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Adjuct Heart part 1 (f/f)


TMF Regular
Jun 6, 2011
This is my first story attempt please comment in any fashion you chose.

Adjuct Heart

It wasn't clear to Cyn how she ended up in this space. Space was the best way to describe it. All around her was darkness no light existed. The strangest thing was that Cyn could clearly see herself. She was wearing the red light armor battle suit that allowed her excellent maneuverability and durability it did sacrifice strength augmentation (as well as being unflattering to the her womanly hips and breasts.). That also wasn't a major drawback Cyn possessed incredible strength and speed even for a Amazon as a swordswoman she had no equal even now as she brought her plasma saber up she could see that even it's blazing fury could caste no light. It glowed sure enough but only the bright neon of the main plasma jet. A one foot red beam that under normal conditions would ignite air around her make a five foot super heat flame would be wielded. Wherever she was had no air and light couldn't exist, had she been a scientist she would have pondered over the implications of being able to live in and seeing in such an environment. But she was a warrior and not given to flights of useless pondering. She did what she did best she got angry. "What is the meaning of this." she somehow she managed to make the simple question a threat. The rage and venom in her words were palatable to the point making anyone that heard it shiver with fear. Unfortunately for Cyn her captor was not anyone. She seemed to melt out of the darkness like a person would step out of a pool. First emerged a dark skinned raven haired head her eyes were exceptionally beautiful. As more of her came into view it was Cyn could see a striking gorgeous woman in a long cocktail dress whose designer seemed to be inspired by a man's business suit. The dress was black with long tight sleeves with attached cuffs of a lighter duster color gray and the dress itself had a high split on the right side that afforded an excellent view of the long shapely legs and elegant black high heeled shoes. Cyn was never much for small talk an in her present state of uncertainty she was even more impatient. Cyn saw her as a threat she was a threat had to be a threat and there was only one way to deal with threats. Cyn charged at least that's the best description of her rapid approach to her target. Then she lunged with the full extent of her less than broad sword. When her sword meets its mark (have you ever hit a concrete pillar with an aluminum baseball bat swung with all you might, that would be the most accurate description of the sensation that was resounding in Cyn's hands and arms.). The strange woman's eyes were still closed she hadn't moved one inch from Cyn's massive impact. In fact to Cyn's surprise the woman was moving Cyn's 7,000 degree plasma sword away from her with her bare hand. To be accurate it was the back of her hand, the hand that had blocked the impact a hand that moved faster than Cyn could perceive. “Must we resort to such brash actions, I brought you here in the hopes that we could talk about your future.” The woman’s voice was like spun silk sensual and seductive. Upon hearing her Cyn felt an urge to hear more till her rage at the situation got the better of her. “There is nothing for you to say to me. Take me back now.” Cyn’s was leading her elite troops in combat against Humean forces on a strategic planet. It was hard fighting and just when Cyn though she would end it by destroying the commander of the Humean forces she found herself in this place. The woman smiled sweetly I’m sorry I can’t do that. We still have to talk about your future.” With that her eyes opened and Cyn could see that they were nothing but swirling voids with specks of gold spiraling into oblivion. Fear crept into Cyn’s heart for the perhaps the first time. There had been times when she had been anxious even worried, but this was truly the first time she felt fear soul ripping, logic stripping, unquestionable fear. Cyn begins to swing her sword wild and ineffective. Swatting at her opponent with no effect but broadening the smile on the woman’s face. Cyn kicks off of one of the woman’s blocks her frightened attacks not working gives her reason to calm down and reassess the situation. Her opponent seems to materialize in her face. Her hands with their dark black nails grab and dig into her body armor with one pull she rips three inch thick Xintral Desrtine composite armor from Cyn’s shoulders and hips with the easy of a child tearing paper, revealing her dull red cloth under shirt and panties. The attack is shocking to Cyn who rolls away before the woman can take another hand full of her armor. It is also fortunate as Cyn pulls the detonator out of her right hip cargo compartments and pressed the button. In less than a second 12 nanograms of Atris 68 release from an electromagnetic field to combine with 5 grams of Grefod 34 to create a force concussion blast in the 4 dragon spawn grenades in the woman’s hand, coupled with the condensed carbon slivers that make up the grenade’s body make it