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<center>A World of When Story.
Talyn: ”Dragonfly” Part 2</center>
You can find other chapters in my World of When Series here:
Click a number to see each of the earlier parts 1 to 13: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Tayln Dragonfly Pt1.
All content, characters, and settings are ©2008 to Myriad Worlds Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Hello folks.
It’s been a bit. My desire to write comes in phases, and sometime I loose track of how long it’s been since I have written some fiction. I know that my World of When stories have a small but loyal following here on the forum, and I want you guys to know I appreciate that. I’ve come to like these characters a lot over the years. I’m glad that some of you do also.
So, here is the second part of the Interlude starring Talyn the thief. You can catch up with Part 1 in the links I left above.
I can’t promise that more will come fast. But We’ll see how it goes!
Enjoy! On with the fun!
Talyn looked down into her lovers eyes. Her long dark hair hung down, framing both their faces. It made things seem very intimate. Don had that hooded dreamy look of pleasure on his face. She knew he always got it when he was totally into the fucking he was getting, and his mind had wandered off to enjoy the feelings.
And a good fucking it was Talyn mused. She was kneeling astride him, on his hips, setting the pace. His cock was moving deep inside her with each long stroke, hitting so many good spots. She felt so sensitive, it was as if every slight movement sent wonderful feelings through her. Talyn loved the feel of his strong hands clenching her ass, and forcing her back down, harder, deeper, with each pass. She dipped her head, and bit his lip gently, and then stole a deep kiss. Her nipples slid back and forth across his chest, with delicious friction.
Enjoying the feel of it all, she lay her head on his right shoulder, and listened to his breath, hissing with each stroke, small grunts of pleasure sneaking out of him. She could hear his heart beat with her other ear pressed to his body, strong and fast. She whispered in his ear, “Mmmm uh! soooo good, yessss like that.” And felt him stiffen a touch more within her at her words. In spite of herself, she gasped deeply in response. “Ahhhhhhmmm, uh.. uh!” Her orgasm was building slowly, winding, coiling up, ready to spring forth and punch her guts, head to toe.
“Such a naughty girl.” whispered Don, his voice husky and deep with lust. “Didn’t think.. hemmmm. I’d notice you teasing...?” He nipped at her ear and neck, causing her to shiver.
“I like making you, uh! want me more... mmmm. ohyes... uh!“ Talyn teased, adding a stuttering half length stroke with her hips, to break their rhythm, and add the good sort of frustration that she knew he’d have as he reestablished his pace.
“Oh you want to play?” hissed Don, a touch of command in his voice. Suddenly his hands were at her sides, stroking her ribs, and tickling their way up to her breasts and underarms. “I can make you dance the way I want Pooka!”
“Yeheeheheee!” she shrieked in response. Her body crumpled onto his chest, as his surprise attack on her pits caused her to stop holding her weight up. “Yehhheh! quit it!” she gasped out.
“Nope! You wanted to play wriggle games while I was enjoying you, so now you are gonna wriggle the way I want, until I cum!” Said Don in his no nonsense voice. Talyn loved/hated his tone in a way she didn’t quite understand. Don’s strong hands kept Talyn pinned to his body, and the tickling kept her jerking and wriggling. All the while he never stopped fucking her. The oriental woman gave into being trapped, and let the feelings wash through her. She laughed into his ear, giggling mostly. He was not being TOO nasty.
Talyn noted that slowly her giggles were becoming spiced with more and more deep gasps, she was starting to emit the deep “Uh!” cries she knew she made as she got close. A small part of her mind always hated how animalistic she sounded. Don was ramping up with the grunts too, she knew it meant he was getting close also.
“So close.... So good....” Talyn thought.
A quiet, but insistent tone slowly pulled Talyn from the dream. It’s insistent pitch was not jarring, but could not be ignored either. Regretfully, and with a moan of frustration, the dark haired woman opened her eyes, to find she could see nothing but solid blackness. The lanky thief had a brief moment of disorientation and panic before she remembered where she was. That place was on a turbobike, rocketing, and bouncing along at several hundred miles an hour across broken desert terrain. The dream had totally disoriented her, and left her quite aroused, and not a little bit cranky.
“Visor to 70%” she spoke aloud, her mouth slightly dry from sleep, and her smartsuit’s cooled and filtered air. In response, the black expanse that covered her eyes, shifted from full opaque to a smoky quartz color, it’s shading more then enough to cut any glare from the hot, bright desert sun at her back. A quick eye track and blink on a menu brought up the local time. It was well into mid-afternoon. The day had begun as she had slept her way across old Mexico. The thief had set the bike onto a auto sat-guide path after the first few miles not long after leaving the ugly bunker where she had gotten the better of it’s former owner, Kendra, and had quietly drifted into sleep.
It had been downright cold when she started off on her ride the night before. The desert at night did not hold heat. But now is was sizzling out in the full sun of the day. Talyn was very thankful for the military grade smartsuit that hugged her body from head to toe. It had kept her warm, and now it had adjusted to the changing environment automatically as the heat rose, and she noted that it was now a dazzling mirror, reflecting off the majority of the energy, and thus heat, the angry sun was sending her way. It had, of course, fully charged itself from the light also. She loved the high end suit, and Don for getting it for her. The sneak-thief never took her gear for granted. She always tried to have the best. It had saved her ass more then once. She always thought to be under prepared was lazy and foolish.
To that end, the turbobike that Talyn had ‘borrowed’ from Kanda was not as much fun, nor close to as good as the one she had snagged off the horny sandboy outside Vegas. She felt it lacked power, and was a bit finicky to maneuver quickly at upper speeds. But it had done the job she needed, and carried her through the night toward her goal. Taking it was a needful bit of improve, the sandboy’s bike was a dream to ride, but it would have been way too hot to be riding upon by this time. She bet he’d woke by now, and would be happy to find that his machine was safe, and parked in Phoenix, beacon set, and calling him. She giggled thinking about how she’d played him, with a smile and a promise of desert sex. “Boys, bad choices, and their dicks.” she mused with a grin.
Thinking more about the bike she now road, Talyn was pleased that her prey, the mother-daughter blast and grab team of Trina and Kanda were cheep with equipment. It had made her work, and work to come simpler. The bike had been good enough.
“Location?” Talyn asked aloud. A map was instantly projected into her eyes, showing that she was almost to her goal, the Baja resort town of Yavaros. A quick check of the places commercial info-feed freq provided her with a quick outline of what it was like. The town was a resort at it’s core. A pretty place, of a few thousand citizens, that offered swimming, various clubs, shopping, and tons of outdoor activities in the rugged desert it was surrounded by. As she voxed off the ad spiel that was being piped into her eyes and ears via her suit, she was left with a image of Yavaors’ whitewashed buildings and bright red tile roofs. The sea sent the ad-band had her suit produce made her smile with its crispness. The fresh salty smell pushing the last bit of her sleepiness aside. On the map of the town she now had called up, Talyn could see a pulsing red dot, which indicated that her smartsuit had reacquired the trackers that she’d managed to place on what she now knew to be Trina’s turbobike the evening before.
“Time to see what we can see, and get my Dragonfly!” thought the focused woman, as she took the bike into manual control, eased it’s speed down, and entered the peaceful resort town. With a quick command, Talyn had her suit assume a casual look, taking on a muted pattern. The hood retracted from her head, letting her shake her long black hair out, it’s organic silver shock sparkled in the sun. The sudden warmth felt good. She kept her hands gloved, and kept a light smart cloud interference pattern up to disrupt any electronic viewing of her face. Once more the young woman reminded herself to thank Don in her special way again for the milgrade suit. He’d grown it from a piece of his own. And she knew he’d be in deep trouble if the guard learned he’d done such.
The tracker led Talyn through the resort town’s narrow streets to a small two story building, a bit off the main business district. Along the way she found herself enjoying the town. “It’s actually quite nice here.” she thought. Lush tropical trees provided shade, and the mission style construction fit well with what she expected to see. Upon seeing where she had been led, Talyn did a quick evaluation. The lower level seemed to be a customization operation of some sort. A place people could bring their bikes and other vehicles to be modified in various ways. Since most people simply disassembled old things and fabbed up new ones, with the most recent features, the thief assumed that this place catered to hard core collectors, and people who liked to tinker with things. “And there is always a market for hand made” she reminded herself. Over all, nothing stood out as unusual.
Using her suit, The thief located and sparked up a few of the cams that floated everyplace. The business half of the building seemed deserted. She could see Trina’s bike parked in it’s lot, mixed in with a few others. The large canvas saddle bags that she remembered from her brief encounter with the bike, and which would match those that she’d seen Kanda unpacking earlier were missing.
“Of course it wouldn’t be THAT easy.” mused Talyn. She brushed a few commands into her suit, using the touchpad controls she kept located on her upper left arm. The suit started assembling a new hood, that slowly grew up her neck and slowly covered her face, then engulfed her head. The thief always had a brief moment of claustrophobia when she sealed herself up thusly, until the suit started projecting real time views from outside onto her retinas. She suppressed a small shudder, thinking “It feels so damned creepy when it oozes up my neck.” Once more hooded, she voxed on the the eye tracking menus, and silently instructed the suit to cloak into it’s invisible mode, where the smartsuit matched its appearance to whatever she stood in front of so perfectly, that unless she moved quickly, no one could pick her out at any real distance.
Moving slowly, she approached the low wall that surrounded the building. Her suit informed her of passive security screens along the property boundaries, coloring their areas a light red in her vision. It also automatically began to project counter measures to mask it’s owner from them. The northern light looking curtains of red light turned green in Talyn’s suit augmented perspective. Green meant she was clear to go. With a lazy one handed move, the lithe woman easily leaped the small brick wall, with a simple vault. She Landed in the buildings yard with a small, but solid thump, and quickly made her way to Trina’s bike. A quick check confirmed that any of the stolen art that had been with the bike was gone. Out of habit, Talyn seeded the bike with some crackers to take control of it’s systems. She did not plan to use the bike, but saw no reason to allow it’s use by another in case her little visit went in an unexpected direction.
Talyn enjoyed the thrill of her thievery. But she also quite liked the feelings she got by going places she should not be. Seeing that which others worked to hide. She’d spent time discussing it with Bree, and still did not understand herself well enough to quite get why it felt so damn good to be naughty. She just knew that she got hot when she broke into places. For now that was enough.
So under her hood, Talyn wore a big grin as she used her suits ability to make and break molecular level bonds to make an easy climb to a balcony on the buildings second floor. It was a simple matter of slowly placing each hand or foot firmly on the buildings side, waiting an instant to get the tactile confirm that the suit fed back once it had made a firm bond, and then moving up hand by hand, foot by foot.
Once on the balcony, the thief did a quick scan of the second floor. Once again, local cams were easy to tap. Briefly Talyn wondered “How did people do it before the world was saturated with loose cams?” but she quickly focused on what she could see from the half dozen perspectives she had opened up.
In a small bedroom one of Trina’s bikes saddlebags lay on a bed. No one seemed to be about.
The double doors that opened onto the balcony had been left open, and through them Talyn simply walked into a parlor like living space. As was often the case, the woman was not surprised to see no active or passive security on the level. “People trust the security on the places THEY enter through to be enough.” was one of the little bits of human behavior that the girl had come to see time and time again. And once more, it had proven true.
The room was full of some very nice furniture and knickknacks. To her educated eye, Talyn knew that there was a good deal of real value in the objects she was passing, as she made her way to the bedroom she had located the saddlebag in earlier.
As she entered the room, and spied the prize on the bed, Talyn became aware of the sound of running water. ‘Sloppy!” she admonished herself silently. Clearly someone was showering in the small bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. She could now see clothing scattered on the floor, in a position that the cam she had peeped through wouldn’t have covered. There wasn’t much of it, just a brightly colored sun dress, and some sandals.
“Ok, grab the bag and split.” was the plan that the thief quickly decided upon, she got hold of the saddlebag, and turned to leave. Unfortunately the water sounds stopped at the same instant, and before she could exit a woman walked into the bedroom drying her hair with a towel.
“What the fuck?” popped out of the woman’s mouth.
Talyn realized that from the woman’s perspective all she saw was the saddlebag floating in mid air, and suppressed a giggle at the look of surprise on the face of the woman who’d interrupted her theft. She quickly made an assessment of the woman.
She was relatively short, perhaps only 5’9” or so, Caucasian, a European genotype. She had a athletic build, “A runners body.” the thief decided. A spiral tattoo swirled up the woman’s left leg, over her hips, and ended just under her mid sized breasts. It had a geometric pattern that looked like woven reeds to Talyn’s eye. The pattern slowly moved along the ribbons length in an infinite repetition. If the hair under the towel matched the light thatch on her groin, she’d be a cornstalk blond.
Surprise was a powerful ally. Talyn tossed the bag at the woman as a distraction, and with practiced ease, scooped a short cylinder out of a pouch on her right thigh. The molded material of the plastic was springy in her hand, and by giving it a short sharp squeeze, brought the device online. She heard the tiny fabricator in it spool up, as it began to consume the material feed stock that filled, and in fact, made up the grip. With a sharp flick of her wrist a gossamer thin ribbon of material, about two inches wide shot forth from the end of the tube, and swung in an arc, driven by the momentum of the motion that had freed it. The ribbon connected with the blond woman at the same time she dropped her towel to instinctively catch the saddlebag flying her way. It’s end landing just below her knees. Talyn noticed that the ribbon left a pleasing peppermint smell in the air.
The ribbon quickly adhered itself to the blonds leg at the point of contact, and using her own body heat for targeting, and as a ready energy source for conversion into kinetic energy, the strand began to swing about and up the woman’s body. In seconds she was wrapped from knees to neck. As the last of the cylinder was consumed, the ribbon hardened it’s fullerite material into diamond hardness. The saddlebag hit the ground at the same time as the woman.
Without a second thought, Talyn tossed a silence cone down next to her. She didn’t want her surprised captive to be able to ask the building for help. The cone would also control any loose cams in it’s area, disassembling them. “The odds of anyone using one of them was tiny”, she thought, “but why take risks?”
