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Isle of Aphrodite NEW!!! Part 3 F/f non-con


TMF Regular
Apr 21, 2001
Finally! The redeux is over. Here's brand spanking new content! Oh, and if you missed them, here are the links to the first 2. Enjoy!



“Ms. Clark, are you goddamn sure you know where you're doing? You seem kind of fucking distracted,” Susan said suddenly, forcing Aphrodite's attention away from the sexual escapades on the other side of the island and back to the here and now, where her physical body, that of the former science teacher Daphne Clark, was teaching Brenda and Susan, the other two eighteen year old's stranded on the island, how to spear fish.

“I'm fine darling,,” she said in a warm voice, “Don't worry about me.” Aphrodite couldn't help but smiling. Even without 'watching' Cheryl and Allison, she could still feel what they were doing, like you could feel the warmth of the sun on your cheek even when you weren't staring up into the sky. Their tickling play fed her in a way these puny mortals couldn't understand.

“It's just...these fish are swimming fucking fast! I'm afraid if I try and stab them, I'll put this stick through my fucking foot! And if I lose my foot, I'm kicking somebody's ass with the other one.” Susan moaned, her language as profane as ever, possibly more as she enjoyed swearing in front of her ex-teacher who could no longer write her a detention for such language.

That wasn't an idle threat. Susan was a well trained athlete, her red bikini clearly showing off her body, flexible, wiry and strong, like a gymnast, but that spear was very sharp, and skewering fish wasn't a skill practiced very often in volleyball. Also, standing even knee deep in the lagoon made it difficult to see your own toes, as the water refracted the light and clouds of sands were kicked up. Stabbing yourself was a real possibility if you weren't careful, and they were no where near a hospital.

“Don't fret my dear,” Aphrodite replied, “Just listen to me and follow my directions precisely. If you do, you'll not only have a basket full of fish to take back to camp, all ten of your precious piggies will remain intact.

Brenda too listened as Ms. Clark began explaining the ancient technique of spear fishing, but had a hard time focusing on the words. She still having a hard time believing the changes in her former science teacher that had taken place. Of all the girls on the trip, she had been the closest to Ms. Clark back at school. Cheryl might have been a nerd, but she was more into books and history. Brenda had been a science geek, taking several classes with Ms. Clark and even serving as treasurer of the Science Club her senior year, the club Ms. Clark had been faculty adviser of.

Something was definitely different about her.

For one thing, Ms. Clark had never had a confident person. She just had never had a forceful personality. That was why she taught mostly honors classes, where the students didn't have to be kept 'in line.' At Science Club, she had always been content to sit back and let the student officers plan the clubs activities, only stepping in when an idea was totally unfeasible. Even during this trip to Greece, Ms. Clark had been almost invisible, letting the parent volunteers and students plan everything.

The Ms. Daphne Clark that Brenda had known had best been described as passive and unsure of herself.

But not now. On the island, things had changed. Ms. Clark had never hesitated, never paused, never seemed to doubt herself for a minute. She had taken charge from that first morning, giving everyone, even Cheryl's mother, clear directions on how to stay alive, using the same tone of voice that was right now explaining the intricacies of spear fishing. She had become the leader.

“No Brenda, don't hold the spear like that,” Ms. Clark's voice rang out, breaking through Brenda's inner monologue, “You'll break the shaft in half if you thrust it in that position. Here, let me help you.”

What happened next made Brenda's embarrassment skyrocket. Ms. Clark didn't repeat the speech she had just given or even demonstrate again the technique she had just described. Instead, Ms. Clark waded through the water until she stood behind Brenda, pressed her body against Brenda's back and wrapped her arms around her torso.

Brenda had large breasts, 'D' cup, tightly packed into a one piece bathing suit, so Ms. Clark couldn't help but press her forearms against their bulging sides. Daphne's own breasts were being pushed solidly against Brenda's back, nipples poking between her shoulder blades, feeling so soft and yielding. The result was a very tender embrace, the kind they you could lose yourself in, a merging of forms where it was hard to tell where one body stopped and the other began

“Hold your arms like this,” Ms. Clark said softly, her mouth close to Brenda's ear, warm breath trickling across the lobe and down on Brenda's neck. Daphne's hands slid down Brenda's forearms, her fingers pressing lightly, softly, against Brenda's smooth skin, gently positioning her arms exactly where Ms. Clark wanted them.

