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Bad Advice FF/f [BRAND NEW]


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Hey folks, Here's a brand new story requested by a fellow TMF member. I don't know his user name only his real name so I won't mention it here. The concept was his I just wrote the words. Any and all comments are appreciated. Enjoy! :D

"Bad Advice" (FF/f)

By TickleMantis.

Grey clouds closed in and another day was done as the evening began to cast itself over the near empty Elk City High. All the students had left promptly after three pm, those with other activities not long after four. Now nearing six o'clock only a few teachers remained, yet curiously out the front of the large dimming school, a single car screeched angrily to its entrance.

Climbing from the dark red s.u.v was Cindy and despite her obvious irritation towards something it could not make her any less sexy. The day itself had been warm so the annoyed mother, clearly on business regarding her daughter, was still wearing her size six dark brown sandles with the golden coloured linking. At 38 years old the petite 5'3ft blonde would have had any of the male students attention had they been present.

"I'm looking for the school counseler!" Cindy said sternly to the slightly older tall dark haired woman shuffling papers as the much shorter blonde entered the administration block.

"Um...Oh you must mean Tracy, if she hasn't left for the day she should still be in her office. I can take you there." Said the dark haired woman as she let her papers rest on the receptionist bench and spoke calmly to the clearly irrate Cindy. "I'm Janice, one of the music teachers here at the school. What seems to be the problem?"

While Janice led Cindy through the corridors of Elk City High the no less annoyed mother explained the reason behind her sour mood. It seemed Tracy, the schools guidance counseler, had given Cindy's daughter advice which she most certainly did not agree with. The problem was Cindy's daughter had been getting tickled, a lot, by a group of boys. According to Cindy's daughter the boys were relentless, even going so far as to trap her in broom closets and tickle her there. The advice, as it were, was to simply let them tickle her as it was not causing actual physical harm. Cindy could not believe her ears when her daughter had told her less than half an hour ago and immediatley jumped into action.

"Its right through here, although like I say she may have gone home." Janice opened the wooden door with the frosted glass window reading 'Guidance Counseler' in straight formal lettering.

Not even bothering to say thankyou Cindy stormed through the door and practically slammed it behind her. Sure enough, sitting quietly at her desk was Tracy with her long dark curly hair, about 5'11ft in height, sexy athletic build and coincidentilly she too was wearing similar sandals to Cindy. Pausing for a moment Cindy stood furious unsure now how to approch the sitution, Tracy simply sat up and looked inviting and friendly as her training had taught.

"Can I help you...?" Tracy asked sitting back in her chair and smiling unaware the woman was annoyed at her.

"You...you told my daughter she should let people tickle her?!?" Cindy walked foward sternly, her cute butt firmly wrapped by the dark blue skirt she wore. "Do you have any idea how ticklish my dauhter is??"

"Oh...oh your daughter must be Kirsten...well look if theres a problem, please sit. I'd be more than happy to discuss it." Tracy remember giving the eighteen year old student that advice earlier on that day and was a little confused as to why Cindy thought the advice was bad.

"Look, these boys are clearly harrassing my daughter and you simply tell her to let them continue??" Cindy didn't sit down, instead she leant over the desk although her 5'3 figure didn't come off as menacing as he she thought. "Have you ever been harrassed like that? Because let me tell you if you were half as ticklish as myself or my daughter you would have never given her such awful advice!"

"On the contrary, I am quite ticklish myself." Tracy admitted hoping to bring some common interest and therefore more friendly a tone to the situation as she pushed futher back in her chair. "I simply told Kirsten that because the boys will no doubt stop when she no longer asks them to quit. If they think she hates being tickled then they will continue...do you see?"

"Tell me then Tracy, how often to you get tickled?" Cindy said moving around the desk in an effort to be more intimidating towards the still sitting counseler. "Because the last time I was tickled there was no way in hell I could simply not ask them to stop!"

"Well I'm very sorry you feel that way and I'm sure we can have a chat to these boys but for the moment I'm going to have to ask you to step back behind the desk." Tracys chair swirled but had no wheels so without standing the dark haired 37 year old could not retreat from Cindy who seemed determined to get closer and closer.

"Oh no, no, no. I'm going to show you. See if you can put your own advice to practice." Cindy was off the rails angry at the assumption someone as ticklish as her daughter could simply let people tickle her without pleading for mercy.

"Excuse me! What are you doing! I really must protest!" Tracy didn't want to be violent as Cindy suddenly crouched down and grabbed ahold of the brunette's smooth long legs, the confused woman trying to pull and pry her legs away without hurting the crazy blonde. "What are you doing? Stop this at once!"

"Not a chance you useless hack." Cindy said holding both Tracy's tugging ankles securley in the crook of her right arm while quickly unsnapping the frightened woman's sandles with her free hand. "Lets see if you can simply let someone tickle you!"