The thief had to give the captive woman credit. She was not cursing up a storm, crying, or otherwise making a fuss. She didn’t even seem surprised by the silence cone dropping out of thin air next to her. Talyn noted that the woman was testing the bonds. But they were tight and allowed little give. They had constricted with her breathing, and left no looseness for an arm to work its way free in. Quietly she crouched down next to her captive and looked down into the woman’s blue eyes, she saw no fear. Only annoyance. This woman was a professional.
With a vox command, Talyn de-cloaked, and had the suit fade in as flat black from head to toe.
“Hello” the blond woman calmly said in Spanish, looking up at her captor. Talyn’s suit auto translated into English, and it would now translate anything she said to the woman back into the captives choice of language.
Without waiting for Talyn to answer, the woman continued. “You got me, and your gear outclasses anything anyone local would use. So you are not here for some silly old feud. And I’m not on any bounty lists, so you are not a hunter. So you came here wanting something specific, something to do with what is in that saddlebag I bet. Right?”
Talyn reached down and brushed the woman’s short hair back from her face, and looked down at her. “Right.” she answered. The suit morphed her voice into an odd metallic edged tone. “I bet you are not Trina.” As she spoke she got up and recovered the saddlebag, and began to empty it. There were about a dozen foam sealed works within it. She set them up, one by one in a small semicircle around her.
“No, I’m not Trina.” the woman answered. “I use the name Rayne.”
“I bet you ‘use’ it.” Talyn answered with a bit of a chuckle as she stressed the word “use”. She had pulled a small wand like tool from one of her many belt pouches, and after making a few adjustments began playing it over the first of the items. The foam covering seemed to molt away, revealing a small carved fertility figure. “So Rayne, what do you do here in beautiful Yavaors?”
Smiling as she chose her words, the women seemed to relax. “I make sure people get things that they want. Perhaps I might be able to help you out. I bet we can find some ground to negotiate upon. What are you looking for?”
Talyn had finished with the objects, revealing each of them. All were from the home where the Dragonfly had been. But it was not among them. In fact, she realized, and said aloud, “These are all the low end bits Trina took. None of the best stuff is here.”
“Of course,” Rayne replied. “I just take care of things that are not of top collector interest, that people like Trina might come across.” Nodding her head toward the semicircle of art objects, she went on. “These wouldn’t be worth her time to sell individually. I, however, can find good value for them, and in turn provide transportation, information, and other tools for people who bring me such.”
“Fence” was the word the Talyn let drop from her mouth with a bit of scorn.
“I prefer facilitator.” Rayne answered. An easy grin showing she took no offense. “And I can help you get what you want. Which one of the items that Trina snagged were you shopping for?”
“It’s never easy.” Talyn thought to herself again with a mental sigh. “It doesn’t really matter now does it? Let’s talk about Trina and where I might find her.”
The captive blonde answered quickly. “You’ll find her at her gallery here in town I wager, it’s attached to her private home. In fact, tonight, I believe she is hosting one of her periodic auctions. So very Hush-hush you know. People come from near and farther to bid upon things that she has acquired. They are quite the event.”
“I’m sure they are.” said the thief with a laugh. “And would I be correct to assume that one does not simply walk into them? “
That made Rayne produce an honest laugh in response, it was deep and throaty. “I bet with some time and planning you could. But time is short, and if you wait, what you want will go who knows where, with who knows what person? Perhaps even off planet.” The fence said with a smirk. “You need to walk in the door. And that requires a nice old fashioned password.” The fence paused an instant, and when Talyn did not fill the silence, continued. “I can supply you with it. Let me go, call it even with this stuff,” the blond nodded toward the objects, “and bring me back some thing from Trina’s personal collection, and I’ll get you in.”
Talyn was impressed by Rayne’s balls, and said so. “For someone I’ve got tied up, you sure seem to feel you can negotiate a pretty high price. No, I won’t do that. I steal for no one but myself.” The thief settled into a cross legged sitting position next to the bound woman. She noticed that Rayne had a number of small blue gemmed studs ringing her right ear. She felt they were attractive, and matched the woman’s eyes nicely. “Let’s try again. You tell me the password, I make sure that I set this ribbon to degrade in a reasonable time after I leave.”
Rayne replied quickly. “No.” shaking her head to reinforce her choice. “You need what I have, and I don’t see you as the sort of woman who hurts folks. Your style is silent and sneaky, not force.” With a smug look she smiled and added, “You won’t hurt me.”
With memories of her recent dream fresh in her mind, and a deep well of similar fun she had with her lover Don over time, Talyn smiled under her hood. “I don’t need to hurt you to make you talk to me.”
“My onboards will counter anything you try to put into me, and you don’t have the time to wait for counter nanos to beat them down so you can truth-drug me.” smirked the fence.
“No need” Talyn answered, rising with a fluid grace. She cast her eyes around the room, and they came to rest upon a sturdy wooden missionary style chair that was at a equally lovely desk. The thief strode over to it, picked it up and placed it at her captives feet.
Working silently she pulled some stickstrips from one of her belt pouches and set them on the chair. The thief then hooked her hand about Rayne’s captive ankles and lifted them until the woman’s long legs were flush against the back of the chair. He soles pointed toward the ceiling. It was a simple matter to activate and use the strips to firmly bind Rayne’s lower half to the sturdy piece of furniture.
“Interesting,” the blond offered in response to her work. “Not exactly comfy, but nothing that is going to get you a password either.”
Talyn sat down upon the chair backwards, straddling it’s back between her legs. The captive woman’s feet were exactly at eye level. To the thief’s eye they looked pretty average. Wide, second toe longer then the big one. The only thing of real interest was that the coiled pattern tattoo started on the heel of the woman’s right foot. With a silent admission to Rayne’s fashion style, she noted the woman’s nail polish matched the pattern that was slowly moving across the tattoo’s band. “Pretty.” she mused.
The sneak thief decided that action would speak louder then more words. Using her left hand she got a solid grip upon Rayne’s right foot, while setting her suits right hand fingertips to a bumpy texture with a eye blink command. With a silent hope that her captive was ticklish, she started to trace slow lazy lines along the trapped foot, from the ball of the foot, to the heel and back again, making small circles as she proceeded.
The response was loud and pleasing. “OHHYOUFUCKINGBITCH! Heheh ayhheeh! FUCKING STOP IT! hehe he.” screamed Rayne between bursts of laughter.
“Password” was the thief’s only answer.
“NONONONONOSTOPSTOPSTOP! heheh, heheh, heheh. OH FUCK! YOU heheeh ****!” was the answer she got.
“Password” she repeated.
“Heheheh, NOIWON’T! heheh no No NO! FUCKFUCKFUCK hehe heeh eheheh ehehe!” gasped out the fence still at top volume.
She’d seen far more ticklish people in her day, but Talyn was pleased with Rayne’s sensitivity. As the woman swore and cackled her toes flew open and closed seemingly at random. They often wriggled wildly, reminding the woman of her friend Samantha, who loved be tickled. More then once when watching some show in the living area, Talyn had found a dark blue foot placed in her lap, attached to a smiling Sam, saying “Do me”.
“Heheheh NONONONONO! NO! HEHE hehe! FUCKFUCKFUCK! NOPLEASE! heehheheeh!” continued from below.
Speaking a bit louder so the blond could hear her above her own screams, Talyn said, “You clearly hate it. I’m not stopping until you give me the password. Give it up and I’m gone.” To provide extra incentive she sped up the sped of her circling tracings.
“PLEASESTOPPLEASESTOP! hehehe ehehhhehe! OHNONO! Hehehe FUCK! BITCH! Hehehehe eheh eheh” PLEASEPLEASE!” shrieked back Rayne. She was also trying to brush the maddening fingers away with her left foot, but it couldn’t twist enough to provide any help.
As the thief worked over her prisoner, she mused about what she was doing, and the fact that she enjoyed it. She had to admit to herself that she liked to tickle feet. She never quite figured out why they appealed to her more then other places. “It’s not like I have a thing for feet.” she considered. “Maybe it’s because you can make a big strong person so helpless with this little area of the body no one ever things about.” that appealed to her. Sneaking around someone’s defenses by surprise. The woman let the thoughts trail away.
Rayne was moving about quite a bit, but all she was managing were very small sit ups with her bound torso, as she mindlessly tried to escape the tickling. She’d closed her eyes, and thrown her head back. “NONONONONO! PLEASEPLEASE ehehehe heeh heheh! OHOHOHNO! EhHEHEHEHEHE! SHITFUCK! Heheheh!” spilled out.
Letting up a bit in her tickling, with both her speed and pressure, Talyn asked again. “The password Rayne. You are smart. Cut your losses. If I miss the auction, then I’ll have no way to spend my time other then finding ways to work out the frustrations I have on you. You don’t want that do you?” as an after thought she added, “Pro to Pro, you know how nasty you can be when someone screws you over, right? Imagine what you’d do in my position.” The thief felt her point was a good one.
“Hehehe I, I, Oh FUCK! heehheh STOPIT, I CAN’T... Hehe, If, Ohpleasestop, if, if it gets out that I ohheehe fucked a customer I’d SHIT! be finished! heheheh!” Rayne managed between spasms of laughter.
Once again Talyn thought “Why can’t it be easy?”. This time a little devil of a voice in the back of her head answered, “Because it wouldn’t be as much fun!” Prompting the thief to put one hand on each of Rayne’s wriggling peds, and once again begin tickling in earnest on her sensitive arches.
The blonds explosion of laughter and cursing was predictable. “FUCKNONONONONONOH AHHAHAAAHAHAHAH! OH! SHITSHITSHITNO!!! AHHAAHHAHAHHAH!! PLEASAHAHAHAH! OHNO! AHAHAHAHAH!” To Talyn the woman’s deep throaty laughter was almost musical. It was now coming from deep in Rayne, and was edged with desperation and some panic.” She noted that the captive woman was shaking her head back and forth as if the ‘No’ motions would somehow cause the torment to stop better then her vocal protests. For some reason Talyn found this amusing beyond words, and giggled.
“Not Stopping Rayne.” she said with some gain set in her volume to cut past the laughter. “Password. Now.”
“AHAHAAH! AHAHAH! STOOOAHAHAAH! NOOOOAHSHAH! OHAHAHAH!” was the only response that the thief received. She’d discovered that the half inch or so right under the balls of Rayne’s feet produced the best results. So she’d focused her full attention there. Along with the deep laughter, the fence has lost all control over her body. Her toes opened and closed spasmodically, her feet writhed in futile escape attempts, her head swung wildly from side to side, and her torso twisted and bounced as she gasped out the laughter.
It took another ten five minutes or so before the begging became truly serious, and Rayne offered up what she wanted. Talyn grudgingly admired the woman’s ability to resist. She’d lasted much longer then the thief had expected, and perhaps longer then she herself did when she played “Captured spy” with her lover Don. That irked her a tiny bit.
Rayne gasped out the password: “Anthro”, and using some gear from her many pouches Talyn rigged a fast lie detector that read the blonds body’s responses. She was convinced that the woman had not lied to her.
“Now what?” asked the blond in a tired voice.
The oriental thief thought about that as she unstuck Rayne from the chair and let her legs settle to the floor. Grabbing a pillow from the bed she placed it under the exhausted woman’s head, and crouched back onto her heels and considered. As she brushed the sweat soaked hair from Rayne’s face she reached a conclusion, and said, “I’ll be back to let you go, or make sure that you are found by a friendly person.”
Rayne frowned in reaction and looked about to argue, Talyn cut her off by placing a gloved finger across the blonds lips. “Silly! You wouldn’t leave me free to cause trouble while you went off to ‘liberate’ something would you? I’m not that stupid, and neither are you. So you can pout, but you know you get to stay here all wrapped nicely.” In a lower, kinder, voice she added, “I’ll try very hard to make sure no one figured out where I came from, or who helped me.” Before she rose, the thief planted an impulsive kiss on the captive woman’s forehead. Through the hood it felt odd, but it still seemed the right thing to do.
Rayne was quite at first, then quietly replied. “Thanks for being fair.” She then fell silent again, and just watched the woman who’d bested her.
Rising, Talyn walked over to the closet on the far side of the bedroom. “Can’t go to a party looking like this! Can I now?” she spoke, doing a girlish spin that highlighted the flat black skinsuit. “Hmmm. I’m a bit taller then you, but we are pretty much equally curvy in the same spots, so I bet something in here will work.” She scanned the closet. And sure enough, there was a stretchy dress that was a deep green with some gold hues in it. Talyn felt that it would do nicely. She scooped it up, and balled it into one of her suits pouches. As an afterthought she grabbed a pair of sandals also. “Not quite the right size, but I can adjust them enough to work” she figured. She awkwardly stuffed them into another pouch located on her right shoulder.
As she left the bedroom, and the silence cones area of video dampening, the thief had her suit re-cloak into its invisible mode, “I WILL be back for you. I’ve set the cone to keep watch on you in case of any emergency. It will call in help.” were her parting words. As she exited the building, once again via the window, Talyn found herself liking Rayne in spite of the events that had transpired. “She could be useful in finding more of the carvings.” she mused. Reaching her waiting bike, she reset the suit to a muted riding pattern, and headed off into the hot early evening. Traffic in the small town was picking up as tourists were heading to dinner and clubs. She easily slid into the flow, and began to work her way toward her Dragonfly.
Talyn had parked the bike a few blocks from the location her suit had indicated. Using the suit to jam local cam’s, she put on the ‘borrowed’ dress and shoes. Neither fit quite right. But they were good enough. She ordered her skinsuit into transparency, and had it retract the hood. She also had it mirror her body temperature on it’s invisible surface. It wouldn’t do to have someone brush against her and feel cold ‘flesh’. She regretfully had to empty some of the items she carried in her waist, leg, arm, and back pouches to make the dress not look odd. It’s tightness, while flattering, made concealing things a touch difficult. She locked it all down in the bike.
The thief’s final preparation, after checking to make sure she had several key tools still on her person, was to concentrate to call up a menu that was internally produced by her own onboard nano systems which filled her own body. From her perspective, the menu seemed to float in front of her eyes. “It won’t do to let people see me, and smart fog is only good for cams.” she mused. Choosing a series of command from various menus with her eyes she gave her onboards some orders.
