The other day I woke up around four in the afternoon (I work nights, I get home around 7:30 AM) and my girlfriend Morgan was gone. That's not too unusual. She only works part time as needed and when she's not working she usually goes out with friends but she tries to be back in time to spend the evenings with me. I was really hoping she would get home soon that day. I'm always in the mood for her but this was one of those days when I really, really, really wanted her to hurry home. And she did come home finally, just not alone.
When she walked through the front door her friend Jennifer was with her and each of them had a pizza box in their hands. “Hi honey”, she says. She sets her pizza on the kitchen counter and comes over and kisses me. “Hi Brian” Jennifer says. I give her a “Hey Jennifer”.
“Jennifer, make yourself at home” she says and then turns to me. “I've been helping her clean out her garage all day. I'll be down in a few minutes; I need a shower bad.” With that she runs up the stairs to our bedroom.
Like I said I wanted to catch Morgan alone but Jennifer's alright so I just go with it. We make small talk for almost half an hour when Morgan comes back down. Jennifer looks at her and asks “going to a job interview?” Sure enough Morgan was wearing her nicest, most expensive, most professional outfit. The shirt, jacket, the skirt, even the jewelry … but no shoes. She shrugged and said “this was the only clean outfit I had”. I should have known something was up right then.
Let me give you a little bit of back ground before I go any further. I have been completely up front with Morgan about my foot and tickling fetish and she had been unbelievably cool about it. She was like “really?” when I first talked to her about it but other than that it hasn't put her off at all. I was terrified that it would be just too bizarre for her but I guess she just finds it quirky or something. Whatever it is I'm not about the question it. I can promise you that there hasn't been a day, not one single day, when I haven't tickled her into fits and frenzies at least once. I can't even begin to describe how many wonderful, blissful, perfect hours I've spent exploring her sweet, soft, tiny soles and toes with my finger tips and my lips and my tongue, and how many ear splitting squeals and belly laughs I've forced out of her 5'1'' frame over and over again, how many times I made her pick which foot she wanted to me to tickle under threat of my tickling both if she took too long to answer, and the times I've pinned her down on her stomach, pulled up her shirt, and kissed her right on that tender spot right between her naked shoulder blades that sends her right out of her mind.
I digress. The point is she knows all about me and what I like. One of the things that is a bit of a turn on for me, and I've told her this, is a woman wearing office clothes with no shoes. I don't mean business casual but a very professional outfit, like a lawyer or executive might have to wear. I guess because it's so unusual to see a woman barefoot in that sort of suite as opposed to the kind of clothes she would wear around the house or in a more low level job. It's like their making a special point of being barefoot. That is exactly how she dressed her self after her shower. That is how she dressed to eat pizza with me and a friend in the early evening.
“No we're not eating in front of the TV tonight”, she said. “Come on, dining room”
I was hungry so I knocked out four slices pretty quickly but Morgan and Jennifer are done after only a slice or two each. The three of us talk for a few minutes about the same stuff we always talk about and are having a pretty decent evening even though I'm watching the clock. At 9:30 I have to start getting ready to go to work and I notice it's already 7:00. If I'm going to have any alone time with Morgan then Jennifer is going to have to leave soon.
It's around this time that it starts.
Morgan pushed here chair back a little and swings her legs on to the table with her ankles crossed. Her soles are facing my directly. I can make out every line and curve on the two softest and most delicate feet God ever made. She placed them less than 6 inches from my hands and begins to slowly wiggle the toes that she knows I won't touch in front of someone else.
“I got so tickled today. Jennifer, tell him about that guy at the restaurant.”
“The guy with the debit card?” Jennifer asked. “That wasn't that funny.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“Well, it's just that there was this guy in front of my at the coffee shop and when he gave the cashier his debit card he just stood there for a few seconds. The cashier had to tell him to enter his pin.”
I waited for her to continue but then she said “that's it.”
“Why is that funny?”
Jennifer shrugged and tilted her head to Morgan. Morgan answered “I guess it just tickled me at the right spot.” Jennifer raised her eyebrows and looked back at me.
“You want a beer Jennifer?” I asked.
“OK, I'll get them. One for each of us?” Jennifer asked, standing up.
“Just for the two of you” I answered.
“That's right” said Morgan, lifting one of her feet and pointing at me with her toes, “You've got work tonight”.
