Wow that was great.
The Japanese made quite a lot of interesting tickling stuff some time ago,
there used to be this tickle battle series someone made which seems to have disappeared now. A girl would be dressed up as a schoolgirl, or teacher, or something and then this other girl would tickle her silly all over. It was more than one girl and some of the clips were of the previous girl getting even. There was an entire channel on youtube with all the clips but it went.
Previous to that there was also a site called Kusuguri Rings (tickle rings), which was japanese girls tickle wrestling each other until one of them gave up. I even remember there being clips of one of the girls being tickled behind the scenes. Sadly that site too disappeared, although apparently they can be paid for and downloaded somewhere...
Vol 1 was on Pornhub, not sure if it still is, typically none of the other volumes can be found. 🙁