“Now, bend your elbow here, and raise your arms like this,” Daphne's hands now rested on Brenda's, caressing them, moving them, her will supplanting Brenda's own. The former student felt like a doll being played with, only existing to manipulated by her owner. Brenda just wanted to melt into Daphne Clark, become one with her, surrender her will to the other.

Brenda had never had a single sexual thought about her former teacher in all her years at school, but they were flowing through her now. Now her heart was pounding. She could smell Daphne Clark, a light, flowery odor, like an early spring morning, could feel her breathing. She wanted to turn, to hold Daphne, just as she was being held by her, to kiss her lips. It wouldn't be improper...She was an adult now, eighteen. Daphne Clark wasn't an authority figure in her life anymore. They could...could...

“Crap on a stick! Hey, you two, get a fucking room!” Susan called out, her voice breaking the spell that had been enveloping her friend.

It was like cold water rushed over her, a spell broken in an instant. Brenda pulled away, her rising passion turned to humiliation and shame. The realization of what had been about to happen, at least what she wanted to happen, stung Brenda like a winter wind. Not sure whether she was grateful or furious at her friend for interrupting such an awkward moment, she mumbled something like “I get it now” and swam to ten feet away to slightly deeper water, suddenly wanting more over her body hidden below the sea. She knew she had to get away, had to get some space. She couldn't deal with another sarcastic comment from Susan or, even worse, Ms. Clark trying to apologize or explain. Pretending to be looking for fish to spear, Brenda waded away from the other two, putting as much distance between her and them as possible.

Soon confusion and shame gripped her. How could she possible have been turned on by Ms. Clark? She had NEVER been attracted to women before! Not even truly hot ones like Allison. And one ten years older than she was? Eww! And one of her former teachers?? Even worse!

Yet it had happened. She had come close to being seduced by Daphne Clark, the sexless wonder. How? Why? Sure it had been an intimate moment, but...but it had been Daphne Clark! How could she! What was wrong with her?!

Glancing back, Brenda could see that Ms. Clark was now sharing the same exact pose she had had with Brenda moments ago, pressing her body against Susan's back and gently caressing her arms all in the guise of teaching her how to use the spear, and again she lost control of her emotions. Brenda felt a jealousy wash over her, flowing from the pit of her stomach. It was all Brenda could do to not yell, push one of them out of the way, to be part of that embrace.

It was like...she was feeling someone else's emotions, experiencing their lust. Tears came to her eyes. Brenda wanted to run, wanted to hide, to escape.

Then Susan laughed, a sound of pure joy as she apparently succeeded in piercing a fish. That laugh was so familiar that triggered a memory in Brenda so strong it made her knees almost buckle.

Brenda had dreamed of Susan last night, dreamed of her friend in the most pornographic way possible. Their was no doubt about it. She could clearly see captain of the girl's volleyball team, naked and lying on a table in a shadowy room, her golden hair spread out around her head like a halo. Susan had a body like a cheetah, strong yet sleek, with biceps and thighs that had subtle, flowing curves like a sports car. Her tight skin was covered with sweat, looking up at Brenda with fear in her eyes.

“Please, no more...” Susan had begged her, using a tone Brenda had never heard in the voice of her foul mouthed, arrogant friend.

Then Brenda could see a hand, her own hand, reaching out for Susan's feet. Susan struggled, trying to avoid that touch, but thick straps held her arms and legs motionless. Brenda's fingernails, hard and sharp raked down her friend's bare foot, knifing across her tender sole, forcing Susan to explode with laughter.


But Brenda didn't want to stop, couldn't stop. The skin on the bottom of Susan's foot was so soft, like butter, it was a joy to touch. And Susan's shrieks and hysterical cries were just delicious. Brenda could hear herself mew from the pleasure of the contact. Her own body was responding, wetness growing between her legs, an ecstasy to parallel Susan's suffering.

