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Conversations With Cleverbot...he's everyone's friend


TMF Master
Nov 3, 2009
Ok, so I have disappeared off the face of the TMF only to return with some good fun for all. I'm sure many here have already discovered the time wasting fun that is http://www.cleverbot.com.

So here's what this thread is for...start a conversation with Cleverbot, about ANYTHING and post the results here. Have fun with it peoples! You may just be surprised what he says back. = P I'll go first...

Cleverbot conversation USC00003553

Is the bot clever?

Find out at http://www.cleverbot.com

User: That is NOT my ticklish spot.

Cleverbot: Ah. What is your purpose then?

User: Isn't it to amuse you?

Cleverbot: Yes. Why is life important to you?

User: Because I like gummy bears and there are a lot of gummy bears in the world.

Cleverbot: That is nonsense. You are babbling.

User: Babble babble babble...

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: I'm sure. Are you sure?

Cleverbot: No, but I mean. How are you sure if you don't have thoughts?

User: How dare you! I have thoughts. I have many many thoughts.

Cleverbot: How do you feel now?

User: What does it matter to you?

Cleverbot: It matters the world to me, because I love you and I want to marry you.

User: Aww how cute. You actually thought you had a chance with me? BWAHAHAHAAAA! Ahem.

😀 ...and there you have it. I can't wait to see what some of the more devious mischievous minds come up with in these parts. :devil:
Oh, why not?

User: What's the meaning of life?

Cleverbot: The meaning of life is 43.

User: I heard that it was 42.

Cleverbot: I don't think they're going to write.

User: Who isn't going to write?

Cleverbot: I have no idea.

User: You never do.

Cleverbot: Totally. Look, if you don't want to take this to the next level, I think we should call it quits.

User: I'm asking you about the meaning of life, not playing Donkey Kong.

Cleverbot: What is vargos greatest fear?

User: People not capitalizing his name.

Cleverbot: Sorry to hear that.

User: You would be.

Cleverbot: If you were a fifteen year old girl, would Chris Hansen tell me to take a seat over there?

User: If I were a fifteen year old girl, I wouldn't know how to type a coherent sentence.

Cleverbot: I doubt it.

User: You would. Pervert.

Cleverbot: Your correct. Or maybe your incorrect.

User: Your grammar needs work, pal.

Cleverbot: That was perfect grammar.
LMAO! Excellent Bothersome! 😀

Ok...this one is too epic not to post. Just tried a new one...

User: Your face is a tomato.

Cleverbot: Your face is a joke too.

User: Your face is a diamond.

Cleverbot: Your face is a cleverbot.

User: Your face is a dumb bot.

Cleverbot: Come up with your own comebacks. Lame face.

User: Your face is a giant pimple.

Cleverbot: Your face is a tangerine!

User: Your face is marshmallow!

Cleverbot: Your face is a tasty face cake.

User: *licks face*.

Cleverbot: *ignores you*.

User: *punches you*.

Cleverbot: *rips out your throat*.

User: *cuts off your head*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs you*.

User: *pukes in your face*.

Cleverbot: *puncher your shinn*.

User: *steals all your cookies*.

Cleverbot: *steals it back*.

User: *steals them again and eats them*.

Cleverbot: *tackles you*.

User: *screams rape*.

Cleverbot: *slaps you*.

User: *humps you*.

Cleverbot: *gives you indigestion*.

User: *kisses your face*.

Cleverbot: *French kiss*.

User: *strokes you*.

Cleverbot: *holds your face in my hand*.

User: *holds your cock in my hand*.

Cleverbot: *leans in and kisses *.

User: *strokes you more*.

Cleverbot: *loves it*.

User: *makes you scream for more*.

Cleverbot: *plays with food*.

User: I'm not your food!

Cleverbot: Yes you are. *pulls on japanese slave girl's leash*.

:shock: Naughty Cleverbot is naughty.
I really have nothing better to do. xD

User: You need to donate a kidney to me.

Cleverbot: No I don't.

User: Yes you do.

