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What happened to Vivian Love?

That is so true. My fake female radar was on high from the first post I ever saw Vivian love post. I can thankfully say that upon doing a reverse image search of said image through both tin eye and Google images reverse search there were no hits. That doesn't mean someone who's more skillful than I am I couldn't have hunted that image down.

It's relatively easy to spot a fake woman online; they're usually a crude caricature of the way guys online think women act in real life.
Wow, admittedly, I am very out of the loop. I have spent nearly a decade now inactive here for various reasons, mainly that I married and had children, but prior to thst, my fetish was "outed" to people I didn't want to know by a not nice person from my past. Admittedly, this was my own stupid fault for viewing the forum on a shared computer.

I came back only yesterday and learned several things. 1. The TMF still exists and is much like I remember it. 2. There's a tickling documentary (!!!) called Tickled, which I'd want to see anyway, but it involves a sinister plot by someone whose posts I remember from back in the day!! NTCweb, Terri Tickle... "Gal" many suspected as a fake woman who always posted looking for ticklish guys willing to be tickle tortured for money. Turns out, Terri of the cheesy late-80s big-hair glamour shots photo was in fact a dude, not only that but was behind a rather vast and sinister tickling video con operation :O which to my somewhat disappointment, reactions here to the film subject were mixed with exactly the sort of homophobic response the filmmakers really explored as a main reason for Terri's harmful behavior and lies. "No females? I can never watch that!". Sigh... And missing the point that probably 99% of ppl seeing Tickled are going to feel sexually uncomfortable and squeamish over what they're seeing... Not cause of the m/m, although that might factor in, but bc the fetish is strange and unknown to many ppl, and resembles (or is) torture, just an odd form of it most don't think about. They watch it bc it has a fascinating weird engrossing story to tell, not cause hot women tickled yaaay fap fap fap ..😁
3. Still guys here posing as women to make money or gain something otherwise... Lol... Which is nasty behavior that led to crazy horrible behavior like Terri's... But, being an actual female and seeing how many apparently fall for it, makes me kinda go "maybe I'd be rich by now if I'd just been a con artist but one with genuine boobs and vag at least" lol. Stupid morals 😁
First off, welcome back~ It's always nice to see the old guard coming around.

I don't wanna be a smartass, but many writers have written under female pseudonyms; it's hardly new and it does seem to help with sales. I met a publisher of noir and thriller novels, and he confirmed this for me.

The trend has been going on for a while. According to Edmund Blackadder, Jane Austen herself is in fact a burly Yorkshire man, with beard like a rhododendron bush. The former himself is the author, under the name "Gertrude Perkins", of Edmund: a Butler's Tale, a huge, roller coaster of a novel in four hundred sizzling chapters. A searing indictment of domestic servitude in the eighteenth century, with some hot gypsies thrown in. :D

It's relatively easy to spot a fake woman online; they're usually a crude caricature of the way guys online think women act in real life.

When that happens and it's spotted, it's hilarious. I'd SO get caught right away :laughhard:

Conversely, it's also funny when women try to act like men and end up overdoing the "macho Bro attitude". Or when they write M/m fiction under a male pseudonym and the sub behaves in all respects like a woman would. It's rather cute~
Jokes aside, I agree with you that the fetish is less in cause than the fetishist's perception of himself. I never understand why so many of us define themselves as freaks. According to a guy I talked to here (who provided me with a very interesting link to support his point), it's because Americans have a very stressful life, and have a strange approach to male/female relationships. I can't say whether he was right, but he did make a strong case.

I can't really say what's what, considering I'm not very well traveled, but whoever told you that was probably reading out of a wikipedia page on dating (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating#North_America) where it mentioned national perceptions of dating. I think Americans think there's simply one way to have sex and any deviation is foreplay, for instance. That being said, I'm an American, I'm already weird not including the tickling fetish, so I'm probably not a great judge. But I think there's a strong emphasis on "conformity" to the "mainstream" and that Americans seem to latch on stronger to trends than other nations.

