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Ladies, is there something sinister about M/F tickling videos?

Ego doesn't come into it. Whether the post is directed towards ladies or not, it's literally about (older) male producers and whether we are all fat, creepy, potential sex offenders. I accept your own experiences as a model but I also have my own experience as a non-fat/creepy/sex offender male producer to add.
Yes I beg to differ
If you go didn't come into it then why would you keep replying to people that give their opinion every time you quote somebody and reply you are inserting your ego your sense of self into their comment just like you did here and again the posting literally does not ask a man's opinion not one spot does it ask a man's opinion actually let me quote what they say

"I'd be especially curious to hear from the women on the TMF, how you feel about the M/F tickle vids out there? "

So actually now that you've said your piece that's fine but could you please be quiet so that the original op can actually hear the responses from the audience that he's targeting thank you!

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why would you keep replying to people that give their opinion every time you quote somebody and reply you are inserting your ego your sense of self into their comment just like you did here and again the posting literally does not ask a man's opinion not one spot does it ask a man's opinion actually let me quote what they say

"I'd be especially curious to hear from the women on the TMF, how you feel about the M/F tickle vids out there? "

So actually now that you've said your piece that's fine but could you please be quiet so that the original op can actually hear the responses from the audience that he's targeting thank you!

Yes that's what everybody does, everytime they respond to someone. There are numerous male and female voices in this thread - debating a subject involves people expressing different points of view, even if you disagree. My male responses don't prevent females from responding, and you and anyone else is free to disagree with me but please don't try and shut me down as I'm not doing that to you.

What point was that?

Oh come on...

If someone posted a question regarding what we all think about the ladies of the TMF and whether they are slim enough or attractive enough to appear in tickle media, I'm pretty sure we'd be seeing some female responses to that too.
Probably fair to say that of all the possible one-on-one scenarios, it’s most off-putting when the ler is paying the lee, because that’s the more vulnerable position.
I know. I should stick to being seen and not heard while the menfolk are talking. So sorry, chief.
I know. I should stick to being seen and not heard while the menfolk are talking. So sorry, chief.

Please stop pretending that men are shutting you down just because they (specifically I) dared to reply. My disagreeing with you doesn't prevent you from commenting here or anywhere else.
Jesus Fucking Christ, you guys will never learn, yet you'll keep wondering why you've got no partners unless you pay for it.
Please stop pretending that men are shutting you down just because they (specifically I) dared to reply. My disagreeing with you doesn't prevent you from commenting here or anywhere else.

Never said it did and I was replying to oldgeezer that time. But you found another way to insert yourself I see
Probably fair to say that of all the possible one-on-one scenarios, it’s most off-putting when the ler is paying the lee, because that’s the more vulnerable position.
In my experience it's the most real it's the most honest and it's the most beautiful part of what I do everything online and then Clips seems to be bull crap!

The session is where the real Healing Begins there's been several sessions where we only do a little tickling and most of it is talking about tickling where it comes from and the fact that they will be okay so let me explain to you the sessions are more than just a one-on-one tickle session there are one-on-one tickle therapy and it goes deep and psychological so yes it's beautiful it's healing and it is the most fun thing I've ever done in my life!

And it's not a scary situation if you know how to vet your clients accurately

Tickling raises endorphins release of Serotonin dopamine and other hormones within the brain that allow for healthy brain activity the serotonin helps you sleep better at night and gives you better muscle relaxation

I deal with a Pain Scale due 2 a spinal deformity between a level 6 and 8 everyday most people would just kill themselves but for me to have somebody forced me to laugh keeps me alive! And fights away depression for not being able to move a lot! So to you it might be creepy but to me it's life-saving and for many others♡

And happy Memorial Day thank you for all the people in the service who have lost their lives dying for the right for us to be able to tickle one another God Bless AmericaFB_IMG_1556170098316.jpgFB_IMG_1556170082717.jpgIMG_20190424_114926_093.jpgIMG_1092.jpg

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Please stop pretending that men are shutting you down just because they (specifically I) dared to reply. My disagreeing with you doesn't prevent you from commenting here or anywhere else.
You constantly do tho
Why don't you just stop quoting her and responding to her and then maybe you wouldn't seem so petty

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Why don't you just stop quoting her and responding to her and then maybe you wouldn't seem so petty

To be fair, turtleboy isn't the one being petty. It's Chicago who's making snippy, unnecessary remarks that serve no purpose other than to stir up shit and take the thread miles off topic.

Speaking of said topic, I can see where m/f clips can appear sinister (to use the OP's word) based on their content, and it some cases making it appear that way may be intentional. However, I tend to believe (and hope) that there is nothing sinister going on behind the scenes.
To be fair most of the ticklers in m/f videos do have a certain look lol I can see how that may make some uncomfortable
In my experience it's the most real it's the most honest and it's the most beautiful part of what I do everything online and then Clips seems to be bull crap!

The session is where the real Healing Begins there's been several sessions where we only do a little tickling and most of it is talking about tickling where it comes from and the fact that they will be okay so let me explain to you the sessions are more than just a one-on-one tickle session there are one-on-one tickle therapy and it goes deep and psychological so yes it's beautiful it's healing and it is the most fun thing I've ever done in my life!

