Thank you for all the get well wishes. It means a lot. I'm glad to know I'm not alone on this though. I know some people who like being sick just so they can lay out of work or school, or just stay in bed all day. I'm like "Screw that!" Lol.
I actually have an allergy to a certain brand of cigarettes. I can't stand smoking (No disrespect to smokers whatsoever. By all means do you, I just won't be in the same vicinity while you're doing.. doesn't mean I don't like you. Lol) in general.Just being around them makes my skin have this burning sensation which drives me nuts. But there is one brand that closes me up completely and causes me to break out and my eyes to puff up. I haven't been in the vicinity of any cigarettes though, so I may chalk it up to catching it from someone.