Slowly Talyn’s raven black hair lightened, and faded to a pale pale strawberry blond. The silver shock vanished into it. Her hair also lost it’s natural ruler straightness, and began to kink and curl into a messy but still attractive tousled look. Her skin also lost some of her natural golden tone, and became lighter, pinker. She splashed freckles across her nose, cleavage, and ‘bare’ shoulders. Her eyes changed to a golden hue. She had her finger and toe nails, and as an after thought, lips, take on a buffed golden tone also, allowing her body systems to adjust the coatings she wore bonded to them.
She used the suit to spark a few local cams, and had it project the results onto her invisible right gloves palm. The Thief smiled as she was able to view herself from several angles. “I look pretty damned hot. Not bad for improvising in the field!” she thought. Feeling playful, the thief added a bit more of a swivel to her hips then she normally allowed, as she walked onto the main street, and toward her goal. “I’m a vapid party girl out to get a special for a gift for daddy.” she decided upon as she strode forward.
Talyn’s walk to Trina’s gallery was a nice one. The sun had set, and there was a cooling sea breeze blowing in off the Baja gulf. It quietly rustled the palm fronds of the many trees that decorated the high class business district. There was a spicy sent of grilling peppers from one of the local eateries that made the woman’s stomach grumble. “It has been a bit.” she realized, and then pushed the hunger aside. “Time for that later.” she said aloud. Her sandals made light clicking sounds on the cobbled sidewalks. She quickly reached the gallery.
The thief paused a moment to study the building. It was brightly lit, and a steady flow of well dressed people were entering. Like Rayne’s building, the business part was located on the first floor. It had wide widows that looked out to the street. One could see people circulating within, and a number of artworks on the walls and on pedestals. There were two floors above, most windows dark, but some on the third level leaked light through closed drapes and blinds. It also seemed the ground floor went back a good bit. “Big.” Talyn said aloud. Discreetly she had her suit look for local cams to take a better look around the place. None could be found. The woman’s level of respect for Trina’s security moved up a notch. “Can’t have our customers feeling like they might be seen... makes sense.” she mumbled, puzzling it out. Taking a deep breath, she put her concerns aside. “Showtime.” was her single thought as she squared her shoulders, and proceeded to join the line of richly dressed people being slowly admitted.
Entering was simple. “Anthro” got her past the doorman, a thinly guised security guard, without issue. By slight vibrations, her invisible suit informed her that she was being passively scanned. Talyn had no worries. The suit could easily cover any low level probes, and she had nothing outside it’s pouches that would register. And nothing did. The thief passed into the gallery without incident.
Once inside, Talyn mingled into the party that was taking place, grabbing some cheese, bacon-like wrapped things, and a glass of mineral water from the passing tuxedoed servers, helped take the edge off her hunger. Also, eating the food allowed the woman to observe, and slowly got a feel for the people and space that surrounded her. There were about three dozen people there. A good mix of men and women. Some with animal styled modifications, but she thankfully noted, “No mechs, or people using smart fog bodies via remote telepresence”. The people looked to be the typical sort of empty headed types she took things from. “Idle people, playing with their endless supply of days.” was her opinion. The thief smiled and made small talk about nothing with them.
It was during her second quarter hour of what seemed like an endless droning conversation, with a boorish sandy haired man, who was spending as much effort trying to look down her dress, as he did looking at her face, about hang-gliding in low gravity environments in some resort on Mars, that Trina entered the gallery. She emerged from the back section of the building, through a pair of heavy wooden doors that had been closed.
Though the thief had never seen Trina, she had no doubt that the woman in the bright canary yellow gown was the second thief who had blasted past her almost twenty four hours before. This was because she looked exactly like Kanda. “The self centered bitch cloned herself to be her own daughter!” was Talyn’s sudden realization. The disguised woman felt a wave of instant dislike toward Trina. Talyn had two identical sisters, a result of her mothers tendency to follow fads. And the girls had always battled to feel distinct from each other, let alone the countless others who shared their off the shelf genome. “To grow up looking exactly like ones mother....” The thief shuddered. She pushed her personal feelings down and refocused.
Trina had the rich dark hair, burnished skin, dark brown eyes, and full lips that Talyn remembered from Kanda. And like her daughter, the woman was curvy in all the right places. The bright gown left little to the imagination. The thief chucked silently to herself at that thought. She did not need to imagine. She, having seen Kanda nude, knew exactly what “Mom” would look like under that sunny dress. “And she’ll respond exactly like her daughter did to tickling also I wager, in case I need something from her.” she mused. “Perhaps it’s stopped being hard for a change.”
Trina welcomed her guests, made a dot of small talk, and then invited them to the rear of the Gallery where she had entered from. Through the now open double doors, a hall with a spectacular tile inlayed floor passed under Talyn’s sandaled feet, as she followed the crowd into the depths of the building. Several sturdy looking wooden doors lined the hall’s walls, and an open arch reveled a carpeted stair that wound up to another level. Mission furniture and several nice pieces of art completed the passage’s rich decor. The disguised thief had to admit that Trina had taste when it came to art.
Trina opened a second set of doors at the halls end with a small push, and the crowd moved through into a large room, that held a block of seats, a podium, and along the walls a series of cases, each with a piece of art within.
Talyn’s heart quickened at catching sight of the Dragonfly. Like the other encased art she could not touch it, and feel whatever special feeling it would impart, but she felt giddy at the fact that she was at long last in the same space as her desire. She had to suppress the overwhelming desire to smash the case, grab the item and flee. With a act of will, and a deep breath, the thief calmed herself, and stopped the flexing and unflexing of her fingers that she had not even been aware of doing. “I WANT IT.” her mind had yelled at her, her need speaking up, and making her WANT. It had taken a few seconds to recover her focus. Happily it seemed many other patrons were equally entranced with various other items, so her attention for the Dragonfly did not seem too out of the ordinary.
As Talyn took a seat, she watched as Trina closed the doors, and sealed the room, while most of her customers were still browsing and getting a better look at the various items that would be up for auction this evening. Obviously everyone who was interested was now in the room. The thief correctly guessed that it was time to get to business. Trina moved to the stage and took up a position behind the small podium.
“Hello My friends!” she opened, “It’s good to see so many familiar faces, and new ones also!” The room amplified her voice. Slowly the last few people who had been talking or looking into the small cases found seats and gave their attention to the yellow clad woman.
With a wide smile, the Gallery owner continued, “I have quite the variety of material to offer you all this evening. Pieces ranging from Pre-Columbian through treasures created as recently as this century! Statues, carvings, jewelry, and other special things. Payment will be expected in hard elements, and all values will be based on spot market exchange at time of winning a bid. Bids will be accepted in Palladium based units only! We have a lot of ground to cover, so let us get started!” Some grumbling about the terms circulated the audience, but the disturbance was minimal.
Talyn partially tuned out as the first item was described, choosing to see how things would flow. The room’s lights dimmed a bit, and bright spotlight picked out the case where the first item was lodged, and quickly a three dimensional rotating enlargement formed to Trina’s left up on the stage. The woman pointed out aspects, and discussed the objects history a bit. To Talyn it looked like a twisted circle made out of silver, and it left her utterly cold. Bidding was still heavy and rapidly moved into large amounts. In short order a tall man clad in a red tuxedo like one piece won. He made a show of counting out disks from a wallet he produced. Once satisfied, Trina did something on the podium, and the twist’s case dissolved. The man claimed his prize and sat back down grinning with pleasure.
Trina moved on to the next item. The process was much the same, only this time after winning, the woman who had bid so much for a 23rd century piece of jewelry, left with it. “Not good.” thought Talyn. “The Dragonfly might leave with it’s high bidder.” The thief worried that if that happened, there would be no easy way to follow it without attracting too much attention. Silently the thief sighed. “More public then I like. but so be it. I HATE confrontation.”
The woman had been ready for having to take action like this, and planned ahead. As she had circulated the room before bidding had started, she had casually dropped beads from the bracelet she had been sure to wear into the event. It looked like an elegant piece, with tiny golden spheres somehow bunched like grapes circling her left wrist. The tiny beads however came loose with minimal effort. And she had casually left dozens of them about the room, and other areas she had passed through. She had even managed to drop some into various other guests pockets, clothing, and bags. All the shiny spheres sat waiting. And with a silent brush against her suit’s invisible wrist, Talyn sent the message they waited for with a simple triple tap of her fingers.
The result was very unspectacular. Silently the spheres disassembled themselves, slowly saturating the room with a custom high end party drug, quietly spinning the tiny nanobots each was made of, into the rooms air. Talyn had long before made sure her onboard medical nanos were ready for it, and would filter it out in her lungs, and prevent it from having any effect on her. The drug was a simple neural payload delivery system. It would make no changes to a persons body. Thus, it would not be detected by people’s onboard nano systems, unless it was specifically listed as something to filter as they breathed. All the drug would do is get inhaled, hitch a ride into the hosts blood stream, get to the brain, and then cause a series of neurons to fire in a specific way. Doing this would introduce some information into the old mark 1 wetware that people were born with. Then job done, it would break apart into harmless organic atoms. And the stimulated brains would act as if they had some wonderful ideas all their own.
It took about fifteen minutes, or the auction of three more items for the effects to make their first appearance.
An attractive brunette in one of the back rows let out a deep long moan causing heads to turn. She’d given herself a solid orgasm, her right hand was still wedged down the front of her pants. She seemed uncaring that she had drawn peoples attention, and as if to prove it, gasped out a second and longer moan.
Things moved very quickly after that.
A couple to Talyn’s right began to kiss passionately. Their hands scrabbling over and under clothing.
An Amazonian blond in a stunning gown pulled it off over her head in a single jerk, her ample breasts bouncing free. Even before the garment was clear of her head, a nearby man and woman each had one of her nipples in their mouths. The trio collapsed into a moaning tangle.
A handsome man with silver hair had dropped his pants about his ankles, and was fucking a petite woman from behind doggy style with great vigor. His hands roaming and stroking her torso and breasts under her loose dress. In turn, the woman had started going down on a seated man to his great approval.
Slowly the room dissolved into carnal chaos. The beads payload had cut the guests inhibitions to zero, and cranked their libido to ‘10’. The freeform orgy quickly consumed the now drugged people’s full attention, as they were reduced to nothing more then animals in search of sex. Gasps, screams, moans, and all the moist sounds that came with hard couplings filled the air.
On the stage, Trina had collapsed to the floor, and lay on her back, feet planted, hips thrusting up and down. She had managed to pull her dress up, leaving it bunched about her neck and shoulders. She frantically tugged at first one, then the other of her nipples with one hand, while the other was busy stroking her pussy and clit. To Talyn, she made an amusing image, clad only in her heels, and the crumpled yellow splash of a dress around her neck, as she pumped her hips wildly in rhythm to her fingers work, and and tossed her head back and forth in pleasure.
No one was paying attention any longer.
Smiling, Talyn rose from her seat, and had her smartsuit rebuild the hood, and move to visibility again. She kicked off the sandals and tossed the dress on top of them. Then after a moments thought gathered them up and stuffed them into her back pouch.
Stepping over two partially clad men locked in a sixty-nine, and around a pair of kneeling women riding the same writhing male’s face and cock, while they madly kissed and fondled each other through gasps, Talyn walked toward the case which held her Dragonfly.
It was, of course, locked. The thief deployed various tools, and waited. Annoyingly the cube did not pop open. The box proved resistant to her sonic multi-tool, and even the burst cutter she had brought. In frustration Talyn pounded the cube with her fist. “Fuck!” The shout, and smack of course, did not open the case, but it made the thief feel a bit better. “Top grade museum display security.” she thought. Quickly followed by; “I did not come ready for that.” There was no way she could take the whole display case, even if she could get it loose. And she couldn’t force it. “NOT simple!” she thought once again, amusing herself.
Speaking aloud, “Happily we have a plan B!” she announced to the room. Moans and gasps answered, no one cared. The thief made her way around various duos, and trios, and whatever-os to the stage, hopped the low rise, and strode over to the oblivious Trina who was still busy pleasuring herself. Along the way Talyn picked up random bits of discarded clothing.
“Fun time is over dear.” Talyn said as she grabbed Trina’s hands and pulled them away from the woman’s sensitive bits. The Hispanic woman protested and weakly struggled. Through husky moans, and labored breathing she managed, “No... lemme go. oh, please... no... what???.” Deprived of her hands, Trina began rubbing her thighs together frantically. So distracted was she by her need to get off, her ability to resist was all but nonexistent.
Using the clothing she has scavenged, and one of the art deco pillars that dotted the auction area, The thief bound Trina into a position that she felt would serve her need to be a creative tickler best. As she was doing the tying, she took a moment to pop a small silver bead into Trina’s open mouth. The nano’s in it would cancel the effects of the earlier dose of drugs. “We want you focused and alert!” she said to the still very distracted and squirming woman.
Talyn stepped back to take a look at her work. She had placed Trina’s back against the pillar, and tied her hands over her head behind it. A bit of ornamental decoration provided a handy place to secure them about halfway up the column. Each of the woman’s ankles had been tied to it’s matching thigh. Then behind the pillar, the pair of ankles were bound together. This left Trina’s upper body nicely stretched out by her own weight, her flanks wide open and exposed, breasts swaying helplessly, balanced on her knees, her legs were held open, her moist womanhood vulnerable and exposed. Behind the pillar Trina’s feet were parallel to the floor but since they were tied to her thighs they wiggled helplessly, a good bit off the floor in the air, soles pointing ceiling wards. The thief had relieved Trina of the dress and shoes as she restrained her captive, leaving the woman totally nude.
Talyn settled back and waited for the antidote to clear Trina’s head. She amused herself watching a very attractive couple rolling back and forth as they frantically coupled. First the woman would be on top, and she’s grind and rub her entire body against her lover biting his shoulder and neck, then they would roll, and he’d be on top madly pumping away, his balls slapping against her with each thrust. A dozen orgasms had taken the edge off their bodies performance, but desire kept him hard, and her wet. Mindlessly they kept at it. Need of each others bodies keeping them coupled. Talyn casually noted that when the woman was on top every time she ground down on her lover, she clenched her toes, But when he was on top, they would splay open with each of his thrusts. She wondered if she did that.
