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Dont want this fetish anymore? How do i get rid of it?

I feel like creating a help section or something, but this isn't my site. But it sure would help.

Every day that goes by I wonder more and more why I am here aside from the reasons I've stated in the past before.

I think I know why now. Its to help lost people or people that just want to explain how they feel. They shouldn't have to hold it in or feel ashamed or like a traitor and be so into what other people think and that they can convide in me and others willing to help.

Theres so much I would want to do, but I couldn't do it alone.
marmitemoo said:
I've been a watcher for ages, and I dont like this fetish that I have, ever since I was a child, I've tired liking it, egnoring it etc etc, now I just want to be rid of it, and any others, anybody know how?

What a torrent of good, bad and indifferent advice your plea for help has unleashed! May I presume to summarize the best of the counsel (and add to it)? I know you have tried ignoring the fetish, but please continue to do so as far as possible. As many of the members pointed out, the appetite grows by what it feeds on. Starving may not annihilate it, but it will weaken it substantially over time. Replace it with other concerns and passions. Anything that leads you to focus on others rather than yourself is beneficial. Try to understand what caused you to become obsessed with tickling (or being tickled, as the case may be). Rob this fetish of its mystery and it will lose much of its potency. Ferret out any nuggets of gold buried in the obsession (a love of laughter, a relish of horseplay, etc.) and retain those. Indulge them without the tickling.
This is hard, but if you have to jettison some or all of your present friends and lovers, do so, just as an alcoholic has to avoid his old drinking buddies.
Do not flog yourself over what you've done in the past. As the poet Thomas Hardy observed, "If way to the better there be, it exacts a full look at the worst." You've had your full look and you know what it is you're retreating from.
Don't be afraid to seek professional help, if nothing else works.
Go to God, if you are not already with Him, or seeking Him. But don't go as you would go to the dentist, to have one painful tooth removed; He will make a new woman out of you, one who does not need to be cruel or be abused in order to know she is worthy and loved.
Wow, 6 pages in one night! You people must have sat up for hours.

This is a fascinating discussion, whether it meets the aim of the question or not, and I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who has agonized over this issue. I shall give my two bits worth as well - not to negatate what has been said so far, but to put perhaps another angle on it.

Why is a fetish such as this such a problem, when it actually is pretty harmless on any grand scale? It can be either because we are frightened of its possible future consequences on our relationships, on our life and reputation, should it get out of hand or some other such fear. And then again, it can be out of shamebecause we feel it is unworthy of us, of the image that we have built up of ourselves and that we would like others to have of us. I see no other reason at the moment - if there is, please enlighten me.

I agree with Val that there can be no real "cure" because the origin of a fetish is so shrouded in mystery - it being subject to neither inheritance nor environment, but rather something that arises spontaneously at some point in the psyche in a very individual and specific way, usually in very early childhood. And the instinctive tendency of most people is to feel ashamed or uneasy about it, to hide it from the world until they feel their personality and individuality can cope with accepting it as a part of who they are - if this ever happens. It never has with me, really.

But one can learn to cope with it, and here various suggestions have shown how individuals have managed. To put it in my words, it is firstly important that we do not think that our fetish is us, is who we really are, but place it where it belongs, as a small, but important and mysterious part off our sexual persona, which is in itself also only one aspect of aour individuality. And then try to explore the other, the greater part of who we are - to find a path, spiritual, or social or simply in human relationships, in which we can grow and develop as a person, living according to our own feeling for what is ethical, moral, in good taste and so on.

If that brings us in touch with a higher power, well and good. But also this is subject to the dictates of our individuality, and will take on individual colouring in each person.
I personally have a difficulty in talking about God, because to me, the relationship to God is essentially one of the heart, a very inward, personal relationship that cannot be shared in words if it is to be understood. So I prefer to refer to it as a path of personal development.

The important thing, however, is that I can lead my life knowing that this is who I really am, and not the fetish, which is only a charcteristic of my personality.