As soon as Jennifer was out of site Morgan pulled her legs off the table and looked at me with this taunting smirk. Under my breath I said to her “You are so going to get it when Jennifer leaves”. She leaned in towards me and said “I'm going to get it anyway. I may as well deserve it”.
My face dropped I'm sure. I didn't say anything to that. What could I say to that. She was right. What was I going to do, not hold back this time like I usually do? I had nothing. She was going to toy with me as long as Jennifer was there and there was nothing I could do about it. She knew I couldn't be rude to Jennifer and she knew I wouldn't tickle her in front of Jennifer either. I was stuck. My only hope was that Jennifer would go home soon.
Once Jennifer came back in with a beer for the two of them Morgan immediately but her beautiful yet evil feet right back where they were.
“Jennifer, I just tried that nail place across from the free parking garage. I had the nicest pedicure. They give you a really thorough pumicing, which I usually can't stand because my feet are so ticklish, but this woman was really good. And they use this lotion and they massage it your feet and it feels so good. I love having my feet rubbed. But just feel how soft my skin is in my feet now.” She held out her leg and Jennifer touched slid fingers across the top of Morgan's foot. I feel my face turning red.
“Feels good” Jennifer said. She didn't look particularly comfortable. I think she could tell this wasn't arbitrary conversation. She started to concentrate on her beer.
“Oh, could I ask you a favor Jennifer?” Morgan asked.
“Would you mind staying until after he leaves? I just don't feel like being alone tonight. Just until 11:00 or so? I'll be asleep right after that.”
“Uh, OK, I can do that”.
“Thank you so much. Oh honey, look at the time! You better start getting ready for work.”
I leer at her. “Oh, you mean spirited bitch” I think to myself.
“What's the matter honey?” she asks with an oily voice, wiggling her tender little toes at me. Just then the phone rings.
“I'll get it” I said and I walked into the living room to get the phone.
“Hey Brian”
“Oh, hey Jerry. What's up”
“Just calling everyone. We're shutting the line down”
“Just for 24 hours. Some kind of fungus was found in the coolant systems so they have to shut all the lines down. This is company leave so you're getting paid for it; it's not gonna be taken out of your PTO or anything like that. You just got a free night off.”
“You're sure will be working tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah, they've already started testing; they're probably done by now but state law says they have to make it 24 hours.”
“Wow. OK. Uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then. Thanks Jerry.”
Jerry hung up. I never again doubt the existence of God. I put the phone down and went to join Morgan and Jennifer.
“Is everything OK”? Jennifer asked.
“Yeah, that was my supervisor. They have to do some testing on the coolant systems so everyone has been given the night off.”
“Nice” Jennifer said.
Morgan was staring at me like she was waiting for me to say “just kidding”
“So I don't have to leave you tonight after all sweety!”
“Well, in that case, I better get home” said Jennifer, starting to get up.
“Oh can't you stay a little longer?” Morgan asked. Her voice was a little higher than usual.
“No, I just want to get bed. Thanks for you help today.”
“Are you sure you're OK to drive?” I asked, walking with her to the door.
“Yeah, I only had the one beer.”
I turned the porch light on and opened the door for her. As she left she said “Bye Morgan, bye Brian”. I'm not sure but I think I heard her mumble “Go easy on her”.
I closed the door, locked it, and jumped across the room just in time to stop Morgan from darting into the bedroom. She let out a long high pitched whimper as I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed.
At this point her voice is completely falsetto. “Please Brian, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” I rolled her on to her stomach and pinned her thighs down with my body so that I could bend her feet into pose right towards my face.
“So honey, let's have a look at that pedicure”. She's not forming words now. She's gone to something between a giggle and a scream. I pull her left foot closer to me and let her feel my breath on it. She squeals. I give her a few more seconds to dwell on what's coming and then I plant my lips right on her tender, defenseless in-step.
She let's out a delicious high pitched squeal and I devour her sole with my lips and ravage her arch with my tongue while she goes absolutely out of her mind. She's wiggling, she's throwing her arms everywhere, she's laughing more loudly than her body should be able to handle.
I stop for a moment, she's mumbling “oh god, oh god, oh god”.
“It's so adorable the way you fight. It's like you think you have a chance of getting away. It's just so cute” I say to her. I unzip my jeans and pull them down with my free hand. My dick already feels like it's bigger than it's ever been. But I don't want to rush this. She said she wanted to deserve it. I want to make sure she gets every bit of what she deserves.
