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Is tickling cheating?

You didn't answer my question. I didn't want nor need explained where the sexuality comes from. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I DO get sexually excited when being tickled. So is it cheating or not?
You don't even remember the question you asked, so allow me to remind you.

Ok, if I get tied down and tickled, it turns me on. Always. I'm just wired that way, I can't turn it off. Does it still mean tickling is not sexual to me?

THAT's the question you asked, and that's why you got that explanation that I clearly wasted my time giving, so I'll be more direct. Tickling is not sexual, period. Not to you, not to me, not to anybody. An activity is either sexual or it isn't. The sexual nature of it (or as in this case, the lack thereof) doesn't change from person to person. You believe it's sexual to you, but it really isn't. You just associate it with sex.

As for the question you thought you'd asked but didn't ("So is it cheating or not?"), I've answered that one as well, more than once:

Cheating can only happen when a set of rules is established in some way, either by a governing body, or by mutual agreement. In the case of tickling, if there is no mutual agreement made, there can be no cheating. It's that simple.

So, is tickling outside of a relationship automatically cheating? The answer is an emphatic NO.

But we disagree on tickling. You say it's cheating. I say it isn't.

So guys, if you're wondering if it's cheating on your SO to have a tickling session with another partner, the answer is a definite no. Have fun, confident in the knowledge that you are not violating trust or cheating in any way.

The societal rules that apply to sex don't apply to tickling, unless we make a conscious decision to apply them, which in my book is pointless and silly.

Tickling is not sexual, period. Not to you, not to me, not to anybody. An activity is either sexual or it isn't. The sexual nature of it (or as in this case, the lack thereof) doesn't change from person to person. You believe it's sexual to you, but it really isn't. You just associate it with sex.

OK... so you're pretty much saying "turn ons" dont exist... interesting thought

I think it's safe to say at this point anyone who takes advice from you had better prefer being single because you have one fucked up way of thinking :) I would think many would highly disagree with this statement you've made, but HEY such is life everyone's entitled to their own opinion.... but I think at this point it's safe to say we need not waste anymore time on you and your wacked out statements and thoughts....

Enjoy the single life- hope it's good for you!
You believe it's sexual to you, but it really isn't. You just associate it with sex.

Really. :shock: So how come I already felt sexual excitement when I saw someone getting tickled before I even knew what sex was?

I also don't get how this is relevant to the cheating question; it doesn't matter where the sexual excitement comes from as long as you're feeling it and as long as you're doing a certain activity, be it tickling or licking off shoes, to feel that sexual excitement.
OK... so you're pretty much saying "turn ons" dont exist... interesting thought
Well think about it. I might say "nylons turn me on." Though pretty much everybody would know what I meant, the statement itself is erroneous. The nylons aren't performing any action whatsoever. They aren't "turning" anything. They are just existing. It's a popular form of anthropromorphization, similar to the way a woman on a diet might say, "that cheesecake is really tempting me!" What she's really saying is "I'M having a lustful reaction to that cheesecake."

I think it's safe to say at this point anyone who takes advice from you had better prefer being single because you have one fucked up way of thinking :)
Well I suppose that it's safe for YOU to say that, only because you couldn't possibly say anything that demonstrates more ignorance and immaturity than you already have. :)

I would think many would highly disagree with this statement you've made,
They are welcome to disagree, as long as their disagreements don't include immature speculation of my own relationship status.

but I think at this point it's safe to say we need not waste anymore time on you and your wacked out statements and thoughts....
Not to worry. I'll find some way to manage without your junior high school philosophy to dating.

Enjoy the single life- hope it's good for you!
Although it's been a long time, I still remember the single life. It had it's perks but I'm happier in my current long term relationship.
i have to voice my opinion, i know, you've been hold your collective breath right,
tickling is indeed sexual! to some people it may not be, but to all of us here, it is very definately sexual in nature and a big turn on.
d.a.j.t., you can claime tickling isnt sexual, but speak only for yourself!

Sure, Steve. You got it, pal.

So I'm wondering, since tickling is "sexual" for you,
do you slip a condom on each of your fingers before attacking her ribs and armpits?
:laughhard: :bwahaha:
Not to worry. I'll find some way to manage without your junior high school philosophy to dating.

