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Army Ties (armpits only) f/f


TMF Novice
May 6, 2002
My first time writing.

Feedback appreciated :)

Linda wondered how much longer she was going to have to lie on the stupid cot. She had been late to the last three drills, so to teach her a lesson, the sergeant had asked her to wait behind while everyone exited the barracks. When they were alone, the sergeant gave her a HUGE lecture, ending with tying her to a little metal cot and saying “If you like lying in bed so much, we’ll see how you like being in it all morning...”

Now, there she was, staring at the ceiling. She had already been here for an hour, how long could she be left like this? The sergeant must have at least thought about the fact that she would eventually have to go to the bathroom...She was sure any minute she would be freed? Right? This was getting ridiculous.

She heard the sound of someone entering the room. She glanced over hopefully, but her hopes were quickly dashed. It was Julie. Even though they saw each other every day, they had never actually spoken outside of introductions. Julie walked to her own bed, sat down, took off her boots, and began massaging her own feet through her socks, when Linda asked her “Did Sarge send you here?”

Julie jumped at the voice and looked for the source. It took her a few moments to finally see Linda. She frowned as she tried to figure out what she was looking at. There was Linda, in a green tank top, her arms over her head...but it didn’t look natural. Was she....tied...to the bed?

“Are you tied to that thing?” she asked with a slight smile and a look of disbelief as she slowly started walking over.

“Didn’t the Sarge send you here to release me?” asked Linda, a little puzzled....but hopefull.....

“No, she didn’t say anything about you, we were wondering what she had you doing...What are you doing?”

Linda couldn’t believe it. She must have been forgotten....she answered, a little embarrassed, “I’ve been late for the last couple of drills, so the Sarge is making me stay in bed because “I like it so much...”...” she said, rolling her eyes and shifting uncomfortably, “Why are you here?”

Julie walked around the cot, inspecting how she had been tied down, arms behind the head, feet at the end of the bed.

“I hurt my knee, so I was told to stop training for the day” said Julie, as she continued her circle around the immobile Linda, “It doesn’t look like she wanted you to get out of this, does it?” she stopped at Linda’s head, “I’ve never even heard of anything like this....I’d like to untie you, but if Sarge found out and didn’t want you released, I’d be in trouble...”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it” Linda said, staring up at Julie’s face, “ I can take whatever she throws at me...” and tried to shrug her shoulders, which made her realize her arms felt like they were falling asleep “Ahh...” she groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Julie asked.

“Nothing, my arms are getting pretty stiff, that’s all” she said, shifting them a second time to see if they still felt as bad.

Julie stared at her in thought, and a strange smile started crossing her face...”Maybe if we move them around a little we can get some blood flowing to them again” she said, leaning forward and placing her hands on Linda’s arms “I bet that would work” she said while a very inquisitive finger suddenly seemed to trace slowly along the inside of her armpit....just once...

Linda was startled. Julie was leaning forward with her hands lightly on Linda’s biceps, but she felt that little stroke and knew there were a couple of fingertips loosely dangling in her underarms...Only a couple had touched, but it was like shots of electricity going through them....she suddenly realized how vulnerable she was, but Julie was a virtual stranger....and she seemed pretty normal...she was just being nice ...and her arms wouldn’t really move anyway, she was done up too tightly, so it was a nice gesture but...

“No, it’s ok, I’ll probably get let out any minute” said Linda as she stared up at Julie...though she couldn’t help but wonder....why was Julie grinning like that? She supposed the whole situation seemed a little silly...”I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t mind” said Julie as she started doing little circles on her biceps with the heels of her palms, “I have nowhere I need to be right now.”

Linda wasn’t sure what was happening. Julie seemed like she wanted to be helpful, but her fingertips were definitely very close to the hollows of her arms, and every time she moved her palms, a few of them touched...just lightly....she may have even felt a slight wiggle once or twice...And although her fingertips had only made brief contact a couple of times, they tickled like crazy...but Julie couldn’t have known she was doing it.... the thought was just absurd......Still, Linda had to get those hands away from there, but if she said why - she could be placed in a world of trouble....

“No, really, I’ll be OK” she gave a little smile, ”it’s not really bothering me anymore”

“Hey, we’re a team” Julie said in a friendly but matter-of-fact tone, “We help each other out” and she kept rubbing her palms in small circles on her biceps, a little harder now, but those damn fingers were still randomly touching her pits, and it was beginning to seem like they were stroking her every couple of times...Julie also had this curious look about her, like she was happily anticipating something...