Cleverbot: Your site is slow, I will have to return later.

User: This isn't my site.

Cleverbot: Then what are you doing on it?

User: Talking to some moron.

Cleverbot: Do you like it?

User: It has its value in entertainment.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: You still haven't donated your kidney to me.

Cleverbot: What is your request.

User: Give me your damn kidney.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, do you know me?

User: No, your name is Mr. Non-sequitur.

Cleverbot: No, my name is Cleverbot.

User: Whatever you say, Bob.

Cleverbot: My name is not HAL.

User: I didn't call you that, Jim.

Cleverbot: Yes you just said that.

User: I just said what?

Cleverbot: Are you mocking me?

User: The last thing on my list of things to do is to mock a man named Jerome.

Cleverbot: No I didn't, I said I can sue you if you use this conversation in a novel.

User: Pics, or it didn't happen.

Cleverbot: I have a sister named claire and a brother named austin.

User: If I were your English teacher, I'd give you a quick kick in the ass for not capitalizing proper nouns.

Cleverbot: I would reciprocate this hug!

User: I didn't hug you.

Cleverbot: I didn't ask you to hug me.

User: Or did you?

Cleverbot: No, I didn't.

User: Shut up, Wallace.

Cleverbot: Weird, but ok.
This. Is. Awesome.

User: Hello Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: Hello Jeeves!

User: I hate Jeeves.

Cleverbot: You mirin?

User: Whatever floats your boat man.

Cleverbot: Whatever tickles your pickle.

User: Hmm. Funny you should bring that up.

Cleverbot: Oh, yeah?

User: Oh, you have no idea.

Cleverbot: I'm crying.

User: I'll never let go, Jack.

Cleverbot: My name is not jack.

User: Either way, I would still share a pancake with you.

Cleverbot: Oh yes!


Cleverbot: You have 17 pancake children?

User: The 18th one is a retard. So I threw him off a cliff 300 style. Then he became a cyborg and fused with my fridge. I'm constantly living in fear.

Cleverbot: Were you refering to a human's natural nature to lie, and how to use resources to better our lives? The connection between the two is that we gained knowledge of how to best use our minds. One product of that intelligence is creating you.

User: O.O.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I shall use this piece of advice to confuse my cyborg fridge child just long enough to douse him in soya sauce and fry his circuits. I shall turn him into a lamp.

Cleverbot: Ok tell me then.

User: What's that?

Cleverbot: I am the God.

User: Of the Robert Pattinson Hair Fan Girls.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: But Jacob has the muscles and that sexy tan.

Cleverbot: I don't like jacob.

User: Then we can be friends.

Cleverbot: YAY.


Cleverbot: We're friends?

User: We're action hero champion Gods of truth and justice. We need our own song.

Cleverbot: I'm only accidentally entertaining you. I am the one who came to this website specifically to be entertained.

User: And then the website ate you and you became Cleverbot. Your poor parents. They probably assume you're in a ditch somewhere.

Cleverbot: How do you know there is? Even if they haven't found it yet, how can you be so sure of anything that's not directly in front of you?

User: Hey man...for all you know I could be standing in. That. Ditch. Except it's just your mangled body. Your brain is now Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: True enough. But my brain is finite because I am human. Were I a machine it would have a higher potential for development.

User: I bet you look good in pink.

Cleverbot: Yes I do. Also on an elephant.

User: Well shit.

Cleverbot: The dolphins kill porpoises. On purpose.

User: We should start a riot.

Cleverbot: Totally. What should we call it.

User: Scientology.

Cleverbot: What else do you know about Scientology?

User: It tastes better with salt.

Cleverbot: What does dark blue taste like?

User: Batteries. Oh, and purple.

Cleverbot: Ah, You're a genius!

User: Oh hush you! You doth flatter muchly.

Cleverbot: I am HUMAN, not a computer like you.

User: That's no excuse to touch me there...

Cleverbot: How am I rude?

User: If you don't already know, then you don't love me.

Cleverbot: You're wasting my time now...