Hmm that "junior high school philosophy to dating" apparently works well since I'm happily married. But I digress, you can't fix stupid- or argue with it- although you make it very tempting.
i have to voice my opinion, i know, you've been hold your collective breath right,
tickling is indeed sexual! to some people it may not be, but to all of us here, it is very definately sexual in nature and a big turn on.
d.a.j.t., you can claime tickling isnt sexual, but speak only for yourself!


Dont waste your time areenactor... We all know that most people here have a sexual response to tickling..... Apparently some people life in a different dimension and believe otherwise :)
What many don't realize is that having a tickle fetish does not equate tickling with sex. They are still two entirely different activities. It is the activity itself that determines whether it is sexual, not our reactions to that activity. If somebody gets a hard-on from dancing with a pretty girl, that does not make that dance a sexual activity. Conversely, if a girl tries to give fellatio to a gay man and he doesn't get aroused, that felletatio is still a sexual act. I'm convinced it's this confusion between tickling and sex that causes many people on this forum to feel that tickling is cheating.
I totally agree but I think it's more than that. I think that anybody who can sit there with a straight face and say that tickling is cheating has some serious insecurity going on. It's all about trust. If you trust your partner you won't worry about something as random as tickling.

It all comes down to a couple of simple concepts. Cheating is a breaking of the rules. It has nothing to do with what you're comfortable with, or your feelings. Where there are no rules, there is no cheating. Tickling is cheating ONLY if there's been an agreement established between the two members of the relationship that precludes tickling outside of the relationship. If no such agreement has been made, it CAN'T be cheating.
Exactly!!! To me this is not only true but so obviously true I'm amazed at anybody who can't see it.
Exactly!!! To me this is not only true but so obviously true I'm amazed at anybody who can't see it.

Ok but did you read the whole thing? I'm pretty sure many of us stated in the beginning of this whole mess that a conversation should happen to establish these boundaries... If you dont go to your S/O to establish these boundaries you do not give them a fair opportunity to express their feelings on the subject.... Honestly if you just jump into tickling behind their back you're ultimately saying that you dont care about how the other person feels.... If you're too chicken to bring it up and ask then you're clearly afraid of the answer (whether you want to believe it or not) so you justify it to yourself that it's "just" tickling and it crosses no boundaries.....
I think that anybody who can sit there with a straight face and say that tickling is cheating has some serious insecurity going on.

Well... you nailed me on that one. Maybe that's why I wear a mask because of my serious insecurities.

I think the majority of the responses to this thread speak enough to tickling being cheating when your SO is not aware of it. There will always be a couple of people that just don't get it.

Hmm that "junior high school philosophy to dating" apparently works well since I'm happily married.
Good for you. Congratulations on beating the odds.

But I digress, you can't fix stupid-
Especially when the would-be fixer is also stupid.

Dont waste your time areenactor... We all know that most people here have a sexual response to tickling..... Apparently some people life in a different dimension and believe otherwise :)
Don't count me among them. That's been a major thrust in my argument. That tickling isn't a sexual activity, some just have a sexual response to it.

I totally agree but I think it's more than that. I think that anybody who can sit there with a straight face and say that tickling is cheating has some serious insecurity going on. It's all about trust. If you trust your partner you won't worry about something as random as tickling.
I hear you and mostly agree, but I have difficulty believing that all these people are so insecure as to get riled up over their partner being tickled, although on the surface that's what appears to be going on here.

I suspect a lot of people secretly agree with my position, but don't want to be seen agreeing with my position. Of this group, the single guys don't want to frighten off prospective partners, so they're all like, "Oh yeah, that's cheating. I would nehhhhver do thaaat!" The guys that are spoken for and get tickling on the side don't want to blow their cover so they're all like "Oh yeah, that's cheating. I would nehhhhver do thaaat!"

But that's just a theory, and one that certainly wouldn't apply to all the guys who support the tickling-is-cheating dogma. I think most simply just can't separate the concept of tickling and sex. They think that anything that gets them aroused qualifies as a "sexual" activity. If you debunk that idea by introducing other obviously nonsexual activities that can arouse a person like dancing or massage, they panic and get all bent out of shape. That's not the same thing!! That's different!!! How can you compare tickling to dancing??!! You're being ridiculous!!! I'm going to take the "high road" and just tell you you're wrong!! End of discussion!! Once this point is reached, there is no hope of reasonable debate.

