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Depressed at people on here...

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Why would anyone publicise the death of a loved one on something like the Tickling Media Forum?

Just because the name of the forum is the "Tickling Media Forum", doesn't mean that that's only what it represents. It started out as a shell and has involved into what many members here can comfortably call a community.

People have built friendships and some even solid relationships thanks to this forum. And it wasn't just because of the Tickling content, it was because of the side discussion that fills this place as well.

Due to the distance of many people, it might be more convenient to reach out through threads here, then sending mass E-mails. If that idea depresses you, then it's just as easy to pass the thread by. Although, I know for my own personal fact that it's a hard thing to do.

If it's not deliberate flame bait, then what really is the harm in posting things about the on-going's in one's life? There are plenty of people who would be curious to know what's going on in other folks' life. This place gives us all an opportunity to post those things, as well as those threads that contain such content as this one has.

Is it because, as is sometimes the case with me, these people have nobody else to tell? Does that reveal anything about the make-up of this group?

No. You're looking at this solidly through one side. There's another side to this, which I touched upon above. There are people here who find it a lot easier to reach out to others here, instead of sending mass amounts of Email. This place holds that convenience. The benefit also being, is that someone could post of an issue within their life and find themselves identifying with other's who could be going through the same or similar themselves.

Also - I believe in Darwinian Evolution, so sorry guys, but I do think that there is a dividing line between winners and losers. There always has been and there always will be. You may be happy as a loser, or sad as a winner, but you are still a winner or a loser.

Or perhaps you are one who has neither lost, nor won. You are one who merely just is. There's no title to you, and that's okay. Again, that all is in your opinion and you are welcome to it.

Attempting to force others to agree, however, is a whole different ball game.

I just wonder if we're a bunch of self-indulgent, fantasists that have no clue about the real world.

What evidence can you deliver to support your claim of this assumption? Certainly if you are doing nothing but assuming, doesn't that make you a self-indulgent fantasist?

Or do you feel better by considering yourself to be the exception to the rule.

I guarantee someone will quote me here and make a DIRECT ATTACK on me.

In fact, I have not made a direct attack on anyone. I have asked the general questin as to whether this group is made up of winners or losers, and since that group includes me, I felt entitled to ask it. I haven't attacked any one individual, and I would appreciate it if you didn't attack me.

There's an error within this statement. Although you haven't directly called any one person out, the delivery of your OP shows ill-will to be implied. Sometimes it's not always about the direct statement as much as it is about the intent of which it was delivered.

Asking someone to not get hostile about your developed and assumed opinion of them is a little obtuse.

Also - I asked the question - are we a bunch of losers, and since most people haven't exactly been enthusiastic about declaring themselves winners, I think I might have an answer.

Then I guess this thread is pretty much over with, yeah?
Crystal's right.

I think i'm done here.

I still dont have an answer to whether we are winners or losers.

Perhaps I have realised that there is no such thing as winners or losers?

I wish I could accept life as most people around here seem to, but no matter how much I achieve I am never satisfied, never happy. That's not a good thing, I can tell you.

Maybe my next thread should be how most people manage to take the rough with the smooth and accept life with all it's good and bad points, in a way that i can't.
Answer the questiion if you want, or ignore it. It's your choice. But don't insult me for asking it.

Also - I asked the question - are we a bunch of losers, and since most people haven't exactly been enthusiastic about declaring themselves winners, I think I might have an answer.

It's not an insult.

Winners never declare it with arrogance. Usually the medal will declare for itself.
I still dont have an answer to whether we are winners or losers.

Perhaps I have realised that there is no such thing as winners or losers?

Only two categories to place a massive array of different personalities is a damn near impossible feat.

If you'd like to consider yourself either a winner, or a loser then that's your choice. But, I'm sure we'd all like to consider ourselves whatever it is that we decide.

Individualism. It's teh winz.
If you insist on characterizing people as winners and losers, I just won't be able to answer your question. Our views here are just completely opposite.

