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College Girlz Rule Pt. II (FFFM/F)


TMF Novice
May 10, 2001

Back To Life

Well, it sure felt like 12 days, but actually we were up at about noon the next day. We had no plans, really, other than finding Jessica’s hotel, so we loafed around my buddy’s place for awhile, seeing what was to see. We checked out the pool in back, though we didn’t go in, we strolled around the neighborhood, came back and watched TV until we found ourselves unable to keep our hands off each other…well…okay, actually I was doing all the touching, but she came around shortly after I mentioned ‘back massage’…she was all about that business. We made out for maybe an hour or so, not really pursuing any heavy contact, and eventually fell asleep until about 8pm. Rough life, here in N’awlins, people, believe me.

If They Only Knew

Okay, now don’t forget where we left off in part one with the roomful of girls…Keri had both of her bare feet in my lap ready for my everlasting foot massage that I announced that I would perform. Far be it for me to let a second of secret ecstasy like this pass me by, so I slowly and firmly massaged my hands over her right ankle, up her long foot, kneading and squeezing her arches and heels as lovingly as I could without being suspected of anything. I was really trying to make an impression, more than actually tickle her, just so I had an ‘in’ in case I wanted to spend time with this chick later. But my curiosity stood next to me and reached it’s own hand over and ran it’s fingers sideways from the top of her foot around her arch to the bottom. Keri tensed up and let out a little ‘eeeEEE’, and looked confused, as if she was new to the sensation of being tickled.
“What the hell was that?”, Jessica said, looking at her with much the same look as Keri just gave me.
“Yeah, no sh*t, Keri”, I jokingly added, “what WAS that?”
She was just about to respond, when I repeated the same stroke on her other foot.
“My feet are reEEEhahaha STOPit, Mark, I HATE that!” Bingo. Add one more to the list of potential victims. Shelly, by this time, was so preoccupied with what I was doing to Keri that she spilled some of her drink that she brought with her. She got up to go to the bathroom to dry it off, and I knew that this was my chance. I could either use the ‘let’s see just how ticklish you are’ bit…OR, I could see who ELSE is ticklish. Hmmmm…what would YOU do? I only have a minute or so until Shelly returns, and though we know Jessica hates feet, does that mean she’s just grossed out, or is there more to it? I know that’s usually the case, but if she’s not ticklish, I’ve wasted valuable time that I could be using to make Keri cry for mercy. I was now on my knees, and poised to take action toward beginning an unforgettable night of teasing hot girls (though last night would be hard to compete with). “Let’s get this soaked thing off here”, I said, referring to the blanket, only barely wet from Shelly’s accident. I moved it over to one side of the bed, revealing Jessica’s bare feet, and Keri’s incredibly long, bare legs, stemming out from her little volleyball shorts with the waistband rolled down a few turns (how hot is that!?). She leaned over and Jessica whispered in her ear, and they giggled quietly. I pressed myself up a few inches and moved over and sat on Jessica’s ankles, lightly sitting back, barely feeling her wiggling feet on my ass.
“Heyyy, what’s UP, man!”, she giggled in a dizzy-girl-type voice. It must’ve been an inside joke, because Keri and Tiffany started repeating the same phrase, each in the same voice. I didn’t get it. I was only thinking how bad I wanted all three of these hot little teases to laugh themselves sick, but I ‘d never get to all of them by myself. I had to pick one, and focus.
“Tell me what that secret was about, Jessie”, I said to her. She frowned.
“No! It wasn’t about yooou, anyways, Maaarrk!”
“Yes it was, wasn’t it?”, I said to Keri.
She smiled at me and hid her face in her pillow, laughing.
“Well, nobody knows anything, but everyone just loves to laugh, I see, so let’s laugh!” With that, I reached down and took a firm hold of Jessica’s thighs just above her knees, and gave her legs a good solid kneading. She was instantly thrashing, almost like she was waiting for it. “EEEEAAHAHAHANONONO! NO! STOP, Mark, PLEEEEEEEhahahahaha!!” She tried so hard to talk AND fight me off while I was giving her hell. I tickled her knees alternately, dodging her defending hand while I held her other hand. Frantically wiggling her legs and feet beneath me, she yelped out a couple good swear words followed by an ‘OUCH!’.
“Okay, okay”, I said, “that’s it, I’m hurting your wrist, I can feel it.” We let go of each other, and she breathed deep as we sat eye to eye. I pointed two fingers on each of her kneecaps, and slowly tickled them down her legs toward me. I sang to her, “Someone better tell me what she said about me before I get to her bare feeeeet!” She was a mess of giggles before I even finished my ominous ode. Keri gave a sarcastic gasp, like ‘oh, you’re in trouble now’, to which Jessica responded excitedly.
