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Mommy Book Club part 3 F/m


TMF Poster
Nov 23, 2002
A bit of a warning this story series includes tickling and sexual interaction with an adoptive mom character.
This is an fictional adult F/m story; if you don't like that, don't read it. All of the characters in this story are over 18 years old.

As always I look forward to comments, so if you enjoy the story please post your thoughts on it.

parts one and two

1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?292427-Mommy-Book-Club-part-1-F-m
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?292843-Mommy-Book-Club-part-2-F-m

Part 3

As I slowly begin to awake my mind is racing with trying to figure what porn I had watched recently that Cherie would have used for a "twisted creation", more than a bit baffled by the choice of words since most of my interests are rather mild. Considering the ticklish hell I went through the night before surprisingly my body isn't too sore, and am feeling rather refreshed. Tossing and turning a bit in bed to stretch out looking over at the clock it reads close to noon, arches my back as I think well with sleeping in that long no wonder I feel so good. Just as I was about to hop out of bed the door is slowly pushed open and I see Cherie's bare ass as she walks backward into the room holding a tray of food. Now free of the friction of the door her maid outfit slip back down enough to just barely cover her ass cheeks. Blushes slightly as she notices me staring at it, though she doesn't say anything about it.

She is absolutely radiant as her infectious smile also makes me start to smile as well. In an extremely cheerful voice she says "Oh good you are up..." She gasps as her gaze shifts lower and is transfixed onto my throbbing erection, with admiration she exclaims "Damn boy are you up...are you ever not erect!!!"

I have started to become accustom to being objectified so only lightly blush as I begin a conversation I had never thought I would be having with my adoptive mom. "Well I am sure you know very well that I have always been socially awkward, so generally I find it much easier to interact online than in person. As such would say I am an expert at self stimulation, typically am able to stay aroused for about 4 hours, much more than that tends to be painful."

Her jaw drops and she gasps as she says "How the hell is that even possible..." after a long pause she continues "honey that computer of yours is going into the living room from now on, so if I am not able to convince you to get out more, at least I can enjoy giving a helping hand." She quickly drags her finger up the entire length of my shaft causing me to spasm and roll out of bed in surprise. Giggling playfully at my reaction she further adds "But I highly doubt it will be much of an issue since I know anyone here would jump at the chance to get you on lock down, you'll definitely not be lacking for romantic partners ;) ."

As I crawl back into bed she places the tray of food across my lap which I begin eagerly devouring every last bite. I purr and wiggle contently as she gently runs her fingers through my hair while I eat. She says in a flirty tone "I really think I really out did myself with what I have in store for you today, though considering how much I monopolized your time yesterday I will be gone till Sunday morning so I won't be tempted to do so again. So you'll get your wish there will be no mommy to protect you from all the wicked women hehe." She reaches under the mat that was on the tray and pulls out a sealed envelope grinning evilly as she sets it down next to the bed. Grabbing the back of my hair and leans down giving me a long and deep passionate kiss before saying "Now honey I will be going now so I want you to close your eyes and count to 100 before opening them, though you better not be naughty and try peaking before hand because if you do trust me you will regret it"

I smile and wrap my arms around her holding her in a loving embrace as I respond "I understand and you have my word that I promise to be a good boy and not cheat :) ." She give one more tender kiss before getting up to walk out of the room and I am mesmerized by her body as she almost glides out of the room. As soon as the door shuts I close my eyes and begin counting "1, 2, 3, 4... 98, 99, 100."

I smile with gleeful excitement opening the envelope containing the role-play instructions though this feeling was very short lived as upon seeing one word I go pale and am frozen in terror. This panic I feel makes me currently incapable of speech, so in my mind I am screaming "NO NO OH GOD NO!!!" What is worse is that I couldn't recall what on earth porn I had watched that would have given Cherie this idea. The paralysis lasted several minutes before I force myself to go back and re-read the role-play from the beginning.

My hands tremble as I once more read the letter's text "You have been captured by an eccentric billionaire and she has locked you in a mansion with the results of a failed biological warfare experiment for her twisted pleasure. The pathogen that affected the women has many traits, physically their appearance is now ghost white skin with similar changes to the hair while the eyes are blood red with abyss black centers. Though they are not the typical interpretation of what is portrayed in comics and movies for all intents and purposes they are real life zombies..."

