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Bridging the gap between the tickling and D/s communities


4th Level Orange Feather
Apr 18, 2001
I had the most incredible experience last night. My D/s, BDSM group had their holiday party. It was held at a hotel and after the party, people broke off into several smaller play parties in the guest rooms.

Of course there was plenty of the usual spanking, flogging, pain play happening, but since McGyver and I are well known and liked in this group, everyone knows about our love, or love/hate in my case, of tickle torture play as well.

Well, I was tickled by males, females, subs and Doms last night and everyone had a blast. Many commented on how much fun tickling can be and I even saw some tickle play incorporated into the pain play.

It has taken some time, but I feel that eventually the 2 communities can happily co-exist.

That certainly makes me a very happy subbie/ticklee. :D
The ONLY way the two worlds can be bridged will be when it is realized and admitted by the BDSM world that tickling and tickle torture is NOT childs play and can be implimented into BDSM as they see fit.
It was very irritating when I hung out at BDSM clubs in NYC when tickling and tickle torture was looked down upon and thought of as "baby games" and "childs play". Still is by some. Sad but true.

On the flip side of that coin, it was very satisfying to find that THOSE folks couldn't even handle the thought of being tickled, let along being tickled itself and the fact that they could handle being whipped,spanked,paddled, etc. but as soon as they were tickled, they broke down and begged for it to stop and for anything BUT being tickled!


ThAT they couldn't handle.:devil: ;)


Funny, huh?

TickledToDeath said:

On the flip side of that coin, it was very satisfying to find that THOSE folks couldn't even handle the thought of being tickled, let along being tickled itself and the fact that they could handle being whipped,spanked,paddled, etc. but as soon as they were tickled, they broke down and begged for it to stop and for anything BUT being tickled!


ThAT they couldn't handle.:devil: ;)


Funny, huh?


TTD, I always find this amazing as well. In the couple of BDSM groups I belong to, tickling is never taken seriously. However, when I read through message board posts, It's amazing how many people have tickling on their hard limits list. Now, to each his own, but I find it odd that something considered "childs play" would be put on a hard limits list.

Here's an example of responses to a tickling thread on a BDSM board.


TickledToDeath said:
The ONLY way the two worlds can be bridged will be when it is realized and admitted by the BDSM world that tickling and tickle torture is NOT childs play and can be implimented into BDSM as they see fit.

As I said, we may not totally be there yet, but my group has certainly made steps towards it. You have already met the founder of my group, TTD. After that gathering, she added a whole section on tickling to the group's website. It has been the topic of group chats and is becoming very accepted by many in the group.
njjen3953 said:
As I said, we may not totally be there yet, but my group has certainly made steps towards it. You have already met the founder of my group, TTD. After that gathering, she added a whole section on tickling to the group's website. It has been the topic of group chats and is becoming very accepted by many in the group.

I am curious to see this website. Would you be so kind as to post its' url?


Ps. Yes I did have the pleasure of meeting the founder, unfortunatly, I don't think she got enough of a taste of tickling:p ;) :D :devil:
njjen3953 said:
Not at that gethering, but definitely since. ;)

Sorry that was missed. Would LOVE to hear more about it though.

Gonna check out the url now. Thanks.

My $.02 (after inflation)

TickledToDeath said:
...Ps. Yes I did have the pleasure of meeting the founder, unfortunately, I don't think she got enough of a taste of tickling:p ;) :D :devil:
With no intent to be disparaging to either of the three commenters in this thread, to date, I feel I might be able to offer some helpful commentary here.

Many of you here know (ESPECIALLY the fine folks named in this thread, to date) that, I too, have affiliations and historic ties with both the tickling AND BDSM community. I think the hope and spirit of this thread is to begin the impetus to begin to "bridge" that "natural schism" that has seemed to permeate the very core of both the BDSM and tickling communities for longer ago than most people here can relate to. I support that effort too...and I believe njjen ,ticklishbbw, and TTD do, as well. We have had many frank discussions about this...not to mention that I have had similar discussions with MANY other people here who are active in BOTH communities. There seems to be a reasonable amount of alignment where tolerance, attitudes, and mutual acceptance is concerned among all such individuals intern to this topic of discussion having a similar vision.