And it's not a scary situation if you know how to vet your clients accurately

Tickling raises endorphins release of Serotonin dopamine and other hormones within the brain that allow for healthy brain activity the serotonin helps you sleep better at night and gives you better muscle relaxation

I deal with a Pain Scale due 2 a spinal deformity between a level 6 and 8 everyday most people would just kill themselves but for me to have somebody forced me to laugh keeps me alive! And fights away depression for not being able to move a lot! So to you it might be creepy but to me it's life-saving and for many others♡

And happy Memorial Day thank you for all the people in the service who have lost their lives dying for the right for us to be able to tickle one another God Bless AmericaView attachment 589458View attachment 589459View attachment 589460View attachment 589461

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Glad it’s so therapeutic :)
It's funny how easy people are manipulated by soceity to view something a particular way. The majority of tickling videos, whether M/F or F/F, are generally the same. You have some playful light hearted ones, some that have too much of that "tickle talk", the poorly acted ones and ones with storylines, and the more sinister ones where it seems they're actually trying to torture the woman through tickling. Don't see how a man tickling a woman is some how "creepy" but you'll see the same scene with a woman, and she'll actually be trying to break the woman with tickling even coming off as a psycho but somehow that's sexy.

Don't see how an older man being with a woman is creepy considering older men generally marry women younger than them. Do you find it creepy if an older woman is interested in a younger man, or is he just "lucky" she interested in him at all?
It's funny how easy people are manipulated by soceity to view something a particular way. The majority of tickling videos, whether M/F or F/F, are generally the same. You have some playful light hearted ones, some that have too much of that "tickle talk", the poorly acted ones and ones with storylines, and the more sinister ones where it seems they're actually trying to torture the woman through tickling. Don't see how a man tickling a woman is some how "creepy" but you'll see the same scene with a woman, and she'll actually be trying to break the woman with tickling even coming off as a psycho but somehow that's sexy.

Don't see how an older man being with a woman is creepy considering older men generally marry women younger than them. Do you find it creepy if an older woman is interested in a younger man, or is he just "lucky" she interested in him at all?

Look, despite the way we all like to routinely try to divorce the sexual aspect of this thing... these are porn videos. A much older, significantly out of shape man is going to strike people differently than two, similarly aged women.
LOL, this thread is hilarious.

There's much more creepy men than creepy women out there and I acknowledge that there's both. But in my experience Pro-Fetish models, specifically women about to shoot a bondage video with girls 20 years younger than them, are much more likely to want to take time and have conversations with said younger women to make sure all is good and that they are comfortable prior to strapping them down. How many men would be pro active when presented a similar opportunity
everyone who doesnt understand what the topic starter means is probably a old creepy looking dude himself... now please close this topic, its absolutely toxic...
everyone who doesnt understand what the topic starter means is probably a old creepy looking dude himself... now please close this topic, its absolutely toxic...

Naturally, anyone who has an alternative point of view must be old and creepy.

Yes the thread is toxic but only because certain people simply cannot accept other opinions on the subject and resort to shutting them down instead. As far as older males in videos being creeps, that's something you don't know unless you're there or have dealings with them. You can say 'I think that fat dude is gross and shouldn't appear in videos' but at the end of the day, it is just fucking rude and you can choose not to watch their videos.

I don't have any beef with anyone not liking M/F videos or preferring different ticklers - as I said, I prefer F/F clips myself and I certainly don't like seeing a producer hog the screen. What I object to is the fact that people think it's ok to trash talk certain male producers based on their looks (something that wouldn't be ok if we were to start doing that to other TMF members), and then insinuate that they are basically assaulting the model. Happily I'm not fat or creepy myself so this isn't a personal hang-up (and incidentally I don't know either skelyrata or JW Ties personally), but it is offensive to see those comments considered acceptable. I'm not sure whether you can have much intelligent debate in a topic about whether or not 'old guys are creeps', but there you go.

As far as shoots are concerned, it's worth remembering that most professional models spend most of their time shooting with middle-aged and older men. The vast majority of hobbiest/amateur photographers and professional content producers are guys well over the age of thirty. Most models are used to shooting content in a room with an older guy, since that is how it tends to be. They don't expect to turn up and meet some 21 y/o male model, and I feel a lot of models would be more unsettled if they did. Yes, some older photographers have been accused of creepy behaviour but so have many younger guys (with less experience and more testosterone floating around). In all cases the predators are a minority and models are generally able to differentiate between creeps and non-creeps. It is naive to assume that a model working within the industry (even a newcomer) has no agency or control over her own situation and will simply find herself tied to a bed by a bad guy, wondering how she got there. It happens and I know models that it's happened too but it is rare and it has nothing to do with the guy's age. I feel like people are projecting their own prejudices onto what they see in videos and deciding that the pretty model needs saving.

LOL, this thread is hilarious.