“NOOoo, not the FEET, PLEASE? Come AHAhahahan!”
She lunged at my arms, but I quickly moved them behind me, so she grasped onto my shirt, instead.
“I’ll RIP it!”, she threatened, giggling like a silly schoolgirl. I gave a look over my shoulder and glanced at my targets, assuming unending ticklishness awaited my eager fingers. She begged me ‘no’ a few times, pulling my shirt sideways. I turned to look in her face and probed blindly underneath my ass until I felt bare feet. She bit her lip, preparing for my assault, and let out a gradual ‘mmmmMMMMM!’ as my fingers found their destination. I wasted none of the little time I had and viciously pecked and scraped the bottoms of her frenzied feet. Instantly, she let go of my shirt, and convulsed with maniacal laughter.
“Keri, get her arms!”, I barked, to no response.
“Keri? Come On! Help me!”, I continued, but she wasn’t budging. I was tickling with only one hand, trying to keep Jessica from getting a good hold on me. Eventually she did, pinching my inner thigh, and I abruptly submitted. I can only imagine Shelly is trying like mad to finish whatever tasks—cosmetic or otherwise—she has embarked on, so as not to let me ride too far into Paradise on my new favorite bed. Tiffany started to say something in the way of how her and some dude used to wrestle like that all the time, or something, when the squeaking of the bathroom door interrupted her.
“What the hell, man! God, could you guys be any f*ing LOUDER, SH*T!!”, yelled Shelly, knowing full and well what was happening, even from in the can.
“Ohmygod, Shelly, please tell your boyfriend to stop! He’s tickling the sh*t out of me!” Shelly looked me up and down and snapped back.
“PSSShhhhh! He’s not MY damn boyfriend!”
Ouch! If there were any balloons in the room, they’d be shreds of rubber on the floor with those kinds of words flying around. I elected to end my quest to reach tickle-torture heaven, at least for now, as I felt my decision to do so may make the rest of my week livable. I got off of Jessica, and went to leave the bed and go and sit in a ‘neutral chair’, when Jessica decided that she needed some redemption for letting herself be overpowered (she’s supposed to be some kind of tough sport chick, per Shelly’s info) and she pulled me back towards her by my right ankle. I fought her off, somewhat, and tried to save face, at least, by giving Shelly a look like ‘ya wanna get your friend here’, but I was quickly forced to my back. I made every effort to turn myself over, but this girl was about 35 pounds heavier than Shelly, so I had my work cut out for me. Shelly was just watching, apathetically, as I tried to get a hand free to tickle myself away from my captor, who has now found it interesting to BITE me wherever she could put her mouth. (I don’t know about you people, but PAIN is not part of my B&D fantasies, ever. Nothing sends my ‘boner’ into the ground faster than receiving, or witnessing sharp pain inflicted during events that are supposed to have ‘erotic’ themes, even though there’s some pain involved in tickle-torture…but you get the picture!) Tiffany, now sitting on her bed, very interested in our tussle, began coaching me. “Are you going to let her man-handle you like that, Mark?”
As much as I was, up until now, loving every second of this, I felt guilty since I knew that Shelly was dying to get me out of this little slumber party I was now a part of, but she couldn’t really say anything about it…after all ‘I ain’t HER damn boyfriend’, right?? Just then, Jessica cashed in all of her ‘cool chips’ she may have had with Shelly by responding to Tiffany’s remark.
“He’s lucky I can’t manhandle him like I want to. He’d never want to leave!”
She had no idea what Shelly and I had explored the night before, of course, so she probably figured we’d all just laugh. Or maybe she’s really a total slut and everybody knows it but me, but either way, she dug a hole for herself. Either way, Tiffany and Keri thought it was hilarious. Shelly dropped her jaw to the floor and looked at ME! And me? I considered kicking everyone else but Jessie and me out of the room so I could get manhandled for a day or two. Shelly voiced her objection to Jessica’s remark.
“I don’t THINK so, honey!”, and walked over to her ‘bestest friend for 8 years growing up’, kneeled up on the bed next to her and wrapped her spaghetti-arms loosely over her right shoulder and underneath her other arm, not really pulling, kind of just clutching. It was apparent that she was hiding her true feeling, because she was smiling and giggling the whole time.
“Heyyyyyy, girl, what’re you doing?! I’m just messing around with him…!”, Jessica said as she easily ignored Shelly’s weak attack and continued to keep me held down. Actually, I had given up fighting at this point, because I wanted to see what was about to happen here. Keri and Tiffany seemed taken with the entertainment of watching the three of us squirm and tangle, though Shelly was becoming frustrated at her failed attempts to pull her buxom friend off of her ‘non-boyfriend/secret lover’. She figured to get what she wanted she was going to have to give a little. And she gave a lot!