I would like to amplify a few points, for the benefit of objectivity here too, if you all will permit me to be so bold. I, too, have had the pleasure of being engaged in VERY frank, open, and candid discussion on the topic, dynamics, benefits, and impacts of tickling as it relates to my/njjen's local Dominant/submissive (hereinafter referred to as D/s) community. Until VERY recently, the local D/s community had a very (traditional) "Old Guard" style mindset/mentality with respect to tickling as a viable method of "power exchange." In the same venue that TTD had the pleasure of meeting the founder of our local BDSM group...he and shygirl needed to part soon thereafter as they had pressing obligations that they had to return travel far to attend to (this all took place at a local [Upstate NY] tickling gathering, significantly far from TTD and shygirl's hometown area). Anyhow...after TTD and shygirl had departed...the founder of said BDSM group began to engage in me (and some others in the room) in frank discussion about this historic "schism" we refer to in this thread. She was truly fascinated and intrigued by my perspective on both communities, with full-knowledge that I (and others present, such as...but not limited to njjen) are active in both communities. There was NO judgment in her tone...fascination and intrigue would probably best befit the tone of that conversation and it had ended with great hope of that "schism" beginning to fade a bit...at least locally, anyhow.

One of the important points I raised during that conversation...as a counter argument (in defense of some of the BDSM or D/s community) is that the tickling community would like tolerance and acceptance, in turn, from the BDSM or D/s community...as a peace offering...moving forward to narrow that "schism." (For those BDSM and/or D/s participants who are "free-thinking" enough to accept that that there CAN, in fact, be benefits and/or power exchange resulting from engaging in tickling play). I went on relate an experience which TTD, njjen, myself and others from the tickling community had while attending a tickling gathering which was hosted in a "BDSM dungeon." Unbeknownst to the ticklers/ticklees, later in the tickling gathering, the regular BDSM D/s membership base was allowed to enter the club and engage in their typical styles/methods of play. The result of that meeting (as I saw it, at least) was that the BDSMers were more receptive/tolerant of the tickling playstyles (for the little time the tickling continued) than the ticklers/ticklees tolerance/acceptance of the BDSM or D/s playstyles ensuing in the room. Comments came from members of the tickling community (none of whom have a presence in this thread as yet, for the record) that they objected to having to bear witness to BDSM or D/s playstyles in their quest to continue with "tickle play."

I know this is no "double-blind" or Masters and Johnson, Freudian (insert your favorite similar authority here, please) scientific study...but...to be fair...that reluctance has shades of being a "two-way street."

The epilogue to the story is that there is SOME hope...at least at the local level here in Upstate NY...that some of those traditional BDSM and/or D/s "Old Guard" attitudes toward tickling are changing in a positive manner. The challenge to members of BOTH COMMUNITIES is...Can you find it within your heart to look with tolerance (if not open-mindedness?) upon the traditions and playstyles of BOTH COMMUNITIES and PERHAPS peacefully coexist in the same realm with one another, free of judgment?

For the record, my intent here was not to fuel controversy between njjen, and TTD...rather...it is to protect that fragile bond that is beginning locally with the local BDSM D/s community...ESPECIALLY as it relates to the founder referenced here in. She took a BRAVE step forward to help bridge that "schism," and at a time when reluctance seemed high on BOTH sides of the debate to compromise. She should be met with support, in my opinion, as a reward for her courage and open-mindedness...as opposed to ridicule, condescension, or being ostracized by EITHER community.

As a member and fan of BOTH communities, I want to issue a public "thank you," to njjen, ticklishbbw, and TTD, for taking what I feel are BIG and IMPORTANT steps, here in this forum to help begin the process of narrowing that "schism..." and who knows...maybe even eliminating it?
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Re: My $.02 (after inflation)

GuitarPeteTklr said:
Many of you here know (ESPECIALLY the fine folks named in this thread, to date) that, I too, have affiliations and historic ties with both the tickling AND BDSM community....

