It's toads you need to lick. Some breeds of toad secrete a hallucinogenic substance. This can be harvested, though licking the animal is not the best way to get the rush.
Here's a link to more information. Do keep in mind that the research in question is posted on a site about urban legends and don't take it for face value, however.
"This war is all about the oil" is the leftist's equivalent to the righty's "We invade Iraq to stop terrorism". Both statements are completely wrong, as they don't even attempt to accept the fact that the gulf war has a whole lot of reasons, instead turning to a single thought to bring their point across, which would be "WE ARE EVIL BECAUSE WE KILL PEOPLE SO THE MEGACORPS CAN MAKE MONEY" and "WE ARE GOOD BECAUSE IRAQIS ARE CRAZY TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO KILL US", respectively. The fact that there are dozens of reasons behind this war, ranging from interior to exterior political reasons and including economic and personal issues on more than just the U.S. side.
If the french ambassador failed to answer the question who should win the war, that, too, could have more reasons behind it than a) the french want the U.S. and Britain to fail, b) the french want Saddam to win, c) France has a lot of money to lose from having Saddam replaced. Presenting the news like you did, red, is abusing the given information for the cementation of a personal viewpoint. It is also out of context. Would you care to link to the interview in question? It would be instrumental to draw any conclusion to have access to the original text.
Calling the french "frogs", by the way, constitutes an act of gross diffamation of an entire people. The persistancy and regularity of this occurance strikes me as odd. I always thought Saddam Hussein was the recognized enemy. When did France slip into the "Axis of Evil"?