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Guys & Gals please reply and help with with this


Registered User
Sep 24, 2003
I'am a 43 yr old married male looking to tickle or be tickled. My wife is not into this at all. I sneak a tickle on here every chance I get but it don't last long and she don't like it. My question is are there any others out here like me in search of tickle fun with other females? and is it wrong. I'am not looking for sexual contact I just want to have some tickling fun nothing else. Guys am I barking up the wrong tree? I'am not going to tell her of my tickling experences if i hace any ladies is this wrong? am I alone. Please guys & gals give me some food for thought here.

Thanks New member.
jpb40 said:
I'am not going to tell her of my tickling experences if i hace any ladies is this wrong? am I alone. Please guys & gals give me some food for thought here.

Thanks New member.

If the shoe were on the other foot and she was the one looking, would you want her to keep it a secret from you?
I think you should totally be straight with her. To me it would be cheating. If I was in a relationship, and my wife wasn't into tickling I would be very hurt. But if I love her. I would stick to Mag and videos. You maybe surprised she may get into for you. But take it slow. I'm always on a the search for a ticklish wife. And if I don't find her. I wouldn't get married. Life is too short so make each other happy. My ex wasn't into it. And left me for someone else. :( There relationship didn't last. She called me a crazy person and told everyone about my fetish. This really hurt me. She now calls and want to get back. She expect that after the tickling the sex was tthe best she had. It's been 19 years ago. We had one son together. He 19. She said, "If I told in the beginning it would have been ok. I don't believe that. But I should have been true about my feeling. She may not like it but I would have open my heart to her because she my wife. It should last until death. I'm old fashion about that.

So Love her right. WITH ALL YOUR HEART
Hi jb40! I have so many feelings on this subject and what may be right for one may be wrong for another. I guess I would have to be *inside* your mind to really figure it out, but I am not so I will just have to go off the info you provided. You said your wife is not into it all? Does this mean she just plain "hates" being tickled, or she is not into any aspect of it? Have you explained to her any of your desires and how it might arouse you? If you have and she just wants nothing to do with it, you are in for a long inner struggle within yourself. Why? Because I don't care what anyone else might say, the desire/passion/fetish (whatever you like to call it) NEVER goes away! People on this board are living examples of that...they get discouraged and disappointed for one reason or another and they try to *step* away from it all...and they usually always come back after a while. The waiting...it's always the worst. Now, I am not saying to base your whole marriage with her on the subject because obviously you love her for many other reasons...but part of any great, strong love is give and take. Sometimes all of us do things we don't want to do for our partner, but we do it because we love them and it pleases them...basically makes them happy. In order for this formula to work though, both partners have to be willing to work at it and/or discuss the others needs/wants. Failure to have that in the first place means disaster is around the corner at some point whether it involves tickling or just giving each other a back scatch...compromise IS a relationships best friend! Does she have special things that she wants you to do for her and do you do them?

At this point, there is just no way you should go try to find other women to tickle. The only way I could see that as being right is if you BOTH were into it, and you were BOTH doing the tickling as a couple. Otherwise it is like cheating...you would be exploring another womans body and I don't think many wives would like that...as NJjen said "If the shoe was on the other foot?"

I myself learned at a young age that there is so much more to a relationship than just thinking you are in love for all the reasons that we are suppose to be. Hey, I knew I was different and entered into a marriage when I was 18 years old thinking it would not effect me...I was wrong. And to boot, she was not ticklish at all. We ended up growing apart for many other reasons (I thank god now!) and I felt such a relief that I could then search for someone more compatible. But don't let that fool you neither!!! Just because you find a partner who is into what you are does not guarentee success. You have to have a good balance of reality and fantasy or it still won't work. At one time I had thought I found the perfect partner. She loved the tickling, we had great sex, liked the same music, etc...but she ended up with a huge drug habit which eventually destroyed all the positives that we had together and man it hurt. So just be warned, there is always more to it.

My bottom line advice would be to try to work it out with honesty and examine your relationship as a whole. If it is not good in many areas, then maybe it is time for you re-evaluate...BUT, if there is a strong bond between the both of you, then work at it and find a way to make it stronger. People who *really* dig each other always find a way to climb that mountain together.