Back to "Vivian", I really questioned things when I heard "her" boasting about how popular "she" was when really, in this community especially, you'd probably know what was popular without someone having to "tell" you.
Actually it was you! And yeah there was this link, but also another one, an article by some sociologist. I remember thinking after I had read it "gosh you guys are insane". It's like in the USA everything is so standardized that the charm of seduction is completely gone. No room for all the delicious ambiguity of seducing a girl (or vice-versa; I love it when they take the initiative). Power play, uncertainty, the wonderful feeling of winning someone over... all of that can happen if there are no rules. In the US apparently, everything is "Step 1", "Step 2" etc... with such a thick coating of prudish morals that it makes my stomach turn. I am married now, but I am very grateful to have studied in Europe and in Asia, cause I would have had a very hard time enjoying fooling around with American girls, lol :p

About what you said about "Vivian", it reminds me of Kanye West boasting that he's the greatest "artist" since Picasso and DaVinci or something and Slipknot's Corey Taylor reminding him in a video "Hey, if you have to say it, you probably aren't, bro" :laughhard:
Wow, admittedly, I am very out of the loop. I have spent nearly a decade now inactive here for various reasons, mainly that I married and had children, but prior to thst, my fetish was "outed" to people I didn't want to know by a not nice person from my past. Admittedly, this was my own stupid fault for viewing the forum on a shared computer.

I came back only yesterday and learned several things. 1. The TMF still exists and is much like I remember it. 2. There's a tickling documentary (!!!) called Tickled, which I'd want to see anyway, but it involves a sinister plot by someone whose posts I remember from back in the day!! NTCweb, Terri Tickle... "Gal" many suspected as a fake woman who always posted looking for ticklish guys willing to be tickle tortured for money. Turns out, Terri of the cheesy late-80s big-hair glamour shots photo was in fact a dude, not only that but was behind a rather vast and sinister tickling video con operation :O which to my somewhat disappointment, reactions here to the film subject were mixed with exactly the sort of homophobic response the filmmakers really explored as a main reason for Terri's harmful behavior and lies. "No females? I can never watch that!". Sigh... And missing the point that probably 99% of ppl seeing Tickled are going to feel sexually uncomfortable and squeamish over what they're seeing... Not cause of the m/m, although that might factor in, but bc the fetish is strange and unknown to many ppl, and resembles (or is) torture, just an odd form of it most don't think about. They watch it bc it has a fascinating weird engrossing story to tell, not cause hot women tickled yaaay fap fap fap ..&#55357;&#56833;
3. Still guys here posing as women to make money or gain something otherwise... Lol... Which is nasty behavior that led to crazy horrible behavior like Terri's... But, being an actual female and seeing how many apparently fall for it, makes me kinda go "maybe I'd be rich by now if I'd just been a con artist but one with genuine boobs and vag at least" lol. Stupid morals &#55357;&#56833;

Hey siamese dream! Wow has it really been 10 years since you were last active?

Great to see you back and I hope you are doing well.
Actually it was you! And yeah there was this link, but also another one, an article by some sociologist. I remember thinking after I had read it "gosh you guys are insane". It's like in the USA everything is so standardized that the charm of seduction is completely gone. No room for all the delicious ambiguity of seducing a girl (or vice-versa; I love it when they take the initiative). Power play, uncertainty, the wonderful feeling of winning someone over... all of that can happen if there are no rules. In the US apparently, everything is "Step 1", "Step 2" etc... with such a thick coating of prudish morals that it makes my stomach turn. I am married now, but I am very grateful to have studied in Europe and in Asia, cause I would have had a very hard time enjoying fooling around with American girls, lol :p

About what you said about "Vivian", it reminds me of Kanye West boasting that he's the greatest "artist" since Picasso and DaVinci or something and Slipknot's Corey Taylor reminding him in a video "Hey, if you have to say it, you probably aren't, bro" :laughhard:

Ah. Sometimes I have to look back on my posting history and laugh, honestly. Part of it might've been me being a little overly salty on things that happened but I was pretty honest. I think mostly that social networking helped screw things up because girls assume some guy on his phone/keyboard just wants to screw easily, so in a context where they're looking for "a date" or "a relationship" it's like the bar gets raised to a level where you'll get "I'm not into you" and that's the polite side of things. That being said, I've been having some luck making a girl "a good friend" rather than "a girlfriend", which I guess is like a casual relationship? It's good for now.