“Now, about those toes”. She holds another high pitched tone and, holding her ankles with my left hand, I run my right index and middle fingers along the bottoms of her dainty, naked toes. She screams and fights and laughs harder than I've ever heard her. I almost start to worry. Almost.
After just a few seconds (or was it hours?) of torturing her perfectly pedicured and pumiced feet, I just can't stand it any more. I reach up her skirt, grabbed her panties and I literally rip them right off of her. I toss her on to her back with one hand, spread her legs apart, move myself over her, and with every bit of pent up energy that she built up in me I thrust myself into her while she lets out a loud and very different kind of sound. I push and I push and I push into her, collecting every grunt and groan and moan and scream that comes out of her with every thrust of my dick. But I'm too worked up. I can't slow down. I can't stop. I can't drag it out. I keep pushing and thrusting and fucking and fucking until, finally, I explode right inside of her. I scream with it. So does she. In one moment, every bone in my body turns to blood. I collapse. I roll over to my back, surprised I can even do that much and just let my body go.
I listen to her breathe. I listen to myself breathe. I listen to the crickets out side.
“I love you”, she says.
“I love you too”
She gets up and goes to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit. When she comes out I go in and brush my teeth. I've had her feet in my mouth and her toes too I think, I can't remember.
It's her turn now. That's part of the deal. Morgan's weakness is that she has an insatiable appetite for receiving cunnilingus. I don't mind telling you I think I'm pretty good at it. I actually think most ticklers would be. It's the same principle: forcing sensations on a specific tender spot with caresses and teasing motions. Someone should look into that.
I come back to bed and she's ready. I start kissing her inner thighs and she gently directs me with her hands, guiding me slowly between her legs until I'm there. And when I'm there I stay there and I kiss her there and I nibble her with my lips there and I lick her there and I do what it takes to make her groan, and sigh, and tense her body tighter, and tighter, and tighter until, with one deafening burst from her mouth her taught hard body bursts inside of itself and breaks free and turns to clay. I stay where I am and wait a few seconds and begin kissing her again, and she starts to tense again and make sounds again and she and her body go there again. And we'll do this at least three more times tonight (twelve is our record). That's what I bring to her and I don't mind one bit.
Good night.
When she walked through the front door her friend Jennifer was with her and each of them had a pizza box in their hands. “Hi honey”, she says. She sets her pizza on the kitchen counter and comes over and kisses me. “Hi Brian” Jennifer says. I give her a “Hey Jennifer”.
“Jennifer, make yourself at home” she says and then turns to me. “I've been helping her clean out her garage all day. I'll be down in a few minutes; I need a shower bad.” With that she runs up the stairs to our bedroom.
Like I said I wanted to catch Morgan alone but Jennifer's alright so I just go with it. We make small talk for almost half an hour when Morgan comes back down. Jennifer looks at her and asks “going to a job interview?” Sure enough Morgan was wearing her nicest, most expensive, most professional outfit. The shirt, jacket, the skirt, even the jewelry … but no shoes. She shrugged and said “this was the only clean outfit I had”. I should have known something was up right then.
Let me give you a little bit of back ground before I go any further. I have been completely up front with Morgan about my foot and tickling fetish and she had been unbelievably cool about it. She was like “really?” when I first talked to her about it but other than that it hasn't put her off at all. I was terrified that it would be just too bizarre for her but I guess she just finds it quirky or something. Whatever it is I'm not about the question it. I can promise you that there hasn't been a day, not one single day, when I haven't tickled her into fits and frenzies at least once. I can't even begin to describe how many wonderful, blissful, perfect hours I've spent exploring her sweet, soft, tiny soles and toes with my finger tips and my lips and my tongue, and how many ear splitting squeals and belly laughs I've forced out of her 5'1'' frame over and over again, how many times I made her pick which foot she wanted to me to tickle under threat of my tickling both if she took too long to answer, and the times I've pinned her down on her stomach, pulled up her shirt, and kissed her right on that tender spot right between her naked shoulder blades that sends her right out of her mind.
