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Tony, if you were compassionate you wouldn't be a conservative. The goal of conservatism since World War II has always been to find a moral justification of greed.
It's not bitterness, boy. It's called facing reality instead of sticking ones head in the sand (or some other hole in your case).

I have a sense of humor. When you say something funny, I'll tell you. Hasn't happened yet.

Ok, ill keep trying!
YOu girls are right on....

You girls are right on the money..... I have been reading these posts and I also can come when tickled!!! I can't say that I have ever had an orgasm by someone tickling me.. but it would be sure fun to try!!!! ciao.
Iris, keep trying...but if it's too much to take and you still haven't climaxed, don't try to be the brave little soldier and keep going. They don't call it tickle-torture for nothing. I am sure there are some women who want to have a big beautiful orgasm via tickling, but if it can't happen it can't happen. Those are just the breaks. I have only revealed my tickle fetish to one friend, years ago when we were both a bit tipsy. She said if she were ever tied to a bed, chair, table etc. and was being tickle-tortured, she would confess to being the real Killer of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman to make it stop.
But allow yourself to be tickled for as long as you can stand it. You could be surprised by what happens.

It's not bitterness, boy. It's called facing reality instead of sticking ones head in the sand (or some other hole in your case).

I have a sense of humor. When you say something funny, I'll tell you. Hasn't happened yet.

Is it possible to fall in love with someone based solely on their reply to others? If so, consider me smitten!
Hi Sleepy.
My wife is very much the same way in that she can come just from being tickled. Her orgasms are usually derived from intense tickling that seem to just break her threshold of tolerance. From that point on, it's just a matter of her mood and how good I am at tickling her.
I would be happy to give you the proof you need to make you a believer. I think we know each other well enough to go there.


I don't believe it either. Nobody orgasms without some kind of genital stimulation.
Yes, carl. Absolutely. Tickling has always been sexual for me, from the moment I hit puberty.

Being tied up also gets me blazing hot. The combination of bondage and relentless tickling makes me come. I really thought there would be more people here who understood what it's like.


I can definitely relate to this. I've given more than one woman beautiful orgasms from sucking and using my teeth on their toes and other areas typically associated with tickling rather than sex,, and I'm the same way. Not everyone needs genital stimulation for an orgasm; tickling is so sexual for many of us that tickling the secondary erogeneous (sp?) zones, which vary from person to person, can lead to lovely climaxes if the mood and setting are right :tickle:. It may be difficult to believe for those who've never experienced it nor been able to cause it for their partners, but that doesn't make it untrue.
I don't believe it either. Nobody orgasms without some kind of genital stimulation.

You really do need to get out more, Drew. LOL!
Here's the thing that you may not know: Believe it or not, most brains are not wired the same. Since the sexual pleasure center in the brain (Limbic System) is also the same portion of the brain which regulates and interprets behavior and emotion, it is quite possible for stimulation of other body parts to trigger erogenous stimulation to the point of orgasm. It is not overly common, but it also isn't the rarest of occurrences

You may not have heard of a rare sexual disorder called PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome). It is very rare, but there are people out there who have spontaneous orgasms without even being in a sexual situation, let alone being touched sexually. It is the orgasmic equivalent of Narcolepsy (spontaneous sleep disorder). This proves that it is the brain which creates stimulation and triggers orgasm, not necessarily physical stimulation.
Too bad you were not at Nest on Saturday for Tickling and Hypnosis workshop. We had a whole discussion about cumming on command.