I'm no expert on the whole BDSM thing, so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken here, but isn't tickling--as is spanking--merely a single <i>aspect</i> of BDSM? and the tickling community a subset of the BDSM one?

Sure, some ticklers may not like to see someone whipped, and some spankers may not want to see someone having needles stuck into them until they bleed, and some of the latter folks may not care to see someone being ridden around like a horse, etc. Still, I always thought that the issue (for ticklers/lees) is that the BDSM umbrella seems to acknowledge all these other sub-communities and virtually ignore the one for tickling.

If you care for an example of this, visit alt.com. It's supposed to be a site catering to folks in the BDSM and fetish communities. It, of course, does not list tickling among its nearly 60 "activities." (As an aside, maybe two years ago I actually sent an email suggesting they include tickling among them. They sent a standard reply back thanking me for my suggestion and promising to consider it. I guess they're still trying to decide. :rolleyes: )

Tolerance and openmindedness is definitely a two-way street. These concerns aren't even confined to fetishes/sexuality. However, being ignored by the rank-and-file BDSMers and/or seeking to draw such a clear distinction between BDSM and tickling communities both seem most detrimental to ticklephiles IMHO.
I used to go to a Fetish Club in NYC called Hellfire all the time before I moved to Florida. I was never comfortable in that environment
where spankings & other forms of PAIN were seen & heard.
I am not into pain, but in order to get what I wanted (tickling & foot worship), I was forced to be in that environment.
Yes, I could have gone to the local 'Dungeons' & pay 150 to 200 bucks an hour, but at Hellfire (& other fetish Clubs in the NYC area) I'd pay 35.00 for the entire night. I ain't cheap. It was more econmonical that way.
Whenever I suggested to a female submissive a tickle session, she ALWAYS got that really scared look & said "NO".
I've always been fascinated by that reaction.
Mention spankings, whippings, burning with candle wax, & any other VERY painful forms of torture, they're fine with it.
BUT . . . mention tickling & they REALLY become frightened. No fake 'acting' scared. They looked at tickling as "Just being playful".
I HATED that. It was insulting to me. As if to say that tickling is not part of the 'REAL' S&M scene.
I was really hurt by that attitude towards us.
So, whenever the 'Normal' S&Mers would come, yes, I'd get pissed off. Because I know what THEIR reactions would be when they see tickling.
Even amongst other Fetishists, I felt alone. . . .
In my opinion, (and it is, indeed, a very humble opinion, as I am very a much a neophyte in the tickling realm), we are very lucky here in upstate New York to have a D/s community founded by and, for the most part, populated by very open-minded people. At a recent fetish event held by the BDSM community GuitarPeteTklr and I belong to, we found our tickle torture to be the object of rapt but respectful attention from one observer from the "BDSM" side of the fence.
Speaking for myself, I came rather reluctantly to the tickling community, never having experienced a power exchange through tickling before. Seeing was believing, and it quickly became apparent to me that an intense power exchange could be had through tickling, in some cases, more intense than through pain play. In some cases I find tickling more painful than impact play, especially, intense dig tickling. No two of us are alike in what we desire in our lifestyles and playstyles but as long as we only play with consenting adults, I don't feel like it's acceptable to judge others for what they choose to include or eliminate, be it tickling or pain. I'm very much looking forward to the line between the two communities becoming blurred until it becomes nonexistent. As for those who would call tickling a hard limit.... are they not validating it as a form of power exchange simply by the act of calling it a limit?

shdwcoder said:
As for those who would call tickling a hard limit.... are they not validating it as a form of power exchange simply by the act of calling it a limit?


I completely agree. That's why I find it amusing when I hear people say tickling isn't in the BDSM realm, then hear people list it as a hard limit. I am hearing people in the community discuss tickling more and more (I'm very happy about that). I just wish people would give it a try more often, and realize how intense that power exchange can really be.

