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Some kind wishes needed...


2nd Level Red Feather
Jun 24, 2001
OK, this is me whining...again.

I began having terrible pain in my right leg last Tuesday. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday; the doctor sent me for a Doppler test to rule out a blood clot in my leg. That test was negative.

The doctor told me to take pain medication, stay home from work for two more days, elevate my legs, and come back next Monday if the pain didn't subside. Meanwhile, I can't stand, sit, walk, or drive without terrible pain, and that's WITH the pain medication!

kwil is taking me back to the doctor tomorrow; I don't have an appointment, so we're just going in when the office opens. I can't return to work like this; I can barely move! So, please send some kind thoughts my way. :smilestar

As a related question, is it just me, or does anyone else have this type of trouble with doctors? I just can't understand how a doctor could tell me to wait for a week when I'm in terrible pain.
Hey Sweety! That sucks. Tracy has been going through that kind of thing with DR.s for years.

We're thinkin bout ya hon!

Thank you for the thoughts, Ray and Tracy!

And give each other a big hug...and a tickle!

I'm sorry to hear that Tracy's been experiencing the same thing with doctors, although I had a feeling that was the case. I was beginning to feel paranoid, since one doctor told me (after my surgery last year), "You can't be experiencing pain!"

This doctor has me bewildered, however; how exactly does she expect me to function until next Monday, i.e., work, drive, etc., when she saw me practically carried into her office? (Don't worry, this is a rhetorical question...more venting than anything else.)

I know where you are coming from Hon....It has been the same for T for quite some time....and they wont do anything more for her....


My Dad is going through a similar problem right now, Lite. He's been a paraplegic for 30 years now, and he suffers HORRENDOUS pain in his lower back through his belly that totally cripples him for periods of time when they hit. No pain medication will even put a dent in it, so they're finally looking into putting in a spinal cord stimulator that will actually kill the nerves causing the pain. Problem is, they are telling him the only neurosurgeon they can schedule him with is only in the hospital one week a month, and this month he is booked up with surgeries and can see no patients. So the last week in June would be the soonest he could be seen, providing he doesn't book up with surgeries again. There are more neurosurgeons at the hospital aside from this one, so why they can't schedule him with someone else is beyond us all. Needless to say, he called and raised holy hell.

I understand there are a lot of patients who need medical care. But when someone is in crippling, unbearable pain, such as you and my Dad and by the sounds of it, Tracy as well, don't they consider you MIGHT want some fast relief for the pain? How the hell do they expect anyone to carry on that way?

I am so sorry to hear you are suffering. I hope they find the cause and a solution ASAP hon. Keep us posted.

well hun, i hope you get better. It really sucks to be in pain and not being able to do a damn thing about it. But i know you'll be ok in the end. :D
Lite, Iam sorry to hear about your pain, hun. I hope you feel better ASAP.
The thing Iam most perplexed and irritated about is when you told me that your Dr told you to wait a week when you're in such pain! What the hell is with that? Isn't a doctor supposed to treat a person WHEN they are sick? Duh! The medical community is so idiotic nowadays.
My doctor makes his appts short, no longer than 15 mins, but I do know that his office will not schedule long term appts during certain hrs of each day, stating that they have to allow for walk in patients or emergencies. A smart practice, in my book. This way, they can have their long term appts while still making sure the people that are ill now get care. My mom had to do two day of appts over the winter when she had a bad cold, and the Dr made time to see her. To me, that is being fair to all patients.
Take care, lite, and I do hope they can make you better with your pain. All my best to you.

Here are kind wishes and a big *HUG* for you, Lite. :grouphug:

PS: I can't explain the way physicians behave either.
Hi, Lite,

(Hey - "hilight"!)

I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I wish you a speedy recovery. Like Lucy said in Peanuts, "Pain hurts!" Do they have any idea of wht the problem is?

Or is it just old age?

Anyway, I wish you well and am thinking about you. Although from a tickler's perspective, I do like the idea of you having your legs elevated! Maybe once you are pain free that position could be well put to use......
OK, enough already! You've been going from one ailment to the next for how long now? I think you've had your share for quite some time. So, this is an order...an ORDER, ya hear?

GET BETTER!!! :xpulcy:

Seriously, I hope things clear up quickly. And, I know exactly what you mean about the doctors. Most of those around here are also pill pushers who'd rather scoot you out with script in hand than get to the root of the problem. Give a yell if you need anything. And if you haven't used that little something I gave you, you might try it. It's the only thing that really works to settle the spasms and ease the pain for me...better than any prescription med I've ever tried.

Sorry to hear about this Lite. Is it a nerve problem? Have you thought about acupuncture for the pain?
Hope all turns out well for you.
Lite my Love

awhhh, come Lite.....as I'm wiggling fingers to get that ever so wonderful giggle out of you.....Seriously, I hope and pray you feel better soon.
In my opinion, Doctors today are all worried about insurance issues and crappy stuff like that. I have had the same Dr. for years, my mother went to this Dr, my sister, my discusting ex husband....lol, just had to throw that in there, sorry back on track...anyway, I was having a problem...breathing, went to see the Dr, she sent me for tests, we found out what the problem was, one day I just stopped in with Peter so he could hear it from her, he wasn't understanding me so he wanted to just hear it first hand, anyway, while were sitting there, she came out and said we'd have to make an appointment to see her for anything, she wouldn't just tell him. Doctors sure aren't what they used to be! It's all about the money, now and days!
Get better honey, I miss you!
pinched nerve maybe?