You really do need to get out more, Drew. LOL!
Here's the thing that you may not know: Believe it or not, most brains are not wired the same. Since the sexual pleasure center in the brain (Limbic System) is also the same portion of the brain which regulates and interprets behavior and emotion, it is quite possible for stimulation of other body parts to trigger erogenous stimulation to the point of orgasm. It is not overly common, but it also isn't the rarest of occurrences

You may not have heard of a rare sexual disorder called PSAS (Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome). It is very rare, but there are people out there who have spontaneous orgasms without even being in a sexual situation, let alone being touched sexually. It is the orgasmic equivalent of Narcolepsy (spontaneous sleep disorder). This proves that it is the brain which creates stimulation and triggers orgasm, not necessarily physical stimulation.
Riiight...This is the "knowledge" one gets by "getting out more" to titty bars and strip clubs, as opposed to us introverts who stay home and read books. :blaugh: That's what I like about you Shadow, you're always good for a laugh, pal.

Guys, I know a lot of you like to fantasize about orgasm from tickling alone, and I'll agree it makes a good storyline but if we're talking about the real world, it just doesn't work that way. This is a proven scientific fact. Apart from the rare mutant, this is pretty universal. I know many of us like to think we're special, we're different, or really great ticklers but our brains and bodies really aren't that different from one another.

I don't claim any expertise, but whenever I hear anybody say they've given an orgasm from tickling alone, my built-in bullshit meter raises a red flag. This is one of those things people want you to believe because it boosts their ego, or they're just looking for popularity.
Hard Evidence?

I can definitely relate to this. I've given more than one woman beautiful orgasms from sucking and using my teeth on their toes and other areas typically associated with tickling rather than sex,, and I'm the same way. Not everyone needs genital stimulation for an orgasm; tickling is so sexual for many of us that tickling the secondary erogeneous (sp?) zones, which vary from person to person, can lead to lovely climaxes if the mood and setting are right :tickle:. It may be difficult to believe for those who've never experienced it nor been able to cause it for their partners, but that doesn't make it untrue.

Hey Bella,

Hate to break it to ya, but women have been known to fake orgasms.

A real orgasm requires two essential components : pressure & friction.

And I'm talkin' genital, not mere mental or digital (i.e. hands/feet).

This is a physiological phact.

I want to see some hard scientific proof of this phallicy.

Not some flimsy personal testimony. OK?

Too bad you were not at Nest on Saturday for Tickling and Hypnosis workshop. We had a whole discussion about cumming on command.

I'll try to make the next one, and I'll be sure to bring a raincoat, galloshes, and an umbrella. ;)
Some will still have a deep need to argue, but:

Hey Bella,

Hate to break it to ya, but women have been known to fake orgasms.

A real orgasm requires two essential components : pressure & friction.

And I'm talkin' genital, not mere mental or digital (i.e. hands/feet).

This is a physiological phact.

I want to see some hard scientific proof of this phallicy.

Not some flimsy personal testimony. OK?


Exploring the Mind-Body Orgasm
Randy Dotinga 01.10.07 | 2:00 AM
Armed with MRI scanners and willing volunteers, a hardy band of sex researchers is exploring the long-misunderstood organ that's at the center of human sexuality -- the brain.

Three of the leading lights in sex research have compiled several decades' worth of knowledge into a new book called The Science of Orgasm.

The authors are Rutgers University professor emeritus Beverly Whipple (who helped popularize the "G-spot" in the '70s), Rutgers psychology professor Barry Komisaruk, and Carlos Beyer-Flores, head of the Laboratorio Tlaxcala in Mexico.

In a Q&A with Wired News, Whipple and Komisaruk discussed what we're learning about the eternal mystery of the Big O.

Wired News: What have we learned about orgasms in the past five to 10 years?

Beverly Whipple: With new technology and women being more open, we're able to document that women can experience orgasms from many different forms of stimulation. There's more than one nerve pathway involved: Orgasm is not just a reflex.

Barry Komisaruk: We recognize four different nerve pathways that carry sensory signals from the vagina, cervix, clitoris and uterus, and they all can contribute to orgasms. That's a new recognition.

WN: You've discovered that women can have orgasms when a variety of parts of their bodies are stimulated, right?