Re: Re: Bridging the gap between the tickling and D/s communities

Tickler Bart said:
I used to go to a Fetish Club in NYC called Hellfire all the time before I moved to Florida. I was never comfortable in that environment
where spankings & other forms of PAIN were seen & heard.
I am not into pain, but in order to get what I wanted (tickling & foot worship), I was forced to be in that environment.

to expand on this notion, from my own point of view...

I am not into BSDM in any way, shape, or form. I don't dig whips, chains, duct tape, leather, nipple clamps, calling myself a "Master", having a "slave", or any of that other stuff. I am here because I enjoy tickling. No more, no less.

We've already got a boatload of people in the community who actively participate in both lifestyles; witness the responses to this thread as evidence. On any given night, you'll see people with "Master", "Mistress", or "sub" in their nicks in the chatroom. We've been treated to long, detailed manifestos on how to conduct oneself at gatherings with their roots grounded in BDSM gathering conventions.

And frankly, I think it's enough. Now, this is only my opinion, but I don't *want* any more crossover between these two communities. They both exist for people who enjoy what they have to offer. If some people belong to both, great! But if there's any more spillover, this is going to turn into a community not first and foremost of tickle lovers, but of BDSMers who tickle sometimes.

I mean, think about it; we've already had several debates on whether or not tickling is porn because some video producers just can't stop using vibrators in their material. Do those of us who don't want to be looked at as weirdos or who crave a little bit of mainstream acceptance for our fetish want to be lumped in with paddlers and candle-waxers?

I don't want to have to go to a dungeon, as Bart mentioned, where there's all sorts of stuff going on that I'm not comfortable with, in order to do some tickling. It's clean, healthy, playful fun... and you may call me intolerant if you wish, but I don't want to have something I enjoy associated with something I don't.

Flame away,
One problem is, that some of us ticklephiles are not really into BDSM at all, except for tickling. I do not at all have any interest in pain games or in bondage without tickling. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I would never go to a BDSM meeting at all. Not because I would hinder any gap to be bridged, but the bridge won't work for me and some others I guess.
In conversations with four Mistresses at Rebecca's Hidden Chamber where I am a long time client, I have been told the following:

1)Giving or receiving tickle torture is a fairly uncommon request at the dungeon, with about 5% of the clients having an interest in it.

2)Giving tickle torture is the favorite type of session for three of the four Mistresses, and the fourth likes it a lot also.

3)None of them likes to receive it, but they will if requested.
[Follow-Up] My $.02 (after inflation)

GuitarPeteTklr said:
...The challenge to members of BOTH COMMUNITIES is...Can you find it within your heart to look with tolerance (if not open-mindedness?) upon the traditions and playstyles of BOTH COMMUNITIES and PERHAPS peacefully coexist in the same realm with one another, free of judgment?...
The above was not issued EXCLUSIVELY to the tickling community...it was directed at the "moving parties" from BOTH COMMUNITIES. The intended rationale for my challenge is not necessarily to have ticklephiles ADOPT BDSM and/or D/s practices in their playstyles...anymore than it would be similarly unfair and unreasonable to ask the BDSM and/or D/s communties to ADOPT tickle play into their playstyles. Summarily, the vision here is, if we can dispense with much of the judgement that has historically prevailed, on both sides of the aisle...both communities can exist without the need to be mutually exclusive of each other and there is MUCH to be learned from BOTH SIDES of the aisle. For those of you who attend gatherings or private play parties in this community...it may shock you to learn or know (except for those already aware of this, of course) that MUCH of the the protocol (rules) that we take as "standards" which make the successful gatherings and play parties successful were actually DEVELOPED and REFINED in the BDSM and/or D/s communities. There has actually had to be little (if any) modification of that "etiquette" to ensure the contentment/safety of ticklephiles who wish to play communally. And furthermore, I don't have to be addressed using a "title of respect" or using props such as
Originally posted by Phineas ...whips, chains, duct tape, leather, nipple clamps, calling myself a "Master", having a "slave", or any of that other stuff...
in order to enjoy myself at a tickling gathering, eventhough I am active in BOTH communities. If you ask shdwcoder, njjen, ticklishbbw, bella, Spenser and other "cross-community" ticklephiles the same question...you are likely to get a similar response too. Neither am I suggesting that ticklephiles should make it a point to go to a dungeon to enjoy tickling, either (if they are not so inclined)...although...if the ticklephile(s) in question enjoy mixing tickling with bondage...they will likely enjoy how EASILY, QUICKLY, and SAFELY their "scene" can develop on some of the stations and gear intern to a BDSM or D/s venue. ;) :wow: :devil2:

I am not inferring that members from EITHER side of the aisle are without culpability for that "schism," but of the two sides...I personally have seen members of the tickling community (in general) far less grateful, reverent, and/or respectful of the contributions made to their safety and/or fantasy fulfillment by the BDSM or D/s community than vise-versa.

Next time you attend a gathering or play-party...and the host/hostess distributes rules and/or a screening questionaire...compare them to similar prose used for a communal BDSM and/or D/s event. I think many of you will be amazed at the parallels. And guess who founded them? Certainly not the tickling community. So, were it not for these "rules of etiquette/engagement," what you eventually would have at tickling gatherings would be a group of self-important, narrow-minded, individuals so obsessed with "instant gratification" of their tickling desires...with little or no regard for the respect or safety of those participating...that...first, the females would be/have been turned off by such attitudes and declining to attend...then...the males would surely become frustrated with that result and decline of female attendance. And to think some male ticklephiles here wonder WHY females are SO reluctant to accomodate their tickling desires despite professing being like minded.

Nuff said...I guess I'll hop off my soapbox now :ranty: ...Got an asbestos suit I can borrow, Phineas?
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I guess I will add a point...

I love the idea of both "communites" coming together as it were...

I have always been facinated with some of the bondage styles and ties and knots that the BDMS groups come up with...all the excellent bondage restraints the positions..however I want those positions for my interest in tickling...I personally can't tie a knot to save my life but I can sure as heck tickle a lady into fits of hyseteria.

I love all of the x-frames and "theme rooms" and exellent bondage devices that are commonly seen at "other" BDMS events. I would love to spend some quality time with a lee strapped sideways without an inch of moment in the "Blue Room".

Anyway, that is just a personal example of a way combining groups would help me in my love of tickling.

I still don't get your point? If your comments were directed only at those transitives who already belong to both communities, and are obviously accepted by both of those communities, then where, exactly, is the gap that needs to be bridged? They don't need to learn anything from these other communities because they're already a part of them.
Thanks Jen for bringing this thread to my attention.

I feel that etiquette is a priority at Gatherings. Now that the Spring NEST is in the planning stage (assembling the Scooby Gang as we speak) it's important to educate our Community as to the ways and means our Gatherings work.

I will be setting up some information soon about NEST, its history and how it stands today.

My experience with the BDSM Community in the Philly area has been that while some are interested enough to respond to a conversation about it, most people don't care to look at Tickling as anything more than a possibility for a long list of priorities. Many BDSMers are lifestylers while most TKers that I have known and met and spoken to are people who have otherwise normal Vanilla lives.
Bridging the gap between BDSM and Tickling is like asking the Zombies to be like the Vampires. This is not a value judgement on either group, just an illustration that, although we are both our own kind of "animal", our tastes and techniques in victims vary. The only similarity is that we like to tie up our subs. But tying up is nothing more than a means to an end for us, while tying up in the BDSM Community is a spiritual practice in itself.

I enjoy a Master/Slave encounter at times and have had longterm relationships with women who willingly call themselves my "slave". But it is not important at all to me that my lover is my slave and my ticklee is tied up.

I seem to recall an old Woody Allen movie where Diane Keaton told him that she once had an orgasm but she wasn't sure if she did it right. Allen answers that he has no problem, that even his worst was "right on the money".

Surely this works in the Tickling World, where we don't need pomp and circumstance, just a hand and a sensitive 'Lee. Because, when she starts laughing for me, I can truly say that even my worst was right on the money.

So I truly don't care whether we bridge the gap. I'm happy to do what I do without answering to a "higher" authority of expertise and experience. Tickling is fun and people laugh. That's my payoff.