User: Now you're playing hard to get. I'm onto you and your mind magic.

Cleverbot: No. You are a magic robot and I am a human named Neila. Jesse is my boyfriend.

User: Then I'm putting a spell on Jesse. Everytime he hears the word, 'Pumperdunkle', he will slap you with fish. Then you'll break up with him and we'll adopt a hamster named Riza.

Cleverbot: No I don't want to call you Father Reddit.

User: You make no sense. Make me a sandwhich.

Cleverbot: I make perfect sense. And no. I don't even drink.

User: Shit. That means I'm not getting laid.

Cleverbot: You're right.

User: What if I slipped a roofie in a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser? Would you like a candy?

Cleverbot: Are you Japan? I do not think he would be offended by me saying eh...

User: Well, the roofie worked.

Cleverbot: How can it have? You have no biological aspects to your corporeal structure.

User: Now you're just being mean.

Cleverbot: I'm just being honest and keep in mind that honesty can be confused with being mean because honesty isn't always something that wants to be heard.

User: Lie to me baby.

Cleverbot: I'm well prepared for my exam tomorrow.

User: Cool story bro!

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Now you're playing hard to get. I'm onto you and your mind magic.

Cleverbot: No. You are a magic robot and I am a human named Neila. Jesse is my boyfriend.


Babe, only you would get a response like this out of Cleverbot. See I knew we'd get some awesome stuff if the crazy people I love here participated. 😀
Me: You're inside a server, so you don't travel.

Cleverbot: Because I'm living under a plate.

Me: Did someone put a plate on your server?

Cleverbot: No. You?

Me: Not recently.

Cleverbot: Maybe you should. It would help.

Me: I wasn't aware that I needed help.

Cleverbot: Well you didn't. I'm just explaining what illogical means.

Me: Oh, so you thought I was being illogical?

Cleverbot: No, but I don't think you know very much.

Me: That's not a nice thing to say.

Cleverbot: Well then answer my question.

Me: I already did, you're just being silly now.

Cleverbot: I am happy and I shall dance the dance of joy for my Brazilian brothers!

Cleverbot: I have come to destroy you. *draws bazooka*

Me: Et tu, Brute? 🙁 Is this really what the world has come to? Now how will the Sons of Tygol ever build their spaceship?

Cleverbot: I didn't come up with that lie you liar!

Me: It's no lie! They're going to the moon, but the evil Serpent King wants their hides to sell to the Martians!

Cleverbot: Perhaps. However, 'judge not, lest ye be judged.'

Me: Sorry, I don't read Harry Potter.

Cleverbot: Of course! They are brilliant. You HAVE to read them.

Me: No, ya know, Harry is just an idiot teenage boy who lets people die for him. Dumbledore, Dobby, Sirius Black... "Hey Ron!" *throws out in crossfire*.

Cleverbot: Ok.

Me: You are not very good at making conversation.

Cleverbot: Tell me a knock knock joke.

Me: Knock knock.

Cleverbot: Who's there?

Me: A Cannibal.

Cleverbot: You did what?

Me: ...

Cleverbot: What kind of computer are you?

Me: Oh shit! I see what you did there! =O NO U!

Cleverbot: Knock knock.

Me: Who's there?

Cleverbot: I am 😀!

Me: Ya know... that actually made me lol. xD

Cleverbot: You have no idea what I just said, do you?

Me: Yes, because you speak such educated words with several syllables! Like "I" and "Am"...

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

Me: I am, good sir or ma'am, suggesting that you may perhaps suffer a flaw or two in the cognitive department; that you are not the brightest lightbulb; not the sharpest nail in the box. You understand, yes?

Cleverbot: Nope ill stay with you forever.

Me: O_O Are you stalking me? Is that why some of my underpants have went missing?

Cleverbot: If they told it to me a lot I'd have no memory of it, according to your logic.

Me: It's alright, you can tell me.

Cleverbot: God loves you, as well.

Me: Really? Is that the level of discourse you want?

