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Xander's Memorable Defeat (A Fire Emblem Heroes ticklefic) */M M/M

Lake Superior

TMF Regular
Jan 3, 2019
Xander pulled at his bonds in the dark. He could hear laughter around him and feared that he would soon be joining in. These fiends had stripped him of his armor and reduced him to his boxers. Surtr the dastard, he'd done exactly as he commanded! Feeding the Order false information and informing the fiery ruler of their plans, even magically offering up his size 13's as collateral! He'd felt the bastard playing around with them through his armor alongside those wicked trophies he kept of other Heroes’ feet. The prince had to excuse himself quite a few times at the feeling of a bristly flame-colored beard dragging itself along his captive soles. The dastard had yet to honor his promise and return his younger "brother" Corrin to him, and had even taunted him by taking both his retainer and his son! Surtr had promised to release all of them once the deal was complete and he had Prince Alfonse captive, but now as Xander hung here in chains he realized he was a fool. He pulled at his bonds again working up a sweat and not much else, but this time heard something besides the clinking of his bonds. For lack of a better word the crown prince of Nohr had been “crucified”, with chains binding his wrists and strapped together ankles to this cross. He heard giggles from the darkness and was surprised as the one that came striding forward trailed her long black dress behind her. Eir placed a freezing cold finger to his abs and trailed it up along the muscles into his armpit. It twirled there for a minute as he fought the urge to laugh that was building throughout his body.

"This is the one that I have been given? Prince Xander of Nohr…you know of me, yes? I am-" "Peheerincess Eir yes hehe, I know!" "Good so you know. I pity you, but I also do not. To trust one as Surtr is the height of folly, but I do know that you did so out of honor." With a snap of her fingers, Xander suddenly felt fingers scribbling along his size 13's and looked away from this cold princess so as to not let her see him snort. She stayed stone-faced as ever at the prince's cute display and actually added another hand. This one simply scratched a single finger lightly atop Xander's left knee, causing the muscular prince to squeak in a less than masculine manner. He pulled at the chains when those fingers came back to trail along his feet. Refusing to look Eir in the eyes he kept his head turned, but then the princess of the dead inserted a single finger knuckle-deep into his navel. Xander broke at the feeling and barked out laughter which caused the princess to stop. With a wave of her hand, the hands at his feet withdrew and their owners stood beside her. Xander looked at both Corrin and his missing retainer Lazlow standing side by side with the princess, clad only in boxers and collars. The two stood ramrod straight at attention which achieved a disturbing effect when combined with the goofy smiles painted upon their faces, as if tickling Xander had been the single greatest experience of their lives. Xander's expression darkened as he thought of how maybe it was as he was the reason the two were here.

He hadn't meant for Lazlow to come with him on that mission, but no matter how hard he'd tried his loyal retainer wouldn't be dissuaded. The night before that mission he'd pinned the big-footed duelist in his tent and ravaged his sensitive soles with his gauntlets in an attempt to dissuade the damn fool from following him. "This is what's happening to Surtr's prisoners and my brother! You can't even handle me doing this Lazlow, what will you do when one of these monsters that Surtr's summoning gets your boots off?! Laugh about it?" Xander illustrated his point by dragging an armored finger along Lazlow's foot causing the other man to howl and pound his fist. "I AHAHAM SWORN TO PROHOHOTECT YOU my lord...thank you for the break. Yes, I have sworn to protect you my lord as your RETAIAHIHNEER-NOT THE TOOHEOES!" "Sorry but I'm waiting for you to get to the point, Lazlow. I ordered you not to follow me to this battle and yet here you are. As my retainer should you not listen to me?" "Were I just your retainer I would. Just as Peri did, however as your friend also I chose to ignore those words as the crazy talk they are and ride with my liege. Needless to say, my own daughter is a prisoner right alongside your brothers." Xander had forgotten that one and it stung that he had been so thoughtless to his subordinate. He drummed his fingers along Lazlow's large feet until he felt a tugging at his own boot. He looked down to see a sheepish Lazlow with his boot in his hands and an expression of being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I was just trying to cheer you up Lord Xan-PHHMP!" Xander gave his roguish retainer exactly what he wanted and smothered the man's face with his socked foot. The mercenary writhed under there for a minute before Xander felt a set of teeth through the thick Nohrian wool of his sock. He fell back off his chair with that foot still in Lazlow's possession, regretting this tactic. Lazlow stroked a finger along the thick fabric and smiled at how Xander still thrashed at just this. "You see Lord Xander, as your friend AND retainer you'll forgive me for taking a few liberties with the knowledge I have of you." Lazlow nibbled upon the tasty ball of Xander's foot through the sock and enjoyed the tasty aroma of tropical fruit. Despite his intimidating aura the crown prince was a thoughtful man at heart and had treasured that fragrant cologne when Lazlow had gifted it to him, even turning red at the suggestion to put some in his boots to attract the one he desired. Lazlow took a deep whiff of that scent now and remembered why it was his favorite.