Poor Jessie!

Well, I always say, “if you already know they’re going to win…at least make ‘em work for it”, and Shelly did just that. She proved to me last night that she was down for tickle-torture just like me, so I wasn’t surprised when she moved her position from beside Jessica to behind her, and squeezed both sides of her ribs, producing a simultaneous scream and the release of my arms. Jessica slammed her elbows into her sides and wiggled furiously to try and make Shelly’s tickles subside, which she finally did. Following Shelly’s lead, I sat up with Jessie still sitting on me, now with her legs extended, and resumed my earlier knee-tickling session on the frantic girl.
“Oh, see what you got yourself into, Jessie?”, I said.
“Yeah,”, added Shelly, “I think you need to learn it’s not nice to bite people !”.
***Let me take this time to say that for those of you that, like me previous to this experience, had only read about things like this…there is no feeling like that of knowing that you are about to actually witness a F/F tickle torture session, regardless if you are involved in it or not. I would gladly have sat this one out and just watched if that were the only way to have it happen, but I’m a f*ing CO-STAR! Damn, I love girls!!***
Keri pushed the bedspread to the floor and moved to the corner of this monster-ass bed to make room for what was about to happen. Tiffany had an ear-to-ear smile, and was shouting things, though I don’t recall any of what she was saying. Jessica was laughing and struggling the whole time, trying to wrestle with Shelly as she poked and tickled her neck and ribs while I concentrated my evil hands on her thighs and knees.
“Help us, Keri, help us get her!”
I almost died hearing Shelly say that, considering how evidently bothered she was by the imminence of this whole interaction just a short while ago. Instead, TIFFANY comes over from HER ringside seat, and plops herself down—dirty little ankle-socks and all—right on Jessica’s lap, facing her.
“Here, Jessie, let me help you get these arms up, okay?”, Tiffany teased as she clutched Jessica’s wrists.
“TIFF-a-NEEEE! NOOOHOHohohoho!, Jessica shrieked, and even before Tiffany could give us full access to Jessica’s upperbody, Shelly began an agonizing session with her incredibly ticklish belly. Her tank top was moved up a few inches from the melee of the past five minutes, and Shelly took full advantage. I was beginning to sweat a bit, from the increasing heat of our bodies being so close together, so I dislodged my legs from underneath Jessica’s ass while she laughed helplessly at the top of her lungs. Shelly was very pleased with the revenge she was taking on her friend, and she accentuated this by teasing her into hysterics.
“You should have quit when Mark let you go the FIRST time, Jessie!”, she admonished, as she effortlessly switched from randomly ‘spidering’ her sides and tummy to a solid, continuous clawing of her underarms. With her thumbs on her back and those tiny, torturous nails digging into her armpits, Jessica was crying futile pleas for help between tearful, guttural laughing, and shrill gasps for air.
“WAIT!---gasp-----PLEEZWAIT!-----gasp-----PLEEEEASESTOP, OHMIGODPLEEEEASE!”, she begged over and over.
“What, sweety, what’s wrong?”, Tiffany asked, “are they tickling you too much?” Jessica panted heavily while Shelly took a rest and I moved closer to her feet. She moaned and whimpered her way through a tearful begging tirade amidst giggling aftershocks. I’ll never forget it:
“Please, you guys...I swear to God, I’m gonna pee my pants, pleeeeease stop!…(deep breath)…holy SH*T, you guys, no more, okay, I give up, seriously! Keri, please help! I’m begging you! I can’t take anymore, you GUYS…”
Keri, as if responding to Jessica’s wish, crawled over next to me and lazily put her long, baby-soft arms around me in a hug-headlock. She kind of rocked me back and forth, fake-punching her fist into my side as she made a “pssh, pssh” noise, like she was reprimanding me for being mean to her friend.
“FINE, Jessie…you’re no fun…”, Tiffany said, and started to let her arms down, but quickly retracted her act of kindness, and pushed Jessica to her back and held her arms tight to her sides. “AAAhhhahanononono, Tiffany, come ON, nomohohohore, plEEeeEEeeEEzze?”
She was almost asking us to torture her more by shaking her head all goofy and talking like a kindergartener.
“Okay, Jessie, if you’re going to be silly, we’re REALLY gonna make you laugh!”, I warned, which made her giggle even more, pleading for Keri to help her.
“I think she should laugh some more, don’t you?”, Tiffany suggested, and Shelly wasted no time resuming her friend’s punishment.
“Keriomigodnono, KerrRIIIHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHA, pleeeheeheeasemakethemSTOP!!”, Jessica cried out.
“How’bout right…. HEEEERE, on her neck!”
Jessica exploded, “STAAAHHAHAHAHAP!”, slamming her eyes shut and shaking her pinned legs.
“How’s that, huh? Does that tickle a lot, or not really?”, Shelly teased. “Aren’t you going to answer me, honey, hmmm? I can’t really understand you when you’re laughing so loud like this!”
Jessica was trying desperately to maneuver her head to block Shelly’s prickly nails from invading her susceptible neckline. The only person going through more agony was me, right now, trying my damnedest to suppress my heart which was near exploding. I think all the built up desire and all of the frustration of suppressing my passions over the years had all lined up at the gate and tried to get out all at once. It wasn’t so much the fact that I had Jessica at my mercy—Shelly was much more helpless, if you remember—it was the incredible anxiety that I had three other girls helping me, and I didn’t know how long it would last. When I was six, my dad won a kids shopping spree at Toys R Us, where the winner’s youngest kid had full access to fill his cart with anything in the store and had a certain time allotted to do so. I remember my heart pounding and I almost cried because I didn’t think I was going to get the things I wanted. Well, here I was again in that same situation. I wanted to tickle this poor girl everywhere and anywhere I could, until I was satisfied. I burned inside, devouring the pleasure of hearing her cries for mercy and wild girly laughter, yet I ached for more, as Shelly, Tiffany and I kept up with our interminable teasing. With both her bare feet to myself, I alternated between galloping my fingers lightly over the tops and then digging them under her toes and down the bottoms of both her soft feet. She furiously flexed and wriggled her helpless toes, even moreso when I held one foot tight and lightly scraped from her baby toe down the side of her foot to her ankle. Shelly and Tiffany continued to verbally and physically torment our sexy slave as she repeatedly inhaled after evenly timed periods of silence, only to burst again into psychotic laughter. Keri leaned over into me and softly sang something into my ear. So quietly that I could barely hear what she said as she breathily drraaagggged her words:
“I wanna have some funnn toooooo, y’knowwww”, and then kissed my ear. I don’t think Shelly saw her do that, because of her positioning during her current activities (boy was I glad of that), and I know for sure that nobody else heard what she whispered, considering Jessica’s fits of cackling. I quietly responded.
“Like what? What do you want to do?”
Of course, I’m not sure WHAT in the hell she’s getting at, since she’s made NO effort to join any of our tickle fights, so I’m thinking maybe she’s looking to change locations, and see where my little foot worshiping I started earlier would take us (I can already see Shelly’s face when I announce that ‘I’m taking Keri back to the house, call before you come home’. Ummmm, no.) But Keri’s ideas were a tad different…sort of.
“Let’s get Tiffany for awhile!”, she excitedly whispered.
I opened my mouth wide, and nodded my head.
“I was wondering if you were ever going to--”
Mid-sentence, I was distracted by Jessica’s left leg kicking free and solidly kneeing Tiffany’s back.
“GET her! HOLD HER DOWN!”, Tiffany screamed, so I hurried and arrested the stray leg.
“OHH! OH! NOW, you’re gonna get it, Jessie, you’re REALLY in trouble this time. Shelly, hold her arms up for me, please? This B*ch is dead!”.
I changed my mind about making Tiffany our new target because I wanted to see how severely she was going to torture Jessica for her attempt to escape. Shelly turned around sat underneath Jessica’s head. Her legs were stretched straight out towards me with her bare feet resting against Tiffany’s bare thighs, all the while holding Jessica’s clawing hands at her side, tightly to the bed. Tiffany moved her position, also, parting Jessica’s legs slightly and sitting between her thighs, facing Shelly, with her legs also extended. I already knew Jessica was going to hate every second of this because Tiffany was wiggling her little socked feet inches from her face.
“Tiffany, you stop that!”, Keri said, “You know how much Jessie doesn’t like feet!”
“Y’know, I almost forgot, Keri, thanks for reminding me!”, she replied with mocked surprise, and began poking her toes in Jessica’s face and neck, while at the same time, Shelly lifted a knee and ran her bare foot over Jessica’s partially bare belly, scrunching her toes on her sides. Jessica screamed and gurgled while she delighted her sadistic jailers with a solid stream of aching laughter.
“We’re not even TICKLING you, Jessie, what’s so funny? Do you WANT us to tickle you, ‘cuz we can do that TOO, you know…!”, Shelly said. Tiffany took hold of Shelly’s menacing foot and moved it away and started pulsating her fingers in a clawing motion all over Jessica’s ribs and lower belly, still violating Jessica’s face and neck with her feet. For a good two minutes, I was treated to the most fascinating combination of sounds filling the air: Jessica’s continual, crying laughter, Shelly’s baby-talk teasing, Keri whispering to me under her spearminty breath, and fabric being scratched by fingernails.

