Yeras ago,when I was still in the closet, two of my buddies on different occasions non-chalantly announced the fact that they had a foot fetish in a pubic setting. On one occasion one of my friends was talking to a barefooted girl, looked down at her feet and very matter-of factly told her that he had a foot fetish. I was stunned by his public admission, but no one else batted an eye. On another occasion, I was at a yard party with about 20 people sitting in a big circle in lawn chairs. A buddy of mine was sitting next to his girlfriend who happened to be barefooted, put her feet in his lap and announced that he had a foot fetish and that women's feet 'sexed him up'. He sat there and rubbed and scratched her soles for a long while and nobody thought a thing about it. It took me a while longer to come out of the closet, but I finally did. I find it best to make the admission in a matter-of-fact, no-big-deal manner. And sure enough, no one bats an eye. For instance I was recently at a bar and noticed a girl who had high-arched feet and was wearing some sexy sandals. I told her that I had a thing for pretty feet and she just said, 'Wow! That's different'. I always admit to my foot fetish first, because most people seem to know that it is a prevalent thing. I only divulge the fact that I get off on tickling girls' feet to the girl herself while I am doing my 'foot thing'. I just tell them that rubbing and tickling is part of the fetish. I have been completly out of the closet for a number of years now, and believe one cares or thinks anything about it. Just don't act weird about it and no body will think a thing about it.