Then we can also look to the positive aspects of such an "imperfection" within us. For my own part, I know that having something like this has brought an element of humility and modesty into my life that I surely would not have easily acquired any other way - because my tendency would have been towards arrogance and impatience with other people's imperfections. So it has brought an element of realism into my life, like a constant reminder.

And it has also led me to ask, why, if this is such an individual part of me, not acquired from parents or outer events and impressions in my life, have I got this?
It belongs essentially to me, I was, so to speak, born with it. That means I must have brought it with me from whatever existence I was in before I was born. So how was this incorporated into my soul - and the step from this to believing in the possibilty of a life on the earth before this one, in which the seeds for who and what I am now were laid, is not very big. I do not wish this to become a religious debate, so I expessly state this as my personal manner of dealing with the issue.

As a last picture, one can imagine our soul life suspended between two polarities balanced on a fulcrum. On the one side are our desires and wishes which make us fit for a life in the real world. On the other side is the person we really are, that core of our being that makes us an idividual soul, and which originates in a world unknown to us - we only experience its outcome. And the trick would be to put enough emphasis and work into this other, usually neglected pole to balance out our life, and thereby rob the other, the fetish pole, of its addictive and dominating force.

If this sounds like too much of a lecture, forgive me. But if you've come this far and not been too bored, you may want to add your thoughts.
Vladislaus Dracula said:
And playing the hand you're dealt can include seeking ways beyond the medical. It wouldn't just help one aspect of your life, I'm sure. The often very subtle trap that can be present in just giving in and letting it run it's course is that you don't know where it will take you, and if God is not a part of it, its even potentially more problematic.

Its sad that people see God as a repressive individual who means to keep you bottled up, when in reality, he is the most liberating force you will ever know.

I think the only way to be truely free and happy in this life and the next is to have an understanding and love for that which goes beyond what you can see and control by human understanding, standards, and evaluations.

Theres an answer for everything with God. That pisses alot of people off, but it is what it is.

I mean no offence, I am a student of Relgious studies but I disagree with all your concepts of God. There is not everything in God, does not hold all the answers. I would call that your human concept. The arguement is pointless and I wont go into because we will get nowhere. Just please dont preach, though I thank you for your answers!
No need to apologize, Eric. Many of us have rattled on at length on this thread, trying to cover all aspects of the question, simply because the lady whose post started it all was not specific about her angst. It was a brief cry for help in the night, and half a dozen Rangers rode to the rescue, guns blazing. Inevitably we must have fired several shots in the wrong direction. (God grant we didn't wound the very one we were trying to save!)
As I said in a previous post, one can imagine many reasons to recoil from this fetish: if unchecked, it can be cruel, consuming, and isolating. It can be embarrassing, if revealed, due to its childhood associations. (To those unafflicted it must seem infantile.)
You are right, of course, about the balancing effect of an imperfection. As Shakespeare remarks, "Our virtues would be proud if our faults whipped them not; and our crimes would despair if they were not cherished by our virtues." I believe this is also part of what Blake meant by Fearful Symmetry, that balance between polar opposites you wrote of.
As to the introduction of God into the discussion, none of us meant to appear intrusive or pharasaical. Faith is, as you say, intensely personal. But those of us who believe are simply duty-bound to acknowledge Him and affirm His importance to any fundamental question of life. Not to do so would be tantamount to giving deliberately bad advice.
marmitemoo said:
I mean no offence, I am a student of Relgious studies but I disagree with all your concepts of God. There is not everything in God, does not hold all the answers. I would call that your human concept. The arguement is pointless and I wont go into because we will get nowhere. Just please dont preach, though I thank you for your answers!

