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The shame of being into tickling


TMF Regular
Apr 10, 2023
if you have ever felt any kind of shame about being into tickling how has this changed over your life ? cause I felt like it was just a normal thing everyone liked up to about 9 then realized it was weird af and got super private about it due to shame then at about 13 when I started doing tickle tortures with a group of us I felt pretty ok about it for a while. Then about 19 I felt the shame again which gradually has gone down a bit since then.
But still never told anyone fully irl

what are your experiences of it and were yours different?

I use to have major panicks someone would find out or see my search history etc
I hated being tickled as a kid, while also being morbidly curious about it, and knew that was relatively abnormal. Then around puberty I started to crave it and daydream about it and still knew it was abnormal, but started to feel less alone because I accidentally stumbled across mainstream tickle scene on YouTube and found out that others had a weird obsession with it like me.

I obviously kept it a secret until I started interacting with the general BDSM community IRL while at uni, as well as seeking out play partners for tickle sessions. I find that when I’m surrounded by mature, open-minded kinksters who are cool with it, I don’t feel ashamed at all. The actual internalised shame only comes from when normie kinksters have negative reactions about it. Eventually I cut those people off though.
I hated being tickled as a kid, while also being morbidly curious about it, and knew that was relatively abnormal. Then around puberty I started to crave it and daydream about it and still knew it was abnormal, but started to feel less alone because I accidentally stumbled across mainstream tickle scene on YouTube and found out that others had a weird obsession with it like me.

I obviously kept it a secret until I started interacting with the general BDSM community IRL while at uni, as well as seeking out play partners for tickle sessions. I find that when I’m surrounded by mature, open-minded kinksters who are cool with it, I don’t feel ashamed at all. The actual internalised shame only comes from when normie kinksters have negative reactions about it. Eventually I cut those people off though.
“accidentally” found it on YouTube :blaugh:

also why did u hate it? too ticklish or felt too weird?
As a kid I thought it was fun, that's all, and not embarrassed by it. Kids are always tickling each other. But when I got older and found I was turned on by it, that's when I got embarrassed because I wasn't aware of anyone else who liked it in the same way. That was before the internet. But when the internet came along and I started seeing sites like this, I was a lot less embarrassed, because I finally realized I was not alone. I have had girlfriends, and though they were not tickling enthusiasts per se, many of them still liked tickling me, and would do it more once they found out I liked it. So I'm not really embarrassed about it at all, not now. I have heard of other fetishes, and many of those seem a lot more disturbing than tickling is. Even people who are not into it as a fetish seem to find it fun.
I only felt shame about it when my ex-wife told her girlfriends I had a tickle fetish. After a few months, when they shared that with me, a couple (at different times) asked me, "So, why didn't you ever tickle me?". I got over the shame pretty quickly.
We used to have tickling contests in the Boy Scouts sometimes, some of us including me, would get oral on a set of sheepshanked feet. Usually, we were grouped by tents, and the older boys did the tying while the younger ones did the tickling. Those times are long gone.

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“accidentally” found it on YouTube :blaugh:

LMAO, I know it’s hard to believe but it genuinely was unintentional. I was watching other random videos and one of them had the word “under bed” in the title, so naturally the related videos had similar titles. Lo and behold, one of the suggestions was called “woman tickled under bed” or something; curiosity got the better of me and it just spiralled from there.

also why did u hate it? too ticklish or felt too weird?

I think it was a combination of both. I found it extremely overwhelming but also violating and icky, although I could never exactly pinpoint why.
I always hated listening to old men talk at me when I was younger, so my apologies in advance.

I know I enjoyed doing this sort of thing by the time I was five years old but soon understood that it wasn't normal, and as I grew older was extremely sad that I was the only person on earth afflicted with such a weird fetish. Then, as an adolescent in about 1973 I read a letter on the subject in a copy of Penthouse, and realised that there was now one other person in the world with the same problem. But the thought of women actually enjoying it was ridiculous, and the idea of having to explain that this was something I liked to them rendered me completely miserable.

And always remember, children, in those barbaric days, the world was completely Internetless.

So- solitary, having no idea of how to find women with with the same interest because I was certain that there were none, hardly any magazines that so much as mentioned the practice, and the ones that did catered to an impossibly low common denominator, this was not an interest to be enjoyed, but rather shunned with eternal feelings of incredible isolation.

But as I aged and the world became more sophisticated and in the process far more welcoming, I began to realise I really had nothing to be ashamed of. Tickling is essentially a harmless bit of spice compared to stealing underwear, being attracted to little boys or girls, compulsively cruising the men's room at the bus station for truck drivers or other 'trifles' such as coprophilia. Or necrophilia, for that matter.