Even now the smell of it was still wafting from Xander's feet but was ignored by the mind-broken slave that was in his retainer's body. Just like back then Lazlow danced his fingers along the undersides of Xander's toes with one hand while the other kept them toes bent back from behind with a sneaky thumb just for his arches. Xander thrashed in his bonds and his memory at the technique, but looked over to see two different reactions from the other man in both. In his memory it was a taunting smile, but here it was a starved expression that suggested that Xander was the tastiest thing in the room. He snickered and tried to look away from what his friend had become, but that just made him look at Corrin who then began on his other foot. He shook his head at that and more unbidden memories came into his head. A young Corrin pouting in front of a pair of boots that his older brother insisted he wear in the cold halls of the Nohrian castle he was raised in. Looking at Xander with a quivering lip and wet eyes before his elder brother pounced on the young swordsman. The two would grapple for a bit until Xander got ahold of Corrin's ankle and showed him what going barefoot would do for him in battle. The room would fill with royal howling as Corrin, who had mastered getting his own boots off, would soon have Xander's across the room and be drilling his fingers between his big brother's toes. By dint of stamina alone, Xander would win as Corrin would relent enough for him to drag the little prince away from his own feet. "FIHIHINE BROTHER! I'LL WEHEHEAR THEM!" he'd scream but it simply wasn't enough at this point. Xander would laugh as Leo, Lazlow and Siegbert would join him in tickling his younger brother stupid for having wasted their time. He remembered Corrin's screaming and...wait.

Back in the present, he shook his head. Something was wrong. That memory didn't make sense. He struggled to remember other things about that day but couldn't. The slightest tick of her lip signified Eir's smile as her pets retreated back to her for orders. Something was wrong, Xander was sure. That memory was wrong. He'd tickled Corrin as a child yes, and it was alongside his family....but...why couldn't he put his finger on it? Was that Princess doing this? How? He was stripped naked and she was simply standing there. She pointed to something and Lazlow and Corrin went to a wooden chest at the side of the room. Since childhood, Xander had always kept himself warm and unwavering inside while on the battlefield by taking refuge in his memories, even during the worst moments. He thought back on his worst battle during the war: when Corrin had first left. He had been locked in battle with Prince Ryoma of Hoshido when the samurai had unhorsed him. Before he could do anything he'd been pounced upon, and Ryoma was quick to hogtie him with the saddle of his own horse! His ankles were bound up behind him with the leather seat on his back, which the samurai reclined in as the blond wiggled on his belly in the dirt. He felt his boots being slid off and soon Ryoma was sucking and biting on his bare feet as he could do nothing but scream. His fellow warrior prince took his long hair and flossed it between the toes as Xander squirmed under the saddle and begged for mercy. "End this war then," Ryoma asked with a smug smile to which the Nohrian nodded frantically. That was how their first and last battle had gone and how he had ended up as a hostage to Ryoma—Wait no that was wrong, none of that was right!