Perhaps you would find our "preaching" less wearisome if you thought of it as field research for your Religious Studies course.
Trim away the theology from these posts and I believe you will still be left with some sound practical advice for exorcising your demon, if you'll pardon the expression.
Please let us know how you fare and if we can be of any more help.
marmitemoo said:
I've been a watcher for ages, and I dont like this fetish that I have, ever since I was a child, I've tired liking it, egnoring it etc etc, now I just want to be rid of it, and any others, anybody know how?


Well, if you're particularly masochistic, you could try to eliminate it the Pavlov way. In other words-classical conditioning.
Perhapse a Psychiatrist specialising in this could help you. Provided that there is still one that will be legally able to use shock treatment to acheive your goals. But, there are other methods used by Pavlov to produce the conditioned stimuli(or in your case de-stimuli) and conditioned response.

However, if you don't want to spend money on some brain-dead shrink that thinks that continually telling you that you are a freak is going to help, you could check out Pavlovs works in your local library.

Personally, I have come to terms with my fetish. I know that general society dosen't like me or what I like, but I don't have to drive my ass into the ground trying to eliminate a fetish that neither has anything to do with them or destroys their life in any damned way.

When relationship time sprouts it's head in my general direction, I will cross that particular bridge when I come to it.
I shall take this line-by-line, as is my style elsewhere.

>You seem awefully conflicted. MC. On the one hand you want her to settle and accept, yet you're open to the possibility that this is merely a test, a trial, and something she must ultimately overcome.<

...no. I'm merely putting forth suggestions as to what the "higher power" </pc> may have in mind. I have no idea why she has this particular leaning, nor do I know why I have my own individual tastes. Honestly, I don't "want" her to do anything but decide for herself which of the two choices (or possibly others) would be best for her, as I cannot read her mind, nor can I fully understand the mindset of the powers that be.

>Case by case, person for person its impossible to tell until they explain things, and while this is not a contest to see where she stands and how far she's in, it would appear that she is not happy with herself.<

I never said it was a contest. If anything, I'm taking the approach that it is more likely a lesson.

>That leads me to believe that this fetish is holding her back, and she's conflicted, as you are, as to what would happen if that fetish was gone from her life. What would take it's place.<

I don't know if I understand what you're saying here, because it seems as though you're grouping me with her. If this is the case, then that is extremely presumptuous; I have no problems with my leanings, and am not conflicted by them. I am more confused about what I am to do with my time on earth, and this is not something that is abnormal...no human knows 100% for sure why they're here. I have faith that it will be revealed to me in time, and to think otherwise would be to attempt to force God's hand.

>I gave her the most innocent, wholesome advice I could give her. I don't want for her a quick fix or something that will wither and die with time and age.<

And that's great; neither do I. But if that is not what God has intended, who are we to argue? My stance, then, is one of self-realization. Only she can know why, where, and how.

>A relationship with God is not only assuring, it brings people to a level of perspective that those outside of this living-force do not understand.<

And, again, that's great. But it seems as though you're equating a relationship with God to an automatic shedding of her fetish, which may or may not be completely true.

I'm just saying that we have no idea why she wants to get rid of it, or why she has her fetish. It might be to teach her a lesson about herself, or it might be to help her overcome it. I can't think like God, because his is an intelligence that I could never even hope to comprehend. If you can, then that's wonderful; it is a clairvoyence that is beyond me...and there's nothing conflicted about it. After all, Aquinas said that God is that of which nothing greater can be conceived, and yet greater still. It's infinity...how can a person wrap his or her mind around that?