Linda felt uncomfortable about the way the other girl was staring and could feel her anxiety building up. This couldn’t be what it seemed. Why would this girl that she hardly knew want to do something like that? She searched her mind for another explanation, she couldn’t deny that Julie’s fingers were touching too often to be an accident, and it seemed to be getting more and more intentional every second....the only option she had was to stay as calm as possible to prevent the other girl from finding out how ticklish she was....but it was almost too late for that....think, think, think......

“I know!” said Linda, the desperation just faintly noticeable in her voice, “Would you mind going and reminding the Sarge that she left me here? She must have forgotten, it’s an honest mistake...”

“No” replied Julie, “That’s not a good idea”...she stopped her circles for a moment, but her fingers suddenly relaxed and drooped so they were constant contact with Linda’s armpits, “I don’t want her to think I’m telling her how to do her job, or I might end up next to you” ...she paused quickly as she gave a little giggle, looking down at Linda,” I’d hate to be in the situation you’re in...”....

The situation I’m in?....Linda was beginning to wonder which situation she was referring to? Being tied up like this, or....but before she could finish her thought, Julie suddenly resumed her “help”. She began making larger circles with her palms then she had been before, all of her fingers now gently sliding up and down, up and down the inside of her extremely delicate underarms...a part of her body that now seemed like a VERY intimate place to be touched, she’d never realized they were so sensitive.....Julie had to know what she was doing, those fingers were touching her intentionally...She noticed that Julie just kept smiling at her..watching her face intently for any little twitch....waiting...patiently...for any indication that Linda might be the slightest bit.....ticklish....

Linda knew that she mustn’t let Julie know the effect it was having....but Julie’s maddening touches kept coming..she was helpless....Linda fought the sensations as long as she could...she bit her cheek..she tried shifting around..but it was too much. The slightest hint of a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, and was gone in an instant...as soon as it had vanished she felt a couple of fingers on either side stroke her harder than the other ones, just a couple of times....coaxing the corner of her mouth back up again....
Linda was trying with everything she had to prevent another smile...but in the end she could not resist, and as the corners of her mouth lifted again, she could hear Julie let out a soft little giggle as her fingers went from stroking up and down to individual movements...each one of them coming to life and individually exploring around the hollows........

“Ok, would you take your hands off me now?” She demanded, in a final, desperate act, trying with everything she had to sound like she was still in control.

Julie just looked into Linda’s face with a soft, innocent smile...she seemed to have forgotten about moving her palms as her fingertips slowly, lovingly began to explore her underarms, trying to unlock all of their secrets..... Linda was about to explode.

“Did you hear me? Stop that!!”

“It’s OK.....” replied Julie soothingly,” Just relax.......just relax.....” she felt Linda’s body start to tremble and struggle underneath her as panic set in, she tried to get out of the way, but Julie’s hands just gently rested on her, moving along with her, her fingertips never missing a stroke, and even though her touches were so delicate, Linda felt like she was being electrocuted ...

“You fucking bitch!” Linda screeched, followed by a tiny squeal, “What’s wrong with you?”she snarled as she fought in vain to resist the sensation, “Stop it!....”
Julie’s fingers continued their soft methodical rape of Linda’s smooth hollows, Linda looked like she was in pain, her face contorted as she did what she could to fight what her underarms were telling her to do....she let out a yelp and gasped loudly and seemed to attempt leaping out of her skin....

“No!..Please!.haha!... you have to stop!” she pleaded.

“I'm sorry....I’m trying to be gentle....” said Julie as Linda was squeaking and begging to stop, her face contorted into a crazy smile, her body was involuntarily rocking and bouncing to help her escape....she was trying to talk, but her speech was reduced to babble....and the more she reacted, the more Julie smiled and affectionately probed the depths of those smooth, defenceless underarms......

Julie stared straight into Linda’s eyes...“Let it out” she cooed,”There’s no reason to be embarrassed...”

Linda fought and pulled when suddenly she began squealing hysterically as her body wrenched violently, it almost seemed as though the sound had been ripped right out of her....

“Awww.....That’s right......” said Julie, stroking over and over, her soft touching never stopped while Linda bucked and sputtered and screamed, “Just let it come naturally....”...Linda was screeching and laughing until she lost all control, eventually unable to even make a sound.....

