini barefoot, I didn't think this through very well but oh well) I head to my car, to find 2 left in the parking lot, Mine, and J's … Huh.. That's not right.
Now honestly, first thing I'm thinking of, is she got kidnapped, I mean she looked like a snack so my sick mind started coming up with all kinds of scenarios, and I got mad, because if anyone was gonna get to surprise adopt her I wanted first dibs.
Well, thankfully I saw her sleeping in her Jeep curled up on the front seat. So false alarm. Turns out her car didn't start so she tried to take a nap in the parking lot so she wouldn't be late for work the next morning. I can't even get grown ass adults to give me this kind of commitment nevermind a millennial. I called AAA to see when the nearest truck would be, and they were estimating at least an hour wait.
I sure as hell not leaving her in the parking lot alone to wait for this. and I told her we'd deal with it in the morning.
"Just hop in my car, we both come in tomorrow at the same time, no reason I can't drive you."
"It's fine I will wait for the tow truck and I'll find a way in tomorrow, I don't want to impose you've done enough already tonight which thank you so much"
"Hey, don't worry about it, it's how we roll here, you get used to it, and No, you're not waiting around alone to get kidnapped, you know how much blonde blue eyed girls are worth?"
She looks at me for a moment and I can tell she doesn't know what to say to that.
"Is.. that a thing?, I don't know if you're messing with me or not now" She keeps looking at me suspiciously as she yawns.
"Um.. Yeah totally, if you don't believe me, hurry up come're you can google it back at my house" I pick her up out of her front seat and she throws her arms around my neck for support.
"Besides, I need my clothes back and that requires you coming with them, can't leave you here naked then something DEFINITELY would happen" I nod as she strangely isn't arguing the fact.
I get halfway to the car and she finally pipes up
"Okay Okay, I can walk the rest of the way, besides my back hurts and I'm not too sure if its this shirt or the Jeep"
"You realize that has support right you don't need a bra?" I look up at her and she just looks down at the shirt and glances away.
"I'll take that as a no, I am going to have to teach you how to woman, you can either remove the bra, or .."
"She didn't waste any time removing both and slipping back into the shirt" She laughs tugging at the shirt adjusting it.
"Well, that works too" I shake my head at her
"I'm sorry... Its just you me and the Coyotes I'll take my chances" I didn't waste an opportunity to make her squeak with a well timed squeeze of her sides.
"Well the Coyotes are perverts, lets get in the car before they get any ideas"
The ride home was fun, we shot questions back and forth, til we got back to my place. I walked in and immediately starting pouring a drink.
Offered her one and she tried to refuse saying she's underaged.
"Drinking age is 18 in this house, you telling me you DON'T drink?" Looking hella hard at her.
"Moonshine and Whisky, but.."
"Good Whisky is it, Fireball is on the menu tonight" I poured two drinks and plopped down on the couch, putting my feet up on the ottoman. She was in the chair across from me, looking like she was at an interview. Sitting up straight and looking around like she's in willy Wonka's factory. That's when I noticed she actually took her shoes off at the door. (Oh thank god, someone I don't have to teach this).
We both commented that we were wide wake at this point so, I went and grabbed some salsa, and chips, realized she didn't move a muscle, poured seconds on drinks and started in on small talk. She thanked me again for everything that went on today and I told her to keep the outfit she obviously fills it out better than I do, and I haven't worn those shoes in probably 6 months they only been worn twice before they got lost in my closet into the abyss.
"They were definitely more comfortable than the boots, I was surprised"
"Yeah that's depressing, that's how you know you have terrible shoes when a pair of heels are better" "But naw they are Doc martins, I went with them because if they expect me to be on my feet for 10+ hours a day in heels they sure are as hell better be comfortable. I just ended up misplacing them and ended up buying another pair"
"Oh, wow are you sure yo-"
"Yes don't argue take'm, they will sit in my closest another 6 months til I remember they exist, unless you'd rather go back to the Farmer Ned Look"
"No, they are really nice, thank you.." She trails off looking down at her feet for a moment"
"Hm...?" Now I have zero clue whats going on through that little mind of hers.
"Oh sorry, I was thinking I might want to get my nails done If I'm going to be wearing those in a business setting"
(Yes, yes yes you do) I still laughed at the last part of that.
"Sweetie you work at a bar, you can barely call us family friendly let alone a business setting, but yeah, that would definitely be a plus getting a mani/pedi at some point" This girl was so smart yet so naïve sometimes.
She gave me a side glance that told me pretty much everything
"You seriously aren't going to tell me you haven't had either.."