I could go on for dayz about this, but I will shutup now. Best of luck to you and I hope anything I wrote might be of some help.

peace out,
Greatly said daddy

daddy said:

My bottom line advice would be to try to work it out with honesty and examine your relationship as a whole. If it is not good in many areas, then maybe it is time for you re-evaluate...BUT, if there is a strong bond between the both of you, then work at it and find a way to make it stronger. People who *really* dig each other always find a way to climb that mountain together.

I could go on for dayz about this, but I will shutup now. Best of luck to you and I hope anything I wrote might be of some help.

peace out,

So guys if i go to a strip joint and tickle the foot of a striper i'am cheating?????

And Jen i'd be just fine if the shoe was on the other foot.
daddy said:

I myself learned at a young age that there is so much more to a relationship than just thinking you are in love for all the reasons that we are suppose to be. Hey, I knew I was different and entered into a marriage when I was 18 years old thinking it would not effect me...I was wrong. And to boot, she was not ticklish at all. We ended up growing apart for many other reasons (I thank god now!) and I felt such a relief that I could then search for someone more compatible. But don't let that fool you neither!!! Just because you find a partner who is into what you are does not guarentee success. You have to have a good balance of reality and fantasy or it still won't work. At one time I had thought I found the perfect partner. She loved the tickling, we had great sex, liked the same music, etc...but she ended up with a huge drug habit which eventually destroyed all the positives that we had together and man it hurt. So just be warned, there is always more to it.

My bottom line advice would be to try to work it out with honesty and examine your relationship as a whole. If it is not good in many areas, then maybe it is time for you re-evaluate...BUT, if there is a strong bond between the both of you, then work at it and find a way to make it stronger. People who *really* dig each other always find a way to climb that mountain together.

I could go on for dayz about this, but I will shutup now. Best of luck to you and I hope anything I wrote might be of some help.

peace out,

I can truly relate to what daddy says. I found someone on here that I thought was my soulmate. We liked the same music, believed in God, and liked tickling the same way. However, he proved to be an alkie and dishonest about his feelings for me. Honesty is the best policy as far as I'm concerned.
I think keeping it a secret would imply that you have something to feel guilty about. If it's just tickling and no sexual contact then tell her about it. If she really feels uncomfortable with you doing it then I dunno, you guys need to talk it out and find a way that your tickling needs are met and she still feels comfortable and secure in the relationship. I'm assuming that she knows you're into tickling. If not now would be the time to tell her. If she doesn't know and you go ahead with this as a big secret, if she ever finds out you'll have ALOT of explaining to do. Plus that probably wouldn't be the best environment to disclose your tickling 'thing' to her in.
are you a newly wed?

otherwise how could you have lasted this long w/o leveling with your wife about your love of tickling? to me that's the worst form of dihonesty; not sharing all your self with your spouse.

if she knew of your love of tickling prior to marriage, then she's got nothing to be upset about. if you were up front with her, then she's the one who is wrong.

i'd suggest you sit down with your wife, and tell her you NEED to tickle her. that you love her, but that love isn't enough, you want to share tickling too. if she says no, then by all means go out and get a ticklish escort.


A very gray area bro.

You say your wife is not into it at all but how does she feel about you being into it. I would approach her with your thoughts and intentions and get her feedback. It would be better that way. No secrets.

When I get married I would hate to think that my wife is out being tickled by another guy, I would actually kill the other guy. So what you want is wrong, you should have thought about that before you got married.
a subject near and dear to my heart, this.

I'm married to someone who isn't one of us. On top of that, she's not interested in indulging me for the sake of keeping me happy. She can't stand to be tickled, won't let me tickle her, and that's that.

When I got married, I knew this; we'd been dating for a long time prior and while I never actually came out and said "I've got a tickle fetish", she suspected that it, along with feet, floated my boat a bit more than usual, and told me she wasn't into it.

This was the single "flaw" in my bride-to-be. I asked myself if it was worth giving up the best woman I'd ever had a relationship with in order to risk finding another woman as perfect and marryable as she was, who would love me as unconditionally. The answer I came to was no, it wouldn't be worth it. I couldn't bear to give her up on such a thin gamble, given how hard it had been for me to get *any* dates, let alone dates with the kind of women I wanted.

So, I proposed. We've been married for *checks watch* going on four years now. I still love her as much now as the day we wed.