**Once again, people…I’m near death during this segment of Jessica’s agony. How ridiculously hot is this scene, here? I considered taking a bathroom break, just to go and ‘release some tension’ before I lost consciousness. Could it be that these college sweeties have an insatiable love for this tickling fetish just like me? I know Shelly is aware, but THESE three girls couldn’t possibly know that watching them tickle the living sh*t out of each other is killing me…could they??**

“She must like this a lot,” Shelly shouted over Jessica’s riotous noise, “ ‘cuz she’s not fighting me anymore.”
After another ten seconds or so, Tiffany gradually relaxed her agitated scrabbling to slow, massaging circles with her palms, and smiled wide while Jessica groaned and squinted her sopping eyes, occasionally grunting when Tiffany would give her a quick squeeze.
“POOR, poor Jessie”, Tiffany said, “Is everyone being MEAN to you, hmmm? It’s ok, sweety, we’re done now, don’t cry!”
Jessica just sniffled as Shelly lifted her up and sat behind her, hugging her, and petting her matted, sweaty hair. My friends, that was the greatest eight-or-so minutes of my life, hands down.

Keri & Tiffany

After an endless siege on the restroom facilities, and a lot of stretching and consumption of various liquids, everyone picked their own separate spot and relaxed in it. I was the last to use the bathroom, so I got last choice at comfy seating. Shelly curled up in a chair by herself; Jessica and Tiffany retreated to Tiffany’s bed, and Keri sat up with her head down on her arms, which rested on her bent knees. I don’t know what it is about this chick, Keri, but I am totally taken by her, still to this day. I mean, she’s 6’1”, about 140 pounds (I’m horrible at guessing weight), with her little baby-tee shirt and green shorts, and she’s, like…flawless! Full, pouty red lips, a cute little nose, and that silky-soft golden blonde hair just barely reaching the middle of her shoulder blades. Her long fingers were so supple and delicate that when she touched my arm and my back earlier on, I was afraid if I moved too suddenly I would break them. What struck me as odd, was how touchy-feely and overly friendly she had been toward me, thus far, bearing in mind, we were complete strangers less than an hour ago. But it is her Spring Break, and you know how relaxed peoples’ inhibitions get when they’re out of town on a weeklong party. I just rolled with it, though, trying not to jinx myself by analyzing why she might be interested in a guy that was 7 inches shorter than her. I lay down next to Keri on the bed, on my stomach and waited…for both Shelly’s reaction, and/or Keri’s reaction. I got none from either. Shortly after laying down—or so I thought it was shortly after—I jumped at the feeling of fingers run over my neck and my hair being played with.
“I’m sorry, sweety, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Keri’s voice cracked a little as she whispered in my face. I sat up on my elbows and looked around. My shoes had been taken off and tossed near the door, and everyone was gone. Keri spoke up.
“Shelly and Jessica went to Wal-Mart for a few things. She said not to leave without her.”
“How long did I sleep?”
“About an hour and a half, I guess.”
I deduced that Tiffany might be in the shower, judging by the running water, so knowing that we were alone, I turned to my side, and broke the ice. “So how would a guy like me get to spend time with a girl like you, anyway? I’m, like, really fascinated with you, and I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t at least TRY and hook up with you.” She gave me a very wide-eyed, surprised smile and said, “Didn’t they tell you? I’m married, Mark”, then she flashed her ring at me.
“OH, my gosh, they sure did! I totally forgot!”
I had to lie to cover myself. I felt like such the moron! Usually, I’m really good about noticing sh*t like that, too, wedding rings and all. I laid back facing the ceiling and cursed myself up and down, trying not to seem as let down as I was. She reached a hand over to my cheek and turned my face to hers.
“I’m teasing you, silly…I’m not married…HAHAHAHA!” she said, breaking into knee slapping laughter. Now, guys, tell me that this isn’t EXACTLY the kind of sh*t that us ticklephiles fuel our wicked engines with when it comes down to game time! I was SO happy, yet SO furious at the same time.
“I’m EIGHTEEN, in college, why would I be MARRIED, you DORK! HAHAhahaha!” Hey, at least she was laughing, right? That’s half the battle, ain’t it? Anyway, I sat up on my elbows with my feet just off the edge of the bed and took the rest of my belittling, enduring even more when she had to explain to Tiffany ‘what was so funny out here’. Let me say first, that I don’t recall knowing ANY girls that are as secure about their bodies as these chicks are, and here’s why I say that: Tiffany comes out of the shower in her (standard hotel size) towel. She rifles through her messy bag and finds her wrinkly PJ pants, a sportsbra-looking thing, a headband, and a pair of (yet, more ankle) socks, and turned her head our way, and sang out, “Nooo peeeeking, Marrrk! Cover his eyes, Keri.” Keri sat up close behind me, laughing as she pulled me back into her. She took my open hands and covered my eyes with them. I tensed my arms, but didn’t try to move them at all, out of general respect.
“You girls just love doing this kind of thing to guys, don’t you?”, I ranted, but Keri, God love her, slid my fingers just above my eyes and snickered in my ear.
“Shhhhhh, keep talking--keep talking.”
I could NOT believe it! I LOVE this chick! I continued my distracting monologue about girls teasing guys, as I got the peepshow of the year. Tiffany was in no hurry to dress, either, unsuspectingly showing me every inch of her bare skin. I looked on excitedly at her smooth, round ass; her tiny nipples, which accentuated her beautiful breasts that were even larger than I had guessed they were, and her cute little belly that looked like it was just dying to be ravaged by tickling fingers. She slipped her pajama bottoms on first, the elastic gripping her bare ass just enough to give it a nice jiggle upon release.
“I think you’re trying to be naughty over there peeking at me through your fingers, aren’t you?”
She turned around and looked right in my eyes, as she pulled her top over her head, fitting it snug over her luscious milky-white breasts, perfectly outlined by her tanned skin.
“Maaark? Don’t make me come over there!”
Stretching her white socks over her pink-polished toes she continued menacing me.
“I mean it! If you were spying on me, you’re in big trouble!”
Keri was no help.
“He pulled his hands away a couple times, Tiff. I think he saw you.”
Tiffany stomped over to our bed, grinning.
“I asked you NICE not to look, didn’t I!”
Keri bent her knees and squezzed her long bare legs into me as we both sat on the bed with my hands still locked in her grip. Tiffany sat on my legs, and slid herself in her satiny pajama bottoms up my jeans to my thighs, which sort of put me in the same kind of position that she and Shelly had poor Jessica in earlier on. Her nice squishy ass snuggled between my legs, and I thought for a minute how turned on I am about now.
“Hmm hmm hmm hmm, now what, little Marky? Still feeling perverted? I think it’s time for someone to get taste of their own medicine!”
I was ecstatic, assuming I was about to be ‘rassled, or even tickle-tortured beyond my limits, so I egged her on to assure she would be intent on making me pay.