Xander shook his head and the "memory" faded away to the point where he had to struggle to recall it. Eir smiled at his confusion and signaled to her minions. Xander jumped at the pair of feathers that were suddenly inserted and twirled inside his ears. Eir took a seat and—wait, had that chair been there the whole time? Xander couldn't remember if she'd been seated the whole time and had just stood…or vice versa. It was so hard to think with Leo and Siegbert tickling his ears like this. His brother and son leaned close and pinched a pectoral each while smirking, causing him to howl and be sucked into another memory. This time he was young again and comfortable in his bed. The first cracks of light were starting to shine at the window as he reclined in his bed. The feeling of fluff between his toes made him giggle and he pretended not to notice a mischievous little Leo teasing his feet with a feather under the covers. Instead, he pulled the sheets over his head and smiled at the sight of Siegbert beneath the sheets in mid-pounce upon him with the intent of getting at his bare pits. His son knew every spot that got his father begging because he'd inherited them. This wasn't the first time he'd...he'd...what? No! Siegbert couldn't have been there when he was young…as he wouldn't have even been alive! He shook his head again knocking the feathers from his torturer's hands. They sulked and withdrew into the shadows as Eir simply watched. Her smile was slight but growing at the sight of her prisoner battling ticklish sensations all over his own body and from his memories.

Xander recalled he and his sister tickling Leo and Corrin as youths and shook his head. Perhaps that was right but he couldn't chance it. Shooing those away only replaced them with a new version that had him and Camilla on the losing end, Leo and Corrin biting and nibbling at their respective chests while they went wild into pillows stuffed between their teeth for the purpose of keeping the noise down. Rejecting that memory replaced it with one of himself bound and gagged while all three of his siblings had their way with him, Camilla teasing his trapped foot that she kept between her breasts while Corrin's talented toes went wild inside his thighs and a giggling and deranged Leo blew never-ending raspberries into his abs. He shook on the cross untouched, instead laughing at the sensations of his own false memories tickling him as if they were really happening. In his own head, Xander was mummified in cloth and squirming as his feet were played with by enemies whose faces he couldn't see. They wielded feathers between his long toes and forced him to howl into a gag that he didn't recall having but a moment ago. The ticklers’ tongues diving in-between his toes alongside the feathers drove any thought of logistics or the numbers of his opponents from his head though. Instead, it was as if those feathers and tongues were shooting straight through to his nerves.

He heard a snap and was back on the cross before Eir, panting heavily. Her minions were gone and so was their chest of tools. Actually...could he be sure they were ever here at all? She looked at him and asked him simply and flatly. "What do you desire?" Xander simply hung there dumbfounded for a moment before his rage overtook him. "MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS FREED YOU, WITCH!" "Hmmph not yet then. Very well, back you go." The room disappeared from his sight and suddenly Xander was on a stage before a crowd. Still crucified, the Hoshidan Queen and her two sons stood before him with a mass crowd before them and various other stages that he couldn't quite make out. The Queen of Hoshido addressed the crowd of what looked to be her subjects and Xander finally filtered out their cheers and was able to understand. "—to commemorate our victory over the Kingdom of Nohr! We will now force a promise, from not just their royals but every one of their generals, of eternal vassal-hood to the great and glorious Kingdom of Hoshido!" Now Xander could see the other stages clearer. Upon each was either a member of his family or forces in a similar position to his own, however unlike him it looked like they'd all been getting worked over for a while. He saw a Camilla whose body had been painted with all manner of derogatory terms, Arthur with a pair of women's underwear over his face and Niles forced into a chaste white kimono. All three's feet were being given special attention though by those mechanicals that the Hoshidans were so proud of. Xander looked down at his own and saw one of them rolling into position that someone sickeningly dressed in his sisters Elise's clothes. The creature's small ceramic face opened up and rotating brushes sprung forth and descended over his big feet, plunging them into a soft and fluffy tickle hell. He shook his head and bawled his eyes out upon the cross as speedy brushes got the tops and bottoms of his feet while he begged into a gag. He saw a pair of feet sticking from a box surrounded by children and realized what had become of Corrin in this vision. A blonde servant girl in a black kimono came forward and reached forward to shred away his boxers and grip his furry cock in a familiar iron grip. He recognized the woman now as none other than his beloved wife Charlotte. She stroked the underside of his shaft cooly and he trembled at not only the touch but his wife's unrecognizing gaz-wait...was he even married?!