Upon seeing the word zombies again I sense the panic attack coming once more as my mind drifts to where inspiration for this could have come from. I have always had a very irrational fear of zombies considering they are a fictional monster and I brush off most of the horror genre as not being frightening at all. It is so bad that I will go out of my way to not go to movie theaters when zombie movies are playing or being promoted. My mind is jumping from memory to memory until I recall the video that was the catalyst for the living nightmare I will soon face. Having confided my fear to a friend online she had ran across something that might help me with overcoming them. Rather than the traditional decaying flesh appearance the porn had them as being able to pass as human that was in desperate need of a tan and good hair dye job. Though was only able to get through about a minute of the lesbian zombies making love before having to quickly kill the video. While the nudity helped lessen my fear a fraction, it was no where near enough for me to overcome the fact they were suppose to be undead creatures.

I continue reading the rest of the role-play "...Unlike typical zombies these creatures do not desire to eat humans, they merely have an insatiable desire to nibble and scratch ticklish flesh. To prolong the sadistic entertainment and add an element of chance to the rules for the game, simply getting caught by one is not enough to end it. Each woman has been given a cuff like bracelet, and once they manage to get one on each of your four limbs the horde with be alerted to your exact location and be tormented for only the remainder of the day if you are lucky. Though if you evade this for the 3 hour period a neutralizing tone will fill the entire house and the tickle zombies will be pacified. You then will be allow to cure them all by washing them in a bubble bath antidote. The room you find yourself in will automatically unlock at exactly at 1pm." The note ends with PS Have fun, Love mom ;) .

My body trembles as I watch the seconds tick down one by one as it is less than 15 minutes before the start of the role-play. Attempting to clear my head and focus on the situation I find myself in, considering how in character I have been for these it is doubtful they would believe me that I don't want to do this. Worse yet since I did sign the contract consenting to their play, don't have much choice in it anyways. In fact from what I have seen they might enjoy knowing my panic is real, so begin to weigh the options left. The only 2 real options of running or trying to hide somewhere likely wouldn't work on their own since one would leave me too tired from 3 hours of running or discovered in a house that I don't know enough to go for the best hiding places. So given these likelihoods my best course of action seems to be a combination out running my hunters and hiding to rest from sprinting.

Trembles by the door as I see less than a minute left to go, adrenaline coursing through my body as I prepare to face what I'd consider a nightmare come to life. The door clicks unlocked and a loud horn sounds through the house to start the game. With rapid breath and racing heart all my senses are heighten as I listen for the slightest noise that might be an approaching zombie. Given the size of the house I am in and the fact that my hunters aren't exactly being quite I manage to last close to an hour before even getting a glimpse of one as I sprint away from even the faintest sound of them nearing. As to be expected with beginning to get more tired as time goes by was resting catching my breath when around the corner I see my first naked zombie hunting me and all the self reassurance that this isn't real and there is nothing to worry about goes out the window. I stand paralyzed in terror as having spotted me she darts full speed at me and tackles me to the ground and clamps a bracelet around one ankle. The force of her impact snaps me out of my trance though a bit too late as she has her arms wrapped around one of my feet like a vise. I struggle in vain to thrash and crawl my way free of her grip.

In a mix between purr and lustful growls she says "MMM oh this foot looks so yummy, hope it is just as ticklish!!!" Her mouth lowers to my toes and she begins to nibble her lips and scrap her teeth over them. I explode in frantic laughter still very panicked and desperate to get away from this. It is only made worse as she slips and wiggles her tounge between my wiggling toes. My howling and screaming laughter alerts the women nearby and they rush to join in on the fun. This new threat increases my thrashing in desperation and with wildly twisting my body manage to get my foot free and sprint off faster than I have ever ran in my life.

Having so many pursuers nearby make me have to use way to much of my energy that I don't have enough time to rest and find hiding places to recover. After going down a long hallway I realize to late that it is a dead end and is just a small closet at the end. Looking back I see a very large breasted woman walking toward me.