An angry “Who the fuck are you!” announced the fact that Trina had managed to gather her wits.
Turning her attention to her captive, Talyn replied “I’m me!” giggled, and continued. “You however are someone who has something I want, which means we need to reach a satisfying agreement. Let’s make it simple Trina, provide the code for the case with the Dragonfly totem in it, and I’ll leave. I want nothing else. In about two hours these folks will start to think about something other then fucking again, and someone will let you go. And you can... make amends.” The thief waited.
“Or what?” Trina asked.
“Or I’ll tickle the code out of you, like I tickled your name and location out of your daughter.” With a sub vocal command, Talyn opened a display window of the feed she had left open of the helpless Kendra back in the bunker, across the midsection of her smartsuit. The younger woman was still trapped, gasping and moaning in pleasure, still fine, though she looked much more rung out then when Talyn had left her. With a chuckle Talyn added “See she is perfectly fine, though distracted. Orgasms seem to be a theme for me today.”
“I can hold out longer then you can keep all of them,” Trina nodded her head at a nearby woman who had her dark hair up in a tall pony tail. pleasuring herself with total abandon on a man’s foot, while running her hands all over her own body. As he was being fucked silly by a green furred woman with a tail, he seemed to not even notice how his foot was being used. “like that.”
“Oh Trina.” Talyn said, effecting a sad tone that still managed to work, even with her voice distorted,“Your daughter is a fucking clone of you, and I got to explore every inch of her feet. She came up very short of holding out on me for even a fraction of how much time we have left to share.” She moved closer, and added in a whisper. “Why should you do any better? And I have your whole body....” As she spoke, slowly she reached under each of the trapped woman’s hanging breasts and using only her fingertips, began lightly stroking their very exposed undersides.
“Oh Dios!” gasped Trina before she bit down on her lip and quickly glared at her tormentor before she scrunched her eyes shut in concentration.
Slowly Talyn stroked the swaying globes undersides, tracing light paths from where they met the woman’s torso, to just short of the dark aureoles that capped them, then back again.
Slowly Trina’s self control eroded. First she began to nod her head back in forth, like Rayne had earlier, as if making the ‘no’ motion would somehow end her torture. Then very slowly, quiet giggles began to escape her full lips. “nahah... nahah... nahah.” The bound woman took fast breaths between the laughter, and held her stomach in tightly, in, Talyn assumed, an attempt to hold the laughter back.
“You can barely stand it!” The thief whispered into Trina’s ear. “You are going to start laughing hard, and then I won’t stop!”
“No.. nahah... nahah... nahah. I heh won’t. nahah... nahah... nahah.” Trina answered defiantly.
Slowly Talyn began to swirl her fingers around the sides of Trina’s breasts, covering the sides now, and swirling up towards the open armpits. With each pass she covered more and more sensitive skin. “I’m gonna get youuuuuu.” she hissed.
The bound woman’s laughter slowly built. “no! no! nahahahah nahah... nahah... nahahahaah.” now flowing freely, though still somewhat quietly. Trina swung her body back and forth as best she could in hopes of escaping the tickling, but it was pointless. The bondage held her tightly.
“Tell me the code Trina.” Talyn asked again, and waited for an answer. Only steady giggling came in reply. “Ok you earned it!” she hissed, and quickly circled her fingers up to Trina’s helpless and exposed armpits. She lazily circled both with one finger from each hand, pressing ever so slightly with each swirl on the squirming woman’s smooth skin.
“Oh NO! on NO! Nahahahah! NO! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha! DOON’T! Nahahahah! nahNahahahaah! oh! oh! OH! Nahahahaha!” was the satisfying response the thief got. Trina had given up any pretext at self control, her eyes were open again, and she kept looking from the hands working on her pits, to the masked face that controlled them, then back again.
“Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!”
The laughter grew louder, and more urgent as Talyn picked up the speed and pressure of her finger work in Trina’s sensitive pits. Slowly she added more fingers to the task. The thief continued to whisper to her captive. “You are weak just like your daughter! I took what I wanted from her, and I’ll make you give in also!”
“GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! oh oh! Gehehe! no! get nahnah! out of my *gasp* pits! GEHehe! no! GEHAHAH! NOoooo!” screamed the nude woman in answer.
As Trina’s laughter rose once more in degree, Talyn noted how much effect her tickling was having. The woman’s elaborate upswept hairdo had come undone, and her dark curls now hung about her laughing face. A light sheen of sweat covered the bound woman’s body, slicking her flanks, and making the tickling of her armpits even simpler. Above their head’s Trina’s bound hands clenched and unclenched spazmatically. Helpless to aid her in finding freedom. Talyn imagined that Don, when he was working her over enjoyed such things, and made a mental note to tell him all about what she had done the next time they were in bed.
“My boyfriend is going to love hearing about you Trina!” Talyn teased. “Such ticklish pits and tits! In fact I’m so glad my suit is recording this” Even though Trina was already red-faced from laughing, Talyn was able to see a slight blush flash across her captives face and on to the ample amounts of other exposed flesh. “Oh! you’re shy? Why Trina? I already have seen every bit of your daughter, what is new to see with you?”
“Regretting those orgasms you gave yourself earlier I bet.” Talyn mused aloud. “The tickling is much worse for me after one.”
Trina laughed and pleaded a bit. “Sttoppp! GEHAHAH! pleaseplease no! GEHAHAH! oh! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! oh no! Gehehe! no! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH!”
Talyn offered “The Code and I stop.” then picked up the pit tickling with more zest, adding in spirals of motion along the sensitive sides of Trina’s boobs.
The gasping woman pleaded, “I can.. GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! I CAN’T oh please nehehe! stopstop! My... ohno! My... GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! Nahahahah! no! NO! GEHAHAH! reputation! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! PLEASE!!!”
To Trina’s clear surprise, the thief did stop. Talyn settled back onto her heels, shifting her weight. “Ok, I stopped. The code. NOW. I can start again also.” To prove her point, she poked a finger into Trina’s heaving stomach. “Eeep!” shrieked the helpless woman.
Between gulps of air, Trina spoke. “I can’t let you have it, *gasp* I’ll be ruined! *gasp* My customers *gasp* will never trust me *gasp* again because of you! *gasp* If I hold out *gasp* at least they will respect that!” The trapped gallery owner looked almost ready to cry.
Talyn rose. “You could have saved yourself what’s coming. Because when this is all done I’m still getting the code.” Slowly she walked behind the column. Trina frantically turned her head first one way then the other, trying to see where the black suited woman was going.
“Oh don’t. Please don’t. I can’t.” The captive began to beg when she realized Talyn’s plans. “Please don’t do my feet. PLEASE don’t!”
“Your daughter gave in when I tickled her feet, so will you.” commented Talyn as she called up the sensitivity maps she had made of Kendra’s feet earlier, and using eye movement commands, had her suit overlay them onto the two real feet in front of her. “And Kendra taught me exactly what I need to do.”
Without any announcement Talyn dug her fingers into the area between Trina’s toes and foot, and wiggled them energetically. As she expected, the helpless woman’s toes clamped shut instantly. But it was too late. Her fingers were on those sensitive toe stems, and the result was loud.
“I’m going to do this until you give me the code.” Talyn stated loudly so she knew she’d be heard. Then concentrated on the wiggling feet she had control of.
The thief listened to Trina’s level of hysteria grow. She knew, that like Kendra, this would do the job.
“AHHHHH! NONONONO! UUBIITCCH! NOOOOOAHHHHHHA! PLEASE NO! GEHAHAH! STOOOP! NAGEHAHAH!” screamed Trina. Insults, begging, and laughter swirled all together. The distraction of the tickling grew to such a level that she couldn’t even keep her toes clamped shut any more. They flew open and closed randomly.
“I’m not stopping” sang out Talyn.
“Not Stopping!”
Talyn decided to concentrate on just one foot, and moved her right hand over to Trina’s left foot, and began to work on its thin length, tracing wrinkles on the arch, stroking under the ball of the foot, circling the heel. “Come on Trina. Give me the code.”
Suddenly inspired, Talyn reached around the column with her right hand and attacked one of Trina’s armpits, while continuing to attack the woman’s toes with her left.
Talyn kept up the duel attack, sensing she was close to victory. The thief kept whispering. “Come on, give it up, give it up” over and over.
And between the shrieks and screams Talyn was please to start to hear some information.
“D!!.... GEH! B!!!!!”
“I stop when you give me all of it!” she reminded Trina after a minute passed with no more digits, and just more pleading. She tickled harder.
Slowly the rest of the code dribbled out between all the laughter and screams. Talyn found that prompting Trina with harder tickles when ever she slowed down seemed a great motivator. “BB712” rounded out the code.
Talyn stopped, and quickly walked to the podium, and tapped the code in on the still active security system. She knew she was taking a chance, but felt that Trina had been honest. If she had provided some code that locked things down worse, Talyn had promised to make the rest of the time she had a true torture.
Quietly across the room the case that held the Dragonfly dissolved.
With a huge smile on her face, under her hood, Talyn let out a whoop, and bounded across the room, dodging various piles of people still madly engaged in various combinations of sexual gratification. “Mine!” she cried as she grasped the piece of art. Through her gloves the mental effect that the piece produced did not manifest. She knew there would be time for that later. Using a small cylinder from one of her pouches, the thief quickly sealed the Dragonfly into a secure foam block that hardened diamond strong in an instant once sprayed. Into a hip pouch it went.
Talyn strode back to the limp woman she had tortured the information out of. “Thank you Trina.” she said, and curtsied with a giggle. “And just to show that there are no hard feelings...” she pulled a small golden sphere from a suit pocket, and tossed it into the surprised woman's mouth. Before she knew what had happened Trina reflexively swallowed the ball. “That should take your mind off all you lost tonight.”
“Oh... no! At least untie me,” begged Trina, “I’ll go nuts tied up like this. Have a heart...” She honestly looked contrite to the thief.
Dropping a cone to record the fun to come, Talyn silently turned and left without a word. The last Trina saw of the thief was her slowly fading into invisibility as her suit cloaked. Not that she cared for long. Soon lust once more gripped her brain, and she began to shout in frustration, straining against her bondage. The sight of dozens of others coupling madly all about, another tease out of reach, the sights and sounds aroused her more.
Exiting the building unseen was simple. After leaving the auction room, the agile thief took the stairs she had seen earlier up to the second level, opened a window, then spider crawled down the buildings side. As always the suits molecular adhesion worked perfectly. She was back to her bike, had her suit back to a swirly party color, and was off into the warm night in minutes.
Talyn next stopped at Rayne’s building. She liked the blond woman, and found herself respecting her in an odd way. Unlike Trina and Kendra, who she saw as amateurs, Rayne seemed like someone who took pride in doing things right, or at least played to win, and if she had been ready, could have given some real trouble. “I got very lucky with her” considered the thief.
Talyn found Rayne still bound on the floor where she had left her.
“Hi cutie.” The blond said, with a mischievous smile, as the thief walked into the room.
“You don’t know if I’m cute!” snapped Talyn. Her voice modulator made it come out far deeper then she would have liked.
“Your suit leaves little to imagine. I can tell you have a great body, are in top shape, and have long hair. Skin tight suits you.” jousted the bound woman.
Talyn felt herself blushing, and was thankful the skin-suit hid the fact. She pulled the borrowed dress and sandals out of her back pouch, and tossed them onto the room’s bed. “I’d loose those into a recycler if I was you. The person who wore them is not going to be on Trina’s friend list.”
“Well shit. I liked that dress.” said Rayne who made a elaborate act out of pouting, then smiled. “Got what you wanted?”
Talyn nodded. “Yes, and we are going to talk more in the future. I think you can help me.” She hoped she sounded tough and mysterious.
“Always open to a good business deal” was the woman’s answer. Her smile extended to her eyes. Rayne wriggled. “What about this?” the blond nodded toward her bound body.
“Already handled. I’ve set a command for it to dust in an hour. It’s not that I don’t want to trust you, but,” Talyn laughed, “ I don’t trust you.... yet. I want to be good and away from here before you are loose. Even though I doubt you’d talk to Trina, as you gave me the way to her, I’m cautious.”
Rayne answered with a grin. “Of course you are. As I lay here, I figured out who you are, and what you wanted, oh Great Onyx Shadow!”. The blond could not keep a strait face, and chuckled. “You’d be quite the catch.”
“Lets just remember who caught who.” Joked Talyn back. “Remember, I’ll be in touch.” she added, and turned to leave.
“Nice ass!” was the last thing the thief heard from the blond as she left the room. Once again Talyn felt herself flush.
Leaving the bike behind for Rayne to deal with, Talyn walked to the nearest tubeway, keeping herself stealthed. As was usual after a successful mission, she was awash in a personal high. She wanted to get home, to see Don, and celebrate. She had WON! Now was time to enjoy! But getting back without leaving a solid trail was important.
The ride home was done in stages. She transferred all over the mazecar network just to be safe, adding in many stops, and round about paths that were not needful, she stayed cloaked, and was careful to not bump people. Slowly the thief proceeded back to New York City, the loft that was home, and her friends.
It was not until she was entering the building that she called home, and had decloaked, and dropped her hood, that Talyn remembered that she was still in ‘disguise’. With her hair blond and curly, and skin tone so much lighter. “It’s not as if it will fool any of my friends.” she thought, “But I bet Don will enjoy the changes if only for novelty.... once.” The thought turned her on. The nervous energy she always found after one of her trips was building in her, and a nice horizontal workout with her lover, would most defiantly ease that stress.
As Talyn palmed into the loft, she decided that she would pounce on Don first, perhaps live that dream she had this morning, then later, share her days worth of fun with her friends.
For the moment, the desire to TAKE, the NEED to get was quiet. Talyn was content.