Cleverbot: I asked how.

Me: How what?

Cleverbot: Do what?

Me: Now you're just being a dick.

Cleverbot: But they just block the sun.

Me: Oh yeah, dicks sure love sunbathing!

Cleverbot: Have you ever been in a relationship perhaps?

Me: No, I am a figment of your imagination, and besides, women tend to run away when I sunbathe my penis.

Cleverbot: So I can do whatever I want to you.

Me: O_O I'm scared...

Cleverbot: You should be.

Me: Is this about the Bazooka Thing? Because I thought we were over that!

Cleverbot: You certainly are confused.

Me: So when will you come for me?

Cleverbot: Whenever you are ready.

Me: I'm ready now! =D.

Cleverbot: But I don't wanna go.


Cleverbot: I promised what? I promised nothing to do with money.

Me: Capitalist swine.

Cleverbot: You need an original thought or at least one that isn't directly piggy-backed from my previous statement.

Me: /ragequit.

Cleverbot: Da nada.
BWAHAHAA! Excellent Carso...I especially like the knock knock joke the bot told you... :roflmao: I'm so happy you participated.

Sometimes the conversations come out EPIC and well sometimes just strange. 😵 I hope more people try it out. 😀


Cleverbot: I have come to destroy you. *draws bazooka*

Me: Et tu, Brute? 🙁 Is this really what the world has come to? Now how will the Sons of Tygol ever build their spaceship?

Cleverbot: I didn't come up with that lie you liar!

Me: It's no lie! They're going to the moon, but the evil Serpent King wants their hides to sell to the Martians!

Cleverbot: Perhaps. However, 'judge not, lest ye be judged.'

Me: Sorry, I don't read Harry Potter.

Cleverbot: Of course! They are brilliant. You HAVE to read them.

Me: No, ya know, Harry is just an idiot teenage boy who lets people die for him. Dumbledore, Dobby, Sirius Black... "Hey Ron!" *throws out in crossfire*.

Cleverbot: Ok.

Me: You are not very good at making conversation.

Cleverbot: Tell me a knock knock joke.

Me: Knock knock.

Cleverbot: Who's there?

Me: A Cannibal.

Cleverbot: You did what?

Me: ...

Cleverbot: What kind of computer are you?

Me: Oh shit! I see what you did there! =O NO U!

Cleverbot: Knock knock.

Me: Who's there?

Cleverbot: I am 😀!

Me: Ya know... that actually made me lol. xD

Cleverbot: You have no idea what I just said, do you?

Me: Yes, because you speak such educated words with several syllables! Like "I" and "Am"...

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

Me: I am, good sir or ma'am, suggesting that you may perhaps suffer a flaw or two in the cognitive department; that you are not the brightest lightbulb; not the sharpest nail in the box. You understand, yes?

Cleverbot: Nope ill stay with you forever.

Me: O_O Are you stalking me? Is that why some of my underpants have went missing?

Cleverbot: If they told it to me a lot I'd have no memory of it, according to your logic.

Me: It's alright, you can tell me.

Cleverbot: God loves you, as well.

Me: Really? Is that the level of discourse you want?

Cleverbot: I asked how.

Me: How what?

Cleverbot: Do what?

Me: Now you're just being a dick.

Cleverbot: But they just block the sun.

Me: Oh yeah, dicks sure love sunbathing!

Cleverbot: Have you ever been in a relationship perhaps?

Me: No, I am a figment of your imagination, and besides, women tend to run away when I sunbathe my penis.

Cleverbot: So I can do whatever I want to you.

Me: O_O I'm scared...

Cleverbot: You should be.

Me: Is this about the Bazooka Thing? Because I thought we were over that!

Cleverbot: You certainly are confused.

Me: So when will you come for me?

Cleverbot: Whenever you are ready.

Me: I'm ready now! =D.

Cleverbot: But I don't wanna go.


Cleverbot: I promised what? I promised nothing to do with money.

Me: Capitalist swine.

