Thats actually a really good point. Personally I think it was a mistake to give Cena the title at Extreme Rules, cause if he holds the title through March of next year, its just gonna get stale after awhile. I think a great twist that could occur for this match, is that the Rock is shown working for Miz perhaps. Just a thought.
Other thoughts for Over the Limit
1. Can this whole Michael Cole thing end here please? For the love of god, stop making me want to watch Raw or Smackdown on mute every single week because I can't stand hearing him open his mouth every single time. Its time for him to take one show and stay there and put Josh Matthews full time on whatever other show,
2. If the E wants to legitimize R-Truth as a heel, they HAVE to have him win on Sunday. If he can look good beating a guy thats as well respected at Mysterio, thats only going to push him further as time goes on, and he could certainly be a contender at Money in the Bank (always look for the heels in those matches).
3. I so want Mason Ryan and Ezekiel Jackson to leave their groups behind and start on their own careers. For god sakes those two could be superstars in waiting, but they're stuck dealing with two factions that I have no clue what they want to do anymore since Wrestlemania.
4. As much as I want to see Christian win the World Heavyweight Championship back, I get the feeling that won't happen for him. What I would have liked to have seen was him hold the WHC through this and then lose to Orton here. But since he lost right after Extreme Rules I think the writing's on the wall for him and any chance he had of continuing Edge's legacy went up in smoke.
Thats all what I think, if you wanna discuss that lets do that.