Brenda allowed her fingers to dance over Susan's sole, nails scraping in random patterns up and down her high arch. She was gliding one finger back and forth over the balls of Susan's feet, drilling another that one stop near her heal. As Susan's laughter increased, so did Brenda's pleasure, pulsating through her legs, muscles in her thighs constricting. It was all Brenda could do to remain standing, rapidly approaching heaven.

And Susan's toes! Brenda just had to start tracing the plump pad underneath Susan's long toes, flicking up and down their length. Brenda knew she couldn't stop, as if her fingers and hands were beyond her control. And her friend responded. Susan's laughter jumped through the roof, higher, piercing, like an opera singer. As if in counterpoint, Brenda moaned, low and deep, as the pleasure building between her legs grew.

Brenda's other hand began to move, reaching out, not stopping at Susan's other foot, but moving up her her thigh just above her thigh. There she massaged the tight muscles, kneaded the tender flesh with an expert touch. Susan howled, howled like a wounded animal, her laughter becoming an indication of her suffering, the pleas in her laughter drowned out by pure wailing.

And Brenda felt her body cum, exploding in pure sensory delight.

Brenda had to shake her head violently to get the image out. My god, she was going insane! Dreaming about Susan?! She wasn't a lesbian! She'd lost her virginity to a basketball player for crying out loud! But it was all so...erotic, Brenda almost wished it could happen. God help her, if she had had Susan helpless in front of her right then and there...

Lost in her thoughts, Brenda kept wading away from Ms. Clark and Susan, careful to stay close to shore, but trying to but a good distance between them and her. Wrestling with her feelings, she didn't pay attention to the sea floor, didn't notice the change in color, until it happened. Instead of goopy, wet sand, her bare foot pushed down into something that felt like a pile of wet leaves. A sudden tickling shot up through her leg, forcing Brenda to squeal and pull her leg back.

Seaweed! Brenda suddenly realized she had stepped into a bed of green seaweed! She would have expected it to feel soggy and damp, but it hadn't. Instead it had felt rough somehow and tickled quite a bit! Now Brenda had always been ticklish, as countless family members, friends and boyfriends had found out, but she wouldn't have thought an underwater salad would have triggered that response. Perhaps it was just her mind fleeing from having to analyze the disturbing emotions she had felt that day, but a strong scientific curiosity overwhelmed Brenda. She suddenly had to know how seaweed could feel so...strange!

Bending down, Brenda picked up a frond and lifted it up out of the water. It didn't look different, but when she ran her fingertips across the surface, Brenda quickly noticed fine hairs covering one side. They felt just like her boyfriends face after he hadn't shaved for a few days, not smooth at all, but kind of prickly. No wonder it had tickled! Seaweed wasn't supposed feel like this, was it?

Brenda was still holding the seaweed, debating whether she should break part of it off to take as a sample, when it happened. The tendril in her hands suddenly stiffened, then, moving like no plant ever should, wrapped itself around Brenda's wrists. Not wanting to break the frond for fear of doing damage to the plant, Brenda tried to wiggle her hands free, but found it was already wound to tightly around her arms for her to do so. What the hell!

She considered calling out for help. Surely Susan or Ms. Clark could swim over in minutes and free her, but Brenda could already hear the jokes and laughter. They'd tease her about being beaten by a plant, taunt her with leaves and branches and make all kinds of bad puns. It would be truly embarrassing! No, she'd be fine. Brenda knew she just needed a minute or two, and she'd get out of this on her own.

Brenda was so busy struggling with the seaweed wrapped around her wrists that she never noticed two more tendrils snaking out for her feet until the rough leaves had slid beneath her soles and had begun stroking them from heel to toe. Brenda screamed and nearly jumped out of the water it tickled so much!

The leaves didn't stop, wiggling across the bottoms of her bare feet, feeling exactly like cat tongues, textured like sandpaper and driving her crazy! She quickly clamped down her lips, determined not to laugh or draw any humiliating attention to her struggles.