And, just to bring up a point of thought...often times, we Christians like to think that we are taken to certain places because we must "help" those who need it. But do we ever once think that perhaps we are taken to these places because /we/ are the ones in need of help? That our own perceptions are skewed? Teachers can learn just as much from their students...
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that's interesting Marm, this may sound horrible, but if i were you i would pray that your concepts of God be prooven wrong to you in the coming years of your life.
When dealing with human reasoning you invariably get a 6 page debate in the span of 24 hours. a mix of varrying levels of morality, personal ambition, and hidden agendas in replies. what answers were all of us put together able to give you to aid you in your way. I would hope to high heaven that there is an omnipitent being that does hold a solid unwavering design of deceny or big bang help us all, damn that's not that encouraging.
The best advice offered was by Vlad in one of,what you would call his religious tirades, because in the book of James he has ben old that where the mouth leads the mind and heart will invariably follow. so if you truly seek to be rid of this fetish then take his advice devise a set of daily affirmations and say them once before slumbering and once before rising. 365 days tops and 95% of those good tickle feelings will be gone, and i will truly miss your presence in these halls. if you don't believe him, there are a number of secular works to support his ideals. just think oif this as Napoleon Hill's think and grow tickle free. but it all requires an amount of faith though and if that is something that yo don't have it won't work. daily affirmations are the only proven method of changing human behavior, good luck young lady.

I think that Eric touched on a very big point. there is something beneath the surface that is causing these negative feelings to arise for people to so agressively want to be rid of this gift. i call it a gift because it allows me to enjoy parts of my signifigant other that other people will never know. our good friend Vlad can never know the great joy that we all experience from this aspect of life, but he also can not be haunted by some of the consequences that go with it.

I don't think that anyone here if they were in a monogomous longterm (marital) relationship with a signifigant other who enjoyed the same fetish while subscribing to all the other things that make a marriage work would be complaining. if that is the case with anyone who is married to a mutual tickle phile please let me know. I think that it is quite the contrary. I personally believe that deep down, those experiencing apprehension don't think that they canever get to that place. It was metnioned in this very thread that it might be an obstacle to finding a stable marriage, and that is a valid concern at the outset, when one feels alone, and that there is no one out there that will ever share or accept this part of them. But in this great hall with membership growing into the 10's of thousands, there is no logical reasoning for this method of thinking now.

This is not the only aspect of life that People wish would go away or improve. I liken it (fellas back me up) to that supermodel look a like girlfriend we all had to leave because she thought she was fat. literally. beautiful women and people that don't love themselves. I know that i've dated one. and no matter how beautiful they are, and how much you tell them they still think that they are ugly and that they need dramatic changes to be accepted and loved. I think that is the greater argument here. (now there are instances when it can be destructive, but its not the fetish, its general sexual iresposability. if you are meeting up with different women to pracice with oops that's just you. if you are basically fondling women to get your rocks off then thats like walking up to them and grabbing their breasts, its not just the fact that you like tickling, you get what i mean.)

My biggest revelation in life that helped me through this was studying how to develop a healthy marriage. in order to avoid having an unhappy marriage that ends in divorce you have to have full disclosure. that should be the purpose of preliminary dating, to let the other person get to know you as much as possible and to make an informed decision. In america it has degenerated into trying to hide as much as possible in order to trick the person you want into liking you. and that doesn't work because the other person was tricking you too so 6 months later you HATE each other. and for full disclosure you have to develop a list of must haves and cant stands. and try to be as thurough as possible. and in order to marry someone it should be a PERFECT match. you mean 50 % or better right, no PERFECT. now i know this might be a little hard to grasp for the i can't save $100/month crowd, but it works. They estimate that there are about 5,000 people on tis planet that will fit that list for every person. does that mean that there are more than i can ever possibly date, yes. all you have to do is look. I just see this as a must have that is on my list.

I think that to have happieness in this plane there has to be a certain level of moral structure to our lives and if this fetish is leading you astray from that then i do think that you should persue means of erradication. especially for those of us that are married and are not sharing this with our signifigant other. I would like to thinbk that this forum has a use other than exchanging rare pornagraphin material and that there is some long term good to come of this forum than just the momentary satisfaction of watching TC clips. I think that it was the imortal Stacie Orricio who said theres gotta be more to life, than chasing down these temporary highs. and i think that is what is going on here. there is more out there and we just have to stand up and grab it because it is within our reach. I think that there are those who have lost faith that they will find the garden of eden that they have had a glimpse of and are becoming immune to the temporary highs that were once provided by this forum and others.

