It was either shrek is love, shrek is life, or baby don't hurt me. I'm content with my choice~ And I'm certain plenty of people believe in 'the one'. I just feel that is rather depressing. A world full of billions of people across the globe, and there's only one individual right for me? That sounds like horrible odds not in my favor.
LOL I was bracing myself for a "baby don't hurt me" reply xD
Context: I'm very spiritual, and also a man of science (and engineering, which is my major in college). I am also a monogamist, so my views also come from this particular perspective.
Anyway, to elaborate:
I view fate as web of every single possibility. While I believe there is only a single "the one" (my monogamist pov), there exists an infinite number of opportunities to meet this single soulmate. Depending on the choices you make, this soulmate could end up being completely different people.
I believe fate is set in stone, if you consider fate in terms of the finite lifetime you have (in this plane of existence anyway). However, I believe that fate is always in flux until you make your choices. Consequentially, you might meet several people, at various stages of your life, who were your soulmates: You connect with them on a deep level, and you make sincere plans to be together forever, but then it doesn't work out. They were your soulmates up until the point where you lost that connection; either you both grew apart, had a falling out, or whatever.
So, I think finding that single soulmate has less to do with odds, and more with choices. I don't believe forever (in a relationship) is guaranteed. However, I do believe that what you do with the time you have (with your soulmate) can make it just as meaningful.
Kinda sounds contradictory. However, the motivation to be with a single person, forever, is where I see there being only a single soulmate. That doesn't mean you won't meet many soulmates along the way, though.