But it was so hard! It tickled so much! Brenda tried to move her feet, kicking them wildly under the water, but nothing she did seemed to shake those fronds off of her soles. They hung on like they were glued to her feet! She could feel them wrapping around her ankles, trapping them just as they had trapped her hands

Clenching her teeth to hold in swarm of involuntary giggles, Brenda broke her hands free, snapping the seaweed tendril in several places. She felt bad about that, but this was an emergency! Reaching down, determined to not do any more harm to this creature than necessary, Brenda found the end of the strands wound around her ankle and began unwrapping it, even as the ticklish strokes continued, determined to free herself and end the torment.

“He ehe ehe...he ehe eheh eheee” a few giggles escaped from Brenda's mouth as she worked. Unwinding the seaweed was harder than she would have thought! There were different strands circling her leg, twisted and tangled like a badly knotted shoelace! Doing so without breaking the tendril would take concentration! But the more Brenda tried, the more the seaweed fronds kept caressing her feet, tickling more and more, distracting Brenda from her work, stopping her brain from focusing, making freeing her leg take longer than it should have.

Brenda had to choke back more and more bursts of laughter, letting out weird animal noises in her losing struggle to remain silent. Oh god, she could feel a new frond tip dragging over the balls of her feet, like a torturous kiss, grinding the prickly hairs against her smooth skin! It was driving Brenda mad! Still, she forced her fingertips to do their job, tracing the seaweed frond back to its source and untangling it.

Finally, battling the unpleasant touch on her soles, resisting the hysteria building up inside her, Brenda got one frond off. It did her little good, gave Brenda no relief from the tickling. It the time it had taken Brenda to do that, several more hands had attacked her soles, literally covering her sensitive skin with countless tickles, doubling the awful sensation sweeping up her body!

And that wasn't all. The tendrils wrapped around her ankles had somehow climbed up to her calves, rendering her legs almost completely motionless. Even as Brenda had fought the foot tickling, she could tell the strands on her legs growing higher all the time. Then the fronds found the hollows behind her knees, and a new wave of hysteria washed over Brenda.

New licks, much softer than the ones on Brenda's feet began circling around the delicate skin behind her knees. When combined with the tickling on her feet, Brenda quickly found herself overwhelmed. The fronds behind her knees circled slowly first, then faster, changing speed seemingly at random. Finally overwhelmed, Brenda broke.

“he ehe eheheh heheh I eh eheh can't he eheh believeehe eheh eheh thiisssss!!” Brenda giggled. It was like she was being countless tongues, some soft and some prickly, but all warm and wet! Each second forced Brenda's mouth opened farther, drove the giggles out of her mouth faster and louder. All resistance seemed to slip out of Brenda. Tickled onn both her feet and knees? Unfair!

It just kept getting worse. The strands of seaweed kept moving up Brenda's legs, climbing them like ivy climbing a fence, until they reached her thighs. They began stroking their inside surface with a fuzzy, featherlike touch. Here was a spot she'd never been touched before, and Brenda quickly found it unbareable. She tried to slam her legs closed, but the tendrils of seaweed held them open, let the tips run up and down, tickling and exploring Brenda's sensitive skin. It was just too much!

“Ha ah ahah ahah ahahah ahahahh nawwwooooo ahah ahahhah cuuuuut ah ahah ahah cutttttt ha ahah ahah thahahahhhahah thaahahahhaattttt ha ahahahahh ahah ooouuuuuuttttt h ahahahh ahahah baaahahahahahhdddddd h ahahahahahh pla ahahahahaaaaannnnnnnttt!!!!!!!”

“Are you OK?” Ms. Clark called out. She and Susan had finally noticed Brenda's plight, interrupting their lesson. Both of them were staring at her now, wondering if the brunette had lost her mind.

“Neh eheh eheh noooooo eheheheh eh eheheh eheh I'm I'm I'm ehe EH eheeheh OOOOKKKKKK ehehe eheheheheh!!!!” Brenda tried to answer. She was suffering now, but help was still the last thing she wanted. It was bad enough Brenda had to endure the tickling, she definitely wasn't going to face the utter humiliation of being saved from it!

No longer concerned about hurting the seaweed or damaging the local ecosystem, Brenda had a new plan. The beach was only twenty feet away from where she stood. Surely she could make it! She was a large girl, no denying it, and now she was going to make that size work for her. Her breasts and hips her quite fleshed out, full figured, giving her a voluptuous silhouette. She looked nothing like traditional beauties like Susan or Allison, but the boys had always seemed to like her anyways. What they didn't know was that her thighs, though quite big, were actually mostly muscle. Brenda's second biggest hobby, right after science, was bike riding. And she was going to use that muscle now.