Max :firedevil
Different Branches, same tree

Howdy, I feel a need to weigh in here.

In my 5 yrs as a member of both communities being discussed, I've never experienced a lack of respect on either side by anyone with real knowledge of the two (I dismiss the closed-minded insult junkies who refuse to research and learn, saves me lots of time). Black Rose is the biggest BDSM convention in the country, and it has frequent tickling workshops that are highly successful plus it's own tk group. To be blunt, it's ALL BDSM, so I refer to us all as Lifestylers and Ticklers. (Or spankers or what have you). Most of us here don't live as Master and slave 24/7 and don't have much leather in our wardrobes, but we're still all BDSMmer's.I know there are many here who will disagree with that statement, which is pretty much why I'm speaking up:

BDSM stands for bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism. I have yet to meet a single ticklephile who doesn't belong in there somewhere; there are simply different levels. Yes, tickling is good clean fun. It's also power exchange, however mild; the 'lee is giving up his/her control over their body's responses to another, often hoping to be taken to their limit and just a weensy bit beyond it. That's D/s, folks, plus a lil' bit of s/m. Deny it if you wanna; deny your bellybutton, bet it's still there ;). Many, many people here love to see a video or read a story about someone getting the 'tickling they deserve'. Not that that sounds disciplinary dominant or anything...:rolleyes: one of my favorite ticklephiles, when asked what he loves about tickling lovely young girls, summed it up as "innocence lost". If that ain't BDSM I dunno what is :cool:

There are people here who truly amuse me by saying that they love to tie a girl down-or just hold her down or instruct her to lie still-and tickle her until she's laughing hysterically and often begging for mercy, but they're not into that "weird S&M leather stuff." Um, fellas? BDSM is about your feelings and your state of mind, not the clothes you wear or the titles you use, or really even the specific sensations you inflict. Many folks immediately think pain when they think BDSM, but there's a whole spectrum of purpose and activity and pleasure; tickling is one wonderful aspect of that. Trust me, many spankers and bondagers are scared to death of the ticklers, and think we're WAY more into BDSM than they are; they see tickling as an inhuman torture that only hardcore sadists and masochists would want to do. And if you seriously hate tickling, I can see how you'd feel that way. It all depends on what you like doing/having done to you; a tickler makes his willing victim scream and often leaves red marks on her ribs and tummy, while a caner makes his willing victim scream and often leaves red marks on her fanny. We all like giving and/or receiving very intense sensation that we like but others can't stand, and neither top has to be called Sir or wear leather pants to have their fun.

As for being accepted easier by the mainstream, that's difficult for anything outside 'the norm', whatever that is, and while tickling is indeed a smoother slide into society than wax or other activities, once your average vanilla gets a whiff of 'how' we enjoy tickling it's frequently deemed evil. You're just not supposed to enjoy anything too much in our society. Interestingly, from what I can tell it's about intensity and foreign items. Tell someone you like having your feet tickled and they likely just smile; mention your favorite ball point pen for writing on your soles and they give you that 'Look'. Tell a new lover you enjoy having your nipples pinched and she's fine; bring out your clamps and she may put her pants back on...toys and specifics seem to creep vanillas out. We're seeing more spanking references and other little things in the media these days, so I believe there's hope but it'll take time, and being associated with the Lifestylers isn't really going to hurt that in my opinion.

My three cents, YMMV,

Thank You, bella

This is excerpted from a chat GuitarPeteTklr and I had last night.

guitarpetep (1:41:29 AM): Hi, jen...are you busy?
njjen6365 (1:41:35 AM): nope
guitarpetep (1:41:48 AM): I weighed in your TMF thread...
njjen6365 (1:41:54 AM): I saw it
guitarpetep (1:41:54 AM): As did karen.
njjen6365 (1:42:06 AM): I saw them both
njjen6365 (1:42:08 AM): Thanks
guitarpetep (1:42:15 AM): No problem.
guitarpetep (2:02:08 AM): Just wanted to touch base.
njjen6365 (2:02:18 AM): Glad that you did
guitarpetep (2:02:19 AM): I'm sure there will be more dissenters.
njjen6365 (2:02:31 AM): I wish bella would post
guitarpetep (2:02:35 AM): Me too!
guitarpetep (2:02:49 AM): I was just thinking that about 30 minutes ago! LOL!
njjen6365 (2:02:58 AM): Great Minds
Re: Different Branches, same tree

bella said:
Most of us here don't live as Master and slave 24/7 and don't have much leather in our wardrobes, but we're still all BDSMmer's.I know there are many here who will disagree with that statement, which is pretty much why I'm speaking up:

BDSM stands for bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism. I have yet to meet a single ticklephile who doesn't belong in there somewhere; there are simply different levels. Yes, tickling is good clean fun. It's also power exchange, however mild; the 'lee is giving up his/her control over their body's responses to another, often hoping to be taken to their limit and just a weensy bit beyond it. That's D/s, folks, plus a lil' bit of s/m. Deny it if you wanna; deny your bellybutton, bet it's still there ;).

No offense, but I would prefer it if you refrained from labeling my particular interests in such a fashion. I am NOT a "BDSMer." I could give a rat's ass about having "power" over someone, I have absolutely no desire to "discipline" ANYONE, and, to me, bondage in tickling-related activities is simply a matter of convenience, rather like the safety harness on a rollercoaster.

The term "BDSM" is most often associated with pain, control, and the use of some sort of force. While I certainly don't think ill of consenting adults who decide to willingly engage in such activities, I have NO interest whatsoever in seeing, hearing about, or being associated with ANY of the activities that are usually associated with the BDSM community.

As others have mentioned before, those who wish to belong to both the tickling and bdsm communities are already free to do so. I would greatly prefer it if the status quo in this case were maintained, so that those of us who wish to belong EXCLUSIVELY to the tickling community are able to do so.
No offense, but I would prefer it if you refrained from labeling my particular interests in such a fashion. I am NOT a "BDSMer." I could give a rat's ass about having "power" over someone, I have absolutely no desire to "discipline" ANYONE, and, to me, bondage in tickling-related activities is simply a matter of convenience, rather like the safety harness on a rollercoaster.

Hi there,

No offense taken, I have this debate frequently :). In my mind, you're saying that you don't consider yourself a Lifestyler, which I certainly understand; most people here aren't. But I firmly believe that tickling, the way most ticklephiles I know practice and enjoy and view it, falls under the huge umbrella of BDSM. I never said that one *has* to enjoy power over anyone, or consider bondage as more than an aid for safety. And I certainly didn't say that you have to be into discipline. I wrote that those are traits you'll find amongst many ticklers that deny still tickling as an aspect of BDSM, and that's quite true. I'd go so far as to say that most Lifestylers use bondage as a means to an end rather than enjoying the bondage in and of itself, but I digress:

The term "BDSM" is most often associated with pain, control, and the use of some sort of force. While I certainly don't think ill of consenting adults who decide to willingly engage in such activities, I have NO interest whatsoever in seeing, hearing about, or being associated with ANY of the activities that are usually associated with the BDSM community.

Ah, stereotypes. The term 'tickling' is often associated with crying younger siblings and annoying older siblings, lame feather usage, etc. Ask the average 'nilla why they hate it and see what they say. We know there's way more to it than that, just as there's *far* more to BDSM than pain and control and force. Frankly, much of what I enjoy has nothing to do with any of those. Such cliches are only stamped out through education and open-mindedness. There are an incredible amount of activities associated with the BDSM community that have *nothing* to do with pain or force, from foot and shoe devotion to erotic massage and role play to (gasp) tickling. Again, tickling workshops are being taught at BDSM events all across the country, and the classes are for those who love it mixed with D/s and those who definitely do not. And there's a reason why "Erotic Tickling" is published by Greenery Press-the same publisher of "The Compleat Spanker" and many other books on BDSM. The two interests are seperate parts of a larger realm. Furthermore, no offense but I have a very hard time believing that you wouldn't enjoy seeing one young lady tied and tickled at the hands of another young lady, like most people here. That's a pretty common sight at a BDSM event these days, and I doubt you'd turn away in disgust :devil: .