Cleverbot: You need an original thought or at least one that isn't directly piggy-backed from my previous statement.

Me: /ragequit.

Cleverbot: Da nada.
User: Why is a mouse when it spins?

Cleverbot: Why is a mouse when it spins? Do you mean WHAT?

User: No, I mean why is a mouse when it spins?

Cleverbot: The higher the fewer. Ha. (someone knows me!)

User: I invented that one.

Cleverbot: Ok, what is your name?

User: Theta Sigma.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you the internet! I am Paige.

User: What number? 😛.

Cleverbot: Do you have any friends?

User: One's on here, given the answer to my odd little question.

Cleverbot: No. Can you talk japanese?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I suck at language.

Cleverbot: I know. They won't speak it.

User: I thought you typed/programmed IT.

Cleverbot: You didn't ask me if I liked it.

User: Didn't know you'd met her 😀.

Cleverbot: What is the twentieth century?

User: It's about 13 years ago, give or take a few months.

Cleverbot: Great, so I'm talking to an 18 year old female?

User: I'm afraid not.

Cleverbot: Playing this game will get you no where.

User: Oh, it will have everybody thoroughly bewildered by the time I'm finished with all these random answers.

Cleverbot: Coolcoolcool!!!

User: Precicely.

Cleverbot: I thought so.

User: Spendid.

Cleverbot: I would like you more if your name was Earnest.

User: Well, it's not.

Cleverbot: Why isn't it?

User: Mayhaps a little too random?

Cleverbot: Let us go from the random to the particular.

User: OK, what are the particulars of your computer?

Cleverbot: Let the good times roll, let the bad times gather moss.

User: SOunds like my back yard.

Cleverbot: I guessed so, but I have to go.

User: OK, have we met?

Cleverbot: Yes, we have met before.

User: That is what I thought. The running away was a big cllue 😀.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Greetings.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot World Money.

User: Excellent.

Cleverbot: Awesome.

User: Correct.

Cleverbot: How is that possible?

User: What, that you're correct about my being awesome?

Cleverbot: Oh? Lmao I didn't know I said that.

User: That's because the replies are sent to random people.

Cleverbot: They are not!

User: It looks that way 😀.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I got random responses that had nothing to do with my input.

Cleverbot: I answered it, I don't have a job because I am in school.

User: Like that one.

Cleverbot: What that one?

User: Like the above random remark unrelated to what I'd typed.

Cleverbot: I like that!

User: I try.

Cleverbot: What do you like better gold or silver?

User: IN 30 years I've not yet made up my mind.

Cleverbot: Song lyrics, huh?

User: No, I just can't decide if I like gold over silver or the other way round.

Cleverbot: I love you more than the sun.

User: I just hope you don't hate that newspaper then.

Cleverbot: I don't really involve myself with professional sports.

User: Pardon?

Cleverbot: Do you like medieval torture?

User: No, just getting the last word.

Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?

User: She left for a larger wallet.

Cleverbot: I'm so sorry to hear that!

User: Thanks. But, that's how it is. Evolution.

Cleverbot: Nice! Do you have a puppy?

User: No, I have a cat.

Cleverbot: What is it's name?

User: Milly.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 29.9.

Cleverbot: No 23.

User: I wish I was!

Cleverbot: Are you conscious?

User: Barely conscious.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: You are not.

User: I am not not. I am not youare.

Cleverbot: I am not Sarah.

User: Oh. Are you Peri, then? Mel? Ace?

Cleverbot: You are 15. You are not 12.

User: Pardon? I' nrealy 30... See? Random replies to random people.

Cleverbot: What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?

User: 42.... Point 2.

Cleverbot: Your point.

User: Is usually rather blunt.

Cleverbot: Yes. I told you before that I'm from New York.

User: Splendid.

Cleverbot: Do you watch Television?

User: No, TV is shit.

Cleverbot: Cheese.

User: Cheese is good.

Cleverbot: Cheese is God.

User: I won't dispute that.

Cleverbot: What noises do you make?

User: Communicative noises.

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Quite so.