one of the most lethal anti personal weapons ever conceived. Cyn is too close to ground zero and the blast throws her back wards or upwards, the lack of a gravitational reference in this space makes it impossible to determine. She manages to come to a stop some distance form the explosion a very sudden stop as a matter of fact. There is no sign of the woman and Cyn nearly breaths a sigh of relief when she feels a distinct breath on the nape of her neck. “You are a feisty one. That makes this all the more sweet.” Cyn’s assailant grabs the armor on her back while placing her high heeled foot in the small her back with a swift motion she pulls Her back armor completely off. Cyn can feel the freedom from her back plating and but decides that if she must die today she will die bravely With nothing left but her hands and the tattered remnant of some of the most advanced armor in the galaxy Cyn goes on the offensive. It is all in vain as each one of Cyn’s attacks is blocked effortlessly by the strange woman. Not only is it in vain but with each blocked attack the woman takes more of Cyn’s armor. The fact that the woman is toying with her is not lost on Cyn as each failed attempt to defeat her opponent fuels her rage. Completely devoid of any other technique and stripped down to her form fitting undershirt and panties. Cyn seethes with anger. She is exhausted from her attempts and the only thing keeping her on her bare feet is the infinite rage that courses through veins. She wants to tear the woman apart. “Okay I’ll give you one shot. Take me down if you can.” The woman raises her hands high and closed her eyes. Cyn does nothing in fear it is a trap. “What, too honorable to strike an opponent when they aren’t looking or too are you just doshtal.”The insult is an ancient one it means that her ancestors, her family, her sibling are weak and feeble therefore she is weak. That word is the greatest of all insults to a Amazons. With an animal’s fervor Cyn screams and charges her opponent in a flying tackle. She wraps her arms around her in an effort to wrestler her to the ground (which given there location is anyone’s guess.). Cyn squeezes the woman tight trying to crush her. Usually she would be rewarded with an all too satisfying crunch of spinal column and organs being pushed out like fresh squeezed toothpaste, but not today. Today she felt the lightest of touches on her back. It was a strange sensation not quite an itch but a very light stroke at the base bottom of her shoulder blades. This made Cyn constrict even harder as she was certain her attack was having an effect as she squeezed more the stronger the sensation became. It was so odd Cyn had never felt this before out of reflex alone she began to twitch from these touches on the sensitive skin of her back. Then with a devious smile the woman glide a single nail down from the nape her neck to the small of her back. Cyn recoiled and let go instantly there was a tingle in her spine she couldn’t understand. She jumps back and takes a fighting pose ready to counter any more of her adversary’s strange techniques. When she looks at her opponent though she can see that she is engrossed in the study of a large piece of cloth the same color and it appears to be the same fabric as her under shirt. Cyn looks down to see that it is her under shirt the woman had stripped it from her when she jumped back. Leaving Cyn in nothing but her red panties, being a soldier Cyn is used to being nude in the presence of others there were many times when during mass physical inspections everyone would bare all and allow the doctors to do their job effectively. But that last strange attack still left a strange tingle in Cyn’s skin with her shirt gone she felt even more vulnerable so that she attempted to cover her generous chest with her arms. The woman drank in the scene before her. Here was this powerful warrior perhaps the most powerful of her time stripped and humiliated before her. It was all she could do not salivate openly that didn’t stop other areas of her body from demonstrating their “This has really been fun Cyn but now it is time to get to business.” The woman releases the t-shirt and floats in thin air she then makes four slicing motions with her hands cutting the shirt into 4 long strips and one large square. She waves her hands over the fabric and strange symbols and markings in black form on them afterwards the cloth pieces themselves begin to Flow and wave as if the possessed life. Cyn swings her fist at the approaching menace just to have one of the strips snake around her wrist and pull her arm high above her head. The other pieces of cloth attach themselves to her remaining extremities. Pulling Cyn in an x frame position, Cyn ties to break free of the grips of these possessed strips of cloth but finds them too strong for even her might. She struggles and screams as tries to rip her own arms from the socket in an attempt to strike once more at the villain before her. “There is no need to be so anger Cyn. In fact after a short time I am sure I will be able to turn that frown of yours up-side-down.”Cyn prepared to spit in the woman’s face but as soon as prepared to the