Put a profile on Fetlife and attend a few local munches. Join the Kink Society at your university. Start innocuous conversations with five women a day. And I guarantee that, along with many cringeworthy experiences eventually you'll learn how to connect.
My tickle fetish is primarily connected to a foot fetish and I've always done my best to keep it private because anytime it may have slipped out to anyone, I'd be teased, made fun of and felt the risk of being labeled a 'weirdo'. I still feel uncomfortable discussing or acknowledging it around peers, family and friends.

Sadly, I even feel like I'm at risk of being viewed as 'strange' among other ticklephiles and foot fetishists. I love tickling pretty feet of pretty women, but prefer seeing pretty women tickle each other's bare feet. In particular, I always orchestrated scenarios where my female friends would tickle my sister's feet (as well as one another's feet) and everyone jumps to conclusions that I'm a pervert, including other foot and tickle fans. It blows my mind and disappoints me that I often feel uncomfortable amongst a group of people who share similar (and often unconventional interests). It's like being judged in what should be a judge free zone. So if I feel I could be judged by ticklephiles and foot lovers, than I definitely can't be open to non foot/non tickle people.
Sadly, I even feel like I'm at risk of being viewed as 'strange' among other ticklephiles and foot fetishists. I love tickling pretty feet of pretty women, but prefer seeing pretty women tickle each other's bare feet. In particular, I always orchestrated scenarios where my female friends would tickle my sister's feet (as well as one another's feet) and everyone jumps to conclusions that I'm a pervert, including other foot and tickle fans. It blows my mind and disappoints me that I often feel uncomfortable amongst a group of people who share similar (and often unconventional interests). It's like being judged in what should be a judge free zone. So if I feel I could be judged by ticklephiles and foot lovers, than I definitely can't be open to non foot/non tickle people.

If I had to guess, it sounds like the judgement is coming from the fact that these are non-con incest scenarios, rather than the feet and tickling aspect.
I’ve never felt shame, specifically, but always felt it was an odd kink to have - though of course there are far worse ones.

I’d heard the term ‘foot fetish’ on various TV shows, not usually said in a good light, so realised I had one of those at a young age. I applied the same term to my enjoyment of tickling, which helped make sense of it, and then the Internet showed me that I wasn’t alone. The best way I came to understand it though was when I told a female friend about it. She’s not vanilla but isn’t into tickling, but does understand kinks and fetishes. When I told her I liked tickling and nylon feet she was nonplussed, and said that everybody has a ‘thing’ that they enjoy, and feet and tickling just happened to be mine.

That made more sense and understanding and acceptance than any book or therapy session ever could.

Cheers, everybody,
Boy this is a very complicated topic for me. I'm not sure about being ashamed of it as I have many aspects to this topic. Mostly I just have a hard time saying the actual words to anyone.

I'm guessing it's because of my grandfather always wanting to tickle me as a small child and heck even into my college days (that's embarassing) that I have this fetish myself. That and the TMNT April O'Neil thing, amongst others.

When I got to puberty and the light switch turned on I realized why girls are attractive. I also there for a while, and thank God I wasn't a psychopath raised in a bad environment, sort of into torture. I can't explain that. I also can't explain where the feet thing comes in. Feet seem to be a pretty common thing from what I see and hear as I go through my life so maybe not that big of a deal, but tickling? Torture? So yeah I have found it hard to actually tell anyone or actually pursue anyone. In fact, I'm the exact opposite of the aggressive alpha male. 5'10" and most guys I went to school with were slightly bigger, or stronger than me and I'm a chicken so I never got into any fights except once with my brother. So I never had friends in high school and that meant not being one of the cool kids with a girlfriend. No girl even acknowledged I existed until 10th grade when one of my female classmates said hi to me.

So would I like to win Powerball Saturday night? Build my own dungeon. Have women fawning over me? Yeah of course.

The other problem is I'm a loner too so makes it hard to get out and be social. You'd think since I did make 5 lifelong friends in my college days that I would have opened up there and met someone. I did become more extroverted despite being a natural introvert and still being more comfortable that way. But no all 5 of my college friends are dudes and we had satellite friends to our group, but none of us were into the party life of college. We didn't get out of our dorms much. Played videogames. They all know I have this kink and give me shit about it.

The first person I confessed to was my dad. He was a hippie and I think he thought I was going to say I was gay, but when he learned that I'm into tickling he was like "oh, well my first wife liked to be spanked, and I like ass." I've told maybe 15 people total about my thing. None have been like wtf is wrong with you weirdo, but it still has me thinking that the average person would have that reaction. Mostly because I cannot find any actual numbers on what percentage of people are for sure into it. I get told any woman who loves you would indulge you, but I also see on questions asked on the internet where women say they would kill you if you tickled me.