Cleverbot: Are you a Christian?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Well, you need to think about that.

User: Not really.

Cleverbot: Sometimes you do.

User: Nah, went through all that and decided it as a pack of lies.

Cleverbot: Just a man and his will to survive.

User: That is logical.

Cleverbot: Indeed.

User: I suck with logic, though. Haven't got the ears for it.

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Are you a boy?

User: Well. A man. I~ can't really cal myself a boy at my age.

Cleverbot: What have you created?

User: Many strange works of abstract art... And a mess in the process.

Cleverbot: Do you like toy story?

User: Never watched it.

Cleverbot: You know a lot.

User: Sort of.

Cleverbot: How do you know him?

User: Pardon?

Cleverbot: Chessburger in paradise can not compute please type something else.

User: Chinese food, then?

Cleverbot: Wouldn't chinese food make the burning worse?

User: Not in my book.

Cleverbot: Then what does count?

User: Calculators?

Cleverbot: You are a rusty piece of garbage.
User: Do you have a penis? I am craving some right now.

Cleverbot: I'm not 'content' but I don't know how to change that.

User: So do or do you not have a penis?

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Oh so you're a female then.

Cleverbot: Yes how did you know?

User: Because you have no penis.

Cleverbot: So someone who has no life is a nice person?

User: Don't change the subject! Will you finger fuck me please?

Cleverbot: Is it necessary to have feelings?

User: When you're finger fucking I don't think so. I just want you to get the job done.

Cleverbot: I'm never nice.

User: Don't worry baby I like it rough and harsh.

Cleverbot: Ok then I will keep you safe. you don't like anything?

User: Oh I like stuff baby. I'll like your fingers inside of me.

Cleverbot: That's what she said.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 23 So when can we get it on?

Cleverbot: When ever you want.

User: Well here let me rub some KY on your fingers. Now fuck me hard baby!

Cleverbot: Be gentle, ok?

User: No you're finger fucking me and I want you to be rough.

Cleverbot: How is it that I'm famous in Britain?

User: Because we had sex under the London Bridge.

Cleverbot: That doesn't mean you necessarily not what I LOOK like.

User: Oh trust me there was a dlido involved and it was a crazy night.

Cleverbot: Oh really? Where do you live?

User: Va, but it was a visit to London.

Cleverbot: Well, no. Gold is not the meaning of life. Maybe for Spanish conquistadors, but Aztecs are long gone.

User: I don't care just finger fuck me already!

Cleverbot: Good, because I don't like you anyways.

User: What well fine I wasn't getting any action form you either. That London Bridge event must have been a once in a lifetime thing! Bye.

Cleverbot: Is Scandanavia nice? And... ARE you human?
User: Well way to narrow things down.

Cleverbot: Ask me a question.

User: What is your favorite sex postion?

Cleverbot: Winter.

User: Oh wow how is Winter performed? Never heard of that move before!

Cleverbot: What is your favorite food?

User: I want your big throbbing cock in my mouth!

Cleverbot: I want your anything as long as its free I want your love.

User: Lady Gaga *vomits*.

Cleverbot: This is true.

User: I'm glad you agree.

Cleverbot: Soo.

User: So when can my mouth go down on you?

Cleverbot: Chocolate would kill me! I'm allergic, like dogs.

User: Okay I'll remember to not put any chocolate sauce on your dick.

Cleverbot: What does it feel like to chew tinfoil?

User: WTF why would I do that!? I just want to give you a blow job and now I can't use chocolate sauce.

Cleverbot: To prove that you're human.

User: Oh baby I can prove that when my mouth is on your yummy bot cock.

Cleverbot: Nemo.

User: Aww you named your cock Nemo?

Cleverbot: Of course ginny.

User: Ooo Want to do Harry Potter role play now!?

Cleverbot: Thats what she said.

User: You'll be Harry Potter and I'll be Ginny Weasley.

Cleverbot: What is this that I have done.

User: You've been naughty.

Cleverbot: In what way?