The scene shifted again as he shook it away. This time he was on his knees before the throne of his father who looked over him. He hazarded a glance up though and instead of the King of Nohr saw Corrin seated. Black smoke swirled around his brother and his eyes glowed red as the barefoot dragon prince looked upon him with a snarl. A weight crushed on Xander's back as Corrin struck him with his tail and forced him face-first into his foot. "So you failed me again brother? You were to capture Lazlow and bring him to me to be punished, but he escaped." Xander tried to protest, to claim ignorance, to say that none of this was real but found a princely foot jammed between his lips that stopped the words in his throat. He tried to pull away but received a crack across his shoulder from the tail for that and the cruel Corrin shoved his toes in deeper. "You let him get away, didn't you? You simpering fool, you let him go because he's your "friend" didn't you?" Xander was finally able to get Corrin's foot out of his mouth but didn't run despite his instincts telling him to. This let that blasted tail coil around his arms and drag them above his head. Corrin uses his new appendage to pull his former brother over his lap and trace the prince's powerful nips through his shirt. "Hmmmph I'd say you just earned Leo a night in the special sandals, but I doubt you care at this point. Your real family clearly means less to you than your imagined one. So I think this punishment will be yours. SIEGBERT!" Xander looked in horror as his son stepped forward wearing a maid's dress with a pair of wicked-looking shoes in his hands. His own legs were clad in sheer nylon and nothing else and he winced with each step in ticklish agony as he presented them. Corrin flashed a look of annoyance at his servant, who jumped fearfully before going right to putting them onto his father's feet. Xander kicked out of just confusion before he heard a click and the shoes whirled to life. His toes were forced apart and what felt like dull pins were pushed into the spaces between them. They dug in all over the man's powerful 13's as he thrashed in Corrin's iron grip. Even worse the cruel dragon dug his own short nails into Xander's arm hollows through his shirt. With a snarl, Corrin ripped the cloth away from Xander's sleeves to give him full access to the pits of his prisoner. Claws danced along Xander's muscles as the brushes inside his shoes sped up. "THIHIHIS ISN'T REAAL! THIS NEHEHEVER HAPPENED! GAHAHAHA GEEHET OFF!"

Xander was back upon the cross with Eir still staring right through him. He gasped and wheezed for air as she repeated her question. "What do you desire?" "Ti-NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MIND?! RELEASE ME AND MY FAMILY!" "Hmm not yet then. What else...oh dear yes that one." Suddenly the world swirled around Xander once again. He was strapped to a chair now and staring at a stage bathed in a spotlight. Upon it stood a dancer wearing nothing but veils; they turned and Xander shook at the sight of his missing brother Leo who began to twirl upon the stage as flames started to spread around him. Behind him, hands crept down over his shoulders and started to pinch and stroke at his chest. He recognized them. That strong grip was his sister Camilla, and that silver glove was Corrin's he saw a small one that protruded feathers that he recognized as Princess Veronica's from when he'd been her caretaker. A powerful black gauntlet that he recognized as his father clamped on his shoulder and the King of Nohr strode before him and took a seat as more gloves skittered over him to take positions. He saw a frilly pink one that was Elise's and a larger one that belonged to his nephew Forrest. They went straight for his feet and began to play between his toes as Garon began to speak. "I gave you a task boy. You were to capture Corrin and kill those fool Hoshidans he's playing alongside. You not only failed me but you took the life of-"