I would say unto them fear not for the Lord thy God has not burdened you, but gifted you with another marker to identify the one true person that he placed here for you and that when you are ready to accept yourself and deal with another of your persuasion that person will appear and your life can begin all over again. I bear whitness that in a structured place, this gift can bring great joy to a relationship, and the reward for not being discouraged will be great. to those in a more compromised situation i would tell you that God has also given you the strength to die unto yourself daily for the preservation of your families and lives, and that oi will truly miss your presence here.

and to Kalamos i was only partly kidding, but once again this God being busy thing is not really being directed to you, i am just stating that he has so much power and can be in so many places at the same time that if all the world required to be judged right now that he could do so in the blink of an eye, because otherwise it allows some to think that their prayers fall on deaf ears.

and Vlad after much thought and consideration i think that we should go into business together.
Delte all of this from your computer and block the sites from being searched. If you dont want it around you then make it happen.
I suppose that Marmitemoo's post should end it all: even if she asked for "help" in the first place, she also asked Vlad not to preach.

It is no more relevant if Vlad is really preaching, or simply expressing his faith and feeling, by his right to "free speech".

Marmitemoo made it clear: she felt the religious argument was pointless - and we all agree, on TTC, that the original poster has the right to ask for a break, should the thread become off-topic or problematic.

Should speaking of religion be considered off-topic, problematic or akin to all-out preaching?
It is a touchy matter, since religion revolves around personal feelings, not only public piety.

Speaking of divine wisdom and godly characteristics is a show of piety, and while it could seem perfectly normal to followers of a given cult, it is by no mean universal.

Personally I don't agree with Miss Val's idea of medical help, or self analysis - but she made a point we can't disagree with: this is not a Discussion forum, even if we do have a section for that.

This is chiefly an adult forum; proposing ways to "cure" a fetish, when the site is *paid* by producers of fetish videos, is not unlike proposing anti-alcohol programs in a downtown bar.

Many religion revolve around fighting the tempation - but this is just too much.

Am I lacking respect to "believers"? What about believers of a different religion respecting mine?

I'd like to point out that most posters here are, because of their origins and culture, a different "breed" of christians.

Strictly speaking, I could report their post on religious topics, as harassing: I am a Catholic Christian, so my religion is the oldest kind of christianism - and I could claim it is the "best".

I could state that mentioning God in this context is actually demeaning and out of place. I could ask your posts to be removed - since you are "false-believers" from my point of view.

Staff would be hard-pressed to decide who is harassing whom - and they'd probably have to close any and all threads regarding religious topics.

For this reason, while religion shouldn't be considered a taboo matter - it is also a delicate topic.

It would be sensible for people to avoid it since delving too deep could touch nerves, and provoke raw reactions.

Is this putting a mouth gag on users? Well, consider if a fervent Hebrew, Muslim or - say - Indu started speaking of his/her/its faith, and gave out advices on fetishes, vices or habits...

We should pause before rights become issues, and assets liabilities.

Futhermore, and since the thread has probably reached its closure and climax, I'm happy with how it went. While the person the bulk of our replies to seems indifferent, at least towards my remarks, I can rest easy knowing that despite that two other people came forward in courage and others came out with support for them as well. So more than one person got something positive out of this, and we all got to talking about it rather than sweeping it under the rug. And we were all very peaceful and respectful about it.

Up to this point, I could not be more happier with how that went. It was bumpy at first, but I'm glad I stayed committed to it and so did the others. :)
Ah. Well i've skipped most of the replies because I do not want to get drawn from my reply to the initial post. I love tickling, always have. I do not like the sexual arrousal it gives me because the love of tickling vanishes after sexual satisfaction 9and therefore the fun of tickling) but that is not my point.