Komisaruk: Orgasms have been described as being elicitable from any part of the body -- the mouth, the nipples, the anus, the hand. It leads us to think that there is a general orgasmic principle of building up excitation from different parts of the body leading to a climax and a resolution -- not necessarily ending in ejaculation, but a feeling of an orgasmic experience.

Whipple: We have documented in our laboratory that women can have orgasms from imagery alone without touching their body. The point is that women can experience orgasms and sexual pleasure from many forms of stimuli. It does have not have to be through genital stimulation.

WN: What are we learning about these non-genital orgasms?

Whipple: That they're real. We may have to reconsider what people define as orgasms, and not just have it defined in the genitals. We find that certain of the same brain areas are activated during orgasms experienced by imagery only (as during genital orgasms).

Komisaruk: It broadens our perspective on the potentialities of the body and brain. If we understand better how we can generate such pleasure from all different parts of our bodies, that increases our potential for sensory experience.

WN: Do you think there might come a time when orgasms really get detached from the genitals?

Komisaruk: It's happening right now. People have described orgasms through imagery, nose orgasms, knee orgasms. Although it sounds strange, the reports are believable. Now, people can show our book to someone who doubts it, and it can serve as a validation. Time will tell how prevalent non-genital orgasms are.

WN: You've found that even women with no feeling below the waist can have genital orgasms through genital stimulation.

Whipple: We've documented through our research that women who have complete transection -- interruption of the spinal cord -- can experience orgasms.

Komisaruk: The nerve pathway for that is via the vagus nerve, which can go directly from the cervix and uterus to the brain, passing outside the spinal cord. Women with spinal cord injuries told us that their doctors told them it was impossible to experience genital sensation, it was impossible to experience genital pleasure. They thought something was wrong with them when they experienced it, and they were troubled by it.

WN: What is the vagus nerve?

Whipple: "Vagus" means wanderer -- the nerve wanders through the body. Previously, it wasn't thought that it goes as far as the pelvic region. But our research and that of other laboratories is showing that it does in fact go to the cervix and uterus and probably the vagina. It carries the impulses from those regions, travels up through the abdomen, goes through the diaphragm, through the thorax (chest cavity), up the neck outside the spinal cord, and into the brain.

Komisaruk: Men and women have described an orgasmic experience from stimulation of the skin region around the level of the spinal cord injury. The injury creates an area of heightened sensitivity. They've told us if the right person stimulates that skin in the right way, it can produce very pleasurable sensation, including what they describe as orgasms.

We studied one such woman who had a spinal cord injury near her shoulders. She stimulated her neck with a vibrator, and she said that elicited an orgasm for her. We observed her blood pressure and heart rate, and they became elevated just as if it were a genital orgasm.

WN: Professor Whipple, you had a very emotional moment with one subject who had a spinal-cord injury.

Whipple: That particular woman had not tried any sexual stimulation, either with herself or a partner, in the two years since she had an injury. When she was in the laboratory, this woman experienced six orgasms through self-simulation. It was extremely emotional. She was crying, I was crying. She didn't think this was possible, and she was so pleased that she had volunteered to be a research subject. This had helped open up her essential pleasure again.

WN: You've both used fMRI and PET scans to monitor people while they're experiencing sexual pleasure. What have you learned from that?

Whipple: That some of the same brain areas are activated during orgasm in women with and without complete spinal cord injury, and also during orgasm from imagery alone, with no one touching their body, including the women themselves.

Komisaruk: Certain of the brain components -- the insula and cingulate cortex -- that are activated during orgasms in women are classically known to be activated during response to pain. We've seen that there is a strong inhibition of the response to pain during orgasm. What that leads us to think is there is some kind of very important interaction between the orgasmic experience and the pain experience.

Another brain component -- the nucleus accumbens -- which we see activated during orgasm in women has been shown by others to be activated by pleasure-producing drugs.

A third orgasm-activated brain component we see in women -- the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus -- produces oxytocin, which is secreted in peak amounts during orgasm in women and stimulates uterine contractions.