"Oh no! Don't do that! EEP!" Tracy shut her eyes tight and gripped the side of her chair as she tried desparatley to ignore the sudden tickling sensations running all over her bare soles when Cindy's free hand fingers began dancing around the soft milkly feet. "...no...mmmphh....no no...AH HA! AHAHAHAH!"

Tracy thrahsed side to side and it was only seconds before she fell, in fits of forced laughter, completley out of her chair and onto the carpetted floor. Cindy didn't care her victim had fallen, she was far too mad and needed to punish this ill-advise giving harpy by continuing to relentlessly tickle. The fall barley registed for Tracy either, who cackled while now completley out of control as she bucked and screamed with obvious intense ticklishness.

"See? Not so simple is it? Just stop begging me! Just stop asking me to stop and I will!" Cindy teased.

"HAHA STOAHAP!" Tracy screamed with ticklishness, realising all too late how terrible her advise had been as she herself was forced to plead for mercy. "OH PLEEEHEHESE! Stop! HHAHAHAHA!"

Tracy was as ticklish as Cindy was merciless. All poor Tracy could do was roll from side to side as her back arched while Cindy's long wiggling nails scrambled over her wrinkly bare soles. After the first few minutes Tracey's soles were becoming a light shade of pink and just as she began to struggle for air, Cindy cruelly changed tatics.

"Just stop begging! All you have to do is stop begging me!" Cindy taunted as Tracey squealed when her blonde tickler's nails found their way underneath her toes. "Oh you like that don't you? You must like it or else you'd stop begging me!"

Cindy and Tracey, despite their differences, actually had a lot in common. Both women were very ticklish and contrary to Cindy's taunting that Tracey liked being tickled, both of them absolutley hated being tickled. Tracey was going insane as tears began to weep from her eyes and roll down her rosey red cheeks. No one had ever tickled Tracey this long and ecspecially beneath her toes, her most ticklish of all spots. With each stroke and torturous scrape of Cindy's long nails beneath the cackling Tracey's cute little sensitive toes the poor woman had no choice but to scream with laughter and hopelessly plead for mercy.

"HAHAhaha..heee..haha..oh god.." Tracey lay gasping for air, her tummy heaving when the tickling suddenly stopped as she tried to comprehend the bizzare situation, not noticing Cindy was simply changing posistion. "...Wh-what are you doing?...please I hate being tickled...this is illegal!"

"Well you should've thought of that before you went handing out your so called 'advise' to my poor daughter." Cindy used her mom mentality on Tracy as she straddled the panicking woman's bare ankles causing Tracey's frantically wiggling feet to poke out from between Cindy's skirt covered thys. "I'm going to teach you what happens to useless guidence councelers when they give their useless advise!"

"No! WaiIIIEEEAHA!" Tracey squealed as Cindy was now free to attack her poor bare feet with all ten tickling fingers. "HAHAH NONOOOHOHOHOAHAHA!"

This was far worse than before for poor Tracey whose uncoordinated bucking and thrashing had increased along with the number of fingers tickling her. Although Tracey's arms were free the cackling woman could not hit or grab her tickler to save herself. Due to the fact she was so ticklish poor tracey became incredibly out of control and could not make a concious movement no matter how much she wanted to.

Sweat began to form on Tracey as she soon became exhausted from all her tortured laughter. Cindy was truly sadistic with her relentlessness, unstopping like some sort of tickling machine. The mad blonde just kept tickling and tickling all over Tracey's soft soles. In a particularly cruel move Cindy used her palms to push back Tracey's toes on either foot, then used her fingers to claw and scramble all over the outstreched arches.

Begging for mercy was no longer a problem, Tracy couldn't do it. By this point, as Cindy wiggled her fingers non-stop beneath Tracey's hyper ticklish toes, the poor tickled woman could only laugh. It didn't bother Cindy, she had no plans of stopping whether or not her victim did stop pleading. Cindy hadn't really taken into account what she was doing to the poor guidence counceler, she was simply so annoyed about the advise given to her daughter. Not being a violent person the attractive blonde mother saw this as a perfect was to punish the woman who had caused her child distress.

"What going...oh my god!" Janice said having walked all the way into the office as she peered over the desk at the sight of her co-worker being helplessly tortured. "What are you doing you crazy woman?"

"Look-" Cindy said embarressed as she climbed to her feet not sure exactley how she would explain this. "Its not what it looks like, this woman-"

"It looks like you were tickling poor Tracey here far beyond breaking point." Janice said matter of factly as she grabbed Tracey's hand and pulled her exhausted colleuge to a comfortable sitting posistion. "What the heck is going on? I mean is this because of what she told your daughter?"