Tickling is taboo

It bothers me


There is something else I have always loved which has been taboo for the last seventeen years and has been considered sad, the property of sad loosers who have no ruight to exist in the popular fashion world. I ike Doctor Who, always have. I've never cared a bit about the riddicule, insults and bullying I've recieved over my love of that program. So why do I feel odd about tickling? I shouldn't; and slowly I'm moving towards the same "yeah, so?" I've always stood by re Doctor Who. Do not want to be rid it it. Embrace it, accept it. It's hard, but the joy is worth it in the end.

And I ahve to say, that the odds are, that you're a better person than anyone who is "normal" I've known normal people, I know one or two gays/lesbiens, foot fetishists...
and they are far nicer and considerate of anyone/anything than anyone "normal"

It seems to me that many with a healthy tickling fetish or "abnormality" that does not abuse or cause pain and gives them a good degree of sensitivity and compassion is blessed far more than they could ever realise.


"Only the "madman" can see the path clearly through the tangled woods" - {Quote: James Kent-Smith AKA Sylvester McCoy, Ghost Light}

Marmitemoo, you are as unique and special as we are!
Agh!, sorry about the spelling there, but my hands are killing me! Very early arthritis
marmitemoo said:
I mean no offence, I am a student of Relgious studies but I disagree with all your concepts of God. There is not everything in God, does not hold all the answers. I would call that your human concept. The arguement is pointless and I wont go into because we will get nowhere. Just please dont preach, though I thank you for your answers!
That is exactly why I tried to take the thread back on topic. I believe that if Marmitemoo had wanted religious advice, she would have asked for religious advice.

A sexual paraphilia is a built-in component of one's entire psyche, and cannot be readily plucked out and thrown away. The "best" treatments have only mixed results, and are usually reserved for violent or dangerous sex offenders because of expense, length of treatment, and medical and psychological risks. A tickling fetish is a pretty harmless obsession compared with necrophilia, rape, child molestation, or lust murder.

My experience has been much like Ericmartin's -- that having the fetish has helped me to learn humility and patience and to be more tolerant of others' personal problems. I feel that coming to terms with my own "imperfection" has made me a better and more well-rounded person.

If someone really needs to be rid of this fetish, it would require professional medical and psychological diagnosis and treatment. Prayer could be part of a treatment plan, but is NOT a substitute for competent medical intervention.

As far as treatment for sexual paraphilias, there are no safe or easy options. Most therapy begins with drugs to suppress the sex drive: http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section15/chapter192/192d.jsp This is combined with a grueling regimen of "aversive conditioning," intensive counselling, and social skills retraining, and even this isn't especially effective.


The literature describing treatment is fragmentary and incomplete. Traditional psychoanalysis has not been particularly effective with paraphilia and generally requires several years of treatment. Therapy with hypnosis has also had poor results.

Despite more than a decade of experience with psychotherapeutic treatment programs, most workers in the field are not convinced that they have a high degree of success. ...

Here is another:


While prognosis in the treatment of paraphilia is generally guarded, pessimism is not always justified. Prognosis varies according to ego strengths, the quality of object relationships, the rigidity and nature of defensive operations, the tolerance for anxiety and other affects, and the age of the patient. In some persons, many of those factors are positive.

The treatment of impulsive and driven paraphilias is somewhat more hopeful than formerly because of the use of antiandrogens. Enthusiasm for the treatment must be tempered, however, by the fact that a majority of treatment completers relapse during follow-up.

While no good data are available, the degree of compulsion in the paraphilias appears to decrease as the patient ages, along with a general decline in sexual preoccupations. In a number of paraphilias, the natural course of the condition is characterized by intermittent manifestations, so that for long periods deviant behavior may be absent. Spontaneous recovery, however, is unlikely.