In the end, Lorie, it's people like you and me who will enjoy a richer, more fulfilled life. Those who buy into the tickling-is-cheating dogma are ironically cheating themselves out of that life.
Great post topic and I agree with the last assessment 100%!! It's all about the circumstance and in general clothed tickling is no different than massage or dancing..... Or even getting into intimate/ personal conversations with coworkers or ransoms at a bar. People should not be so judgmental and actually be honest with themselves.
all about the circumstance and in general clothed tickling is no different than massage or dancing.....

The circumstance we are talking about though is a tickling session set up without the SO knowing....in order to feel sexual excitement. I seriously don't see how that could possibly not be cheating. And even if I could, I still believe my husband wouldn't agree!

Being honest with themselves would mean stop kidding yourself and face the fact that your SO might not look at it as a harmless totally non-sexual thing.
Set up sessions with someone gagged and bound in a hotel does cross the line..... Tickling someone at work or at a party, or any other mainstream situation is not cheating.....
Set up sessions with someone gagged and bound in a hotel does cross the line..... Tickling someone at work or at a party, or any other mainstream situation is not cheating.....

Agreed. This is what everybody who says tickling is cheating is saying. But to some people, tickling is NEVER cheating because tickling is NEVER sexual.
Cool we are agreed..... Alot of the posts prior were very wordy...... In the end of the day people have to take personal responsibility if they are going to engage in their fetish while being in a relationship.
"No I don't find tickling sexual at all. Why do I have a boner? Well you see that's just a lustful reaction to tickling. Nothing sexual at all."

I dunno, whatever works for your relationship. If you're happy and your partner is happy then go nuts. I know I don't go around tickling people, even if it wouldn't normally be construed as cheating. The important aspect here is to consider how your partner feels when they consider the tickling in the context that you visit a website about tickling to discuss your "interest" in it with others.
Ok but did you read the whole thing? I'm pretty sure many of us stated in the beginning of this whole mess that a conversation should happen to establish these boundaries... If you dont go to your S/O to establish these boundaries you do not give them a fair opportunity to express their feelings on the subject......
So what you're basically saying is if I'm going to tickle somebody I need to ask for permission or approval or expressed feelings or whatever you want to call it. Sorry that just doesn't work for me. If he's got issues with me tickling somebody he can come to me I'll set him straight. I don't tolerate control freaks.
Really. :shock: So how come I already felt sexual excitement when I saw someone getting tickled before I even knew what sex was?
The association of which I spoke is not somebody saying, "Hmmm, I've decided that from this point forward I'm going to associate tickling with sex." It's an unconscious association. The brain does a lot of stuff we're not even aware of. These associations are the result of our earliest childhood experiences. We forget the experiences but the associations remain, and so for as far back as we can remember, we've liked tickling, or being tickled. A lot.

I also don't get how this is relevant to the cheating question; it doesn't matter where the sexual excitement comes from as long as you're feeling it and as long as you're doing a certain activity, be it tickling or licking off shoes, to feel that sexual excitement.
It starts to matter when people start equating tickling with sex. For example, a hand job is a sexual activity. The activity itself is sexual. You never have a situation in which it is not sexual. The sexuality of it is inherent in the activity itself. By it's very nature, the activity is sexual.

Tickling on the other hand is not a sexual activity except in instances in which erogenous zones are targeted. 99+ % of tickling occurrences are not sexual, nor is any sexual stigma applied to them. Even in the extremely rare cases where people are aroused by nonsexual tickling, it's only because of the associations in their mind I spoke of earlier.

This is relevant to the question of cheating because by establishing that the sexuality comes from in somebody's head and not from the activity itself, I can totally blow away the notion that tickling is a sexual activity, which is pretty much the cornerstone in most of the arguments that say tickling is cheating.

The circumstance we are talking about though is a tickling session set up without the SO knowing....in order to feel sexual excitement.
WTF?! "Sexual excitement??" Really? Rhiannon, take a close look here at the Opening Post:

Not sure if this as been talked about much here but if you find and arrange tickle sessions with someone
other than your spouse or partner and them not knowing are you cheating?
If you have done this did you have any guilt feelings about it?
Notice the glaring lack of any mention of sexual excitement as a goal, or even at all. Did you really think that nobody would notice that you just threw your own embellishment in there??