last square of cloth lashed out and threaded itself into her mouth just to forma tight ball gag the Cyn couldn’t dislodge. Cyn was trapped half naked unable to fight (unable to move) even unable to voice her unrest. All she could do was smolder in fury. The woman circled Cyn taking in her handy work. As she did so she ever so softly traced Cyn waist line with her nail. The sensations return made Cyn quiver, this woman’s touch had a way of making Cyn’s skin want to crawl away from itself. It was very annoying. As the woman came around to stop in front of Cyn she spoke again. “How rude of me I haven’t even introduced myself and you have become so comfortable before me. My name is Desmonia and you have something that doesn’t belong to you.” Had Cyn not been gagged she would have retorted with every curse imaginable, but knowing the futility of trying to speak past the gag she just chose to let her eyes convey her message. I will kill you for this those eyes said not in a threatening manner oh no she was so far past hate for her opponent at this point no English word can depict it no Cyn was in Horshep, a very rare state of mind for an Amazon. When in Horshep they can think only of their one enemy and nothing else matters no orders, no rules, no honor can stand between them and the enemy that had wronged them so. In Horshep the Amazon would be so engrossed with her enemy that the very thought of anyone else slaying that enemy could drive them mad with. Now that I think of it only one word in the English language comes close to describing this emotion ‘Love’. Cyn eyes were a cool mask of the purest hate and disdain yet Desmonia seemed not to care in the slightest. Desmonia just stroked her nails those strong sharp nails back and forth over Cyn taunt abs her movements made easier by the layer of sweat on her skin. With each of those little movements Cyn’s muscles convulsed she couldn’t understand it the sensation wasn’t painful it was almost pleasant but the same time it was unbearable. And during this time a strange urge was coming over her an urge to laugh. It was silly and stupid you never laughed at your enemy even when you had long returned to the dust they came from. To laugh in your enemies face was disrespectful and she so wanted to respect Desmonia she wanted to beat her within an inch of her life and drag her still breathing body to the great flame of Theana where trained healers would keep her alive while she hacked each limb off with a semi sharp ceremonial blade and through each hunk of meat into the fire. Till all that remained was the torso then she would climb the spire hold the bloody limbless torso over the fires with her bear hands letting each part of still living victim burn. She would relish in those screams and wails of anguish till her victim finally expired. Then she would saw off the burnt remanent and have her preserved and mounted in her ancestral home for al her progeny to see. She couldn’t very well mare such a prestigious event with laughing for no reason, but it seemed she couldn’t help it. Cyn thrashed about her hips and torso, were free to move but they proved unable to out maneuver the knowing fingers pressed and stroked her now. Cyn could feel the sensation gaining more and more control over her as she jumped and bucked in response to each and every one of Desmonia’s touches. “It seems your belly is a little ticklish. Now, what about these lovely ribs?” Desmonia’s hands ascended upwards and began poking Cyn’s ribs with as if they were the keys of data terminal. Cyn began to panic never before had she been placed in this type of situation nor had she ever felt this strange contradictor sensation. Ticklish was the word the vile woman had used, Cyn was ticklish and it appeared her ribs were very ticklish as she jerked and sputtered from behind the cloth gag. Desmonia gave each and every rib individual attention. Fluttering her finger up and down with a harpist grace and skill, soon the strain of trying not to laugh was painful. Cyn didn’t know if she could hold out for much longer. All her strength, all her great will was holding her lips tight and struggling to make her breathing even. A task impossible but not for an Amazon warrior her will could hold this would not get the better of her. Suddenly those evil talons darted from the ribs and plunged themselves into the taut flesh of her underarms. Cyns world was thrown apart her underarms were unbelievably ticklish. Cyn’s gagged shriek heralded the end of stark resistance. Desmonia almost laughed herself at the breaking of this Amazon’s futile resistance. It was all too easy soon she would have what she needed and she could go on to her next target. Cyn didn’t know laughter could be forced from a person. Laughter was something volunteered not taken. Ripped from her throat like the life of an enemy in combat, she laughed freely and unrestrained now that it was out of her it wanted to be free. The humiliation of the event enhanced her vulnerability making her ticklishness worse. Cyn could feel her body prickle, goose bumps formed all over her skin as her filtered laughter increased as Desmonia pressed harder into her delicate