Therefore, my original advice still stands: it's best to learn to live with it unless the fetish produces predatory or dangerous beahviour. There's nothing wrong with talking to a licensed psychologist, social worker, or marriage counsellor who specialises in sexual problems, but trying to erase a fetish is a difficult and often painful task and should only be undertaken in extreme cases.

Best regards,
People seriously need to stop bringing up religion. If you wanna talk about it so bad, go to church.

You all may think you're helping by bringing it up, but you're just making things worse.
Not to throw gasoline on the fire...but if one's is a Judeo-Christian world view, it is very difficult to omit the very basis of one's principles and value system in such discussions. It would be like an accountant being asked to do his job without using numbers, or a fish to swim without running water over its gills.

Don't take it as 'forcing it" down your throats. I'm certain in most cases it is not the intention. Unfortunately, some people have in other venues in the past, making the rest of us look bad.

All have made valid points on both ends. I think the true answer is somewhere in the middle (not sure how far one side or the other). God can deliver from all things if it is His will. I have thought mine to be a 'thorn in the flesh" at times, other times, just a 'quirk in my wiring.'

The important thing is not to let it dominate your life. I accept it as something that is part of me until He takes it way. My fair lady is not into it, not even ticklish. Coming here to this site may be the equivalent to mthadone for a opium addict in a maintenence clinic. It has helped it not to dominiate my thoughts by being an outlet, as well as making some good friends along the way.

So, all you atheists, agnostics, or believers oif other faiths, please just accept it as the filter we look thru. Asking us to throw it aside is like asking us to breathe, but omitting the oxygen. I realize that may offend some people, but it is the truth. none the less. It is a part of us as much as the fetish (with possible exception of Vlad).

I only mention it when it applies to the topic. And it DOES, directly and indirectly, depending on the spiritual outlook of the person in this case. If it doesn't, then the person should just filter it out. Since this place is not intended as a place to evagelize, I refrain, saving that for IM's or PM's, when I feel it applies. Perhaps a good rule of thumb for the future???

Just my two widow's mites....
This thread certainly got odd, fast. The person even stated they were not religiously inclined, and we the got the hellfire and brimstone show of a lifetime. As was stated, god is not the immediate answer to everything... or maybe anything. There's just too many problems on the this planet for that for evidence. Anyway, coming to a tickling forum to ask for advice to shake off their fetish is like going to a brewery for an AA meeting.

There is in fact immediate solutions if you want to break free, but please remember, we are not your priests, or doctors as well. There's legit counseling to be sought, and breakthroughs can be found if you really feel this as become a burden.

Anyone who would go out of their way to try to "save" then via religious healing who's a regular member of a tickling forum is just a little too damn bizarre as well.
shazbot said:
This thread certainly got odd, fast. The person even stated they were not religiously inclined, and we the got the hellfire and brimstone show of a lifetime. As was stated, god is not the immediate answer to everything... or maybe anything. There's just too many problems on the this planet for that for evidence. Anyway, coming to a tickling forum to ask for advice to shake off their fetish is like going to a brewery for an AA meeting.

There is in fact immediate solutions if you want to break free, but please remember, we are not your priests, or doctors as well. There's legit counseling to be sought, and breakthroughs can be found if you really feel this as become a burden.

Anyone who would go out of their way to try to "save" then via religious healing who's a regular member of a tickling forum is just a little too damn bizarre as well.

To borrow your own AA analogy, suppose this were a Wine Appreciation forum and a member suddenly announced he had a drinking problem and wanted to quit. What would the decent response be? Try and talk him out of going on the wagon...or rally round and give him all the support and advice we could? I think the latter, and as a believer, my best advice will always include an affirmation of the power and goodness of God (unless the guy specifically asked at the outset, "What do the atheists among you think I should do?")
I am certainly not claiming saintliness for myself. My presence here proves that. But if someone cries for help, I'm going to try and boost them up, not drag them down.
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ignatz01 said:
To borrow your own AA analogy, suppose this were a Wine Appreciation forum and a member suddenly announced he had a drinking problem and wanted to quit. What would the decent response be? Try and talk him out of going on the wagon...or rally round and give him all the support and advice we could? I think the latter, and as a believer, my best advice will always include an affirmation of the power and goodness of God (unless the guy specifically asked at the outset, "What do the atheists among you think I should do?")

