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Bill Cosby Mounting Sexual Assault Allegations.. Thoughts?

Bill Clinton had a few law suits against him when it came to sexual misconduct. Only one woman claimed he raped her and her story was shoddy and brought up 20 years after the fact. Bill Cosby has yet to be sued, as far as I know, when it comes to the recent allegations, but the number of women who all have similar stories of rape or sexual assault makes it hard to deny, I feel like.

The comparison between the two bills doesnt really work and I remember the media villifying Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky despite it being consensual. Kinda apples and oranges here.

Exactly. I knew someone would use this as a platform to bring up Bill Clinton even though it has little relevance to the topic at hand. People can say I don't know if Bill Clinton guilty... but each case was investigated by judges, independent counsels, etc. and each time the allegations were not able to substantiated. I don't know either but I'll defer to the rulings of the courts rather than declare a man guilty simply because of his party affiliation. I would just respectfully disagree that the two are the same.

I do think there is something to the argument that we shouldn't be too quick to immediately declare Cosby guilty. There could be information that comes out that exonerates him, but like Chicago said, the fact that these women's stories are similar seems like kind of a smoking gun. All the same, the media always sensationalizes everything rather than just report the facts, which is getting really old, in my opinion.
Its all a load of garbage, who waits this long to come forward bout these accusations. Honestly someone just wanted to ruin
Bill Cosby's career honestly, she hasn't said anything since that and is making sure she is doing what she wanted to do. Bitches
man i swear...
For all the people asking, (or thinking) "Why were Bill Cosby's accusers so quiet about this until now?" Here is my response...

The cost of telling these kinds of stories is higher than you could possibly imagine. If you come forward as a victim of sexual assault, prepare to be bombarded with questions like: Why did you put yourself in that position? Why were you stupid enough to wear that dress/take those pills? Why didn't you fight him off? Etc. etc. victim-blaming etc.

God forbid you're a nobody, because then you're only doing this for your fifteen minutes of fame, or for the money, or for attention. God forbid you're a public figure, because then your own accomplishments will be overshadowed by the worst thing that has ever happened to you; a Google search of your name will turn up RAPE RAPE RAPE, which is exactly the sort of thing you want to be associated with, forever. :sarcasm:

From that moment on, you will cease being a person and become a "victim" in the minds of the public (whether you accept the label or not), your sanity and mental health are forever in question, you are considered irrevocably damaged. You now have "problems." Problems that make other people deeply uncomfortable, problems they don't want to have to think about.

Not to mention that the rapist in question in this particular case —Bill Cosby— is a powerful man who has so much money and influence that it's impossible to imagine anyone more influential; for kids who grew up watching the Cosby show (as millions did), Cosby was LITERALLY viewed as a father figure, and the man is so rich that he tried to BUY NBC in the '90s. Please, take a moment to let that sink in.

These are stories women are discouraged from telling. We are not supposed to have "let this happen." We are not supposed to have gone out late at night. We should not have trusted our own judgment, we should not have trusted the men who hurt us, we should have known this would happen. Chances are, you have been taught to believe these things your whole life, and part of you probably still believes them.

And if you have read this far and your takeaway is still that Cosby is "innocent until proven guilty," consider that you are contributing to the problem. Consider that Cosby will likely never see the inside of a courtroom, that in 2006 he settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money, which was probably received by a woman who was intimidated and threatened by Cosby's lawyers, who would not have been able to afford the kind of legal counsel available to Cosby, who wanted justice as much as you and I do (hell, more), but who realized that our society is deeply fucked up and stacked against women, who wanted her life to return to normalcy as soon as possible, who did not want to have to face Cosby again in a courtroom. To go to court would be to risk losing even more, and she had already lost enough.
I'm all in favor of giving the accused the benefit of the doubt and calling him innocent until proven guilty, but apparently some people don't think the women are entitled to the same courtesy, because there are some people here would would convict them straightaway of being bitches who want their 15 minutes of fame.

At least one of the accusers is an actress, considerably less prominent than he is, who made a guest appearance on his show. Now, one can certainly construct a scenario whereby an actress of such a circumstance would be jealous of his fame and want to bring him down to make herself famous, but one thing you can't say with any validity is that this fits into any pattern of probability. For reasons well know to those who are personally acquainted with me, I know hundreds of non-famous actors and actresses personally. If any of them had been on the Cosby show, they would treat it as an honor, and if they used it to advance themselves, they would do so by boasting that they had been on the Cosby show and displaying segments of it on their audition reels. They would not be doing it by accusing Bill Cosby of rape. I can assure you, getting in the news by accusing someone of rape, whether truthfully or untruthfully, does not bring anyone closer to being a star in the acting world. And it's their acting that actors want to be famous for, not the claim that they've been raped.

I just have to ask: If you were being accused of rape, and if an interviewer asked you whether you had any comment you wished to make, would you just shake your head? As noted in my previous post, I certainly wouldn't.
As I said before..