“I don’t care…do whatever you want to me. By the way, Tiff…I LOVE those SEXY tan lines you showed me a minute ago…!” And just as Tiffany started in on me, Keri let go of my wrists and took hold of Tiffany’s instead! Tiffany’s eyes widened, wondering what in the hell was happening.
“I agree, Tiffany”, Keri exclaimed, “you DO need a taste of your own medicine! Tickle her, Mark, tickle her!!”
I grabbed Tiffany’s sides and dug my fingers into them, beginning her instant suffering while Keri held on, struggling with all her might, laughing almost as hard as Tiffany. “OhmyGahahahahahad! Nahahahahahaa, pleaseKeriNOOOO!”, Tiffany yelled. She twisted and turned trying to move off of me, even biting at Keri’s lanky arms in a useless effort to persuade her release.
“Pull her down on her belly and hold her on top of me!”, I instructed, and Keri obliged, pulling Tiffany off her knees toward her, which put my head right about at Tiffany’s waist--she smelled so nice, fresh out of the shower. I pulled her loose pajama bottoms down an inch or so just so I could feel her soft belly against my face. I wrapped my right arm around her legs to keep them from kicking, while I vigorously nibbled on her waist and her hips. She screamed wildly, which made Keri laugh more, too. It was like I was tickling two girls for the price of one, so obviously Keri was enjoying her friend’s agony as much as I was. All this deep-throated laughter had me more than a little excited; thankfully I had jeans on to conceal the evidence a bit better than last night. I stopped for a few seconds and listened to Keri tease, as Tiffany panted and squirmed on top of me.
“Awww, what’s wrong, Tiff? Tell me…?”
I moved my face out from under her belly and looked up at Keri.
“Having fun?”, I said, to which I got two completely different answers. “No? Did I hear a ‘no’, Tiffany?”, I scolded, “well you sure were having a good time before I stopped to let you rest, so…”.
Amid a flurry of desperate protests and Keri’s shouts of encouragement, I caressed my left hand over Tiffany’s ass to meet my right hand, and gave both her thighs a couple solid squeezes. She exploded with laughter, kicking her feet and begging Keri to let her go. I pinned her ankles with my legs and squeezed some more, moving quickly up and down her stiff thighs, eventually scratching all ten fingers on the backs of her knees.
“You KNOW you love this, Tiff,” Keri told her, “just wait until it’s MY turn!” I took that as a hint, and gave Keri her chance. “Want me to hold her for awhile?”, I asked.
“Yeah, just sit on her back so you can help too but make sure she can’t get away.” Evidently, Keri had something in mind for poor, out-of-breath Tiffany. I gripped her damp waist and tickled her hard and fast while I slid out from underneath. She belted out a string of maniacal howls, struggling hard to escape while I began my relocation. Now, with me on her lower back, and our slave again under control, Keri pulled her to the middle of the bed, let go of her wrists, and slithered her big, tall body behind me and situated herself. (Now, you may have guessed already, but I have this thing for how girls smell. I don’t know about you folks, but some girls just have that…’girly scent’ that just takes over your senses and you seem to focus on how unbelievably aroused you’ve become, just from the way a chick smells. Not perfume, not shampoo…just… ‘girl smell’. So Keri sits right behind me with her ‘girl smell’, and lovingly rakes her nails up and down my back and shoulders a few times. Tiffany caught her breath, finally, and began to beg for us not to torture her anymore. “PleeEEEase, you guys, no more, seriously”, she said, sniffling a little from crying, “I really can’t take anymore, I MEAN it!” Just then she giggled a little, and Keri was all over her.
“Why, NOT honeeey?? You and Josh’s (Tiffany’s -ex) friends told me how much FUN it was making ME cry last time, I just thought I’d show you how much fun I had being sat on and TICKLED half the night!” Apparently, this is what Keri was waiting for. She wanted to help before…just not with Jessie.
“KERRRI!! NOOOooo, come ON, pleeease,” Tiffany said, “ I’ll give you anything you want. For REAL…anything!”
Keri whispered out loud, so we could both hear.
“I’m going to get her feet, REALLY good…”, which turned a begging Tiffany into a struggling, screaming Tiffany. I leaned forward on one arm, and dug my fingers into her neck. She gurgled and laughed, and swatted at me with her arms. I couldn’t wait to lift just one arm up and really assault her bare armpit, but I let Keri have her fun first. Keri sat off the edge of the bed with her back to me and Tiffany’s ankles between her legs. She turned to me and smiled, nodding and pointing down at her ankle-socked targets.
“Ready to laugh, sweety?”
“NO, Keri, no MORE. This isn’t FAIR”, Tiffany begged, “please stop…I said I’d do anything, come on!”
“She has the cutest feet, Mark, I swear. I’m so jealous!”
“NO, Keri, come on…”
Keri held Tiffany’s left foot and started scratching her nails from heel to toes. Tiffany yelped a few cusswords while bucking and shrieking, but really turned up the volume when Keri scribbled her fingers around the edges of her feet.
“Ooohh, YEAHH, Tiffany! That’s it! SCREAM for me!”
I was about ready to pass out from utter ecstasy. “KERRRYYYYHAHAHAHAHahahaha! AAHHHHAHAHA!”
I had to actually start to work to keep her held down. She almost managed to turn over once or twice but to do it she had to lift her elbow. Naturally, I darted my fingers into her armpit every time, making her yelp even louder over her existing cries of grief.
She went silent for a few seconds—how I love that—so I motioned to Keri to stop for a second. Tiffany drew a long breath.
“Tiffany likes this, I can tell!”
Keri taunted her even more while she quickly brought gales of painful laughter from her sweaty sorority sister.
“Oooh…these cuute liddle feet need to be TICKLED some more!”
“Take her socks off, Keri…see if she likes that!”, I said. “Hmmhmmhmmhmm! Yeah! I think she’ll like it even more.”
Tiffany’s socks were quickly pulled off, and her bare feet tickled beyond belief. She shook while she cried in silence, occasionally begging me to make Keri stop when she could find the breath. I was so awestruck with the whole thing I completely stopped tickling, altogether. Keri was still laughing, too, enjoying the sh*t out of hearing her friend plead for relief. She turned her head to me again and motioned me to switch with her. I nodded, and she swung her lanky legs around to the right side and took over my position on Tiffany’s back. Tiffany barked out one loud ‘PLEASE, NO!’ and began giggling and gasping for air right away from Keri putting all her weight on her back. She was a bit heavier than me, plus she laid completely on top of her, where I was only sitting on her ass. Keri stuck her head in the crook of Tiffany’s neck and started mumbling in her ear. Whatever she was saying was making Tiffany apologize profusely between her steady laughter, as I took my place at Tiffany’s ankles. I used the great ‘belt trick’ from last night’s romp, much to Tiffany’s objection. I’ve been dying to tickle these gorgeous little feet all night, and you can bet your ass I had my whole attack plotted out. I pulled her belted feet up to me as I kneeled over her thighs. With my free hand I ran my palm up and down the tops and bottoms of both feet, just relishing the feel of her soft skin. I let my hand tickle its way around her bound feet, and turned around to offer Keri some coaching.
“Keri, I never got to those armpits, y’know. You need to…”
Just then the lock on the door turned, and we all stopped.
“WHAT in the HELL is this?”, is all I heard.