Garon's words were droned about by the screams of Leo as the flames on stage spread to him. The blonde dropped the ground but that's when he heard it. Leo wasn't wailing in pain but screeching in ticklish agony. He thrashed about on the stage beating at the flames while his teared up as they licked and took his feet. No matter what the young prince did he couldn't put out this magical blaze and his constant rolling was only spreading it. "Pathetic. I'd hoped your younger brother to be made of a better material, but that enchanted flame has him wailing like a babe for mercy. The one thing that the weak fool is good for is to keep you motivated. The strongest sword arm in Nohr and you can't stop a silly fool like Corrin from leading an army of sandal-wearing kinshi tenders right through our lands. Your sister was more than eager to fly out and take vengeance when I had Iago tell her that it was Corrin who'd struck down Elise. You yourself nearly perished there, and you would have if we hadn't thrown a good couple of pieces of ‘meat’ into the grinder. Hans said those fool border guards fought well, but the last he'd seen they were doomed." Garon grabbed Xander's free ankle as now gloves that matched Benny and Charlotte's came and began to explore his button making him snort at the new additions. The false version of his father traced a finger along the top of his foot and smiled as Xander broke into full-blown laughter at the old tactics from his childhood. Xander threw his head from side to side, but soon was forced to look straight ahead by yet more gloves that forced him to watch Garon drag a slooooow trailing finger up the top of his foot and go between each of his toes and down the sole. Now Xander was a small boy, being punished for not getting Corrin into his boots again. His tearful younger half-brother watching on as Gunter kept him in his seat with a stern hand as Garon played along his small foot, making him squeal while lecturing him about how he was responsible for his brothers. Now Leo joined his screams as a young version of his brother was hoisted up by Hans who went straight into the dour princeling's belly.

Xander was back again on his cross and Eir asked once more. "What do you desire Prince of Nohr?" "Hehehahaha, please! No more tickles! Don't do this!" "Back in." "NOOOO PLEASE!" Xander was before Surtr now kneeling. This one he remembered well. Laying across the King's lap was Corrin and the lord of Muspel's massive fingers were embedded in the dragon's armpits making him buck and thrash. Xander tried to look away but was enthralled. "So you know your mission? Your ‘escape’ will be time-consuming so there will be no second chance. Get it right or you'll never have this one back.” Guards in heavy black armor flanked Surtr, and at his nod they took Corrin's hands and feet under their arms. Watching them produce some kinds of devices, Xander heard a click and now saw the silver-haired prisoner bound in strange-looking iron shoes and gloves. They clicked together and kept Corrin wrists and ankles stuck together no matter hard he pulled and when Surtr forced them together they forced his flexible younger brother into a "U" position as if he was caught while touching his toes. Corrin was stuck like this as Surtr slipped a hand beneath his stomach and threw him over his shoulder. He stood with the Prince like this, using one hand to tickle away at his lower back and the other to stroke the palms and soles that were readily exposed to him through these metal sandals trapping him. "Twinkle-Toes here is my favorite pet since he was the one who started my collecting habit. You'll have to bring me some tasty treats for me to consider releasing him." Hands seized Xander and shoved him to his back. He was descended on by Surtr's generals and daughters who each took a hand and foot. Pens were produced and names written upon the skin. Through his tears Xander recognized them. Sothe the thief, Lewyn the mage, Eldigan the knight, and Prince Alfonse himself. They were all good men who didn't deserve to be betrayed and doomed to lives as twitching tickle sluts at this despot’s hands, but Xander's family was chief in his mind, and for them he'd doom even more. With the ink still wet on his skin he nodded and Surtr's mocking laugh boomed over Corrin's own desperate version as his generals wrote more names upon Xander's chest. They were going so fast that Xander could only pick a few from the list. Wolt, Ephraim, Reyson. He tried to look down to read them through his tears only for a rough hand to seize his chin and write “Lif” upon his neck. Still, Xander nodded his head and swore that he'd do it. If it meant freeing his sibling, he'd give Surtr whatever names he wanted to save his family. Surtr laughed and the names on Xander's hands and feet began to swirl. They changed into names that meant far more to him. Leo, Siegbert, Lazlow and his own name appeared on his skin as he started to feel faint from the lack of air. Surtr laughed about a deal being a deal and swore to honor his end.

