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Bath time, tickle time (m/f, bit of adult theme)


TMF Novice
Mar 16, 2007
Bath time tickle time (m/f and a bit of f/m)

With a creek the front door opened. Alice entered the house, followed by Simon and a wall of bitter coldness. They both placed their shopping bags on the floor; Simon shut the door whilst Alice rubbed her hands together to shake out the numbness. “I'll put the kettle on” Alice stated walking to the kitchen. “I'll put the heating on” Simon replied, turning the thermostat right up into the 20's.

It was a mid December Sunday, busy with work Simon and Alice had delayed Christmas shopping until the last moment. They had foolishly decided to make a day of it by travelling to Liverpool to do their shopping. Simon had suggested they leave the car behind after hearing that the roads were packed and instead they took the train. They knew Liverpool shopping area would be crowded but they had not anticipated that it would be as busy as it was. It was difficult to move around the shops and they had to give up as it approached 5pm with not all the shopping done. To top off the day the heating on the return train journey seemed to be turned off. So they arrived at home, frozen to the bone, their woolly hats, scarves, jumpers, gloves and coats doing little to keep out the cold feeling.

As the kettle took its sweet time Alice helped Simon put away the shopping. Neither of them took of their coats as the house didn't feel much warmer than the frozen hell they had just escaped from. After an eternity the kettle finally decided to click. Alice eagerly poured a coffee and tea, and brought them into the front room where Simon was standing with his legs against the radiator. “Thanks love” he said, taking the tea and drinking it quickly. Alice wrapped her hands around the mug and let it warm her up. Simon asked “Are you hungry”? Alice replied “Not really, are you?” Simon shook his head “Nah, too cold to be hungry”. He placed his hand against the radiator “wish this would hurry and heat up”. Alice watched him nearly hugging the radiator and suggested “what about a hot steaming bath? That would warm you up”.

Simon nodded his head, “mmm a hot bath sounds a great idea”. Alice carried on “with some of my scented bath gel in it to sooth you?” Simon shrugged “you could pour manure into it and I would still be happy”. Alice decided not to get wound up about the comparison and instead walked up stairs with her coffee to the bathroom. She turned on the hot water full blast and poured a generous amount of her bath gel into the swirling water, instantly creating a blanket of bubbles and a relaxing scent. She watched the water slowly creeping up the plug chain, judging how full the bath was, how much fuller it would get with cold water and then Simon's weight. The bubbles made it very difficult to judge so she just estimated.

As she poured cold water she heard Simon going into the bedroom to change. Shortly afterwards Simon entered with just a towel wrapped around himself. “Brrr, is it ready yet” he asked, over reacting with his shivering. Alice dipped her hand into the water and then after a few seconds turned off the water. “Thanks a lot, you are a star!” he announced, watching her. When he realised she was not leaving he turned towards the bath, slipped of the towel and very gingerly raised his foot and dipped it into the water. “Oooo, that is great” he exclaimed. He slowly got his other foot into the water and then, very slowly lowered himself into the water. He sat down and rested his back against the bath end. He looked over at Alice and asked jokingly, “if you're just going to stand there then how about a shoulder massage to complete the relaxation”?

Alice did not respond, instead she peeled her jumper off, followed by the rest of her clothes. Simon watched her with surprise but also a sense of excitement. Once she had took all her clothes off she mimicked Simon's method of getting into the bath, slowly dipping one foot into the bath, followed by the other. She got in the opposite end to Simon. Simon pressed his legs and feet at the sides of the bath to give her enough room to sit down. Facing him she slowly lowered herself into the bath, first into a kneeling position and then lowered further, leaning her back near to the taps and resting her legs on-top of his and her feet near to his sides.

“Ah this is nice” he commented, letting himself sink down a bit more. Alice shifted position slightly, her legs resting on his thighs and her feet floating in the water against his sides. And so they relaxed together for an hour, chatting lightly and enjoying the warmth. Simon was the first to let out a yawn “oh god I could just fall asleep in here”. Alice yawned in response and stated “yeah but then when you wake up the water would be freezing and you'd look like a prune”. Simon raised his fingers out of the water “already starting to go wrinkly, but it's all good”. Alice raised her hand out of the water, looked at it and responded “hmmm, not too bad. Think can stay in here a lot longer”. Simon got a mischievous smile and lowered his hand into the water. He casually swiped his finger up the sole of Alice's left foot, from heel to toe. “Heyyy” she shouted in surprise at him, her foot kicking up slightly.