Tiffany’s Dessert

Shelly and Jessica had returned from their shopping spree, and here we were having ‘TickleMania III’.
“My GOD, Mark, do you ever stop?”
“It wasn’t me,” I said, trying to not sound too much like a Shaggy song, “Tiffany started it!”
“Please help, you guys, PLEASE! They’re KILLINGME!” Jessica plopped down on the next bed and started to untie her shoes. “Why should I help you? You didn’t seem to care when I was begging earlier”, she snapped. Keri began to tickle her nails gently up the backs of Tiffany’s arms.
“Come get her, Jess…you deserve it. I’m getting her back from last time her and her geeky friends tickled me to death.”
She became quicker with her movements, jabbing in and out from neck to ribs, Tiffany ‘yip’ing and ‘eep’ing with every touch.
“Shelly,” Tiffany pleaded with little effort, “help me? Please?”
I don’t know if I was envying Tiffany’s position right now or if I was elated that it wasn’t me at the thin mercy of a bunch of hot college girls bent on tickling me into a total whimpering mess. I almost felt sick from the anticipation building up in me. My heart was pounding. Much like it was when I made my first strike on Shelly when she was asleep in the back of the truck on the way here, but THIS! This was like that times ten. If this actually happens, I could die on the way back to the house and I’d be satisfied that I’ve lived enough. Either way, here I was waiting. The ten seconds it took for Jessica to decide whether or not to make my life complete seemed like a year. She tossed both shoes on the floor next to the night stand, and stood up.
“Somebody get her arms, please. This b*tch is mine!”
With that, Keri took a wrist with both hands, while she slid off to make way for Jessica. Tiffany started to scream and thrash violently, but Shelly followed lead and took her other wrist and sandwiched it between her knees. Now, with Jessie on her ass, I turned around and held the tops of her feet against my chest, and Shelly and Keri held both arms extended forward. Tiffany could only hope for a fire, cuz she was going nowhere. Her relentless begging and screaming giggles were wearing her out before anyone even touched her.
“I want her to CRY, you guys…! Make her f*ing ass CRY, I mean it!”, ordered Jessica, who seemed genuinely pissed at Tiffany, probably for the feet-in-the-face-thing earlier on.
“READY TO CRY, GIRLY!? HMM!?”, she squeaked, and then scratched all ten fingers on her bare ribs, teasing her some more, “Oh, this is SOOO eeeasy when you can’t move, ISN’T it, Tiff? I could just tickle you ALL NIGHT, couldn’t I?”
She intermittently poked her sides in conjunction with her teases.
“I can get youHERE, and I can tickle youHERE whenever I FEELlike it, and I THINK you might even be a little tickliiiishHERE on your ARMPITS…”
And as if that wasn’t bad enough for helpless Tiffany, Shelly and Keri were dancing their nails along her armpits and elbows with no relief. I held her kicking legs tighter, getting off just listening to her deep bellowing. I tickled around her ankles and heels, which made her wiggle her feet and toes like mad.
“Tickle her feet really good, Mark, tickle really hard under her toes, she LOVES it”, Keri instructed, so I bent her toes back as much as I could with my left arm and played with the bottoms of her smooth, tiny toes.
“Mmmmm, like this?”
“PLEEEEHEHEHEhehehehease…..(long silence) ……NOOOHOHOHOHAhahahahhhh…..(huge gasp) …..ughh…ughh…no…no…JESS-EEE-heeheeheeheehee”, followed by more gasping and silent laughter. Jessica was really putting it to her, just like I knew she would, with Shelly and Keri having their way with her underarms. A little added bonus for me, was the way Jessica was sitting had her bare feet pressing and rubbing against my knees. Tempting as all hell, but I’m not about to f*ck up a wet dream by getting greedy, so I killed the urge. “Who wants to switch with me?”, I said, “Shelly, switch with me for a minute…I want to show Jessica something.” She let go of Tiffany, knowing that she still had no way of getting free, and walked around to my side of the bed. “Put her on her back, first. Jessie take her arm, Keri take her other arm. Tiffany was sweating pretty good, adding to the moist heat from our five bodies. It was incredibly erotic, and I could tell by looking that I was probably the only one that thought so. Or was I? Tiffany wrestled us to the end, but she was pinned on every side. Keri sat Indian-style with Tiffany’s arm poking up through her legs, while Jessie kneeled on her other arm. Shelly sat her skinny ass sideways on Tiffany’s ankles, and I took the drivers seat, just below her belly on her hips and started my game: “Ok, Tiffany, we know you’re aching and you want us to stop, and we will…as soon as you apologize to Keri and Jessie and then you have to thank us for torturing you because you deserved it. Can you do that?”
“Please, no more…I’m begging you, please, Mark, my whole body hurts from laughing, and I have to pee really bad!”
“We’ll help you pee, Tiffany, don’t worry about that—“, Keri screeched.
“No, no,” I interrupted, “we don’t want that, we just want her to pay what she owes.”
“Please, I’m SORRRY, okay? I’m sorry, Jessie”
“What about ME?”, Keri interjected.
“I’m sorry, Keri, please let me go now, okay?”
“She’s so cute, isn’t she?”, Shelly said.
Jessica started in. “Now, Tiffany…what else is there? Thank you….for…”
“TIF-FA-NEE…! What ELSE!?”
“Okay, hold on, let her catch her breath, you guys”, I asked, “Come on, Tiff…take a nice deep breath, go on…we’ll let you.”
Shelly snickered under her breath, knowing exactly where this was going. Hey, it was so much fun last time, I have to try it on someone else, now, right? She drew in a huge breath, and let it out. “OH migod, my lungs hurt so f*in bad!”
“One more, sweety. Take a nice deep breath…go on!”
Keri was lovingly wiping the sweat and tears from Tiffany’s reddened face, and I honestly think the poor girl thought she was home free. She inhaled deep through her nose and held it in to stretch her lungs, I imagine, and just as she locked her lungs shut, I feverishly clawed her lower belly, emptying her body’s air with a piercing scream to usher in her roaring laughter.
“AAAAAAAGGHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha”, came from her exhausted torso. The look of surprise was priceless, bringing equal laughter from all of us.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, that was really mean, I know.”