Even if not every single one of the accusations against Cosby is true.. (I'm not discrediting anyone, or saying that any of the accusers is "lying". I'm just making a statement.. that EVEN IF not every accusation against Cosby is true.. the law of averages says, that with the amount, and number of women, who have claimed that Cosby sexually assaulted them, it would seem that at least some of these stories are true, and that Cosby definitely did something to at least some of these women.

Chances are.. the whole truth will never really be known, but.. I would be shocked if Cosby is completely innocent of all of these acts.
I've liked Bill Cosby ever since I used to listen to his comedy albums in the 1960s. Him, Red Fox, and Flip Wilson.

I couldn't possibly care less about these so-called allegations. As far as I'm concerned, they will never come close to marring the polish of Cosby's reputation.
I've liked Bill Cosby ever since I used to listen to his comedy albums in the 1960s. Him, Red Fox, and Flip Wilson.

I couldn't possibly care less about these so-called allegations. As far as I'm concerned, they will never come close to marring the polish of Cosby's reputation.

Are you saying they don't disturb you because you don't believe the allegations, or just that they don't disturb you?
Are you saying they don't disturb you because you don't believe the allegations, or just that they don't disturb you?
I'm saying I have seen no reason to believe the allegations, and if they're true, it won't change my opinion of him.
I'm saying I have seen no reason to believe the allegations, and if they're true, it won't change my opinion of him.

As someone who has consistently taken a strong stance against rape and child molestation in other threads (as do I and as any caring person should), now your opinion wouldn't change of someone who, should these allegations be true, had raped underage girls?
I'm not aware of any allegations of underage rape, but admittedly I avoid tabloid news.

My opinion of Bill Cosby is that he is an incredibly funny and talented entertainer and I have fond memories of my Dad playing his comedy albums and all of the DAJT family laughing at his stories of the Chickenheart that Ate New York City, the go-kart races, etc. Bill Cosby and other black entertainers of the sixties were key in overcoming the racial hostilities of that must turbulent period of the last century. Comedians like Bill, Flip Wilson, and Red Fox. Then there were musicians like Nat King Cole, The Four Tops, the Temptations, Sammy Davis Jr., not to mention the blues artists like BB King, Willie Dixon, and Muddy Waters.

I would go so far as to say they were as effective in the cause for civil rights as MLK, because they won us over in droves. They broke through the walls of fear and ignorance and we loved them. Not everybody, of course, but I would say a vast majority.

So whatever Bill has done with these women won't ever change any of that, for me. I'll still remember him as that funny guy that made us all laugh.
So basically, you're okay with people who rape/molest? In general, anyone who is actually proven to have committed those crimes still deserves (your) reverence? It's okay to hold on to whatever good memories you have of someone but no one is above the law and people should be disgusted when someone does things like that to another person.
I'm not aware of any allegations of underage rape, but admittedly I avoid tabloid news.

My opinion of Bill Cosby is that he is an incredibly funny and talented entertainer and I have fond memories of my Dad playing his comedy albums and all of the DAJT family laughing at his stories of the Chickenheart that Ate New York City, the go-kart races, etc. Bill Cosby and other black entertainers of the sixties were key in overcoming the racial hostilities of that must turbulent period of the last century. Comedians like Bill, Flip Wilson, and Red Fox. Then there were musicians like Nat King Cole, The Four Tops, the Temptations, Sammy Davis Jr., not to mention the blues artists like BB King, Willie Dixon, and Muddy Waters.

I would go so far as to say they were as effective in the cause for civil rights as MLK, because they won us over in droves. They broke through the walls of fear and ignorance and we loved them. Not everybody, of course, but I would say a vast majority.

So whatever Bill has done with these women won't ever change any of that, for me. I'll still remember him as that funny guy that made us all laugh.

Dosen't finally understanding that you are dying suck?

Latching on to your past when the system you have defended all these years has turned its back on you for greener patures must fucking kill you.

You are irrelevant now. Go to your grave with some dignity.

PS: You are a freak. The system has always known this. They used you. They got you to say what they wanted...Then discarded you.

You are too old and ineffectual to change that now.
I do believe that Cosby has NOT been proven to have done anything wrong....there are all the allegations, but no verdicts from a court of law. There's a big difference.
No, Cosby hasn't been proven to have done anything wrong. I was merely disturbed by the fact that if he somehow were, there are some people who still wouldn't change their positive opinion of him.
So basically, you're okay with people who rape/molest? In general, anyone who is actually proven to have committed those crimes still deserves (your) reverence?
Please refrain from twisting what I say about one individual into a sweeping generalization. We're talking about Bill Cosby and nobody else.

