Gosh...forever ago.
Oh! I remember now. This was a couple years ago.
I wore a shirt one day that, unbeknownst to me, had a hole in the back, kind of where my back meets my armpit if that makes sense. It was apparently the perfect fingertip-sized hole, because all the lovely ladies I worked with (who were all very close and hands-on) kept coming up behind me and lightly poking the spot and telling me “You have a hole in your shirt!” At first, it was just due to them all being good natured and wanting to let me know I had a hole there. But as you can imagine, with it being such a sensitive spot, I would squeal and jump in surprise every time, and it turned into a game for them. Each time someone would walk by that day, they would take the chance to scritch into the ticklish spot and make me jump and giggle, teasingly repeating “Got a hole there!” with a knowing smirk on their face.
Every. Single. Time.
Totally loved/hated it. Now that I think about it, I really should have kept that shirt.....Time to do some scissor work!