However. I told myself that I could "deal"; I mean, it's not like I was swimming in tickle action before I married, so what would be the big deal? My outlet had been the Internet (and later, programming Ticklish Situations) long before, and would just have to continue to be.

The problem is, now I believe that I *cannot* deal. Recently, during a "disagreement", I finally admitted to my wife that I had been struggling with this the entire time we've been together, and that I felt I'd sacrificed a large part of myself in order to be with her. Never mind the fact that I also felt I married too early. She said she had done the same; I'm not exactly her ideal either, but she loves me and is happy to be my wife.

That said, she has also said on several occasions that she didn't mind if I "strayed" in this regard, as long as that's all I did. I don't really believe her; I mean, this is the same woman who offered to get me a prostitute when we were in China (the hookers are unbelievably forward there and will call your hotel room to offer their services) and ordered me to tickle her sister when she smartmouthed me. Part of me wants to believe she's serious, but part of me also knows that despite all her talk, she would be very jealous if I started tickling other women.

Would I be bothered if the shoe was on the other foot? I don't know. I'm very jealous, and don't even like my wife hugging my friends, but I realize that's irrational and don't make my displeasure known. So yes, I would be bothered. But the shoe *isn't* on the other foot. My wife doesn't do (or want to do) anything "weird" to me, and I already do go through sacrifices to make her happy (small ones, but sacrifices nonetheless). On the other hand... she *doesn't*; and I don't make her. If I'm going out with friends, and she doesn't want to, I go without her.

I wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything with/to her that I knew she was only doing to make me happy, and that she wasn't enjoying. So even if she *did* let me tickle her, I couldn't be satisfied because it's not really of her own volition. I love my wife too much to ask her to make any concessions to me, and that includes piddly things like watching ER when I'd rather immerse myself in X-Men: Evolution.

So, I guess to sum up... no, you're not alone, and if there was an easy answer, you wouldn't be posting here asking us for help. The best thing to do, I suppose, is talk to your wife and let her know how you feel, and come to a solution together. It's the best answer I can give, despite not really following it myself. I did tell her that writing the video game was my only outlet, and if I didn't have it I'd go crazy, mainly to shut her up (she's occasionally voiced disapproval on my working on it). Not the best way to handle it, but I guess it had to be put in those terms.

If anyone can offer *me* some sound advice, I'd appreciate that too. heh.:ermm:
ok, to phineas, and shy tickler

i feel sorry for both of you, you married/engaged for love ,knowing your love of tickling would never have an outlet. that's tough, i know i could not handle it.

phineas, this is the first i've heard that you don't tickle your spouse. in fact i thought you tickled her all the time.

shy, your fiance is a very troubled lady. she has issues that are far beyond just tickling. my heart goes out to her. i know the kind of mental damage that comes from being molested as a child, i was too.

to all three of you, jpb40, phineas, shytickler; i recomend that you seek the help of a hypnotist, to have them treat your ladies. this will open them up to at least "not hating" to be tickled. i would also suggest you go to some kind of therapy to help open the lines of comunication.

this is what happens when we are not honest about our love of tickling. you are only fooling yourselves when you think you'll be able to deal down the road. so to everyone who's not married yet, be honest! and if they don't approve, move on!

phineas, this is the first i've heard that you don't tickle your spouse. in fact i thought you tickled her all the time.

well, technically I do; she gets the occasional nanoseconds'-worth of rib-poking or foot-tickling but I never actually tie her down and give her what-for for an hour or two or anything like that.
Thank you all

*NOTE - I accidentaly deleted my first posting to this thread (which other people responded to), so what follows may not make any sense to anyone who reads this thread after I sent my first post somewhere into into cyber space. Sorry! *

Hello everyone, I wanted to take a minute and thank all of you who responded to a rather long, and self indulging rambling that I post here. It felt good to finally open up and it felt really good to be heard. I signed on to TMF today and checked this post with much trepidation as I was wondering how I would be recieved, but the wonderful people here on TMF proved to be the great people I've come to know through their posts.

To Jen: Thanks for your email address and your offer to help, I hope we can become good friends.

To Steve: Thanks for your kind words.

And to the people who have reached to me by sending me a private message: Thank you all for reaching out to me, you are all wonderful people.

Maybe this is my first step in being more open about the fact that I love tickling. I look foward to being more active in the community here and posting instead of just lurking. I actually wish I could be more open in the chat rooms, but I'm more of a 1-on-1 kinda guy I.