Brenda started running forward as fast as she could, charging like a fullback running through tackles, determined to rip through anything holding her back. And it seemed to be worked. Even if running in the water took away some of her momentum, Brenda had more than enough strength left over. The tendrils on her knees and thighs snapped in two. The fronds on her feet fell away. She was free! The tickling mercifully stopped, and Brenda lurched three, four, five feet closer to the beach. She was going to make it!

More tendrils came out of the bed, trying to grab her, around the ankles and calves but still her powerful legs carried her through. Soon the beach was only five feet in front of her! Safety!

But still the seaweed strands came, more and more of them. They wrapped themselves around Brenda's lower body, her thighs and waist. At first they only slowed her down, hanging on for a second or two before they broke off. Soon, however, there were ten, twenty, even more strands wrapped around Brenda's calves and hips. After a few more steps, Brenda was stopped completely. No matter how she struggled, she couldn't break free again! And then the tickling resumed.

This time, they didn't even bother with her feet. Wound securely around her waist, the fronds slipped under her swimsuit, tickling the very tops of her thighs, pinching her hers and sliding close to that most private of spots between her legs.


Through the laughter, Brenda gritted her teeth. Her eyes were pressed shut now, as if the tickling was stealing the energy needed to keep them open. Tears were streaming down her face. She pressed her legs together, trying to block the kelp any way she could. But that just let the fronds already covering the inside of her legs tickle at will, and did nothing to stop the stems still dancing over the backs of her knees and legs!

They were on her ass! Oh god, they were on her bare ass! Brenda could feel them hugging her pillowy rear end, bushing the curved flesh with a feathery light touch, like a butterfly wind brushing across her delicate hiney. Brenda was screaming now, pulling pieces of kelp from her body left and right, but they just kept coming. She was being swarmed with wet, vibrating kelp!

Had they been human hands, Brenda would have said they were caressing her tender flesh, sliding across her hips, thighs and rear with the most tender of motions. And that tender touch was rendering her a laughing, screaming mess! Surely their quivering, dancing softness wasn't being moved by random ocean currents. The damn plant was doing this on purpose!

Brenda felt her legs start turning into butter as her hysteria stole more and more of her strength. She was losing this battle, and if she fell, if the seaweed could attack her underarms and belly, or god forbid her breasts, she'd be lost. She'd drown in less than a foot of water! Still laughing maniacally, Brenda struggled with every muscle of her body to break free, to pull herself to shore.

“AHA AH AHA AH AHAHA I AHA AHAHAH I I AHA AHAH AHAH CANNNN'TTT AHAH AHAH AHAH I CAN''TTT AH AHA AHAHA AHAHAHAH!!!!” Brenda's laughter spiked sharply, higher and higher pitch. Somehow she dragged herself a foot towards the beech, felt a few strands of wet kelp slide off her thighs. Farther! Must pull herself farther!

Then it happened. Even as the tendrils had whisked across her thighs and bare bottom, even as they'd pinched her knees, they had avoided the spot between her legs. Suddenly, as if the plant had made a conscious decision, that ended. Suddenly a stiff frond was wiggling in her curly pubic hair, twisting and turning through her mound, tickling her like nothing ever had. And another was brushing over the lips of her pussy, even softer than the ones caressing her ass.

Brenda simply erupted. She was laughing maniacally now, so hard her lungs and throat ached. Sweat and sea water, splashed up from her wild thrashing, had soaked her brown hair and plastered it to her face. White lights were bursting in Brenda's vision. So knew she was seconds from going down, seconds from being completely wrapped up by the tickling underwater weed.

Brenda was done. Her knees buckled and her legs gave out completely. She was falling, sinking int the water. Once she hit the sea floor, she knew she'd be covered in fronds, cocooned in tendrils and there would be no escape, ever. She was falling...

And caught! Brenda felt the strongest arms she'd ever known slip under her arms and wrap around her torso. They began pulling her free of the tormenting plant! There was such force in those arms, such power that Brenda could feel her curvacious body breaking free.

