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  • Hi, I was checking the threat of the Labirintof Laughters game and I have the same sound file problem that you once helped to fix by uploading a rar with the missing filea, but since the forum came back this attachment was removed.
    If by any chance do you still have the sound file or the name of the file could you please post it.
    Thanks, and see you around.
    Seems like you and horriblyticklish are having quite the bickering session there.

    Anyways, I came to say that, if you wanna do the bane voice properly, do this


    Whoever does this 1st (in public), and uploads it to youtube, and sends me the link, wins the contest. GO!!!
    A tickle magnet does not pay well XP I get caught in situations....Like being accidently elbowed in the side, then I gotta explain why I jumped a mile in the air....All very embarrassing XP

    Yes. Waddle around like he does. Like a penguin. Penguins are mah favorite animals! 😀
    Do YOU know what that word means? 😛

    My best friend does the Bane voice perfectly ^^ Gives me chills.

    Oh how CUTE. Little boy growled at me. Hooowwww adorable!
    I didn't say puppy eyes, silly boy. Innocent. Like me. ^^

    My emotions? Pshhh I just love me some Bane. As should you.

    Now now...I wouldn't want to lie to you. ;P
    Hahah well, we'll change that eventually. Then you'll see my sweet, innocent eyes! :3

    Don't you dare quote Bane against me. Nu uh. Now you're gonna HAVE to lose.

    And oh yeah, I called you kiddo. What now, punk!? OoooooOOOoooo
    I'm a perfect angel! Come on now, look into these eyes ^^

    Please... You know I'll win.

    And I'm just a brat, kiddo. I push buttons to get my ass handed to me ^^
    Keep an eye on me? How dare you say such things! I am a perfect angel ;3

    You can't pester me...that's impossible! 😀

    What's that chicky? You want some bird seed? Peck away!
    Heh. Cardboard won't save you! Buahahah!

    And I won't make you sick, just bother you until you slowly fade to nothing ;p

    Dust bunnies...brooms...Are you sure you're not a lee, cause you are chicken like one!

    (Need some ice for that burn?)
    Oh come on...we can meet! I'm totally harmless. :3

    Yay friends! You're stuck with me now....be warned, I'm like the plague.

    Brooms? That's the thing you pick to kill everyone off? >,<
    Well 😛 I live 10 minutes from GA on the AL side.

    And yes. It means you are destined to be my friend! Buahahah!

    Is anyone ever REALLY safe? ;P
    I would first like to note, you live near me!

    Second, you joined on my birthday of 2003.

    Third....I heard you like to watch Anime..... XP
    oh... ok :blush hehe... where can i find that fly?? i am getting crazy... lol
    Hi there. I noticed you show up from time to time in my presence. Always taking my side, or at least the side of rationality. Thank you.
    I noticed your Bday is the same as mine! So from one Christmas present to another, Happy belated Birthday 😛 lol
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