“Damn, Mark, what’s wrong with you!”, Keri joked. Tiffany’s begging returned along with her feeling of helplessness, I’m sure, and she inhaled again, and we were all waiting for it. This time, Shelly beat me to it, going from a gentle rub of Tiffany’s ankle to a sudden wild gallop on the arch of her foot, producing that ‘grunt’ that I love so much, followed by a pitiful, teary-eyed, “stahahahaap”, barely audible amid choked laughter. After she calmed down yet again, the four of us realized we had a new game that we had no intention of stopping anytime soon. It was like a cool new toy that you wanted to play with until you got sick of it or you broke it. I think we were planning on the latter of the two. Time after another, we waited for our hostage to either talk or take a breath, and each time we made her scream, laugh, cry and beg. Always in the same order, just at different pitches and volumes. After a good five or six minutes or so of being engulfed in making Tiffany cry like a little kid, I asked her one more time to finish her part of the deal, or we were going to tickle her non-stop until she peed her pants. I would honestly never do that intentionally, in all seriousness, but she doesn’t know that.
“Ok, Tiff. Last chance to thank us for punishing you, or you’re really going to be sorry.”
“NooohohohohoGODpleasenomoreiswearicanttakeanyMORE!! PLEEASE!!”
“Tiffany. ‘Thank you for tickling me to death…I deserved it’. Say it, right now, or you’re going to sleep in a wet bed tonight”
“Say it, or we’re all going to get you one by one until all forty fingers are torturing you at once. Say it NOW, TIFFANY!”
“OKAYOKAYokay, THANK YOU, now please can I—“ I just shook my head at her. “Okay, that’s it. Keri, start on her armpit.”
Keri vengefully dug into her wide-open underarm and began pulsing her fingers over each and every possible inch of her armpit and upper ribs. Tiffany was instantly hysterical, and I continued my ringleading.
“Ok, Jess…you’re next.”
“Ohhh, yeaahhh”, she sang as she dug five of her little fingers in the soft warmth of Tiffany’s left armpit, and poking her neck with the other hand. “C’mon, Tiff, laugh nice and loud for us, sweety, that’s it!”
She could do nothing else but serenade the four of us with her cries for mercy and her wild laughter, and I can only fantasize how truly sensual such painfully sweet suffering must feel. She screamed and gasped over and over until I stopped Keri and Jessica to let our victim catch her sanity for a moment.
“…ugh…ughh…okay…”, Tiffany began, eventually pouring her confession out to us, “thank you…..for….. torturing me…thank you…”
“Thank you, because…?”, I added
“Because……what do you mean, that’s it—“
“NOPE, you forgot a part…tickle her feet, Shelly. See if that helps her remember the rest!”
Shelly smiled wide from hearing Tiffany’s instant reaction when she felt her fingers sliding up and down the tops of her super-sensitive bare feet, while Keri and Jessica pushed her further into madness, starting once again on her armpits. Just then, I moved myself a few inches down Tiffany’s squirming legs and saw that all of her struggling had pulled her PJ’s down a bit and I had full access to her lower belly and hips. Tiffany’s untamed howling made her heaving chest and stomach an irresistible target for my probing fingers, so I quickly pulsated my clutching hands all over her ribs, starting under her breasts, and arcing down to her sides and then up again. My heart was pounding, and I was absolutely overwhelmed by the feeling of this entire experience, almost to the point that this personal Utopia I’ve entered became too much. Shelly and I stopped, but Keri and Jessica continued their ruthless underarm attack. Tiffany’s face was deep red, her eyes and ears soaked from her tears and her hair and body damp with sweat. I don’t know why, but I was aching to tickle this girl even worse than we already have, as if she owed us something. I was literally possessed by my fantasy to the point that I felt like I was at it’s mercy. I was so turned on, yet disgusted at myself at the thought that I didn’t have any intention of letting this innocent girl get off of my carnival ride of painful joy. Tiffany began to giggle through her sniffling from Shelly poking her nails on the bottoms of each of her wiggling toes one by one. I ran my index fingers around her belly button and circled them down towards her hips.
“Mm, mm, mmmm!”, Jessica warned. “Don’t tickle her there, Mark!”
“Where, here? Don’t tickle her hips? We’ll see about that!”
I pressed my thumbs into her hips and vibrated them back and forth.
Man, what is it about the groin area that is usually the best spot to tickle someone, but we never see it in any of these tickle videos that come out? Hmmm….
Anyway, Tiffany was quickly brought to tears once again, and Shelly decided to abandon her position at the feet and get in on the belly tickling.
“I get the feet, now, I get the feet!”, Keri announced, and sure enough was bouncing over to have her wicked way with Tiffany’s tender heels, and it was evident when she started, judging by Tiffany’s tensing legs. Shelly sat next to me and clawed all ten fingers on Tiffany’s ribs, while I squeezed her sides and hips relentlessly, as she lay helpless in a silent fit of spastic resistance, interrupted only by occasional raspy inhalation, and quiet snorting noises which made all of us laugh along with her. Jessie had both of Tiffany’s arms pinned under her knees and Tiffany kept trying to push her off by pressing and gripping Jessie’s ass, which was about the hottest thing I’d seen, until Shelly picked HER new tickle spot. She must have thought of me from last night, because she darted her tiny hands inside Tiffany’s pajamas and buried her fingers in the crease of her thighs.
“Hahaha, I bet she’ll like this!”, Shelly declared triumphantly.
“Open her legs a little…let me get in there really good!”
Ok. Guys? How is it that girls can touch ANYONE just about anywhere and nobody seems to give a rat’s ass, but if WE even come CLOSE to another guys stuff (or girls ‘stuff’, especially) we’re either GAY or PERVERTS. Not fair. Not fair at all.
But Shelly has both her hands near Tiffany’s un-pantied ‘stuff’ tickling the crap out of her, and of course I’m trying to spread her legs as much as I can without seeming too overzealous. Tiffany, still breathless, is likely near insanity, and worst of all near relieving herself on everyone, so I wanted to hurry. I wedged myself between her knees, and ‘girl smell’ Keri sat behind me kind of in a spectator role with her hands on my shoulders. Once she saw she had more access, Shelly rested her forearms on Tiffany’s belly, and ravaged the crease of her thighs with both hands.
“Now, how sexy is that, do ya think. I wish I could do that and not get beat up for it”, I announced. Shelly winked at me, spitefully, knowing she was driving me wild, slightly pushing Tiffany’s PJ’s down almost to the point where I didn’t need my imagination anymore to visualize her ‘spot’. With Jessica now taking full liberties on both armpits, Tiffany’s incessant cackling was like an irresistible sound that we all seemed to love hearing more and more as our unbearable punishment continued for another two or three minutes. We all gradually stopped when Shelly sat up on her knees and suggested that we let her pee before it was too late. Not only that, but Tiffany was legitimately crying, and quite mad at us. I think we all kind of felt bad afterwards, even though I really think that I was jealous of Tiffany, overall.