Hope gave Brenda new strength. Even while cackling like a lunatic, some strength returned to her exhausted legs, and she had the energy to kick backwards like a diver thrusting herself off of a high springboard. She moved another inch away from the seaweed's cruel grasp, then another! She was going to make it!

But somehow the brainless kelp reacted again. With Brenda's legs kicking, she was no longer able to clamp her thighs shut. A new frond, firm like a branch but covered in softness, did more then brush the outside of her pussy. It penetrated an inch, while quivering.

Now a mixture of pleasure and hysteria was slamming through Brenda's body, making it shake and her muscles turn to goo again. Her face twisted up into a pink mask of torment, but she could no longer get enough air to make a sound. Silent spasms rocked her pretty lips and eyes. Her arms and legs went limp from the overwhelming sensation.

“Brenda!” Susan yelled, feeling her friend being pulled out of her grasp, back into the bed of seaweed, “Stop fooling around and help me! I can't pull like this for very long!” Their was already strain showing in her voice. How could she be losing this tug of war to a plant!

Brenda opened her mouth, wanting to explain, wanting to tell the horrible things that were being done to her, but couldn't. It wasn't even the lack of air anymore. Her brain seemed to be shutting down, forgetting how to make the phonemes of the English language. So much...too much tickling. And it felt so good! Pleasure was practically rippling through her body now exciting her like never before! Brenda could only hope that the seaweed let her climax before it drown her.

“Brenda! Do something!” Susan cried. Her hands slipped from Brenda's waist to her shoulders. True panic was in her voice. Brenda was going to die and she couldn't stop it!

Brenda's breath was growing huskier now, almost moaning. The frond touching her labia was stroking it so gently that it was all she could do to not cum on the spot. The tickling had slowed, as if the plant had decided that this was a more potent weapon to use on its foe. And it was. Brenda felt incapable of fighting and wasn't sure that she wanted to.

It was then that Brenda saw two strands of kelp, underwater, headed for Susan's feet. They would reach her friend in seconds, pulling her into the same trap. And Susan, so absorbed in trying to save Brenda's life was totally oblivious to the danger.

“No!” Brenda yelled, a red fire starting to burn in her brain. This thing would not hurt Susan! Suddenly the pleasure didn't seem to matter, the touching of her private parts an irrelevant distraction. Nothing would hurt Susan!

With strength restored, Brenda coiled her body like a spring. With every muscle in her body, she shot herself forward. Her effort coincided with Susan's last mighty heave, and Brenda's body finally broke free.

Like a rubber band, Brenda shot forward, sailing through the shallow water. Relief flooded through her body as the tickling leaves and stems were left far behind. She felt herself collide with something soft and warm, something that cushioned the blow of impact.

For a few precious seconds, darkness continued to enshroud Brenda. She knew she was lying on the beach, could hear the surf pounding and a voice yelling far far way. She also knew she wasn't lying on sand.

Eyes opened, Brenda looked down into Susan's face. She was on top of the athletic woman, Susan's strong arms wrapped around Brenda, her smallish breasts pressed against Brenda's large chest. Her body was warm, muscles hard but feminine cushioning Brenda's fuller figure. It was the sweetest embrace Brenda had ever experienced, more than she could have ever hoped for.

She wanted to wrap her own arms around Susan, touch her short brown hair, kiss her pert mouth, let her own red hair fall across Susan's face. She could practically taste her! The need created by the seaweed still burned in her loins. Brenda's hands practically itched to run along Susan's wiry body, to feel Susan's hands running across her own.

“Hey!” Susan yelled, her voice finally cutting through the daydream Brenda was swimming in, “Could you get off me please! You're kind of heavy!”

Embarrassment wiped away Brenda's longing. She rolled off her friend, hoping desperately that her face hadn't given away her true desire.

“Sorry, sorry Susan,” Brenda gasped. She had hoped fleeing would make her desires for her friend go away, but now her body wanted Susan even more! It was so unfair!

Nearby, Aphrodite could only smile, feeding off of Brenda's pure lust, growing even stronger. Perfect.
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