"She told my daughter to just let the boys tickle her" Cindy said straightening her shirt and trying to not appear like a crazy person. "I was simply showing her how impossible that is."

"...uh huh." Janice replied now seeing the slightly warped logic of the once irrate but now simply embarassed mother while Tracy sat against her desk and continued to catch her breath as she wiped tears from her eyes. "So what about you?"

"Excuse me?" Cindy asked completley confused by the question and what appeared to be a sudden change in topic.

"What about you? Have you been tickled?" Janice asked walking towards Cindy as she towered over the blonde woman's smaller figure, Cindy having nowhere to go except the corner of the room.

"I-ahem...I have been tickled very much, and I hate it." Cindy said stepping back unsure and slightly fearful as to where this was going. "In fact I'm probably more ticklish than my daughter and Ms Tracey here put together."

"Is that right?" Janice began wiggling her fingers in tickling motions towards the smaller woman who had now backed herself completley into the office corner.

"What are you doing! Don't you dare! You'll loose your job!" Cindy said coming off more scared than angry as she put her hands up in stopping motions to try and stop the advancing attacks. "Don't! Eep! Stop that!"

Quickly Janice whipped her hands in and out towards Cindy's blouse covered torso. Cindy tried with great desparation and fear to stop each attack but they were short lived and anticipation of a big launch assalt was fearfully looming. The panicking blonde knew what she had done was wrong and was willing to apoligise, her anger was no excuse for such behaviour. But and eye for an eye? There was no way Cindy could take being tickled under any circumstances...and god help her if they ganged up on her.

"C'mon now" Janice darted from side to side with a very determined look on her face as she suddenly swooped and gripped Cindy's ribs, pushing the smaller woman's arms either side. "Its only fair!"

"EEEE!" Cindy squealed with ticklish terror as she leant foward involuntarally, her ribs being squeezed in quick sucession. "STOP IT! STOP IT!"

For the first few seconds Cindy was too mad to succumb to the ticklishness but before long her body betrayed her. Cindy's knees gave way as a direct result of her weakness when tickled and she fell, curling in a hysterical half ball on the carpet as Janice dug her long nails into the poor blonde's soft rib cage. Janice was surprised as the once irrate mother howled beneath her wiggling fingers, Cindy certainly hadn't lied about how ticklish she was.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a ticklish little girl here Trace." Janice said as she grabbed one of Cindy's wrists and dragged her across the carpet giggling and struggling as they went.

"What are you doing?! Stop it! Get off me!" Cindy screamed having gathered herself and reverted back to fearful anger as Janice forced Cindy to roll onto her stomch and sat her heavier frame on the weaker blonde's petit body. "Get off! I demand you let me go!"

"Time for some revenge Tracey?" Janice asked as she kneeled over the small of Cindy's back pinning the struggling woman's arms to her sides as her wiggling blonde head screamed with anger behind the taller, stronger music teacher who sat on top of her. "I think Cindy really wants you to tickle her."

"Oh I bet she does." Tracey wandered around the desk and knelt down before Cindy's kicking upturned legs with much enthusiasm for her well earned revenge. "In fact she told me she loves having her feet tickled!"

"I most certainly did not! Help! Heeelppp!" Cindy bucked as hard as she could and kicked panicked kicks when she felt her sandles being tampered with by the once tortured guidance councelor. "No! Don't tickle me! I'm sorry! Please!"

"Oh its a bit late for that..." Tracey teased as she held Cindy's struggling right ankle with one hand and unbuckled the sandal with her other. "I think we'll have to tickle you all night!"

"NO!" Cindy screamed at the sudden thought of such an outlandish idea as her sandal was suddenly stripped from her foot.

Dropping Cindy's now bare, and very cute soft little foot, Tracey concerntrated on catching the other kicking leg. While Janice sat queitly watching and Tracey held Cindy's other foot to the floor as she undid the buckles of the remaining sandal, the mother come soon to be tickle victim screamed and begged for release. Cindy really did hate being tickled which is why she was so sympathetic to her daughter's plight and why she had been so angry when she'd heard the advise Tracey had given. Being this ticklish meant Cindy had often had trouble with boyfriends most of which couldn't resist pinning her down and attacking her intensley sensitive feet.

"Here it comes ticklish girl!" Tracey taunted as Cindy's soft bare feet fearfully kicked up and down before her and the poor blonde struggled more than ever for release.

"NO! No please!" Cindy begged with genuine fear as tears of anticipation welled up in her eyes. "AH HEY!"

For not even a second Tracey began landing her fingers as her hands chased the elusive bare feet. Tracey knew full well she could simply pin the woman's feet and torture away but a mind game seemed more fun as she darted her hands in and out causing Cindy to give the quick squeals and squeaks in response.