Talyn: ”Dragonfly” Part 2</center>
You can find other chapters in my World of When Series here:
Click a number to see each of the earlier parts 1 to 13: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Tayln Dragonfly Pt1.
All content, characters, and settings are ©2008 to Myriad Worlds Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Hello folks.
It’s been a bit. My desire to write comes in phases, and sometime I loose track of how long it’s been since I have written some fiction. I know that my World of When stories have a small but loyal following here on the forum, and I want you guys to know I appreciate that. I’ve come to like these characters a lot over the years. I’m glad that some of you do also.
So, here is the second part of the Interlude starring Talyn the thief. You can catch up with Part 1 in the links I left above.
I can’t promise that more will come fast. But We’ll see how it goes!
Enjoy! On with the fun!
Talyn looked down into her lovers eyes. Her long dark hair hung down, framing both their faces. It made things seem very intimate. Don had that hooded dreamy look of pleasure on his face. She knew he always got it when he was totally into the fucking he was getting, and his mind had wandered off to enjoy the feelings.
And a good fucking it was Talyn mused. She was kneeling astride him, on his hips, setting the pace. His cock was moving deep inside her with each long stroke, hitting so many good spots. She felt so sensitive, it was as if every slight movement sent wonderful feelings through her. Talyn loved the feel of his strong hands clenching her ass, and forcing her back down, harder, deeper, with each pass. She dipped her head, and bit his lip gently, and then stole a deep kiss. Her nipples slid back and forth across his chest, with delicious friction.
Enjoying the feel of it all, she lay her head on his right shoulder, and listened to his breath, hissing with each stroke, small grunts of pleasure sneaking out of him. She could hear his heart beat with her other ear pressed to his body, strong and fast. She whispered in his ear, “Mmmm uh! soooo good, yessss like that.” And felt him stiffen a touch more within her at her words. In spite of herself, she gasped deeply in response. “Ahhhhhhmmm, uh.. uh!” Her orgasm was building slowly, winding, coiling up, ready to spring forth and punch her guts, head to toe.
“Such a naughty girl.” whispered Don, his voice husky and deep with lust. “Didn’t think.. hemmmm. I’d notice you teasing...?” He nipped at her ear and neck, causing her to shiver.
“I like making you, uh! want me more... mmmm. ohyes... uh!“ Talyn teased, adding a stuttering half length stroke with her hips, to break their rhythm, and add the good sort of frustration that she knew he’d have as he reestablished his pace.
“Oh you want to play?” hissed Don, a touch of command in his voice. Suddenly his hands were at her sides, stroking her ribs, and tickling their way up to her breasts and underarms. “I can make you dance the way I want Pooka!”
“Yeheeheheee!” she shrieked in response. Her body crumpled onto his chest, as his surprise attack on her pits caused her to stop holding her weight up. “Yehhheh! quit it!” she gasped out.
“Nope! You wanted to play wriggle games while I was enjoying you, so now you are gonna wriggle the way I want, until I cum!” Said Don in his no nonsense voice. Talyn loved/hated his tone in a way she didn’t quite understand. Don’s strong hands kept Talyn pinned to his body, and the tickling kept her jerking and wriggling. All the while he never stopped fucking her. The oriental woman gave into being trapped, and let the feelings wash through her. She laughed into his ear, giggling mostly. He was not being TOO nasty.
Talyn noted that slowly her giggles were becoming spiced with more and more deep gasps, she was starting to emit the deep “Uh!” cries she knew she made as she got close. A small part of her mind always hated how animalistic she sounded. Don was ramping up with the grunts too, she knew it meant he was getting close also.
“So close.... So good....” Talyn thought.
A quiet, but insistent tone slowly pulled Talyn from the dream. It’s insistent pitch was not jarring, but could not be ignored either. Regretfully, and with a moan of frustration, the dark haired woman opened her eyes, to find she could see nothing but solid blackness. The lanky thief had a brief moment of disorientation and panic before she remembered where she was. That place was on a turbobike, rocketing, and bouncing along at several hundred miles an hour across broken desert terrain. The dream had totally disoriented her, and left her quite aroused, and not a little bit cranky.
“Visor to 70%” she spoke aloud, her mouth slightly dry from sleep, and her smartsuit’s cooled and filtered air. In response, the black expanse that covered her eyes, shifted from full opaque to a smoky quartz color, it’s shading more then enough to cut any glare from the hot, bright desert sun at her back. A quick eye track and blink on a menu brought up the local time. It was well into mid-afternoon. The day had begun as she had slept her way across old Mexico. The thief had set the bike onto a auto sat-guide path after the first few miles not long after leaving the ugly bunker where she had gotten the better of it’s former owner, Kendra, and had quietly drifted into sleep.
It had been downright cold when she started off on her ride the night before. The desert at night did not hold heat. But now is was sizzling out in the full sun of the day. Talyn was very thankful for the military grade smartsuit that hugged her body from head to toe. It had kept her warm, and now it had adjusted to the changing environment automatically as the heat rose, and she noted that it was now a dazzling mirror, reflecting off the majority of the energy, and thus heat, the angry sun was sending her way. It had, of course, fully charged itself from the light also. She loved the high end suit, and Don for getting it for her. The sneak-thief never took her gear for granted. She always tried to have the best. It had saved her ass more then once. She always thought to be under prepared was lazy and foolish.
To that end, the turbobike that Talyn had ‘borrowed’ from Kanda was not as much fun, nor close to as good as the one she had snagged off the horny sandboy outside Vegas. She felt it lacked power, and was a bit finicky to maneuver quickly at upper speeds. But it had done the job she needed, and carried her through the night toward her goal. Taking it was a needful bit of improve, the sandboy’s bike was a dream to ride, but it would have been way too hot to be riding upon by this time. She bet he’d woke by now, and would be happy to find that his machine was safe, and parked in Phoenix, beacon set, and calling him. She giggled thinking about how she’d played him, with a smile and a promise of desert sex. “Boys, bad choices, and their dicks.” she mused with a grin.
Thinking more about the bike she now road, Talyn was pleased that her prey, the mother-daughter blast and grab team of Trina and Kanda were cheep with equipment. It had made her work, and work to come simpler. The bike had been good enough.
“Location?” Talyn asked aloud. A map was instantly projected into her eyes, showing that she was almost to her goal, the Baja resort town of Yavaros. A quick check of the places commercial info-feed freq provided her with a quick outline of what it was like. The town was a resort at it’s core. A pretty place, of a few thousand citizens, that offered swimming, various clubs, shopping, and tons of outdoor activities in the rugged desert it was surrounded by. As she voxed off the ad spiel that was being piped into her eyes and ears via her suit, she was left with a image of Yavaors’ whitewashed buildings and bright red tile roofs. The sea sent the ad-band had her suit produce made her smile with its crispness. The fresh salty smell pushing the last bit of her sleepiness aside. On the map of the town she now had called up, Talyn could see a pulsing red dot, which indicated that her smartsuit had reacquired the trackers that she’d managed to place on what she now knew to be Trina’s turbobike the evening before.
“Time to see what we can see, and get my Dragonfly!” thought the focused woman, as she took the bike into manual control, eased it’s speed down, and entered the peaceful resort town. With a quick command, Talyn had her suit assume a casual look, taking on a muted pattern. The hood retracted from her head, letting her shake her long black hair out, it’s organic silver shock sparkled in the sun. The sudden warmth felt good. She kept her hands gloved, and kept a light smart cloud interference pattern up to disrupt any electronic viewing of her face. Once more the young woman reminded herself to thank Don in her special way again for the milgrade suit. He’d grown it from a piece of his own. And she knew he’d be in deep trouble if the guard learned he’d done such.
The tracker led Talyn through the resort town’s narrow streets to a small two story building, a bit off the main business district. Along the way she found herself enjoying the town. “It’s actually quite nice here.” she thought. Lush tropical trees provided shade, and the mission style construction fit well with what she expected to see. Upon seeing where she had been led, Talyn did a quick evaluation. The lower level seemed to be a customization operation of some sort. A place people could bring their bikes and other vehicles to be modified in various ways. Since most people simply disassembled old things and fabbed up new ones, with the most recent features, the thief assumed that this place catered to hard core collectors, and people who liked to tinker with things. “And there is always a market for hand made” she reminded herself. Over all, nothing stood out as unusual.
Using her suit, The thief located and sparked up a few of the cams that floated everyplace. The business half of the building seemed deserted. She could see Trina’s bike parked in it’s lot, mixed in with a few others. The large canvas saddle bags that she remembered from her brief encounter with the bike, and which would match those that she’d seen Kanda unpacking earlier were missing.
“Of course it wouldn’t be THAT easy.” mused Talyn. She brushed a few commands into her suit, using the touchpad controls she kept located on her upper left arm. The suit started assembling a new hood, that slowly grew up her neck and slowly covered her face, then engulfed her head. The thief always had a brief moment of claustrophobia when she sealed herself up thusly, until the suit started projecting real time views from outside onto her retinas. She suppressed a small shudder, thinking “It feels so damned creepy when it oozes up my neck.” Once more hooded, she voxed on the the eye tracking menus, and silently instructed the suit to cloak into it’s invisible mode, where the smartsuit matched its appearance to whatever she stood in front of so perfectly, that unless she moved quickly, no one could pick her out at any real distance.
Moving slowly, she approached the low wall that surrounded the building. Her suit informed her of passive security screens along the property boundaries, coloring their areas a light red in her vision. It also automatically began to project counter measures to mask it’s owner from them. The northern light looking curtains of red light turned green in Talyn’s suit augmented perspective. Green meant she was clear to go. With a lazy one handed move, the lithe woman easily leaped the small brick wall, with a simple vault. She Landed in the buildings yard with a small, but solid thump, and quickly made her way to Trina’s bike. A quick check confirmed that any of the stolen art that had been with the bike was gone. Out of habit, Talyn seeded the bike with some crackers to take control of it’s systems. She did not plan to use the bike, but saw no reason to allow it’s use by another in case her little visit went in an unexpected direction.
Talyn enjoyed the thrill of her thievery. But she also quite liked the feelings she got by going places she should not be. Seeing that which others worked to hide. She’d spent time discussing it with Bree, and still did not understand herself well enough to quite get why it felt so damn good to be naughty. She just knew that she got hot when she broke into places. For now that was enough.
So under her hood, Talyn wore a big grin as she used her suits ability to make and break molecular level bonds to make an easy climb to a balcony on the buildings second floor. It was a simple matter of slowly placing each hand or foot firmly on the buildings side, waiting an instant to get the tactile confirm that the suit fed back once it had made a firm bond, and then moving up hand by hand, foot by foot.
Once on the balcony, the thief did a quick scan of the second floor. Once again, local cams were easy to tap. Briefly Talyn wondered “How did people do it before the world was saturated with loose cams?” but she quickly focused on what she could see from the half dozen perspectives she had opened up.
In a small bedroom one of Trina’s bikes saddlebags lay on a bed. No one seemed to be about.
The double doors that opened onto the balcony had been left open, and through them Talyn simply walked into a parlor like living space. As was often the case, the woman was not surprised to see no active or passive security on the level. “People trust the security on the places THEY enter through to be enough.” was one of the little bits of human behavior that the girl had come to see time and time again. And once more, it had proven true.
The room was full of some very nice furniture and knickknacks. To her educated eye, Talyn knew that there was a good deal of real value in the objects she was passing, as she made her way to the bedroom she had located the saddlebag in earlier.
As she entered the room, and spied the prize on the bed, Talyn became aware of the sound of running water. ‘Sloppy!” she admonished herself silently. Clearly someone was showering in the small bathroom that was attached to the bedroom. She could now see clothing scattered on the floor, in a position that the cam she had peeped through wouldn’t have covered. There wasn’t much of it, just a brightly colored sun dress, and some sandals.
“Ok, grab the bag and split.” was the plan that the thief quickly decided upon, she got hold of the saddlebag, and turned to leave. Unfortunately the water sounds stopped at the same instant, and before she could exit a woman walked into the bedroom drying her hair with a towel.
“What the fuck?” popped out of the woman’s mouth.
Talyn realized that from the woman’s perspective all she saw was the saddlebag floating in mid air, and suppressed a giggle at the look of surprise on the face of the woman who’d interrupted her theft. She quickly made an assessment of the woman.
She was relatively short, perhaps only 5’9” or so, Caucasian, a European genotype. She had a athletic build, “A runners body.” the thief decided. A spiral tattoo swirled up the woman’s left leg, over her hips, and ended just under her mid sized breasts. It had a geometric pattern that looked like woven reeds to Talyn’s eye. The pattern slowly moved along the ribbons length in an infinite repetition. If the hair under the towel matched the light thatch on her groin, she’d be a cornstalk blond.
Surprise was a powerful ally. Talyn tossed the bag at the woman as a distraction, and with practiced ease, scooped a short cylinder out of a pouch on her right thigh. The molded material of the plastic was springy in her hand, and by giving it a short sharp squeeze, brought the device online. She heard the tiny fabricator in it spool up, as it began to consume the material feed stock that filled, and in fact, made up the grip. With a sharp flick of her wrist a gossamer thin ribbon of material, about two inches wide shot forth from the end of the tube, and swung in an arc, driven by the momentum of the motion that had freed it. The ribbon connected with the blond woman at the same time she dropped her towel to instinctively catch the saddlebag flying her way. It’s end landing just below her knees. Talyn noticed that the ribbon left a pleasing peppermint smell in the air.
The ribbon quickly adhered itself to the blonds leg at the point of contact, and using her own body heat for targeting, and as a ready energy source for conversion into kinetic energy, the strand began to swing about and up the woman’s body. In seconds she was wrapped from knees to neck. As the last of the cylinder was consumed, the ribbon hardened it’s fullerite material into diamond hardness. The saddlebag hit the ground at the same time as the woman.
Without a second thought, Talyn tossed a silence cone down next to her. She didn’t want her surprised captive to be able to ask the building for help. The cone would also control any loose cams in it’s area, disassembling them. “The odds of anyone using one of them was tiny”, she thought, “but why take risks?”