I digress. The point is she knows all about me and what I like. One of the things that is a bit of a turn on for me, and I've told her this, is a woman wearing office clothes with no shoes. I don't mean business casual but a very professional outfit, like a lawyer or executive might have to wear. I guess because it's so unusual to see a woman barefoot in that sort of suite as opposed to the kind of clothes she would wear around the house or in a more low level job. It's like their making a special point of being barefoot. That is exactly how she dressed her self after her shower. That is how she dressed to eat pizza with me and a friend in the early evening.
“No we're not eating in front of the TV tonight”, she said. “Come on, dining room”
I was hungry so I knocked out four slices pretty quickly but Morgan and Jennifer are done after only a slice or two each. The three of us talk for a few minutes about the same stuff we always talk about and are having a pretty decent evening even though I'm watching the clock. At 9:30 I have to start getting ready to go to work and I notice it's already 7:00. If I'm going to have any alone time with Morgan then Jennifer is going to have to leave soon.
It's around this time that it starts.
Morgan pushed here chair back a little and swings her legs on to the table with her ankles crossed. Her soles are facing my directly. I can make out every line and curve on the two softest and most delicate feet God ever made. She placed them less than 6 inches from my hands and begins to slowly wiggle the toes that she knows I won't touch in front of someone else.
“I got so tickled today. Jennifer, tell him about that guy at the restaurant.”
“The guy with the debit card?” Jennifer asked. “That wasn't that funny.”
“What happened?” I asked.
“Well, it's just that there was this guy in front of my at the coffee shop and when he gave the cashier his debit card he just stood there for a few seconds. The cashier had to tell him to enter his pin.”
I waited for her to continue but then she said “that's it.”
“Why is that funny?”
Jennifer shrugged and tilted her head to Morgan. Morgan answered “I guess it just tickled me at the right spot.” Jennifer raised her eyebrows and looked back at me.
“You want a beer Jennifer?” I asked.
“OK, I'll get them. One for each of us?” Jennifer asked, standing up.
“Just for the two of you” I answered.
“That's right” said Morgan, lifting one of her feet and pointing at me with her toes, “You've got work tonight”.
As soon as Jennifer was out of site Morgan pulled her legs off the table and looked at me with this taunting smirk. Under my breath I said to her “You are so going to get it when Jennifer leaves”. She leaned in towards me and said “I'm going to get it anyway. I may as well deserve it”.
My face dropped I'm sure. I didn't say anything to that. What could I say to that. She was right. What was I going to do, not hold back this time like I usually do? I had nothing. She was going to toy with me as long as Jennifer was there and there was nothing I could do about it. She knew I couldn't be rude to Jennifer and she knew I wouldn't tickle her in front of Jennifer either. I was stuck. My only hope was that Jennifer would go home soon.
Once Jennifer came back in with a beer for the two of them Morgan immediately but her beautiful yet evil feet right back where they were.
“Jennifer, I just tried that nail place across from the free parking garage. I had the nicest pedicure. They give you a really thorough pumicing, which I usually can't stand because my feet are so ticklish, but this woman was really good. And they use this lotion and they massage it your feet and it feels so good. I love having my feet rubbed. But just feel how soft my skin is in my feet now.” She held out her leg and Jennifer touched slid fingers across the top of Morgan's foot. I feel my face turning red.
“Feels good” Jennifer said. She didn't look particularly comfortable. I think she could tell this wasn't arbitrary conversation. She started to concentrate on her beer.
“Oh, could I ask you a favor Jennifer?” Morgan asked.
“Would you mind staying until after he leaves? I just don't feel like being alone tonight. Just until 11:00 or so? I'll be asleep right after that.”
“Uh, OK, I can do that”.
“Thank you so much. Oh honey, look at the time! You better start getting ready for work.”
I leer at her. “Oh, you mean spirited bitch” I think to myself.
“What's the matter honey?” she asks with an oily voice, wiggling her tender little toes at me. Just then the phone rings.
“I'll get it” I said and I walked into the living room to get the phone.
“Hey Brian”
“Oh, hey Jerry. What's up”
“Just calling everyone. We're shutting the line down”
“Just for 24 hours. Some kind of fungus was found in the coolant systems so they have to shut all the lines down. This is company leave so you're getting paid for it; it's not gonna be taken out of your PTO or anything like that. You just got a free night off.”
“You're sure will be working tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah, they've already started testing; they're probably done by now but state law says they have to make it 24 hours.”
“Wow. OK. Uh, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night then. Thanks Jerry.”
