Her feet were in my lap and she pokes her foot out teasing me. I just did what comes naturally LOL. Later she was lying on the bed watching TV. I asked her, “ Mind if I play?” Sure, was her answer! She scooted down and hung her feet off the edged of the bed. I got my feather from the hidden spot. Pulled of her little ankle socks and started tickling her little feet. OMG!!! She’s usually pretty feather ticklish but today she was uber sensitive. I spent like ten minutes just dancing the black feather under between and all around her toes as the flexed and wiggled and quickly flicked it up and down her left foot. She was hugging a pillow for dear life belly laughing and went into silent laughter when i got under the toes of her left foot. She laughed so hard tears ran down her cheeks. She kept saying “ Oh my god that tickles!” “That tickles so bad!” “Oh my god not my toes !”. Needless to say i was in a drunk like state.
Here’s the pics from the Sofa.

Here’s the pics from the Sofa.