"I had a manicure once for prom, that was about it but most of it chipped off three days later from working on the farm" She shrugged and looked down.
"Oh good lord, did you have a childhood?? Sleepovers? Girl Gossip?? Anything" I, have no words at this point.
"I went over a friends house once for a birthday party when I was 12, does that count?" She is biting her lip and fidgeting in her seat.
"You're killing me J.. Fuck this we are fixing this now, right meow, You! Couch! Now!" I bolt off into the other room. and return several minutes later with my kit. and I'll be damned, she moved to the couch sitting there looking up at me.
I didn't even give her any more instructions, I swung her legs over into my lap and told her to pick a color.
She laughs at how many colors there are, amazed, and finally finds a midnight blue she likes. I probe her for some more life stories because I now have to know how bad this is. But in the mean time, she starts getting her first pedicure ever.
I started off slow with the massage, that almost put her to sleep, her foot kept twitching slightly anytime I wandered near her arch which I may or may not have done purposely several times. Then came the pumice stone.
"Now, I know from trying to put my heels on you, earlier, you're pretty ticklish"
"Yeah, it's pretty bad sometimes, is that going to be a problem?" She asked with a straight face.
(Oh boy..)
"For me?? Not at all, but I'm not gonna lie this is probably going to suck, on the bright side, it'll get rid of all the callouses and fix these hooves of yours, So.. last chance to back out now" (Please don't, I'm hoping to enjoy this..)
She went from a concerned look on her face to rolling her eyes and taking another big mouthful of her whisky.
"Three brothers remember? I'll survive, just.. fix it please" She gives a laugh.
"I'm not joking, this will probably take a half hour to an hour with these" (Why am I giving her another chance at an out)-sigh-
"Then I'm going to need another drink probably" And finished whats in her glass. I think she finally loosened up.
That's pretty accurate, I stopped freaking out at the realization I was in my boss's house at 4 in the morning, after having one of the worst days, a boss I had already seen mostly naked earlier that day not to even mention another co worker. No transportation, my phone dead, and I've been nothing but a pain in the ass all week. That and two glasses of whisky was a good wind down I have to say.
You don't have to tell me twice, I immediately gave her mine. and started up on her.
That was awesome, I had never actually given a pedicure before other then myself so I got to take my time working over every inch from heel to balls of her feet. The minute the stone hit her foot, she was already tensing up her heel was the easiest for her to handle which is why I started there. I kept a small circular motion going with the stone just taking my time I wasn't in any rush. as soon as I reached the ridge between her heel and arch the show got much more interesting as she had to put her drink down and cling to the couch the entire time trying not to make a scene.
I was so damn determined not to let that get to me, it was basically a personal challenge at the time and I wanted to get through it without having something else for her to poke fun at me for. If you spent any more time near either of my arches that night I was going to chew through my wrist.
I found out her instep wasn't all that sensitive at all, the ridge on her heel/arch was especially good but when I got to the dead center of her arch, and worked that over real slow. I had to stop when her legs were shaking and her knuckles were turning white from squeezing the couch so hard. Oh and was not sure if I was going to wake the neighbors because the across the street dog was barking from her high pitched suppressed squeaky giggles.
When I was finished with one foot, I actually expected her to nope out of that whole situation but she grabbed her drink again, took another swig and put the other in my lap while rubbing her other foot for comfort.
I repeated the same process to her right foot which I could have sworn gave me better results but it might have been the fact she was a bundle of nerves at the time as well. That was when I got to test out if her toes were ticklish, and they didn't seem to be, but that was actually the first time she told me to be careful and try to avoid that. So I figured it was having other effects on her that we weren't going to explore that night at least. I was already enjoying the entire situation I wasn't going to push it any further then I was.
Shut up.. Shut up.. Deny Deny
When all was done with the pedicure It actually did take about an hour, and I was thoroughly shocked she survived the entire thing.
Survived is a subjective word. Ill get back to you on that later.
She liked the polish job I did and was admiring them for quite some time, she didn't even bother to remove her feet from my lap. The next time she took a drink I did swipe three fingers into the arch of her foot very quickly her squeak and let out an exhausted giggle, making her spill the drink all over herself.
I was snickering and actually kind of felt bad, I didn't actually expect her to spill it, just almost. but she immediately apologized for getting it all over my couch and floor.
(Oh lord I make you spill something and you resort to apologizing immediately, this is gonna be interesting)
So I played into it, I know I know I was a little bit of a brat about it.