Jerry hung up. I never again doubt the existence of God. I put the phone down and went to join Morgan and Jennifer.
“Is everything OK”? Jennifer asked.
“Yeah, that was my supervisor. They have to do some testing on the coolant systems so everyone has been given the night off.”
“Nice” Jennifer said.
Morgan was staring at me like she was waiting for me to say “just kidding”
“So I don't have to leave you tonight after all sweety!”
“Well, in that case, I better get home” said Jennifer, starting to get up.
“Oh can't you stay a little longer?” Morgan asked. Her voice was a little higher than usual.
“No, I just want to get bed. Thanks for you help today.”
“Are you sure you're OK to drive?” I asked, walking with her to the door.
“Yeah, I only had the one beer.”
I turned the porch light on and opened the door for her. As she left she said “Bye Morgan, bye Brian”. I'm not sure but I think I heard her mumble “Go easy on her”.
I closed the door, locked it, and jumped across the room just in time to stop Morgan from darting into the bedroom. She let out a long high pitched whimper as I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and dropped her on the bed.
At this point her voice is completely falsetto. “Please Brian, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” I rolled her on to her stomach and pinned her thighs down with my body so that I could bend her feet into pose right towards my face.
“So honey, let's have a look at that pedicure”. She's not forming words now. She's gone to something between a giggle and a scream. I pull her left foot closer to me and let her feel my breath on it. She squeals. I give her a few more seconds to dwell on what's coming and then I plant my lips right on her tender, defenseless in-step.
She let's out a delicious high pitched squeal and I devour her sole with my lips and ravage her arch with my tongue while she goes absolutely out of her mind. She's wiggling, she's throwing her arms everywhere, she's laughing more loudly than her body should be able to handle.
I stop for a moment, she's mumbling “oh god, oh god, oh god”.
“It's so adorable the way you fight. It's like you think you have a chance of getting away. It's just so cute” I say to her. I unzip my jeans and pull them down with my free hand. My dick already feels like it's bigger than it's ever been. But I don't want to rush this. She said she wanted to deserve it. I want to make sure she gets every bit of what she deserves.
“Now, about those toes”. She holds another high pitched tone and, holding her ankles with my left hand, I run my right index and middle fingers along the bottoms of her dainty, naked toes. She screams and fights and laughs harder than I've ever heard her. I almost start to worry. Almost.
After just a few seconds (or was it hours?) of torturing her perfectly pedicured and pumiced feet, I just can't stand it any more. I reach up her skirt, grabbed her panties and I literally rip them right off of her. I toss her on to her back with one hand, spread her legs apart, move myself over her, and with every bit of pent up energy that she built up in me I thrust myself into her while she lets out a loud and very different kind of sound. I push and I push and I push into her, collecting every grunt and groan and moan and scream that comes out of her with every thrust of my dick. But I'm too worked up. I can't slow down. I can't stop. I can't drag it out. I keep pushing and thrusting and fucking and fucking until, finally, I explode right inside of her. I scream with it. So does she. In one moment, every bone in my body turns to blood. I collapse. I roll over to my back, surprised I can even do that much and just let my body go.
I listen to her breathe. I listen to myself breathe. I listen to the crickets out side.
“I love you”, she says.
“I love you too”
She gets up and goes to the bathroom to clean herself up a bit. When she comes out I go in and brush my teeth. I've had her feet in my mouth and her toes too I think, I can't remember.
It's her turn now. That's part of the deal. Morgan's weakness is that she has an insatiable appetite for receiving cunnilingus. I don't mind telling you I think I'm pretty good at it. I actually think most ticklers would be. It's the same principle: forcing sensations on a specific tender spot with caresses and teasing motions. Someone should look into that.
I come back to bed and she's ready. I start kissing her inner thighs and she gently directs me with her hands, guiding me slowly between her legs until I'm there. And when I'm there I stay there and I kiss her there and I nibble her with my lips there and I lick her there and I do what it takes to make her groan, and sigh, and tense her body tighter, and tighter, and tighter until, with one deafening burst from her mouth her taught hard body bursts inside of itself and breaks free and turns to clay. I stay where I am and wait a few seconds and begin kissing her again, and she starts to tense again and make sounds again and she and her body go there again. And we'll do this at least three more times tonight (twelve is our record). That's what I bring to her and I don't mind one bit.
Good night.