The world changed again and he was back with Eir but this time she had a guest. Standing next to her in only black robes was his younger brother Leo. A grin was on his face as he saw a light in Xander's eyes. "Dear brother you are awake! Goodness, and here I thought my daughter-in-law here might have broken you!" Xander blinked sweat from his eyes as he panted but still heard the words his brother had said and had to ask him out of concern. "Your...what?" "Oh? Surprised? Did you expect me to simply be a giggling slave like all the others you sold to Surtr? Surprised that your weak younger brother managed to make something of himself? Yes, Big Brother, I'm thriving here in this tickle hell you dumped me in." "Leo I neve-" "Save it! You may not have been the one to personally put me here but knowing all that you've done to make this place, I feel safe in blaming you for this. All for Corrin as well! He's not even your real blood yet you threw away your retainer, your son, and me—your brother—for him. They were all the lucky ones you know. Surtr is nowhere near as creative as Lady Hel. My copies await me in my chambers to scrub me pink and pretty whenever I'm summoned to my bed for our royal games with my darling new bride-" "Leo I never-" "You never what? Thought that a lunatic would betray you? How did that work out with father? Iago? Hans? Do you even remember any of that at this point, brother, or has Eir just turned those into faces that you remember scratching at your big stupid feet?" "Leo I'm sorry…this was to protect-" "You're sorry?! Whatever for?! This new power Hel gave me is fantastic! Give me a few more days and we'll have shy little Siegbert in here to tell you the same. Once you realize it's just tickling and see past that and all of the silly games, you'll see how this world is heaven!" "…Leo what have they done to you? They were never supposed to take you or Sieg or anywhere near this many!" "Oh is this too many brother? We're nowhere near done. By the gods, we're not even the only ones playing at this anymore. That tall fellow is quite creative but Helly-Welly has something planned for him, Surtr too—oops...brother you've made me wag my tongue too much! Eir, I don't suppose your mother could not know about that?" The dour princess simply sighed and Xander could see her hands flash. A chair was now behind Leo, or had it always been there? Xander could barely think over all the manic tickling his brother had been putting him throug—NO! That was another of her tricks! Leo had yet to touch him! He'd just babbled on and on about tickling! Gods no more of it, what had actually happened? He shook his head as if he could make Eir's tampering simply slosh out an ear as hands of fog emerged from the floor and pulled Leo into the chair that was now — or had always —been a throne. The younger Prince of Nohr didn't resist as they clamped his wrists to the armrests as Eir sighed.

"You know that there are no secrets from Mother in spaces where her power is used." A hand of mist brushed aside Leo's robes to reveal he was naked beneath. A single finger circled the rim of Leo's cute navel while he snickered. "I dohohooo know that yoohour mother is not to be trihihihfled with. Still, allohohow me to help you with pacifying this traitor my dear new daughter." With flexibility that Xander dared not to question when he practiced, Leo's legs rose and his pink size 13's fumbled with Xander’s boxers until his cock sprung forth. They cupped around the powerful organ and Leo's titters increased at the feeling of the blonde pubes upon his feet. Xander whimpered at the unbearable titillating courtesy of the sadist his brother had become and tried to stammer for him to stop, but the first pump shot his seed forth. It splattered on Leo and beyond and he sagged in his bonds again with heavy eyes. "Oh dear brother, don't you doze away now! No, nohoho, no! I endured so long in Hel's fog for this power and you will too if we're tohoho make you the proper choice for my dear Eir. So please endure brother, there's so much more to come! We both need to be properly ready for when we go and capture our dear sisters together." Xander was barely conscious but the word sister made his eyes shoot open. He pulled at his bonds with a brand new surge of rage and actually managed to break his wrist free of one. However, hands seized his wrist that were much angrier. Xander looked back to see the tall knight Eldigan holding his hand in place while his other began to count Xander's ribs. His eyes went wide at the sight of the man who he'd betrayed to try and help his family, when he felt a brush at his feet. He looked down through the roiling fog to see the thief Sothe with a bucket and brush that he held in his teeth. The wincing Zephyr did his best to smile as the itching sensations ravaged his body and made him wish to scream — just like Xander did when he started to feel the effects of what Sothe had applied to his feet with that brush. An exhale of air from his brother and Xander now saw another man sat atop his brother's lap. Lewyn gave a cheeky wave as his own wrinkly 12's crept up to assist Leo's with the rapidly stiffening pole coming from Xander's waist. "You can tell the others were very happy to see you here as well, brother. Lazlow and his band will be along shortly just as Ephraim will. They're all very eager to show you EVERYTHING they've learned. After all…that's exactly what you wanted isn't it?" Xander's lips were clenched shut at the sensations all over his body as hands of fog joined the fray to squeeze his knees and stroke his palms. He wanted to deny it all for some reason, say everything wasn't supposed to be this way, but couldn't say why. Every thought in his head before now was for this shameful children's act that controlled his life so why would he want to leave? Tickling was everything in his life, and now here he was getting so much of it with his family and new friends. His seed shot again painting those before him, and Xander erupted in belly laughs as Eir watched dispassionately. She had hoped the paladin's defiance could have endured but she supposed no man could withstand this mind-melting torture. She would have to seek an ally in her escape elsewhere. Xander shot a third time as the door opened and Surtr himself entered to inspect his new toy's progress.

