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  • hey man it's me.the request guy XD.anyway about the on my opinion.i did sent you one.check it out 😛
    Bicu na skype ovih dana u prepodnevnim casovima, tako da ako budes imao cajta, navrati.
    I saw the art you were telling me a while back and I have to say, you did a pretty good job there. I always find Velma more interesting than Daphne, and I find both of them cool.
    E pa ovako. Muzika nije losa, par numera mi se svidelo, par me podsetilo na neke poznate numere, ali uglavnom je dobro. Imam par zamerki, ali o njima cu posebno na skype jedan dan.

    Sto se tice igre nisam stizao nista osim grafike da uradim, ali ce mi trebati uskoro neki materijal. Dal mozes da uradis neku muziku u stilu 'Saw theme extended'? Ova prica je ionako dovoljno slicna tome, tako da mozes da se inspirises njome.
    No worries. Glad I stood corrected and yeah that would make the game very cool for with voice over, you can be able to hear what they're saying instead of just reading the text. And I guess I do need a team so that stance for battler can be made, maybe the sprites and the maps (for I'm pretty bad at map making and even worse at art for battlers.) Question, how did you make the sprites you shared?
    Voice acting? Oh I get it! For the certain sound effect?
    And yeah I've had a few info saying that when it comes to making a game, it sometimes requires more than one person doing it.
    That's ok... and I will check by then. And as for what's going on, I'd rather not talk about it at present.... Don't worry though, I'll be fine! I'm used to looking after myself and those around me
    I just evaded it because it started becoming about the politics of this site. Considering what shit I'm going through at the moment, I just didn't want to get involved in some retarded internet shit storm so I've stayed away til it all calms down
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