Simon responded “Just checking your foot. That has really wrinkled up”. She prodded the big toe of her right foot against his side “no it hasn't” she claimed. He lowered his hand underneath her heel and lifted her foot out of the foot. “Oh yeah? Looks very wrinkly to me”. She responded with a smirk on her face “you want to know what has gone all wrinkly?” He laughed at her “oh you little...” he didn't finish the sentence, instead he started stroking his finger quickly up and down the sole of the foot he was holding in the air. She instantly started laughing and pulled her foot back. He kept a firm grip of her heel and continued stroking his finger up and down. She laughed “hehehehehe heheheheheheh” and pulled back hard. She managed to pull her foot out of his grip, but also caused some water to splash up and over the sides.

Alice looked over the side slightly concerned but Simon just laughed “look what you've done now”. He quickly hunted her other foot from the water and held onto her ankle. “Uh oh” she stated, watching him with her foot. He sat up in the water and positioned his legs so he could trap her ankle between his knees/thighs. He looked at the trapped foot, the sole facing him “now where was I?” He lightly traced his finger gently up and down her foot. “Noooo” she giggled, leaning forward to try and cover her foot. He stopped the tickling and requested “No, no, sit back and relax”. She looked into his eyes and then slowly leaned back, but not taking her eyes of him. “Comfy” he asked, but before she could respond he went back to tracing his finger along her foot.

Alice pressed her jaws together and tried not to make a sound. Simon made little circles with his finger around the centre of her foot. She found it harder to keep from laughing, her eyes betraying the desire to laugh. He found it amusing watching her; he traced his finger along her toes, circling each. “See, wrinkly toes” he stated to her. She couldn't hold the laughter any-more, she started giggling lightly and curled her toes. He upped the antics, tracing fingers along both sides of her foot. “Hheheheh, that tickles!! hehehehe” she stated. Simon kept up the light tracing for a few minutes, by which time Alice was giggling a lot and fighting the urge to reach forward. Finally he started raking his fingers up and down her foot. She shot forwards, trying to grab his hands. He continued raking his fingers along her foot for a while, gently pushing her hands away.

He let go of her foot and went back to resting against the bath side. She smiled at him, now in a very playful mood. She brushed her foot against his lap, laughing at his shocked expression. He smiled back at her. She picked up his shower gel from next to the tap and crawled towards him. Without saying a word she stood up and stepped behind him, sitting down on the bath side. “What are you up to?” he asked her. “Lean forward” she instructed him. Simon leaned forward as requested whilst Alice poured some shower gel onto her hands and firmly rubbed it into his shoulders. “Finally, my shoulder massage” he commented cheekily. She responded “not exactly, raise your hands”.

Simon got the idea of what Alice was up to and didn't object, he just obeyed and raised his hands. She moved her hands from his shoulders up his arms, up to his hands and gently massaged his hands, moving her fingers through his fingers and stroking her hands along the palms and back of his hands. She continued to play with his hands for a few minutes. Simon closed his eyes, enjoying the tender care. Alice traced her hands back down his arms and to under his arms. She first firmly massaged under his underarms before spider tickling her fingers under his arms. He opened his eyes with a stir “oy you hah, none of that!”

Alice leaned forward and whispered into his ear “shushhh, relax”. He whispered back at her “I will, but no tickling”. She did not offer any confirmation, instead she traced her hands to his chest and firmly massaged her hands. After a little massaging she asked him to stand up. He gave a funny little moan at having to move, but he stood up. Alice put more shower gel on her hands and then massaged her hands along his belly. She decisively circled her fingers around his belly, finding it funny when he arched a little from her fingers. After a few cheeky circles she moved her hands to his sides, massaging her hands up and down. Again she tried to push the ice, letting her fingers trace up and down his sides instead of her palms. He cringed a little and letting out a little laugh accused “I know what you're doing hah, don't”.

If Simon was facing her she would have given him a cheeky smile, instead she lowered her hands and started to massage a spot that caused Simon to give a different laugh. After a little while of giving him attention she lowered her hands and massaged along both of his legs. “Sit down please” she whispered to him. He obliged and sat down. She stood up and stepped around him, getting back into the bath and near the taps. “Ok, now give me your foot” she instructed.

“Yeah right” he replied, refusing to give her his feet. She made a little pout expression but he laughed “No way, I know you”. She smiled “I hope you do. I'll be good, I just want to clean them. I won't tickle”. He shook his head “No, even if you didn't intentionally tickle, which I have no doubt you would, it would tickle”. She didn't give in “don't be such a big baby” and leaned forward. He bent his legs, bringing his feet closer to him and kept them pressed against the bath base. “No way”. She didn't want to push him too hard, but decided to try one more tactic “lets make a deal. If I tickle you, inadvertently or not, then you can ask me to do anything to make up for it, and I won't object”. He sighed, knowing exactly what she was hinting at, but knowing that it meant she was likely to 'accidentally' lose. He laughed nervously, knowing she already knew she had won. “Fine, deal, but it doesn't take 10 minutes to clean my feet!”. She responded “Hmmm, don't know about that, you have big feet”.