WN: What do you want to find out next?

Komisaruk: We've set up a mechanism by which the person in the scanner, the person in the fMRI, can see her own brain activity in near real-time. We project the person's own brain image to her while she's in the scanner.

We want to study chronic pain and relative insensitivity to genital stimulation. For those with pain, the question is whether they can voluntarily cool down the hot spots by looking at their own brain activity. Will that attenuate the pain?

For a person who has a relatively weak response to sexual stimulation, can they learn to intensify the activation of the responsive part of the brain, does that intensify the genital sensation? And there are some women who have undesirable high genital sensitivity. They wish to cool it down. Can they cool it down by voluntarily reducing their brain activity?

WN: Is there a holy grail of sex research?

Komisaruk: In terms of sexuality, the holy grail is: Why does an orgasm feel so damned good? I think we're getting there.

You're certainly welcome to remain skeptical; personally, I know what my body is capable of, and you'll have to forgive me if I put the studies of an emeritus professor over nay-saying based on...what were you basing your stance on again...? :)
Drew, with all due respect, you are wrong. I can and do experience orgasms from tickling alone. I experience them from nipple stimulation as well. Drew, the most powerful erogenous zone human beings have is between their ears. Don't teenage boys come just from dreaming about sex? They don't need to touch themselves and my husband doesn't need to touch my pussy to make me come. Sorry, but it's the truth. Re-adjust your bullshit meter.

I don't believe it either. Nobody orgasms without some kind of genital stimulation.

Drew, that's too bad :cry1:. It is very possible. And if I were less of a lady I would invite you to watch. Having an orgasm from tickling is the most amazing sensation I've ever had, and I'm so grateful I have learned to accept this little "fetish" of mine. Open your mind ... it's worth it :tickle:
It isn't rare for me, either. It's far more rare if I don't come after 15-20 minutes of tickling the bottoms of my feet.


once again, jean demonstrates that she is the inspiration to the entire board. wow. and you met your husband before the net. that's one lucky son of a ....
Riiight...This is the "knowledge" one gets by "getting out more" to titty bars and strip clubs, as opposed to us introverts who stay home and read books. :blaugh: That's what I like about you Shadow, you're always good for a laugh, pal.

Guys, I know a lot of you like to fantasize about orgasm from tickling alone, and I'll agree it makes a good storyline but if we're talking about the real world, it just doesn't work that way. This is a proven scientific fact. Apart from the rare mutant, this is pretty universal. I know many of us like to think we're special, we're different, or really great ticklers but our brains and bodies really aren't that different from one another.

I don't claim any expertise, but whenever I hear anybody say they've given an orgasm from tickling alone, my built-in bullshit meter raises a red flag. This is one of those things people want you to believe because it boosts their ego, or they're just looking for popularity.

This is what i hate about the publuic educational system. they don't teach science. if they did, then the world would be a better place. the least understood part of the human anatomy is the human female genitals. the ability for females to climax has only grown more complex as time progresses. there is no proven scientific method taht isolates the stimulation to orgasm. to speak of one is just plain ignorant.

the scientific process as a whole is based on something called DIRECT OBSERVATION. that means that when you have someone that has an orgasm from just being tickled with no genital stimulation then however imporbible or recessive then it is possible period.

in the dark ages, this would have been some point of contention. but now that we know about the g-spot and how complex the clitoral system of nerves is then it makes perfect sense. the clit was once thought to be a single bud, in all actuallity it is a hub of very complex nerves that terminat primarily in the clit. this system of nerves is dynamic not static. meaning that the complexity and location of the nerve fibers vary from woman to woman. in some cases there are actually strands of nerves that suround the entire set of lips, in some cases there are extended fibers that decend down the leg and terminate in the soles of the FEET. there are non ticklephile women who have talked about having sexual climax from foot massaging toe sucking etc. the act of tickling is so intense coupled with bondage that if combined with a woman who has extra erogenous nerve endings in the soles of or close to the soles of her feet that are connected to the clitoral system then climax is a math problem and not a rarity when talking about tickling that area, jsut ask jean.