But similar to what Slacker said, I will offer this self assessment. I have a wonderful loving family, wonderfully supportive friends, and the ability to give back the love I receive from them. I have a great job and good home, for which I am very blessed but have nothing to do with what kind of person I am. Based on the first assessments, I guess that should make me a "winner."
Also - I believe in Darwinian Evolution, so sorry guys, but I do think that there is a dividing line between winners and losers. There always has been and there always will be. You may be happy as a loser, or sad as a winner, but you are still a winner or a loser.

Darwinian Evolution is only intended to be applied on plants and animals. If you want to apply the same teachings to humans you are talking about Social Darwinism.

Social Darwinism was more or less made up to justify Imperialism, and furthermore claim the racial superiority of certain ethnic groups. If you want to believe in genetics and hereditary traits then that's one thing, and it's both logical and common for people to believe in it... but that's not the same thing as believing our differences divide people into winners and losers, i.e. good people and bad people. In this case you are twisting science to support your own agenda. Science can never be subjective or it will lose its meaning.

I, uh... just had to say that...
Darwinian Evolution is only intended to be applied on plants and animals. If you want to apply the same teachings to humans you are talking about Social Darwinism.

Social Darwinism was more or less made up to justify Imperialism, and furthermore claim the racial superiority of certain ethnic groups. If you want to believe in genetics and hereditary traits then that's one thing, and it's both logical and common for people to believe in it... but that's not the same thing as dividing people into winners and losers, i.e. good people and bad people. In this case you are twisting science to support your own agenda. Science can never be subjective or it will lose its meaning.

I, uh... just had to say that...

YAY YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bubbleheart::bubbleheart: :bubbleheart::bubbleheart:
You may be happy as a loser, or sad as a winner, but you are still a winner or a loser.

Hmm, if those are what I have to pick from I'll take happy loser.

The way I see it is winner or loser is how others around
you label you and it changes with who you are around.
Your friends aren't going to call you a loser and if you're
not one of them the jocks aren't going to call you a winner.

Winner, loser, those are labels the world can
and will stick on us from their own prespective.

Happy, sad, those are the ways in which we chose to live.

All in all more people than have not have labeled me a "loser",
"worthless", "pathetic" or an "undesirable" but why should I
value what they think more than what I feel.

I'd rather stay what the world sees as a loser and be happy than
change myself and find out that the change has made me miserable.
i not loozr. i iz ROXXOR!!!!!!!!

In all honesty, Babyshambles, this thread sounds like it was made by someone who is only a few steps away from suicide. Not somebody asking a philisophical question.

I'm not joking. Put all this curiosity of yours about the forum and its members aside. Are you taking any medication? Perhapse you should seriously consider it now.

I'm sure a lot of people on here are total go-getting winners, living life to the full, and that all producers are multi-millionaires living in Tropical tax-havens,


i'm so depressed at the number of people who seem to be undesirable on here (that may or may not include me - i hope it doesn't).

If I gave a shit what you think, I'd probably be pretty upset right now. Since I don't, I can see this for what it is: A sad little cry for attention. Nonetheless, I'll give you an answer...

My experience has been totally the opposite of what you describe. I don't presume to be able to know everything about everyone from a few posts on an internet forum, but the folks I've met in person or gotten to know in-depth have been almost 100% cool. Sure, folks have problems sometimes... Big fuckin' deal. Almost everyone does at some point.

In closing:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
:imthedj: This place will be whatever you make it to be for yourself. It's only one part of life and life as a whole makes us who we are.

Somebody please hand this man the "coolest man in world" medal right away.

In closing:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

OMG. You are so loaded with win for this. :redheart: :redheart:
what defines successful people, really? when i turned 18, i inhereted $100,000 and had everything i wanted, but i was lonely and extremely depressed. now i'm broke, currently laid off and unemployed and fighting the government for unemployment funds, but i've got the woman of my dreams, who i'm saving cash to fly to and see, and i'm so happy with my love, TickleBug101. i'm so happy with her in my life i'm as happy as a pig in mud.