hollows. All the while Cyn detected a pulsation in the stomach an ache was forming in her it started as soon as the dark woman laid her fingers on her and only became more urgent as she continued her ministrations. Sweat dripped of her body as Desmonia continued her unrelenting assault of her underarms then suddenly she stopped. The abrupt halt to the torture Cyn was receiving was a welcome reprieve, but even without the woman’s tickling fingers Cyn felt the need to laugh she still felt the tickling like an echo in cavern it forced itself into her memory. It was some time before she could think even longer before she could breathe normally. Cyn was saddened by her weakness she had been conquered beaten her enemy gained what she wanted from her. Now there was nothing to do but concede her defeat. Desmonia lifted the solemn Amazon’s face by her chin. “Dear if you think I am done with you you’re sadly mistaken. I just wanted you to be completely aware of things before I moved to the next phase. Trust me you will enjoy it immensely. I’m a woman of my word.” The last whispered threat made Cyn’s heart skip a beat she found that she was holding her breath that she had to remember something basic as breathing, this woman was doing something to her that was more than just torture. Desmonia raised her hand before Cyn’s mouth the gag snaked itself out and slithered down Cyn’s back like a warm wet snake then it circled her waist and meanders through her cleavage. A strange moan came from Cyn’s lips as her teeth chatterd from the completely alien sensation. Tthe rag wet with her saliva felt like the tip of a warm tongue licking her body. Another motion from Desmonia caused the rag spread out enough to cover only the cleavage of Cyn’s breasts. Then she beckoned the morphing clothe to her with her pointer finger. The clothe slowly obeyed her it’s slippery wet surface still making contact with the sensitive skin of Cyn’s cleavage. A long guttural moan escaped Cyn’s lips and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Cyn had never known this type of touch before it was taboo to touch another Amazon save for the clasping of hands in greeting or the usual sparing match. Now that she was on the receiving end of such forbidding actions she understood completely why. Her nipples grew stiff as if the air were chilly. Desmonia traced her finger around its base. It tickled but not the same torturous way as the rib or under arm tickling. This tickled, but at the same time it did more. Cyn laughed and smiled as she closed her eyes. Desmonia stroked her left nipple than her right then her left again. For what felt to Cyn to be hours there was no reference for time in this dark space with no sound save her own moans of pleasure and her torments teasing. Each time she moaned louder and louder the tickling had primed her body and this new sensual touch stoked it. Her entire body was on fire with no hope of ever being quenched. Cyns body arched towards that simple technique she wanted it to continue she wanted it be more. All Amazon protocol and dogma screamed for her to stop to not allow this woman to have her in this way. Her body insisted that she do. “Now tell me what’s on your mind little warrior girl. Do you like what I do to you?” Cyn moaned and closed her eyes Desmonia pinched the nipple that she was just stroking. Cyn’s eyes opened and pleading with Desmonia to continue “Uh uh uh not until you say you like it. “ Cyn looked away, a far cry from her initial stubbornness. “If you say you like it I’ll do more for you much more.” With that Desmonia squeezes and kneads Cyn’s generous breasts. The result is a whimpering, shuttering mess. “I like it.” It was a faint reply but she said it she surrendered more to her captor. And it was worth it. Desmonia embraces Cyn like a long lost lover stroking her lovingly kissing her neck. Desmonia gyrates her hips rubs her leg on Cyn’s. Desmonia starts to tickle her back and the flare of her hips Cyn laughs an bucks her steaming womanhood coming in contact with Desmonia’s with each coaxed encounter Cyn feels a preasure building insider her. It is impossibly difficult to control her body. Her voice has become the obedient servant of this of Desmonia’s desires. Desmonia reached behind her and tickles the luscious spot where Cyn’s butt and her thighs meet. Cyn sequels and thrust her hips onto Desmonia’s waiting finger. For the first time ever Cyn’s clit is being touched for a purpose besides bathing. It is an enlightening experience one Cyn fears will rend her very soul asunder. She stiffens ready to bring her last iota of resistance to the task. Desmonia rips off Cyn’s underwear and throws it in the air the two segments morph into two long feathery tendrils. One floats down and dances in the very crack of Cyn’s ass. Cyn screams bloody murder and thrust herself into Desmonia. But to Cyn’s unfortunate dismay the only things she thrusts into is the other feathery tendril. Her vagina has become a gaping maw from the increased blood flow giving the invader full access, the tendril gives her clitoris a long stroke that forces Cyn to pull back and into the waiting ASSault of the rear tickler. Whose