She grins wide wiggling her fingers menacingly as she softly says "Oh look what I found here." Unable to take any more I collapse to the ground and curl into a ball sobbing uncontrollably. Seeing this her tone completely changes from playfully threatening to warm and comforting as she says "Hey hey there little one, what's wrong???" Between sobbing breaths I repeat with near incoherent mumbling zombie over and over again. Realizing I am not playing a role but have real fear, with a sweetly caring voice she says "You are afraid of zombies?" I nod as I wipe tears from my eyes. "It's ok I promise not to hurt you this is just make up" as she has me look she rubs off some of the stuff covering her breast revealing a nipple that is a lovely shade of pink. "See it is not real, this is just pretend maybe it would help to think of us as just very pale clowns?" My breathing slows a bit as I start to clam down, snickering as oddly enough it somewhat does and returns me away from my panicked state and I start to remember that there aren't real zombies.

I take the hand she offers to help me up, reassured as she says "follow me and I can show you a place we can hide you for about 30 minutes. While this is the first zombie role-play we have done, it is not the first capturing escaped ticklee game we have done. We divide the house in sections with stationed scouts watching while roaming hunters also patrol. Don't expect anyone in the area for a while."

Having been lead into a bedroom in a far corner of the house as I sit down next to her I have almost fully recovered from my breakdown. While still no where near over my fear of zombies at the moment no longer feel like I'd have a breakdown seeing more of them. Reaches my arms around her I give her a big hug saying "normally I am horrible at recalling names, though will all the make up on at the moment it is almost impossible so forgive me but what was you name again?" Giggling and laughing she responds Marcy.

A bit confused I ask "Why are you being so nice, I would have thought if I had confessed my terror about zombies that would have only encouraged you all to torment me more?"

She holds me tighter with a loving embrace saying "Oh honey I know some of us might get a bit carried away at times, but we are not monsters. If you had just been a random escort that we knew we'd never see again maybe we would be more inclined to be rougher with either spankings or tickling but none of us would want to inflict real trauma. Besides most of us have known you for years and trust me more than a handful were counting down the days till you turned 18 ;) . Our recent lack of volunteers just made a great excuse for us to hint to Cherie about you being introduced to our group." She reaches up and tenderly wipes away some tears from my cheeks saying "I think there has been more than enough fear and crying for the day, you are long overdue for some giggle time!" I couldn't nod fast enough as I lay out flat and eagerly watch her wiggling fingers.

Her scribbling fingers and playful squeezes of my tummy have me squirming and wiggling all over the bed as our naked bodies intertwine. Feeling totally relaxed and at ease with each other it would be a toss up to which of us is giggling more. With her exploring my entire body for tickle spots I got so lost in the moment that I totally forgot I was still being hunted for the game. Though as predicted about 30 minutes in we heard women's voices in the distance. With a caring touch to my cheek she says "I really should put my bracelet on you before I let you escape, but will leave it up to you."

I grin wide as I now have renewed vigor and confidence about my odds, since I have a plan to last the remaining hour. I say with a playful tone "Go ahead and put one on my other ankle, you did catch me fair and square."

Once more my heart is racing though instead of from fear it is pure excitement at the idea of lasting the full 3 hours. Having recognized this area of the house I bolt out of the room and head straight for my best shot at winning this. After rummaging through some boxes I find what I was searching for, grinning wide as can be I slip the Santa suit over my naked body and go wedge my body way up the chimney that started this weekend off. Knowing my feet could still be seen but bets that it would be irrelevant even if found since I pumped the suit so tight and arms are braced in position at the brick that it would be a miracle to pull me out of here without me wanting to come out.

As more time passes I softly giggle a bit as I hear echoes of women searching more frantically knowing they are now close to running out of time. Though I shiver when I recognize Lydia's voice loudly yell "He's here, I found him!!!" They waste no more time and soon as many hands that will fit are pulling at my legs and tickling my dangling feet. The scribbling nails attack my exposed soles with frenzy though despite my cackling laughter filling the room their frantic attempts only slip me down maybe an inch. There is a loud bell sound and a voice over the intercoms says 1 minute warning.

At this point I hear Lydia yell "Everyone pull now!!!" I feel countless hand gripping my legs and they use all their weight to pry me out. With about 20 seconds left I crash out of the chimney and the second to last bracelet was placed on my arm before I darted up putting the last unbound hand inside the chimney. Now with more tickle spots open more hands relentlessly tickle and pull my body down. Just as the last bracelet was about to be slapped onto my arm a cheerful music plays and a sweet sounding voice announces "You win, the zombies are now peaceful."