If I gave a shit what you think, I'd probably be pretty upset right now. Since I don't, I can see this for what it is: A sad little cry for attention. Nonetheless, I'll give you an answer...

My experience has been totally the opposite of what you describe. I don't presume to be able to know everything about everyone from a few posts on an internet forum, but the folks I've met in person or gotten to know in-depth have been almost 100% cool. Sure, folks have problems sometimes... Big fuckin' deal. Almost everyone does at some point.

In closing:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

F*cking A, man. i couldn't agree more. and i agree with Crystal, this video is just made of win :dogpile:
Biting commentary on an entire group of people you have, in the past, tried to get the attention of only works if you have not already availed your weakness. And whereas you think it's pretty nifty to launch into the offensive through faux innocence (which can't even be truly passed off as such) whenever someone here has the audacity to respond to this tripe in a negative fashion, I found your tendency to bring psychology into play a bit humorous.

Playing psychologist with you, I come to the conclusion that this attempt to impose this construct of wins and loses is your attempt at stirring the pot. And it's been quite successful. But your agenda is so blatantly obvious that you fail at the one thing that separates misanthropes from mediocre internet trolls; transparency. But then again, who knows if you're into that whole culture. Maybe you're simple someone who bleeds into the walls of a forum and you can't stand it because you are hot to trot in your own real world.

Whereas some people can stoke a fire masterfully, you are nothing more than a banal droll. And that has depressed me. My ten dollar words are wasted upon someone so...low.
Who are you to say that someone who has no job is undesireable?

And who are you to say that someone who's lost their family or contracted some kind of debilitating illness is a loser?

Do you even know anyone from the TMF in real life, personally?

With any group of people there are going to be those that no one wants to be around - the people who have poor attitudes, are generally assholes, the ones who are irresponsible and irritating. But none of the "qualifications" you listed in your first post here even come close to what would make someone a bad or irritating person.

You, sir, are shallow. I'm not flaming here, I'm simply being honest and answering your question when I say this, but in my personal opinion, coming here does not make you a loser - with your attitude, you're a loser no matter where you go or who you're with.

I think I agree with some of the other posters in here - you need some serious professional help.
As if to illustrate my point, the first thread I read after posting this message contained the following quote (unattributed to protect the unimaginative who couldn't bo bothered to pretend success on a site where people wouldn't no either way)

"Please note, this may be entirely useless since I'm very poor and so don't often buy clips"

Hahaha, that's a quote from me. I'm poor because I'm a 22 year old, full-time university student, at one of the best (see: expensive) schools in the country. Tuition, rent, books, and everything else suck up money pretty quick when you can only work part time.

In fact, seeing as how I'm earning a degree without sinking into debt, I'd say I'm way ahead of many in the "success" game.

I think pretending to have tons of cash on a fetish website would make me a loser. You seem to have it backwards o_O
Is it because, as is sometimes the case with me, these people have nobody else to tell? Does that reveal anything about the make-up of this group?

Not really, other than we're a fairly normal group of people. Not having anyone else to talk to about things doesn't necessarily mean the only people in your life are the people online; there are some things you just can't talk to other people about, and I suppose the the comfort blanket anonimty provided by the internet makes that a bit easier. I've had tons of problems I've never been able to say word one to anyone about, either because it'd be socially awkward, socially unacceptable or morally wrong, at least in my mind. Sharing this kind of stuff without having to look people in the eye can be a good thing, and sometimes the only way to get it off your chest.

Also - I believe in Darwinian Evolution, so sorry guys, but I do think that there is a dividing line between winners and losers. There always has been and there always will be. You may be happy as a loser, or sad as a winner, but you are still a winner or a loser.

That's more like Darwinian Evolution According To Loki; factually accurate yet deliberately provocative. It must be sad to see the world in black and white like that; some of the best people I know are people who by the definition of society would be abject losers. Myself included :)

I just wonder if we're a bunch of self-indulgent, fantasists that have no clue about the real world.

I guarantee someone will quote me here and make a DIRECT ATTACK on me.