The thief had to give the captive woman credit. She was not cursing up a storm, crying, or otherwise making a fuss. She didn’t even seem surprised by the silence cone dropping out of thin air next to her. Talyn noted that the woman was testing the bonds. But they were tight and allowed little give. They had constricted with her breathing, and left no looseness for an arm to work its way free in. Quietly she crouched down next to her captive and looked down into the woman’s blue eyes, she saw no fear. Only annoyance. This woman was a professional.
With a vox command, Talyn de-cloaked, and had the suit fade in as flat black from head to toe.
“Hello” the blond woman calmly said in Spanish, looking up at her captor. Talyn’s suit auto translated into English, and it would now translate anything she said to the woman back into the captives choice of language.
Without waiting for Talyn to answer, the woman continued. “You got me, and your gear outclasses anything anyone local would use. So you are not here for some silly old feud. And I’m not on any bounty lists, so you are not a hunter. So you came here wanting something specific, something to do with what is in that saddlebag I bet. Right?”
Talyn reached down and brushed the woman’s short hair back from her face, and looked down at her. “Right.” she answered. The suit morphed her voice into an odd metallic edged tone. “I bet you are not Trina.” As she spoke she got up and recovered the saddlebag, and began to empty it. There were about a dozen foam sealed works within it. She set them up, one by one in a small semicircle around her.
“No, I’m not Trina.” the woman answered. “I use the name Rayne.”
“I bet you ‘use’ it.” Talyn answered with a bit of a chuckle as she stressed the word “use”. She had pulled a small wand like tool from one of her many belt pouches, and after making a few adjustments began playing it over the first of the items. The foam covering seemed to molt away, revealing a small carved fertility figure. “So Rayne, what do you do here in beautiful Yavaors?”
Smiling as she chose her words, the women seemed to relax. “I make sure people get things that they want. Perhaps I might be able to help you out. I bet we can find some ground to negotiate upon. What are you looking for?”
Talyn had finished with the objects, revealing each of them. All were from the home where the Dragonfly had been. But it was not among them. In fact, she realized, and said aloud, “These are all the low end bits Trina took. None of the best stuff is here.”
“Of course,” Rayne replied. “I just take care of things that are not of top collector interest, that people like Trina might come across.” Nodding her head toward the semicircle of art objects, she went on. “These wouldn’t be worth her time to sell individually. I, however, can find good value for them, and in turn provide transportation, information, and other tools for people who bring me such.”
“Fence” was the word the Talyn let drop from her mouth with a bit of scorn.
“I prefer facilitator.” Rayne answered. An easy grin showing she took no offense. “And I can help you get what you want. Which one of the items that Trina snagged were you shopping for?”
“It’s never easy.” Talyn thought to herself again with a mental sigh. “It doesn’t really matter now does it? Let’s talk about Trina and where I might find her.”
The captive blonde answered quickly. “You’ll find her at her gallery here in town I wager, it’s attached to her private home. In fact, tonight, I believe she is hosting one of her periodic auctions. So very Hush-hush you know. People come from near and farther to bid upon things that she has acquired. They are quite the event.”
“I’m sure they are.” said the thief with a laugh. “And would I be correct to assume that one does not simply walk into them? “
That made Rayne produce an honest laugh in response, it was deep and throaty. “I bet with some time and planning you could. But time is short, and if you wait, what you want will go who knows where, with who knows what person? Perhaps even off planet.” The fence said with a smirk. “You need to walk in the door. And that requires a nice old fashioned password.” The fence paused an instant, and when Talyn did not fill the silence, continued. “I can supply you with it. Let me go, call it even with this stuff,” the blond nodded toward the objects, “and bring me back some thing from Trina’s personal collection, and I’ll get you in.”
Talyn was impressed by Rayne’s balls, and said so. “For someone I’ve got tied up, you sure seem to feel you can negotiate a pretty high price. No, I won’t do that. I steal for no one but myself.” The thief settled into a cross legged sitting position next to the bound woman. She noticed that Rayne had a number of small blue gemmed studs ringing her right ear. She felt they were attractive, and matched the woman’s eyes nicely. “Let’s try again. You tell me the password, I make sure that I set this ribbon to degrade in a reasonable time after I leave.”
Rayne replied quickly. “No.” shaking her head to reinforce her choice. “You need what I have, and I don’t see you as the sort of woman who hurts folks. Your style is silent and sneaky, not force.” With a smug look she smiled and added, “You won’t hurt me.”
With memories of her recent dream fresh in her mind, and a deep well of similar fun she had with her lover Don over time, Talyn smiled under her hood. “I don’t need to hurt you to make you talk to me.”
“My onboards will counter anything you try to put into me, and you don’t have the time to wait for counter nanos to beat them down so you can truth-drug me.” smirked the fence.
“No need” Talyn answered, rising with a fluid grace. She cast her eyes around the room, and they came to rest upon a sturdy wooden missionary style chair that was at a equally lovely desk. The thief strode over to it, picked it up and placed it at her captives feet.
Working silently she pulled some stickstrips from one of her belt pouches and set them on the chair. The thief then hooked her hand about Rayne’s captive ankles and lifted them until the woman’s long legs were flush against the back of the chair. He soles pointed toward the ceiling. It was a simple matter to activate and use the strips to firmly bind Rayne’s lower half to the sturdy piece of furniture.
“Interesting,” the blond offered in response to her work. “Not exactly comfy, but nothing that is going to get you a password either.”
Talyn sat down upon the chair backwards, straddling it’s back between her legs. The captive woman’s feet were exactly at eye level. To the thief’s eye they looked pretty average. Wide, second toe longer then the big one. The only thing of real interest was that the coiled pattern tattoo started on the heel of the woman’s right foot. With a silent admission to Rayne’s fashion style, she noted the woman’s nail polish matched the pattern that was slowly moving across the tattoo’s band. “Pretty.” she mused.
The sneak thief decided that action would speak louder then more words. Using her left hand she got a solid grip upon Rayne’s right foot, while setting her suits right hand fingertips to a bumpy texture with a eye blink command. With a silent hope that her captive was ticklish, she started to trace slow lazy lines along the trapped foot, from the ball of the foot, to the heel and back again, making small circles as she proceeded.
The response was loud and pleasing. “OHHYOUFUCKINGBITCH! Heheh ayhheeh! FUCKING STOP IT! hehe he.” screamed Rayne between bursts of laughter.
“Password” was the thief’s only answer.
“NONONONONOSTOPSTOPSTOP! heheh, heheh, heheh. OH FUCK! YOU heheeh ****!” was the answer she got.
“Password” she repeated.
“Heheheh, NOIWON’T! heheh no No NO! FUCKFUCKFUCK hehe heeh eheheh ehehe!” gasped out the fence still at top volume.
She’d seen far more ticklish people in her day, but Talyn was pleased with Rayne’s sensitivity. As the woman swore and cackled her toes flew open and closed seemingly at random. They often wriggled wildly, reminding the woman of her friend Samantha, who loved be tickled. More then once when watching some show in the living area, Talyn had found a dark blue foot placed in her lap, attached to a smiling Sam, saying “Do me”.
“Heheheh NONONONONO! NO! HEHE hehe! FUCKFUCKFUCK! NOPLEASE! heehheheeh!” continued from below.
Speaking a bit louder so the blond could hear her above her own screams, Talyn said, “You clearly hate it. I’m not stopping until you give me the password. Give it up and I’m gone.” To provide extra incentive she sped up the sped of her circling tracings.
“PLEASESTOPPLEASESTOP! hehehe ehehhhehe! OHNONO! Hehehe FUCK! BITCH! Hehehehe eheh eheh” PLEASEPLEASE!” shrieked back Rayne. She was also trying to brush the maddening fingers away with her left foot, but it couldn’t twist enough to provide any help.
As the thief worked over her prisoner, she mused about what she was doing, and the fact that she enjoyed it. She had to admit to herself that she liked to tickle feet. She never quite figured out why they appealed to her more then other places. “It’s not like I have a thing for feet.” she considered. “Maybe it’s because you can make a big strong person so helpless with this little area of the body no one ever things about.” that appealed to her. Sneaking around someone’s defenses by surprise. The woman let the thoughts trail away.
Rayne was moving about quite a bit, but all she was managing were very small sit ups with her bound torso, as she mindlessly tried to escape the tickling. She’d closed her eyes, and thrown her head back. “NONONONONO! PLEASEPLEASE ehehehe heeh heheh! OHOHOHNO! EhHEHEHEHEHE! SHITFUCK! Heheheh!” spilled out.
Letting up a bit in her tickling, with both her speed and pressure, Talyn asked again. “The password Rayne. You are smart. Cut your losses. If I miss the auction, then I’ll have no way to spend my time other then finding ways to work out the frustrations I have on you. You don’t want that do you?” as an after thought she added, “Pro to Pro, you know how nasty you can be when someone screws you over, right? Imagine what you’d do in my position.” The thief felt her point was a good one.
“Hehehe I, I, Oh FUCK! heehheh STOPIT, I CAN’T... Hehe, If, Ohpleasestop, if, if it gets out that I ohheehe fucked a customer I’d SHIT! be finished! heheheh!” Rayne managed between spasms of laughter.
Once again Talyn thought “Why can’t it be easy?”. This time a little devil of a voice in the back of her head answered, “Because it wouldn’t be as much fun!” Prompting the thief to put one hand on each of Rayne’s wriggling peds, and once again begin tickling in earnest on her sensitive arches.
The blonds explosion of laughter and cursing was predictable. “FUCKNONONONONONOH AHHAHAAAHAHAHAH! OH! SHITSHITSHITNO!!! AHHAAHHAHAHHAH!! PLEASAHAHAHAH! OHNO! AHAHAHAHAH!” To Talyn the woman’s deep throaty laughter was almost musical. It was now coming from deep in Rayne, and was edged with desperation and some panic.” She noted that the captive woman was shaking her head back and forth as if the ‘No’ motions would somehow cause the torment to stop better then her vocal protests. For some reason Talyn found this amusing beyond words, and giggled.
“Not Stopping Rayne.” she said with some gain set in her volume to cut past the laughter. “Password. Now.”
“AHAHAAH! AHAHAH! STOOOAHAHAAH! NOOOOAHSHAH! OHAHAHAH!” was the only response that the thief received. She’d discovered that the half inch or so right under the balls of Rayne’s feet produced the best results. So she’d focused her full attention there. Along with the deep laughter, the fence has lost all control over her body. Her toes opened and closed spasmodically, her feet writhed in futile escape attempts, her head swung wildly from side to side, and her torso twisted and bounced as she gasped out the laughter.
It took another ten five minutes or so before the begging became truly serious, and Rayne offered up what she wanted. Talyn grudgingly admired the woman’s ability to resist. She’d lasted much longer then the thief had expected, and perhaps longer then she herself did when she played “Captured spy” with her lover Don. That irked her a tiny bit.
Rayne gasped out the password: “Anthro”, and using some gear from her many pouches Talyn rigged a fast lie detector that read the blonds body’s responses. She was convinced that the woman had not lied to her.
“Now what?” asked the blond in a tired voice.
The oriental thief thought about that as she unstuck Rayne from the chair and let her legs settle to the floor. Grabbing a pillow from the bed she placed it under the exhausted woman’s head, and crouched back onto her heels and considered. As she brushed the sweat soaked hair from Rayne’s face she reached a conclusion, and said, “I’ll be back to let you go, or make sure that you are found by a friendly person.”
Rayne frowned in reaction and looked about to argue, Talyn cut her off by placing a gloved finger across the blonds lips. “Silly! You wouldn’t leave me free to cause trouble while you went off to ‘liberate’ something would you? I’m not that stupid, and neither are you. So you can pout, but you know you get to stay here all wrapped nicely.” In a lower, kinder, voice she added, “I’ll try very hard to make sure no one figured out where I came from, or who helped me.” Before she rose, the thief planted an impulsive kiss on the captive woman’s forehead. Through the hood it felt odd, but it still seemed the right thing to do.
Rayne was quite at first, then quietly replied. “Thanks for being fair.” She then fell silent again, and just watched the woman who’d bested her.
Rising, Talyn walked over to the closet on the far side of the bedroom. “Can’t go to a party looking like this! Can I now?” she spoke, doing a girlish spin that highlighted the flat black skinsuit. “Hmmm. I’m a bit taller then you, but we are pretty much equally curvy in the same spots, so I bet something in here will work.” She scanned the closet. And sure enough, there was a stretchy dress that was a deep green with some gold hues in it. Talyn felt that it would do nicely. She scooped it up, and balled it into one of her suits pouches. As an afterthought she grabbed a pair of sandals also. “Not quite the right size, but I can adjust them enough to work” she figured. She awkwardly stuffed them into another pouch located on her right shoulder.
As she left the bedroom, and the silence cones area of video dampening, the thief had her suit re-cloak into its invisible mode, “I WILL be back for you. I’ve set the cone to keep watch on you in case of any emergency. It will call in help.” were her parting words. As she exited the building, once again via the window, Talyn found herself liking Rayne in spite of the events that had transpired. “She could be useful in finding more of the carvings.” she mused. Reaching her waiting bike, she reset the suit to a muted riding pattern, and headed off into the hot early evening. Traffic in the small town was picking up as tourists were heading to dinner and clubs. She easily slid into the flow, and began to work her way toward her Dragonfly.
Talyn had parked the bike a few blocks from the location her suit had indicated. Using the suit to jam local cam’s, she put on the ‘borrowed’ dress and shoes. Neither fit quite right. But they were good enough. She ordered her skinsuit into transparency, and had it retract the hood. She also had it mirror her body temperature on it’s invisible surface. It wouldn’t do to have someone brush against her and feel cold ‘flesh’. She regretfully had to empty some of the items she carried in her waist, leg, arm, and back pouches to make the dress not look odd. It’s tightness, while flattering, made concealing things a touch difficult. She locked it all down in the bike.
The thief’s final preparation, after checking to make sure she had several key tools still on her person, was to concentrate to call up a menu that was internally produced by her own onboard nano systems which filled her own body. From her perspective, the menu seemed to float in front of her eyes. “It won’t do to let people see me, and smart fog is only good for cams.” she mused. Choosing a series of command from various menus with her eyes she gave her onboards some orders.