"Look at this, your feetsies are everywhere. Can't have that." Tracey said wickedly when she soon became bored of her chase game, sitting to one side with her back to Cindy, Tracey was able to lock the crying blonde's upturned right sole in the crook of her right arm. "Oooh look at this ticklish little foot..."

"AHAHAH!" Cindy screamed in ticklish angony, both Janice and Tracey were surprised at just how incredibly ticklish Cindy was. "AHAHAH NOOO HAHAAHA!"

With Cindy howling beneath her Janice struggled even more to hold the crying woman down. The tall music teacher couldn't believe how much this petit blonde mother was bucking and thrashing, clearly not enjoying the experience despite her intense laughter. Watching her collegue obviously take great pleasure in tickling this womans trapped, yet wiggling foot, Janice was not going to be left out for long. Never one to miss out on a good time the sexy brunette scrambled foward and suddenly locked Cindy's once free kicking left leg in underneath her left arm. Following Tracey's technique Janice too began using her free hand to dance her long nails over Cindy's soft bare foot.

"Ohh your in big trouble now Cindy!" Tracey smiled as she admired her collegues quick yet cruel thinking.

"NOOOHHOOOAHHA! AAAAHAHAHA!" With her arms now free Cindy clawed desparatley at the carpet infront of her to try and crawl towards the door but with the two tickling teachers holding her ankles tight the poor blonde was truly trapped. "FUHAHAH STAHAHA NOHAHAHA!"

With each rapid stroke of five long nails quickly caressing each silky light pink sole Cindy could only scream and plead as she tried and tried desparatrley to crawl away. Not since her last relationship had she been tickled so much and never had she been attacked by two people at once. The screaming blonde's toes curled as her feet hopelessly wiggled to try and avoid the endless strokes and pokes but even when the tickling stopped Cindy knew they were only getting a better posistion, which meant far more terrible torture.

"Oh I've got a wicked idea for you naughty girl." Janice said as she straddled the back of Cindy's leg bending the crying blonde's knee so her bare heel and calf muscle pressed up against the sexy music teacher's large breasts, her sole only inches from the brunette's chin. "We've got something special for you."

"No! Stop this! What are you doing!? HELP!" Cindy screamed and rolled side to side in pure desparation as Tracey the guidence councelor followed suit when she too held onto Cindy's other ankle and sat her bare foot only inches from her chin. "You've done enough! I'm sorry! Pleeeaaasseee!"

"Oh-oh too late for that missy." Tracey said as both her and Janice bent Cindy's toes back streching the woman's soles nice and taught. "Tell me though, have you ever had your foot licked?"

"NOOOOOOAAAAH!" Cindy screamed almost breaking her voice when she felt the excrutiating sensation of two long wet woman's tounges slurping up her streched out and very trapped ticklish arches. "HAHANO! NONO! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Almost ripping the carpet from the floor as she clawed it, Cindy was being driven completley insane. With both her feet upturned and pressed against Janice and Tracey's breasts accompanied by the weight of their bodies sitting on her thys the poor tortured blonde could only scream with tormented laughter as two long wet tounges slipped inbetween her cute litte toes. No longer able to form actual words Cindy's laughter began to grow hoarse with fairly strong sobs from crying occasionally coming through.

Being unable to break free was the most frightening part. The tickling itself weakened the tortured mother terribly and being out numbered only fed the fear. Feeding also like starved wolves were Janice and Tracey who seemed insatiable while they licked viciously at Cindy's pink little soles. With her hair sticking to her face from the exhaustive sweating and her cheeks a bright shade of red it was no surprise when, after several hellish minutes, Cindy's voice was lost and only tiny squeaks and crying blubbers were heard.

"Looks like our little tickle-bug has run out of steam." Said Tracey licking her lips while Janice continued to paint the balls of Cindy's left foot with her tounge. "I guess now she'll know better than to question us teachers huh?"

With that Tracey began feeding once again as Janice now proped her head up and replied "Now thats good advice."

Very good

Excellent story. I love teacher and proff and related stories :)
Very nice...I loved the double team and the foot tickling, the licking was GRRREEAAAT :D
really nice story! glad to see you writing again. any more stories on the way?
Hey P.T nice to hear from you. :D I was actually in the middle of a multi-part story with my most ticklish character ever when I got this request via e-mail.

I figured I'd finish the request before continuing and the reason I haven't posted any of the early parts is incase I don't finish the later parts for a while. A while back I did a story called 'Alternate Carriers', posted the first part when the second wasn't finished and have since left people waiting...although I'm sure they've long forgotten by now.

Don't like leaving people waiting so I've made a rule of finishing all parts before posting the first parts. Thanks for all the great comments guys I'm glad you liked the story, I must say it was interesting to write one with a non-sexual theme.


T.M :D
Great story, Mantis!! As a future teacher or counselor, this was my cup of tea. well, all but the licking.
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