Thank you for the reply it has helped to get a reply I will look into the links but I'm just getting used to the forum at the moment thanks for the good advice it was a real boost to hear 🙂
Apologies Libertine, I saw you messaged me in chat, wasn't ignoring you honest I was in the middle of a pm, I didn't see it until after you left the room lol
I loved DYD. Changed my life. I downloaded the advanced series last year too after a breakup. Came back stronger than ever! Quality's a shame most guys won't invest the time. More for us!
I'd almost forgotten about that "poor" person at NEST 2008 who drank himself into a near-coma (note the use of quotes around the word "poor") make matters worse he was wearing a Green Lantern shirt. Super-heroes aren't what they used to be... 😛