Maybe finding someone in a group setting will be par for the course but figuring out what groups are good ideas is the next task (in regards to my friends situation). Anyhow hope I didn't mislead you much lol.
That is so true. My fake female radar was on high from the first post I ever saw Vivian love post. I can thankfully say that upon doing a reverse image search of said image through both tin eye and Google images reverse search there were no hits. That doesn't mean someone who's more skillful than I am I couldn't have hunted that image down.

Are there services better than Tineye or Google's reverse image search?

I probably put in 60 or 70 pics, and never got one hit! I even tried common pictures, and ones I posted, and it didn't even find those!

As to the overall thread, this whole incident explains why some guys will immediately be skeptical when a pretty girl joins the forum, and have sadly driven many of them away.
It proves to them that a pretty girl can't possibly visit here, so it MUST be a dude pretending to be a woman.

(Before this factual statement send the white knight trolls in a tizzy, yes, there are actual pretty girls here (pretty being subjective to the eyes of each beholder))
I don't go in the chat room or try to meet girls here, since I don't think any are even from Louisiana, but many guys do message women, and have posted in the past their frustrations with discovering
frauds of this sort.
I'm sorry but this is the funniest shit I've read in a while, and I haven't even got past the first 3 pages yet. :rowfull: I'm so glad I randomly decided to log in again today.

Side note, I actually found this Vivian surprisingly convincing. I thought it was just a very crazy woman.
Come to think of it.... the title of this thread would be a good movie title, mayhaps?
I work in communications and copyright law. If someone actually is able to verify who the woman on the fake picture was on that account, she would be able to sue him into the ground based on what he did with h rape threats.
I work in communications and copyright law. If someone actually is able to verify who the woman on the fake picture was on that account, she would be able to sue him into the ground based on what he did with h rape threats.

I work in communications and copyright law. If someone actually is able to verify who the woman on the fake picture was on that account, she would be able to sue him into the ground based on what he did with h rape threats.

First the rape threats were fake

Second even if he threatened "her" with rape, he would have threatened "Vivian" not the women

Third why would we bother that poor women with the infamous that "hey a dude was using your image made up fake rape threats, sue him.
I work in communications and copyright law. If someone actually is able to verify who the woman on the fake picture was on that account, she would be able to sue him into the ground based on what he did with h rape threats.

Based on what laws?
Ok, I'll assume you either misread what I stated or don't understand, especially Mr. Cool since it apparently flew over your head. For clarity purposes, I'll refer to the parties as Comfort Eagle, the unknown woman in the image as Lady X, and the poser troll as Mike Douche as it's the portion of his email that was posted here.

If Mike Douche sets up a troll account here, Facebook, Twitter and uses the image of Lady X, it is not illegal if taken from social media or anywhere publicly posted. It would be illegal if he took it from a personal website as it would violate copyright law were Mike Douche not to have permission to use it. Where the photo comes from is important.

I am not sure if these rape threats Mike Douche made with his fake account were sent to Comfort Eagle through PM or posted publicly on the forums here. If they were indeed posted on the public forums, Mike Douche is now guilty of libel (libel is simply written as defamation is spoken words) as he knowingly made false statements about someone in order to cause harm to that person's image and reputation. In using the Lady X photo on the account he has used to defame Comfort Eagle, he is now also guilty of libel against Lady X for using her image to commit libel against someone else as it also damages her reputation.