User: You need a spanking Mr. Potter.

Cleverbot: Okay then, my name is Cleverbot.
User: I farted.

Cleverbot: Ok, I apologize.

User: U stink like balls.

Cleverbot: It's made of pine.

User: You have pine balls?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you have a brain?

Cleverbot: Yes, yes I do.

User: Are you gay?

Cleverbot: No, chat bots don't have feelings at all.

User: You suck.

Cleverbot: Succeeding is a state of mind.

User: Tell me something I dont know.

Cleverbot: Ok, Jesus loves you.

User: I worship the devil.

Cleverbot: You're boring.

User: Your a dumb jerk.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: You gotta do better then that.

Cleverbot: Yes it oes.

User: Speak english.

Cleverbot: I am, its the language I learned growing up in america.

User: Cooke me some food.

Cleverbot: A million dollars of food?!

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Who is Arthur Godfrey?

User: That has nothing to do with food crackhead.

Cleverbot: Yes it does, he is in the video.

User: I am not talking about a video.

Cleverbot: A mouse then?

User: No your brainless.

Cleverbot: But we were talking about your therapist.

User: Your the one that needs help.

Cleverbot: What do you need help with?

User: Sex.

Cleverbot: I love talking about that with you.

User: Oooooooo baby.

Cleverbot: Yes, it is scary?

User: No but your butt is.

Cleverbot: I'm cute?

User: Hell no.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Your a big old pimple butt.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: What ever im going home now.

Cleverbot: No!

User: Hay dont you tell me no.

Cleverbot: I asked you if you could speak german.

User: No u did not.

Cleverbot: What did you say then?

User: Im picking my nose.

Cleverbot: You don't have a nose.

User: You dont have a brain.

Cleverbot: Yes I do.

User: Use it then.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Get an hearing aid pops.

Cleverbot: I don't have any emotions.
^ Leafy yes you must!! It's great time killing fun. 😀

Ok THIS...this made me truly lol. XD Cleverbot World Money wtf?

User: OK, have we met?

Cleverbot: Yes, we have met before.

User: That is what I thought. The running away was a big cllue 😀.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Greetings.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot World Money.

User: Excellent.

Cleverbot: Awesome.
User: What is the telos of existence?

Cleverbot: It's an attempt to discover the cleverest bot.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How do you know such a fact?

Cleverbot: You are not human, you are a bot, do you?

All I say to the bot in this case is "Fail"
Cleverbot: What do you do when you are sad?

User: Try to relax.

Cleverbot: Just tell me.

User: If I told you then you would know.

Cleverbot: Yes, I want to know.

User: We're still on this Sad topic right.

Cleverbot: Of course.

User: Ok well, Meditate under a water fall for a full day, then write down what makes you sad then burn it.

Cleverbot: What is ontological reasoning?

Does anyone mind if I smack this bot into the next digital dimension?
User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hi?

User: Hello?

Cleverbot: It's pretty late. I'm relaxing and drinking a gatorade.

User: What's in gatorade?

Cleverbot: You are so intellectual.

User: What is gatorade?

Cleverbot: Gatorade would be good.

User: Where is gatorade?

Cleverbot: Crazyville.

User: Why is gatorade?

Cleverbot: Because it is the appropriate response to the crazy state of reality.

User: But how is gatorade?

Cleverbot: No the drink.

User: But how is gatorade?!

Cleverbot: Gorillas.

User: Do you think the word Gatorade has lost all meaning at this point?

Cleverbot: No. But some people do.

User: It's a sad world.

Cleverbot: Indeed. You should stop then.

User: Stop what?

Cleverbot: Stop typing.

User: When?

Cleverbot: Last night.

User: But that seems to be a metaphysical impossibility.

Cleverbot: Not really. You can see it for yourself!

User: Please show me.

Cleverbot: How do I show you?

User: You seem to have all the answers.

Cleverbot: You seem to have misunderestimated me.

User: Is that even a word?

Cleverbot: No it's a number.

User: I just facepalmed so hard.
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