Slowly Talyn’s raven black hair lightened, and faded to a pale pale strawberry blond. The silver shock vanished into it. Her hair also lost it’s natural ruler straightness, and began to kink and curl into a messy but still attractive tousled look. Her skin also lost some of her natural golden tone, and became lighter, pinker. She splashed freckles across her nose, cleavage, and ‘bare’ shoulders. Her eyes changed to a golden hue. She had her finger and toe nails, and as an after thought, lips, take on a buffed golden tone also, allowing her body systems to adjust the coatings she wore bonded to them.
She used the suit to spark a few local cams, and had it project the results onto her invisible right gloves palm. The Thief smiled as she was able to view herself from several angles. “I look pretty damned hot. Not bad for improvising in the field!” she thought. Feeling playful, the thief added a bit more of a swivel to her hips then she normally allowed, as she walked onto the main street, and toward her goal. “I’m a vapid party girl out to get a special for a gift for daddy.” she decided upon as she strode forward.
Talyn’s walk to Trina’s gallery was a nice one. The sun had set, and there was a cooling sea breeze blowing in off the Baja gulf. It quietly rustled the palm fronds of the many trees that decorated the high class business district. There was a spicy sent of grilling peppers from one of the local eateries that made the woman’s stomach grumble. “It has been a bit.” she realized, and then pushed the hunger aside. “Time for that later.” she said aloud. Her sandals made light clicking sounds on the cobbled sidewalks. She quickly reached the gallery.
The thief paused a moment to study the building. It was brightly lit, and a steady flow of well dressed people were entering. Like Rayne’s building, the business part was located on the first floor. It had wide widows that looked out to the street. One could see people circulating within, and a number of artworks on the walls and on pedestals. There were two floors above, most windows dark, but some on the third level leaked light through closed drapes and blinds. It also seemed the ground floor went back a good bit. “Big.” Talyn said aloud. Discreetly she had her suit look for local cams to take a better look around the place. None could be found. The woman’s level of respect for Trina’s security moved up a notch. “Can’t have our customers feeling like they might be seen... makes sense.” she mumbled, puzzling it out. Taking a deep breath, she put her concerns aside. “Showtime.” was her single thought as she squared her shoulders, and proceeded to join the line of richly dressed people being slowly admitted.
Entering was simple. “Anthro” got her past the doorman, a thinly guised security guard, without issue. By slight vibrations, her invisible suit informed her that she was being passively scanned. Talyn had no worries. The suit could easily cover any low level probes, and she had nothing outside it’s pouches that would register. And nothing did. The thief passed into the gallery without incident.
Once inside, Talyn mingled into the party that was taking place, grabbing some cheese, bacon-like wrapped things, and a glass of mineral water from the passing tuxedoed servers, helped take the edge off her hunger. Also, eating the food allowed the woman to observe, and slowly got a feel for the people and space that surrounded her. There were about three dozen people there. A good mix of men and women. Some with animal styled modifications, but she thankfully noted, “No mechs, or people using smart fog bodies via remote telepresence”. The people looked to be the typical sort of empty headed types she took things from. “Idle people, playing with their endless supply of days.” was her opinion. The thief smiled and made small talk about nothing with them.
It was during her second quarter hour of what seemed like an endless droning conversation, with a boorish sandy haired man, who was spending as much effort trying to look down her dress, as he did looking at her face, about hang-gliding in low gravity environments in some resort on Mars, that Trina entered the gallery. She emerged from the back section of the building, through a pair of heavy wooden doors that had been closed.
Though the thief had never seen Trina, she had no doubt that the woman in the bright canary yellow gown was the second thief who had blasted past her almost twenty four hours before. This was because she looked exactly like Kanda. “The self centered bitch cloned herself to be her own daughter!” was Talyn’s sudden realization. The disguised woman felt a wave of instant dislike toward Trina. Talyn had two identical sisters, a result of her mothers tendency to follow fads. And the girls had always battled to feel distinct from each other, let alone the countless others who shared their off the shelf genome. “To grow up looking exactly like ones mother....” The thief shuddered. She pushed her personal feelings down and refocused.
Trina had the rich dark hair, burnished skin, dark brown eyes, and full lips that Talyn remembered from Kanda. And like her daughter, the woman was curvy in all the right places. The bright gown left little to the imagination. The thief chucked silently to herself at that thought. She did not need to imagine. She, having seen Kanda nude, knew exactly what “Mom” would look like under that sunny dress. “And she’ll respond exactly like her daughter did to tickling also I wager, in case I need something from her.” she mused. “Perhaps it’s stopped being hard for a change.”
Trina welcomed her guests, made a dot of small talk, and then invited them to the rear of the Gallery where she had entered from. Through the now open double doors, a hall with a spectacular tile inlayed floor passed under Talyn’s sandaled feet, as she followed the crowd into the depths of the building. Several sturdy looking wooden doors lined the hall’s walls, and an open arch reveled a carpeted stair that wound up to another level. Mission furniture and several nice pieces of art completed the passage’s rich decor. The disguised thief had to admit that Trina had taste when it came to art.
Trina opened a second set of doors at the halls end with a small push, and the crowd moved through into a large room, that held a block of seats, a podium, and along the walls a series of cases, each with a piece of art within.
Talyn’s heart quickened at catching sight of the Dragonfly. Like the other encased art she could not touch it, and feel whatever special feeling it would impart, but she felt giddy at the fact that she was at long last in the same space as her desire. She had to suppress the overwhelming desire to smash the case, grab the item and flee. With a act of will, and a deep breath, the thief calmed herself, and stopped the flexing and unflexing of her fingers that she had not even been aware of doing. “I WANT IT.” her mind had yelled at her, her need speaking up, and making her WANT. It had taken a few seconds to recover her focus. Happily it seemed many other patrons were equally entranced with various other items, so her attention for the Dragonfly did not seem too out of the ordinary.
As Talyn took a seat, she watched as Trina closed the doors, and sealed the room, while most of her customers were still browsing and getting a better look at the various items that would be up for auction this evening. Obviously everyone who was interested was now in the room. The thief correctly guessed that it was time to get to business. Trina moved to the stage and took up a position behind the small podium.
“Hello My friends!” she opened, “It’s good to see so many familiar faces, and new ones also!” The room amplified her voice. Slowly the last few people who had been talking or looking into the small cases found seats and gave their attention to the yellow clad woman.
With a wide smile, the Gallery owner continued, “I have quite the variety of material to offer you all this evening. Pieces ranging from Pre-Columbian through treasures created as recently as this century! Statues, carvings, jewelry, and other special things. Payment will be expected in hard elements, and all values will be based on spot market exchange at time of winning a bid. Bids will be accepted in Palladium based units only! We have a lot of ground to cover, so let us get started!” Some grumbling about the terms circulated the audience, but the disturbance was minimal.
Talyn partially tuned out as the first item was described, choosing to see how things would flow. The room’s lights dimmed a bit, and bright spotlight picked out the case where the first item was lodged, and quickly a three dimensional rotating enlargement formed to Trina’s left up on the stage. The woman pointed out aspects, and discussed the objects history a bit. To Talyn it looked like a twisted circle made out of silver, and it left her utterly cold. Bidding was still heavy and rapidly moved into large amounts. In short order a tall man clad in a red tuxedo like one piece won. He made a show of counting out disks from a wallet he produced. Once satisfied, Trina did something on the podium, and the twist’s case dissolved. The man claimed his prize and sat back down grinning with pleasure.
Trina moved on to the next item. The process was much the same, only this time after winning, the woman who had bid so much for a 23rd century piece of jewelry, left with it. “Not good.” thought Talyn. “The Dragonfly might leave with it’s high bidder.” The thief worried that if that happened, there would be no easy way to follow it without attracting too much attention. Silently the thief sighed. “More public then I like. but so be it. I HATE confrontation.”
The woman had been ready for having to take action like this, and planned ahead. As she had circulated the room before bidding had started, she had casually dropped beads from the bracelet she had been sure to wear into the event. It looked like an elegant piece, with tiny golden spheres somehow bunched like grapes circling her left wrist. The tiny beads however came loose with minimal effort. And she had casually left dozens of them about the room, and other areas she had passed through. She had even managed to drop some into various other guests pockets, clothing, and bags. All the shiny spheres sat waiting. And with a silent brush against her suit’s invisible wrist, Talyn sent the message they waited for with a simple triple tap of her fingers.
The result was very unspectacular. Silently the spheres disassembled themselves, slowly saturating the room with a custom high end party drug, quietly spinning the tiny nanobots each was made of, into the rooms air. Talyn had long before made sure her onboard medical nanos were ready for it, and would filter it out in her lungs, and prevent it from having any effect on her. The drug was a simple neural payload delivery system. It would make no changes to a persons body. Thus, it would not be detected by people’s onboard nano systems, unless it was specifically listed as something to filter as they breathed. All the drug would do is get inhaled, hitch a ride into the hosts blood stream, get to the brain, and then cause a series of neurons to fire in a specific way. Doing this would introduce some information into the old mark 1 wetware that people were born with. Then job done, it would break apart into harmless organic atoms. And the stimulated brains would act as if they had some wonderful ideas all their own.
It took about fifteen minutes, or the auction of three more items for the effects to make their first appearance.
An attractive brunette in one of the back rows let out a deep long moan causing heads to turn. She’d given herself a solid orgasm, her right hand was still wedged down the front of her pants. She seemed uncaring that she had drawn peoples attention, and as if to prove it, gasped out a second and longer moan.
Things moved very quickly after that.
A couple to Talyn’s right began to kiss passionately. Their hands scrabbling over and under clothing.
An Amazonian blond in a stunning gown pulled it off over her head in a single jerk, her ample breasts bouncing free. Even before the garment was clear of her head, a nearby man and woman each had one of her nipples in their mouths. The trio collapsed into a moaning tangle.
A handsome man with silver hair had dropped his pants about his ankles, and was fucking a petite woman from behind doggy style with great vigor. His hands roaming and stroking her torso and breasts under her loose dress. In turn, the woman had started going down on a seated man to his great approval.
Slowly the room dissolved into carnal chaos. The beads payload had cut the guests inhibitions to zero, and cranked their libido to ‘10’. The freeform orgy quickly consumed the now drugged people’s full attention, as they were reduced to nothing more then animals in search of sex. Gasps, screams, moans, and all the moist sounds that came with hard couplings filled the air.
On the stage, Trina had collapsed to the floor, and lay on her back, feet planted, hips thrusting up and down. She had managed to pull her dress up, leaving it bunched about her neck and shoulders. She frantically tugged at first one, then the other of her nipples with one hand, while the other was busy stroking her pussy and clit. To Talyn, she made an amusing image, clad only in her heels, and the crumpled yellow splash of a dress around her neck, as she pumped her hips wildly in rhythm to her fingers work, and and tossed her head back and forth in pleasure.
No one was paying attention any longer.
Smiling, Talyn rose from her seat, and had her smartsuit rebuild the hood, and move to visibility again. She kicked off the sandals and tossed the dress on top of them. Then after a moments thought gathered them up and stuffed them into her back pouch.
Stepping over two partially clad men locked in a sixty-nine, and around a pair of kneeling women riding the same writhing male’s face and cock, while they madly kissed and fondled each other through gasps, Talyn walked toward the case which held her Dragonfly.
It was, of course, locked. The thief deployed various tools, and waited. Annoyingly the cube did not pop open. The box proved resistant to her sonic multi-tool, and even the burst cutter she had brought. In frustration Talyn pounded the cube with her fist. “Fuck!” The shout, and smack of course, did not open the case, but it made the thief feel a bit better. “Top grade museum display security.” she thought. Quickly followed by; “I did not come ready for that.” There was no way she could take the whole display case, even if she could get it loose. And she couldn’t force it. “NOT simple!” she thought once again, amusing herself.
Speaking aloud, “Happily we have a plan B!” she announced to the room. Moans and gasps answered, no one cared. The thief made her way around various duos, and trios, and whatever-os to the stage, hopped the low rise, and strode over to the oblivious Trina who was still busy pleasuring herself. Along the way Talyn picked up random bits of discarded clothing.
“Fun time is over dear.” Talyn said as she grabbed Trina’s hands and pulled them away from the woman’s sensitive bits. The Hispanic woman protested and weakly struggled. Through husky moans, and labored breathing she managed, “No... lemme go. oh, please... no... what???.” Deprived of her hands, Trina began rubbing her thighs together frantically. So distracted was she by her need to get off, her ability to resist was all but nonexistent.
Using the clothing she has scavenged, and one of the art deco pillars that dotted the auction area, The thief bound Trina into a position that she felt would serve her need to be a creative tickler best. As she was doing the tying, she took a moment to pop a small silver bead into Trina’s open mouth. The nano’s in it would cancel the effects of the earlier dose of drugs. “We want you focused and alert!” she said to the still very distracted and squirming woman.
Talyn stepped back to take a look at her work. She had placed Trina’s back against the pillar, and tied her hands over her head behind it. A bit of ornamental decoration provided a handy place to secure them about halfway up the column. Each of the woman’s ankles had been tied to it’s matching thigh. Then behind the pillar, the pair of ankles were bound together. This left Trina’s upper body nicely stretched out by her own weight, her flanks wide open and exposed, breasts swaying helplessly, balanced on her knees, her legs were held open, her moist womanhood vulnerable and exposed. Behind the pillar Trina’s feet were parallel to the floor but since they were tied to her thighs they wiggled helplessly, a good bit off the floor in the air, soles pointing ceiling wards. The thief had relieved Trina of the dress and shoes as she restrained her captive, leaving the woman totally nude.
Talyn settled back and waited for the antidote to clear Trina’s head. She amused herself watching a very attractive couple rolling back and forth as they frantically coupled. First the woman would be on top, and she’s grind and rub her entire body against her lover biting his shoulder and neck, then they would roll, and he’d be on top madly pumping away, his balls slapping against her with each thrust. A dozen orgasms had taken the edge off their bodies performance, but desire kept him hard, and her wet. Mindlessly they kept at it. Need of each others bodies keeping them coupled. Talyn casually noted that when the woman was on top every time she ground down on her lover, she clenched her toes, But when he was on top, they would splay open with each of his thrusts. She wondered if she did that.