It's okay to hold on to whatever good memories you have of someone
Well gee, that sure is a relief, knowing I have your permission. :illogical

but no one is above the law
You didn't ask me about the law. You asked if my "opinion wouldn't change of someone who, should these allegations be true, had raped underage girls."

and people should be disgusted when someone does things like that to another person.
Sorry, but you have absolutely no authority whatsoever to dictate what should or shouldn't disgust people.
Well gee, that sure is a relief, knowing I have your permission. :illogical
Sorry, but you have absolutely no authority whatsoever to dictate what should or shouldn't disgust people.

Please refrain from interpreting my stating my opinions as declaring I have some authority over people. I'm not going to write "in my opinion" before everything I say. You can think whatever you want of Bill Cosby.

Please refrain from twisting what I say about one individual into a sweeping generalization. We're talking about Bill Cosby and nobody else.

So then, if Bill Cosby happens to commit a crime, you're okay with that? Why? Again, no he hasn't been proven to have done anything, but you said if the allegations were true, you still wouldn't change your opinion of him. That's all I was addressing; I was personally disturbed that someone would continue to think highly of someone even if they were somehow proven to have hurt other people.
Let's not split hairs here.
Nothing has been "proven in a court of law" ... BUT ... in the Court of Public Opinion, Pill Cosby has suffered.
I know I would NEVER have a drink with him!
So whatever Bill has done with these women won't ever change any of that, for me. I'll still remember him as that funny guy that made us all laugh.

So even if all the allegations of all the women against Cosby turn out to be true, it won't change your opinion of him to you? He's just a "funny guy" to you? Wow, what a stand-up guy you are.
Yes....he has to be proven guilty in a court of law....allegations don't cut it. Someone could just as easily accuse each of us of something, and then we gotta clear ourselves.
Please refrain from interpreting my stating my opinions as declaring I have some authority over people.
I'll be happy to as soon as you stop expressing your opinions as declarative, authoritarian statements.

I'm not going to write "in my opinion" before everything I say.
Nobody's asking you to. It's an absurdly simple matter to qualify a statement as an opinion. Is it really that much trouble to say "I think that..." Or "It seems to me..."?

You can think whatever you want of Bill Cosby.
Well gee, that sure is a relief, knowing I have your permission. :illogical

So then, if Bill Cosby happens to commit a crime, you're okay with that?
You'll have to be more specific than "okay." If you're asking if I think he should be immune from prosecution, the answer is no. If you're asking if his crimes will cause me to rewrite my entire opinion if him, the answer is also no.

Because my admiration of the man has nothing to do with his legal record or how he treats women. I don't care about those things. They don't effect the reasons I like and admire the guy. If we were talking about a President, Senator, Mayor, or some public position of authority, that would be different. But he's a comedian and an entertainer. His personal life is his own business, in my opinion. (See how easy that was?)

I was personally disturbed that someone would continue to think highly of someone even if they were somehow proven to have hurt other people.
Personally disturbed? Because somebody doesn't think the way you do? Really? That's one of many differences between you and me. I don't harbor expectations of others to share my opinion. I strongly suggest you find some way to deal with people who don't opt for your lynch mob mindset. In this so-called "court of public opinion," put me down as FTA.
I'll be happy to as soon as you stop expressing your opinions as declarative, authoritarian statements.
Nobody's asking you to. It's an absurdly simple matter to qualify a statement as an opinion. Is it really that much trouble to say "I think that..." Or "It seems to me..."?
Well gee, that sure is a relief, knowing I have your permission. :illogical
Personally disturbed? Because somebody doesn't think the way you do? Really? That's one of many differences between you and me. I don't harbor expectations of others to share my opinion. I strongly suggest you find some way to deal with people who don't opt for your lynch mob mindset. In this so-called "court of public opinion," put me down as FTA.

It’s also an absurdly simple matter to distinguish stating opinions from declaring “authority” or having a lynch mob mindset. I said “It's okay to hold on to whatever good memories…” and “People should be disgusted when someone does things like that…”, not “I’m granting you permission to hold on to good memories but if your disgust is not satisfactory to me you will be hanged”. I shouldn’t have to begin or end every opinion sentence with “I think” or “It seems” or “In my opinion”. I don’t harbor expectations of others to share my opinion, either, and I apologize if it comes across like that. But if you publicly state your opinion, I have the right to question it, state my own opinions on it, criticize it, etc., which is I all I was doing. If you don’t like what I’m saying, then you can ignore me or debate back on-topic, but this nitpicking about how I state my opinions is off-topic and does not add anything to a discussion.
Because my admiration of the man has nothing to do with his legal record or how he treats women. I don't care about those things. They don't effect the reasons I like and admire the guy. If we were talking about a President, Senator, Mayor, or some public position of authority, that would be different. But he's a comedian and an entertainer. His personal life is his own business, in my opinion.
You don't care how someone treats another person, especially if they possibly raped them? Again, no he hasn't been proven to have done anything, but you said if the allegations were true, you still wouldn't change your opinion of him. Sure, you can still admire someone and their work but you can also have disgust for them if they hurt others. If someone's personal life involves hurting others, then it isn't just their own business, anymore.
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