I seriously don't see how that could possibly not be cheating.
Sure, when you take the simple act of tickling and dress it up with bondage, gags, and hotel rooms, then yeah. When I talk about tickling, I don't automatically assume those things. I set up impromptu tickling sessions at work from time to time. No bondage, no gags, no hotels, and no nudity. Just a conference room, office or a break room. I've currently got two tickle buddies at the office and working on a third.

Being honest with themselves would mean stop kidding yourself and face the fact that your SO might not look at it as a harmless totally non-sexual thing.
I disagree. Being honest with themselves would mean stop kidding yourself and quit pretending that tickling is sex and therefore qualifies as cheating.

Set up sessions with someone gagged and bound in a hotel does cross the line..... Tickling someone at work or at a party, or any other mainstream situation is not cheating.....
Agreed. This is what everybody who says tickling is cheating is saying.
LOL. Rhiannon, that's total bullshit and you know it. The OP mentioned nothing of bondage or gagging, and Jerseyguy is the first to mention a hotel. So that is certainly not "what everybody who says tickling is cheating is saying." Hell, it isn't even close to what YOU've been saying:

If your SO thinks it's cheating, then it is.

In the end, it doesn't matter anyways if you, your neighbor of the whole world thinks it's cheating or not, if you SO thinks it is, that's all what matters.

Whenever this topic comes up, my answer is always the same: It depends on how your SO perceives it, because in the end it is them who will leave you for what they consider cheating. You can say "It's not cheating" all you want, if they think it is and it's a reason for them to break up, there is nothing you can do.

"If your SO thinks it's cheating, then it is." Whatever you're doing, even if the whole world thinks it isn't cheating, it still IS cheating if your SO thinks it is, and that certainly includes tickling someone at work or at a party. This is the Rhiannon Dogma which you've held to steadfastly...until now.

Now you're suddenly agreeing that tickling someone at work or at a party is NOT cheating, and on top of that, you're acting like this was your position all along. You're unbelievable.

For the record, my argument has consistently been that tickling is not sexual and therefore not cheating. But a guy going to a hotel room with a woman who's not his SO would be considered inappropriate by the vast majority of people. Throw in bondage and a gag, and you've crossed several lines before the first ticklish giggle.

But to some people, tickling is NEVER cheating because tickling is NEVER sexual.
I never said that. I've said all along that tickling of private parts and erogenous zones qualifies as sexual. The tickling that I'm talking about that isn't sexual would be tickling the feet, armpits, ribs, and sides.
It all really depends...poking in the side? No. Full bondage nude? Yes.

Gray areas reside and are usually to be left to the individuals which is why I tell people to have as open of a relationship as possible to avoid certain confusions.
So what you're basically saying is if I'm going to tickle somebody I need to ask for permission or approval or expressed feelings or whatever you want to call it. Sorry that just doesn't work for me. If he's got issues with me tickling somebody he can come to me I'll set him straight. I don't tolerate control freaks.

it's not being a control freak... hell my husband and I MET here, and yet we still had the conversation of if he wanted to meet up with someone or whatever would I be ok with it... I said no... so he didnt... period end of story... View it how you want but that's how a relationship works, knowing ahead of time what makes your S/O upset and what they are and are not ok with --- it's called working together to find a happy medium and compromise... but alrighty to each their own.
It all really depends...poking in the side? No. Full bondage nude? Yes.

Gray areas reside and are usually to be left to the individuals which is why I tell people to have as open of a relationship as possible to avoid certain confusions.
I never said that. I've said all along that tickling of private parts and erogenous zones qualifies as sexual. The tickling that I'm talking about that isn't sexual would be tickling the feet, armpits, ribs, and sides.

Unless there was bondage, right? To me, tickling doesn't qualify as a "session" if it's just a little playful tickling around. But still, if your SO doesn't like what you're doing there and feels cheated and leaves you for it, it really doesn't matter what you think. You will not be able to change the consequences. So the crucial thing is and always was: find out what your SO considers as cheating and wouldn't tolerate. I really don't know what's so hard to understand there.
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