An angry “Who the fuck are you!” announced the fact that Trina had managed to gather her wits.
Turning her attention to her captive, Talyn replied “I’m me!” giggled, and continued. “You however are someone who has something I want, which means we need to reach a satisfying agreement. Let’s make it simple Trina, provide the code for the case with the Dragonfly totem in it, and I’ll leave. I want nothing else. In about two hours these folks will start to think about something other then fucking again, and someone will let you go. And you can... make amends.” The thief waited.
“Or what?” Trina asked.
“Or I’ll tickle the code out of you, like I tickled your name and location out of your daughter.” With a sub vocal command, Talyn opened a display window of the feed she had left open of the helpless Kendra back in the bunker, across the midsection of her smartsuit. The younger woman was still trapped, gasping and moaning in pleasure, still fine, though she looked much more rung out then when Talyn had left her. With a chuckle Talyn added “See she is perfectly fine, though distracted. Orgasms seem to be a theme for me today.”
“I can hold out longer then you can keep all of them,” Trina nodded her head at a nearby woman who had her dark hair up in a tall pony tail. pleasuring herself with total abandon on a man’s foot, while running her hands all over her own body. As he was being fucked silly by a green furred woman with a tail, he seemed to not even notice how his foot was being used. “like that.”
“Oh Trina.” Talyn said, effecting a sad tone that still managed to work, even with her voice distorted,“Your daughter is a fucking clone of you, and I got to explore every inch of her feet. She came up very short of holding out on me for even a fraction of how much time we have left to share.” She moved closer, and added in a whisper. “Why should you do any better? And I have your whole body....” As she spoke, slowly she reached under each of the trapped woman’s hanging breasts and using only her fingertips, began lightly stroking their very exposed undersides.
“Oh Dios!” gasped Trina before she bit down on her lip and quickly glared at her tormentor before she scrunched her eyes shut in concentration.
Slowly Talyn stroked the swaying globes undersides, tracing light paths from where they met the woman’s torso, to just short of the dark aureoles that capped them, then back again.
Slowly Trina’s self control eroded. First she began to nod her head back in forth, like Rayne had earlier, as if making the ‘no’ motion would somehow end her torture. Then very slowly, quiet giggles began to escape her full lips. “nahah... nahah... nahah.” The bound woman took fast breaths between the laughter, and held her stomach in tightly, in, Talyn assumed, an attempt to hold the laughter back.
“You can barely stand it!” The thief whispered into Trina’s ear. “You are going to start laughing hard, and then I won’t stop!”
“No.. nahah... nahah... nahah. I heh won’t. nahah... nahah... nahah.” Trina answered defiantly.
Slowly Talyn began to swirl her fingers around the sides of Trina’s breasts, covering the sides now, and swirling up towards the open armpits. With each pass she covered more and more sensitive skin. “I’m gonna get youuuuuu.” she hissed.
The bound woman’s laughter slowly built. “no! no! nahahahah nahah... nahah... nahahahaah.” now flowing freely, though still somewhat quietly. Trina swung her body back and forth as best she could in hopes of escaping the tickling, but it was pointless. The bondage held her tightly.
“Tell me the code Trina.” Talyn asked again, and waited for an answer. Only steady giggling came in reply. “Ok you earned it!” she hissed, and quickly circled her fingers up to Trina’s helpless and exposed armpits. She lazily circled both with one finger from each hand, pressing ever so slightly with each swirl on the squirming woman’s smooth skin.
“Oh NO! on NO! Nahahahah! NO! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha! DOON’T! Nahahahah! nahNahahahaah! oh! oh! OH! Nahahahaha!” was the satisfying response the thief got. Trina had given up any pretext at self control, her eyes were open again, and she kept looking from the hands working on her pits, to the masked face that controlled them, then back again.
“Nahahahah! Nahahahaah! Nahahahaha!”
The laughter grew louder, and more urgent as Talyn picked up the speed and pressure of her finger work in Trina’s sensitive pits. Slowly she added more fingers to the task. The thief continued to whisper to her captive. “You are weak just like your daughter! I took what I wanted from her, and I’ll make you give in also!”
“GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! oh oh! Gehehe! no! get nahnah! out of my *gasp* pits! GEHehe! no! GEHAHAH! NOoooo!” screamed the nude woman in answer.
As Trina’s laughter rose once more in degree, Talyn noted how much effect her tickling was having. The woman’s elaborate upswept hairdo had come undone, and her dark curls now hung about her laughing face. A light sheen of sweat covered the bound woman’s body, slicking her flanks, and making the tickling of her armpits even simpler. Above their head’s Trina’s bound hands clenched and unclenched spazmatically. Helpless to aid her in finding freedom. Talyn imagined that Don, when he was working her over enjoyed such things, and made a mental note to tell him all about what she had done the next time they were in bed.
“My boyfriend is going to love hearing about you Trina!” Talyn teased. “Such ticklish pits and tits! In fact I’m so glad my suit is recording this” Even though Trina was already red-faced from laughing, Talyn was able to see a slight blush flash across her captives face and on to the ample amounts of other exposed flesh. “Oh! you’re shy? Why Trina? I already have seen every bit of your daughter, what is new to see with you?”
“Regretting those orgasms you gave yourself earlier I bet.” Talyn mused aloud. “The tickling is much worse for me after one.”
Trina laughed and pleaded a bit. “Sttoppp! GEHAHAH! pleaseplease no! GEHAHAH! oh! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! oh no! Gehehe! no! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH!”
Talyn offered “The Code and I stop.” then picked up the pit tickling with more zest, adding in spirals of motion along the sensitive sides of Trina’s boobs.
The gasping woman pleaded, “I can.. GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! I CAN’T oh please nehehe! stopstop! My... ohno! My... GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! Nahahahah! no! NO! GEHAHAH! reputation! GEHAHAH! GEHAHAH! PLEASE!!!”
To Trina’s clear surprise, the thief did stop. Talyn settled back onto her heels, shifting her weight. “Ok, I stopped. The code. NOW. I can start again also.” To prove her point, she poked a finger into Trina’s heaving stomach. “Eeep!” shrieked the helpless woman.
Between gulps of air, Trina spoke. “I can’t let you have it, *gasp* I’ll be ruined! *gasp* My customers *gasp* will never trust me *gasp* again because of you! *gasp* If I hold out *gasp* at least they will respect that!” The trapped gallery owner looked almost ready to cry.
Talyn rose. “You could have saved yourself what’s coming. Because when this is all done I’m still getting the code.” Slowly she walked behind the column. Trina frantically turned her head first one way then the other, trying to see where the black suited woman was going.
“Oh don’t. Please don’t. I can’t.” The captive began to beg when she realized Talyn’s plans. “Please don’t do my feet. PLEASE don’t!”
“Your daughter gave in when I tickled her feet, so will you.” commented Talyn as she called up the sensitivity maps she had made of Kendra’s feet earlier, and using eye movement commands, had her suit overlay them onto the two real feet in front of her. “And Kendra taught me exactly what I need to do.”
Without any announcement Talyn dug her fingers into the area between Trina’s toes and foot, and wiggled them energetically. As she expected, the helpless woman’s toes clamped shut instantly. But it was too late. Her fingers were on those sensitive toe stems, and the result was loud.
“I’m going to do this until you give me the code.” Talyn stated loudly so she knew she’d be heard. Then concentrated on the wiggling feet she had control of.
The thief listened to Trina’s level of hysteria grow. She knew, that like Kendra, this would do the job.
“AHHHHH! NONONONO! UUBIITCCH! NOOOOOAHHHHHHA! PLEASE NO! GEHAHAH! STOOOP! NAGEHAHAH!” screamed Trina. Insults, begging, and laughter swirled all together. The distraction of the tickling grew to such a level that she couldn’t even keep her toes clamped shut any more. They flew open and closed randomly.
“I’m not stopping” sang out Talyn.
“Not Stopping!”
Talyn decided to concentrate on just one foot, and moved her right hand over to Trina’s left foot, and began to work on its thin length, tracing wrinkles on the arch, stroking under the ball of the foot, circling the heel. “Come on Trina. Give me the code.”
Suddenly inspired, Talyn reached around the column with her right hand and attacked one of Trina’s armpits, while continuing to attack the woman’s toes with her left.
Talyn kept up the duel attack, sensing she was close to victory. The thief kept whispering. “Come on, give it up, give it up” over and over.
And between the shrieks and screams Talyn was please to start to hear some information.
“D!!.... GEH! B!!!!!”
“I stop when you give me all of it!” she reminded Trina after a minute passed with no more digits, and just more pleading. She tickled harder.
Slowly the rest of the code dribbled out between all the laughter and screams. Talyn found that prompting Trina with harder tickles when ever she slowed down seemed a great motivator. “BB712” rounded out the code.
Talyn stopped, and quickly walked to the podium, and tapped the code in on the still active security system. She knew she was taking a chance, but felt that Trina had been honest. If she had provided some code that locked things down worse, Talyn had promised to make the rest of the time she had a true torture.
Quietly across the room the case that held the Dragonfly dissolved.
With a huge smile on her face, under her hood, Talyn let out a whoop, and bounded across the room, dodging various piles of people still madly engaged in various combinations of sexual gratification. “Mine!” she cried as she grasped the piece of art. Through her gloves the mental effect that the piece produced did not manifest. She knew there would be time for that later. Using a small cylinder from one of her pouches, the thief quickly sealed the Dragonfly into a secure foam block that hardened diamond strong in an instant once sprayed. Into a hip pouch it went.
Talyn strode back to the limp woman she had tortured the information out of. “Thank you Trina.” she said, and curtsied with a giggle. “And just to show that there are no hard feelings...” she pulled a small golden sphere from a suit pocket, and tossed it into the surprised woman's mouth. Before she knew what had happened Trina reflexively swallowed the ball. “That should take your mind off all you lost tonight.”
“Oh... no! At least untie me,” begged Trina, “I’ll go nuts tied up like this. Have a heart...” She honestly looked contrite to the thief.
Dropping a cone to record the fun to come, Talyn silently turned and left without a word. The last Trina saw of the thief was her slowly fading into invisibility as her suit cloaked. Not that she cared for long. Soon lust once more gripped her brain, and she began to shout in frustration, straining against her bondage. The sight of dozens of others coupling madly all about, another tease out of reach, the sights and sounds aroused her more.
Exiting the building unseen was simple. After leaving the auction room, the agile thief took the stairs she had seen earlier up to the second level, opened a window, then spider crawled down the buildings side. As always the suits molecular adhesion worked perfectly. She was back to her bike, had her suit back to a swirly party color, and was off into the warm night in minutes.
Talyn next stopped at Rayne’s building. She liked the blond woman, and found herself respecting her in an odd way. Unlike Trina and Kendra, who she saw as amateurs, Rayne seemed like someone who took pride in doing things right, or at least played to win, and if she had been ready, could have given some real trouble. “I got very lucky with her” considered the thief.
Talyn found Rayne still bound on the floor where she had left her.
“Hi cutie.” The blond said, with a mischievous smile, as the thief walked into the room.
“You don’t know if I’m cute!” snapped Talyn. Her voice modulator made it come out far deeper then she would have liked.
“Your suit leaves little to imagine. I can tell you have a great body, are in top shape, and have long hair. Skin tight suits you.” jousted the bound woman.
Talyn felt herself blushing, and was thankful the skin-suit hid the fact. She pulled the borrowed dress and sandals out of her back pouch, and tossed them onto the room’s bed. “I’d loose those into a recycler if I was you. The person who wore them is not going to be on Trina’s friend list.”
“Well shit. I liked that dress.” said Rayne who made a elaborate act out of pouting, then smiled. “Got what you wanted?”
Talyn nodded. “Yes, and we are going to talk more in the future. I think you can help me.” She hoped she sounded tough and mysterious.
“Always open to a good business deal” was the woman’s answer. Her smile extended to her eyes. Rayne wriggled. “What about this?” the blond nodded toward her bound body.
“Already handled. I’ve set a command for it to dust in an hour. It’s not that I don’t want to trust you, but,” Talyn laughed, “ I don’t trust you.... yet. I want to be good and away from here before you are loose. Even though I doubt you’d talk to Trina, as you gave me the way to her, I’m cautious.”
Rayne answered with a grin. “Of course you are. As I lay here, I figured out who you are, and what you wanted, oh Great Onyx Shadow!”. The blond could not keep a strait face, and chuckled. “You’d be quite the catch.”
“Lets just remember who caught who.” Joked Talyn back. “Remember, I’ll be in touch.” she added, and turned to leave.
“Nice ass!” was the last thing the thief heard from the blond as she left the room. Once again Talyn felt herself flush.
Leaving the bike behind for Rayne to deal with, Talyn walked to the nearest tubeway, keeping herself stealthed. As was usual after a successful mission, she was awash in a personal high. She wanted to get home, to see Don, and celebrate. She had WON! Now was time to enjoy! But getting back without leaving a solid trail was important.
The ride home was done in stages. She transferred all over the mazecar network just to be safe, adding in many stops, and round about paths that were not needful, she stayed cloaked, and was careful to not bump people. Slowly the thief proceeded back to New York City, the loft that was home, and her friends.
It was not until she was entering the building that she called home, and had decloaked, and dropped her hood, that Talyn remembered that she was still in ‘disguise’. With her hair blond and curly, and skin tone so much lighter. “It’s not as if it will fool any of my friends.” she thought, “But I bet Don will enjoy the changes if only for novelty.... once.” The thought turned her on. The nervous energy she always found after one of her trips was building in her, and a nice horizontal workout with her lover, would most defiantly ease that stress.
As Talyn palmed into the loft, she decided that she would pounce on Don first, perhaps live that dream she had this morning, then later, share her days worth of fun with her friends.
For the moment, the desire to TAKE, the NEED to get was quiet. Talyn was content.