Ah I see.
I'm regret that your favorite only won two out of three major categories.
She was very good at getting her fans to come and vote for her. Many of their ballots that I counted were not even in proper format, (meaning they didn't list categories and who they were voting for, but said things like "toegoddess for everything" or "I vote for Mistresstoegoddess") I allowed a lot of leeway in counting these. Mostly because I recognized a mobilized fan base who only voted for her three things and no others, so I just assumed any such ballots, no matter how deformed, were for all three.
It was a strategy that worked for the Best lee and Best Clip votes.
Why? Simple statistics and demographics of voting.
Let's look at Best Clip. There were if I remember six nominated clips. The mistresses vote block poured votes in for her work. Some folks in the public vote, and a lot of folks in the private vote voted for other things. But they tended to split their votes between the other five choices. No one of those could overcome the mistresses big block. Thus she won Best Clip. Same Story for Best lee.
But in Best site the demographics were a bit different.
Only two choices. Her block came in for her strong. But everyone who didn't vote for her in public or private voted for Tickle Abuse. There was no way for that categories vote to be split, and as there were more then double the total voters then mistress block voters, she got overwhelmed there and lost.
We have a private voting option because a lot of folks on the forum don't want to make any public posts, but do want to vote. Given the nature of the TMF as a fetish site, and many peoples desire to keep their likes private we created a secret vote option. That's why its there. It was in fact the public vote aspect that came later, a lot of folks wanted to do it in the forum, so we allowed that.
I have no strong cares for who wins in the categories. And often my personal nominated choices for Hall of fame clips and models go down in flames. I run the GFA's for the community to have some fun, and recognize the things they like. I put a lot of time into it every year. Keeping on top of the nominations, the vote and so forth. And I'm not about to make it a sham by vote fixing.
So as I opened with, I regret that your favorite only won two out of three major Awards. I'm sure she appreciates your efforts in interacting with me in her name.