He reluctantly raised his feet for her. “Left first” she stated, scooping his left foot out of the water. She rested his foot on her knee and poured some shower gel onto her hands. Simon meanwhile gripped the bath handle bar with his hand, causing her amusement. “You would think I was about to tear a splinter out of your big toe, relax baby”. She pressed her palm against his foot, finding more amusement as his foot tensed up. She waited for him to relax and then rubbed her palm up and down his foot, taking care not to tickle. She stroked her hand along the top side of his foot, massaged the heel and ankle, and then moved up to the toes. Teasingly she poked all of her fingers between his toes, interlocking her fingers and his toes. He pulled his foot back and yelped “Aghhh, you little...” Alice looked at him innocently “what is wrong?”. He replied “You broke the deal!”. She shook her head “No I didn't, and besides, still got your other foot to go”. He refused “Nope, you have already broken the deal”. She objected “ah uh. If you don't give me the other foot then you are voiding the deal, meaning I win”. He grumbled “Oh I am going to get you” before letting her have his right foot.

Knowing this was her last chance of tickling Simon for a while, she quickly cleaned his foot 'carefully' before raking her finger nails up and down his foot. He quickly pulled away his foot but before he could say anything she admitted “aww damn, I lost the deal. Ah well, guess I'll have to do what you say.” That statement stopped him from voicing any arguments. “Ok love, but first, it is my turn to wash you” She smiled at him “I'm a big girl, I can wash myself”. He laughed “just get here”. She obeyed, crawling towards him, then turning around and very gently sitting in his lap. He leaned forward to begin massaging her breasts when she prodded his hand with her hand. “Are you forgetting this?” In her hand was a bar of soap. “Oh yeah, must have forgot”. He took the soap and repeated her technique, massaging her arms, doing a little hand play, and then going down to under her arms. He was a lot less subtle about tickling though, tickling all his fingers quickly under her arms. She lowered her arms and wiggled against him. He stopped after a few seconds and kissed her neck, before lowering his hands to her breasts again. He spent a long time there, causing Alice to whisper “I think they are clean now”. He lowered his hands to her ribs and tickled them, tapping his fingers over and between them. She giggled and fought a little with her hands, holding onto his arms.

“Ok, stand up love” he requested. Alice stood up and Simon followed, remaining behind her and his arms around her. He lowered his hands to her belly and purposely made circle traces, imitating the method she had used, but applying lighter traces. She moved about a bit but he kept her against him, making smaller circles towards her belly button. “Hehehe hey, I didn't do that to you”. He responded “I am just giving you back double”. With that he stroked his hands up and down her sides before turning the strokes lighter and using his finger tips more. She laughed and nearly lost her footing, but he kept her upright. He proceeded to clean (or pretended to clean) his way downwards until he had finished her legs. “You know the drill” he said to her.

Now it was her turn to be nervous. She sat back down in the bath and went back to the taps. She didn't offer her feet to him though. “Now who is being a baby?” he asked her. “Pft” she responded, raising her left foot out of the water into his hand. She knew he wasn't going to be as subtle as her when she felt his hand firmly grip her ankle. He started gentle enough, stroking his hand along the top side of her foot, massaging the ankle and even her heel. However he then traced his fingers up and down her foot and under her toes. She responded with giggles but didn't fight to pull her foot back. He didn't stop there though, going back down her foot, tickling along the sides, and then back to her toes. He poked his finger between each toe, doing a barrel roll action with his finger. By now she was pulling her foot back and laughing.

Simon reached down and picked up the other foot. Surprisingly he didn't tickle, instead gently massaging her foot. He even took gentle care to clean her toes. She watched with suspicion, tensing up a bit waiting for him to strike. He smiled at her anticipation “You are probably going to hate me for this, but...” he raised a nail brush up for her to see. He quickly held tightly to her ankle as she tried to pull her foot back “noooooo, not that!” she shouted at him. He pressed the brush side to her foot and started scrubbing it up and down. She burst into squeals of laughter and kicked her free foot at his leg “NOOOOOO heehehehehehehe, stopppppp eheheheheheheheheheheheheeh”. He kept up the scrubbing, bringing the brush up to under her toes and the top. She fought wildly, kicking at him viciously and laughing loudly “Stoppppp ehehehehehe unfairrrrrr heheheheheheheh stopppp!”. He shielded his lap with his leg, narrowly avoiding a very painful kick and kept up the scrubbing for a few more seconds.

When he released her foot she retracted both feet, pressing her feet against the bath basin and hugging her legs. “Grrr you're mean” she laughed at him, trying to compose her laughter. After a few moments she crawled towards him, facing him and gently sitting down in his lap “You are going to pay for that!” He hugged his hands around her back, enjoying her sitting on his lap he smiled at her and reminded “So about the deal I won, I know what I want to ask”.
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