In fact, I have not made a direct attack on anyone. I have asked the general questin as to whether this group is made up of winners or losers, and since that group includes me, I felt entitled to ask it. I haven't attacked any one individual, and I would appreciate it if you didn't attack me.

Answer the questiion if you want, or ignore it. It's your choice. But don't insult me for asking it.

You made no personal attacks here, but I refuse to believe you're not smart enough to have known that wording your question in the way you did would cause a bit of a backlash. Maybe that was the intention, maybe it wasn't, but on previous form it looks to a lot of people as though you did it purely to provoke a response and garner a bit of attention for yourself. If you want people to soul-search and tell you if they think they're losers, surely people are entitled to have some clarity in the reasons behind your request?

Also - I asked the question - are we a bunch of losers, and since most people haven't exactly been enthusiastic about declaring themselves winners, I think I might have an answer.

Rather a conclusion you can jump to, based on your own, slightly skewed, perceptions of the world. I read the stuff you write and I see a person who'd like nothing more than for the world to accept him, and I see the twinklings of a decent lad hidden beneath all the snideyness. By your own admission you have nobody else to talk to about stuff; why the animosity towards people who are in the same boat? I won't bother pursuing that since you appear to find such questions offensive, but I will say as long as you push people away they'll never get close, and eventually they'll just stop trying.

If you're collating consensus on wether we consider ourselves winners or losers I'd have to say I'm a loser by most standards. If that makes me unworthy of associating with you then so be it; you don't seem like the sort of person I'd hang around with anyway.
Try this out for size:

Over the last three years, I've been laid off three times
Had a health scare a few months ago that I'm still resolving
Nearly lost my home
Nearly lost my car
Got my MBA last year but have been unemployed the last seven months
Kids went crazy on me for awhile
Went on antidepressant and anti anxiety meds
Lost yet again another relationship because he was an immature momma's boy who never cut the cord at age 41. He probably never will, but I know I'm worth more than he deserves

And you know what comes from all of that??


I didn't let life's garbage break me! I'm still above ground and that's all that matters! That's a huge win in my book! They can take everything away from me that I own, but as long as I have my mind, I can get it back and then some! I'm not where near I want to be right now, but I have nowhere to go but up from here!

I'm no one's loser-yours or anyone elses!

And I post here for one reason only; because I want to! I am at times more comfortable with 80,000 people I've never seen caring about me than people who smiled in my face everyday only to stab me in the back when times got rough! I come to hang out and have fun! I come for discussion and debate-and sometimes those things turn to arguments and I accept that stuff just happens and I move on.

If you're having problems with your life, then get the help you need. But don't ever assume I'm a loser because I'm not a multimillionaire. The only problem money resolves is poverty. It certainly ain't helping Hollywood avoid problems is it?
If I gave a shit what you think, I'd probably be pretty upset right now. Since I don't, I can see this for what it is: A sad little cry for attention. Nonetheless, I'll give you an answer...

My experience has been totally the opposite of what you describe. I don't presume to be able to know everything about everyone from a few posts on an internet forum, but the folks I've met in person or gotten to know in-depth have been almost 100% cool. Sure, folks have problems sometimes... Big fuckin' deal. Almost everyone does at some point.

In closing:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/X_U2yG3uZp0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Dude, that rocked :wave:

And Babyshambles, nothing else needs to be said cause it's all been summed up pretty good by a whole lot of awesome people. The TMF has become a family to a lot of people. I've met some amazing people on here, who I've had the honor of becoming close friends with. Sure, they have problems, who doesn't? But personal situation doesn't dictate who is a winner or loser. But they come here to talk about issues because, give or take the pathetic losers like you who practically beg for attention, there are people on here who actually care and are supportive....so go get laid, take meds, and get help.
knowing a little bit about psychology, I realise that when someone resorts to baseless generic insults, they are really hurting from something deep within them.

Therefore karate girl, who dug up this thread to insult me, I assume it was an indirect insult at yourself?
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