Secondly, as Mike Douche is using this false account for a commercial purpose of selling stories with the account using the Lady X photo, he is now in violation of copyright law as he is associating her image for financial gain without her knowledge, permission or a legally binding contract. He has no more right to do this that any store or restaurant could advertise with the image of a celebrity endorsing their establishment. The penalties for this are often more severe than defamation or libel. These are simply the laws of the country. Many, many states have also passed their own laws in addition to these that are far more punishing that the national laws.

Again, if the rape threats were made publicly on these forums, Comfort Eagle has all the information with the email and IP address he would need to procure a lawyer and sue Mike Douche for all he's worth in what would be a pretty open and shut case of libel.
Ok, I'll assume you either misread what I stated or don't understand, especially Mr. Cool since it apparently flew over your head. For clarity purposes, I'll refer to the parties as Comfort Eagle, the unknown woman in the image as Lady X, and the poser troll as Mike Douche as it's the portion of his email that was posted here.

If Mike Douche sets up a troll account here, Facebook, Twitter and uses the image of Lady X, it is not illegal if taken from social media or anywhere publicly posted. It would be illegal if he took it from a personal website as it would violate copyright law were Mike Douche not to have permission to use it. Where the photo comes from is important.

I am not sure if these rape threats Mike Douche made with his fake account were sent to Comfort Eagle through PM or posted publicly on the forums here. If they were indeed posted on the public forums, Mike Douche is now guilty of libel (libel is simply written as defamation is spoken words) as he knowingly made false statements about someone in order to cause harm to that person's image and reputation. In using the Lady X photo on the account he has used to defame Comfort Eagle, he is now also guilty of libel against Lady X for using her image to commit libel against someone else as it also damages her reputation.

Secondly, as Mike Douche is using this false account for a commercial purpose of selling stories with the account using the Lady X photo, he is now in violation of copyright law as he is associating her image for financial gain without her knowledge, permission or a legally binding contract. He has no more right to do this that any store or restaurant could advertise with the image of a celebrity endorsing their establishment. The penalties for this are often more severe than defamation or libel. These are simply the laws of the country. Many, many states have also passed their own laws in addition to these that are far more punishing that the national laws.

Again, if the rape threats were made publicly on these forums, Comfort Eagle has all the information with the email and IP address he would need to procure a lawyer and sue Mike Douche for all he's worth in what would be a pretty open and shut case of libel.

Ah, well that makes alot more sense. I guess it did fly rigbt over my head Haha, sorry for the misunderstanding
If Mike Douche sets up a troll account here, Facebook, Twitter and uses the image of Lady X, it is not illegal if taken from social media or anywhere publicly posted. It would be illegal if he took it from a personal website as it would violate copyright law were Mike Douche not to have permission to use it. Where the photo comes from is important.
All of your arguments regarding the penalties for this act rest on the presumption that it was taken illegally. How do you suppose you can prove that, as the person in the image can't be found, and who would do that

I am not sure if these rape threats Mike Douche made with his fake account were sent to Comfort Eagle through PM or posted publicly on the forums here. If they were indeed posted on the public forums, Mike Douche is now guilty of libel (libel is simply written as defamation is spoken words) as he knowingly made false statements about someone in order to cause harm to that person's image and reputation. In using the Lady X photo on the account he has used to defame Comfort Eagle, he is now also guilty of libel against Lady X for using her image to commit libel against someone else as it also damages her reputation.
How do you damage the reputations of anonymous internet posters? Since the post (which I actually saw) was only up for a very short period of time, how do you assess damages to either anonymous party?

Secondly, as Mike Douche is using this false account for a commercial purpose of selling stories with the account using the Lady X photo, he is now in violation of copyright law as he is associating her image for financial gain without her knowledge, permission or a legally binding contract. He has no more right to do this that any store or restaurant could advertise with the image of a celebrity endorsing their establishment. The penalties for this are often more severe than defamation or libel. These are simply the laws of the country. Many, many states have also passed their own laws in addition to these that are far more punishing that the national laws
. I assume by "national law" you mean Federal Law; again, this is all based on the supposition that the image was acquired illegally. If you can't find the person in the photo, how do you prove that? And which court would take jurisdiction, if the parties are in different states?