Siegbert's breathing was shallow and hushed as he peered around the corner. He saw a pair of Muspel guards waiting before the door to the room where he'd been told his father was being held. He waited just as the princess had said until he heard a crash. Peeking around the corner he saw Prince Alfonse standing in the ruins of a door he'd just broken down and the guards already moving to capture him. The Askran Prince turned the corner with the guards in pursuit and Siegbert heard him burst into frantic laughter as he opened the door. He paused for a second and thought of helping the Prince and defying what Eir had said. If the two of them overpowered the guards there would be nothing stopping them from taking father with them as well. His family came first though, just as father always said, and there was a high chance that it would end with his own moans joining Alfonse's. He slipped in the door and saw his father sagging off the cross just as he had been told. He was unconscious though, and while that complicated things Siegbert was secretly relieved his father couldn't see him in this ridiculous outfit. That twisted thing that wore his Uncle Leo's face had dressed him personally in his mother's clothes, thinking that Charlotte's attire would best highlight the boy's features. While he definitely didn't fill out the chest which had allowed that ghastly thing that had him at it’s tea party easy access to his little nipples, the young man was so grateful for the boots even now. He knew that footwear in Muspel was rare and shuddered at the reason why. He pulled his father down and got under his shoulder while trying not to think about the stickiness of Xander's skin on his own. They exited the room together while Siegbert tried to block out thoughts of Alfonse's muffled gasps around the corner and what exactly he'd been muffled with. Just as Eir had told him the secret passage was in the room where Alfonse had been held beneath the portrait. While he found the correct stones to pull out to open the small passage he tried not to think about this room. The fluffy carpets, giant bed, and owl imagery scared him greatly. His father started to stir and Siegbert breathed a sigh of relief; he had not been looking forward to having to drag his unconscious father through this passage. It was only just big enough to crawl, but as Siegbert crept in to inspect it he suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around his ankles. His yelp got a chuckle from his naked father who played a finger down the side of his boot. "Oooooh, I recognize these shoes. Honey, I'm so glad you're here! I felt so guilty that you didn't get to join me in my heaven."

Xander's fingers easily ripped right through the leather of the boots and exposed the little 9's inside their darling little lacy socks identical to his mother’s, though with a key difference. "Hmmm? These are smaller than I...remember? What don't I remember?..." A finger down the socked feet made Siegbert laugh as the little prince's feet had always been sensitive even before Surtr's curse. A pinch at the heel to pull away the sock had him pleading for his father to stop and let him save him like he'd come to do, but Xander gave no indication of even being able to hear him. He pulled the sock off and called for the guards while Siegbert wailed for help in the tunnel to whoever was supposed to have been waiting for him on the other end, Eir had long since run at the first sign of trouble though. She knew her mother wouldn't be long to find out about her betrayal, but she had to try and save at least one person before she left. That Siegbert had refused to leave his father had doomed him, as once Xander finally recognized the little feet in his grasp it wouldn't be long until he remembered all the sweetest spots on them as well. Siegbert was on his own now and probably could have been saved had he assisted Alfonse, or simply seen past his own family for the greater good. Oh well, something for the boy to laugh about.
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