There's much more creepy men than creepy women out there and I acknowledge that there's both. But in my experience Pro-Fetish models, specifically women about to shoot a bondage video with girls 20 years younger than them, are much more likely to want to take time and have conversations with said younger women to make sure all is good and that they are comfortable prior to strapping them down. How many men would be pro active when presented a similar opportunity

Tbh, I feel like most guys would do the same if they are professionals. Getting to know the model and putting her at ease has always been a massive priority for me - particularly when it is their first shoot. Ensuring that the model is comfortable and actually enjoys the shoot is important if you want to build any kind of reputation. In a private session (particularly if the guy is nervous or inexperienced himself) that may be more of an issue, but models do get to hear about photographers who are awkward or make them feel uncomfortable.
IRL I enjoy m/f and f/f but I stick to watching f/f videos mostly because I'm not tryna have my skin crawl watching Skelyrata manhandle some poor female or JWties goofy ass tickle for 2 seconds and then get his wrinkledick sucked for the rest of the video.

Pretty much my exact thoughts
"Creepy" doesn't even come close. He's a child molester. I'm not even sure his age is relevant.

Personally, when it comes to m/f videos, the old man / young woman thing isn't my cup of Earl Grey, but that's just me. I like some chemistry, and aside from the aforementioned Absolutely Tickled, I don't see a lot in m/f these days, especially with large age differences.

I love the dynamic between an older man tickling a younger woman and always did, going back as long as I can remember. I tend towards clips with that dynamic, though I also like m/f tickling where they are close in age, as well as f/f clips. In f/f clips, its the same thing: I love the dynamic between an older woman tickling a younger one, but close in age is hot as well, it all depends on what I'm in the mood for. Generally, though, I prefer older/younger, and m/f clips.

To be honest, other than Absolutely Tickled and SoCal, I'm not often impressed with the younger guys' techniques, I don't know quite why that is. I feel like the older ticklers (male and female) sometimes "relish" tickling the model, and that tickle-lust can be felt in the video.

I will say THIS about Skeylerata: He took one of the best tickle models ever - Cecelia/Celia from Tickle Central - and i'm postive drove her away from modeling. He started using ice on her, which she clearly had not agreed to, and was thoroughly not enjoying. In all of the Tickle Central clips, she is such a delightful ticklee, obviously enjoying herself, and had a beautiful rapport with Brad. (who's "older", incidentally). So when she next popped up in the Skeylerata video, at first her normal, perky self.....and then gradually descending into palpable fear, I wanted to jump into the screen and beat the piss out of him, and rescue her from the bondage. I've never been so angry watching a video, nothing even comes close. And she was never seen again (in a video. I'm assuming Skeylerata let her go, eventually!).

But no, I don't find it inherently creepy watching an older man tickle, especially when I see plenty of couples with wide age gaps, including my ex who almost exclusively dates much, much older men. Hawt! lol.

Bless you both. I’m actually very surprised that you view me as an exception to the m/f rule. I always try to keep the upmost respect with the women I work with but keep the fun and flirty atmosphere at the same time. We definitely respect our models boundaries and limits and what you see in our videos is definitely what they sign up for. Nothing more, nothing less.

With that said, I am in talks with a female switch who will play both rolls in future videos to come.


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Seems like I am in the minority, but I prefer M/f over F/f every time. Even if the guy is older and larger. It's great when the Ler is an attractive guy, but I watch M/f videos regardless of what the male Ler looks like. I actually wish there were more M/f videos. The F/f or FFFF/f videos seem to be far more common.
It seems the typical M/F video is a twenty-something young woman barely out of college, getting tickled by a fat middle-aged dude.

I usually watch F/F or F/M, which are generally harmless IMO. But every now and then i watch an M/F clip. And it seems creepy as fuck. Especially when the 'Ler gets at the girl's thighs and inside her legs. I imagine most of these young women hate every minute of being tickled by a guy old enough to be her uncle.

Maybe i just have more of a social conscience now than i did in my 20s. But something just doesn't feel right about it. Is there something inherently sinister about M/F content? I'd be especially curious to hear from the women on the TMF, how you feel about the M/F tickle vids out there?

Well to that token, isn't it kind of odd that "late bloomer" guys end up marrying girls a decade or so under their age?

I mean, you can call whatever you want "creepy", but I think if a woman is legal, it's mostly only up to whatever fabricated ideology that makes it inappropriate. Otherwise, it's a legal aged woman with an older man engaging in legal behavior, no matter what any of us think.
Seems like I am in the minority, but I prefer M/f over F/f every time. Even if the guy is older and larger. It's great when the Ler is an attractive guy, but I watch M/f videos regardless of what the male Ler looks like. I actually wish there were more M/f videos. The F/f or FFFF/f videos seem to be far more common.

Well to that token, isn't it kind of odd that "late bloomer" guys end up marrying girls a decade or so under their age?

I mean, you can call whatever you want "creepy", but I think if a woman is legal, it's mostly only up to whatever fabricated ideology that makes it inappropriate. Otherwise, it's a legal aged woman with an older man engaging in legal behavior, no matter what any of us think.

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