"I guess I'll forgive you, but you have to go replace my drink since that was mine anyway, if ya manage to to do that I'll stop tickling ya for the night and leave ya alone"
She agreed quick as hell, and grabbed the glass, and asked me what I wanted. -Blink- -Blink- Alright, I was just going to see how long it took her to find a bottle of fireball, but..
"Sidecar please, remember you screw it up..."
"Yeah I know, Squeak toy" (Damn this is the easiest bet I ever won, this girl can't even remember an order)
Now, three minutes later she comes back with what I'm assuming is a screwdriver for herself (I really hope you didn't put whisky in orange juice), and … I don't want to say this, but it looks like a Sidecar.
Well, yolo right?? I take a sip and.. I might be out of a job soon. This bitch mixed me a perfect cocktail from memory and one that isn't all that common either so now I am baffled.
"Alright What the Fuck.." I must have said it louder than intended because she near jumped off the couch, and looked at me, with her mouth open.
"I..Is it bad? I thought.." She got a little silent and moved her legs a little closer to me not sure what to do I'd imagine
"Oh.. " I cracked up realizing how that sounded, "I'm sorry but how.. in the hell can't you remember an order or who gets it, but you mix drinks that require a hell of a lot more precision to remember, You made that prolly as quick as I can and.. you only gonna hear this once but this might taste better than mine. "
She finally just flops backwards on the couch from holding her frozen pose this entire time. "Oh I thought I did something wrong, I've been mixing drinks since I was 9? My old man enjoys his nightly cocktails so, I just picked it up over 9 years"
"That's mildly depressing and impressive, well if I ever fire you from being a waitress, you are being hired as a bartender" I raise my hand to high five her and she just is a ball of giggles now.
"I'm only 18 so I don't know how that is going to work" She thought my offer was wishful thinking.
"Fam, I'm gonna tell you the same thing MY boss told me when I took this job at 16, "You let me worry about that, if I tell them you're 21, ain't no one in their right mind going to question me on that."
"Huh? How does that work?" She looked excited now at the prospect.
"I have no clue, haha, I let him do the paperwork and deal with that, I learned a long time ago never to question a man who speaks fluent Italian and Russian"
We had a good laugh together and she asks me about a phone charger, because I may have carried her off from her car, and she forgot it in the front seat. So, after figuring out which one she needed, it was actually the old Samsung charger from back in the day (Why am I not surprised) I had to go digging so I did what any good lazy pretty buzzed girl would do and hung over the side of the couch trying to paw at the outlet socket hoping to get lucky. I must have looked kind of funny draped over the couch with my ass in the air, because I feel J's foot pushing me lightly on it.
I'd like to point out that I don't remember much of anything past this point I think that last drink just did me in
"Do you mind? I look over my shoulder to find her giggling to herself, (yeah she's gone) and she responded with something I couldn't even make sense of. So she pushes on my ass again trying to fake push me off, and I turn to her again.
"I will come over there, and record all those nice noises you make for the rest of the bar to hear"
She started giggling again.
"I'll just record you back and then we'll see about that" Is roughly what I heard and that's when I definitely knew she was out of it.
"You're drunk, go lay down" I told her, just as I finally got her stupid charger plugged in. VICTORY!
"No, you're drunk" (Awesome comeback J Grade A material)
"I'm halfway there, but at least I don't squeak and abuse alcohol" I retorted, why was I even playing her game.
"Well That's not what Chelsea told me, " And she started to say something incoherent.
Time to shimmy my ass out of this position and take her to bed. At least that was the plan. until I think I hit the challenge button somewhere. and just and I pushed myself back up into a kneeling position on the couch, I feel the dead weight of her on the back of my legs as I crash back down on the couch. (Good lord you are a heavy drunk lady *whine* )
"Well, lets see if she was wrong" (Thanks a lot Chelsea, I'm gonna kill you when I see you tomorrow)
You know for a farmgirl she had decently long nails, I digress. and I felt it a moment later before I could register what was going on, several nails wandering down both of my arches. NOT prepared for this tonight. I choked out a giggle immediately and tried SO hard to get my bearings but that little witch just didn't give me a second. I could feel her doing what I guess she remembered me doing to her during that pedicure, working my arch in a sloppy, but slow circular strokes that was not doing me any favors right now.
I tried to lift her off the back of my legs but this girls got thighs like king kong. And well, I'm pretty damn drunk at this point so my coordination in that position wasn't too good either.