Surrounded by all the nude women they erupt into thunderous applause and cheering as they begin hugging and congratulating me. Saying things generally thanking me for being fun entertainment and a good sport about this all. I gasp as I catch my breath and smile as I recognize Marcy with her one pink nipple. With a confident smile I stare at Marcy's eyes affectionately as I address Lydia "Any chance I could ask a favor?" She quickly nods so I continue "Since it is not that late in the day yet, could I maybe be request being ravaged by the zombie horde for an hour or 2 before bath time ;) . " The surrounding women grin wickedly as they wiggle fingers menacingly, Lydia cheerfully says " Oh of course little one, that sounds lovely :) ." I explode in howling laughter as my naked body is attacked with scribbling nails coming at me from all directions. Still lovingly looking into Marcy's eyes as I think to myself I am definitely over my fear of zombies hehe.

Decorating Decision part 1 and 2 (F/m)
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?44564-Decorating-Decision-(F-M)
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?188677-Decorating-Decision-f-m-part-2

Unexpected Vacation part 1-7 (F/m)
4. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?66005-Unexpected-Vacation-part-4-(f-m)
5. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?70113-Unexcpected-Vacation-part-5-(F-m)
6. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?161851-Unexpected-Vacation-Part-6-f-m
7. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?286247-Unexpected-Vacation-part-7-(F-m)

The joy of roommate part 1-3
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?67033-The-Joy-of-Roommates-part-1-(f-m)
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?127999-The-Joy-of-Roommates-part-2-(f-m)
3. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?292189-The-Joy-of-Roommates-part-3-(F-m)

The Customer is Always Right part 1 and 2(F/m)
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?69743-The-Customer-is-Always-Right-part-1-F-m
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?184672-The-Customer-is-Always-Right-part-2-F-m

Witches World Part 1-3 F/M
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?138877-Witches-World-Part-1-F-M
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?142063-Witches-World-Part-2-F-M
3. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?165549-Witches-World-Part-3-F-M

Sweet as Candy part 1 F/M
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?143250-Sweet-as-Candy-part-1-F-M

Freelancer Part 1-4 f/m
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?164851-Freelancer-part-1-F-M
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?165529-Freelancer-part-2-F-M
3. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?179695-Freelancer-part-3-F-M
4. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?238875-Freelancer-part-4-f-m

The Gift part 1 and 2 f/m
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?182909-The-Gift-part-1-f-m
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?287946-The-Gift-part-2-f-m

Unknown Realm (be careful what you wish for) part 1-2 (*/m, F/m)
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...be-careful-what-you-wish-for)-part-1-(*-m-F-m
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...hat-you-wish-for)-part-2-(*-m-F-m-minimal-F-f

Mommy tickle monster part 1-3
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?282083-Mommy-Tickle-Monster-F-m-(part-1-)
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?286063-Mommy-Tickle-Monster-F-m-part-2
3. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?291659-Mommy-Tickle-Monster-F-m-part-3

Mommy Book Club part 1-2 F/m
1. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?292427-Mommy-Book-Club-part-1-F-m
2. http://www.ticklingforum.com/showthread.php?292843-Mommy-Book-Club-part-2-F-m
Excellent chapter! I can't believe I almost let it slip off the first page before I realized it was new. Can't wait for the next chapter. I really enjoyed Matt & Marcy's alone time.
Excellent chapter! I can't believe I almost let it slip off the first page before I realized it was new. Can't wait for the next chapter. I really enjoyed Matt & Marcy's alone time.

Glad that people enjoyed this chapter, was a fun one to write. At the moment planning on there being at least a part 4 as a way to wrap up the weekend, though currently working on a new series that I had an idea for.
Glad that people enjoyed this chapter, was a fun one to write. At the moment planning on there being at least a part 4 as a way to wrap up the weekend, though currently working on a new series that I had an idea for.

I look forward to it all!

Hey, you have a lot of stories. Why not publish them?

Thanks for the compliment, though never really looked into what publishing would involve since likely not worth the hassle. Mainly write them for fun so just appreciate when people take the time to post a comment that they enjoyed the work.
What do you have planned for part 4? What fantasy are these women cooking up to finish of a weekend like this?
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