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Is it just me or...


1st Level Yellow Feather
Apr 11, 2014
Is it just me or are some bugs finally showing up on this forum?

I'm having issues using chat, I can't upload Youtube videos anymore, and some of the older uploaded pics and vids are simply not there anymore.

Is this a sign that this forum needs to either be updated or replaced?

Cause I'm thinking it might very well be!
Also, Jeff, if you ever replace this forum with a new one, please for the love of god consider letting people DELETE their accounts if they want to!

I'm know I've harped on this issue before but (and I cannot stress this enough) not allowing people to delete their accounts can possibly jeoprodize someone's safety and career.
Is it just me or are some bugs finally showing up on this forum?

I'm having issues using chat, I can't upload Youtube videos anymore, and some of the older uploaded pics and vids are simply not there anymore.

Is this a sign that this forum needs to either be updated or replaced?

Cause I'm thinking it might very well be!

Chat is currently working. And is showing no issues. Since we upgraded the chat several months ago almost all issue regarding it have stopped. If you can provide a better idea of what issues you re facing and on what platforms/operating systems we can check into it.

Youtube videos had a change in how they could be linked due to uses of I-frames several years back. And thus embedding them was disabled as it caused an exploitable issue with the forum. They can still be linked with a hard link that people can click and follow.

Regarding older images and clips being missing we have spoken to this several times. About a decade ago the forum was attacked with designed virus that slowly deleted every attachment that had been made to it over the years. We caught it, but only after it had destroyed about 40% of the total attachments made over our first 15 years or so. All that media was unrecoverable. The posts remain as part of our history but sadly their media content does not.

Also, Jeff, if you ever replace this forum with a new one, please for the love of god consider letting people DELETE their accounts if they want to!

I'm know I've harped on this issue before but (and I cannot stress this enough) not allowing people to delete their accounts can possibly jeoprodize someone's safety and career.

Actually when you sign up for the forum, the terms of agreement are use terms, not ownership ones. That means the forum owns your account and posts as you have posted them on a privately owned entity (the TMF) thus we are under no obligation under US law to delete them or anything else. We have waived any creative rights to said posts, and also agreed to not use them for any off platform
uses. So users still maintain copyright to any media they create and post here creatively, but not the actual posts themselves.

The fact is that Google indexes the site almost every day and you can look it up under old indices and see how the forum looked on any given day, So even if we deleted your account and posts its all still searchable and findable on Google by anyone that knows how to look at older indexed searches (which any employment firm, Private investigator and such KNOW) so deleting things here makes not a whit of difference if you face a professional web search. The old rule applies. If you post it on the web it's forever, and you cannot vanish it. We have always been happy to edit posts, obscure an account name, and so forth to protect someones identity on request. But always remember internet 101, don't post a pixel you wouldn't want anyone in your life seeing anyplace. Forever. Starting from your first day ever on the internet.

But under a new software system this may well be something that we'd enable just because it's a tiresome issue to handle.

But that comes down TO said new software. It's as expensive as sin. And we can't afford it. Thus the bubble-gum and twine forum you are using today. The forum that we've never charged a cent for anyone to use, and supported out of pocket for 20+ years with some advertising support, but never enough to cover all its expenses. Jeff has spend more then a nice HOUSE would cost to keep this place up over the last 23 years. But his funds are not infinite and we basically can keep going, but not upgrade much. Fund raising efforts have failed (Though we appreciate the people who have contributed over the years immensely, and always thank them) to raise enough to do major upgrades.

So you get pretty much what you pay for. Which for 99.9% of members is nothing. And if we went to a paywalled forum to afford upgrades and professional chat mods 24/7 and so many other things, you'd rapidly discover that the site membership would become about 100 people. Because let's all face it. No one wants to pay for anything on the internet. So a pay model fails (A few have tried it in the past 20 years and all died silently, just as every 'meet the lee of your dreams tickle-dating site' has also. And how most producers have been trashed by piracy to the point they had to shut down.

So we do the best we can with what we have. Sorry it so often fails to meet anyones standards.

I understand the terms of this forum that everyone here agrees to gives you no legal obligation whatsoever to allow the deletion of our accounts. I also understand that a dedicated search brought by an entity (whether a court, private investigator, employment firm, etc etc) makes deleting one's account quite possibly an act of futility.

Please also understand I mean absolutely no offense whatsoever by this but I strongly feel the argument of "our terms make it so we don't have to legally comply" or "it wouldn't matter anyways due to other circumstances beyond our control" LACKS any moral or ethical backing whatsoever when it comes to addressing the issue of possibly jeoprodizing the safety and well-being of the people your website caters too.

I fully understand Jeff has sacrificed a great deal to maintain this forum and to be honest I'm rather concerned what will happen to this website if Jeff should (god forbid) pass away. I'll continue hope other forms of possibly druming up funding can be found and that one day the forum can possibly be changed to allow a person to delete their account fully.
Please also understand I mean absolutely no offense whatsoever by this but I strongly feel the argument of "our terms make it so we don't have to legally comply" or "it wouldn't matter anyways due to other circumstances beyond our control" LACKS any moral or ethical backing whatsoever when it comes to addressing the issue of possibly jeoprodizing the safety and well-being of the people your website caters too.

No offense taken, I've been called an unethical immoral so-and-so more times then I can count while running this place.

It's part of the job description. You get used to it.

I fully understand Jeff has sacrificed a great deal to maintain this forum and to be honest I'm rather concerned what will happen to this website if Jeff should (god forbid) pass away. I'll continue hope other forms of possibly druming up funding can be found and that one day the forum can possibly be changed to allow a person to delete their account fully.

If Jeff dies the place will wink out of existence like a snowball dropped in the Sahara.

No one else left has the financial lift to keep it up, and like the UK forum, and the Theater it will crash on the digital rocks and sink.

We can't even get enough lift to buy a new Bulletin Board system to replace this ancient pile of code held together by HDS when he has a few minutes to spare between his real life responsibilities. So enjoy it while you have it, and give us a toast when we are gone.

Nothing is meant to be forever. And so it shall be.

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