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Intensley Aniaron Part 3:
Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, & Lisa Kudrow
F/M, FFF/M, None Consent, Intense, Bondage, Oral/Teasing/Denile, Hard Core Adult Conten
(Note: The Following story consist of extreamly strong sexual content, If you are not comfortable with that then don't read it. Now I've warned you so I don't want to here any bitching from people about it!)
Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, & Lisa Kudrow
F/M, FFF/M, None Consent, Intense, Bondage, Oral/Teasing/Denile, Hard Core Adult Conten
(Note: The Following story consist of extreamly strong sexual content, If you are not comfortable with that then don't read it. Now I've warned you so I don't want to here any bitching from people about it!)
Jen grinned devilishly as she fliped her cell phone closed. The taned beauty had explained in great detail what had happened over the last hour, sobbing as she told of the graphic violation of her extreamly senctive body parts. When she first heard about it Lisa Kudrow began laughing, and handed the phone over to Courtney whom she expected the same reaction from. Upon having the burglars actions discribed to her, the normanly energetic brunett grew silent, and then spoke in a very demented tone
"Is he still there?" she asked, recieving a positive responce, "Keep hime right where he is, don't even let him out of your sight for a secound, Lisa and I will be right over."
Jennifer decided that if she had to watch over the fiendish bastard, she might as well clean him up. Not because she gave a shit about him, but he had pissed all over himself due to her merciless tickle torture, and was getting pretty ripe. The actress strolled into the kitchen with as bucket of soapy water and a cloth over her sholder. Looking over her still helpess prisoner, the blonde beaurty noticed his stiffy had gone down just a little bit. We can't have that now can we, thought Jen as she's knelt down beside him, I think a spunge bath is in oreder for this problem, she coontinued to think to herself.
"What problem?" asked the burglar, "I mean other then being taped to you kitchen floor."
"Well you wouldn't be there if you hadn't broken into my house to begin with... WOULD YOU!" she hissed, getting right into his face, "You stipped me, bound me, and tormented me so you could further degrade me with that disgusting foot job eck!"
Even though the actress was browbeating him savearly all the helpless villian could think about was that Jen soft lips were a mere intch or so from his own. They looked so sweat, and full, he wondered what it would be like to kiss them, or have them kiss him, on places other then his mouth. The feel of warm water against his cool skin brought him back to reality.. Looking down he could see Jennifer was washing his stomach with one of those thick cloth mitts. The type normaly used to wash cars with. Soap suds ran down his sides, and he sighed softly as she ran the wet glove over his chest, cleaning all the urin that had shot from him when she'd given him a taist of his own medicen about a 10 minuets earlier. The burglar closed his eye, foolishly believing his suffering was over.
"I guess the cops will be here soon, huh?" asked the helpless hunk, only to recieve silence as far a responce, "Didn't you just go to call someone, I thought you said..."
"I said I was making a phone call, I never said anything about the police." interupted the actress, ajusting the tie on her silk robe, "I called some old friends and told them about you, they are interested in meeting you." she added, as she dipped the spongy mitt into the warm watter again, "They are on their way over for a little play time too"
The man's eye's shot open as the words 'play time' were coldly spoken. Looking up at her she just seemed to ignore him. The passion that she'd had during his torment only minuets ago seemed to be utterly erased. Something wasbuilfing, and it was just the pressure in his testicles, she had a plan for him, or atleast she was working on one. The warm wet mitt caressed his inner left thigh, and he laid his head back, wonderig what he was in store for.
Knowing he couldn't get out of his duct tape restraints, for the moment, he desided to relax and enjoy the feel of Miss Aniston washing him down.
"There you go." replied Jen, a few momen't latter, "All clean from your neck to your ankles, "Oh wait... not quite" she corrected herself, "There's one spot I missed"
"What?" said the man, terrofied she was going to tickle his feet, "Where, I, uh, feel pretty clean?" he added nervously.
"Here." she repleid moving between his legs, "How could I have missed this, it's sort of 'hard' to over look" she continued, "Um, I think this is going to require a little more delikit handling though."
Jen tossed the wet mitt into the bucket of soapy water, and pulled a bottle of liquid soap from the pocket of her robe. The burglar fought back the erge to smile, knowing that there had to be a catch to what was about to happen. Unfortunetly his eyes had sent the image of his captour squirting the cool white liquid into her hand's, and it caused his already aroused tool to stir to full attention. With a grin the actress wrapped her finger tightly around her prissoners fat dick. Exess soap ozzed between her finggers, as she began to clean his love muscle with long slow strokes.
"Mmmmm, now doesn't that feel good." moaned the starlet, as she felt him pulsating in his hand, "You going to be all nice and clean when my friends play with you."
The helpless thief fought back the erge to moan with all his heart, he was so terrified at what might happen if he let on that he was enjoying his tormentor's hands of his member, that he became flushed from the stain. Aniston on the other hand was cool and collected, something she thought she'd never be under such condisions. not much more then an hour before she would have been a wimpering mess, huddled under a table calling the cops. Now she had found her true power, power she had always had but never wanted to admit, the power of a sexualy liberaited woman. How ironic was it then, that the very sorce of her liberation was now finding himself the victim of it. Ah well viv la Liberation, as the french would say.
The actres silently worked the intruders long shaft with skill the likes he'd never suspected her capable, and nither did she. Jen's rythem was flawless, and he grip was perfect. Gradually her pace grew quicker, but her grip seemed to losen, so as not to cause enough friction to get him off. The teasing of his shaft soon grew to much to bare, and the air was froce from his lungs with a loud groan of extasy., that when he felt Miss Aniston's hand grab hold of his knees.
"What.. huh... oh no, not again!" he yelled in terror, "Please... hehehehehe, hahahahaha, hehehehehe, no don't...hahahaha.. don;t squese.... hehehehe, hahahaha... stop it, stop please!"