Oh yes
Many a male lee/switch, and a few female lees have succumbed at my fingertips. Hehe...
It’s all about the combo of mind AND body being involved. Finding their ticklish spots is obviously important, but finding out what really makes them squirm, feel trapped, and like you have absolutely no sympathy is what will push most lees to the point of breaking. It all depends on the session, as some folks like a more playful vibe, which is fun too! Love a silly session! But I loooove being pushed past my limits, so doing that for someone else is extra fun.
Also, I like playing a lee’s own reactions against them. If there is certain tell they have when something REALLY tickles, telling them that you will stop if they don’t do that specific thing (laugh, thrash, close their eyes, whatever it may be) is evil and effective.
Gosh...for being MOSTLY a lee I do miss torturing people sometimes....
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