further tickling only thrust her back into the vagina tickler. Cyn’s blood deprived, hormone engorged, brain can’t compute any alternative to it’s (and please pardon my pun) ticklish predicament. And so she teeter-totters between the two as fast as she can, trying not to spend a sec in the embrace of either. The tendril lovingly stroking her puckered anus is torture of the purest of torture she screams laughter with every movement of the millions of soft filaments that caress that sensitive section of flesh. Her tortured body by reflex jumps seeking relief only to be assailed by another more dangerous opponent the clit tickler’s filaments are stiffer and move with a purpose to pleasure, the tickling is minute the pleasure is immense. And she voices that pleasure in groans of ecstasy. Her body hungers for that touch so till other thoughts feel like forgotten dreams all except one vague spore that entreated her to not give in. It was a small but insistent voice and Cyn listened to it though her body wanted more she knew it was right. So she flexes her tingling amorous love slit away and in into the ass tickler. Desmonia sits inclined in mid-air and stretches out the hours of torture and abuse she bestowed upon her first victim amazes her. She knew Amazon stubbornness was a force in itself. It was only a matter of time before she would have the first key of Socaler all with no sign of the opposition. Each iteration, Cyn’s voice of warning became quieter and quieter. Each self-inflicted torment of the Ass Tickler became shorter and shorter and every round with the clit pleaser becomes longer and harder to resist. Cyn is screaming in lust and torment simultaneously. Her throat is raw from the screaming only her unnatural stamina maintains her now any other Amazon would have lost consciousness from the extensive ordeal. Cyn’s feats of endurance at the hands of her oppressive adversary are commendable but even Amazons can’t win them all the tickling and pleasuring have took their toil and the end is insight. There is a deep throb inside Cyn as if something is trying to free itself from container that is too small. It was somthign wonder ful and frightening. Her hips seemed to take on a life of their own, they moved in a manner Cyn never performed before. They moved like there was something just out of her reach something important she just couldn’t shouldn’t grasp. It was right there pressing against every single cell in her body yet not quite there. It was close, closer. Desmonia waves her hand and the assault is haulted. Now Cyn screams from the neglect of her wanton desires. It couldn’t stop not now not when whatever that feeling was was just within reach. Cyn pulled on her binds they literally vibrate from the strain she places on them. Cyn is near madden from the denial till Desmonia whispers in her ear. “Will you like me to continue? Will you give me the gift of your submission?” “Yes please. I need your touch” there is no sign of the willful woman that first entered this place now there is only a shell of that once raging monster. “Please mistress, touch me more. I want it more than anything.” She was crying tears flowing freely her legs shook uncontrollably sweat covered her body and her hair was in such dishevel it would take a week to give it the disciplined style it once had. But that was all irrelevant now. Desmonia bent down to Cyn’s dripping snatch she parted the swollen lips and was greeted with a whimper on want and pinked pearl with no resistance. Desmonia’s tongue exstends under Cyn till it reaches her anus she makes one small circle around it Cyn mouth and eyes open in wordless expression as the tongue flicks with in the length of her crack and ravages the stretch of hyper sensitive, over abused skin from the small of her back to tip of her clit in one long lick. Cyn convulses as what feels like a tsunami pleasure overtakes her with crushing force. Cyn shudders and shakes parallised by ten minute fifty four second continuous orgasm. Red light streams from Cyn’s vagina and into Desmonia waiting mouth she sucks the read aura with gusto. Letting it’s warmth course through her body. With that Cyn’s body collapsed from the strain. Her fiery red Amazon hair dulls to a dusty crimson.
Desmonia opens her hands and fire is in them fire as wild as Amazon it licks an snarls like a wild beast wanting to be feed it is pure rage and Desmonia couldn’t be happier to have it. Desmonia lightly kisses Cyn’s forehead and casts her from her void space with a dismissive wave. Desmonia rolls up her right sleave inside her forearm a red flame tattoo glows bright as a green leaf tattoo pulsates and 5 other tattoos sit idle indicating the targets they represent are no where near Desmonia’s location. Desmopnia looks you straight in the eye “I can’t wait to find my next target. I have plenty of room for a salad. “.
I'd love to give your story a fair read, but this wall of text is too much. I'd implore you to edit your story with some breaks for paragraphs. 😉
Yeah I do need to do that. Looking at this store is like trying to climb a mountain. So let me break it into hills.
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