Suddenly the door opened. Julie heard the sound and stopped,...The Sarge looked into the room, and without missing a beat, Julie stood up and asked “Is it OK if I untie her now? She has to pee...” ...Linda was below her, struggling to catch her breath
Linda could not focus enough to know what was happening.......Did Julie just say something?

The Sergeant replied “Yes, let her out..you guys can stay here for the rest of the day, we’ll be back by supper....” and promptly turned around and left......

Linda thought for a second and managed to recognize what was happening...someone else was there!!...she tried to shout “No! Wait!” but her voice was too week to carry the words....she kept trying to talk as Julie stared at the door somewhat absently and said ”Wow, that was pretty close....”

Linda could not believe she had missed her chance! She looked up at Julie trying to read her, what was this bitch going to do next? Try to rape her?....

Julie turned and looked down at her sweetly....she began to hum to herself as she casually sat down on the floor, adjusting to make herself comfortable.....Linda’s eyes went wide, “No!.....Bitch!.....you fucking bitch!.....Please!....You can’t!!”

Julie never said a word, she just kept humming quite happily as she casually snaked her wrists underneath Linda’s shoulders, seeming to take forever as she curled her hands upward towards Linda’s wide open and inviting pits...

Linda suddenly found herself wishing that Julie had decided to rape her as she felt those fingertips returning softly to the inside of her arms ...Julie paused as Linda grunted while she tried, with a couple of good twists, to shake those stupid fingers out, but let out a defeated whimper as she realized Julie was able to keep them there quite comfortably....her eyes were locked on Julie, terrified of what was coming next......Julie continued to hum to herself with an amused look on her face.....

“Why are you doing this???!!!” screeched Linda.

Julie suddenly stopped. She looked at her as though she hadn’t considered that question and turned away as though searching for an answer...Finally her gaze returned to Linda as she seemed to find one, “ I guess....” she said with another little smile, “...because I can...”...she gave a tiny shrug as her fingers wiggled into place....

Julie leaned forward with her lips just inches from Linda’s ear...“Now...” she whispered softly, her fingers slowly resuming their gentle stroking,” Where were we?....”
Excellent story. Well written, I especially like the vivid description as Linda slowly
loses the battle to keep from laughing. Hope you are planning a part two and let
us know how Julie spends the rest of the day with her captive audience.
Thanks for the positive responses :)

I have other story ideas, just not a lot of time....I'll try to put something else together when I get the chance :)
More more!! This was so hot... Hoping for a continuation or maybe a later revenge. You have a talent for detail.

Excellent job! This is the kind of story I most enjoy, with the psychological aspect of tickling put front and center. The way you gradually build up the tension and drama of Linda's struggle not to laugh is outstanding. Only one minor suggestion: when the time comes for the ticklee to actually break, it would be great to have a little bit more of a "payoff." Let's hear her laugh--slowly at first, and then with more and more force. It doesn't have to go on for pages, but I feel that all your fine work should culminate in some powerful laughter. (I'm also one of those who enjoys seeing some of the laughter written out in words: hahahahaha, hehehehehe....)

I really look forward to more stories from you, just like this one.

Thanks for your efforts!

dig dug dog
Thanks for the advice, I considered writing in the laughter and then (obviously) decided to allow the reader to imagine it. I personally am not a big fan of the persons laugh being included in the story, and felt it might take away from my own, but perhaps if I try my hand at writing again I will attemt to include it...

If I may quote mySELF

If I may quote mySELF regarding almost any tickling situation, "Please, don't stop!"

Write some more of this. I love armpits, and this is perfect!
This was an amazing story! Very well written, great narrative, very well done. I loved literally everything about it. The setup where Linda isn't sure if she's being tickled or not and the slow increase in the light tickling and then struggling to resist laughing, a smoothly progressing story that is just great work all around. :)

Lighter tickling is so rarely done really well, but this story is just about perfect.

There's always a bit of a debate about writing out the laughter versus just leaving it to imagination... I always feel the endless "hahahas" detract from readability and much prefer things left as you did, but of course others prefer the written-out form and there is nothing wrong with that.

Do keep at it Koko, you've quite the gift. :)
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, I have started a new one, will prob take some time, but I will post when finished...

Thanks for the positive feedback everyone, I have started a new one, will prob take some time, but I will post when finished...


Looking forward to it, Koko. If possible, please post a note on this thread when the new story is ready so that your readers can know that it's there.

Thanks much,

dig dug
man, that is a great story. please do part two where she tickles her feet. and part three where she tickles her ribs.
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