Interesting point, but hardly comparable. I would think a tickling forum would be a haven for those that have been ashamed, or didn't have an outlet for this like or desire. When people express a desire to be free from said forums, there's a air of condescention. "I'm ready to be free from you, I'm better than you, you people are ruining my life", and resulting guilt trips are almost always ready to ignite a situation.

Unlike AA, which is a need to break away from a substance for health, personal, and mental reasons. People who drink or start drinking don't seek to become alcoholics, it's something that happens from abuse. There are people that seek to become ticklers, and are just fine with it.

If your tickling has taken you to a place that you don't want to be, why is it that a tickling forum should help you out? If your tickling has taken you to dangerous place then why should we be affiliated with you? Seeking to help those here who should have known better in the first place is like admitting you've taken part in something wrong, and helping them pays a little penance in some odd attempt to fill a patch in your soul.

As I say, the help they need is not in fact, here. The power and goodness of god is not an instant affirmation to save yourself, it takes your own motivation to set the wheels in motion. Is the notion not true that god only helps those that help themselves? I wouldn't think the power of god is a crutch to help you moderate your turn-ons, I figure god would want you to abstain altogether.

"Hey god, I love you, but I got this thing I like to cater to. I hope you understand."
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Hmm....fights about this stuff always seem to end up this way...

Here's my point of view.

I'm not quite sure what my religion is in the first place, to tell the truth. That may be sad, but it's just how it is. I'll say one thing, I do not believe in the christian god, and I think the bible is stupid. That is how it is, and with all due respect, I don't care if you think thats bad of me because of how you were brought up, because it's my choice and my opinion. Now, for some reason, whenever I say I don't believe in god, I get bashed and called an athiest, which I have a gigantic problem with. That's also why I'm not very kind about it when I'm stating my opinion in a topic like this. If people were smart enough these days, the definition of atheist is someone who doesnt believe in _A_ god. Furthermore, I'll add that I don't believe in a god, but I dont not believe in a god. How is this possible? Quite simple really. I believe spiritual things are all in the state of mind. If you believe god exists, and worship him, then he does exist, but only to christians. That works for every religion. In other words, if you believe god exists, he exists to you, and other christians, but not to everyone on this earth. That is the best explanation for why people who don't believe in god are not affected by him in any way. Getting back to me, I think there is a "god", not necassarily any of the gods anyone else knows of though. You could say it's more like...in my mind, I do believe there is a spiritual entity, not necassarily God, or Buddha, or what have you.

So before all the christians out there, like usual, come in and call me an atheist and try to convert me to being a christian, yelling about how the bible isnt stupid and defending themselves without being attacked in the first place, think about what I've said. That's all you need to do.

Last but not least, I believe there is a lot you can do through religion, but you can't do everything. It's kind of like saying "I believe in God, so if I go to him he'll do anything I want! Like turn me into a third gender!" Fetishes are not something you can choose or change, in my mind. If anyone believes that it can be changed, more power to you, but I don't. I'm going to end this rant by saying - DO step back, think seriously about what it is you don't like about having this fetish. You COULD try to change it, through God, or you know, whatever you want, but changing or ridding yourself of a fetish isn't easy, if possible at all. The best thing to do, or rather, the easiest, even if others would beg to differ, is to try and accept your fetish, because its an important part of you. If you don't want to accept it, sorry to put it this way, but I hope you have fun being miserable for the rest of your life.

If I offended anyone, or was in any way rude, I humbly apologise.

Also, I agree with what the guy above me said >>>
"Is the notion not true that god only helps those that help themselves?"
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