‘Hosing’ Time

As pissed as she was, it didn’t take but a(nother) shower and a stiff drink for her and Jessica to share a laugh and even a hug. I was mentally spent, and physically wired all at the same time, and couldn’t wait to get back to the house to eat, shower and just kind of process this entire night and its overwhelming events (in other words, jack-off).
“Ready?” Shelly asked as she came out of the bathroom.
“Yep. I think we’ve put your friends through enough for one night, hey?”
Shelly and Jessica did the whole hug-and-kiss-goodbye routine, while me, Keri and Tiffany did the whole three-way-tongue-and-suck thing….oops…wait a minute—I dreamed that one. Actually, Keri and I did the hug-and-‘come see me again before you leave’ thing, so I was pretty happy with that. On the way back to the house, Shelly and I relived the entire night’s activities as if we had just been on separate vacations. She told me things that I would have never expected to hear from anyone but myself. Things like “how much fun it is to watch someone being tickled half to death” and “how her feelings of mercy were so unevenly outnumbered by her sense of absolute power and total satisfaction”. I told her that I had felt that way since as far back as I can remember, and it hasn’t changed one bit. When we got back, I told her I was in dire need of an ice cold shower if I planned on getting any sleep, to which she suggested we ‘save the planet and conserve water’. So we f*ed in the shower until we were completely exhausted, and fell asleep in our towels.

Be Like Mike (or, in this case, Mark)

If anything, these last few days have only encouraged me to pursue my fantasies, no matter how far-fetched or unattainable they may seem. Honestly, you just never know who you’re going to meet, and under what circumstances. I know how a lot of you guys feel because I feel like that a lot, too (no disrespect to our female counterparts, but like I said earlier, you girls seem to be able to get away with a lot more casual touching than we do, which is sometimes all we need to keep us happy). Ashamed of your inner desires, afraid that they might scare people away having them think you’re some kind of pervert or weirdo. Or maybe you think that because you have a stronger sexual attraction to feet or armpits than you do to T & A like “normal” people, that you maybe shouldn’t be open about it with people other than fellow ticklephiles. F* that! More and more each day, I weave my DARK life into my DAY life, and I’m finding more and more instances where they actually coexist. Example? I talked to a casual friend in lengthy DETAIL about her ticklish spots. How lengthy? She’s coming over to watch FF’s “Say Uncle” this week…she said she doesn’t believe someone can be tickled for more than a minute or two. Another? I work with two girls that are roommates and though neither is gay, they are very touchy-feely with each other, and they claim to have tickle fights all the time. I mess around with them every time we work, and the last time I saw them, I got the older (24) one to hold the younger (20) one while I spent a good minute tickling her feet nonstop while she sat on top of a counter. Six months ago, I would’ve been petrified to even initiate something like that. So DO IT!
Oh…and my greatest accomplishment of all this? Keri invited me to stay the weekend at her house next month, so I must have willed it to happen when I posted the first part of this story back in April. She said she’s going to kick my little ass when I get there. How COOL is that chick?!?!?!

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