So can I ever actually meet anyone? For starters again I don't really leave my apartment other than for work or to go see family. I'm also 41 now and in the prime of my career where right now I'm thinking I need to earn my CPA because a bachelor's only isn't doing jack for me financially. Which means I have no time for really getting out anyway. And whenever I did search the personals it seems like all women are the same. At my age they have kids, like going to the lake or a football game. I'm a nerd who doesn't want kids. Now throw in one more GIANT hindrance in the form of a twitching disorder that I always had, but got WAY worse at 28, and that makes me crabby as hell at times. I figure the twitching disorder might make a relationship impossible as I'm prone to fits of anger and it costs me a few thousand dollars a year in needing to get botox injections just to be able to function.

So if/when I would ever meet someone who's like you're into tickling? That's cool, no biggie, then it wouldn't be something to be ashamed of I'd have what I want, but being as I think the cards are stacked against me I think I will continue to think that tickling is an odd thing to most people and so will have to continue watching Rachelle from RealTickling stretched on a rack being tickled.
Like others have said I became aware that I liked it from a pretty early age. The April O'Neil scene in TMNT is my earliest memory of thinking that I enjoyed tickling. I also remember feeling really embarrassed when it came on and my family were there, it wasn't sexual at that point but I didn't want it to seem like I enjoyed it so I made some excuse to leave the room, so the shame aspect went hand in hand.

The internet was a revelation realising I wasn't alone but even still I never felt comfortable telling anyone about it. In relationships I was a tickler but I was never asked if I had a tickle fetish, I assume they just never considered it to be a thing.

I also have a foot fetish and the constant negative press for foot fetishes, the large minority of people on social media who fuel the creepy feet weirdos stereotype, as well as in film and tv makes you think twice about admitting to having a fetish.

As I've gotten older I've learned to be more accepting of it. While I've admitted to having a foot fetish to a few people, I've only confided in one person about my tickle fetish and they were really great about it, asked a lot of questions about it, thing's that really made me think about what tickling is to me that I'd never really considered before.
But even though I've had one positive experience I would still be wary admitting it to anyone else.
To put it simply, yes.

I was raised Catholic and programed to feel guilty about pretty much everything, especially any sexual feelings not relevant to procreation between a husband and wife.
To put it simply, yes.

I was raised Catholic and programed to feel guilty about pretty much everything, especially any sexual feelings not relevant to procreation between a husband and wife.

Why should you follow rules made by men who pride themselves on never playing the game?
Why should you follow rules made by men who pride themselves on never playing the game?

That's why I used the term "programmed."

I no longer believe in those rules. However, after years of indoctrination (for myself, at least) those thoughts and feelings don't disappear overnight.
I don’t know why you say it became weird af at 9. Tickling between friends, especially those of the opposite sex in my experience, was never taboo among anyone I knew. It was generally playful revenge, teasing, or a way to flirt. Tickle torture seemed strange, though, especially the desire to be tickle tortured. I think as others have said, the internet has shown us that tickling isn’t a shameful or weird fetish, especially next to some of the others out there. I think it’s actually less “weird” than most fetishes - spanking, slapping, cock torture, pain, hot candle wax, golden showers… the list goes on.
For me I thought I would have to keep it secret forever and just would never get to date. I figured I was a weirdo and had to live alone and made my peace with it. I went to Catholic High School and College which means small populations and word gets out (although I would go to those institutions again). Playing sports didn't help like I thought it would (in terms of meeting women). It was okay to say that you wanted to F a girl in the A and choke her but I would never dare say, I just wanted play with a girl's feet before moving on.

It wasn't until I was in my early thirties until I found out guys with these kinks (feet and tickling) are married. Now I am worried if I tell a woman, she tells her friends, who tell their husbands who are my buddies. I do not want to be known as the foot guy. My only outlet has been sessions which I get depressed from afterwards (through no fault of the models - they have all been nice, sweet, accommodating, etc.). I can't even bring myself to bring it up to therapists and I have been through a few ( I am actually meeting with my therapist tomorrow and am contemplating bringing up that I want to talk to someone about it, just not a guy).

So, long story short - yes. Shame, depression, and loneliness. Just had to put that out there. This has affected me in more ways than one.
I can't even bring myself to bring it up to therapists and I have been through a few ( I am actually meeting with my therapist tomorrow and am contemplating bringing up that I want to talk to someone about it, just not a guy)
I hear u
good luck with ur therapist and I’m sure they heard worse before
Without betraying any confidences, a friend of Kittentoes is staying for a few days with us. She's a prodomme. Today at dinner I had to listen to her negotiating with a prospective client- who emailed her a deposit so this paid assignation WILL take place- about a scat session he was requesting.

Yes, the day after tomorrow this pretty young woman is going to make a fair bit of money by defecating on someone.

All of you who simply enjoy tickling are more than welcome to breathe a sigh of relief, and delight in the fact that you're into something that's infinitely easier, far more socially acceptable and far more societally palatable to fulfil than this poor bastard's crazy obsession.
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