Poor lite! :twohugs:
I'm so sorry to hear it hon. Here's an apparently little known trick to getting seen~sometimes ya gotta make a LOT of noise. Be firm and even bitchy if you have to. "Look, I cannot do ANYTHING! I need to be seen today!"

I've a friend that always threatens her doc to get in, because he likes to "play impossible." "If it turns out this is a stroke I will sue your ASS off!" Works everytime for some weird reason...Go figure! :jester:

At any rate, keep us posted and feel better!
In the words of Commander Lassard from "Police Academy"....

I'm sending many, many, fine, kind wishes, Lite.

I hope you're doing ok and they eventually find what's cause all the leg pain. Besides, we need you in good health for when we see you again. For obvious reasons. :evilha: :evilha: ;) ;)

Oh Honey...

I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I hope they find something so they can fix it and make ya all better.

Ever heard the statement "the squeaky wheel gets the oil?" Start squeaking, squaking, and raising downright hell until someone sees and diagnoses you. It's your life, health, and health insurance. It's not like they're doing this for free-someone's paying them either you or someone else!

My sister's a retired nurse and had gone to the doctor recently complaining of shortness of breath and chest discomfort. The doctor reads her chart and sees she takes Prozac. The doc comes in the room and tells her he's going to increase her Prozac dosage.

She normally is pretty mild-mannered, but she raised hell! She told him if he didn't follow proper protocol she'd report him. Several tests were done and it was found she had a borderline heart problem. The schmuck should be glad she insisted for more tests. My family would've sued him into bankruptcy and made sure he'd never practive medicine again!

I understand your feelings. I hope you feel better soon. But, don't wait on them to get around to doing their job. If your regular doc can't see you, see if one of the other doctors can. Go to urgent care or to the emergency room then the doctor has to see you for immediate follow up.

Above all else, just hang in there! It will get better.
One of my favorite lines....

"My insurance will refuse to pay if there's no accurate diagnosis and I'm broke." I've had clients use that several times with great success. They usually either send you packing or get serious real quick. lol

lite, honey, kick those doctors in the butt until it stops hurting! and in the meantime, let kwil baby you and love on you (until you CAN kick those doctors in the butt!).
Hugssssss.....first, hope your pain woes come to a quick end. Meanwhile, check out alternatives if you can (acupuncture and the like). I have no personal experience, but I have clients who use it for dogs with chronic pain and swear by it.

Also...thought about fibromyalgia? Bring it up with your doctor. I've watched women I work with struggle and be put on vicodin out the wazoo to no effect. But when they finally come up with this one, at least they have a diagnosis, which is comforting.
lite said:
OK, this is me whining...again.

I began having terrible pain in my right leg last Tuesday. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday; the doctor sent me for a Doppler test to rule out a blood clot in my leg. That test was negative.

The doctor told me to take pain medication, stay home from work for two more days, elevate my legs, and come back next Monday if the pain didn't subside. Meanwhile, I can't stand, sit, walk, or drive without terrible pain, and that's WITH the pain medication!

lite, have the doctors ruled out back or disk problems yet? Several members of my family have experienced excruiating leg pain.....and the source of the pain turned out to be bulging, herniated, or degenerative disks (severe leg pain that came and went...wasn't continous).

Wishing you the best and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :)
Lite,sorry to hear that your in alot of pain if not downright agony ..I am sending you many hugs ,best wishes that you get rid of this pain asap! I really don't have any better advice for you other than what has already been said by others,and don't believe for one instant that you just have to live with the pain as I see this all the time with the work that I do ..There is a solution waiting somewhere for you to just find and grasp on to to have you feeling much better,if not feeling your Best..Lots of hugs :twohugs: :twohugs:
Thank you all for your support! A Doppler test to rule out a possible blood clot (or a cold front...not really clear on that) was negative. Then my doctor sent me for an X-ray (this was after I did a walk-in visit on Wednesday, basically demanding to be seen); she wanted to check for a possible stress fracture. The results from that hadn't come back as of Friday, so her "diagnosis/guess" is now tendinitis. It's much better now than it was 3 days ago; I can walk without much pain. I have to go back to work tomorrow; at this point, I've used up all the leave I have.

I'm not even sure how the injury occurred. I had a whole week off, and it wasn't even for fun! (OK, whining is over now...moving on.)

I plan to see an orthopedist to get a second opinion; I want to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday to make an appointment, because I'd like to have the X-ray results to take with me. Based on my own research, tendinitis seems to be a plausible diagnosis; I just wish I knew how it happened. I've just recently been able to start working out again so I'm assuming that prompted it, but I've been doing very gentle workouts, since it's been a while, and I didn't think I had done anything that could have caused injury.

Thank you all again for your kind words, and for your advice. kwil also told me to make myself clear to the doctor; that's why I didn't just wait a week to go back, as the doctor had originally instructed me to do. He's been my source of strength (literally and figuratively!), and that's done wonders for my state of mind!

I'll be back to my annoying, non-ticklish, no-fun self before you know it. :smilestar
:couch: :couch: :couch:
That is awesome news lite! It's kind of liberating when you have to kick ass and it works, hmm? :blaugh:
Feel better and keep us posted?

Hi Lite,

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
Hope the Dr can figure out what it
exactly is, and how to make you better!

All my best,
My thoughts are always with you, sweetie. I hope you can get all of this settled, and that you don't suffer anymore. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and as always...the best...



Dave :triangle:
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