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Jillian Barberrie


Level of Cherry Feather
Apr 17, 2001
Am I the only one who thinks that this lovely weather-girl from Fox's football pre-game show is just ripe for a good tickling? Not only is she HOT and always rather scantily clad, but she's got a great sense of humor and a hearty laugh to boot.

All of you Celeb fiction writers...take notice!😎
im looking into it.....
and dont forget she's the host of that show called THE TEST.
maybe she should have a tickle test :evilha:
I agree she is definatly HOT! A perfect Tickle Prospect whether it be as ticker or ticklee. I would definatly like to "test" her ticklishness!:devil:

needless information

If I'm not mistaken, she used to be the weather girl on a L.A. morning show. It was one of those shows that might call itself a news show even though it couldn't be further from the truth- people acting unprofessionally in general. Anytime I would come out to L.A. on business I would see the show, and there was even one tickling scene which couldn't be discussed on this forum due to inappropriate content. At any rate, I would bet that she was tickled on the show, but there's probably little chance of ever seeing footage of it.
I was killing time waiting for an evening plane out of LA last spring when some guy came along passing out free audience tickets to a new show. It turned out to be the first episodes of "The Test" and I said, what the hell, and went. I got to sit in the front row of the audience, where we were cued to clap and laugh no matter how lame it was.

Jillian, the host, was a fine-looking woman up-close. In the episode I watched, she had a pair of clear, high-heeled sandals on that gave us an excellent view of her feet. Between takes, Jillian and the guests did talk about the raunchy questions and their answers. I was surprised that it wasn't, in fact, scripted at all. They didn't know what the questions would be and they had to think up their answers on the spot. They only shot one take of most sections, with a few retakes going into and out of commercials.

Sadly, there was no discussion that even went close to tickling. Jillian did say that she was in a long-term committed relationship and she seemed pretty conservative in her off-air comments. I wish I could tell you that she hinted at her membership in some secret celeb cabal where tickle torture was the initiation test, but no such luck. Mainly she seemed like a career-oriented woman who knew she was using her looks and fairly quick wit to get on TV as much as possible.

The show was pretty stupid and didn't last. I think they made the mistake of being middle of the road. If they had asked legit questions, they could have been a sexual Politically Incorrect. Or, they could have asked questions that would really have probed sexual issues and been cutting edge. Instead, the show was just mildly smutty and dependent on the quests being able to turn them into witty zingers. But, not many celebs can do that without scripts, so it was mostly just lame.
Bad news about Jillian

I hate to burst your bubble, guys, but in the Celebrity section, there's a post about Jillian, where someone asked her "The Question", and she said she wasn't ticklish at all🙁
Maybe she was lying. One can only hope.
Definitely hot.

She is really a hot one. I sure hope she is lying about not being ticklish because I for one would love to see it.
She's Not

I've seen about 3 or 4 times where she's said she's not ticklish. She said a girlfriend of hers tried to tickle her, also her husband. She seems open about everything else so O doubt she's lying.

Speaking of Fox but the News Network

Check out the following lovelies for tickle thoughts. Mine include Laurie Dhue, Karin Chetrie, Pattie Ann Brown, Amy Kellogg (Pakistan correspodent), Rita Cosby, and Heather Nauwert. Pattie Ann Brown used to have auburn hair and would be the perfect fit for the story "Bagdad Tickle Torture" which is around the net. Now how can we get her to cover Sadam Hussein??
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