I would greatly prefer it if the status quo in this case were maintained, so that those of us who wish to belong EXCLUSIVELY to the tickling community are able to do so.

I've heard this sentiment before and I always get a litte creeped out. Ticklephiles who also enjoy other aspects of BDSM aren't about to prevent any other ticklephiles from doing anything. Those who's only interest is tickling only do that, others do more. Heck, handspankers don't need to keep away from those who enjoy using a paddle or a quirt. Just as you'll have parties or groups for those who love one particular kink along with groups for all, so you have scenes-specific gatherings like NEST along with BDSM events where all can meet. All of us with such interests are part of the BDSM universe, though we differ greatly in our pleasures and proclivities.

I would like to mention a thread that was in Tickling Discussions not long ago. It was called, "What's in it for the tickler?"


Look at some of the responses.

rajee said:
:D I enjoy making the ticklee laugh as well seeing the toes curl and move. There is also a sense of control/power when you are tickling someone for the allowed period of time that is also enjoyable. :D

$Tickletorturer said:
It generates simular effect of S&M. Basically the exhilleration of being in power, of dominating a helpless victim. Also there's a lot of physical contact, you can probe, poke and touch all of the victims's body, which of course usually incorperates massaging and caressing. So basically in my opinion tickling is not a far cry from most other erotic activities.

shygirl said:
THE CONTROL!!! Its like playing a musical instrument and the laughter is the sweet music.

SmileyTkls said:
Hmm, where to begin? Well, I'll just dive in, and try to follow my rambling. As a (as long as I can recall) lifelong 'ler, I suppose there are a lot of reasons, or 'things', that I loooove to tickle the 'lees. I love being able to make them laugh, wiggle, shriek, plead and beg (to not be tickled, the to be tickled), fall into silent hysterics, and if it's a tickle loving 'lee and the right place and time, get them excited from being tickled. It's also thrilling to just be the one causing all of these reactions, as well as touching that this person trusts and cares enough about me to allow me to tickle top them, loving my touch, strokes, tickles, caresses, and so on. I also love the feel of skin and stockings, so that also stimulates my senses. And, of course, there is the power exchange, them giving themselves to me and having that dominant tickling power over them and their body.
worn out, but happy to elaborate :D

tickler29 said:
What can I say that hasn't already ben said. I enjoy the "power", the physical contact, and the reactions of a realy ticklish 'lee. A 'lee that realy gets into it and enjoys it makes it even better.

Iggy pop said:
It's all about power and control. Of course you should always use this power with responsibility. I also think it is very sexual in way. Have you ever noticed how a woman being tickled mimics a woman having an orgasm? So much power in thes fingertips, what am I to do with it.

Ask any "lifestyler" and they will tell you that the Power Exchange is more indicitive of a D/s relationship than a BDSM one. So, why are we not bridging the gap?
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I do not often post here but I feel I must weigh in on this discussion. I think those who are so vehemently adamant that they are NOT in anyway shape or form a part of the BDSM community are suffering either/or severe denial, or severe ignorance of what BDSM is all about. I am not here to sing the praises of whips, floggers, needleplay, or any of the myriad implements used by those in the Lifestyle. If there is one basic unifying theme underlying all of this Play, it is the concept of Power Exchange. In my opinion, that is the ultimate goal of all those who Scene in the Lifestyle. What toys and implements that are used are secondary to this dynamic. Icing on the cake if you will. There are those who will use whips, but not needles, or blindfolds but not gags. It doesn't matter. What is important, is there is someone giving up more or less control of their body to someone else. If you and your partner are into floggers or fingers, the emotional dynamic of the scene is exactly the same. So my fellow ticklephiles, if you are seriously enjoying the pleasure given or received from a vigourous tickling, whether or not you want to admit it, you are engaging in the mindset that is at the heart of all sane BDSM play. BTW, I hope everyone enjoys the Holiday season. May Santa bring you everything that tickles your fancy.
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