Again, if the rape threats were made publicly on these forums, Comfort Eagle has all the information with the email and IP address he would need to procure a lawyer and sue Mike Douche for all he's worth in what would be a pretty open and shut case of libel.
I don't think you know what "open and shut" really means...

In all actuality, it'd be this website that a lawyer would try to sue. They'd be wrong, but they might try.
Ok, I'll assume you either misread what I stated or don't understand, especially Mr. Cool since it apparently flew over your head. For clarity purposes, I'll refer to the parties as Comfort Eagle, the unknown woman in the image as Lady X, and the poser troll as Mike Douche as it's the portion of his email that was posted here.

If Mike Douche sets up a troll account here, Facebook, Twitter and uses the image of Lady X, it is not illegal if taken from social media or anywhere publicly posted. It would be illegal if he took it from a personal website as it would violate copyright law were Mike Douche not to have permission to use it. Where the photo comes from is important.

I am not sure if these rape threats Mike Douche made with his fake account were sent to Comfort Eagle through PM or posted publicly on the forums here. If they were indeed posted on the public forums, Mike Douche is now guilty of libel (libel is simply written as defamation is spoken words) as he knowingly made false statements about someone in order to cause harm to that person's image and reputation. In using the Lady X photo on the account he has used to defame Comfort Eagle, he is now also guilty of libel against Lady X for using her image to commit libel against someone else as it also damages her reputation.

Secondly, as Mike Douche is using this false account for a commercial purpose of selling stories with the account using the Lady X photo, he is now in violation of copyright law as he is associating her image for financial gain without her knowledge, permission or a legally binding contract. He has no more right to do this that any store or restaurant could advertise with the image of a celebrity endorsing their establishment. The penalties for this are often more severe than defamation or libel. These are simply the laws of the country. Many, many states have also passed their own laws in addition to these that are far more punishing that the national laws.

Again, if the rape threats were made publicly on these forums, Comfort Eagle has all the information with the email and IP address he would need to procure a lawyer and sue Mike Douche for all he's worth in what would be a pretty open and shut case of libel.

Aren't we all done here? The perp has been outed, justice has been served. Let's move on.
My scenario is if everything fell into place perfectly, yes. Finding the woman would be near impossible and only then you would know if it were an illegally obtained photo. Websites are rarely involved in personal matters involving trolling as anyone can join them. If Mike Douche is from Texas, Texas laws would apply to the libel case. In terms of "open and shut", if someone posted false rape threats in a public forum knowing they are untrue against a person, that's as close to open and shut as you can get, especially with a confession from Mike Douche already in the thread and email and IP information readily available.

I've worked in the field for 15 years. I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm simply stating how laws apply in a case like this and that what Mike Douche does isn't just trolling. There are plenty of cases and verifiable law centers that can be easily Googled as well that explain trolling vs parody vs slander vs libel etc.
My scenario is if everything fell into place perfectly, yes. Finding the woman would be near impossible and only then you would know if it were an illegally obtained photo. Websites are rarely involved in personal matters involving trolling as anyone can join them. If Mike Douche is from Texas, Texas laws would apply to the libel case. In terms of "open and shut", if someone posted false rape threats in a public forum knowing they are untrue against a person, that's as close to open and shut as you can get, especially with a confession from Mike Douche already in the thread and email and IP information readily available.

I've worked in the field for 15 years. I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm simply stating how laws apply in a case like this and that what Mike Douche does isn't just trolling. There are plenty of cases and verifiable law centers that can be easily Googled as well that explain trolling vs parody vs slander vs libel etc.

Are you a lawyer?
Besides, the topic of online identity and all its vicissitudes is really interesting from an intellectual point of view. And I personally find this thread very funny in the variety of responses. So I certainly wouldn't mind if the discussion continued.
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