8 years of horseback riding, you should try it sometime
She kept laying into my feet like that for over a minute with the same speed same motions til I couldn't deal, I finally broke down into a giggling mess, she didn't explore all too much other then dipping down to the ridge where my heel and arch meet which isn't super terrible for me, but it still tickles like hell so I realized she had just mimicked very quickly through experience what drove her nuts. (Which I'm glad! Amen, This could have gotten SO much worse)
I'm glad to say she didn't get me begging or close to tapping out there, but she definitely did rile me up with that situation lasting 2 minutes straight before she stopped. I realized in that position she could have kept me there for a bit unless one of us got hurt to get out of that. So thankfully she wasn't too blood thirsty. Heck I'll take the hour I had with her for 2minutes of revenge any day.
Should have tickled a raise out of you, I wish I remembered this part.
After she rolled over, and I got my wind back, she looked pretty satisfied with herself, and in my pretty blitzed state, my sick mind took over again.
"Did you just assault your boss??" I looked at her.. and she looked like she sobered up real quick. Before she had a panic attack
"I didn't mean, I.." I just straight decked her with a pillow from the couch.
"Shush I'm kidding, you are easy to fuck with" She looked up at me with her disheveled hair like she couldn't believe what just happened.
"You Suck, you know that?" She was still slurring her words so, I knew it was time for bed.
I realized it was past 5am at this point. Ugh. this was going to be a long day. I helped her up off the couch and she asked where she was sleeping.
"Um.. hah, I actually forgot to to setup the spare bedroom, I got a big bed, that's my best offer right now."
"Okay" I probably could have told her the middle of the street at that point, don't think her answer would have changed.
She seemed exhausted as soon as she got into bed she passed out completely. I got my 4 hours of sleep before my alarm went off, as I woke up with a J paperweight, I was being used as her body pillow apparently. which was cute other then the drool on my shoulder. It took me about 5minutes to pry her off me without waking her up. I wasn't going expect her to show up to work hung over so, I let her sleep in.
I'd take a shot when I got to work to get rid of the headache and C'est la vie.
I Left her a note on my door, and told her I'd be back around 6-8pm Feel free to eat what ever is in the house, take a dip in the pool, shower, just relax, she's taking a paid sick day. She had my number to get a hold of me, but we'd talk about the jeep later. If she really wanted to help she could look up starter prices online using my laptop.
Well my shift was supposed to be at 10 and I woke up at almost noon so after my initial heart attack subsided and I couldn't remember most of the previous night other than getting a pedicure. Paid Sick Time? I didn't even know I had that, Neat. It took me a while to even get out of bed. My head was spinning I was hungover. Most of the morning was spent trying to process the last 24 hours. I was in this really nice house wearing this 200$ outfit I was just given. I didn't even call my old man to tell him what happened, I'm fairly sure I'm dead when I get home later. Well, I made it 18 years. It was a good run.
After taking the longest shower of my life and realizing I still didn't have clothes. Good lord Jacqui you are mildly retarded at the best of times. I sat there stark ass naked with a towel wondering what to do next.
--Hey Nicole? Do you have a moment?
You didn't burn the house down yet did you?
--No! Everything is fine, I just wanted to thank you again for last night.
Np hun, just grab somn to eat n work off that hangover. Take a shower
-- About that, I did take a shower, but my clothes are still in the Jeep
White Dresser, top drawer, socks , middle drawer underwear. bottom drawer don't go into until your 21.
--I don't really wear socks usually and only shoes I have are those heels.
Then go barefoot -shrug-Black closest, Find somn to wear, keep it, Touch my Tripp pants I cut you.
--You aren't going to let me say no are you?
Good girl =^_^= you catch on. Go find starter prices, or take a swim.
--Okay. Thank you!!
Oh boy. What are Tripp pants?... How am I going to going to know if I'm touching them or not. Hmph. I'm just going to stay here in my underwear.
Wow this laptop is almost as old as I am. Lordy. I watched it boot up which I probably could have taken a swim and cleaned the rest of the house before that happened. I decided to make something to eat first. As I came back I opened up Internet Explorer and started to look for Car Parts.
-DING- [Yahoo Messenger]
[So you're giving her another week?]
--[Yeh, she cute and she did fix my pipes]
[Well that's always a good thing]
-- [I got some other pipes that she could fix If she wants]
[From what you described I don't blame you]
-- [Hey, a girl can dream, I'd die a happy tiger if I could tickle and fuck that accent off her, just once before she gets fired]
[You said she was 18 right?]
-- [She Legal =^_^= ]
-- [I gtg adult n shit I'll brb]
[Haha I guess I will live vicariously through you, give me a text if you need anything I might not be on later though]
----------------Previous Messages--------------------------------------------------
[Hey Happy 4th! Where have you been hiding?]
-- I apologize, Nicole isn't on right now, but I can take a message if need be.
[Wait fuck that accent off... what?]
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