Well thanks again for listening to me ramble on here again. And thank you all for your support!

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Well, here's my two cents' worth:
Like ppl have said, any relationship is give and take. Your wife will never be into tickling the way you are.But maybe she could indulge you a little and then you can indulge her too! There must be something SHE likes as much as you like tickling! So if you try to please each other, without expecting her to really let you tie and tickle her since she obviously doesn't want that...Wouldn't that help?
I guess the bottom line is communication. Some ppl think tickling a stripper is ok, some ppl think it's grounds for divorce. how do strip clubs stay in business? How many married guys frequent them? I mean. it DOEs happen! Nobody and nothing is perfect. But I think talking about it with yr wife is the most important thing. Maybe you can come to some kind of agreement. it all depends on the kind of relationship you have.
One thing is for sure: NOBODY can tell you it's wrong to have this or that fetish. At the very least your wife should respect the fact that you're into tickling. Just like you need to respect that she's not! And the rest, basically, is up to you two..
hope that doesn't sound like a cop-out!
John, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here. you can e-mail me or send me a private message. I feel your pain and I"m here for you.

Perhaps you may want to take your wife to a small get together with another couple or two who are into tickling. Kinda like a mini gathering of sorts. There can be some casual talk and later on some casual tickle play in an atmosphere where there is NO chance of anything else happening between you and the woman/women you tickle and or are tickled by since everyone is "with" a committed partner and in a happy relationship therefore also eliminating any possible thought of you even remotely thinking of looking for someone else and leaving her for "tickling". It will also show her tickling in a different light so to speak. In addition meeting other happy couples and seeing how they are and who they are possibly making "friends" with others, ergo solving your quandry.

Areena, brother, you gave sound advise HOWever, that could be turned around on them by the ladies saying....."well then why don't YOU get hypnotized to love tickling LESS..."?:wow: ;)


I appreciate the offer, but that has about as much chance of happening as I do of having Lucy Liu *and* Zhang Ziyi on the side.

Non-Americanized Chinese women are very conservative and private about physical activities and tend to not be very touchy-feely. My wife, a typical Chinese girl, doesn't even like hanging around with my regular friends all that much; there's no way she'd ever feel comfortable around strangers at a tickling gathering.
Phineas said:

I appreciate the offer, but that has about as much chance of happening as I do of having Lucy Liu *and* Zhang Ziyi on the side.

Hey, when are Lucy and Zhang coming over? Can we join ya's;) :D

I hear ya, Phineas, I just wanted to present or offer some help.
There are other subtle ways but since she already knows of your passion for tickling....perhaps you should try one of her suggestions.
Maybe do it at your home or somewhere where she can maybe watch?
This way YOU too would feel comfortable secure in YOUR mind as well as hers that your intentions with another tickle friend are JUST tickling.

a couple thoughts

this is a suggestion for those whose spouses "hate" tickling, or are maybe squemish with the idea. try tickling them WITH OUT tying them up! just do the old tickle fight thing, or sitting on the couch together, or have he/her lay on the bed, couch, whatever, and gently tickle them. if they jerk away, that's ok, let them calm down, sooth them with sweet words, and try again!

all this talk of tieing and tickling, just start with tickling, talk about tieing after a few months, if at all!

next, lucy liu was good, not the best, but good.

I love the response Daddy gave....I too have many mixed emotions on this subject...I have been in relationships in which I was not with someone into tickling and I was very unhappy...I have only been in love with one person that is into tickling as much as I am and I would never ...could never be happy in another relationship that does not meet that need for me ...I am not even attracted to men who are not into tickling...but everyone has different driving forces in the decisions they make and yes there is much more to a relationship than the kinks u both share but the foundation of communication, trust and intimacy designs the depths to which u feel comfortable sharing ur deepest scariest fantasies and desires....I say in a nutshell and not to be too preachy that if u have hesitation about telling ur wife u may have a bigger problem than not getting ur tickling needs met:( good luck to u and ultimately u define what is right or wrong and what u can and cannot live with and without.....blue skies :)....
shy tickler

i agree with you, you should go out and tickle someone.

your fiance has serious issues! she needs to be in counceling!
things won't get any better after you're married. the last 8 years are what is in store for you through the whole marriage.

good luck, i think you're going to need it.
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