also, just FYI the female also has more neural pathways connecting the left and right sides of the brain which facilitates their ability to process emotions a lot better than we do and why their thought process is more emotionally based. so they are not being irrational or emotional, they are being women. you on't change them, you learn to communicate on a meaningful level understand and provide an environment that that makes them feel comfortable with their emotions and sexuality. the first thing to do is to learn to LISTEN. like when a woman tells you WHAT MAKES HER CUM. typical over left brained male, well honey this is what makes me cum and we say well that doesn't comply with my left brain thought process so i am going to invalidate your input...

so sad...

and please. the PR forum is just that. maniac, tony, i am as conservative as anyone and i can testify wholeheartedly that jean has a generous dislike for our ilk. that is her personal perogative and god given right. lets not poke at it with a stick (she bites). in this venue lets just stay on topic and appreciate responses at face value. don't worry. there is a field to engage all people in the political arena of ideas, this is just not it.
I don't believe it either. Nobody orgasms without some kind of genital stimulation.

Your kidding right?

Your a great guy and all..but PLEASE tell me you are joking.

I am only 20, and I have had experiences where I have orgasmed without ANYONE TOUCHING ME AT ALL.

You must remember my friend, the mind is a VERY powerful tool.

If you trigger easy, or are easily aroused and exciteable.. being able to orgasm by voice alone, or even stimulation to other parts of your body (Jean brought up Feet.) CAN make you cum.

Not EVERYONE can do this..Yes, that IS true.

But to make such a statement automatically summing the general public as being incapable of orgasming with genital stimulation...


Pull the blinder's off, Doll. It IS possible.
The first woman I met (many moons ago) who was into tickling said she'd had several orgasms during the session. It was my first real tickling experience, and it was fer her as well. I don't think either of us was expecting that she would, but that's what she claimed.

Needless to say that sorta set the bar pretty high for subsequent tickle meets, but I wasn't complaining. lol
Riiight...This is the "knowledge" one gets by "getting out more" to titty bars and strip clubs, as opposed to us introverts who stay home and read books. :blaugh: That's what I like about you Shadow, you're always good for a laugh, pal.

Guys, I know a lot of you like to fantasize about orgasm from tickling alone, and I'll agree it makes a good storyline but if we're talking about the real world, it just doesn't work that way. This is a proven scientific fact. Apart from the rare mutant, this is pretty universal. I know many of us like to think we're special, we're different, or really great ticklers but our brains and bodies really aren't that different from one another.

I don't claim any expertise, but whenever I hear anybody say they've given an orgasm from tickling alone, my built-in bullshit meter raises a red flag. This is one of those things people want you to believe because it boosts their ego, or they're just looking for popularity.

It is quite possible that you're reading the wrong books, Drew. However, I've learned a long time ago that if someone looks at a tree and insists that it's a rock, then his level of understanding of the world around him will never be remedied with explanation.

Enjoy your laugh. Ignorance is truly bliss. ;)
TKLMAN said:
It is rare when a woman has an orgasm ....... period. :(

jj82277 said:
someone get with this yonug man on the sidelines. coach him up please. don't be ashamed. that is why we are here baby.

lol ... Thanks , jj82277. I need all the help I can get.
I don't believe it either. Nobody orgasms without some kind of genital stimulation.

Your kidding right?

Your a great guy and all..but PLEASE tell me you are joking.

I am only 20, and I have had experiences where I have orgasmed without ANYONE TOUCHING ME AT ALL.

You must remember my friend, the mind is a VERY powerful tool.

I've gotta echo Crystal's (and the others') sentiments, Drew. I tickled my ladyfriend in her nether regions and all over her body a while back. She called me a few days later saying she had a dream about me tickling her and she ended up oozing all over her bed. So believe me, man, it can happen.
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